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CBW: The Worst of the Worst

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“If you build it they will come” What the hell “If you build it they will come” Build what, what should I build. “If you build it they will come” The voice in my head was very clear, while I worked, while I slept, hell even while I tired to watch TV. All I could here was “If you build it they will come.” Wasn’t that from some damn movie? I live in New York City I don’t have a ****ing cornfield and I sure as hell can’t play baseball. What the hell am I supposed to build. There I was I finally moved into a house, out in the Rockaway’s with my ever understanding girlfriend and I apparently needed to build something. My hobbies haven’t always been hers but she really flipped when I finally figured out what I was supposed to build. It hit my while I was flipping between SWF Supreme TV and TCW Presents Total Wrestling. If I build it they will come, a wrestling ring in my backyard. It took me two weeks but I scrounged up the money and I built it a ring in my backyard. My woman was pissed but I knew it was what I had to do. The first guy to show up was a giant of a man, well he towered over me. I had seen his work and it sucked but what the hell. For a week it was me getting my ass kicked by Dusty Bin. With no formal training I already wrestled rings around him. But Dusty was just the first, they came they all came. Every sack of crap wrestler who couldn’t get a job showed up on my doorstep and they wanted to wrestle in the ring in my backyard. There was another backyard promotion in the Tri-State area, XDW I think it was called. In the second week five wrestlers (Xavier Reckless, Super Sonic, Fearless Blue, Daredevil Aero and Extreme Deluxe) as well as their announcer Lee Bambino showed up. Now I had a monster and five losers crashing in my basement, Lee was from New York he had his own place and why that hell didn’t put up some of his old buddies I’ll never know. By then it was a gaggle and I couldn’t put up with it any more. Well OK I could put up with it by my girlfriend wasn’t having it so I made them all get jobs. Once they were chipping in for stuff my little woman began to brighten up a bit. As bright as he could get with six dumb asses crammed into my basement. When the chick who looked like a porn star showed up, that’s when I got in real trouble, She came from the west coast, her name was Kali Fornia (stage name at least) and she looked like that chick Vikki Candi. Sure my heart jumped when she was at the door but I knew better so I made her stay with Lee and for once that schmuck didn’t complain. When the Canadian’s started showing up I had it up to here. The Toronto Terror, The Wizard of Ottawa (complete with heavy ass armor) and “The Mover from Vancouver” Tempest Appleby showed up in a broken down ’67 Chevy. Now I knew there was going to be a problem I just didn’t know what to do with them all. I finally kicked them all out but they still wanted to wrestle so they got a place together and came by my place every day. We started putting on these backyard shows for like a buck a head and let people bring their own beer. I really though she was gonna kill me be my girlfriend actually said it looked like I was finally showing some initiative. New York Red showed up next, he wasn’t from New York he was from Philly but that’s the name he went by and luckily enough his brother was a referee. The day after they arrived three more chicks showed up and my girlfriend bought me a chastity belt. Vita, Jemma Griffith and Pettle all heard about our little venture and hitched here together. I never asked them how they paid their way and I don’t want to know. But now I had twelve wrestlers (including myself), four valets, a ref and an announcer/commentator so I was good to go. Over the next few weeks the roster rounded out. They all came to New York to wrestle in the ring in the backyard of a tard who had no wrestling training and they were happy about it. Resse Paige, Matty Phatty, Bob Casey, Crash Lewis, Leo Davis, Ben Williams, Keith Vegas, Mark Smart, Mad Dog Mortimer (in his leisure suit), Trauma, Weird Waldo Odlaw, El Medico, Ron Greenhorn, Murderous Mikey, Jeremy Jazz and Stretch the Chicken Boy all came to wrestle in my ring. The biggest sacks of crap known to wrestling and they all traveled miles and miles to wrestle in my dumb ass backyard. When my girlfriend finally couldn’t take it any more we folded up the ring, I moved in with Lee, which meant I got to crash on hi couch in close proximity of Kali Fornia, and we all began looking for a new place to wrestle. That’s where we are now, January 2008 and Crash and Burn Wrestling officially exists. We scrounged up a bunch of cash, some guys had a job and savings, Mad Dog Mortimer is apparently a great accountant and we got a loan through Murderous Mikey through sources I can only say are “questionable’ and here we are. One Million Dollars banked, although now everyone expects to get paid, and a monthly spot at Weston’s Gym in Jersey and we’re good to go. Look out world here comes the biggest bunch of losers you’ve ever seen.
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Guest The Aussie
Let the good times role dude although I wonder whos diary will come out stronger between yours and D-Lyriums considering they have the same basis.
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[B][U]Workers[[/U]/B] [B]Face[/B] “Everyone’s Favorite Underdog” Ben Williams aka “The Human Bump Machine” Daredevil Aero “The Gentleman” El Medico “The Backyard Sensation” Extreme Deluxe “Try Anything Once” Fearless Blue “Free Form” Jeremy Jazz aka “The Clean Cut Hero” “The Sprout Faced Boy” Keith Vegas “The Insider” Mark Smart “Cheeky Monkey” Matty Phatty “The World’s Dullest Blue Chipper” Ron Greenhorn aka Ronnie G. “Super Weird” Stretch the Chicken Boy Simon “The Missile” Munoz “The Rabid Dog” Xavier Reckless “The Muse” Jemma Griffiths “The Girl-Next-Door” Vita [B]Heels[/B] “One Track Mind” Bob Casey Craig “Crash’ Lewis “The Human Disaster Zone” “Bad Business” Dusty Bin “The Lounge Lizard” Leisure Suit Morty “The Drifter” Leo Davis “The Debt Collector” Murderous Mikey “Street Meat” New York Red “Turncoat” Super Sonic aka “The Redneck Luchador” “The Mover From Vancouver” Tempest Appleby “The Blood Sucker” The Toronto Terror “Mr. Magic” The Wizard of Ottawa “The Shock to your System” Trauma Weird Waldo Oldaw “Sex Machine” Kali Fornia “Daddy’s Little Girl” Pettle
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Crash and Burn Wrestling Presents CBW Up In Flames Sunday Week 4 January Westons Gym Stretch the Chicken Boy and Jeremy Jazz vs Tempest Appleby and The Wizard of Ottawa Ron Greenhorn and El Medico vs Murderous Mikey and Dusty Bin The Missile and Mark Smart vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Trauma Keith Vegas and Daredevil Aero vs The Toronto Terror and Super Sonic Ben Williams and Fearless Blue vs Leisure Suit Morty and New York Red Xavier Reckless and Extreme Deluxe vs Leo Davis and Crash Lewis Matty Phatty vs Bob Casey For the CBW Championship
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Awesome man, you know I'm reading. Stretch the Chicken Boy and Jeremy Jazz vs Tempest Appleby and [B]The Wizard of Ottawa[/B] [I]Him or Appleby[/I] Ron Greenhorn and El Medico vs [B]Murderous Mikey[/B] and Dusty Bin [I]I like him for some reason... could also go to Dusty[/I] The Missile and [B]Mark Smart[/B] vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Trauma [I]Smart is GOD compared to what's in the ring with him[/I] Keith Vegas and Daredevil Aero vs [B]The Toronto Terror[/B] and Super Sonic [I]Booking a monster heel I guess...[/I] Ben Williams and Fearless Blue vs [B]Leisure Suit Morty[/B] and New York Red [I]Hmm... could go to any of these guys really[/I] Xavier Reckless and Extreme Deluxe vs Leo Davis and Crash Lewis [B] Matty Phatty[/B] vs Bob Casey For the CBW Championship [I]He's more popular and stuff. I like Casey more though.[/I]
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[B]Stretch the Chicken Boy and Jeremy Jazz[/B] vs Tempest Appleby and The Wizard of Ottawa Ron Greenhorn and El Medico vs [B]Murderous Mikey and Dusty Bin[/B] [B] The Missile and Mark Smart[/B] vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Trauma Keith Vegas and Daredevil Aero vs [B]The Toronto Terror and Super Sonic[/B] [B] Ben Williams and Fearless Blue[/B] vs Leisure Suit Morty and New York Red Xavier Reckless and Extreme Deluxe vs [B]Leo Davis and Crash Lewis[/B] Matty Phatty vs [B]Bob Casey[/B] For the CBW Championship
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Stretch the Chicken Boy and Jeremy Jazz vs [B]Tempest Appleby and The Wizard of Ottawa [/B][I]Talent in this match is definitely loaded on one side[/I] Ron Greenhorn and El Medico vs [B]Murderous Mikey and Dusty Bin[/B] [I]I'm a huge Mikey Mark [/I] [B]The Missile and Mark Smart[/B] vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Trauma[I] Once again, talent heavy side[/I] Keith Vegas and Daredevil Aero vs [B]The Toronto Terror and Super Sonic[/B] [I]I have a good feeling about Toroto Terror[/I] Ben Williams and Fearless Blue vs [B]Leisure Suit Morty and New York Red[/B] [I]You can't stop that kind of leisure suited power[/I] Xavier Reckless and Extreme Deluxe vs [B]Leo Davis and Crash Lewis[/B] Actually, the talent is on the other side of the fence, but after watching both Leo and Crash earn a spot on the upper cards, I can't not root for them. [B]Matty Phatty[/B] vs Bob Casey [I]Matty Phatty is the only member of the roster with real talent. That speaks tons about his prospects...and the roster as a whole[/I]
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[B]Stretch the Chicken Boy and Jeremy Jazz[/B] vs Tempest Appleby and The Wizard of Ottawa - The same reasoning as prague, before he inexplicably chose the wrong one :p Stretch is awesome, and Jazz is better than Wizard. Ron Greenhorn and El Medico vs [B]Murderous Mikey and Dusty Bin[/B] - There's a lot of things Dusty Bin doesn't know how to do in a wrestling ring, losing is one of them. [B]The Missile and Mark Smart[/B] vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Trauma - Mark Smart is genuinely talented. Nobdoy else in the entire fed can say that, except possibly Reckless and Appleby of course. Keith Vegas and Daredevil Aero vs [B]The Toronto Terror and Super Sonic[/B] - No real reason ¬_¬ Ben Williams and Fearless Blue vs [B]Leisure Suit Morty and New York Red[/B] - Morty! Morty! [B]Xavier Reckless and Extreme Deluxe[/B] vs Leo Davis and Crash Lewis - Reckless! Reckless! ¬_¬ Matty Phatty vs [B]Bob Casey[/B] For the CBW Championship Matty Phatty must never become champion of anywhere.
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It looks like one helluva card! Stretch the Chicken Boy and Jeremy Jazz vs [B]Tempest Appleby[/B] and The Wizard of Ottawa [I]Tempest has been held back for way too long its time for him to shine![/I] Ron Greenhorn and El Medico vs [B]Murderous Mikey and Dusty Bin[/B] [I]The guy that started it all has to win in the debut right?[/I] [B]The Missile and Mark Smart[/B] vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Trauma [I]Just because he is Mark Smart[/I] [B]Keith Vegas and Daredevil Aero[/B] vs The Toronto Terror and Super Sonic [I]Vegas is a star in the making mark my words! [/I]:p [B]Ben Williams and Fearless Blue[/B] vs Leisure Suit Morty and New York Red [I]The Bump Machine is no longer the JOB machine![/I] [B]Xavier Reckless and Extreme Deluxe[/B] vs Leo Davis and Crash Lewis [I]Tag Champs here! I was thinking Crash Lewis but I cant stand Leo Davis so we go with the other guys from the Quest.[/I] Matty Phatty vs [B]Bob Casey[/B] For the CBW Championship [I]"The Feature Presentation" Robert Casey from now on![/I]
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Stretch the Chicken Boy and Jeremy Jazz vs [b]Tempest Appleby and The Wizard of Ottawa[/b] Ron Greenhorn and El Medico vs [b]Murderous Mikey and Dusty Bin[/b] [b]The Missile and Mark Smart[/b] vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Trauma Keith Vegas and Daredevil Aero vs [b]The Toronto Terror and Super Sonic[/b] Ben Williams and Fearless Blue vs [b]Leisure Suit Morty and New York Red[/b] [b]Xavier Reckless and Extreme Deluxe[/b] vs Leo Davis and Crash Lewis Matty Phatty vs [b]Bob Casey[/b] For the CBW Championship
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[B]Stretch the Chicken Boy and Jeremy Jazz[/B] vs Tempest Appleby and The Wizard of Ottawa Aww, Stretch it! Ron Greenhorn and El Medico vs [B]Murderous Mikey and Dusty Bin[/B] Big Mother F'n Kick! [B]The Missile and Mark Smart[/B] vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Trauma Hmmm... random pick Keith Vegas and Daredevil Aero vs [B]The Toronto Terror and Super Sonic[/B] As I remember Sonic is the best of the backyarders Ben Williams and Fearless Blue vs Leisure Suit Morty and New York Red Draw - to extend the Red vs. Blue war. Xavier Reckless and Extreme Deluxe vs [B]Leo Davis and Crash Lewis[/B] It is [B]Crash[/B] and Burn Wrestling Matty Phatty vs [B]Bob Casey[/B] For the CBW Championship Raging egomaniac ftw
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We packed a whopping 14 people into weston's used all our workers, except Pettle and Vita, and we only lost $2,700. The plan was to test our valets out see how they worked and what the fans liked, Kali Fornia came out with all of the heels and Jemma Griffiths came out with all of the faces. [B][CENTER]Announcers [COLOR="Red"]Lee Bambino[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]Reese Paige[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/LeeBambino_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/ReesePaige.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Valets [COLOR="Red"]"Sex Machine" Kali Fornia[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]"The Muse" Jemma Griffiths[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/KaliFornia.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/JemmaGriffiths.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/StretchTheChickenBoy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/JeremyJazz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/TempestAppleby_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/WizardOfOttowa.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Stretch the Chicken Boy[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]Jeremy Jazz[/COLOR] over [COLOR="Red"]Tempest Appleby[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]The Wizard of Ottawa[/COLOR] (F) Hardcore Match 7:02 Minutes[/CENTER][/B] The crowd hates Stretch and Jeremy and boy did they hate Jeremy. Tempest Appleby and The Wizard of Ottawa may not have been crapped on by the crowd but they had absolutely zero chemistry as a team. On the good side both Jemma and Kali Fornia did some good work as ring side eye candy. Jeremy Jazz pinned The Wizard of Ottawa for the win. [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/RonGreenhorn.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/ElMdico.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/MurderousMikey.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/DustyBin.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Ron Greenhorn[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]El Medico[/COLOR] over [COLOR="Red"]Murderous Mikey[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]Dusty Bin[/COLOR] (F) Hardcore Match 4:41 Minutes[/CENTER][/B] The fans made absolutely no secret of their hatred for Murderous Mikey and Dusty Bin, they were also less than thrilled by Ron Greenhorn. Murderous Mikey was off what little game he had as far as wrestling went. Again Jemma and Kali were both a good ring side presence. Ron Greenhorn managed to take down Murderous Mikey for a pin and the win of this craptastic match. [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/GonnohyoeKada.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/Trauma.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/WeirdWaldoOdlaw.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Mark Smart[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]The Missile[/COLOR] over [COLOR="Red"]Trauma[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]Weird Waldo Odlaw[/COLOR] (F) Hardcore Match 9:33 Minutes[/CENTER][/B] The Missile was off his game (oh wait that’s me I was off my game) and he was brutally crapped on by the crowd. Odlaw was in the same boat on both accounts and Trauma took a verbal beating from the crowd. Mark Smart couldn’t stop staring a Jemma Griffith's tits when he as in the corner so they were an awkward pair.The fans may hate the wrestlers but they loved Jemma and Kali and who wouldn't. Mark Smart pinned Weird Waldo Odlaw for the win. [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/TheTorontoTerror.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/SuperSonic.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/KeithVegas.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/DaredevilAero.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]The Toronto Terror[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]Super Sonic[/COLOR] over [COLOR="Blue"]Keith Vegas[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]Daredevil Aero[/COLOR] (F+) Hardcore Match 4:35 Minutes[/CENTER][/B] The crowd showed utter contempt for everyone but The Toronto Terror. Super Sonic was also off his game on top of the fact the fans thought he already sucked. Jemma Griffith did some god work. The Toronto Terror pinned Keith Vegas for the win. [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/MadDogMortimer_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/NewYorkRed.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/FearlessBlue.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Leisure Suit Morty[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]New York Red[/COLOR] over [COLOR="Blue"]Ben Williams[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]Fearless Blue[/COLOR] (F) Hardcore Match 4:41 Minutes[/CENTER][/B] Ben Williams and Fearless Blue were shown utter contempt by the fans. Both team showed a lack of fluidity Williams and Blue more so than Morty and Red. Kali Fornia and Jemma Griffiths were again the ring side attractions that kept the fans interested. The fans weren't the only one interested as Morty was distracted by Kali Fornia's "assets" and the two made an awkward pair. New York Red pinned Ben Williams after some interference by Kali Fornia. [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/LeoDavis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/CraigLewis.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/XavierReckless.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/ExtremeDeluxe.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Leo Davis[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]Crash Lewis[/COLOR] over [COLOR="Blue"]Xavier Reckless[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]Extreme Deluxe[/COLOR] (E-) Hardcore Match 7:03 Minutes[/CENTER][/B] Leo Davis and Crash Lewis were treated with utter contempt by the crowd while they brutally crapped on everything Extreme Deluxe did. The match went a little long for Leo Davis but not long enough to exhaust him.. Crash Lewis pinned Extreme Deluxe for the win. [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/MattyPhatty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Matty Phatty[/COLOR] over [COLOR="Red"]Bob Casey[/COLOR] (E+) Hardcore Match For the CBW Championship 6:57 Minutes[/CENTER][/B] Best match of the night but still pretty suck, but on the good side the fans didn’t crap on any workers. Phatty was visibly tiring by the end of the match but it didn’t really take much away from things especially when it was covered up by his good chemistry with Kali Fornia. Jemma Griffiths did some good ring side work and the announce team lifted it some. Overall this show sucked something awful (E). We have to be the worst bunch of would be wrestlers on the face of the planet. Next time maybe I’ll remember to book the right place.
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Crash and Burn Wrestling Presents CBW Personal Demons Sunday Week 4 February Weston's Gym Stetch the Chicken Boy vs Tempest Appleby For the CBW Collision Title Keith Vegas and Mark Smart vs Leisure Suit Morty and Super Sonic Ben Williams and Daredevil Aero vs The Toronto Terror and Trauma The Missile and El Medico vs Leo Davis and New York Red Ron Greenhorn and Jeremy Jazz vs Bob Casey and Crash Lewis Extreme Deluxe and Fearless Blue vs Murderous Mikey and The Wizard of Ottawa Matty Phatty and Xavier Reckless vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Dusty Bin [QUOTE]I'd like to thank everyone for their predictions to make it a little easier to decided who to pick I'll actually lay out pushes and gimmicks as writing this diary a little differently than my usual diaries where I try and work the characters into the match write ups. The CBW Collision title is a low level title with no specific purpose mainly because no one really has the skill for me to make Flier titles or Hardcore titles just yet.[/QUOTE]
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Crash and Burn Wrestling Presents CBW Personal Demons Sunday Week 4 February Weston's Gym [B]Stetch the Chicken Boy[/B] vs Tempest Appleby For the CBW Collision Title [B]Keith Vegas and Mark Smart[/B] vs Leisure Suit Morty and Super Sonic [B]Ben Williams and Daredevil Aero[/B] vs The Toronto Terror and Trauma [B]The Missile and El Medico[/B] vs Leo Davis and New York Red Ron Greenhorn and Jeremy Jazz vs [B][COLOR="Blue"]"The Feature Presentation" Robert Casey[/COLOR] and Crash Lewis[/B] [B]Extreme Deluxe and Fearless Blue[/B] vs Murderous Mikey and The Wizard of Ottawa [B]Matty Phatty and Xavier Reckless[/B] vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Dusty Bin
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... [QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;443160]Crash and Burn Wrestling Presents Stetch the Chicken Boy vs [B]Tempest Appleby[/B] For the CBW Collision Title Keith Vegas and Mark Smart vs [B]Leisure Suit Morty and Super Sonic[/B] Ben Williams and Daredevil Aero vs [B]The Toronto Terror and Trauma[/B] The Missile and El Medico vs [B]Leo Davis and New York Red[/B] Ron Greenhorn and Jeremy Jazz vs [B]Bob Casey and Crash Lewis[/B] [B]Extreme Deluxe and Fearless Blue [/B]vs Murderous Mikey and The Wizard of Ottawa [B]Matty Phatty and Xavier Reckless [/B]vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Dusty Bin[/QUOTE]
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lol, all those F matches and still he does better then my booking :( Oh well, Matty Phatty really helps it, he actually has some popularity. I see you're mixing and matching hoping for some good tag teams but if I was you (and I'm not, I know) I would be trying to grind the singles and hope a feud comes out. I've found that singles chemistry is much more common then tag team chemistry.
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