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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Remember November Friday, 26th November 2009[/CENTER][/B] [B]Riley McManus and Shane Nelson vs. C-V-2 (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] We returned to Stanley Hall for this show, and a sell-out crowd of 300 got into this opening match, which saw the champions shamelessly taunt their opponents – admitted lesser lights in the company. The champs had control for most of the match, although Nelson put on some good aerials mid way through to gain a few moments respite, with Vessey taking the win with a Flying V Winners: C-V-2 (D-) * A nautical theme hit the speakers, marking the entrance of Hugh de Aske, a piratical-looking wrestler who enters the arena aboard a rowboat pushed along by his crew. If he makes it to the big leagues, his entrance may be a bit more impressive. * [B]RCI: Stevie Grayson vs. Hugh de Aske[/B] Yowza. I knew that we had a good match on our hands here, and gave these two permission to throw themselves into it without restraint... But yowza. The piratical debutant wasted no time making his mark in the company, squaring up to Grayson and attempting to keelhaul him by dominating him from the off. HdA’s brawling style kept the Traditional champion on the backpedal throughout the early going, until he was able to use his superior speed to find a way back into the match. The two fighters went at it without mercy for almost fifteen minutes, before Grayson was able to snatch victory with a Shining Wizard, but de Aske emerged from the match looking like a viable threat to the established MAW stars. Winner: Stevie Grayson (C-) * Jefferson Stardust came to the ring, accompanied by the lovely Kristen Pearce. They entered the ring, and Kristen removed Jefferson’s fur coat. Jefferson had something to say: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello my children. It’s been a while since I had the chance to address you. I’m looking well. For those of you who don’t know, my latest masterpiece is available from my website. Tonight, I begin my challenge for the Rip Chord Invitational. I wasn’t surprised to be invited – how could the tournament go ahead without me? But this year, I know that I will be a success in this ring, as well as in the charts.”[/COLOR] Laid-back beach vibes sounding almost, but not quite, like California Girls by the Beach Boys hit the PA, and Trent Shaffer came down to the ring. He nodded to Jefferson, and took a mic: [COLOR="Blue"]“’Sup, Jeff? Listen, big fan of your music, right here. That’s some good stuff – I play it at the right moment, and the girls will run right into my bedroom to get away from the noise. So thanks, man. I really appreciate it. But seriously, this whole thing you’ve got goin’ on with how you’re gonna win the Invitational? Just no, seriously. You have to be honest. Look at the field. Admit that the last time you won a match was half-past-never. Even if you get past me – and it could happen – there’s someone down the road who’ll beat you.” “Trent, Trent, Trent... I will agree that my success has been limited of late. But every day is a new day. Every match is the first match of the rest of our lives... Why look to the past? We cannot return there, or change what has occurred. We can only affect the future – and the future for me is success, glory and fame.”[/COLOR] * [B]RCI: Trent Shaffer vs. Jefferson Stardust[/B] A decent match, with Jefferson’s lack of in-ring talent being offset by Shaffer’s abundance thereof. Shaffer picked up the win after some entertaining exchanges with a Heart Burn. Winner: Trent Shaffer (D-) * Backstage, and Kashmir Singh burst into The Firm’s locker room, making a beeline for Primus Allen. He attacked the Rookie Monster without pause, and the brawl that this spawned spilled out of the locker room and into the arena proper. When it reached the ring Chad Brent called for the bell, signalling the start to a match that had already been in progress for several minutes. * [B]RCI: Kashmir Singh vs. Primus Allen[/B] Not the first time these two have squared off, nor likely to be the last. Singh put up a spirited showing, including a hugely impressive powerslam on the much larger Allen that earned him a close near fall. Ultimately, however, he was overwhelmed by Allen’s strength as The Firm’s enforcer booked a place in the next round. Winner: Primus Allen (D) * After the match, Allen issued a beatdown on Singh, to add emphasis to his victory. * The Masked Patriot came down to the ring for his match. He saluted the crowd from all four turnbuckles, but before he could do any more he was jumped from behind by Antonio and Raphael. Before they could do any real damage, however, he shrugged them off and clotheslined Antonio over the top rope. Chad Brent called for the bell, and the announced match began. * [B]The Masked Patriot vs. Raphael[/B] It makes me proud to think of how badly a match like this might have gone when I took over as head booker less than two years on. Both men are competent in-ring, and are capable of putting on an enjoyable match without any of the bigger names around. In the end, Patriot’s righteous anger at being attacked was enough to allow him to score the pin after a Backdrop Driver. Winner: The Masked Patriot (D) * Antonio looked disappointed as he entered the ring, but he shrugged it off and called out Erik Strong. [COLOR="Blue"]“Erik, you and I have been dealing with one another since this company was born. We’ve never settled once and for all who the bigger deal is – maybe we never will. But tonight a place at the Invitational is at stake. As a former champion, you know I’ll be doing my absolute utmost to take you down.”[/COLOR] Strong emerged from backstage. [COLOR="Blue"]“Antonio, we have been around the block, so we both know what the other is capable of. Take what happened just now – you and your personal assistant couldn’t take out Masked Patriot, even with surprise on your side. Now, I’m not as strong as him – but there’s only one of you, and no surprise on your side. I think the odds might be in my favour. Besides, it’s long past time that I won the Invitational.”[/COLOR] * [B]RCI: Erik Strong vs. Antonio[/B] With Katie Cameron cheering him on at ringside, Erik took the fight to the former RCI champion. These two old foes have each other well scouted after so long in the same company, and put on a decent match – although they have their limitations as well, which meant that the match didn’t sparkle. Strong took the win with a Strongsault to advance. Winner: Erik Strong (D-) * Darryl Devine had something to say: [COLOR="Blue"]“Whoop-de-do, Stevie Grayson took his title back. The only reason I was interested in it in the first place was to get to him. So forgive me if I don’t bother chasing after it again. Been there, done that. No, my eyes right now are on the big belt – so Parker, get out here and get ready to hand over that belt."[/COLOR] Steven Parker emerged from backstage: [COLOR="Blue"]“Darryl, I’m impressed. Last month, you lost to Stevie. Some might call that an omen, and avoid challenging a Steven – one who’s still employed up north, incidentally."[/COLOR] Parker grinned wickedly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Just kidding, Stevie. But seriously... Darryl, you’re challenging me? Well, I guess it’ll be worth my while kicking your ass. It’s always funny to see you lose.”[/COLOR] * [B]Steven Parker (c) vs. Darryl Devine[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Parker’s first title defence came against a former SWF running buddy, and their passing familiarity with each other contributed to a very good match. For over twenty minutes the action went back and forth, with Devine trying every sneaky trick in the book, as Parker countered with honest workrate. The dynamic was a good one, and the crowds bought into it as the advantage see-sawed back and forth, before Parker hit finally a Future Shock to make the successful defence. Winner: Steven Parker (C-) [B]Overall: D+[/B]
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After our recent backstage troubles, I’ve brought in former women’s legend Heidi Brooks as an extra backstage body. She’s highly respected, and seems a decent sort, so we’ll see if she helps calm things down backstage. * After the show, I awaited the arrival of Rip and Jay Chord. True to my word, they’d been banned from the arena – and after speaking to Ultimate Phoenix and Heidi, I’d come up with a way around our current impasse. [COLOR="Blue"]“Here’s the deal,”[/COLOR] I said, before they had the chance to sit down. [COLOR="Blue"]“I was unprofessional last month in venting my frustrations in front of the whole locker room. I admit that, and I apologise. “However, you both know that I’m your best chance for making this company something to further your names in this business. If Jay goes to another company full-time, he’ll spend his career paying for your mistakes,”[/COLOR] I pointed at Rip, [COLOR="Blue"]“until everyone you ----ed off is dead – and then he’ll start paying for his mistakes, ad infinitum. On the other hand,”[/COLOR] I went on, turning to face Jay, [COLOR="Blue"]“if Rip tries to run this company, he’ll drive everyone away within two years – the locker room was on the verge of imploding when I arrived, after all.”[/COLOR] They said nothing – I was speaking the truth, but they could hardly admit it. [COLOR="Blue"]“This company is the only place where the two of you stand a chance of unchallenged success over the next few years – and that’s purely because I’m prepared to tolerate an awful lot of ---- from the two of you. But that tolerance comes with conditions: The two of you will work together. Personally, I’d like it if you could sort out your problems, but professionally I’ll settle for you being civil to one another. And that’s because, backstage, Rip is now responsible for your actions, Jay.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I am no longer willing to take charge of your discipline – this is Rip’s company, and he’s your father. I have no right to try and discipline you. Therefore, I’m placing the matter entirely in his hands. I’m hoping that you’ll calm down and become the locker room leader this company needs someone with the surname Chord to be – but I’ll settle for you not being a pain in everyone’s ass. “Whatever happens, you’re Rip’s responsibility to deal with.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid, I-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“This is not open to debate.”[/COLOR] My voice was calm and steady, my hands were flat on the desk, and my gaze was fixed on a point somewhere between their shoulders. I was still furious with them, but knew that letting that fact show would be taken as a sign of weakness. The two men glared at me, and then at one another. I’d made use of the stick. Now it was time for the carrot. [COLOR="Blue"]“But I have some more news for you as well,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve been looking at our plans for the Invitational, and I’ve just thought of a way to include Jay in it. Listen...”[/COLOR] * I’m hoping that we’re going to be okay – Jay is now on his own in being a bad influence backstage. With the departures of Marv and Black Eagle, he’s the only disruptive personality in the company – although he is a ‘poisonous presence’, probably because of how angry he is with me. I’m hoping that abdicating my responsibility (read: ignoring whatever he gets up to in the next few months) will make him happy without destroying the backstage atmosphere. And if he gets out of hand, I can try and fire him – although with his connections backstage, it may be him or me, I guess. * Now look, a joke’s a joke, but when Ernest Forthdyke O’Hume, who’s done nothing but manage the Canadian Blondes for the last two years, decides he’s worth a cut of the money his merchandise brings in, then I have to wonder what he’s smoking. We don’t test for drugs in MAW. Maybe we should. * TCW have been issued with ratings warnings by America-Sports-1, Canada On-Air and CBA. In unrelated news, Joey Minnesota just won the International title, while Gengis Rahn is the new World champion. Maybe file that one under related news, huh? James ‘Mainstream’ Hernandez won his first All Action title this week, as well. Tommy Cornell is apparently feeling the strain. With TCW running nine shows a month, he’s only taken part in thirty matches in the last year – well under a third of all possible shows. Free tip, Tommy – more of you on your shows would probably equal less sucky ratings. * The MAW Heavyweight title is up to A* prestige, which is something to cheer about at the moment. * [CENTER][B]December – End Of Days[/B] Stevie Grayson vs. Hugh de Aske RCI: Kirk Jameson vs. Findlay O’Farraday RCI: The Masked Patriot vs. Curtis Jenkins RCI: Riley McManus vs. Darryl Devine RCI: Shane Nelson vs. Jay Chord Erik Strong vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley Steven Parker vs. Cameron Vessey[/CENTER]
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December – End Of Days [B]Stevie Grayson [/B]vs. Hugh de Aske RCI: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Findlay O’Farraday RCI: [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins RCI: Riley McManus vs.[B] Darryl Devine[/B] RCI: Shane Nelson vs. Jay [B]Chord[/B] Erik Strong vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Cameron Vessey
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December – End Of Days [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske RCI: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Findlay O’Farraday RCI: [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins RCI: Riley McManus vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] RCI: Shane Nelson vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] Erik Strong vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Steven Parker [/B]vs. Cameron Vessey
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Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] RCI: [B]Kirk Jameson [/B]vs. Findlay O’Farraday RCI: [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins RCI: Riley McManus vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] RCI: Shane Nelson vs. [B]Jay Chord [/B] Erik Strong vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Cameron Vessey
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Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] RCI: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Findlay O’Farraday RCI: [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins RCI: Riley McManus vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] RCI: Shane Nelson vs. [B]Jay Chord [/B] Erik Strong vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Cameron Vessey
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[B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske [I]De Aske isn't ready for a win of this magnitude yet. Plus, he's a comedy act.[/I] RCI: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Findlay O’Farraday [I]Findlay hasn't got the skill to get you the matches you want for the RCI.[/I] RCI: [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins [I]Patriot is really stepping up and could take the whole tourny.[/I] RCI: Riley McManus vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] [I]McManus could also take this one if my somewhat strange prediction for the next match doesn't go my way. Two "Upset Kids" might be a bit much, though.[/I] RCI: [B]Shane Nelson[/B] vs. Jay Chord [I]Something tells me there could be something going on with Jay taking a surprising loss here to set up some sort of storyline. Could just be my imagination is in overdrive.[/I]:p Erik Strong vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] [I]Cattley is probably still your best guy and he might be positioned for another rematch sometime soon.[/I] [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Cameron Vessey [I]Parker's doing so well right now you probably won't take the belt off him for the forseeable future.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Showtime4Lajf;473270][B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske [I]De Aske isn't ready for a win of this magnitude yet. Plus, he's a comedy act.[/I][/QUOTE] [I]Good logic - exactly the same logic I used. But it's worth bearing one thing in mind: Hugh de Aske in my game is [U]awesome[/U]. If I keep him for more than 12 months, I'll be stunned - he's destined for SWF greatness, I think. Anyway, matches...[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: End Of Days Friday, 26th December 2009[/CENTER] Stevie Grayson (c) vs. Hugh de Aske[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Like Black Eagle before him, Stevie seems to have a problem losing matches. This was a way to transition the Traditional title back into the midcard – where it belongs after a year of bouncing around among the main eventers. Sadly, the match wasn’t a patch on last month’s effort, as Stevie was off his game and Hugh could only cover so much. He took the win after a Cut Throat Driver, and looked delighted to be the new champion. Winner: Hugh de Aske (D) * As Hugh raised the belt over his head, the arena erupted in a downpour of ticker-tape. Hugh’s rowboat was once more pushed down the aisle, and perched seductively in the stern was a much-changed Sienna LeNoir, now looking thoroughly wench-like in her rags, tags and bandanna. Hugh clambered out of the ring and into the boat, where he pulled Sienna into his arms and they started making out, to the surprise of myself and Rock on commentary. * [B]RCI: Kirk Jameson vs. Findlay O’Farraday[/B] I may be guilty of overlooking Kirk Jameson somewhat. He arrived with a lot of promises regarding his potential. Two years in, it seems there may be something to it. He and Findlay really clicked in this match, putting on an entertaining bout that was the equal of our opener. O’Farraday was over-reliant on power moves, allowing Kirk to out manoeuvre him and hit the Bullseye for the win. Winner: Kirk Jameson (D) * After the decision, Findlay screamed in rage. He pulverised Kirk with a lariat, before decking Chad Brent. He charged backstage, scattering trainers and production staff as he ran. * [B]RCI: The Masked Patriot vs. Curtis Jenkins[/B] We seem to have hit our level – good, average matches that wouldn’t look out of place a couple of rungs up the promotional ladder. Jenkins may never make it in the big leagues, but he has decent fundamentals, and that’s really all Patriot needs to use as a springboard for a decent match. Patriot advanced with a Backdrop Driver Winner: The Masked Patriot (D) * Before Patriot could celebrate his victory, he was bowled over from behind by Findlay O’Farraday, who smashed the masked man to the mat, and delivered a series of hard kicks, before smashing him into the mat with a choke bomb. * Darryl Devine sneered at the crowd as he walked to the ring, and flipped the bird at Riley McManus and Chad Brent as he took the mic to address the crowd: [COLOR="Blue"]“This is a joke, right? McManus, just forfeit now, and it’ll save you getting your ass kicked.”[/COLOR] McManus returned the favour, flipping Devine the bird, before poking him in the eye. Chad Brent rang the bell to start the match and, as the eyepoke occurred before the bell rang, McManus was able to continue his attack unabated. * [B]RCI: Riley McManus vs. Darryl Devine[/B] Nothing astounding again in this match, as one of our *cough* lesser lights faced off against one of our true superstars, Darryl Devine. Devine recovered from the pre-emptive attack after a few minutes, and took control. He toyed with McManus a little, before putting him down with a Devine Dream Drop Winner: Darryl Devine (D) * Jay Chord came out to an almighty chorus of [COLOR="Green"]“You ----ed up! You ----ed up!”[/COLOR]. He didn’t take it well, yelling back at the crowd, and getting in the face of one old lady who seemed to be having a particularly good time in cursing someone a third her age. Good old Heidi. [COLOR="Red"]“Shut up!”[/COLOR] Jay yelled, as he took the mic. The fans responded appropriately, the volume increasing still further. On commentary, Rip maintained a diplomatic silence. [COLOR="Red"]“To hell with all of you,”[/COLOR] Jay snarled. [COLOR="Red"]“I don’t care what you say, or what you think. I don’t even care that I lost – I got to beat up my worthless excuse for a father, and he only won by hitting me with a chair. That’s your hero! “God only knows why I came back here, but while I’m here, I might as well continue to prove to everyone watching that I’m just so much better than anyone else in this two-bit company.”[/COLOR] * [B]RCI: Shane Nelson vs. Jay Chord[/B] Normally the fans couldn’t care less about Shane Nelson, but they were eager for him to kick Jay’s ass tonight. Jay played up to it for all he was worth – and he and Shane put on a very good match, with an almost telepathic understanding that it would be nice to think that he might share with some of our main eventers. The ending was never really in doubt, as Jay hit the Super DDT for the win, but Nelson did enough to earn a good reaction from the crowd Winner: Jay Chord (D) * Jean Cattley had something to say. His icy demeanour was in danger of cracking as he paced back and forth in the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]“Someone seems to have forgotten that the deposed champion has an automatic rematch clause. Not only did I not get my rematch last month, I wasn’t even on the show. I didn’t get my rematch this month, either – and as another slap in my face, one of my colleagues get the shot instead. At least he didn’t ask for it – I might have had to kick someone else out of The Firm. Instead, I got offered a consolation prize – beating the man I took the title off in the first place. Someone’s idea of a joke.”[/COLOR] Erik Strong appeared, one eyebrow raised: [COLOR="Blue"]“Consolation prize? Joke? Jean, please. Listen to yourself. Maybe your attitude is the reason you didn’t get a shot. Or maybe it’s down to the fact that you had three chances to beat Steven Parker, and didn’t manage it once. Whatever – if you need a reminder that the rest of the people in this company are at the same level as you, I’m here to give it.”[/COLOR] * [B]Erik Strong vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] Consistency is good, but improvement is good too. This was the best match of the evening, with a strong showing at ringside from Katie Cameron, as always. The match see-sawed back and forth, as the two workers know each other inside and out, but in the end Cattley came out on top once more with a Mood Swing. Winner: Jean Cattley (D+) * Cameron Vessey hyped up his selection as Steven Parker’s new challenger. Parker interrupted him to explain that he’d requested the match – as a former head of The Firm, he wanted to find out what passed for a member these days. * [B] Steven Parker (c) vs. Cameron Vessey[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] So much for progress. These two had no chemistry in the ring, which really hurt the match. I know that Parker and Valentine, to pick an obvious example, have good chemistry in the ring as I’ve watched them work backstage. For some reason, we never trialled Parker and Vessey. This match was about twenty-five minutes (too) long, none of which was worth describing. A flat end to a good night’s action, sadly. Winner: Steven Parker (D) [B]Overall: D+[/B] (Thank you, Erik and Jean...) * I don’t know what I did to the MAW fans – maybe they hated the Jay/Rip match as much as I did? Whatever the reason, we’ve just about filled the 300-seat Stanley Hall in the last two months, compared to a near sell-out of the 1000-capacity Delaware Auditorium in October. And this is with business on the up. Strange... * [I]Next: Should auld acquaintance be forgot? Thanks to everyone who nominated me in the diary awards, by the way. I'll be voting for [URL=""]d_w_w[/URL], [URL=""]Rathen4[/URL] or [URL=""]McShamrock[/URL] as I can't vote for myself :p[/I]
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Over $5,000 profit once more – another few months of that and we’ll be back at the $100,000 Rip handed over to me, two years back. And maybe then I can blow it all on touring shows again... * The European League of Professional Fighters has opened in Central Europe. Run by Derrick Merrick, it plans to present a sort of worked/shoot hybrid. Fortunately, they didn’t try running this a couple of years back – there was hardly any MMA-type guys in Europe a while ago. They’ve still picked up Hugh de Aske, though – who’s not exactly going to excel in that kind of environment. * [COLOR="Purple"]“Talk to me, kid,”[/COLOR] Rip said, as we reached five minutes to midnight. The MAW New Years’ party was pretty sparsely populated this year – Jay and Ota, for example, were working the New Years’ Eve show for TCW. There were still a few people around, and Rip still wanted to work. [COLOR="Blue"]“Twenty-one thousand in profits this year. The MAW title is the most prestigious belt for any company our size, as well,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Blue"]“The family feud worked wonders at the box office,”[/COLOR] I added, as it did me no harm to massage Rip’s ego. Rip smirked. He’s not stupid – but likewise, he’s not about to object to that sort of thing, either. [COLOR="Purple"]“Another year, then, kid,”[/COLOR] he said, nodding to me as he walked off. I nodded at his back. [COLOR="Blue"]“James?”[/COLOR] I looked around. Katie was there, looking still lovelier than she had the year before. [COLOR="Blue"]“Where’s Jacob?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“He missed his flight,”[/COLOR] she sighed. [COLOR="Blue"]“Looks like you’re stuck with me again this year.”[/COLOR] I laughed. [COLOR="Blue"]“I couldn’t choose better,”[/COLOR] I assured her, meaning every word. Somewhere along the way, Heidi had noticed how attractive I found Katie, and now spent most of each day teasing me about it. I was hoping that the novelty would wear off soon – that or we’d somehow snatch Hannah Potter away from the SWF. Rumours about me and her I would have [I]no[/I] problem with. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m sorry we couldn’t bring him back full-time,”[/COLOR] I said. Not that sorry, I added, mentally. Jett’s price had doubled since his last stint with us. Signing him would have had the likes of Kirk Jameson and Cameron Vessey demanding pay parity. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s okay,”[/COLOR] she sighed. [COLOR="Blue"]“He’s happy where he is, I’m happy where I am...”[/COLOR] I grimaced, trying to remember whether Katie had a contract with a Canadian company. I nodded – 4C. She got to work with Jacob when she was up there... but hadn’t he ditched 4C a few months before? [I]Oh boy.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"] “You really need to speak to him,”[/COLOR] I said, firmly. [COLOR="Blue"]“There aren’t many people who can make a go of relationships in this business. I’d hate to see one of the good ones founder because of a lack of communication. And I’m sure you’d find work up north if you had to leave.”[/COLOR] She smiled weakly. As the clock struck twelve, we embraced, and I tried to ignore the growing damp patch on my shoulder as her tears spilled freely onto me. * [U]The Year In Review[/U]: [B]Wrestler Of The Year[/B]: Johnny Bloodstone – A repeat victory for Bloodstone, who continues to be one of the finest wrestlers in the world, and certainly the most consistent. Despite losing 32 of his 65 matches this year, pretty much the only time he dropped below an ‘A’ grade match was when he was carrying Bruce The Giant as his tag partner. Consider that, if you will. [B]Young Wrestler Of The Year[/B]: Emerald Angel – One of the finest masks in the world, and a highly talented youngster underneath it. Angel was consistent all year long, with the odd spark of genius that suggests that the 23 year old could be the next big thing in the Japanese junior heavyweight scene. [B]Veteran Wrestler Of The Year[/B]: Jeremy Stone – Worked an awful lot of matches against Johnny Bloodstone, but even without him across the ring, he still put together some astounding matches with talents as diverse as Owen Love and Marat Khoklov. [B]Female Wrestler Of The Year[/B]: Thunder Hike – With the retirement of Sensational Ogiwara early in the year, this award was wide open. Hike retired after 5SSW’s Demonology tour in August, but during the first eight months of the year she put together a series of stunning performances in over forty matches. [B]Promotion Of The Year[/B]: BHOTWG – Rarely dropping below very good, BHOTWG put on dozens of stunning shows during 2009, to considerable success. [B]Most Improved Promotion Of The Year[/B]: NOTBPW – Sort of a comeback, given how wretched 2007 and 2008 were for the Canadian titans, 2009 saw them make their big comeback to once again take their place as the most prestigious (if not most popular or important) company in the world. [B]Match of the Year[/B]: Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Eisaku Kunomasu to retain the Glory Crown title, PGHW Amazement Tour in July [B]Show Of The Year[/B]: PGHW Amazement Tour, Saturday 13th August 2009 – Coming off the PGHW Night of Honour, which was also a vastly impressive show, the buzz seemed to lift the performers to yet greater heights the following night. * I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned, but Rock Downpour and Rip have great chemistry when calling matches. Me, I just play referee when needed, and try and keep them vaguely on track when they go off on a tangent. Anyway, I figure that this is the reason that Rock took a $200 pay cut when he re-signed with us this month – he’s having too much fun to worry about cash. Maybe he’s bilking NYCW for more money now? I don’t really care - $200 saved is $200 earned. If not more. * Johnny Bloodstone is pretty unlikely to threepeat as Wrestler of the Year – he’s gone down with a Shattered Knee that’ll keep him out of the ring for thirteen months. All I can say is that I sympathise...
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Daaamn you, destiny stat!!! ... and... damn Hugh's wrestling skills... and... yeah... he's got a lot going for him... At least Stevie knows what up. He's the only one who understands... :( :p For whatever reason I don't think I've ever seen Bloodstone as the wrestler of the year in my games but it certainly makes sense. The honor does tend to go to Canada or the Orient no matter what, though. Until my push of Ben Williams completes and he sits atop the wrestling world, of course.:p
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[I]I do have plans for Stevie - and Hugh. Or, at least, someone does...[/I] * [QUOTE][CENTER][U]MAW: Where Now?[/U] by Jason Reso[/CENTER] It’s time once again for the Rip Chord Invitational. Once again, your PWHits columnists have made their choices: Phil and Mark have picked Jay Chord to repeat, Charles has gone for Darryl Devine, and I’m plumping for Masked Patriot. Again. Look, one of these days I’ll get it right, okay? But the question in the title is an honest one. We don’t just mean the Invitational (Patriot!), but the question of what MAW is going to do now that the Chord family feud is over and done with. After having Jay and his cronies dominate the top of the card over the last year, MAW is at something of a crossroads. The Gauges have both moved on. Rip can’t really wrestle again anytime soon. Or ever, for preference. Remember November was interesting in that it was a show without the Chords in attendance. MAW fans seemed to vote with their feet – the company was back at Stanley Hall after several months in Delaware. Jay’s back, and in the tournament, but a win this year couldn’t possibly have the same impact as last year – hence my choice of Patriot. MAW is in need of new faces up top, as Ota and Phoenix have both failed to connect with the fans in the same way that Chord and Devine have. Stevie Grayson is good – but flaky. Patriot has been feuding with Primus Allen for a year now, and surely it’s time to put that feud to bed. And maybe unmask Patriot – let him connect with the fans. The return of Steven Parker was a welcome boon for MAW, and his series with Cattley was a stormer. But Parker is a natural heel – you can almost see him yearning to steal candy from a baby. He should grow a moustache, wax the ends to a point, and twiddle them idly while considering his diabolical plans. Erik Strong was tried on top, and wasn’t a hit the way his old tag partner was. Trent Shaffer is stuck about where he was when he debuted two years ago – despite a long run with the tag team title. Stevie Grayson puts in good matches when he remembers too – but that’s not as often as a top guy needs too. It’s time for Patriot to get the big push. It might also be time for a little regeneration of the MAW locker room. In his first year in charge, James Casey brought in a lot of new faces. In his second year in charge, there were only a handful of new signings. Disregarding loan deals (Mainstream, Greg Gauge, Jacob Jett) or returns (Parker) only Hugh de Aske has signed to work for MAW since Darryl Devine arrived in spring last year. In that same time, the Gauges and Black Eagle have left. One or two new faces would help freshen up the top of the card, which is much as it was eighteen months ago. It’s interesting that when Matt Gauge left to tour Japan in November, Casey tried first to sign Jacob Jett, someone who’s made sporadic MAW appearances since Casey first signed up. There’s being loyal, and then there’s being conservative. Still, word on the MAW website is that Steven Parker’s challenger on Saturday night will be a true newcomer to MAW – not one of the Gauges, or even another Mainstream appearance. Someone new. It’s known that MAW have working agreements with a lot of promotions around the world – Rip’s name carries a lot of weight. There’s a few big names – Eddie Peak in TCW, say, or Mike Watson of INSPIRE – who I could see making a splash in MAW for a date or two. Or how about NOTBPW? There’s a lot of talent up there, and they work a pretty similar style to MAW after all. Anyone who thrives in one would be likely to thrive in the other. So splash the cash, Rip. Get a big name or two in for the next few months. MAW have risen a long way on the back of the Chords. It might be time to try someone else out to see if they can take you to the next level. -Jay (not that one)[/QUOTE] * [CENTER][B]January – The Rip Chord Invitational[/B] RCI: Erik Strong vs. Jay Chord RCI: The Masked Patriot vs. Darryl Devine RCI: Trent Shaffer vs. Kirk Jameson RCI: Stevie Grayson vs. Primus Allen Plus! The semi-final and final matches of the Rip Chord Invitational, and the MAW Heavyweight, Traditional and Tag Team champions will be in action![/CENTER]
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We’re back at the Auditorium for this show, with 880 fans in attendance – anyone care to place bets on where we’ll be next month? [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: The Rip Chord Invitational Saturday, January 27th 2010[/CENTER][/B] Jay Chord opened the show in the ring. He entered a fairly generic promo about how he would be winning the Invitational for the second time – but it seemed that his mind was elsewhere throughout. * [B]RCI Quarter-Final: Erik Strong vs. Jay Chord[/B] I don’t think we’ve ever used Jay in the opening match before. We may have to look into it, as he seems to thrive on it. This was Erik’s best MAW match, I believe, ever. Although Jay’s mind still seemed to be on other things, he put on a decent effort, but Erik was on fire, nearly a blur at times as he bounced around the ring, finally scoring the massive upset with a Strongsault. He celebrated as Jay left the ring, looking angry with himself to be out of the tournament so soon. Winner: Erik Strong (C-) * Darryl Devine was much more on form as he promised that Masked Patriot would need to keep his mask on to hide his injuries once their match was over. As Patriot approached the ring, he paused to have his photo taken with a guy in a snazzy stars-and-stripes mask, with a sign proclaiming him to be Masked Patriot #21. Gotta love our fans. * [B]RCI Quarter-Final: The Masked Patriot vs. Darryl Devine[/B] I think we may be on to something with these two, as they put on a very good match – it’s a shame the fans hated the ending as Patriot #21 leapt the barrier and distracted our own Patriot (#20, I guess), allowing Devine to hit the Devine Dream Drop to advance. Winner: Darryl Devine (D+) * Backstage, Trent Shaffer and Kirk Jameson shook hands, and agreed to a fair and friendly contest in their upcoming match. * [B]RCI Quarter-Final: Trent Shaffer vs. Kirk Jameson[/B] A face/face match never goes down well with the MAW fans – they’re traditionalists, and don’t like picking sides. At least with heel/heel matches you can boo everyone, right? Anyway, these two put on a friendly and entirely fair match that just lacked that touch of drama that the face/heel dynamic adds. Jameson scored the victory in a mild upset with a Bullseye to advance. Winner: Kirk Jameson (D) * Primus Allen and Stevie Grayson were walking backstage when they came face to face. They stared one another down, but before either man had the chance to act, C-V-2 jumped Grayson from behind, slamming him into a wall and putting the boots to him. [COLOR="Blue"]“No need to thank us, Primus, just sticking up for our buddy,”[/COLOR] Valentine said, as he slapped Allen on the chest. [COLOR="Blue"]“I wasn’t going to thank you,”[/COLOR] Allen growled, picking Grayson up with a grunt of effort and carrying him towards the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“Wow, that’s his problem?” “Pfft, nobility complex,”[/COLOR] Vessey said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh. Where’d he get one of those?” “Not from us, that’s for sure. Now, where do The Watch hang out?”[/COLOR] * [B] RCI Quarter-Final: Stevie Grayson vs. Primus Allen[/B] Primus propped Grayson up in the corner as the bell rang, and paced back and forth, waiting for him to show signs of life. Apparently deciding that he might as well make the best of a bad job, he charged into the corner, only for Grayson to avoid the charge, sening Allen chest first into the barely-padded steel bolts. Grayson chipped away at the big man for several minutes as Allen tried to regain his bearings, but couldn’t seem to get him down. In the end, Grayson came off the top, but was caught in mid-air by Allen, who smashed him into the mat with a hard spinebuster to allow him to advance as a night of upsets continued. Winner: Primus Allen (D) * Ultimate Phoenix and Kashmir Singh came down to the ring, keeping a close eye on their rear in case C-V-2 decided to kickstart their match early. Once they reached the ring, Phoenix said that C-V-2’s cowardly attack on Grayson only reconfirmed his belief in the rightness of his quest – and that taking the gold from them would be a fine way to teach them the error of their ways. * [B]Ultimate Phoenix and Kashmir Singh vs. C-V-2 (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This was a back and forth tag team match, as the respective individual skills of The Watch team were pitted against the tag team stylings of C-V-2. The advantage was finely balanced throughout, as no-one was able to take full control of the match, and it seemed that the greater experience of the challengers might be decisive. But in the end the champions were able to sneak out a victory through clever teamwork, as Phoenix unintentionally distracted the referee to righteously report a rule infringement, allowing Vessey and Valentine to gain the advantage on Singh, leading to a Flying V to put Singh down for the count. Winners: C-V-2 (D+) * Darryl Devine came down to the ring for his semi-final match. He assured Erik Strong that the beating wouldn’t be too bad – it’d all be over so quickly that he’d barely feel it. * [B]RCI Semi-Final: Erik Strong vs. Darryl Devine[/B] Let’s make things clear – Erik’s carrying his half of the match here, so it’s not just the quality of opponent that’s made his match so far tonight. Nonetheless, it doesn’t hurt. Devine played the arrogant heel to perfection, failing to learn from Chord’s example earlier in the night, allowing Strong the time he needed to break down the ****y Devine’s defences, leading to a Strongsault as Strong advanced to the final. Winner: Erik Strong (C-) * Kirk Jameson came to the ring for his semi-final. He told Primus Allen that he wasn’t intimidated by his lackies – he was ready to fight whatever the odds were. * [B]RCI Semi-Final: Kirk Jameson vs. Primus Allen[/B] Once again, a good match was spoiled by the finish as Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey made their presence felt towards the end of this match. Despite Allen’s protestations, they took up residence at ringside, and while Allen tried to keep Jameson’s head in the game, the youngster was plainly distracted by their presence. Allen again seemed reluctant to capitalise, but eventually he finished Jameson off with a Running Powerslam to go through to the final. Winner: Primus Allen (D-) * After the bell rang, Primus Allen got to his feet called C-V-2 into the ring. He told them in no uncertain terms that he didn’t need their help, that he would win the tournament final without their help, and that if they tried to interfere again, in any way, shape or form, he would make sure that they regretted it – even if he won! * Hugh de Aske had a big grin as he entered the ring, Traditional title around his waist and Sienna on his arm. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ya-harr! The age old question of who would win a fight between a ninja and a pirate will get answered tonight. And I’ll let you in on a little secret – it’s always the pirate. No code of honour, no fancy pyjamas, just a willingness to get down and dirty, and do what’s necessary to walk away with the booty,” [/COLOR]he said, stroking Sienna’s hip and the Traditional title at the same time. * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Hugh de Aske (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] The age old question was indeed answered here. Ota and Aske put on a tremendous show, involving long, fluid exchanges of moves you might think they’d been working on for weeks. Ota was at his most graceful, bounding from mat to ropes to turnbuckles in a series of balletic movements countered by de Aske’s rough and tumble style, the two combining to create an engrossing spectacle that ended far too soon, with the pirate pinning the ninja with a Cut Throat Driver to retain the title. Winner: Hugh de Aske (C) * Primus Allen stood in the centre of the ring. He promised Erik Strong that their match would be a clean one, as The Firm had been warned against any form of interference. * [B]RCI Final: Erik Strong vs. Primus Allen[/B] I was slightly worried about this. These two don’t quite sparkle in the ring – but at the same time, they fought at the same point last year and only managed an E+, so there’s clearly improvement taking place. The battle was all about speed vs. strength, as these two exemplify the two styles better than perhaps any two other members of the MAW roster. Strong was doing his best to be Muhammad Ali – floating like a butterfly and, where possible, stinging like a bee. Allen, for once, seemed heavy footed in comparison to his opponent – but his speed was deceptive, and he managed to catch Strong a number of times and mete out punishment. In the end, it came down to who would nail their big move first – and it seemed that Strong had this sewn up as he ascended the turnbuckle for a Strongsault. But as he steadied himself Allen rose to his feet and hauled him off the turnbuckles, before driving him hard into the mat with a Running Powerslam to crown himself the 2010 Rip Chord Invitational Champion! Winner: Primus Allen (D-) * The match over, and a clean victory to his name, Primus Allen celebrated becoming the new Rip Chord Invitational champion. Rip entered the ring, the new trophy in his hands. He handed the trophy to Allen and shook his hand. As Allen raised the trophy above his head, Rip shook his hand to try and get the blood flowing in it again. * Steven Parker came out for his match against a mystery opponent. Entering the ring, he took a mic and addressed the crowd. [COLOR="Blue"]“This belt I’m wearing carries with it a heavy responsibility. I have to be the best in the company – or I’ll lose the title so quickly I won’t have a chance to blink. And part of the MAW way is that occasionally we get outsiders dropping in to test their mettle. Tonight, all I know about my opponent is that he’s never wrestled here before – not just in the Mid Atlantic, but anywhere in the United States. Whoever you are, welcome – and I hope that we can show these folks a good match.”[/COLOR] A driving Latin beat hit the PA, and a platoon of salsa dancers flooded the entrance aisle. A young man with long, flowing black hair and movie star looks came out and saluted the crowd. [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “I thank you, Steven Parker, for your very kind welcome. And to you, the people of Delaware and the fans of this company, I bid you greetings. For those of you who do not know me, I am Champagne Loverrrrrrrrrr!”[/COLOR] He beamed at the crowd. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I am on my way north to spend some time in Canada. Along the way, I have decided to come here and prove to you all that Mexican lucha libre is so superior to your American wrestling that no-one and nothing can hope to compete against me, let alone your small-town champions in this tiny promotion.”[/COLOR] God bless Champagne Lover. He’s exciting, he’s handsome, he’s charismatic, and he’s quite prepared to have nine-hundred fans baying for his blood. Of course, after some of the crowds he’s competed in front of, I imagine that just being booed is quite a nice change. We don’t allow fans to bring battery acid to our shows, for example. * [B]Steven Parker (c) vs. Champagne Lover[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was the longest match on the show, weighing in at over twenty minutes as Parker and his debuting opponent tied up in a thrilling battle – maybe MAW’s best match ever. Parker is a tremendous all-rounder, but Champagne seemed to have him shaded in every area, and even the crowd couldn’t help but be drawn to the ultra-charismatic Mexican. Champagne used innovative lucha libre techniques previously unseen in MAW to keep one step ahead of the champion, forcing Parker to adapt on the fly. But Parker is champion for a reason, and after a thrilling battle that stretched both men to the limit, he was able to catch Champagne in a Future Shock to snatch victory, and retain his title. Winner: Steven Parker (C+) * Parker wearily raised his arms in celebration. But rather than his own music playing, it was Jay Chord’s theme that hit the PA. Jay was, for some reason, carrying a briefcase as he strutted down to ringside and slid into the ring. Taking a mic, he turned to face the announcer’s table. [COLOR="Red"]“Dad, can you join us in the ring, please?”[/COLOR] Rip stood up slowly and climbed into the ring. [COLOR="Red"]“I’d just like you to confirm something for me... I won the Rip Chord Invitational last year, correct?”[/COLOR] Rip nodded. [COLOR="Red"] “And as well as that lovely trophy, which I put to such good use, I was also guaranteed a title shot at any point within the next year, correct?”[/COLOR] Rip hesitated, then nodded, as he looked sympathetically at Parker. [COLOR="Red"] “Well, it’s one year later – and I’m cashing in my shot,”[/COLOR] he said, handing Rip the briefcase. He turned to Parker and booted him in the gut, before dropping him with a Super DDT. Rip bailed from the ring and ordered Chad Brent to ring the bell. * [B]Steven Parker (c) vs. Jay Chord[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Jay covered arrogantly, and looked horrified when Parker kicked out at two. Slapping the champion across the face, he picked him up and lifted him into a Cradle Piledriver. With both legs hooked, Parker had no chance to kick out a second time, and just like that Jay Chord was the new MAW champion! Winner: Jay Chord (D) [B]Overall: D+[/B]
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I'm guessing that Jay Chord's title demands from his contract signing just got fulfilled. Still, you know that last match just killed what could have been an easy C- or C show if you had let the Parker-Champagne Lover match end it. I haven't used Chord in '08 but I always got better results out of him in my '07 diary game. Maybe you ended up with that random 1 in a million game where Chord is actually a bust! :eek::p
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;474578]I'm guessing that Jay Chord's title demands from his contract signing just got fulfilled. Still, you know that last match just killed what could have been an easy C- or C show if you had let the Parker-Champagne Lover match end it.[/QUOTE] [I]True. And true. Too often in the game I'm sacrificing ratings for the storylines [/I] [QUOTE=Dragonmack;474578]I haven't used Chord in '08 but I always got better results out of him in my '07 diary game. Maybe you ended up with that random 1 in a million game where Chord is actually a bust! :eek::p[/QUOTE] [I]I hope not - he does seem to be improving as we go along, and his exposure with TCW and USPW isn't hurting...[/I] [QUOTE=Hyde Hill;474584]Hmm I know why Parker lost the title but I ain´t telling. Nice show as always Casey.[/QUOTE] [I]Well, you can see if you're right - and thanks![/I] * What with everything else going on in 2009, we’d never got around to using Jay’s guaranteed title shot. I could have just given him the shot like normal, but I figured this fit in with his character that much better. I also figured that it might shut him up backstage – that or push him over the edge from ‘unbearable jerk’ to ‘worth taking out a contract on’. And I’ve learned to never again book a distraction finish – at least, not in Delaware. Always used to work fine at Stanley Hall, but two in a night was poor booking on my part, even across a three-hour show. Still, the show came out okay – not brilliant, but okay. And a $7,600 profit is a record for us. We might just turn a real profit one of these days... * I was enjoying a warm glow after the show, one part vodka, one part proximity to the MAW ladies (Sienna was still in her pirate garb, which showed off a fair bit more than the ‘creature of the night outfit’ that she wore when Black Eagle was around), six parts satisfaction at a decent show that set the wheels in motion for the next nine months. Jay’s opponents for the next while almost picked themselves – and my only slight concern was whether he’d re-sign with us when his contract came up in a couple of months. If not, the title would move on again. It was a bit annoying, but Primus Allen and Hugh de Aske were rising fast – de Aske was already so hot with the MAW fans I wasn’t sure if I could justify leaving the Traditional belt on him much longer. Anyway, there were the Parker/Chord rematches to deal with first... [COLOR="Blue"]“James?”[/COLOR] I looked up, and smiled at Steven. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hey, take a seat.”[/COLOR] He did, looking serious. I quirked an eyebrow at him. [COLOR="Blue"]“What’s the matter?” “I’ve had an offer. From the Eisens. An exclusive deal.”[/COLOR] I felt the blood drain from my face. I set the half-full glass down on the table. [COLOR="Blue"]“And you’re accepting it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I have to!”[/COLOR] he looked around, and lowered his voice. [COLOR="Blue"]“I have to. It’s guaranteed money, no moving back and forth, a chance at a big push-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] “I understand,”[/COLOR] I said, and I did. He had nothing to feel guilty about. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s been a blast having you around – and you know you’ll be welcome back any time. Have you spoken to Dawn yet?”[/COLOR] He nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“She understands. She’s happy here, and we’ve got the hang of the long-distance thing.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Good for you. Have you told Rip?”[/COLOR] He shook his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“Do you want me to?”[/COLOR] I asked, shrewdly. He shook his head again, shooting me a wry smile. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll do it – he’s so happy about Jay winning the title tonight I’m sure he’ll be okay. But James, before I go, take care of yourself, eh?”[/COLOR] I looked at him quizzically. [COLOR="Blue"]“Rip’s not the same as he was when I started here. I see a lot of Eisen in him, I wouldn’t dare say it to his face – but you need to be careful.”[/COLOR] I nodded, slowly. It had occurred to me as well – but I’d not given it much thought. Steven obviously had. [COLOR="Blue"] “Good luck up north,”[/COLOR] I said, rising to shake his hand. He took my hand and gave it a firm shake, before walking over to the Chords. [COLOR="Blue"]“Trouble?”[/COLOR] Heidi asked, appearing at my elbow. [COLOR="Blue"]“Put the feelers out,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Blue"]“We need some new babyfaces.”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][B]MAW All or Nothing[/B] Hugh Lee vs. Hugh de Aske Kirk Jameson vs. Darryl Devine Trent Shaffer vs. Antonio The Masked Patriot vs. Primus Allen Stevie Grayson vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley Plus Champagne Lover will be in action, and Jay Chord will make the first defence of his MAW Heavyweight title![/CENTER]
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Hugh Lee vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] some talent vs very talented hmmm. Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] Feeling some anti Kirk sentiments on the board as so many are using him. [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] vs. Antonio Old school match and Shaffer is just better. [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Primus Allen DQ win when Firm interfere and Allen turns on them going face! Or is it too early? [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley Stevie needs some momentum back so he can face Jay. Plus Champagne Lover [B], if still on loan he looses,[/B] will be in action, and [B]Jay Chord[/B] will make the first defence of his MAW Heavyweight title!
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Hugh Lee vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] Ahoy! Main event off the port bow! Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Antonio[/B] The Masked Patriot vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B]. I disagree with Hyde. I see Masked Patriot #21 continuing his distractions. Stevie Grayson vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B]
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Whew, just got caught up again after being without the 'net for a while. Simply brilliant dynasty man, loving every show. Needs more Blondes, though. ¬_¬ [B]Hugh Lee[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske - You said yourself that de Aske is getting too big for the division, and Lee would be as good a champion as any. Part of me wants to see Lee start immitating de Aske and becoming a pirate instead of a ninja, leading to a de Aske vs. Ota feud ¬_¬ Then you could bring in someone like Evil Spirit to play Ota's new trainee ninja, and Lee would have a ready made feud to :p Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B]- Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Antonio[/B] The Masked Patriot vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] - I can't see Allen losing to Patriot again after winning the RCI, so I'm going for botched distraction victory. Are these two ever going to stop fighting each other? :p Stevie Grayson vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] - Cattley's awesome, and needs to stay relatively hot. Grayson... Grayson isn't.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;475326]Whew, just got caught up again after being without the 'net for a while. Simply brilliant dynasty man, loving every show. Needs more Blondes, though. ¬_¬[/QUOTE] [I]Heh, thanks. And if you can find a way for me to include more Blondes - I do kinda like them, and they are way more experienced than any of my other teams - without them stinking up the card, let me know.[/I] [QUOTE=D-Lyrium;475326][B]Hugh Lee[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske - You said yourself that de Aske is getting too big for the division, and Lee would be as good a champion as any. Part of me wants to see Lee start immitating de Aske and becoming a pirate instead of a ninja, leading to a de Aske vs. Ota feud ¬_¬ Then you could bring in someone like Evil Spirit to play Ota's new trainee ninja, and Lee would have a ready made feud to :p[/QUOTE] [I]The minute Evil Spirit is available, I'm stealing this idea :p[/I] [QUOTE=D-Lyrium;475326]The Masked Patriot vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] - I can't see Allen losing to Patriot again after winning the RCI, so I'm going for botched distraction victory. Are these two ever going to stop fighting each other? :p[/QUOTE] [I]Maybe... *Cough*[/I] * [CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: All Or Nothing Friday, February 26th 2010[/B][/CENTER] [B]Hugh Lee vs. Hugh de Aske (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] I think that Hugh the pirate is going to be a good signing for MAW. He took Lee’s ninja antics absolutely seriously as Lee set out to avenge his fallen master, and sold the blonde’s offence just the right amount. This made for a great match, with the two going back and forth as Lee sought honour and the title, while de Aske tried to defend his booty. Dawn tried to help Hugh Lee out, but this only seemed to put him off as his slight crush on her made him mishear her advice, allowing the pirate to snatch victory with a Cut Throat Driver. Not a bad result considering this match was mainly booked to allow me and Rock to do bad Hugh/Who? puns. Winner: Hugh de Aske (C-) * Only in a wrestling arena could one man blindside and brutalise another before 892 people (a record, incidentally) without it being common assault. In this case, it was Darryl Devine attacking, and Kirk Jameson on the receiving end, taking a kicking as he came down the aisle before being dragged into the ring for their match. Devine bent over to trash talk Jameson, only to get caught in a roll-up. Chad Brent signalled for the bell, and counted two and three-quarters before Devine broke free, and the match began in earnest. * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Darryl Devine[/B] I was very pleased with how this show was going. This was the RCI final that never was, the two losing semi-finalists putting on a sterling effort that rather made me wish I’d gone with this instead of the original plan. Both men are in line for increased exposure in the coming months, particularly Jameson who’s seemingly emerged from nowhere in recent months. They put on a tremendous show with lots of fast-paced offence and thrilling exchanges. Devine snatched a needed win with a Devine Dream Drop to show that, even without Jay Chord to back him up, he’s still a very talented worker. Winner: Darryl Devine (C) * Earlier today, Trent Shaffer and Antonio were arguing. At least, Antonio was arguing. Well, Antonio was pointing out his expensive suit, solid gold wristwatch, snazzy phone... Shaffer was just smiling and humouring him, which seemed to be making Antonio crosser and crosser. Eventually, Rip Chord happened upon the two of them, and growled that they could settle their sociological dispute the old fashioned way – in a wrasslin’ match. * [B]Trent Shaffer vs. Antonio[/B] This match kinda brought things back down to earth. I really don’t know what to make of Trent Shaffer. Two years after he’s signed on with us, and with a lot of other companies chasing him, he’s just not progressed that much. With Stevie Grayson in the main event, it’s almost like the one in the cap got all the mojo from their team – which I never would have imagined. Anyway, he and Antonio put on a decent match, but nothing to compare to the previous efforts. Shaffer picked up the win with a Heart Burn. Winner: Trent Shaffer (D) * Rip entered the ring. [COLOR="Purple"]“It was about a year ago that I stood in this very ring and announced the creation of the Traditional title. “Well, I’m not saying we’ll be making a title every year, but here we are – another title it is. Or titles, in fact. “You see, I’ve been speaking to Ultimate Phoenix backstage. He’s had a lot of success south of the border, and he’s had a lot of trouble with The Firm over the last year or so. Now, put those two facts together, and you get all the justification I need for the creation of a Trios title for this company – and next month we’ll see The Watch taking on The Firm to determine who’ll be the first ever Trios champions!” [/COLOR] * The Masked Patriot’s music played, and out came two masked men, each carrying the Stars and Stripes. One was MAW’s own Masked Patriot, the other was the fan who got involved in last month’s match between our Patriot and Darryl Devine. [COLOR="Navy"] “Now then, before anyone gets too confused, allow me to give you all a little history lesson,”[/COLOR] our Patriot said, once they had entered the ring. [COLOR="Navy"]“There’s been a long, long history of Masked Patriots in this business. This kid here got a bit excited about maybe being #21. Now, I ain’t done with the mask just yet, but I figure there’ll be a time one day soon when I want to pass it on, so I think I oughta take him under my wing and train him up. And in the meantime-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“In the meantime, you should forget about ever achieving anything in this business,”[/COLOR] Primus Allen barked, appearing at the top of the entrance ramp. The new Invitational champion glowered at the two masked men. [COLOR="Navy"]“Hiding behind masks... it’s pathetic. But I have a solution for you: We’ve been doing this dance for far too long now, and I’m sick of the sight of you. So here’s the deal – you and me, tonight, and if you lose then you unmask, for good.”[/COLOR] Patriot took a moment to consider, before nodding. [COLOR="Navy"]“Okay, son, you’re on,” [/COLOR]he said. [COLOR="Navy"]“If you beat me tonight, then next month I’ll take off this mask, and never wear it again. But this ain’t just gonna be a one way thing, y’hear? Now, if ah’m putting something as important as the legacy of the Masked Patriot on the line, well, I reckon you’ve gotta ante up as well – seems like I remember one of The Firm being booted out of the company a little ways back for getting too ****y, so it seems all kinds of appropriate that you get the same deal: My mask against your career. Have we got us a match?”[/COLOR] Allen smirked, and nodded in turn. [COLOR="Navy"]“Ring that bell!”[/COLOR] * [B]The Masked Patriot vs. Primus Allen[/B] – [COLOR="Purple"]Mask vs. Career[/COLOR] This match brought an end to this feud. Both men are capable of much more, but they just seem to cancel each other out – at this stage in their careers, both need a little more experience on the other side of the ring. Still, the match didn’t suck – in fact, it was pretty decent as the two exchanged thunderous heavy blows that would have crushed a lesser man. Masked Patriot (#21, not our guy) watched on from ringside, but it was clear in the end that his support for The Masked Patriot just wouldn’t be enough – Allen drove TMP into the mat with an almighty Running Powerslam to score the victory. Winner: Primus Allen (D+) * Jay Chord sauntered down to the ring, looking as smug as anything, Heavyweight title secured around his waist. Taking a mic, he looked smugly around. [COLOR="Red"]“I’ve spent one year in this company, and already I’ve reached the peak. It’s hard, sometimes, being this good – it means that I have a lot to live up to. Rip Chord Invitational champion, MAW Heavyweight champion, the man who retired Steven Parker – oh yes, it’s true. You won’t see that idiot around here again. He had his chance against me, and blew it so badly he slunk away, trying to avoid getting his ass kicked by me again.”[/COLOR] Jay laughed, as the crowd booed. [COLOR="Red"]“I am your champion, and that means I have a duty to defend this title against the finest that the industry has to offer. My first opponent is a Canadian legend, a man who’s given his life to the sport, who’s fought the finest that the industry has to offer, and whose achievements are legendary. And there was once a time that he had a fine run as a masked competitor...”[/COLOR] Duane Stone, anyone? Of course not – it was Thom Morgan, and the fans let Jay know exactly what they thought of that. * [B]Thom Morgan vs. Jay Chord[/B] (c) for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] As short as this was, it was pretty ugly. Not a match I’ll be booking again, that’s for sure. Morgan started this battle of the former Kid Arachnids brightly, but after an ugly-looking series of exchanges with Chord he seemed to lose his way, and was easy pickings for the Cradle Piledriver. Winner: Jay Chord (D-) * Rip re-entered the ring [COLOR="Purple"]“My son got one thing right, at least. Steven Parker is no longer under contract to this company, and therefore there is no number one contender to the Heavyweight title. I was willing to let Jay choose his own opponents, but I don’t think that even Thom Morgan’s own mother would argue that he was due a title shot. So it seems like I’ll have to take a hand. We’ll hold two matches tonight, and the winners of those matches will square off next month to determine the number one contender. First up, let’s have Stevie Grayson taking on Jean Cattley!”[/COLOR] * [B]Stevie Grayson vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] in the [COLOR="Purple"]#1 contender’s tournament[/COLOR] Once again, I was left delighted by the results of this match. We’d put this on in the semi-final match because Champagne Lover did so well last month, but really I’d have been happy with this on last. Grayson and Cattley, who could scarcely be more diametrically opposed personally or in character, have tremendous chemistry in the ring, and with a larger stage and a longer allotment of time could probably produce something truly outstanding. As it was, it was a nearly flawless match pitting Cattley’s savvy against Grayson’s exuberance, the veteran trying to tame the upstart, the flyer trying to stay one step ahead of the technician. Ultimately, Grayson came out on top with a 460 Degree Splash, to the delight of the crowd, but I know that backstage Jean would be just as pleased with the way the match came out. Winner: Stevie Grayson (C-) * Rip entered the ring one last time, but before he could say anything Champagne Lover’s salsa music hit the PA and the charismatic Mexican came down to the ring. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Now then, Senor Chord,”[/COLOR] he said, clapping a hand on Rip’s shoulder. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I know what you’re going to say. You’ve searched high and low, and you don’t have anyone who can compete with me, so you’re going to give me a bye through to the next round. Its very generous, and I agree. I do deserve another shot at the Heavyweight title. I’d even say that I should just be given the shot without having to beat Grayson. That’s how we did it in Mexico, after all – what Champagne Lover wants, Champagne Lover gets. It’s a wonderful system.”[/COLOR] It finally seemed to dawn on Lover that Rip was staring pointedly at his hand. He took it from Rip’s shoulder and let it drop to his side. [COLOR="Purple"]“In a funny way, you’re right,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="Purple"]“I watched your match last month, and if you’re not as good as you seem to think you are, you’re still pretty good. So here’s the deal – we recently picked up a new signing to replace Steven. Given that you fought Steven last month, you can fight the new guy this month. You may have heard of him: He goes by the name of Double A – Aaron Andrews!” [/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] * [B]Aaron Andrews vs. Champagne Lover[/B] in the [COLOR="Purple"]#1 contender’s tournament [/COLOR] Champagne Lover is welcome back anytime. This was a great way to welcome our new signing, as Andrews was really put through his paces by the crafty Mexican. Even if Andrews hadn’t been a big name by MAW standards, the fans would have been behind him due to CL’s gift for stirring up people’s emotions. I imagine that in Mexico, he must make for an outstanding face. Anyway, the match was a cut above everything else on the card, with the two wildly talented all-rounders pulling out all the stops in their quest to beat each other. Lover seemed concerned at times, as the worldly-wise Andrews had a counter for many of his lucha techniques, and at one point seemed to be gearing up for the Standing Hot Shot, but at the last second Lover was able to escape, and when Andrews turned, he turned into a Champagne Sunrise that allowed Lover to score the pin. Winner: Champagne Lover (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;475400][I]The minute Evil Spirit is available, I'm stealing this idea :p[/I][/QUOTE] *drops his bottle of Hobgoblin* ... Evil Spirit... has a job?! And an exclusive one at that? How in the hells did he manage that? :p Also, Aaron Andrews? Wow. Strange world.
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No question - Andrews is a great signing for us. We benefitted from him being not quite popular enough to refuse to sign with us, at the same time that his contract came up, at the same time that TCW dropped to Cult (for about two weeks) and couldn't offer written deals. A wonderful bit of luck, and with TCW and us having a working agreement, he can't be signed to a written deal now they've gone back up. Andrews makes me happy - despite looking a bit like Cameron Vessey on 'roids... :eek: Edit: Spirit is cool - and available - but isn't worth importing from Japan. I think... I may have to check that...
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Ehm how could TCW go back to National in 2 weeks? Still playing 07 or does the 6 months waiting not count for AI feds? Aaron Andrews + Daryl Devine + Steven Parker,(for a while) man wonder what great talent wil be released next by one of the big two.
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[quote=James Casey;475497]No question - Andrews is a great signing for us. We benefitted from him being not quite popular enough to refuse to sign with us, at the same time that his contract came up, at the same time that TCW dropped to Cult (for about two weeks) and couldn't offer written deals. A wonderful bit of luck, and with TCW and us having a working agreement, he can't be signed to a written deal now they've gone back up. Andrews makes me happy - despite looking a bit like Cameron Vessey on 'roids... :eek: Edit: Spirit is cool - and available - but isn't worth importing from Japan. I think... I may have to check that...[/quote] Spirit is able to work in the US though.
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