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MAW Fall Of The King Kid Arachnid vs. [B]Antonio[/B] Ultimate Phoenix vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] [B]Trent Shaffer & ???[/B] (c) vs. Jefferson Stardust and Raphael for the MAW Tag Team titles [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Cameron Vessey Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] “Regular” Joe Benning vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Erik Strong (c)[/B] vs. ??? for the MAW Heavyweight title
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Fall Of The King Friday 26th September 2008[/CENTER][/B] The show opened with Rip in the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“Good evening, everyone. Last month I had a great idea for a main event – unfortunately, it didn’t quite go according to plan. No-one won last month, so no-one gets a title shot. That honour was going to go to Citizen X, who did win his match last month, but he recently left the company, having decided that the concept of organised competition did not fit with his political beliefs.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“As for everyone else... We’re going to have us a little fun. The way I see it, Phoenix, Eagle and Ota didn’t win last month, but they didn’t lose, either. Now, Antonio and Jean Cattley won their matches as well. All five men can say they deserve a shot – but first they’ll have to earn it. All five men will wrestle opponents of my choosing tonight. And depending on the results, well, we’ll see who I think deserves a shot afterwards. And the matches begin right now!”[/COLOR] Antonio’s music played, and he came down to the ring. Then Kid Arachnid emerged as his opponent, and Marv Earnest went ballistic on commentary about the lopsided nature of the match. * [B]Kid Arachnid vs. Antonio[/B] Antonio kicked Arachnid around the ring, taunting his young opponent and showboating for laughs. But the appearance of The Masked Patriot threw him off, and allowed Arachnid to land a Cradle Piledriver for the upset victory. Winner: Kid Arachnid (D-) * Before Antonio had the chance to react, Patriot slid into the ring and obliterated him with a Backdrop Driver. * Casey Valentine came out for his match: [COLOR="Blue"]“Phoenix, I’ll make this brief. I’m going to pluck your feathers and use them for a heated pillow. Any dreams you may have of competing for gold here in MAW can just disappear into a puff of smoke – you’re on The Firm’s ground now.”[/COLOR] Phoenix responded: [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m not on anyone’s turf, Valentine. Didn’t you know? I’m a Phoenix, and what I do is soar!”[/COLOR] * [B]Ultimate Phoenix vs. Casey Valentine[/B] Phoenix was as good as his word, spending long periods of time airborne in this match. Valentine tried to keep it on the mat as much as possible, as he had the edge on his opponent if he kept him grounded, but Phoenix was able to use his speed to stay in front for long enough to drop Valentine with the Phoenix Firebird Splash. Winner: Ultimate Phoenix (D+) * Trent Shaffer came out with both tag title belts over his shoulder. Taking a mic, he addressed the crowd: [COLOR="Blue"]“So, Frankie had some stuff to do out east, and asked if I minded if he took off for a bit. I was cool with that – but I did need a new partner to hold the belts. So I spoke to some of my friends, and there’s one guy whose music collection is just like mine, which is what’s important, after all. So, dudes and dudettes, allow me to introduce my new partner, Stevie Grayson!”[/COLOR] * [B]Shaffer & Grayson (c) vs. Jefferson Stardust and Raphael[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] A bit of a thrown together match here, with Stardust and Raphael benefiting from many of the more over competitors otherwise engaged. They didn’t offer much threat to the ‘new’ champs, as this was mainly an exercise in scraping off some of Grayson’s ring rust, but it was still a fairly entertaining match. Capped with a stunning 460 Degree Splash from Grayson to take the win. Winners: Shaffer & Grayson (D-) * The camera cut to the boiler room, where Fumihiro Ota, through clever lighting, appeared to be floating a couple of inches above the ground as he meditated. His peace and solitude was interrupted by the noisy arrival of Cameron Vessey. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yo, Ota you freak. We’ve got a match, ninja-man. Enough messing around. You ready to get your ass kicked?”[/COLOR] [I]Bong.[/I] Vessey came around the corner to find Ota still sitting in his meditative pose, with the gong vibrating gently beside him. [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh, this gong stuff. Casey told me about it. Look, he’s a hick who got brought up on ninja movies by that idiot uncle of his. Much as I like the guy, he’s pretty naïve. Your whole mystical smoke and mirrors ---- doesn’t freak me out, old man. Get your ass down to the ring, so I can take you out of the title hunt.”[/COLOR] [I]Bong.[/I] Vessey scowled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Enough clowning. Either get up, or we start this right here. You think you can hold your own against me in a hardcore match?”[/COLOR] [I]Bong.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s what I-“[/COLOR] [I]Bong.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]“You little-“[/COLOR] Ota leapt from his pose with seemingly impossible grace, catching Vessey with a rising kick that sent him sprawling. Ota then calmly collected his mat, gong and drumstick, put out the incense burners, and made his way to the ring as Vessey clutched his head and groaned. * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Cameron Vessey[/B] The crowd really enjoyed seeing the arrogant Vessey get beaten from pillar to post. Although he managed a few brief rallies, Ota shut him down time and again, as he had in his debut match a few months before. Finally he drilled Vessey with a Ninja Strike to get the win. Winner: Fumihiro Ota (D+) * Backstage, and Kirk Jameson was revealed as Black Eagle’s opponent. He claimed to be confident of his ability to compete with the veteran after pushing Jean Cattley to the limit at the last show. * [B] Kirk Jameson vs. Black Eagle[/B] This was an excellent match with Eagle and Jameson going back and forth in a barnstorming effort. Jameson dominated the middle of the match, but Eagle was able to gain an advantage by tricking the referee, before taking control and hitting a New Jersey Turnpike for the win. Winner: Black Eagle (C-) * Jean Cattley was backstage, looking supremely confident. [COLOR="Blue"]“The Firm is operating efficiently. Unlike our former colleague, Ricky Douglas understood the importance of cohesion in our ranks, and agreed not to enter tonight’s contest, giving me a free run to the title. As for my opponent... I understand that some people take pride in being ordinary. I don’t. I don’t care about being normal, or average... or regular. Joe Benning, you are about to step into the ring with the best in the business. I’m sure that someone like you will insist on doing your best, and I really wouldn’t have it any other way. Just realise that it’s ultimately futile – I am superior.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Regular” Joe Benning vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] Marv was once again angry about the discrepancy in opponent quality here, as Cattley dominated Benning almost from bell to bell, before putting him away with a Mood Swing. Winner: Jean Cattley (D-) * Rip entered the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]“Four men won their matches tonight, so next month it seems sensible to have those four men fight each other. So it will be Ultimate Phoenix against Jean Cattley, and Black Eagle against Fumihiro Ota. The winners of those matches will go on to face the champion in a Three Way Dance! “As Citizen X no longer works for MAW, I’ve spent the last few days trying to find someone to appear in his place. I apologise to anyone who bought tickets for the show hoping to see him. I hope that you’ll agree that the replacement we’ve bought in is more than adequate, and worthy of getting a title shot right from day one. Ladies and gentlemen... Jacob Jett!”[/COLOR] * [B]Erik Strong (c) vs. Jacob Jett[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Jett is a tremendous all-rounder who works for relative peanuts – less than Flash Savage or Kirk Jameson, to pick two examples. He and Strong put on a very good match, worthy of main-eventing the show, with Jett busting out some innovative offence. Strong stepped up to the challenge, holding his own against Jett before scoring with a Strongsault for another successful defence. Winner: Erik Strong (D+) [B]Overall: D+[/B] * [CENTER][B]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/B] The Masked Patriot vs. Antonio Shaffer and Grayson (c) vs. Jacob Jett & Findlay O’Farraday for the MAW Tag Team titles Kirk Jameson vs. Ricky Douglas C-V-2 vs. The Canadian Blondes Ultimate Phoenix vs. Black Eagle to earn a place in the MAW Heavyweight title match A 10-man battle royal featuring “Regular” Joe Benning, Max Mayhem, Hugh Lee, Riley McManus, Shane Nelson, Ricky Douglas, Curtis Jenkins, Raphael, Jefferson Stardust and a mystery entrant Fumihiro Ota vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley to earn a place in the MAW Heavyweight title match Erik Strong (c) vs. ??? vs. ??? for the MAW Heavyweight title [/CENTER] [I]Nothing of note backstage this month - straight into the action next post...[/I]
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MAW Where It All Begins Again The Masked Patriot vs. [B]Antonio[/B] [B]Shaffer and Grayson[/B] (c) vs. Jacob Jett & Findlay O’Farraday for the MAW Tag Team titles [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas [B]C-V-2 [/B]vs. The Canadian Blondes Ultimate Phoenix vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] to earn a place in the MAW Heavyweight title match A 10-man battle royal featuring “Regular” Joe Benning, Max Mayhem, Hugh Lee, Riley McManus, Shane Nelson, Ricky Douglas, Curtis Jenkins, Raphael, Jefferson Stardust and a [B]mystery entrant[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs.[B] “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] to earn a place in the MAW Heavyweight title match [B]Erik Strong (c)[/B] vs. ??? vs. ??? for the MAW Heavyweight title
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The Masked Patriot vs. [B]Antonio[/B] [B]Shaffer and Grayson[/B] (c) vs. Jacob Jett & Findlay O’Farraday for the MAW Tag Team titles [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas C-V-2 vs. [b]The Canadian Blondes[/b] [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] vs. Black Eagle to earn a place in the MAW Heavyweight title match A 10-man battle royal featuring “Regular” Joe Benning, Max Mayhem, Hugh Lee, Riley McManus, Shane Nelson, Ricky Douglas, Curtis Jenkins, Raphael, Jefferson Stardust and a [B]mystery entrant[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [b]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/b] to earn a place in the MAW Heavyweight title match Erik Strong (c) vs. Ultimate Phoenix vs. [b]Jean Cattley[/b] for the MAW Heavyweight title[/QUOTE]
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[I]In the manner of J Silver, your clue for the day is: Kid Arachnid is in the default database. Thanks for all the comments and predictions - nice to get some feedback :)[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Where It All Begins Again Friday 26th October 2008[/CENTER][/B] [B]Shaffer & Grayson (c) vs. Jacob Jett & Findlay O’Farraday[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This match was pre-booked almost two months ago as Perez/Shaffer vs. X/Findlay, and cleared the last vestiges of both from our plans. A straightforward defence for the champs, as their slick teamwork won out over the individual skills of Findlay and Jett. Winners: Shaffer & Grayson (D) * Shaffer took the mic: [COLOR="Blue"]“We may not have the most experience, it’s true. But this is a team for the ages. We’re good enough to hold these belts for a long time, just doing our thing, playing it cool, and being the best.”[/COLOR] * [B]The Masked Patriot vs. Antonio [/B] A quick match to drop a veil over the now-dead Patriot/X feud – made quicker by the absence of chemistry between the competitors. Antonio did his best, but Patriot eventually came out on top with the Backdrop Driver. Winner: Masked Patriot (E+) * Patriot took the mic: [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah guess that now we can put this whole sorry mess behind us. X ran off before I could beat him like a government mule, and ah guess that Antonio wasn’t being paid for tonight’s match. So, X, enjoy life up north – but I’ll say this: If you ever come back, I’ll be waitin’ for you.”[/COLOR] * [B]C-V-2 vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] Rip had taken a personal interest in this one, taking back road agent duties as he has something of a personal stake in how well the four perform. I let them get on with it – either result worked fine for me in booking the next few months. Oscar Golden eventually nailed a Golden Shower for the win, which surprised me slightly. Winner: Canadian Blondes (D-) * Backstage, and Black Eagle strode through the corridors, his manager Sienna LeNoir trailing behind him. Passing Ultimate Phoenix, he bumped shoulders with the other man, but kept moving. [COLOR="Blue"]“Halt!”[/COLOR] Eagle stopped, and turned around. Phoenix set down his book and stood face to face with his opponent. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now see here, citizen,” [/COLOR]Phoenix said. [COLOR="Blue"]“You certainly have the freedom to move around backstage as you wish. But when you interrupt other people in their work and their relaxation, that’s just rude. I might have to think that this match we have here is a good opportunity to knock some sense into you.”[/COLOR] Rather spookily, it was LeNoir who answered. [COLOR="Blue"] “It would be a pleasure,”[/COLOR] she said, in a husky whisper. [COLOR="Blue"]“He will see you... on the fields of combat.”[/COLOR] * [B] Ultimate Phoenix vs. Black Eagle[/B] to earn a place in the MAW Heavyweight title match This is more like it. Black Eagle brutalised Phoenix from the bell, using downright thuggery at times to beat down his heroic foe. Phoenix fought back, using his high-flying skills – but for once his opponent was every bit as adept as he was. It was an evenly matched battle, but Phoenix’ heroic streak got the better of him when Eagle’s manager, Sienna Lenoir, got up on the ring apron as he was going to the ropes. He slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting her, and ate a New Jersey Turnpike for his troubles. Winner: Black Eagle (C-) * Backstage, and Kirk Jameson was about to hype up his match with Ricky Douglas, when Douglas jumped him from behind, beating him down and pitching him headfirst into a pile of boxes. * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Ricky Douglas[/B] A quick filler match to cool the crowd off a bit. The Firm’s iceman looked strong after his attack, focusing his aggression on Jameson’s wounded head. But Jameson rallied, and after a flurry of offence hit The Bullseye for the win. Winner: Kirk Jameson (D-) * A poor loser, Douglas jumped Jameson after the bell and mopped the mat with him. * Before the second qualifying match, Jean Cattley wanted to speak his mind: [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t believe in mysticism. I respect ninjas for what they can do, but I’ve seen nothing to make me believe that Fumihiro Ota is a true ninja. That idiot Hugh Lee has fallen under his spell, and my colleagues Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine had their moments of doubt – of which they’re very ashamed. No, I just see a man who indulges in psychological trickery to try and unbalance his opponents. I respect that it works, Ota. But it has no effect on me.”[/COLOR] * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley [/B]to earn a place in the MAW Heavyweight title match Referee Chad Brent had his hands full with this one, as Cattley and Ota started out just fighting, before Cattley tried to get tricky and bend the rules. Ota retaliated with a smoke pellet that blinded Cattley and allowed the ninja unhindered access to blast him repeatedly with kicks and palm strikes until his vision cleared. He returned with a vengeance, becoming extremely focused and showing just how good a fighter he can be when motivated, matching Ota blow for blow, before dropping him with a Mood Swing to go into the main event. Winner: Jean Cattley (C-) * Rip entered the ring: [COLOR="Blue"] “First things first: Tonight’s main event will see Erik Strong defend his MAW Heavyweight title against Black Eagle and Jean Cattley. “Next, in three months time we’ll be hosting the annual Invitational tournament. Sixteen of MAW’s finest will compete in qualifying matches over the next two months, with the last eight making it through to the tournament proper, which will be held in January. “And now for tonight’s Battle Royal, featuring a very special guest!”[/COLOR] As the entrants for the Battle Royal made their way to the ring, Marv said that it looked like Kid Arachnid was the tenth entrant, and while Arachnid was certainly a talented youngster, he didn’t exactly qualify as a special guest. But when Arachnid went to enter the ring, Rip stopped him. [COLOR="Blue"]“Beat it, junior,”[/COLOR] Rip announced. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m taking your place tonight.”[/COLOR] The crowd were delighted with the announcement. * [B]A 10-man battle royal featuring “Regular” Joe Benning, Max Mayhem, Hugh Lee, Riley McManus, Shane Nelson, Ricky Douglas, Curtis Jenkins, Raphael, Jefferson Stardust and Rip Chord[/B] This was all-out chaos from the start. As Raphael frantically tried to work out a strategy on his Blackberry, Curtis Jenkins bounced around like a powerball, trying to his anyone and everyone with the Leeerrooooyyyy!!!! Eventually he was caught by a mean-looking Ricky Douglas, who threw him over the top rope. Jefferson Stardust stood in the centre of the ring, while the action went on around him, basking in the attention of the crowd. Rip was laying his ham-sized fists on everyone and anyone, short jabs as he stood back to back with Stardust in the centre of the ring, laying out anyone who came in range. Hugh Lee moved around the ring in a low crouch, trying to be sneaky but only drawing attention to himself, and eventually Shane Nelson and Max Mayhem combined to try and drill him with a double powerbomb – only for Lee to trap Mayhem in a headscissors and hurricanrana the both of them over the top rope. Nelson turned around and was hit flush in the face with a superkick from Douglas that sent him over the top rope in turn, and a second superkick took Joe Benning over the top as well. He dusted himself off and shrugged, applauding Douglas before offering his hand to shake. Douglas hesitated, and Rip seized the opportunity to pitch The Firm’s representative over the top and out of the match. Rip was quickly jumped on by Riley McManus, who hammered the veteran with a series of hard blows, before Rip shrugged him off. Turning, he stared the youngster down. McManus visibly swallowed, but stood his ground. Rip offered him a handshake, but when McManus took his hand, Rip pulled him in close and launched him over his head in a belly-to-belly suplex that sent McManus soaring over the top rope. There was a moment’s silence in which Raphael’s Blackberry pinged and his face lit up with delight. He approached Stardust, who was still stood in the centre of the ring, and indicated that they should team up to take out Rip. Stardust shrugged, and they turned to face the MAW owner, who took them out of their boots with a double clothesline. He picked up Raphael by his long blonde hair, and propped him up in a corner, before cracking him over the head with the Blackberry, which shattered. He then pitched the youngster over the top rope, before turning to face Stardust. Jefferson struck a pose, making Rip raise an eyebrow in bemusement, before booting him in the gut and planting him with the legendary Rip Chord DDT. Stardust was so much dead weight that it took a minute for Rip to get him over the ropes, but eventually Rip stood alone in the ring as the crowd went wild. Winner: Rip Chord (E+) As Rip celebrated in the ring, the arena went dark for several seconds. Then the screens around the place all lit up with the same number: [B][COLOR="Red"]85[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“Twelve weeks and one day from tonight,”[/COLOR] a harsh, staticky, heavily distorted voice intoned. “[COLOR="Blue"]Three months, eighty-five days... “He will make you pay...”[/COLOR] * Erik Strong was backstage with his manager, Katie Cameron: [COLOR="Blue"]“One man, two men or twenty. It doesn’t matter. This is my ring, my company, my title. I’ve beaten Jean Cattley before. He may call himself a Machine, but his gears have shifted. As for Black Eagle, if he can’t speak for himself, I don’t think he can wrestle for himself either. The end of the show will be the same as always – Erik Strong, the Franchise of MAW, retaining my Heavyweight title.”[/COLOR] * [B]Erik Strong (c) vs. Black Eagle vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was all-out war, a half-hour blistering example of MAW at its finest. The story of the match saw Strong striking when he could, and avoiding his opponents as much as possible. Eagle and Cattley managed to work together sporadically, but more often were at each other’s throats as they sought victory for themselves. In the end, though, teamwork told as the heels overpowered the champ, before Eagle nailed a New Jersey Turnpike. However, before he could capitalise, Cattley spun him around and hit a Mood Swing, before hauling Strong up and hitting a Mood Swing on him as well to capture his second MAW Heavyweight title Winner: Jean Cattley (C-) [B]Overall: D+[/B]
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[I]This month has not been one of my happier times as booker for MAW - nonetheless, I have another clue for you: Kid Arachnid is active in the game world[/I] * This month we say goodbye to Jez McArthuer who managed a trouble-free month at the same time as his contract comes due. Chad Brent works for less than a quarter the pay, does nearly as good a job, has no other employers and doesn’t muck about backstage. It’s a no-brainer, and Jez wasn’t exactly given a going away present. * The phone rang. I grabbed for it, knocking over my pencil pot on the way. [COLOR="Purple"] “Hello? Hello? “Oh, Huey, it’s you. Yeah, sorry. Something else on my mind. No, four-hundred per is fine. Yeah, we can pick up your travel – you don’t mind sharing a bus from the airport with the others, right? Okay, see you at the show.”[/COLOR] I sat back in my chair. If a watched pot never boils (or ‘cleans itself’, as Rip mangled it), then a watched phone never rings, either. * The next day, the phone rang again. I grabbed for it even quicker, sending a full cup of tea flying. [COLOR="Purple"]“Hello? Hello? “What? No, tell Jez to take a hint – he can get back to cutting up women’s shoes for Tamara McFly. “No, not even if he goes to Pranksters Anonymous. “No. Just... no.”[/COLOR] * [I]Previously...[/I] I’d forgotten all about Mid Atlantic Wrestling, the name Rip had suggested so many years before. He’d reckoned that the region was an untapped market. I thought he was a damn fool. We’d drifted apart over the years. And then I got a call. [COLOR="Blue"]“Just hear me out, kid. “I need your help.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I’d say that you have a lot of nerve, Rip, but this goes beyond that. You must have balls of steel – either that, or you think being on the end of a phoneline is enough to protect you. I know where you work, Rip, and don’t think I won’t come down there and stick this cane you gave me right up your-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m glad you know where we are, James,”[/COLOR] Rip resumed. [COLOR="Blue"]“You’re not too far away, right? Can you come in later this week?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"] “-washed-up hack!”[/COLOR] I wound down, aware that Rip had said something. [COLOR="Purple"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“To Stanley Hall,”[/COLOR] Rip went on, choosing to ignore the vile imprecations I’d spat upon him and his forefathers. [COLOR="Blue"]“Can you come in on Friday? First thing? I could use your help with the show.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Rip, why in the name of all that’s holy, unholy, and everywhere in between would I help you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Because I’ve cleaned up my act,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Really.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Bull.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I have.”[/COLOR] “I don’t believe you.” [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t blame you,”[/COLOR] he said, and for the first time a doubt appeared in my mind. Rip being reasonable? That never used to happen. Rip used to just shout and swear until he got his own way. Bar opening hours, world title reigns, classier rental cars – it was all one to Rip. His way, or no way. [COLOR="Purple"]“I’m supposed to just accept that you’re a changed man?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] “You could accept that it’s fifteen years since we talked. A lot can happen in that time. We’ve all passed a lot of water since then.”[/COLOR] I blinked, and decided to push on. [COLOR="Purple"]“And what Damascus moment happened to you in that time?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“It was just before, actually. And it wasn’t Damascus, it was Peoria.”[/COLOR] I grimaced. Rip had never even picked up the Bible – unless it was to get it off his bed when the Gideons had been more pushy than usual. [COLOR="Purple"]“Peoria?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You remember that night in Chicago?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“How could I forget?”[/COLOR] I asked, witheringly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, sorry. But a bit before, while you were on the shelf, we ran a date in Peoria. And she was there.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Oh, you found true love?”[/COLOR] I asked, still more witheringly. [COLOR="Blue"]“No,”[/COLOR] he said, with a rough chuckle. [COLOR="Blue"]“Definitely not. She was just a girl. She’d been there a coupla years before when we swung through, and that night she had some news for me. It messed me up. I was heavy into the drink – you weren’t around to keep me outta trouble.”[/COLOR] It was a weak attempt at humour, and I brushed it aside. [COLOR="Purple"]“You don’t get to blame me, Rip-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] “I’m not trying to. That news... it messed me up, but over time, it was my redemption. It made me look at myself. I didn’t like what I saw. You were right, back in the hospital. And I’m trying, now, to make things right. And I need you to help me. To get it ready. To make it all work.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Again, why?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You have to understand... I haven’t made this public. There’s a lot of good reasons, you know?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"] “Rip, you have thirty seconds to tell me what you’re talking about-“[/COLOR] He needed three. [COLOR="Blue"]“I have a son. “Kid? “James?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“A what?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I have a son. Can you believe it? Me – the poster child for precautions. ‘Safe sex prevents lives’ and all that. But one night, it didn’t work. It was a hell of a surprise, I can tell ya, when I found out.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“You have a son?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah,”[/COLOR] Rip chuckled again. [COLOR="Blue"]“His name is Jay...”[/COLOR] * The phone rang. I picked it up carefully. [COLOR="Purple"]“Hello?”[/COLOR] I said, as calmly as I could. The handle of my cane creaked beneath my white-knuckled grip. [COLOR="Purple"]“Yes, send him in.”[/COLOR] I tried to calm my racing heart. This one deal could really make a difference. Rip was banished from the building, at my guest’s request. He’d been insistent about it. I was in no position to argue. There was a firm knock on the door. [COLOR="Purple"]“Come in,”[/COLOR] I said, drawing on long-dormant promo skills to sound calm and still. The door opened, and I bit my lip. [COLOR="Red"]“Hi James,”[/COLOR] the young man said, neutrally. [COLOR="Purple"]“Hello Jay,”[/COLOR] I said, rising and waving my free hand at the seat across the desk from me. [COLOR="Purple"]“Please come in – we have a lot to discuss.”[/COLOR] * [COLOR="Blue"]“What’d he say?”[/COLOR] Rip asked. [COLOR="Purple"]“Sorry,” [/COLOR]I replied, shaking my head. [COLOR="Purple"]“He’s his father’s son. He wants to go to Japan, and see how they do things over there. I don’t think it helped that he wanted so much money – I offered him a great deal, but he wouldn’t bite.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Sorry, kid,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="Blue"]“It would have been fun, but Jay’s his own man. And I’ve tried over the years, but he and I never saw eye to eye on much. We both agreed I was a drunk and a lousy father, but that was about it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“He seemed kind of bitter,”[/COLOR] I said, as tactfully as I could. Rip had cleaned up his act by the time Jay was old enough to know the difference – and a big part of his later career had been spent trying to make sure that he was as available as possible. But Rip would always blame himself for not being a normal dad. And from what I knew of Jay, so would he. Rip hung his head. We were sitting outside Stanley Hall on the hood of Rip’s truck, enjoying a fine sunset, passing a bottle of Coke back and forth. [COLOR="Blue"]“He’s an angry young man. He has great genes. I mean, great genes. His mom was a gymnast – state champion. And he takes after her as much as me. But there’s that resentment that comes from their not being a dad around.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“She never married?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“No. She worked all the hours God sent. I helped – but she’d never take more than she made herself. She was stubborn, independent, we never really made peace with each other...”[/COLOR] And then in the summer of 2005, when Jay was just fifteen, his mother was too tired to look both ways when she was crossing the road on her way home from work. It was a sad tale, tragic in its ordinariness. Rip retired soon after, setting up MAW as something to pass on to Jay one day, someplace where he could be the wrestler he wanted to be, and not just Rip’s son. That drive was what was taking him to Japan rather than his making his debut at Stanley Hall. A long way from home – but then, Jay Chord probably hadn’t thought of anywhere as home since his mother died. I was selfishly regretting the missed opportunity to work with a kid who, by all accounts, would be the leading light of his generation. The twin sons of Sam Keith had gone Japanese as well, whereas you’d think Tommy and Sam would have leapt at the chance to sign them up to TCW. Still, I’d hoped I’d get the chance to work with Jay – really, the possibility had been the drive behind me coming to work with Rip. I wondered if the business always drove families apart. The Stone clan had existed in a sealed bubble for a long time – but they’d splintered as well. Perhaps the egos that came with a career in wrestling were too big for one household. Whatever, I thought, as I drained the bottle and sent it arcing into a trash can nearby. I had no kids – I had nothing to worry about. * [CENTER][B]MAW Remember November[/B] [U]RCI qualifier[/U]: Kid Arachnid vs. Antonio Shaffer & Grayson (c) vs. C-V-2 for the MAW Tag Team titles [U]RCI qualifier[/U]: Shane Nelson vs. Black Eagle [U]RCI qualifier[/U]: Kirk Jameson vs. Oscar Golden [U]RCI qualifier[/U]: Fumihiro Ota vs. Curtis Jenkins [U]RCI qualifier[/U]: Kashmir Singh vs. Flash Savage Erik Strong vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley (c) for the MAW Heavyweight title[/CENTER] [I]I won't do multicoloured text often - but there's a lot of talking in this post, so...[/I]
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I must say, that your last write-up was quite excellent, IMO. Now onto screwing up predictions, a skill I'm rather proud of (not really...) MAW Remember November RCI qualifier: Kid Arachnid vs. [B]Antonio[/B] Shaffer & Grayson (c) vs. [B]C-V-2[/B] for the MAW Tag Team titles RCI qualifier: Shane Nelson vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] RCI qualifier: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Oscar Golden RCI qualifier: [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins RCI qualifier: [B]Kashmir Singh [/B]vs. Flash Savage Erik Strong vs.[B] “Machine” Jean Cattley (c)[/B] for the MAW Heavyweight title
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[QUOTE=James Casey;434832][I]Thanks for the comments, all. I never imagined when I started planning this back in February that I'd be up against such stiff competition. I blame shipshirt, myself...[/I] [/QUOTE] Hah, thanks for the shout out but don't blame me ;) Looks good my friend!
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MAW Remember November RCI qualifier: Kid Arachnid vs. [B]Antonio[/B] [B]Shaffer & Grayson (c)[/B] vs. C-V-2 for the MAW Tag Team titles RCI qualifier: Shane Nelson vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] RCI qualifier: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Oscar Golden RCI qualifier: [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs. Curtis Jenkins RCI qualifier: Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Flash Savage[/B] Erik Strong vs. [B]“Machine”[/B] [B]Jean Cattley (c)[/B] for the MAW Heavyweight title
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Awesome show. Liking how you used the title of it rather literally in ending two of your main feuds (even though neither involved all of the original participants ¬_¬). Also, hah. I'm pretty sure I just worked out Kid Arachnid. I won't spoil it in case I'm right, but it had nothing to do with the clues. :p If I am right, though, I'm a dumbass for even needing to ask. Edit: Damn and blast. The post-show shenanigans post dispelled my theory :( But it was so plausible! He debuted in MAW in July, and everything! Bah. I do like the 'things aren't so rosey between them' angle though. RCI qualifier: Kid Arachnid vs. [B]Antonio[/B] - Since it's not Jay, there's no point. *sulks* [B]Shaffer & Grayson[/B] (c) vs. C-V-2 for the MAW Tag Team titles - Way too early for new champions. I'm not a huge fan of "X & Y" tag teams being champions (as opposed to 'The XY's' type teams), but their gimmick makes it work. RCI qualifier: Shane Nelson vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] - As much as I like Stylin' Shane, he's just not Black Eagle, is he? RCI qualifier: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Oscar Golden - Jameson is the future of wrestling. Golden is a tag team wrestler who the head booker himself was surprised won a tag match last month. Gee, I wonder. RCI qualifier: [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins - Has CJ even had a competitive match yet? RCI qualifier: [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Flash Savage Erik Strong vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] (c) for the MAW Heavyweight title - Cattley's beaten Strong, Strong's beaten Cattley, could be anyone's game. But I don't think Cattley will be losing the belt for a while.
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The Jay/Rip Chord story was clearly, to me at least, the best diary post that I've read in a diary in a long time. Definitely the best segment I've read since TEW 2008 was released. Excellent, excellent stuff. Very well written. RCI qualifier: [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Antonio Shaffer & Grayson (c) vs. [B]C-V-2[/B] for the MAW Tag Team titles RCI qualifier: Shane Nelson vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] RCI qualifier: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Oscar Golden RCI qualifier: [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins RCI qualifier: Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Flash Savage[/B] Erik Strong vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley (c)[/B] for the MAW Heavyweight title
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;457060]Also, hah. I'm pretty sure I just worked out Kid Arachnid. Edit: Damn and blast. The post-show shenanigans post dispelled my theory :( But it was so plausible! [/QUOTE] [I]Yeah... not only plausible - but correct, had it not been for shenanigans. And I'm impressed that you dug back into the thread to find his first appearance. Still, needs must, and one lucky worker got a chance they might never have had otherwise - even if things won't pan out as I'd intended. I'm glad that people dug the Rip/Jay backstory, and are enjoying the writing in general so far. All writers are driven by ego - and me moreso that most, so please keep the comments coming :D *[/I] [CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Remember November Friday 26th November 2008[/B][/CENTER] [B]RCI qualifier: Kid Arachnid vs. Antonio[/B] Antonio was heavily favoured going into this match, which pitted the #3 seed against the #’14. But Arachnid showed off his considerable skills in this match, as Antonio once again underestimated his opponent. Clearly bolstered by his defeat of Antonio a couple of shows back, he was fast and skilful, and considerably more aggressive than normal, keeping Antonio off balance en route to a shock pinfall win. Winner: Kid Arachnid (E+) * Arachnid celebrated his success, to general indifference. * Backstage, and the tag champs and C-V-2 rounded a corner at the same time, coming face to face. [COLOR="Blue"]“Dudes,”[/COLOR] Trent Shaffer said, neutrally, before attempting to pass. [COLOR="Blue"]“I hope you’ve been investing in metal polish,”[/COLOR] Casey Valentine said, blocking his way. [COLOR="Blue"]“I want that gold to sparkle when it’s strapped around my waist.” “I don’t know about around your waist,”[/COLOR] Stevie Grayson said. [COLOR="Blue"]“We could probably arrange for you to blow it out your ass.” “Dude,”[/COLOR] Shaffer said, looking slightly impressed. [COLOR="Blue"]“I suppose we shouldn’t expect anything better from you, Grayson,” [/COLOR]Vessey said. [COLOR="Blue"]“You always were a disappointment. You could have been one of us, you know. Jean was considering recruiting you, but wherever you go, you always backslide. That’s why you’ll lose tonight. You don’t have the edge.” “I have edge enough to take you down,”[/COLOR] Grayson replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“And I don’t hide behind Cattley’s skirts. I never would.” “You never could!”[/COLOR] Valentine shot back, before realising what he’d implied. [COLOR="Blue"]“Come on, dude,”[/COLOR] Shaffer said. [COLOR="Blue"]“You gotta chill before the match. See you monkeys in the ring.” [/COLOR] * [B]Shaffer & Grayson (c) vs. C-V-2[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] With the Canadian Blondes otherwise occupied, C-V-2 took on Shaffer and Grayson in this entertaining match, which saw the champions retain when Valentine tasted a Heart Burn. Winners: Shaffer & Grayson (D) * Sienna LeNoir was backstage with Black Eagle: [COLOR="Blue"]“He has seen those who have been invited. He is not impressed. Those who wear masks like his would try and pretend they are his equal. Those who wear no masks merely betray the fear upon their faces. He is the Black Eagle, the wraith who hunts in the night, the stuff of nightmares, the spirit who rises in the darkness. He will reign victorious over all.”[/COLOR] * [B] RCI qualifier: Shane Nelson vs. Black Eagle[/B] Bad chemistry + Main Eventer and #1 seed vs. Enhancement Talent and #16 seed = New Jersey Turnpike. Moving on... Winner: Black Eagle (E+) * Kirk Jameson was backstage: [COLOR="Blue"]“Oscar Golden... Let’s be honest here, you’re a two-time champion. That’s impressive. But both were tag title reigns. That’s less impressive, at least when it comes to a singles tournament like the Rip Chord Invitational. You’ve got a good thing going with Flash Savage in your corner. But tonight it’s just one-on-one. And without someone to watch your back, you’ll fall at the first hurdle."[/COLOR] * [B]RCI qualifier: Kirk Jameson vs. Oscar Golden[/B] Back on track with this textbook sneaky heel/heroic face match that saw Jameson come out on top with The Bullseye. Golden showed enough to suggest that he has a future beyond the Blondes, though. Winner: Kirk Jameson (D) * Curtis Jenkins was in the boiler room backstage, looking as though he’d rather be anywhere else. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ota?”[/COLOR] [I]Bong. Bong.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]“Uh, listen man, it’s time for our match. I gotta do my thing, you know?”[/COLOR] A pipe hissed, and Jenkins yelped, leaping several feet in the air. [COLOR="Blue"]“Jeez... Was that you?”[/COLOR] [I]Bong.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]“A’right, Listen. This is nothing personal, yeah? I mean, we’re both professionals.”[/COLOR] [I]Bong. Bong.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]“Good. So, when I hit you with the Leeerrrooooyyyy!!!...”[/COLOR] the word echoed around the boiler room, and Jenkins seemed to draw some strength from it. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ll be cool, right? I mean, you’re not going to do any of that ninja stuff if you lose, are you?”[/COLOR] [I]Bong.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]“Cool, well I-“[/COLOR] [I]Bong.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh, sh-“[/COLOR] Jenkins rabbited for the door. * [B]RCI qualifier: Fumihiro Ota vs. Curtis Jenkins[/B] In a just and fair world, the likes of Ota and Eagle would be working with Jenkins and Nelson to help them improve. In this world, there’s more bad chemistry. Ninja Strike = #2 seed through, #15 seed out. Winner: Fumihiro Ota (E+) * Rip entered the ring, and took a mic: [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ve seen four qualifiers tonight, with one more to go. There’ll be three next month – The Masked Patriot against Ricky Douglas, Erik Strong will face Cameron Vessey and Ultimate Phoenix will take on Casey Valentine. I’m sure you’ll all enjoy the sh-“[/COLOR] Once again, the lights went out in Stanley Hall. The screens flickered, and this time the number [B][COLOR="Red"]57[/COLOR][/B] was displayed. “Eight weeks and one day from tonight,” intoned the voice, somewhat less distorted than before, but still unrecognisable. [COLOR="Blue"]“In 57 days, he will be revealed...”[/COLOR] * Flash Savage was backstage, looking a bit spooked. He warned Kashmir Singh against complacency – he may be a tag team competitor, but he can handle himself one on one as well, unlike Signh, who seems content to be Patriot’s lackey. * [B]RCI qualifier: Kashmir Singh vs. Flash Savage[/B] #7 seed Savage was given license to act up a bit in this match, as the pint-sized Canadian played bouncing ball against the brick wall that is Kashmir Singh, the #10 seed. Little by little, both cheaply and fairly Singh was worn down until Savage managed to clamp on a Canadian Crab to advance to round two. Winner: Flash Savage (D-) * Jean Cattley was backstage, chewing gum and strutting towards the ring with the Heavyweight title around his waist. [COLOR="Blue"] “It’s not yours, you know,”[/COLOR] someone said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Not for long, anyway.”[/COLOR] Jean turned and found himself facing Erik Strong. [COLOR="Blue"]“After tonight, it’ll be back around my waist. I’ll admit that you got the better of me last month, but that was one match with Black Eagle on your side. A second time, with just you and me in the ring? Forget it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I guess you need to rock yourself to sleep at night somehow, so why not use a fairy story?”[/COLOR] Jean growled.[COLOR="Blue"] “I suppose it’s fitting. We began this year facing each other. Now I’ll reach the end of the year free of the ball and chain that you’ve become. And once tonight is done,” he paused, and spat his gum into Strong’s face. “I’ll be done with you, too.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Heh-hem.”[/COLOR] Both men turned to find Black Eagle standing in a doorway, with Sienna LeNoir poking her head out of the room beyond. [COLOR="Blue"]“He would like to point out that last month he was on the verge of victory. He holds no grudges – this is not a personal matter for him. But as he did not lose in that match, he considers that he is the logical choice for next month’s championship match. So whether it is Jean Cattley or Erik Strong who emerges victorious tonight, consider yourself on notice – your reign will be short for the Black Eagle will claim his triumph as the old year passes.”[/COLOR] * [B]Erik Strong vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was a best of three falls match, as Strong exercised his rematch clause. They went at it for half an hour (mostly by design – the last five minutes were added for reasons explained below) and put on the match of an otherwise unremarkable night. Strong was focused on regaining his title, Cattley intent on retaining. Strong became more and more reckless, while Cattley seemed to find an inner calm that allowed him to defend himself and hold his own. Strong crashed and burned around the ten minute mark, giving Cattley the lead. But he was unable to put Strong away for good as the youngster showed incredible heart. But his desire got the better of him, and be became still more reckless. Cattley seemed to be biding his time, waiting for the criticial error that came after half an hour when Strong slipped from the top rope through sheer exhaustion. Cattley pounced and, one Mood Swing later, had retained in two straight falls. Winner: Jean Cattley (D+) [B]Overall: D[/B] I goofed here, according to our ad department. I’d accidentally promised the fans a 3 hour show, a la Where It All Begins Again and the RCI, which meant that a lot of matches went way, way too long. * [I]And your KA clue of the day: He's based in the USA [/I]
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I missed Davis Wayne Newton. The kid would always come and fetch me when there was trouble backstage – now I had to wait to hear the shouting before I knew something was happening. I limped in to the locker room. Marv Earnest was standing nose to nose with Kid Arachnid, who still hadn’t taken off his mask. It’s not like we’re in Mexico or anything, I thought irrelevantly. It was a staredown, and Arachnid had the better of that because of his mask. Earnest was giving it a good shot, though, even despite the mask’s mirrored eyepieces. [COLOR="Blue"] “Marv,”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“What now?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Why do you always assume it’s me?”[/COLOR] he yelled, spinning around. [COLOR="Blue"]“Because Jez doesn’t work here anymore,”[/COLOR] I replied, letting a hint of exasperation into my voice. [COLOR="Blue"]“You’ve been doing well, Marv. It’s been months since we had any trouble. Why now?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Just a welcoming joke gone wrong,”[/COLOR] he muttered. [COLOR="Blue"]“A belated welcoming joke,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Arachnid’s been here for months.”[/COLOR] Marv looked like he was going to carry on, but the look in my eye quelled him. [COLOR="Blue"]“Last chance, Marv,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Blue"]“One more incident, and you’ll be canned.”[/COLOR] Once again, you could see him considering arguing, but he let it pass. [COLOR="Blue"]“No more pranks, boss,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Good,”[/COLOR] I said, as I turned and left. * [COLOR="Blue"]“Thanks for coming down,”[/COLOR] I said, as one of our most recent hirings walked to the door. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer,”[/COLOR] Jacob Jett said. [COLOR="Blue"]“You have to do what’s right by you,”[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“I understand. I’ve been there. I was never the long-term hope of a struggling company on the verge of collapse if it didn’t turn its fortunes around, but...”[/COLOR] He laughed. So did I. I was joking, of course. Mostly. I waved him off. He would be incredibly hard to replace, but at least he was off to Japan, where he wouldn’t be strengthening our competition. * TCW have risen to International status in the wrestling world, and snapped up Mainstream Hernandez, Frankie Perez and Art Reed, among others. All were future MAW targets, with Hernandez’s signing in particular a big blow. Although we have a trading agreement with TCW, it’s unlikely we’ll be able to afford Mainstream when the time comes. * [CENTER] [B]MAW End Of Days[/B] Morgan & Benning vs. Antonio & Raphael vs. ??? & ??? Shaffer & Golden (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes for the MAW Tag Team titles [U]RCI qualifier[/U]: The Masked Patriot vs. Ricky Douglas [U]RCI qualifier[/U]: Erik Strong vs. Cameron Vessey [U]RCI qualifier[/U]: Ultimate Phoenix vs. Casey Valentine Black Eagle vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley (c) for the MAW heavyweight title[/CENTER] * And your KA clue for the day: He's an American
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MAW End Of Days Morgan & Benning vs. Antonio & Raphael vs. [B]??? & ???[/B] [B]Shaffer & Golden (c)[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes for the MAW Tag Team titles RCI qualifier: [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas RCI qualifier: Erik Strong vs. [B]Cameron Vessey[/B] RCI qualifier: Ultimate Phoenix vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] Black Eagle vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley (c)[/B] for the MAW heavyweight title
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Morgan & Benning vs. Antonio & Raphael vs. [B]??? & ???[/B] - Antonio's hinted-at megapush seems to have collapsed, and Joe Benning? Lawl. So I'll go for the undisclosed guys. [B]Shaffer & Golden[/B] (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes for the MAW Tag Team titles - As much as I'l love another Canadian Blondes title run, you don't seem to be too hot on them, so Shaffer and Grayson it is. You do mean Grayson, right? ¬_¬ RCI qualifier: The Masked Patriot vs. [B]Ricky Douglas[/B] - Not really sure, I just like him and don't want Cattley to kill him just yet. RCI qualifier: [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Cameron Vessey - He's the former champeen, he has to. RCI qualifier: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs. Casey Valentine - Partly shot-in-the-dark, partly common sense. Black Eagle vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] (c) for the MAW heavyweight title - As with the tag titles, I'd love a Black Eagle reign, but can't see it happening yet. Loving the Sienna stuff though. She's sort of Ravenesque, mixed with 'World of Darkness Tremere Vampire'. Which is cool.
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Morgan & Benning vs. Antonio & Raphael vs. [B]??? & ???[/B] [B]Shaffer & Golden (c)[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes for the MAW Tag Team titles RCI qualifier: [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas [B]RCI qualifier: Erik Strong[/B] vs. Cameron Vessey RCI qualifier: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs. Casey Valentine Black Eagle vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley (c)[/B] for the MAW heavyweight title
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;458185]- Antonio's hinted-at megapush seems to have collapsed, and Joe Benning? Lawl. So I'll go for the undisclosed guys. - As much as I'l love another Canadian Blondes title run, you don't seem to be too hot on them, so Shaffer and Grayson it is. You do mean Grayson, right? ¬_¬[/QUOTE] Antonio sorta got lost in the shuffle. He'll find his feet - eventually... As for the Blondes, well, yeah... Tag teams always give me trouble in the game. I pay double the price for a match generally worse than the one that'd be put on by any two of the workers in a singles match. I love tag matches, though, so give me time to get a settled scene and we'll be off... Proper post soon - I'm trying to stick to a post a day as I'm a bit ahead of the story.
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: End Of Days Friday 26th December 2008[/CENTER][/B] Before the triple-threat tag team match started, the mystery team was revealed to be twins named Matt and Greg Gauge. The connection slowly filtered through the crowd, before Marv Earnest confirmed for all to hear: [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s Sam Keith’s sons!”[/COLOR] [B]Morgan & Benning vs. Antonio & Raphael vs. The Gauge Brothers[/B] This was a debut match of sorts for all three teams, as Thom Morgan and Joe Benning will be teaming for a while, and Antonio and Raphael will be on/off partners. The Gauges, meanwhile, have the whole tag thing down – blitzing their foes with seamless double teaming before Matt put away Benning with a Depth Gauge. Winners: The Gauge Brothers (D) * Matthew Keith took a mic, but before he could say anything, the Hall fell into darkness once more. This time, the screens displayed the number [COLOR="Red"][B]29[/B][/COLOR]. [COLOR="Blue"]“Four weeks, one day,”[/COLOR] the voice announced, almost completely free of distortion. [COLOR="Blue"]“One month left to make your peace. In 29 days, you will see the truth...”[/COLOR] * Backstage, and Trent Shaffer was explaining to Stevie Grayson just how to go about beating The Canadian Blondes. * [B]Shaffer & Grayson (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] There was a fair amount of familiarity here, as three of these competitors tangled repeatedly throughout the first half of the year. Grayson proved to be the X factor, however, as the Blondes struggled to contain him, before he escaped their efforts and put Savage down with a 460 Degree Splash. Winners: Shaffer & Grayson (D) * The Firm came down to the ring, three of their members in sharp suits, Ricky Douglas ready for action. [COLOR="Blue"]“Mid Atlantic Wrestling can consider itself on notice,”[/COLOR] Jean proclaimed over the house mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“The Firm is in control. Tonight will see the four members of our organisation claim victory in their matches. This is our company, and while we tolerate the presence of others, they should be under no illusion that they exist by our leave alone.”[/COLOR] Valentine, Vessey and Cattley then took seats at ringside as Douglas prepared for his match. * [B]RCI qualifier: The Masked Patriot vs. Ricky Douglas[/B] It wasn’t a good start for The Firm. Patriot powered through Douglas’ offence in this short and mostly one-sided encounter, thrashing him from pillar to post as Douglas was able to mount only token offence. Eventually, Patriot crushed him with a Backdrop Driver. Winner: The Masked Patriot * The referee scarcely had time to raise Patriot’s arm before he was run over by a huge black man, who proceeded to tear apart the masked man. Marv on commentary went ballistic: [COLOR="Blue"]”What’s he doing here? He doesn’t work for Mid Atlantic Wrestling. That’s ‘The Rookie Monster’, Primus Allen!!”[/COLOR] Douglas dragged himself upright as Allen planted Patriot with a Flying Lariat. He nodded to Allen, who nodded in return – before nearly decapitating Douglas with a vicious boot to the face. Scooping Douglas up, he bounced off the ropes and flattened him with a Running Powerslam. Only then did The Firm enter the ring, surrounding Allen as he sized them up. Then Cattley grinned, and offered his hand to the Rookie Monster. Allen, beaming, shook it. The four men lined up together, laughing as they looked down at Patriot and Douglas. Casey Valentine took the mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ricky, we’ve been trying to think of a way to say this for a while. You’re not a bad guy. You get the drinks in, you’re okay as a bodyguard I guess... But you haven’t won a match since Bill Clinton could be trusted. Really, given the choice between you and Primus Allen here, I think you have to agree that we’ve made the right choice. Have a nice life, Ricky – we’ll FedEx you your stuff, eventually.”[/COLOR] Cameron took the mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now, we said four wins in four matches, and we meant it. So whatever schmoe backstage thinks that they might have a chance against the Rookie Monster, come on down!”[/COLOR] Kashmir Singh answered the call, as C-V-2 dragged Patriot from the ring, and Cattley kicked Douglas under the bottom rope. * [B]Kashmir Singh vs. Primus Allen[/B] This was even shorter and more one-sided than the previous match, with Singh completely overpowered by the dominant Allen, who barely broke a sweat before wiping Singh out with a Running Powerslam Winners: Primus Allen (E+) * Backstage, and The Gauge Brothers came face to face with the champs: [COLOR="Blue"]“As we were about to say before we were interrupted,”[/COLOR] Matthew led off, [COLOR="Blue"]”we want a shot at your titles.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, that’s cool,”[/COLOR] Trent said. [COLOR="Blue"]“See you next month” “Count on it,”[/COLOR] Greg said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh, and one other thing?” “What?”[/COLOR] Grayson asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’re going to win,”[/COLOR] Greg said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Nothing personal, yeah?” “No, no problem,”[/COLOR] Shaffer said. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ve all got to have dreams, my man.”[/COLOR] * The camera cut to Erik Strong: [COLOR="Blue"]“So just like that, my title is gone. But we all know that the Invitational champion is guaranteed a title shot. So the next couple of months I’ll be busy winning the Invitational championship. And then after that, at the first available opportunity, I’ll be cashing in my shot and taking back my title.”[/COLOR] * [B]RCI qualifier: Erik Strong vs. Cameron Vessey[/B] Strong seemed off his game, having lost his title and been knocked to the back of the line for a rematch in two short months. Vessey exploited this for all he was worth, wearing Strong down before he was able to get his head in the game. As Katie Cameron cheered him on from ringside, Strong mounted a comeback, he was starting from too far behind, and fell victim to a Vessey Driver as the #13 seed upset the #4 seed. Winner: Cameron Vessey (D) * Backstage, and Maked Patriot was being treated in the medic’s room when Primus Allen jumped him once more and thrashed him around the room, before slamming him on a gurney and pitching him, headfirst, into the wall. * Ultimate Phoenix had something to say: [COLOR="Blue"]“It seems like someone must stand in the way of the dastardly Firm, and who better than a bonafide hero such as myself? Casey Valentine, tonight I face you in the Rip Chord Invitational. But should the unlikely occur and I lose, then I want to challenge your leader, Jean Cattley, next month.”[/COLOR] * [B]RCI qualifier: Ultimate Phoenix vs. Casey Valentine[/B] For their third – or fourth – match of the night, The Firm circled the ring, with Cameron Vessey and Jean Cattley on either side of the ring, while Allen stood by the aisle. Clearly The Firm had taken offence to Phoenix’ comments. Phoenix didn’t know which way to look, and this distraction cost him dear. Although he fought hard, he constantly double-checked his position in the ring to make sure he couldn’t be caught by one of the outside Firm members, and this allowed Valentine to score another upset, hitting a Sweet Sweet Heartbreak to take the #11 seed through at the expense of the #7 seed. Winner: Casey Valentine (D) * Jean Cattley had the mic once more, but before the fans could get sick of hearing him talk, Sienna LeNoir trailed out to ringside behind Black Eagle. [COLOR="Blue"]“Your end is now, Cattley. The Black Eagle has come for you. You can keep your protectors, for they matter not. The Black Eagle will reign tonight, and you will be left to your tiny plans of dominance.”[/COLOR] * [B]Black Eagle vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW heavyweight title[/COLOR] Ugh. Bad chemistry strikes again. The two workers I was sure could overcome the heel/heel problems that MAW fans have managed to do so admirably – Cattley’s actions throughout the night had built the fans into a cauldron of loathing against him, and Eagle is enigmatic enough to make a passable tweener. But while their performances were excellent, in-ring it just didn’t happen. The timing was off, everything looked stiff and rehearsed – and this after I’d given them clearance to be spontaneous – and while they managed to work with each other, what should have been a classic was just another match, ending with a Mood Swing from Cattley to bring The Firm in to celebrate their triumphal night. Winner: Jean Cattley (D) [B]Overall: D[/B] * Hated to finish on a heel/heel match – I know from the RCI that they never work properly. [I]Your Kid Arachnid clue for the day: He's an active wrestler (so it's not Rip under there. Or me :p)[/I]
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I foresee an ego clash in the Firm very soon. Like when Casey doesn't want to job to Cattley, who should win as he's their leader. Or worse, when Casey actually defeats Cattley. Good luck with the Gauge brothers, they usually don't last long in smaller feds.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;458514] [B]Shaffer & Golden (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] There was a fair amount of familiarity here, as three of these competitors tangled repeatedly throughout the first half of the year. Grayson proved to be the X factor, however, as the Blondes struggled to contain him, before he escaped their efforts and put Savage down with a 460 Degree Splash. Winners: Shaffer & Golden (D)[/quote] GRAYSON, damnit, GRAYSON! Golden wrestle fo' the other team, yo. :p
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;458665]GRAYSON, damnit, GRAYSON! Golden wrestle fo' the other team, yo. :p[/QUOTE] [I]Don't know what you're talking about :p And The Firm aren't the ones with ego issues - fortunately, or otherwise. That accolade goes to someone else on the roster.[/I] * It was a shame to see Ricky leave. Rip hadn’t been entirely happy about it, but long term, I figured, it’d work out better. His contract had come up at the wrong time – with the Gauges coming onboard, it was pretty much the case that someone had to go. Ricky is, well, not a very good wrestler. He’s young, and may improve, but working one show a month at most was doing him no good. Primus Allen makes a much better enforcer for The Firm, matches up perfectly with Masked Patriot, and is a hugely promising young star. As for the Gauges, well, they’re walking proof that genetics is a science. Twins, no less, they’re only a couple of years away from being as good as their dad – and their availability softened the blow of losing out on Jay. Interestingly, Matthew has also signed on with USPW – but not Greg. We’ll have to see if that changes. * [COLOR="Blue"]“How’d we do, kid?”[/COLOR] Rip asked, as I watched the ball on TV. [COLOR="purple"]“Well, Phoenix made the top 100. More for his stuff in Coastal Zone and MPWF, but still – he’s an MAW guy. We’re going to have to move the Invitational to the Saturday night. Not my choice, but we need Phoenix, Kirk and maybe Joe as well – they all have other commitments on the Friday.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“I remember from last year. Now, tell me about last year.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Well, MAW is considerably more popular than this time last year. We’re rising in the Mid Atlantic, and we have a foothold in the South East and Great Lakes regions as well.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“And tell me about the money,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="blue"]“The moolah, the greenbacks, the folding.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Oh, that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Yeah, that,”[/COLOR] Rip growled. On screen, the crowd was counting down. [COLOR="purple"]“Well, in 2008 we lost $35,000. Now, before you go ballistic, we’d have been ahead except for August. The weekly shows were a worthwhile experiment, but expensive. And this year I expect us to make money.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“$35,000?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Well, no, probably not.”[/COLOR] Rip glared at me, but I stood my ground. The lights were dimmed in the room, and I doubted that Rip could see my white knuckles clenching the handle of my cane. Slowly, a smile spread across Rip’s face. [COLOR="blue"]“Damn, kid, relax. You look like you’re trying to pass a cinder block or something. We’re not broke. The economy will have to turn someday soon, and when it does we’ve got a fantastic roster, right?”[/COLOR] I nodded, letting out a breath. [COLOR="blue"]“Good. Now, go make hay while the year is fresh and new.”[/COLOR] Smirking now, he headed back to the party, where the MAW gang was counting down the last few seconds of the year. Greg and Matt Gauge each had a girl in their laps, and while half the group were too young to drink, everyone seemed happy. Especially Jenny and Jakki, the girls in question. Across the room, Phoenix – sans mask – raised a glass to me, and I nodded in return. 2008, I decided, was going to be the taster. In 2009, MAW was going to make its mark for real. Suddenly, I felt lips pressed against my cheek, just as the ball dropped and everyone exploded into cheers and embraces. Looking to my right, I found Katie Cameron smiling sheepishly at me. [COLOR="blue"]“You looked kinda lost,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="blue"]“And Jacob’s not here, so I had to give [I]someone[/I] a kiss as the ball dropped.”[/COLOR] I laughed. [COLOR="purple"]“Thanks,”[/COLOR] I said, pulling her in for a quick kiss on the forehead. [COLOR="darkorchid"]“Jacob’s a lucky man.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Thank you for hiring him. It was fun to work together again.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Well, when his tour finishes, he’ll be welcome back.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Do you think there’ll be room for him?”[/COLOR] she asked. [COLOR="purple"]“Of course. I can always find room for talent. I am the man with the ideas.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Including this big storyline I keep hearing about?”[/COLOR] I grinned. [COLOR="purple"]“Especially that one. And no, not even you could charm it out of me, Miss Cameron.”[/COLOR] She laughed. [COLOR="blue"]“Oh, shucks. You know how to spoil my fun.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“I’m the road agent. That’s my job. Now, go on and join the others. I have to put the finishing touches to the Invitational before I can enjoy myself...”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][B]2008: The Year in Review[/B][/CENTER] [B]Wrestler Of The Year[/B]: Johnny Bloodstone – it’s been a far from banner year from NOTBPW, rebounding from the twin departures of the Stone brothers in 2007. But Bloodstone has been a tremendous high point, a year-long run as Canadian champion seeing him take part in over thirty stunning matches. [B]Young Wrestler Of The Year[/B]: Magnum KOBE – The fire-haired WLW stalwart took part in nearly a hundred matches in 2008, showing skills that belie his modest years. His form improved as the year went on, although a mid-summer spell of matches against the Great Hisato and Awesome Thunder, featuring a variety of tag partners on both sides, was the highlight. [B]Veteran Wrestler Of The Year[/B]: Yosuke ‘Awesome Thunder’ Narita – The 43 year old Narita is a WLW veteran who has contributed hugely to its spectacular 2007. Wrestling more than 90 matches, his personal highlight was a stunning November match against Kobe that saw the youngster triumph. [B]Female Wrestler Of The Year[/B]: Sensational Ogiwara - A strong field, but as always Ogiwara is at or near the top. The legend took part in over sixty matches, with a number of strong showings, and capped the year in style with a thrilling victory over Dragon Assassin. [B]Promotion Of The Year[/B]: SWF – Time and again they take their knocks, but after a shabby 2007, SWF returned to the top in 2008 with a stunning piece of booking that Squeaky McClean win the World title. McClean was an inspired choice, retaining against all comers despite his wacky gimmick. The curious absence of Marc DuBois, who dropped the Shooting Star title in June and made just a handful of appearances thereafter, could be the big story of the New Year, however. [B]Most Improved Promotion Of The Year[/B]: TCW – Hollywood reigns supreme, despite the rapid dissolution of The Syndicate being regarded as one of the wasted opportunities of the year. TCW flourished in the second half of the year as head booker Joel Bryant got to grips with things, and a late surge saw them rise to International status once more. They are biting at SWF’s heels as the New Year begins. [B]Match of the Year[/B]: NOTBPW – Johnny Bloodstone def. Dan Stone Jr. in January [B]Show Of The Year[/B]: NOTBPW September Scramble – A far from brilliant undercard (Scottsfield/Cavanagh? A double count-out in Hash/Brown?) was rescued by the almost peerless pairing of Jeremy/Love and Bloodstone/McFly at the top of the card. A pair of stunning battles that both placed in the top five for the MOTY category. * [I]Your Kid Arachnid clue for the day: He's a Middleweight Next on 10 Simple Rules: An RCI preview written by a familiar name - and who is Kid Arachnid?[/I]
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