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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;485038]Its Flash Time now that you are regional, congrats. BTW they sure like their parties in the mid atlantic don't they?[/QUOTE] [I]Stop - Flash time! Doesn't quite have the same ring, does it? :p And yes, parties are always good fun - for a lot of reasons :D[/I] [QUOTE=hrdcoresidebrns;485092][I]That party was probably the first non-wrestling segment of any diary, ever, that I read all the way through. Wonderfully written. And congratulations on going regional![/I][/QUOTE] [I]Thanks! I try to make backstage a fun place to be - for the observer, anyway...[/I] [QUOTE=hrdcoresidebrns;485092][B]Masked Patriot[/B] vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley [I]Smith has taken a few losses lately, albeit in title matches, and I think needs a win to keep him a threat.[/I][/QUOTE] [I]Don't forget that it's not Smith under the mask any more...[/I] [QUOTE=D-Lyrium;485151]Grayson & Shaffer vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]- If they're going to carry on floundering around with nothing to do, they can at least keep winning while they flounder, that's my motto ¬_¬[/I][/QUOTE] [I]Damn - you figured out my booking strategy :p[/I] [I]Show next - this got way too long :p[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Back To School Friday, 12th September 2010[/CENTER] Grayson & Shaffer vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] Plenty of practise for our burgeoning tag team division on this show, with two of the more experienced tag teams facing off in this match. I really need to try and remember, though, that this is always quite a disappointing match – something about the combination just doesn’t click. Trent Shaffer put an end to the contest with a Heart Burn on Flash Savage. Winners: Grayson & Shaffer (D-) * [B]The Bailey Boys vs. Glamour And Devastation[/B] This was a much shorter match, designed only to allow the four workers to keep in fighting trim. GAD worked on their teamwork, as Stardust was thrown around the ring by Farraday like a shotputt – and he looked great doing it. He’s a born performer – if not a born wrestler. The end came when Stardust nailed TJ with the Encore Extraordinaire. Winners: Glamour And Devastation (E) * Jean Cattley came down to the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s been a while since I focussed much on my own career. I’ve generally been helping The Firm spread its wings. For various reasons, those wings have been clipped of late. So I’m here to show why joining The Firm would be the wise choice for any worker with an eye for the future.”[/COLOR] * [B]Masked Patriot vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] The perpetual battle of new wave vs. old school was continued in this match, as the veteran Cattley used every trick in the book to match up with the feisty Patriot. The match was slightly flat – but then, we’ve been spoiled in recent weeks, and as fond as I am of Jean, he’s not Aaron Andrews or Firebird. The end came when Cattley used his experience to successfully block and counter a series of Patriot strikes, infuriating the youngster until he walked right into a Mood Swing, to give The Firm’s leader a first singles win in several months. Winner: Jean Cattley (D) * Dawn walked into the Internet Favourites locker room, causing Max to quickly shut the laptop that he and Hugh were looking at. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Hey guys. What are you looking at?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Um...” “Er...”[/COLOR] They exchanged guilty looks. [COLOR="Blue"]“We were scouting the other teams we’re up against tonight,” Hugh said, quickly. “Yeah. Did you know that they have wrestling matches on the internet? I though the internet was just for-“ “Shut up,”[/COLOR] Hugh said, quietly. Dawn smiled uncertainly, and then said, [COLOR="Magenta"]“Well, good. You’re up now, okay?”[/COLOR] They nodded, and she left the room. Hugh quickly locked up his computer in his locker, before clipping Max around the back of the head. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ow!” “Idiot!” “She posed for the photos – they’re right there on the MAW site-“ “Look, if she catches us looking, she’ll never give us a chance.” “Us?” “Me. You know I won that match on Soul Calibur.” “But you rolled Yoda.” “It was a clean win. And if she blows me out, then you get the second shot.” “Yeah, I know. Hey, can I borrow the laptop later?”[/COLOR] Max asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“Only if she agrees to go out with me tonight.”[/COLOR] * [B]Internet Favourites vs. Ricochet & Sharp vs. Valentine & Johnson (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This was a pretty good match, considering. The Fallen duo are very talented workers, with a real presence that makes them come across as superstars – despite being masked and extensively covered up. The Favourites are goofy, but fun. And the champions are just arrogant/confident enough to get the fans against them – particularly Valentine, who once again took great glee in brawling his way through the match. This was enough to send the Favourites packing, but he had to fall back on his more usual arsenal of technical skills to keep Sharp at bay, the masked man being a rather more accomplished brawler. The action see-sawed back and forth between the heel duo, and it was only through some highly-refined cheating that the members of The Firm retained their belts as an impressive sequence of switching places left the referee uncertain who was legal – and by the time he restored order, Sharp had taken a beltshot to the face, leaving him prone to a Carolina Crossface. Winners: Valentine & Johnson (D) * [B]Aaron Andrews vs. Firebird [/B] What? So I booked a largely meaningless match to satiate my need for high quality action on a card that seemed likely to be a bit short. Sue me... Anyway, the match told its story well: Firebird used every cheap shot and shortcut in the books, while Andrews tried to fight back honestly. When he seemed to be on the verge of losing, he rallied magnificently, and seemed to be on the verge of victory instead – but Firebird went low, and benefited from Andrews’ suffering by wrapping things up with a Firebird Splash. Winner: Firebird (C+) * Andrews took the mic, but before he could even ask, Rip shut him off. [COLOR="Purple"]“Two losses in a row, kid. Forget about getting a shot at my boy any time soon.”[/COLOR] * [B] Kirk Jameson vs. Primus Allen (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] This match was held for a few reasons. One was to see how good it was. Another was to build up some momentum for Allen. The third was to calm the crowd down between the last match and the main event. Ultimately, it wasn’t put here to excel – which is just as well, as neither man is capable at this point in their careers, of putting together the sort of performance required to carry the other to a top-notch match. Maybe one day... Allen was successful in defending the belt with a Running Powerslam. Winner: Primus Allen (D) * Rip and Jay stood in the centre of the ring, grinning at each other. They awaited Rip’s latest hand picked challenger, but instead my old SWF entrance music hit the PA, causing confusion until I entered the ring, for only the second time in nearly three years. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Gentlemen, please, one moment. The Board of Directors have been watching events closely over the last few months. Your challengers have been... spotty at best, Jay. And that damages the prestige of the MAW Heavyweight title – and the company as a whole. So here’s the deal – I was authorised to make contact with a challenger with a proven pedigree. One who’s been there, and done that, and ought to give you a good match. But don’t worry, Jay, he’s already past forty-five years of age. He’s an old, broken down relic of a bygone era. He ought not to give you too hard a match... “That is, he wouldn’t – except for one thing. “It’s Steve Flash!”[/COLOR] * [B]Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] The fans were rapt for the entirety of this match, as the veteran Flash took on a man less than half his age. Chord seemed to underestimate Flash as the match started, but quickly learned the same lesson that hundreds of opponents have learned over the years – Flash is the real deal. He schooled Jay from the beginning of the match until near the end, and it was only Jay’s superlative conditioning that saved him. As the match passed the quarter-hour mark, Flash started to tire, and Chord was able to make more of his offence, eventually putting Flash down with a Cradle Piledriver for another successful defence. Winner: Jay Chord (C) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: A star is born - sort of...[/I]
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I forgot it but remember now and the masked patriot is the masked patriot I guess as he debuts somwhere around 2009 with only that gimmick. WHoohoo I was right on Flash tough love guessing the mystery ones correctly. The ultimate in ring teacher is finally where he belongs in the ultimate learning fed.
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James Casey - Apologies for slacking on the comments, feedback and predictions. I've been taking a bit of a TEW break, which, somehow, extended to taking a break from the diaries that I usually read. Anyhow, I'm all caught up. And I just wanted to say that this is so, so, so good. The backstage elements, the cards, the overarching development, the consistency. All around, great stuff. There are a lot of great diaries on this board that I enjoy for a variety of reasons, but I'm pretty sure that this is my current favorite.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;485259]I forgot it but remember now and the masked patriot is the masked patriot I guess as he debuts somwhere around 2009 with only that gimmick.[/QUOTE] [I]That's the guy - a real prospect. Better than Brandon Smith, I'd say - but Rip (*ahem*) wants me to keep the guy around...[/I] [QUOTE=d_w_w;485395] There are a lot of great diaries on this board that I enjoy for a variety of reasons, but I'm pretty sure that this is my current favorite.[/QUOTE] [I]Thanks - that means a lot :D I'll try and keep the standard up. I think the folks here are going to like what I have planned for the next year or so of shows...[/I] * Over a bottle of Coke, Rip told me that he’d had to give Jay a warning about badgering Masked Patriot. Apparently Jay had been winding Patriot up about his mask and tights – Jay said that he looked like a stripper. Patriot took offence, and would have decked Jay, had cooler heads not stepped in. I was left wondering two things: What does Jay think he looks like, given his ring gear comprises a red leather jacket and red tights? And, would Jay’s attitude have been improved if Patriot had just been allowed to clock him in the face? Whatever. Which is, apparently, what Jay said to Rip about his telling-off. * Shane Nelson has left MAW after his contract expired. I was a big fan of the guy, and he was one of the first workers I convinced Rip to sign, but at 32, $900 a time and with a ‘high’ rating of D in his sixteen matches with us, it was clear that he wasn’t cut out to be a star with us. Maybe he can come back a few years down the line, as I do feel that he could do something fantastic – maybe... * This was fairly inevitable. Kirk Jameson’s contract came up for renewal, and I was pretty sanguine about it. He’s been one of the fastest rising stars in the company of late, thanks as much to his work elsewhere as here, but he’s such an unassuming person that I’d expected him to sign on for no great increase in pay. Unfortunately, he’s a pretty shrewd operator, and expected a significant increase in his the size of his wage packet. The result: $1,500 per appearance – up from $600 a time. That puts him on a par with Jay, Jean, Steve and Stevie – only Aaron is on more. I’ll have to decide over the course of the next nine months if Kirk has improved to the point that he deserves that much money – right now, it’s a speculative investment... * Our end of September show will be held for the first time at the North Carolina Biker Museum. It’s quite a big leap for us – but MAW is really on the up in the Mid Atlantic region. If we can pull in over 1,500 fans, I’ll call it a success. * [CENTER][B]September – Fall Of The King[/B] Aaron Andrews and “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Jay Chord & Firebird Steve Flash vs. Toxin Fumihiro Ota vs. Ricochet Kashmir Singh vs. Sharp “Regular” Joe Benning vs. Primus Allen Kirk Jameson vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley Internet Favourites vs. Valentine & Johnson vs. The Canadian Blondes[/CENTER]
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Awww man, you switched the order of the prediction's card :p For a few optimistic seconds I thought the Blondes were main eventing. ¬_¬ [B]Aaron Andrews and “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Jay Chord & Firebird - A tag team match gives Andrews the opportunity to win but not beat Jay, and Rip the opporunity to use Smith's participtation as an excuse as to why Andrews doesn't get a title shot. [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Toxin [I]- Like your character said... "it's Steve Flash!". Besides, the Fallen can't all win all the time.[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Ricochet[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Sharp[/B] “Regular” Joe Benning vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] Internet Favourites vs. Valentine & Johnson vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]- Yeah... this is just blind optimism now, isn't it?[/I]
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September – Fall Of The King [B]Aaron Andrews and “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Jay Chord & Firebird [I]It's a longshot, but I'm hoping that a victory here will finally get Double A a title shot.[/I] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Toxin [I]This is more or less just a no-brainer training session for Toxin, and as such he takes the loss.[/I] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Ricochet [I]This could be the same thing.[/I] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Sharp [I]Apparently I like picking veterans.[/I] “Regular” Joe Benning vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]I like Joe, but I went with Allen as being the bigger potential star.[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley [I]I'd picking Jameson for the upset victory, because what other way could you test him to see if he's worth that big paycheck then play him against your biggest names?[/I] Internet Favourites vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [I]Valentine & Johnson get the win in a mighty impressive tag team division.[/I]
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[B]Aaron Andrews and “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Jay Chord & Firebird [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Toxin [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs. Ricochet Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Sharp[/B] “Regular” Joe Benning vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson [/B]vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley Internet Favourites vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;485635]Awww man, you switched the order of the prediction's card :p For a few optimistic seconds I thought the Blondes were main eventing. ¬_¬ Internet Favourites vs. Valentine & Johnson vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]- Yeah... this is just blind optimism now, isn't it?[/I][/QUOTE] [I]:p I was booking these shows and thinking 'Man, D-Lyrium's gonna be confused about my schizophrenic approach to the Blondes...[/I] [QUOTE=hrdcoresidebrns;485639] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley [I]I'd picking Jameson for the upset victory, because what other way could you test him to see if he's worth that big paycheck then play him against your biggest names?[/I] Internet Favourites vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [I]Valentine & Johnson get the win in a mighty impressive tag team division.[/I][/QUOTE] [I]Good point about Jameson - I'll say now that he does end up being worth it. That's not giving anything much away at this point... As for the team division, well, quantity doesn't always equal quantity - but I'll settle for it :p (And yeah, this is just a response post - I'll do a proper post tomorrow morning sometime :D)[/I]
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[B]Aaron Andrews and “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Jay Chord & Firebird [I]Basically giving Andrews a reason to get back into the title picture that even Rip will have a hard time refusing.[/I] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Toxin [I]Yeah... It's Steve Flash...[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Ricochet[/B] [I]I have already forgotten who's who under the Fallen dudes' masks, so this might be asinine, but I'm guessing you'll want to build up a midcard singles guy for the stable... might be Sharp instead but someone's gotta win, I say.[/I] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Sharp [I]I like Kashmir Singh...[/I] “Regular” Joe Benning vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]Primus is a monsterous force in MAW. Benning not so much.[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley [I]I think this could be a draw too, to start a feud between these two or something.[/I] Internet Favourites vs. Valentine & Johnson vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]Blondes up for a revived mini push...?[/I]
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[B]Aaron Andrews and “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Jay Chord & Firebird [I]Gives you three potentials vs Jay[/I] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Toxin [I]Its Flash[/I] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Ricochet [I]I'm finally liking Ota[/I] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Sharp [I]Four losses for the Fallen[/I] “Regular” Joe Benning vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]Hes big[/I] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] [I]Personal anti-Kirk backlash[/I] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. Valentine & Johnson vs. The Canadian Blondes [I]They are our favourites[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Fall Of The King Friday, 26th September 2010[/CENTER] Kirk Jameson vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] This match pitted one of MAW’s rising stars against its elder statesman. Jameson is increasingly popular – mainly in Canada, sadly, where he works for NOTBPW. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t re-sign with us next time, even if we do decide to go back in for him. In the meantime, he’s capable of very good matches with the right opponents, such as Jean, who can bring his end of any match you care to mention. The result was a stirring opener, with the leader of The Firm coming out on top courtesy of a Mood Swing after twenty minutes of well-paced, back and forth action. Winner: Jean Cattley (C-) * Backstage, and Jean entered The Firm’s locker room to find Casey Valentine and Jared Johnson deep in conversation, as Primus Allen polished his title belt. Casey looked up in surprise, and quickly plastered a wide grin across his face. [COLOR="Blue"]“Jean, great win.” “Thank you, Casey,”[/COLOR] Jean said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Am I interrupting something?” “No, no, no, not at all... It’s just...” “Yes?” “Well, Jared and I are the tag champs. Primus has the Traditional belt. We were wondering if you were going to go after the big belt?” “Oh, you were? No, is the answer.” “Why?” “Rip would never sanction a match between me and his darling son. I’m just concentrating on putting a run together so that when I speak to the Board of Directors-“ “You don’t think that you’re ducking your responsibilities as leader of this group?”[/COLOR] Abruptly, Primus stood up. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve got a match,”[/COLOR] he rumbled, and left the locker room. Jared looked back and forth between his two remaining comrades, and followed Primus out of the door, muttering something about going to the gym. [COLOR="Blue"]“Listen to me, Casey,”[/COLOR] Jean said, slowly. [COLOR="Blue"]“You’ve been in this business a New York minute. I have several times your experience, and I know Rip Chord like the back of my hand. When the time is right, I’ll take that title – but only when the time is right.” “The time is right – now!”[/COLOR] Jean’s eyes narrowed. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s not you who decides that, though, is it? You can’t go after Jay – not without giving up the tag titles if you win. And that’s not The Firm’s way.” “So I do what you say, for ever?” “You know what the alternative is – leave.”[/COLOR] Casey scowled, but fell silent. [COLOR="Blue"]“Good. Then we agree. I will be challenging for the title – in the fullness of time. And when I do, the title will belong to The Firm, reaffirming out position as the most dominant force in this company.”[/COLOR] * [B] “Regular” Joe Benning vs. Primus Allen (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] With all that going on backstage, Allen seemed somewhat distracted in this match, but after Benning showed surprisingly strong form and came to the verge of success, Allen gathered his wits and came back strongly, retaining his title with a Running Powerslam. Winner: Primus Allen (D+) * [B]Internet Favourites vs. Valentine & Johnson (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] Allen wasn’t the only one distracted – Casey Valentine looked positively disinterested in this match, his usual glee in showing off his improving Rumble skills totally absent. It was left to Jared Johnson to carry his team’s load, and the kid looked like a star as he did so. But it wasn’t enough – although he was able to score the elimination of the Favourites via Mayhem tap-out, the Blondes overwhelmed him with their well-drilled tandem offence to snatch the victory and a record third reign as MAW Tag Team champions Winners: The Canadian Blondes (D-) * [B] Fumihiro Ota vs. Ricochet[/B] The members of The Fallen have enjoyed mixed fortunes since their debut a few months ago – not least because Rip went over my head in hiring them. Still, in terms of match quality they’re right up their, as shown in this highly enjoyable match. The white-clad Ricochet held his own against the formidable Ota across the twenty-plus minutes of the contest, stalemating the ninja time and again, and focusing his attack on Ota’s legs. This successfully negated Ota’s speed advantage, and left him unable to gain the leverage necessary to break free of Ricochet’s Cross Armbreaker, leaving him no option but to tap out. Winner: Ricochet (C-) * [B]Kashmir Singh vs. Sharp[/B] Slightly randomly, this match threw up a case of pretty good chemistry. I say slightly randomly, as it was nothing special. We’d asked these two to keep their foot off the gas in order to avoid crowd burnout, and while they kept the action at a fairly moderate pace, it was well done, and very fluid. The result was an odd beast – good, but not too good, and whetted the appetite somewhat for the inevitable rematch. The largely brawl-based contest came to an end when Singh suddenly switched gears and caught Shark in a Bombay Duck, earning a submission victory just shy of the ten minute mark Winner: Kashmir Singh (D) * Aaron Andrews came out for the semi-final match. Before the match, he took the mic and stared down at Rip at the announcers’ table. [COLOR="Blue"]“Rip, this is your last chance. Either give me my match against Jay, or I’m leaving your company. You know having me here puts people in seats, and if I walk, you’ll be back in Stanley Hall. Is that what you want, Rip?”[/COLOR] Rip looked thoughtful, but after a moment shook his head. [COLOR="Purple"]“No, kid. It’s not you who puts people in seats. We survived without you, and I’ll not be held to ransom in my own company. No match, kid – but at least you’ve got Jay tonight if you want to get your hands on him so badly.”[/COLOR] Jay’s music played, and the champ came out adorned not only with the MAW Heavyweight title, but also the USPW National title, and his most recent acquisition – the TCW International title. Rarely, if ever, has one man looked so pleased with himself. * [B]Aaron Andrews and “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Jay Chord & Firebird[/B] Apparently I have to sacrifice half my main event crew to get a truly exciting tag match. Tempting... Anyway, this crossing of two feuds saw Jay amping up the heel factor, refusing to face Andrews if at all possible, only tagging in when Smith was in the ring – not that the Bulldozer was an easy target. The former NFL star took great delight in pitching the MAW champion around the ring, the much lighter Chord brought up short by his desire to avoid his nemesis. Firebird faired better, his familiarity with Smith allowing him to block all but the most thunderous blows – but Smith had plenty of those, and while Firebird’s speed allowed him to keep in touch with the face side, he was taking a hellacious beating. Thus, when Andrews tagged in, and Chord refused to do so, it was a fairly simple matter for him to finish Firebird off with a Flying Body Press for his team’s victory. Winners: Andrews and Smith (C-) * [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “Aaron, congratulations.”[/COLOR] Andrews looked around in confusion as I entered the ring. [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “You won your match – congratulations. Please, stay here – I have some news that might interest you. You too, Jay – please don’t go anywhere.”[/COLOR] Jay paused in the act of leaving the ring, and eyed me and Aaron cautiously, moving to keep me between him and his nemesis. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jay, wow, what can I say? Triple champion – that’s some achievement. You’ve done well for yourself. But it does give us a problem... “You see, anyone who watches the shows of your other companies knows that you’re required to defend those other titles of yours – against whoever gets chosen as your challenger. No ducking the challenges of other competitors. Why should MAW be any different? “Jay, Rip, Aaron... I was contacted by the Board of Directors earlier today. They brought to my attention the fact that Aaron’s challenge for a shot at the Heavyweight title had been refused no fewer than five times – six, if you count today’s incident. “And that’s enough – more than enough, even. So the Board of Directors has overruled you, Rip. Where It All Begins Again on the 26th of October it will be headlined by a match between Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord – for the MAW Heavyweight title!”[/COLOR] * [B]Steve Flash vs. Toxin[/B] This was really just a failsafe match, pitting two of our most popular workers against each other in case the tag match bombed – and because I hate finishing a show with a promo, even if I’m in it. Still, Flash and Toxin rose to the challenge with some gusto, exchanging move and counter-move at high speed as their battle for pride raged back and forth for almost twenty minutes, showing that Flash has remarkable stamina for a man in his forties. With Katie Cameron at ringside cheering him on, Flash had a distinct advantage over the multi-coloured-masked man, who fought back with a liberal dose of cheating. And while he fought alone, the spectre of The Fallen clearly haunted Flash, who checked the outside of the ring regularly for intruders. But as the match went on, his confidence gained, and eventually he was able to hit the Flash Bang to snatch victory in a very narrowly contested affair. Winner: Steve Flash (C-) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]OOC: Shonky card placement aside - I really [U]couldn't[/U] justify a main event angle in MAW - I think this came off pretty well. Next post once I revive D-Lyrium from his euphoria-induced coma :p[/I]
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Yeah. The Trios title makes a return after WiABA - there was just no room on the shows with Singh, Ota and Smith all tied up with other stuff. To be honest, the current and former (The Firm) champions got the belts because, well, one or more members of the team had a title reign clause in their contract. I'd be ashamed about this, if I hadn't spent the day going through the Chikara website before creating the belts. Before that, it would have been a Traditional Tag Team title - which might still make an appearance some day. The Trios belts will actually be on the Touring show a fair bit, as the intention was always to eventually put them on workers appearing lower down the card... And hey, happy birthday for two months time mad :p We'll have to see if Jay spoils your day or not when the show gets posted...
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A crowd of about 1,350 for FotK was a bit on the skinny side. Overall, September saw us make about twelve thousand dollars profit – a long way from scraping through a few hundred dollars in profit, a relatively recent time ago. We spent a lot more on workers this month – with the extra money earned from the bigger crowd at the Biker Museum pretty much cancelled out by the money spent on hiring the place. Oh well... * Apparently Tommy Cornell has worries about Jay’s ego too – a week after upending Wolf Hawkins for the TCW International title, Jay dropped it to Rick Law at TCW’s pay-per-view in his first defence. Still, for a week there, Jay was a triple champion – quite an achievement. * [CENTER][B]October – All The Leaves Are Brown[/B] Jonnie Perez vs. Roderick Remus The Bailey Boys vs. Glamour And Devastation Morgan & Benning vs. Valentine & Johnson Internet Favourites vs. Antonio & Raphael Amazing Fire Fly vs. Toxin Trent Shaffer vs. Jay Chord Aaron Andrews vs. Hugh de Aske[/CENTER]
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Jonnie Perez vs. [B]Roderick Remus[/B] [I]- No idea why. I figure he had an 'interview' with the Firm, Perez didn't, ergo...[/I] The Bailey Boys vs. [B]Glamour And Devastation[/B] Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. Antonio & Raphael [I]- The Faves have been afflicted by Jobberitis recently, mostly through circumstance. Maybe Antonio and Rafael will be the cure?[/I] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Toxin[/B] Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske [I]- We haven't seen Hugh for aaaages (ok, so he wasn't on the last show... but a month is ages on the high seas? Or something?), shame he's coming back to lose to Andrews.[/I]
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Jonnie Perez vs. [B]Roderick Remus[/B] The Bailey Boys vs.[B] Glamour And Devastation[/B] Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] Internet Favourites vs. [B]Antonio & Raphael[/B] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Toxin[/B] Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske
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Jonnie Perez vs. [B]Roderick Remus[/B] The Bailey Boys vs. [B]Glamour And Devastation[/B] Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. Antonio & Raphael -Ultimately, it's against my nature to select Antonio. So... Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Toxin[/B] Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske
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[B]Jonnie Perez[/B] vs. Roderick Remus [I]I can never get behind Roderick[/I] [B]The Bailey Boys[/B] vs. Glamour And Devastation [I]This match again?[/I] Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] [I]So many tag matches...[/I] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. Antonio & Raphael [I]They are our favourites[/I] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Toxin[/B] [I]Fire Fly isn't being used to his potential[/I] Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [I]He is still the champ[/I] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske [I]Its all about momentum[/I]
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October – All The Leaves Are Brown [B]Jonnie Perez[/B] vs. Roderick Remus The Bailey Boys vs. [B]Glamour And Devastation[/B] Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. Antonio & Raphael Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Toxin[/B] Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: All The Leaves Are Brown Friday, 12th October 2010[/CENTER] Jonnie Perez vs. Roderick Remus[/B] Ouch. Between Jonnie being off his game, and Roderick being rusty, this match was awful – maybe our worst ever. I’d hoped for a hot opener. I’d have settled for warm. This was ice cold. Remus took the win in ten minutes via a Remus Clutch. All that before a record crowd of over 1,700 fans, too... Winner: Roderick Remus (E-) * [B]The Bailey Boys vs. Glamour And Devastation[/B] Before the match began, it was announced that the evening’s three tag matches would decide which teams would face the Blondes for the tag team titles at Where It All Begins Again. We knew that this match wouldn’t light any fires, so it pains me that it was better than our opener. Neither team has much in the way of overness, but if we do ever switch to weekly shows, they’ll be key players. Kristen Pearce did great things at ringside, selling her boys offence and bumps as tough they were her own, but the Baileys used their speed to their great advantage, CB pinning Stardust with a Flying Pounce. Winners: The Bailey Boys (E) * [B] Morgan & Benning vs. Valentine & Johnson[/B] Normally I can book around injuries – but Casey Valentine picked up a knock a couple of weeks back and hasn’t quite recovered. Unfortunately, while booking this match it slipped my mind and I didn’t ask Morgan or Benning to help him out. This dragged the match down a bit, especially as Benning seems a bit out of place alongside his increasingly popular partner. Still, Johnson picked up the slack nicely, and Casey even chipped in with some of his always-improving brawling before Joe caught him with a Joe and Behold to score the win. Winners: Morgan & Benning (D) * Holding his injured back, Valentine snatched a mic and turned to face up the ramp. Johnson tried to get him to change his mind, but Valentine quelled him with a glare. [COLOR="Blue"]“My title’s gone, and I’ve lost my chance at a rematch. That blows. It seems like belonging to The Firm doesn’t count for much. Jean, get your --- out here, now!”[/COLOR] Jean Cattley emerged from backstage and stood at the top of the ramp. He signalled for Casey to say his piece. [COLOR="Navy"]“Jean, I’ve been a good soldier for three years now. I’ve helped The Firm whenever needed, and what have I got back? Nothing! It seems like this group is all about taking – and it gives nothing back! I want to change that – and if I have to go through you to make it happen, I will!” “You want to fight me, Casey?”[/COLOR] Jean said. [COLOR="Navy"]“It’s funny – because this mess is all of your own making. You see, looking back, it occurred to me that you’re really the problem in this setup. You convinced me to boot out Ricky Douglas when all the kid did wrong was lose a couple of matches. You convinced me to fire Davis Wayne Newton – when all the kid did wrong was get a title shot before you did. “I wouldn’t listen to you about Darryl, so you convinced him to move out west full-time. Ryan Powell got a job up north when you pulled a few strings with your family, and got them to make a few calls. The Firm would be twice its current size, and many times stronger if it wasn’t for your selfish short-sightedness, Casey. I’ve indulged you long enough – much, much too long, in fact. I can see the potential in you, kid – I always could. But you think a couple of tag title reigns means you’ve made it. Nothing could be further from the truth – you’ve taken your first steps, but you’re a long way short of greatness. A long way. So you want to fight me? You’re on – at the next show, I’ll kick your ---. And if you win, The Firm is yours. I don’t want any part of a group where you’re in charge.”[/COLOR] * [B] Internet Favourites vs. Antonio & Raphael[/B] Rip... hinted recently that he’d like Antonio to get more screen time. Okay then – here he is. In all fairness to the guy, he’s not helped by our choice of opponents – the Favourites are popular because of their gimmick, but their matches are nothing special. Raphael is capable, but is only around to be Antonio’s lackey. In the midst of all that, Antonio is capable – and has potential, but nearly three years into my time here, he’s not shown me that he can do more than he’s managed. If I seem like I’m waffling, it’s because I’m avoiding discussing the match, which was pretty weak. Hugh Lee at point showed off some interesting ninja limb locks, but otherwise there was nothing of note until Raphael hit an Italian DDT on Mayhem for the win. Winners: Antonio & Raphael (E+) * [B] Amazing Fire Fly vs. Toxin[/B] We booked this match to last too long – but for once it was a deliberate mistake. I’m high on Fly’s prospects, and the decision to pit him against the talented Toxin paid off with Fly’s best match to date. It was a pretty even match, with Fly showing off his incredible agility in one spot with a rope walk that had the fans popping, before Toxin scored the win with a tight cradle. Winner: Toxin (D+) * Jay Chord came down to the ring, looking a little less smug as he’s back down to two titles right now. He took a mic, and directed his attention to his evening’s opponent: [COLOR="Red"]“Trent Shaffer. You’ve been with this company for nearly three years, and the most you have to show for it is a tag title reign – in the middle of which your first partner walked out on you. There’s a lot of reasons that might have happened – B.O., your annoying habit of adding ‘Dude’ to every sentence, your permanently vacant expression... But mainly I think he ditched you because you suck, and I’ll show everyone here just how badly you suck when I put you down and out tonight.”[/COLOR] * [B]Trent Shaffer vs. Jay Chord (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Trent Shaffer is a guy I’ve been impressed with before now, but he’s not risen above average in his MAW tenure. And when he wanted pay parity with our main eventers, well... Jay bid him farewell in a good (but, importantly, not great) match with a Cradle Piledriver Winner: Jay Chord (D+) * Earlier tonight, Rip recorded a message from his office: [COLOR="Purple"]“Tonight’s main event has been made as a personal choice by myself. Aaron Andrews, in two weeks you get your,“ Rip grimaced, “title shot against my son. I’m required by the Board of Directors to make that a fair match. But no-one said anything about tonight. So tonight, Andrews, you’ll be facing the Dread Pirate Hugh de Aske. And to add a little flavour to the match, it’ll take place inside a steel cage. “Oh, and Hugh? In order to make sure you’re motivated for this match... If you win, I’ll make sure there’s a lot of booty for you. A lot of booty.”[/COLOR] * [B]Aaron Andrews vs. Hugh de Aske[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]steel cage match[/COLOR] The show was saved from merely being average by this sterling effort from frequent foes Andrews and de Aske. The two highly talented brawlers tore into one another from the off, Andrews realising that a motivated de Aske presented a huge threat just two weeks before his big match. Pirate Hugh, typically, gave his opponent no quarter, smashing Andrews into the cage repeatedly until Andrews managed to gain his second wind, going airborne from near the top of the cage at one point with a stunning Flying Body Press that would have earned the win – had it been a pinfall match. But with escape the only option, the match ended up atop the cage, with both men slugging it out as they sat atop the vicious steel structure. The fans went wild as the cage shook and shivered with every blow, and at one point it seemed that the wall on which the combatants was perched would topple over into the crowd, adding to the drama. But the final blow came from Andrews, who landed a vicious roundhouse punch that sent Hugh toppling sideways, seemingly all the way to the ground and a painful victory. But the pirate’s boot got caught in the cage bars, and he hung upside down, ten feet above the ground. He bellowed curses and imprecations as Andrews wearily dropped to the ground, his hard-fought victory having lasted nearly twenty-five minutes and left him bloodied, battered, but unbowed. The crowd saluted their favourite as he limped up the ramp, turning at the top to signal a title belt around his waist – a clear warning to Jay and Rip Chord that he was coming for them. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C) [B]Overall: C-[/B] * [QUOTE][B][CENTER]The mawrestling.com preview for Where It All Begins Again[/CENTER][/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. Toxin – Rip says: [COLOR="Purple"]There’s some bad blood brewing between these boys – The Fallen and their regular targets have been going at it for months now. Ota and Toxin are pretty well matched, and I’m expecting a good match here.[/COLOR] Amazing Fire Fly & Internet Favourites vs. Nelson Callum & Glamour And Devastation – Rip says: [COLOR="Purple"]Showcasing some of our up-and-coming talent, everyone here has reasons to impress. With turnover in this company pretty high, you never know when or from where the next superstar might emerge.[/COLOR] Kashmir Singh vs. Sharp – Rip says: [COLOR="Purple"]More bad blood here. Singh’s taken special offence to the tactics of The Fallen, so I expect him to want to make a particular point to his opponent.[/COLOR] Jonnie Perez vs. Primus Allen – Rip says: [COLOR="Purple"]The Perez name carries a lot of weight in this business, and little Jonnie gets a chance to impress in this match. Allen’s getting called the Rookie Monster – and a year into his career he’s already a three-time champion here in MAW. I expect both men to put on a match that might, just maybe, be headlining shows in the future.[/COLOR] The Bailey Boys vs. Morgan & Benning vs. Antonio & Raphael vs. The Canadian Blondes – Rip says: [COLOR="Purple"]This match will be special – I’ve got something up my sleeve to make sure of that...[/COLOR] Steve Flash vs. Hugh de Aske – Rip says: [COLOR="Purple"]Flash is a legend in this business, and it’s always good to have someone like him around. He leads by example, and is in tremendous shape for a man in his mid-forties. People are comparing the Dread Pirate to Flash, and while I think he has a way to go, at the same time he’s a tremendous talent. This one could steal the show.[/COLOR] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Firebird – Rip says: [COLOR="Purple"]This is where I anticipate the bad blood spilling over. Smith has taken exception to Firebird’s recent attitude shift, and while he’ll fight to the death to protect Firebird’s right to choose the path his life will follow, he’ll also fight to the death to get him to change back. Firebird, on the other hand, is looking for more recruits, and turning the Bulldozer to his side would be a hell of a coup.[/COLOR] “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Casey Valentine – Rip says: [COLOR="Purple"]With control of The Firm at stake, expect this to be a furious battle. Valentine has a lot to fight for – his whole future with the company may be at stake. Jean, on the other hand, will be looking to stamp his authority on the next generation of stars. The deciding factor could be the way loyalties lie between the other members of The Firm – just whose side will Jared Johnson and Primus Allen choose, when the chips are down?[/COLOR] Aaron Andrews vs. Jay Chord – Rip says: [COLOR="Purple"]Yeah, you’re not expecting a neutral opinion here, are ya? My boy’s going to walk away from this match with his title intact – no question.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [I]Next: Nine months in the making...[/I]
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[B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs. Toxin Amazing Fire Fly & Internet Favourites vs. [B]Nelson Callum & Glamour And Devastation[/B] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Sharp Jonnie Perez vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] The Bailey Boys vs. Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Antonio & Raphael [/B]vs. The Canadian Blondes [B]Steve Flash [/B]vs. Hugh de Aske “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs.[B] Firebird[/B] [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley [/B]vs. Casey Valentine [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Jay Chord
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