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PSW: Hardcore Revolution

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v341/shamelessposer/grapplefanatics.jpg[/IMG] [size=5][b]State of a Promotion: Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling[/b][/size] [i]by Lee Bambino[/i][/center] Given my previous employment with XDW, I think it's only fitting that I end my "State of a Promotion" series with another hardcore promotion. Today I'll be running down the roster of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling according to their latest website update. Keep in mind that if the roster changes by their next show it's their fault and not mine. I'm not a mind reader and despite the number of tapes I've sent in I'm not one of their staffers. Everything here is my opinion and not that of GrappleFanatics, blah blah blah, let's get on with the show. [b]Alex Braun[/b] He's old, worn out and busted down, but I can't help but like Alex Braun. At his age he has a lot to offer a promotion as either a teacher or a draw. The end of 2007 saw Braun lose his job as head booker, so it'll be interesting to see if the new (and hopefully improved) booking team has plans for him or if he's out the door. [b]Ash Campbell[/b] Don't think that Campbell only got his job because of his father's name. While I'm Nemesis made a great reference on the job application, Campbell knows his way around a wrestling ring better than you'd expect from someone not yet old enough to drink. PSW's new booker would be an idiot if he didn't do something with Campbell. [b]Brimstone[/b] I was unlucky enough to work with Brimstone on a few XDW shows. Bastard nearly caved in my skull with a stray chair shot. Once someone teaches him to wrestle he might amount to something, but until then he'll probably be doing suicide dives in exchange for food. [b]Dead Bolt[/b] I could wrestle better matches than this guy if I was drunk. Come to think of it, I think I may have wrestled better matches than this guy when I was drunk. And I've never been to wrestling school. [b]Frankie Future[/b] If you're a younger fan you might know this guy better as Honest Frank. He had a great feud with Shawn Gonzalez in RPW back during the East Coast Wars, and it's a shame that his rival has aged so much better than he did. Still gold on the microphone. [b]JD Morgan[/b] I know JD Morgan was a big part of DaVE and I respect his contributions to the business. But I can't figure out what the hell an aging technical wrestler has to offer a hardcore promotion trying to get off the ground. [b]Johnny Martin[/b] Johnny Martin is a living legend. I got punched in the face by him at a DaVE house show last year, and it was an honor. [b]Lazy Joe[/b] An insomniac gimmick? Seriously? Joe must be so tired he thinks he's in SWF. [b]Little Bill Lebowski[/b] The little guy can really go in the ring if given a decent opponent and a couple of foreign objects. [b]Nelson Callum[/b] A young and talented [i]technical[/i] wrestler. He's in the wrong promotion. Might I recommend 4C and CZCW? [b]Nicole Kiss[/b] Decent valet who's unfortunate enough to be on the wrong side of thirty. I'd still **** her though. Have to question the wisdom of pairing a face valet with a heel client like Steven Parker for so long without a payoff. [b]Primal Rage[/b] The only stick he knows how to work is a Singapore Cane. But there's nothing wrong with that, so long as he's booked right. [b]Prince Payne[/b] The new booker. I worked a couple shows with this guy when he was trying to break into the business, and from the moment he said "hello" I've wanted to punch him in the face. Total dick. [b]Steven Parker[/b] Destined for better things and knows it. [b]Tank Bradley[/b] Spectacularly talentless for someone who still gets that big a pop. [b]Teddy Powell[/b] The lesser half of a DaVE tag team. [b]Dean Waldorf Marv Statler[/b] The Ring Generals show some promise, but they're still very green. Might be in the wrong promotion. [b]The Punisher The Wolverine[/b] The so-called Deadly Alliance, I wouldn't be surprised if both men qualified for AARP membership. Two guys way past their prime who lucked into title reigns because Wolverine was almost a draw ten years ago. [b]Thimbleby Langton Wooton Fitzpaine[/b] Mitch Naess has described The Good Ol' Boys as "like an American version of the McWades." I agree, but it's beyond my comprehension how Naess thought it was a compliment. The next PSW show is "Cutting Edge," on the second Friday of the month. New bookers usually mean new signings, so cross your fingers and hope the show doesn't suck!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v341/shamelessposer/wrestlingheat.jpg[/IMG] [size=5][b]SWF Talent Raids![/b][/size][/center] Supreme Wrestling Federation management has just announced two new signings made in the last week. The first was DaVE legend and current USPW wrestler [b]Chris Caulfield[/b]. The second was current Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling National Champion [b]Steven Parker[/b], perhaps best known for his work with Rip Chord's Mid Atlantic Wrestling. SWF also called developmental talent [b]Nevada Nuclear[/b] up to the main roster. SWF has also hinted that this won't be the end of their signing spree.
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[size=4][b]PSW Cutting Edge Preview: Three Title Matches![/b][/size] [b][i]PSW Champion[/b] Johnny Martin vs. JD Morgan [b]PSW Tag Team Champions[/b] The Deadly Alliance[/i] (The Wolverine & The Punisher) [i]vs. The Jersey Devils[/i] (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)[i] [b]PSW National Champion[/b] Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell vs. Little Bill Lebowski vs. Teddy Powell in a [b]Four Way Ladder Match[/b][/i]
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PSW Cutting Edge Preview: Three Title Matches! PSW Champion [B]Johnny Martin [/B]vs. JD Morgan PSW Tag Team Champions [B]The Deadly Alliance [/B](The Wolverine & The Punisher) vs. The Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley) PSW National Champion Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell vs. Little Bill Lebowski vs. [B]Teddy Powell [/B]in a Four Way Ladder Match
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[CENTER][size=5][b]PSW: Cutting Edge[/b][/size] [i]Held in front of 561 fans at The Ministry[/i][/CENTER] [b]Dark Match Brimstone vs. Frankie Future[/b] This match was held before the official start time, and so was a "bonus" for anyone who showed up to the arena early. It'll also be broadcast on the PSW website. Several minutes of back and forth action served mainly to show just how green Brimstone was and how aware the audience was of that fact. He was mercifully put away by Frankie Future about eight minutes in. [b]E[/b] [b]Dark Segment[/b] Frankie Future and Nelson Callum took time out of their busy schedule to deliver a profanity-laden promo against Steven Parker for leaving after this show. Whether it was a shoot or a work is anyone's guess, but it's pretty obvious that the real purpose behind sending out these two was to help Callum feel more comfortable on the microphone. [b]D-[/b] [b]Frankie Future vs. Lazy Joe[/b] Wow they're getting some use out of Frankie Future tonight. This was a by-the-numbers contest, with Joe looking sleepier than usual throughout the match. The fans predictably hated Lazy Joe, and Frankie Future picked up his second win of the night in only a few minutes. [b]E+[/b] Ash Campbell appears in a decidedly lo-fi music video showcasing his training methods. Looks like the gym could stand a good dusting. [b]E-[/b] [b]PSW National Title Four-Way Ladder Match [i]PSW National Champion[/i] Steven Parker vs. Teddy Powell vs. Ash Campbell vs. Little Bill Lebowski[/b] This spotfest went on for nearly twenty minutes, with the main story told being the increasing lack of cooperation between stablemates Parker & Powell. With Campbell and Powell both taken out in a spot where both men fell off the ladder at once, Parker demanded his manager Nicole Kiss' Singapore Cane so he could put away Lebowski. She instead swung at Parker, giving Little Bill the time needed to climb the ladder and retrieve the belt. [b]D[/b] Without his manager or his title, Parker kneels in the ring clutching his ribs and looking distraught. Teddy Powell approaches him and offers a hand up, then smiles. "Have fun in SWF, you son of a bitch." He puts away Parker with a vicious haymaker. [b]E+[/b] Johnny Martin goes to the ring to cut a promo while the ladder match debris is being cleared away. He goes through the usual "I'm the people's champion, I won't lose to my opponent tonight" spiel, and the crowd eats it up. [b]D+[/b] [b]PSW Tag Team Title Match [i]PSW Tag Team Champions[/i] Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)[/b] The combined age of the four competitors comes to something over 150, so this isn't going to be a fantastic match and everyone knows it. Still, Braun knows how to keep the crowd on its feet and an attempt is made at an old-school brawl with a few foreign objects sprinkled in. Just when it looks like the New Jersey Devils have the match in the bag, [b]JIM FORCE[/b] comes running into the ring. He shoves Alex Braun off of the turnbuckle and into the crowd, double-clotheslines The Deadly Alliance, and powerbombs Tank Bradley. The referee calls for the bell and the match is ruled a draw.[b]D-[/b] "FEEL THE FOOOOOOOOOOORCE!" Jim Force, maniac that he is, continues his rampage. He powerbombs Tank Bradley a second time, this time [i]on top[/i] of The Deadly Alliance, and then methodically piledrives both The Wolverine and The Punisher into the concrete. Force wanders into the crowd for a steel chair, takes several swings at the three downed men, and then leaves through the crowd. Alex Braun gets back to his feet just in time to see the horrible damage done to his partner and his opponents. [b]D[/b] [b]PSW Championship Match [i]PSW Champion[/i] Johnny Martin vs. JD Morgan[/b] Morgan does his best to turn the match into a technical contest, but Martin isn't having any of it. By the fifth minute of stop-and-start technical wrestling Morgan himself gets upset and just starts throwing punches. A nice brawl ensues, and by the twentieth minute Johnny Martin hits the Twist on the Rocks and gets the pin. [b]D+[/b] [b]Overall Rating: D[/b]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v341/shamelessposer/wrestlingheat.jpg[/IMG] [size=5][b]PSW Website Changes![/b][/size][/center] PSW's website updated just moments after The Ministry cleared out Friday night. The addition of [b]Jim Force[/b] to the roster page is still a surprise, but another addition was retired BSC "wrestler" (and we use that term loosely) [b]Annie Hitch****[/b], who we can only hope will be used in a managerial capacity. Five names have also been [i]removed[/i] from the roster page: [b]Steven Parker[/b] (expected for the obvious reasons), [b]Dead Bolt[/b], [b]Tank Bradley[/b], [b]The Punisher[/b], and [b]The Wolverine[/b]. While we don't know the circumstances behind Dead Bolt's removal it's safe to assume that Deadly Alliance and Tank Bradley were written out of PSW by the events of Friday's show. The titles page says that the PSW Tag Team Titles have been vacated due to both of the champions being injured. An update released earlier in the week said to watch for the debut of PSW On The Web, a weekly webcast that will include footage not seen on PSW's DVD releases.
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This was a solid first show, but you're in for one hell of an uphill battle. It's disappointing that you're already dropping five guys (even if one of them is Tank Bradley), but you're going to be bleeding money if you pay those fossils to act like they're at an extreme USPW show. I hope to see some Warrior Engine guys make an appearance, as you could certainly use them.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;435898]This was a solid first show, but you're in for one hell of an uphill battle. It's disappointing that you're already dropping five guys (even if one of them is Tank Bradley), but you're going to be bleeding money if you pay those fossils to act like they're at an extreme USPW show. I hope to see some Warrior Engine guys make an appearance, as you could certainly use them.[/QUOTE] Fortunately, if things go south I'll be out of a job soon enough. It's a critical goal that I not go into debt. It seems like a roster rebuild just might be enough to allow PSW to limp along for awhile. But the product is so heavily based on popularity that it's a real balancing act.
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Okay, so I managed to bork up my installation of the full version in such a way that I lost not only my game save but also all the mods I was working on. I promise that soon I'll have another diary. A better one. With blackjack, and hookers!* [size=1][RIGHT]*Note: Neither blackjack nor hookers guaranteed[/RIGHT][/size]
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