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Climbing The Ladder-The Story Of The NEW Generation Of Wrestling Stars

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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;441195]The answer to that question is tonight. My activities last night went better than planned and thus ran later into the night. Right now I am adding the last profiles to the database and will then begin working through the month.[/QUOTE] you lucky guy you ;)
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An update-Ended up having to help out a bud of mine who got dumped yesterday/today, and then had the muffler fall of his car. Now that he is at home, no longer as upset, and with his car in semi working order I can get back to the second most important thing going on right noe-TEW. As of this minute the data is being processed for the new game. As a preview I figured I would give you a piece of the creative meeting; [B]Franchise Players[/B] 1. Tizzy T 2. XXX 3. Judd Hacker 4. Doug Crashin 5. Nick Clements NEXT-Here We Go!
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[B]NEW News[/B] -Martin Theocott has been brought in as the lead announcer for New. He will be accompanied by various wrestlers for the color spot. He soon became friends with Matt Sidney Jr. -Mike Sensation and Mike Magnum have become friends. They will team up at the next show. [B]Ladder News[/B] -Long running Canadian jobber Bob Casey has taken over the American Wrestling Organization. He has declared that he and his 'hundred dollar heros' will be taking the Tri-State by storm by following the tactics of the great SWF. I think he is just kissing ass so he can job out to Skull DeBones...again. He made the wise choice and brought in Dean Daniels to be his booker. -Another Canadian moved to the Tri-State as Jon Jetson took over the Xtreme Wrestling Alliance. Picking someone with lots of hardcore experience in DAVE, Carl Batch was brought back from the Carribian to be the booker. -Larry Wood plans to return from Japan to work as the owner of Art Of Wrestling. NYCW and Larry's friend form the early days of DAVE, Rick Sanders, was named head booker. -JD Bellows was released from XWA before even having a match. -XWA dropped the Aerial Adrenaline Title, and instead formed the #1 Contenders Title. [B]Non-Ladder News[/B] -On TCW's first show of the year Tommy Cornell retained his World Title over Rocky Golden in a suprisingly good 'A' rated match. The only other 'A' matches in America were a string of North American Title defenses by Rich Money. -Jungle Jack won the GCG Openweight Title. -BHOTWG made some big signings at the end of week one getting PGHW ace Eisaku Hoshino and indy dream and top gajin in WLW Hell Monkey to written contracts. Samoan Machine also soon signed with them. They were then snubbed by Yosuke 'Awsome Thunder' Narita, every single week of the month. They will not take no for an answer. -Kevin Jones became ROF head booker. -James Prudence and Steven Parker signed with SWF. But the big wave signing was of DAVE standout Chris Caulfield. -Haru Kurofuji tore his rotar cuff and will be out of work for 11 and a half months. -Mean Jean defeated Erik Strong in the finals of the Rip Chord Invitational. [B][U]Results[/U][/B] [I]AOW Night Of Mayhem (68 Tri-State) [B]E+[/B] [/I] Romy Alverez defeated Kevin Moore [B]E[/B] Pedro Rodriguez defeated Mr. Wrench [B]E[/B] [I]Johnny Molson[/I] defeated Nicholas Clements [B]D+[/B] (Strong Style) James Casey defeated Mike Sensation [B]E-[/B] Maxx Hero defeated Tizzy T[B] E+[/B] (Pure) [I]AWO Payback (55 Tri-State) [B]E- [/B][/I] Camp David defeated Matt Sidney Jr. [B]F+[/B] XXX defeated Zack Steel [B]F+[/B] Clayton Adams drew against Doug Crashin [B]F+[/B] Ricardo Weldon defeated Richard Lionheart [B]F+[/B] Devon James defeated Will Snyder [B]F+[/B] [I]Bob Casey[/I] defeated Judd Hacker [B]E[/B] (American Heavyweight) [I]XWA Number Of The Beast (57 Mid South) [B]E-[/B][/I] Krazy Kop defeated Lennon Burntwood [B]F[/B] (#1 Contenders) The Missle defeated Anakra [B]F+[/B] -Skit with Carl Batch, Jack Stein, and Curt O'Malley [B]C-[/B] Tyler Idol defeated P.T. James [B]F+[/B] Jack Stein and Jon Jetson defeated Joe E. Jones and [I]Sel[/I] [B]E-[/B] Justin Williams defeated Azilum [B]F+[/B] (Barb Wire Heavyweight) [B]NEW Next Best Thing Tournament: Night 1[/B] [I]Tyler Idol vs. Matt Sidney Jr[/I].-The main event of the evening is a battle between the hardcore brawler Tyler Idol and the entertainer, Matt Sidney Jr. Matt is in top shape, but Tyler is not far behind in that category, and besides that, Tyler has the huge advantages of size and brawling skill. [I]Sel vs. JD Bellows vs. Mike Magnum vs. Anakra[/I]-This is a No DQ, submission victory match that comes from an argument between the purley hardcore Sel, the entertaining Mike Magnum, the straightly hardcore JD Bellows, and the the technichal 'Wizard' Anakra. It is a mix of styles that will be our second to last match of the night. [I]XXX and Camp David vs. Zack Steel and Judd Hacker[/I]-Two entertainers, teaming out of...gayness? Who knows, but they team up to face the twenty four year old Judd Hacker and the twenty one year old, and very arrogant, Zack Steel. The problem is that this team may be falling apart before it can even fight due to a rivalry between Judd's experience and Zack's young skill. [I]Joe E. Jones vs. Romy Alvarez[/I]-Romy is one of the best physical specimens in NEW. Joe is a hardcore flyer. Both plan to fly here, but can Romy's skill in that department overcome the hardcore world that Joe is used to? [I]Quick Picks[/I] Tyler Idol vs. Matt Sidney Jr. Sel vs. JD Bellows vs. Mike Magnum vs. Anakra XXX and Camp David vs. Zack Steel and Judd Hacker Joe E. Jones vs. Romy Alvarez NEXT-Welcome To NEW, where AWO books a show at the last minute and steals away 1/3 of the roster, but I could actually just cancel the show because our prestige is zero, but run the show anyways without a referee!
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Tyler Idol vs. [B]Matt Sidney Jr.[/B] Sel vs. [B]JD Bellows[/B] vs. Mike Magnum vs. Anakra [B]XXX and Camp David[/B] vs. Zack Steel and Judd Hacker [B]Joe E. Jones[/B] vs. Romy Alvarez All matches called on Gut Feeling (tm) By the way, could you give some kind of face/heel lists of the promotions? It'd be nice to have some kind of a clue about how the promotions work :) Also, boo @ Snyder losing over at AWO :(
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Two thumbs up for Sel being in the match of the night at XWA. [B]Tyler Idol[/B] vs. Matt Sidney Jr. Sel vs. JD Bellows vs. Mike Magnum vs. [B]Anakra[/B] XXX and Camp David vs. [B]Zack Steel and Judd Hacker[/B] [B]Joe E. Jones[/B] vs. Romy Alvarez
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[I]Quick Picks[/I] Tyler Idol vs. [B]Matt Sidney Jr.[/B] [I]Underdog vistory here, with Sidney Jr. going on to use his superior skills on the stick to keep his fame up.[/I] Sel vs. JD Bellows vs. Mike Magnum vs. [B]Anakra[/B] [I]This match, No Holds Barred stip notwithstanding, is straight out of his playbook. Technician for the win.[/I] XXX and Camp David vs. [B]Zack Steel and Judd Hacker[/B] [I]Make 'em strong, then have them split and feud once people care. Launch their singles careers off the back of a strong tag run.[/I] Joe E. Jones vs. [B]Romy Alvarez[/B] [I]Based entirely off his description as an excellent specimen.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;442130]Championship match first out the gate - aww, yeah![/QUOTE] Yeah, but you lost. Unlike some people I could mention. The inaugural AOW Strong Style Champion, for example. Can't think who that might be... *adjusts title on shoulder*. Heh, just a bit of inter-promotional banter, Judd. I know that you know that I'm better than you, so there's no need to make it personal. Right? I mean, at least you got a match in NEW. No title, of course, but a tag team match near the bottom of the card for the least prestigious promotion in the world. Props on that. You have experience? Bob has experience. Bob can tell you the exact number of lightbulbs in the lighting rig of every arena in North America, that's just how experienced he is. And he just beat you. Oh, and... match of the night, baby. Hell, I'm underselling myself here. Match of the WEEK, by three whole grades. My name is Johnny, and I am Canadian. (¬_¬) Tyler Idol vs. [B]Matt Sidney Jr[/B]. Sel vs. JD Bellows vs. [B]Mike Magnum[/B] vs. Anakra [B]XXX and Camp David[/B] vs. Zack Steel and Judd Hacker Joe E. Jones vs. [B]Romy Alvarez[/B]
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So ya. Like a week before the show I checked the calendar to make sure everyone would be available. It said all clear. I get to the show, and what do I find out? One third of my locker room no showed for the AWO show, which would be taking place later in the night at the exact same venue. Ok, fine. I can live with that. Next I find out I forgot to get a referee and a road agent. Fine. We will have some workers sub in for that. Then as Joe E. Jones heads through the curtain my blood overflowed. I looked out and saw 17 people. I figured that their must have been a Yankee’s game on or something (Note to self, people no show a Boston event, for the Yankees…in February). But I wasn’t pissed until after the show when an additional 30 people showed up for the AWO show, but no showed for me. Do they have a problem with seeing two events in one night? Who knows. On with the show. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B]NEW Next Best Thing Tournament: Night 1[/B][/COLOR] [I]Held In Front Of 17 At The Weston Gym In The Tri State Region Monday, Week 1, February, 2008[/I][/CENTER] [B]Romy Alvarez defeated Joe E. Jones in 6:39 with a Corkscrew Splash[/B] This match was mostly Romy doing fast paced stuff showing off his superior flying skills, Joe doing some bitch work like putting up his knees on top rope moves, taunting for heel heat, and then more of Romy doing cool stuff. Alvarez picks up the win with his Corkscrew splash. An average match for those that are climbing the ladder. Romy moves on in the tournament. [B][COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR][/B] Having picked up the victory, Romy Alvarez celebrates in the ring by doing a back flip. Boston was not amused. [B][COLOR="red"]F-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Tizzy T defeated P.T. James in 10:41 with an Attitude Adjustment [/B] This match was made last minute as a replacement for Matt against Tyler. P.T. did some cool looking stuff, defiantly looking like he would be able to have a good match with Romy. Tizzy had his number though, being significantly better technically, and using his power to bust any momentum by James. T won when he caught James on the top rope, catching him with his second rope death valley driver for the win and an advancement in the tournament. [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] [B]Anakra defeated JD Bellows, Mike Magnum and Sel in 14:16 when JD tapped to the Supreme Dream [/B] The first few minutes were fast paced, with most of the guys out in the crowd breaking rented chairs that I will apparently now not be getting my deposit back on. Sel was beating the snot out of Magnum thanks to his expertise in this type of match when out from the crowd came Mike Sensation. He saved Magnum and together they dismantled Sel and ended up dragging him backstage. During this interruption Anakra and JD found their way to the ring. Eventually Anakra makes JD tap to The Supreme Dream. [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] As Anakra makes his way to the back after advancing in the tournament he passes Mike Magnum and Mike Sensation. They come to the ring with a microphone in hand and announce that they are now a team, The M2. [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] M2 are in the ring with claiming their new team is so good that they cannot be defeated by anyone, and they make an open challenge for any team on the roster to face them. [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Johnny Molson and Nicholas Clements come out and say that they will take the open challenge that M2 issued. [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] M2 capitalize on their advantage of being in the ring from the start and hit stereo planchas on Johnny Molson and Nicholas Clements. They all fight around the ring for a while and eventually make it to the ring where the bell rings and it is announced that this is the main event. A terrible failure for a segment, but it had to be done since all my entertainers no showed. [COLOR="red"][B]F-[/B][/COLOR] [B]Johnny Molson and Nicholas Clements defeated M2 in 12:03 when Molson pinned Magnum via Canada‘s Favorite Move[/B] To bad no one from Canada attended the show, as maybe we would have scrapped this up to a D-. The skill for this match was certainly there, as Molson and Clements looked like true aces while M2 are certainly not slouches either. Not much to say about the full match. Lots of mat work, and even more of Johnny making everyone else look like his bitch. He won after catching Magnum mid air in a spring board. Molson and Clem move on to the next round. [B][COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR][/B] So the final grade is an [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR]. Better than the American Wrestling Organization and the Xtreme Wrestling Association’s first shows, only barley beat by Art Of Wrestling’s first show. I think we could have beat them with a full roster, and without the dropping of two matches unannounced. These next two shows should be better though. But more on that later. NEXT-Later comes, and the next card is unveiled, plus, was it worth it for the AWO guys that skipped NEW show and more on a problem caused by Canada's most arrogant wrestler.
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