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MoSC: Intreactive Fan profiles

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[I]First-off, to all readers of ECW Worldwide, it [I]will[/I] continue! There are a lot of ideas/stories in that that I want to run. In fact, it will probably be the higher priority. However, I've been dying to try this.[/I] In the coming days/weeks, I plan to start a MoSC C-Verse diary as I've had a lot of fun playing with them and I think they're a great concept for a fed. It will be as stereotypically British as possible and as as seedy/underground as I can possibly make it. Something for the rest of the industry to really feel disgusted by. Perhaps, like a C-Verse, Scottish CZW. In view of this, I want to create a picture of a small, rabid fanbase and this is where you lot come in. Anyone who thinks they'd be interested in this diary can fill in some information and become a regular fan at ringside (think ECW's Faith No More Guy). So, if you want to be a MoSC front-row fan just fill in this information. [B]Name:[/B] (Either yours or the fictional fan you wish to create; preferably, the former) [B]General Appearance:[/B] (your striking features; for example - glasses, beard, hairstlye) [B]Nickname:[/B] (if you think a nickname applies to you fill it in here; for instance - I have long blonde hair and a full-beard and, thus, get called Viking or Leo Lion) [B]Favourite Ringside Beverage:[/B] (A Pint Glass of London Pride? Canned Heineken? Coke? Or even a Dry Martini?) [B]Favourite Ringside Food:[/B] (Pizza? Beer? No spit-roast pork or anything stupid, mind) [B]Preferred Weapon:[/B] (What do you tend to bring to a "Fans Bring Weapons" match?) Let me know... Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[B]Name:[/B] James Tyler [B]General Appearance:[/B] Glasses, and a tendency to wear long-sleeved shirts whatever the weather [B]Nickname:[/B] Wee Jimmy (I do actually get called this quite a lot-I have Scottish friends that like to take the p*ss) [B]Favourite Ringside Beverage:[/B] a pint of Carlsberg [B]Favourite Ringside Food:[/B] Ham & Pineapple Pizza [B]Preferred Weapon:[/B] An very thick hardback book.
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[B]Name:[/B] Simon Peter Munoz [B]General Appearance:[/B] long goatee and mustache dyed red, red and purple hair to the mid back. [B]Nickname:[/B] The Dude or Colorful Jesus [B]Favourite Ringside Beverage:[/B] Pint of Guinness [B]Favourite Ringside Food:[/B] Chili Cheese Fries [B]Preferred Weapon:[/B] Sign of the moment (Stop, Yield, Deercrossing, ect...)
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Name: Andy Edwards General Appearance: Near afro-style hair, always long sleeve shirts. Nickname: Leo Sayer (tis my afro style hair that does it haha) Favourite Ringside Beverage: Coke Favourite Ringside Food: Nachos with lots o' cheese. Preferred Weapon: A long wooden staff.
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Great idea, count me in. :) Name: Dean Roberts General Appearance: Nerdy - glasses and scrawny build. Nickname: The Wrestling Encyclopedia Favourite Ringside Beverage: Water Favourite Ringside Food: Fruit Preferred Weapon: Laptop computer. (He's a geek, he'd be posting show reports to the Torch or wherever and just get carried away and hit someone with it...)
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Name: Alistair McGeorge General Appearance: skinny, black emo-ish hair, glasses, I pretty much always wear black :p Nickname: Hmm I've got loads....we'll go with Dr. Emo Favourite Ringside Beverage: I'm torn between whisky cos it's the only manly drink I like or smirnoff ice :o ....we'll go with a bottle of JD. Favourite Ringside Food: hot dog Preferred Weapon: How's about a practice guitar amp (like a normal amp but smaller :p)
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Name: Unknown General Appearance: Fat, neckbeard, glasses, Green Lantern jersey Nickname: Green Lantern Fan Favourite Ringside Beverage: Bawls Energy Drink Favourite Ringside Food: Funyuns Preferred Weapon: His ability to start oh so clever/smarky chants.
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Phew thank Raven that you'll still be doing ECW. Name: Carl Ford General Appearance: Think of a beardless Bubba Dudley :-p Nickname: Malachi (it was my wrestling name, but people still use it) Favourite Ringside Beverage: Ah London Pride, used to enjoy that til I had one from a dirty pipe and it put me off. So whack me down for a nice cider / Magnas/Bulmas it's all good. Favourite Ringside Food: WWF Ice Cream bars :-p Preferred Weapon: Weapon of Choice by Fatboy Slim CD.
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[B]Name:[/B] Glasgow Gary [B]General Appearance:[/B] Really thick glasses [B]Favourite Ringside Beverage:[/B] Scotch on the rocks [B]Favourite Ringside Food:[/B] Fish and chips [B]Preferred Weapon:[/B] Metre long lead pipe
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Name: Danny K. Leeds General Appearance: Triple H sized nose, skinny, long hair, tied back in a samurai cut, very vocal. Favourite Ringside Beverage: V-8 (that's right) Favourite Ringside Food: Pretzel-dog Preferred Weapon: Tonfa (Nightstick)
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Name: Wallbanger Jones General Appearance: Big, black leather jacket, black leather skullcap, dark sunglasses, huge moustache ala Paul Tuttle Sr. in American Chopper Nickname: Wallbanger Favourite Ringside Beverage: Three Wise Men and their Mexican Porter (in a flask) (Note: the drink in question is equal parts Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Johnny Walker, and Jose Cuervo, shaken and strained. Not for the faint of heart.) Favourite Ringside Food: Flaming hot buffalo wings Preferred Weapon: Brass Knucks
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Name: Zach Guthrie McFarland General Appearance: Grease filled (most days) long brown-blonde hair, stylish sunglasses, a baseball cap of either the Red Sox or the Phillies, and an asorted collection of smarky signs, usually about 8 at once Nickname: Z-Mac, Smacky, Tepe, Spike, The Crow, etc. Favourite Ringside Beverage: Whatever he decided to fill up in a glass....stuff normal men wouldn't touch, also his signature: The Bastard Son Of Beverages (a mix of just about every alcoholic beverage known to man...along with orange juice....sickening to most) Favourite Ringside Food: Pickles Preferred Weapon: Sickle, fencepost, metal stick, cardboard box, paint (nuff said), a beer bottle, a brick, a sweet baby pickle (see above), a mauchenswitsch (multicolored wooden stick, spray painted with Z.G.M.F. on the side, with chains wrapped around it, including one falling well below the object, and a small rock encased in steel at the top of it, which can also be used as a handle),and lastly...myself.
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Name: Patty O'Hoolahan General Appearance: young soccer hooligan type, rotund, wife beater, cut off jean shorts, chain smoker, looks about ten years older than he really is, very very Irish.. to the point where his accent gets in the way of his words. Nickname: Pickles (don't ask, he'll hit you) Favourite Ringside Beverage: Rubbing alcohol.. it has a kick.. apparently. Favourite Ringside Food: More booze. Preferred Weapon: Burlap sack full of broken pint glasses from his favorite pub.. broken with love over fellow patrons heads.
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BTW, smark chants have been referenced a few times. After reading the diary, should anyone come up with a decent chant, feel free to post it in here or pm me or whatever and I may well use it. I want this diary to be as interactive and fun as possible for all involved. Event names will be silly, chants will be rude and characters, over-the-top ;). Plus, I left out the "favourite MoSC wrestler" category as I thought it would be best to leave that until I've posted some shows. But, once you have one, let me know... it may affect things. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[quote=Nevermore;445707]BTW, smark chants have been referenced a few times. After reading the diary, should anyone come up with a decent chant, feel free to post it in here or pm me or whatever and I may well use it. I want this diary to be as interactive and fun as possible for all involved. Event names will be silly, chants will be rude and characters, over-the-top ;). Plus, I left out the "favourite MoSC wrestler" category as I thought it would be best to leave that until I've posted some shows. But, once you have one, let me know... it may affect things. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/quote] If you're planning on actually using him as something decent. Geordie Jimmy Morris, if not. Kevin Jones.
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Name: Rick Manchester General Appearance: Fluffy reddish white man afro, 70's porn star moustache, and always shirtless and wearing aviators.* Nickname: Douchebag McGintley? If not, perhaps The Awesome Guy? Favourite Ringside Beverage: Bottle Water Favourite Ringside Food: Hot Dog Preferred Weapon: a cigarette *see the picture in my avatar.
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Name: Tom Lynch General Appearance: Long black hair, beard, blue eyes, sarky grin, muttering his own colour commentary most of the time. Nickname: Y'know what? Stick me next to Apu and call me Dark Jesus. Favourite Ringside Beverage: A yard drinking horn of cheap booze. (See below) Favourite Ringside Food: Burgers. Preferred Weapon: The drinking horn, often still full. Favourite MOSC wrestler at current date: Buff Martinez and Emma Evans
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;445585] [B]Name:[/B] Poncho Guy [B]General Appearance:[/B] Assorted collection of different coloured Ponchos and sombreros [B]Nickname:[/B] El Mexican Gringo [B]Favourite Ringside Beverage:[/B] Tequila [B]Favourite Ringside Food:[/B] Taco [B]Preferred Weapon:[/B] Pinata with thumbtacks inside [/QUOTE] EDIT: He thinks he's a smart mark by booing the faces, and cheering the heels, but generally he just gets totally wrong every time. He falls for worked shoots and is totally caught up in kayfabe events. Great idea!
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Name: James Casey General Appearance: Glasses, burly, short hair Nickname: Favourite Ringside Beverage: Vodka is good :D Favourite Ringside Food: Pizza, burger, Chinese, fajitas... Preferred Weapon: 12-gauge shotgun. But in terms of things I'd be allowed to bring to a public place, probably nunchucks or a policeman's telescopic truncheon Favourite MOSC wrestler: Carl Edwards and Jay B And I can only echo: Genius idea!
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I would use me, but I like this fictional superfan a lot more. :) Name: Elsie, surname unknown. General Appearance: She's the sweetest old granny you've ever seen. Nickname: Granny McPeterson Favourite Ringside Beverage: Can of Strongbow, or a nice cup of tea Favourite Ringside Food: No ringside food! She does always have a cigarette handy, though. Preferred Weapon: Knitting needles. She carries spares, so she doesn't have to stop knitting during matches. Favourite MOSC Wrestler: All the faces, without exception, especially that nice Highland Warrior. She's the most rabid mark there could possibly be for them, and goes berserk if any of the heels start cheating. She knits wooly hats and scarves for anyone who impresses her. She's also knitted at least one Chair Cosy.
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Name: Eoghan McSheamus General Appearance: a kilt, some old pullover and an old tartan beret. Nickname: the old scottish guy Favourite Ringside Beverage: whiskey Favourite Ringside Food: Haggis Preferred Weapon: some kind of short whip Favourite MOSC wrestler: The Highland Warrior
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