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I'm trying to find how to make my federation like "Pure, Entertainment, Straight edge".. I'm stuck with entertainment and I want to have a "cutting" "straight"(don't remeber what's the name" edge Federation. Anyone can Help me:D
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Pat, give the experts time to look over your post. Only a few of the regulars really know the settings for product very well. Remi is the best, but I'm not sure he has a formula for pure, entertainment, straight. I honestly don't know what would work, or I'd offer something.
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In 2004 and 2005 it was called Cutting Edge. Both CZCW and 4C were set to that as a style I believe. So I would look at those two products and see if you can't get something you like. Once you have the a "Cutting Edge" style just try upping the main stream a notch or two and make sure your match ration is at most 80% and you may have something close to waht you are looking for.
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[QUOTE=pat666;433333]I don't want to mix it. I'm trying to find out how do I put my fed as a cutting edge.[/QUOTE] Cutting edge was basically (and I'm sure some one will correct me if I'm wrong) intense matches with high fliers and high speed mat workers. It did really have a use for angles although if you tried hard you could get away with them. As I state both CZCW and 4C in the C-Verse were cutting edge when that was a designation so find yourself a comfortable mix between those too.
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The main problem with Pure vs. Entertainment is how workers/matches are rated. There are two basic types: - Popularity. Workers are rated on their entertainment and popularity, so a guy like The Undertaker who's very over and pretty entertaining, but not a fantastic wrestler will still score well with the fans. His charisma and basic wrestling knowledge help to hide the fact that he's not a great pure athlete, so the fans in these promotions are still entertained by him. While someone like Bryan Danielson or Charlie Haas won't be as interesting to them, because they find them boring. - Performance. In these feds it's the opposite; the Danielson/Haas type of wrestler gets over well, and is scored accordingly. Matches are rated according to how good the action itself is, not how entertaining the wrestlers are (although that obviously helps (Colt Cabana anyone?)). For an Underground style promotion, where any hope of TV shows or sponsorship money is thrown out the window in persuit of great matches and the presence of angles (see: MLW) I'd go with: Key: Modern, Cult. Heavy: Realism, Pure. Medium: Mainstream, Risque. That's your basic building block, and will give you a cultish promotion (so subtle, complex gimmicks are needed. Fans won't be impressed with a parade of Patriots and Comic Book Heroes), based on fast-paced ringwork. You'll get a vocal fan-base due to the entertainment aspect, but you need the entertainment aspect to make sure it's not full-on pure wrestling. Feel free to add Daredevil, Lucha, Hardcore, etc to flavour depending on taste. The biggest problem with this setup is that you're pretty much never getting any TV shows, and about 2 cents of Sponsorship a year ;) Hence the term 'underground'. The Cutting Edge version, which is less of a commercial disaster zone but slightly less of a pure wrestling paradise to compensate, would probably be something like: Key: Mainstream Heavy: Modern Medium: Traditional, Comedy, Realism, Cult, Risque, Pure That seems like a lot of Mediums, but they're pretty much all necessary. Except Pure, but that's one of the requirements for your product. :p This will give you slightly less emphasis on the 'pure wrestling' and more emphasis on the 'entertainment', so they're rated equally. As a result, you get more leniency on TV deals (but will still have to stick to Cult networks or Sports Specific ones) and a bit more sponsorship, but you can still get pure wrestling over. It's kinda like ECW without the hardcore (unless you put Hardcore in of course, but that ruins sponsorship). The other drawback is that you're back to simple, WWE/TNA style gimmicks. So yeah, have a play around with that. The main thing is though, you'll have to compromise *something*. You're never going to find a product that rates matches purely on the in-ring action, yet still gets good angle ratings. That simply isn't possible. You'll either have to do away with angles, or let up on the pure wrestling a bit to tempt more entertainment-loving fans into the building. Remember that your product isn't supposed to be based on the type of angles and segments you're going to book, but the type of people you want to attract to your shows. That's why a lot of the analysis lines seem to contradict each other. When it says things like: "Will attract fans who will not 'get' subtle gimmicks, will attract fans who will not respond well to one-dimensional gimmicks". That's not a contradiction, it's not a 'bad' thing. It just means that while you're attracting Johnny Cultist, who loves Raven and Sandman and probably wants to marry Joss Whedon, you're also attracting Marky Mainstream, who thinks that Hulk Hogan really is the best wrestler in the world, and actually believes that Zeus was 'completely impervious to pain' (or at least, goes to wrestling shows because they want to pretend that he is, because they're real fans and want to buy into the story :p). Therefore, [b]both[/b] gimmick types have a fair shot at performing well, not [b]neither[/b] gimmick type.
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I like Big D's suggestions but you might want to try something like Key; Modern Heavy: Mainstream, Traditional Medium: Realism, Cult, Risque, Daredevil, Lucha Libre Should give you a fast paced cutting edge type product that will grade your guys matches equally on popularity and skill. It will allow you to pump up the intensity and danger of your matches and add some luchadores which seem to be what a lot of the new workers were in 2007.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;433386]The main problem with Pure vs. Entertainment is how workers/matches are rated. There are two basic types: - Popularity. Workers are rated on their entertainment and popularity, so a guy like The Undertaker who's very over and pretty entertaining, but not a fantastic wrestler will still score well with the fans. His charisma and basic wrestling knowledge help to hide the fact that he's not a great pure athlete, so the fans in these promotions are still entertained by him. While someone like Bryan Danielson or Charlie Haas won't be as interesting to them, because they find them boring. - Performance. In these feds it's the opposite; the Danielson/Haas type of wrestler gets over well, and is scored accordingly. Matches are rated according to how good the action itself is, not how entertaining the wrestlers are (although that obviously helps (Colt Cabana anyone?)).[/QUOTE] Did you know that if you go with the Default product settings, and add Heavy Mainstream and Medium Realism, you get a product that's rated equally on both? As a bonus you'll not be rocked by industry shifts or have problems finding sponsors or a TV channel to host your programs. Finding talent who would fit in that environment could pose a problem though, as they'll be expected to be both talented in the ring and be able to get over with the crowd.
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