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MoSC: The Worst Of British Wrestling

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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;661688]Oh Danny Boy, the Wood, the Wood is calling From post to post, a Big Boot on its way And when your head is ripped clean off your body Our man will be the Champ of all UK.[/QUOTE] Brilliant. [QUOTE]Nevvy, you've done a brilliant job building up Larry for a main event run.[/QUOTE] Thank you, good sir. This match was one of the initial reasons I started the diary... Patterson and Wood are probably my two favourite C-Verse characters. [QUOTE=Prophet;661735]And poor Simona ... think next month it won't be a sultry strut to the ring, so much as a waddle? :p[/QUOTE] You had already gone too far by the time you typed that, mate :D. [QUOTE=foolinc;661850]He might be a heel and I know I'm not suppose to like him, but screw it. I mark out for Danny Patterson and him with the title against is AWESOME.[/QUOTE] So do I, my man. So do I. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/logoletters.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"][B]Presents...[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/WACGD2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]The Gauge Brothers vs. The McPeterson Clan[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMattGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAGregGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWarrior2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Jeff McPeterson was not in the MoSC arena last month to help his dad but he will be at What A Clan's Gotta Do. The USA takes on Scotland as the Gauge Brothers try to become the first team in history to beat the McPeterson Clan in a tag team match-up.[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]DJ Treason vs. Eddie Cornell[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATreason.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCCornell.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Last time these two men met, they put on a stellar and match and that's what we're all hoping for again... as well as another Cornell victory. Will the Edge Of Treason or the Tilt Grip be put to better use as DJ Treason takes on Eddie "There's Only One" Cornell.[/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]MoSC UK Tag Championship Match[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][B]The 21st Century Alliance vs. The UK Wrecking Crew(c)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CANeill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAUV.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCUKWCbelts.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]In the second of the night's tag team encounters, "The Gnarly Heel" and Ultra-Violence are set to team up to represent the 21st Century Alliance. They will be looking to dethrone the seemingly unstoppable UK Wrecking Crew. Since winning the Tag Championship just over a year ago, Thug & Bruiser have made somewhat infrequent but undoubtedly dominant appearances. Will Neill and UV be the next incarnation of the Alliance to taste the Clothesline From Hull and the Durham Dominator?[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Number One Contendership Match[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Adam Matravers vs. Burning Exile[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCExile.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Emma Evans has signed what she says will be the final match between these two talented adversaries and there is more on the line than ever. The winner of this match-up will be granted a title shot at a championship of his choosing at any time of his choosing. As such, neither man will wnat to be on the losing end of this final showdown.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Unsanctioned Match for the MoSC UK Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UK.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Larry "Got" Wood vs. Danny Patterson(c)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWoodandSimona.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPattersonandGarcia.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]This is it... the one we've all been waiting for. The two giant behemoths of the combat zone finally go head-to-head... and it's for the UK Championship! This one is bound to get so bloody hardcore that even the combat zone management has refused to sanction it - they will merely "award" the UK Championship to whoever is left standing at the end of the night. If you aren't psyched enough already, just check out the stats: height, weight and fight record since January 2008...[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Tale of the Tape[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][U][B]Wood[/B][/U][COLOR="White"]---------------[/COLOR][U][B]Patterson[/B][/U] 6'8"[COLOR="White"]-----------------[/COLOR]7'0" 385lbs[COLOR="White"]----------------[/COLOR]370lbs 20-1[COLOR="White"]----------------[/COLOR]16-1[/SIZE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All predictions welcomed.[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;661883]You had already gone too far by the time you typed that, mate :D.[/QUOTE] lol, yeah, I do that a lot. I'll try to behave next time, honest. I'll fail, but darnit, I'll try! lol The Gauge Brothers vs. [B]The McPeterson Clan[/B] [I]Think someone is reconsidering the contract they signed? I wouldn't be surprised if either Gauge thought at some point "why did I do this to myself?" Gluttons for punishment. I think, in true American form (I can say that, I am one. lol) Matt should try to out scotch the Scot, and lose by pass out. :p[/I] DJ Treason vs. [B]Eddie Cornell[/B] [I]I might need to dig deep into the tape collection, and find a remix of "Macho Man" by the Village People to offer up, giving DJ an extra boost of confidence going into his match. Shame it won't help.[/I] The 21st Century Alliance vs. [B]The UK Wrecking Crew(c)[/B] [I]I'm so tempted to side with Gnarly Violence, as the Alliance seems to bring a little something extra when gold is on the line, but the crew has been unstoppable, and even the combined efforts of UV and GH won't overcome the odds.[/I] Adam Matravers vs. [B]Burning Exile[/B] [I]Last time they'll meet? How sad. However, in another classic, Exile pulls out the victory, which keeps the division lines drawn, when ...[/I] Larry "Got" Wood vs. [B]Danny Patterson(c)[/B] [I]The Tower of Power, too sweet to be sour, who's as pale as flour wins against the frenzied man beast from the north (east? *shrugs*) It'll be one of those matches that whilst watching, you'll realize "this is why I'm a MoSC fan" but in the end, Patterson will overcome ... this time. Also give Simona the edge in the valet battle. (Garcia totally counts as a valet. :p)[/I]
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[quote=Nevermore;661883]Brilliant.[/quote] Just brilliant enough to keep me ahead in the leaderboard despite not predicting in four shows? (Or at least ahead of Prophet?) :p Anyways... The Gauge Brothers vs. [B]The McPeterson Clan[/B] [I]Building up the Gauges is a good thing. But they aren't ready to go over the McPetersons...yet.[/I] DJ Treason vs. [B]Eddie Cornell[/B] [I]There's no good reason for Cornell to lose at this point unless it is by run-in to start a new feud, and he isn't far enough up the card for something that special. He'll get beat down afterword.[/I] The 21st Century Alliance vs. [B]The UK Wrecking Crew(c)[/B] [I]Wrecking Crew retains in a pretty straightforward affair. Neither UV or Neill have the momentum to make a win, even a DQ win, reasonable.[/I] [B]Adam Matravers [/B]vs. Burning Exile [I]I just can't see you putting BE over if he's on his way out. Besides, you've invested a good deal in Matravers' push and think you're setting him up to be the champ after next...[/I] Larry "Got" Wood vs. Danny Patterson(c) [B]DOUBLE KO, PATTERSON RETAINS[/B] [I]...but not just yet. You have to get your requisite three main event matches out of the feud you've spent 18 months building up to. There won't be anyone standing at the end of this one, letting Patterson keep the belt and setting up the rematch.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;662302]Just brilliant enough to keep me ahead in the leaderboard despite not predicting in four shows? (Or at least ahead of Prophet?) :p[/QUOTE] I thought it was great. 1 point shy of breaking even with me great. :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/BD.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]All three of us "head honchos" of MoSC sat in our somewhat dilapidated conference room. Sure, the table was pretty scratched up and the foam was falling out of the chairs but it was home... and, today, we had important business.[/SIZE]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/CharliePag2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]We all huddled around the phone which was on speaker phone.[/I] [B]Voice:[/B] We're sorry. We just don't think our viewers will accept such a violent spectacle on our network. [I]We looked at each other, slightly irritated. Why was hardcore wrestling considered so inferior?[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Okay... we understand we don't necessarily cater for the mass market but you guys already show some pretty violent MMA promotions on yo... [B]Voice:[/B] Now, come on, that's different. [B]Warrior:[/B] Why? Just 'cos our results are pre-planned? You canae aye tell e that MMA fights aren't rigged for bray viewing figures... [I]I glared at Braveheart.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] You're not helping! [I]I paused.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Okay... what if we toned down the hardcore stuff... [B]Warrior:[/B] ...and when did we chew on that exactly? [I]It was like being stuck in a cross-fire.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] We'd still keep the tables and chairs and stuff but, y'know, just save the barbed wire and broken glass for arena shows. [B]Voice:[/B] Hmmm... [I]Was that hmmm good or hmmm bad?[/I] [B]Voice:[/B] I'm afraid we still don't think your popular enough. [B]Warrior:[/B] Not popular enough?! Well, sassy, I oughtta fashion ye a new... [B]Pag:[/B] ...err... thank you, sir. We understand. We'll be back in touch. [B]Voice:[/B] No problem at all... we'll talk again in a few months maybe. [B]Pag:[/B] Cheers. [I]I hung up the phone.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] What the f**k was that?! [B]Warrior:[/B] What? [I]There was a knock on the door and, suddenly, my irritation was gone. The twelve new faces assembled in front of us.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Oh... thank you all for coming. Just allow me to say that, before I was into this booking lark, I was just a huge UK Wrestling fan and I've really enjoyed watching a lot of your performances. [B]Warrior:[/B] Kiss arse! [I]...and back the irritation came.[/I] [B]Warrior:[/B] Look, we can't offer you big money! [I]Jeff finally spoke up.[/I] [B]Jeff:[/B] ...and we can't offer you national TV exposure... seemingly. [B]Pag:[/B] But what we can offer you is to be a part of the fastest growing promotion in the UK, whose focus is on wrestling but not just wrestling. Over the past two years, we've incorporated many different new styles into our shows, we've strengthened the roster no-end and our promos and entertainment segments are better than they've ever been. [B]Jeff:[/B] We can give you hardcore wrestling, technical excellence, high-flying acrobaticas and personalities and gimmicks to suit. [I]All twelve nodded in agreement. They were sold. We proceeded to hold 1-on-1 interviews.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCint.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Saturday, week 1, September[/B] Live in front of 268 fans at the "Phoneix Nights" Men's Working Club [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCManny.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPag.jpg[/IMG] [B]Manny:[/B] Hello wrestling fans, I'm Manny Morhan and it is my pleasure to welcome you, once again, to the sold out combat zone. [B]Pag:[/B] Honestly, can you not come up with a better intro line than that same old sh*t? [B]Manny:[/B] Such as? [B]Pag:[/B] Hello craptacular Northern inbreds and welcome to the combat zone, the single worst and most talent void sh*thole in the history of professional wrestling. [B]Manny:[/B] Nah, I liked mine better. Anyway, stop distracting me. Tonight is the main event we have all been waiting for! [B]Pag:[/B] For once we agree! "The Tower Of London" and "The Beast From The... err... Canada" go one on one! [B]Manny:[/B] Smooth. [B]Pag:[/B] Like you can talk, moron. [B]Manny:[/B] MORHAN! [B]Pag:[/B] ...Patterson's still gonna win. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMattGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAGregGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWarrior2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG] This one is pretty open and shut. The Gauge brothers are allowed to put in some offence. However, inevitably, everyone's favourite team wear them down. The Highland Warrior gets the fall over Greg after a Highland Fling in the sixth minute. [B]Match Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER][I]Backstage, Melanie Florence runs over to catch someone walking through the corridoor.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MelanieFlorence.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CASteamroller.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Florence:[/B] Steamroller?! Steamroller is that you?! [B]Steamroller:[/B] Haha, surprised? [B]Florence:[/B] What are you doing here?! [B]Steamroller:[/B] Well, that's for me to know. Now, get the f**k out my way! [I]The camera cuts back to ringside.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] The Steamroller?! Was that really him?! [B]Pag:[/B] Sure was, Manny. A three time UK Champion and now he's with Nova! [B]Manny:[/B] But what's he doing here? [B]Pag:[/B] Oh, the possibilities... [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATreason.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCCornell.jpg[/IMG] DJ Treason carries his signature boom box to the ring, blaring out Vaniila Ice. That is until a fan reaches over the guard-rail to hand him a tape. He puts it in and "Macho Man" blares out. As Treason goes nuts, the rest of the fans start berating the DJ's fan. He decides to go to the bar to avoid the bar. However, the fun stops when Cornell comes out. He slams the beatbox over Treason's head and the beatdown begins. By the seventh minute, He puts the DJ away with the Tilt Grip. [B]Match Rating:[/B] C- [B]Manny:[/B] Another two victories to the men of steel. [B]Pag:[/B] Don't start this again. Y'know where it got you last month... Jones lost the title. [CENTER][I]Suddenly, a familiar face sprints to the ring.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAReason.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The new arrival takes out Cornell from behind and starts laying in the boots.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] I'm seeing double... who the hell is that? [B]Manny:[/B] It's DJ Reason! [B]Pag:[/B] You measn DJ Treason? But he's standing right there... he just competed. [B]Manny:[/B] No... DJ Reason. [B]Pag:[/B] What? You mean this whole Jay B talk is true?! It really is just DJ in a red wifebeater. [B]Manny:[/B] Wow... no sh*t, sherlock! [I]DJ Reason finishes punishing Cornell and strides over to his parody. DJ Treason stares right back at DJ Reason.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] This is crazy. [I]DJ Treason smiles and offers his fist in respect. But DJ Reason offers his fist in a very different manner, flooring Treason with a haymaker.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] What the hell is going on?! [I]DJ Reason leaves the ring, leaving DJ Treason on the canvas sore-faced and confused.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UKTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CANeill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAUV.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCUKWCbelts.jpg[/IMG] The Gnarly Heel starts as the legal man squaring off against Thug and makes a strong impact. However, once UV is tagged in and the UK Wrecking Crew hit full momentum, it becomes a very differnt story. Thug and Bruiser dominate. In the fifth minute, Thug hits the Clothesline From Hull on Ultra-violence as Bruiser delivers the Durham Dominator to Neill. Both men make the cover for the three. [B]Match Rating:[/B] E [I]After the match, the chmapions celebrate for the crowd.[/I] [CENTER][I]However, like Cornell before them, they are jumped from behind.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATakeoverandPhoebe.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Pag:[/B] It's The Takeover... Joss Thompson and Leo Price, former 21st Century World Tag Team Champions! [B]Manny:[/B] Yeah... with Phoebe Plumbridge. What the hell is going on around here?! They're coming out of the woodwork! [B]Pag:[/B] Awesome, isn't it? The Men of Steel's day of judgement has arrived! [I]Neill and UV join in for a 4-on-2 beating. After laying in a few decent shots all five Alliance members bail before any reprocussions can occur.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] There is clearly something big going on! Can we mobilise the damn troops already?! [B]Pag:[/B] I wouldn't worry, Manny. You gus are f**ked by the looks of things and there isn't anything you can do about it. [B]Manny:[/B] Shockingly, I'm kind of agreeing right now unless we do something quickly! [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCExile.jpg[/IMG] The two men combine for another great encounter. The manouevers and exchanges are fluid and lightning quick as ever. In the twelfth minute, Exile whips Matravers to the corner. The Mile High one springs to the top rope and floats backwards for the Mile High Moonsault. However, having already fallen for this trick once, Exile sidesteps. In a tremendous display of athleticism, though, Matravers flips a full 360 degrees, landing back on his feet. Exile turns around. Super Kick! 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [B]Pag:[/B] Man, this guys is incredible! [B]Manny:[/B] Granted... just a shame about his attitude. [CENTER][I]Barry Griffin steps out of the curtain and makes his way to the ring.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCGriffin.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]As he slides in, Matravers readies to fight.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] Here comes the retalliation. [I]However, Griffin tells him to calm down.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] Oh, now what?! [I]Griffin picks up a microphone.[/I] [B]Griffin:[/B] Adam, this may be difficult for you but I would appreciate a small amount of respect as I translate for Exile. [B]Manny:[/B] Translate? [B]Pag:[/B] What is this sh*t?! [I]Exile speaks in Japanese to Griffin.[/I] [B]Griffin:[/B] "I am afraid to say that not only will this be my last match with Adam Matravers, it will be my last match in the combat zone". [I]Jeers ring out.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] What?! [B]Pag:[/B] Ha, it's not been a good night has it?! [B]Griffin:[/B] "PGHW have offered me a contract and I have chosen to return to Japan to uphold my contractual responsibilities there. However, before I leave, I want to make one thing clear. Initially, I came to the combat zone for money and nothing else but it has become obvious to me that this group if wrestlers are some of the most dedicated and hard working on the planet. Moreover, perhaps because I am slightly removed from the inter-promotional war as I come from Japan and do not understand it fully, I would actually like to pay a compliment to Adam Matravers". [B]Pag:[/B] Ya see, Manny. Even your boys think we're better! [B]Griffin:[/B] "Adam will probably never enter the TEW Power 100 purely because of the less-established wrestling industry he was born into but there is no doubt in my mind that he is one of the most talented wrestlers I have ever faced". [I]Griffin flashes Exile a surprised glance before continuing. Exile motions for him to translae.[/I] [B]Griffin:[/B] Err... fair enough, I guess... "Alongside my matches with the likes of Optimus and Elemental II, my encounters with Adam Matravers will forever live long in my me... [CENTER][I]Suddenly, Griffin and Exile are jumped from behind.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMattGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAGregGauge.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Manny:[/B] I don't know what to say... I'm horrified but at least there aren't any more new arrivals. [B]Pag:[/B] What, four isn't enough? Our conquest is well under way, Manny! [I]Matravers stands there in disbelief as the Gauge brothers beat down the Men of Steel. Matt Gauge heads over to him and slaps him to snap him out of it. The Gauge boys shout at him to join in the assault but instead Matravers just leaves the ring.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] What? Where are you going? Stay and fight! [B]Manny:[/B] What against two unconscious people?! [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWoodandSimona.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPattersonandGarcia.jpg[/IMG] The two behemoths stare each other down. Patterson's face is like cold, motionless steel while the veins in Wood's neck visibly pulse with rage. Patterson throws the first punch. Wood is unphased. Wood retalliates with a stiff strike. The champion does nopt react. Jab from the champion... blocked! ....and from the challenger... blocked! A mammoth fist fight breaks out. Meanwhile, on the outside, Simona and Garcia get into a slapping contest. [B]Manny:[/B] Catfight! [B]Pag:[/B] Cold, Manny! Randy's mum is probably watching! However, as the titanic struggle continues, it becomes tragically evident that this match is not quite the highlight it was supposed to be. Sure enough, weapons are used a-plenty and the blood starts spilling but something seems... off. By the tenth minute, both monsters are exhausted. [CENTER][I]Alliance members asprint out.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAReason.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATakeover.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Wood grabs his 2x4 and starts swatting the southerners away like flies. However, the distraction allows Patterson to approach Wood from behind and spin him around. The champion grabs the challenger's throat... ...but Wood kicks Patterson in the gut. The champion bends double winded. Wood steps over Patterson's head, preparing for a Powerbomb. [B]Pag:[/B] He can't lift him! [B]Manny:[/B] Surely not! Wood lifts up Patterson for the Powerbomb to an audible gasp from the crowd. He slams him down. THE RING COLLAPSES! Patterson is slammed right through the canvas. [B]Manny:[/B] Oh my Christ! [B]Pag:[/B] Disqualification! Stop the damn match! Wood climbs into the hole created on top of Patterson. Scotty Gregory counts. 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] C- [B]Pag:[/B] No f**king way! We never saw the pin! His shoulders weren't on level ground! Fix! It's a f**king fix! [B]Manny:[/B] Either way, Wood is the new UK Champion! [CENTER][I]Suddenly, The Steamroller appears at the entrance-way with two allies who both hold police truncheons.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CASteamroller.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAFaust.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAStoat.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Manny:[/B] My god, it's Johnathan Faust and Stevie Stoat! [B]Pag:[/B] Both former 21st Century World Champions! [B]Manny:[/B] Did you know about this?! [B]Pag:[/B] Maybe... [B]Manny:[/B] You backstabbing bastard! [B]Pag:[/B] Hey, you shut your damn mouth, Manny! It's about f**king time Mister Nova instilled some class into this septic piss hole! I can't stand any more of this nonsense a second longer! [I]The Steamroller speaks up.[/I] [B]Steamroller:[/B] Larry, Larry, Larry... congratulations. You're the first ever Canadian to win that poxy title. Y'know, I was proud to hold it once... before I found a more fitting home down south. [I]"SHUT THE F**K UP! SHUT THE F**K UP!"[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] Wood is spent! He's in no position to say anything back! [B]Pag:[/B] Oh, like he's capable of coherent speech anyway... [B]Steamroller:[/B] But, really... you didn't think Mister Nova wouldn't be prepared with a contigency plan did you?! Forshame... how naive. You see, we were content to send in a proxy force at first; to try and quash your little, short-sighted retalliations with employees who we didn't need on the main roster but, now, we've lost patience! [I]Stoat and Faust run to the ring and start laying into an exhausted Wood with their weapons. DJ Reason and The Takeover members get to their feet and join in the assault. The jeers are deafening.[/I] [B]Steamroller:[/B] Shut your f**king mouths you stupid Geordie bastards! This disgrace of a promotion is a cancer upon the wrestling industry! You f**king retarded inbreds are what holds the UK back in the wrestling world! It's thanks to you that British wrestlers will forever be associated with binge drinking and gratuitous use of ridiculous weapons! This place is gonna be a 21st Century feeder league before the year is through and this sh*t you call the "the combat zone" will be gone forever! Hardcore is dead! That fat Scottish prick is dead! Men Of Steel Combat... IS F**KING DEAD! [I]The internet feed cuts out as ringside fans throw their rubbish at the the Alliance.[/I] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"]Show Rating:[/COLOR] C-[/B][/SIZE]
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Hot diggity, Wood's got gold! And darn Mile High for growing a conscious ... with the poem, `banger beat me again. lol And what's up with the fans running me off to the bar? Buncha no-music taste having ... somethings! *Does the Y-M-C-A* :p
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;662988]Damn...did you jump a size and not tell us?? Sneaky bastard. :p[/QUOTE] Now, where would the fun be in telling you before hand. But yes, MoSC has made regional while 21CW has fallen to regional. Thus, our prestige is significantly higher and I have prime choice of their roster :D. The really funny thing is that now I've advanced a few weeks, you can see that as soon as you take the few over guys out of the 21CW equation, their shows get so hurrendously awful! They've dropped to E+ Importance in every UK region but the south now. [QUOTE=Wallbanger;662990]...and I take it from the match description you got a bad chemistry note on Wood and Patterson?[/QUOTE] Umm... actually no. That's why I was reduced to saying "something". My most over heel versus my second most over face in a hardcore match and both have the highest hardcore ratings on the roster. Neither are bad from a basics point of view and Wood has the best psychology on the roster... Still came out with a C- :confused:. I'm not distraught seeing as that's still a good rating for MoSC's size... just surprised sinceI've had C+ rated main events with far less over competitors. [QUOTE=Prophet;662999]Hot diggity, Wood's got gold! And darn Mile High for growing a conscious ... with the poem, `banger beat me again. lol[/QUOTE] Ha, we'll see when the next table arrives. [QUOTE]And what's up with the fans running me off to the bar? Buncha no-music taste having ... somethings! *Does the Y-M-C-A* :p[/QUOTE] It was either that or let you get the sh*t kicked out of you... I thought this way was slightly more dignified :p. [QUOTE=Remianen;663009]This is awesome! I've got grand theft on my mind. :p[/QUOTE] Dude, you have no idea! If I get the guy I was mentioning in the questions thread on a talent trade, then I'm quids in! Cheers for reading, man... ....and the rest of ya ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/logoletters.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"][B]Presents...[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/TopScotch.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Greg Gauge vs. Eddie Cornell[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAGregGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCCornell.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]It appears Greg Gauge has challenged Eddie "There's Only One" Cornell to this match for Top Scotch. However, no one really knows why. We hope that all will be explained at the event itself but, in the mean time, we can all be sure that this should be a hell of a match as, once again, good old Blighty looks to bloody the nose of those damn Yanks![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]DJ Mix Battle[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]DJ Reason vs. DJ Treason[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAReason.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATreason.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]This is surely the strangest match-up of the night as not only does a 21st Century Alliance member meet another 21st Century Alliance member, it also features DJ Reason versus DJ Treason. Following? Nor are we... It seems like DJ Reason (...that's the original one who defeced to the south) has taken umbrage to DJ Treason (...that's the parody character who didn't defect... fully... but is still called "Treason"... who no one likes either) mocking him on a monthly basis. Thus, we cue this somewhat ridiculous spectacle. Following now? No, we still aren't either.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MoSC UK Tag Championship Match[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UKTag.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]The Takeover vs. The UK Wrecking Crew(c)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATakeoverandPhoebe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCUKWCbelts.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Last month, the former 21st Century World Tag Team Champions, The Takeover, debuted with their manager Phoebe Plumbridge by assaulting the UK Tag Champions The UK Wrecking Crew. This one will be one of the best tag matches we've seen in years as two clinical tag team specialists take on the two toughest bastards in the industry.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MoSC UK Championship Match[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UK.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Stevie Stoat vs. Larry Wood(c)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAStoat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWoodandSimona.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Stevie Stoat was part of the new invasion force that took out Larry Wood after his title victory last month. Not only has Stoat vowed to capture the UK title but the wildman also wants revenge. This one could get messy![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Burning Exile's Farewell Match[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Matt Gauge vs. Burning Exile[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMattGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCExile.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]We thought he was gone for good but with one last month remaining on his contract, Burning Exile has signed up for this farewell match. After being interrupted, assaulted and downright disrespected by the Gauge brothers last month, the Japanese superstar has sworn to put Matt Gauge in his place. Will our oriental cousin leave on the perfect high or will he, once again, be exiled?[/SIZE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All predictions welcomed.[/CENTER]
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Greg Gauge vs. [B]Eddie Cornell[/B] [I]Gay Gauge cannot ever be allowed to win. ever. [/I] DJ Mix Battle [B]DJ Reason[/B] vs. DJ Treason [I]Whilst I'm not a huge fan of either, Reason is the better wrestler[/I] The Takeover vs. [B]The UK Wrecking Crew(c)[/B] [I]Maybe it's the old-schooler in me, but new signings don't win titles on their debut unless they've very special indeed. And the Takeover aren't (Thompson maybe, but not Price and certainly not Lee([/I] MoSC UK Championship Match Stevie Stoat vs. [B]Larry Wood(c)[/B] [I]Yeah yeah...hey Stoat, you still suck![/I] Burning Exile's Farewell Match Matt Gauge vs. [B]Burning Exile[/B] [I]Twatt Gauge is even more likely to leave than his brother- so he jobs likes the b*tch he is.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;663146]It was either that or let you get the sh*t kicked out of you... I thought this way was slightly more dignified :p[/QUOTE] Yeah, grand scheme of things, think I appreciate the choice made. Better to live and hand out a new tape. lol (I don't ever learn. lol) And Gnarly Violence ... leaving? They can't become your Funaki? Occasionally showing up backstage, and looking pretty, maybe doing a run in on a match, and being thrown out with such vigor that UV does a faceplant and cracks his orbital bone? Sad. lol Greg Gauge vs. [B]Eddie Cornell[/B] [I]Poor Gauge. Every time he turns around, he stands face to face with a monumental task. He puts up a good fight, but the One True comes out on top.[/I] DJ Mix Battle DJ Reason vs. [B]DJ Treason[/B] [I]Pssh, only one true DJ in the combat zone, and he's all about the treason! Gonna break it down with some [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-MEL84yXh0"]Sugar Hill Gang[/URL] ... going old school like an old fool.[/I] [B]The Takeover[/B] vs. The UK Wrecking Crew(c) [I]The Wrecking Crew have been dominant, overtaking every force placed in their way, and the alliance is probably sick of it by now. With the help of others, the Takeover captures the gold, making the bad boys of the UK into hunters, instead of the hunted.[/I] MoSC UK Championship Match Stevie Stoat vs. [B]Larry Wood(c)[/B] [I]And another takeover candle is snuffed by a big foot.[/I] Burning Exile's Farewell Match Matt Gauge vs. [B]Burning Exile[/B] [I]So Matt puts up a decent fight, Exile takes over, Steamroller and the gang come rushing down, leading to a Mile High turn, causing Adam to jump ship and help Exile get the win in his final match. And being hit by a flying ball of paper for messing up my picks last month. :p[/I]
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Hey, there was supposed to be a table by now! There were winks and everything! grumble grumble trick me into predicting mutter mutter... But since I'm here...let's finish that song... --- But come ye back when you are out of traction Your broken neck no longer wracked with pain It's I'll be here to see the bloody rematch And Danny Boy will get his head kicked off again ---
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Hey Nevermore, Great diary, awesome fun to read. Just curious what does your current roster look like? Who is on talent trades etc Just curious as i like to play as MOSC but never as succesfully and was hoping for some insight.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;663549]Hey, there was supposed to be a table by now! There were winks and everything! grumble grumble trick me into predicting mutter mutter... But since I'm here...let's finish that song... --- But come ye back when you are out of traction Your broken neck no longer wracked with pain It's I'll be here to see the bloody rematch And Danny Boy will get his head kicked off again ---[/QUOTE] Yes, yes, yes... tables are very laborious to process so I've been a tad lazy :o. They'll be one soon, I promise. As far as predictions go, you sat out four shows. I say you've given people a good enough chance. ...and that song is going into MoSC folklore! [QUOTE=Olback;663680]Hey Nevermore, Great diary, awesome fun to read. Just curious what does your current roster look like? Who is on talent trades etc Just curious as i like to play as MOSC but never as succesfully and was hoping for some insight.[/QUOTE] Err... right, I'll try and tackle this in a seperate post in a bit ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Okay, here's the current roster you're allowed to know about :D. [U][B]Main Eventers[/B][/U] [COLOR="Red"]Danny Patterson[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Joss Thompson[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Kevin Jones[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Stevie Stoat[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The Highland Warrior[/COLOR] [B][U]Upper Midcarders[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Adam Matravers[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Barry Griffin Bruiser Eddie Cornell Jeff McPeterson[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Johnathan Faust[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Thug[/COLOR] [U][B]Midcarders[/B][/U] [COLOR="Blue"]Buff Martinez[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]DJ Reason[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Greg Gauge Matt Gauge JD Morgan Leo Price Ripper Le Stat[/COLOR] [B][U]Lower Midcarders[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Geordie Jimmy Morris Larry Wood[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Lord Byron[/COLOR] [B][U]Openers[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Beast Bantom[/COLOR] The pushes are as such 'cos I've just used Automatic Pushes as a base. I'll be adjusting them based on overness in the North only. Also, due to nicking 21CW talent, the roster's oversized and some people won't be resigned. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCint.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Thursday, week 3, October[/B] Live in front of 276 fans at the "Phoneix Nights" Men's Working Club [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCManny.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPag.jpg[/IMG] [B]Manny:[/B] Hello wrestling fans, I'm Manny Morhan and it is my pleasure to welcome you, once again, to the sold out combat zone. [B]Pag:[/B] Yeah... particularly when the 21st Century Alliance is in full ascendancy. [B]Manny:[/B] If you're referring to your boys' actions last month, for one, sneak attacks prove nothing and, secondly, I'm sure there will be hell to pay tonight. [B]Pag:[/B] Keep dreaming, moron. [B]Manny:[/B] MORHAN! [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAGregGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCCornell.jpg[/IMG] The two men combine for a stellar match. Gauge takes the advantage in the early going. However, by the sixth minute, Cornell launches a comeback. [I]"THERE'S ONLY ONE CORNELL! THERE'S ONLY ONE CORNELL!"[/I] It is stalled, though, by a lowblow from Gauge. As Cornell goes down, Gauge rolls him over to apply the Proton Lock. He grabs the Brit's legs. But Cornell rolls back over and grabs Gauge's neck from behind... Tilt Grip! Within seconds, Gauge is tapping. [B]Match Rating:[/B] C- [CENTER][I]The Highland Warrior stands backstage in front of his troops.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWarrior2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWoodandSimona.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCUKWCbelts.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCGriffin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCMartinez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCExile.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Warrior:[/B] This is a serious brulyie, sassies! These aye bampots wanna put as 'e outta op'ratin. [I]Various jeers and threats are heard from the men of steel.[/I] [B]Warrior:[/B] Exactly! we canae let 'em run roughshod over what has taken thirty summae years to build! So, if they want a war, we give 'em f**king war! No one on this damn planet can brul like a man o' steel and no one gonna tell aye different! Tonight, we fight like our lives depend upon it because, chances are, our livelihoods do. Kill 'em boy! F**king kill 'em! [I]Cheers are heard as the men of steel scream and psyche themselves up.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAReason.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATreason.jpg[/IMG] Fittingly enough, the two DJs demonstrate good chemistry. This is a very even encounter in which both men see plenty of offense. In the sixth minute, DJ Treason picks up his opponent for the Edge of Treason (Sidewalk Slam). However, Reason rolls backwards out of the hold and lifts up Treason for the Edge of Reason (the exact same move)... ...he delivers it. 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] D- [CENTER][I]Melanie Florence is backstage with The Steamroller.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MelanieFlorence.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CASteamroller.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Florence:[/B] So, Steamroller, last month the 21st Century Alliance made a real impact. [B]Steamroller:[/B] Damn right we did. [B]Florence:[/B] So, what exactly is your aim here in the combat zone? [B]Steamroller:[/B] As I said last month, down south we don't take kindly to this hardcore bullsh*t... it gives proper wrestling a bad name. So our aim, Melanie, is to beat the crap out of the men of steel, claim every title in this stinking promotion and force Emma Evans into signing over ownership to Mister Nova. [B]Melanie:[/B] ...and then? [B]Steamroller:[/B] Then, we fire the dead weight to make room for some real talent and turn this place into a 21st Century training facility. [B]Melanie:[/B] ...and you think this is achievable? [B]Steamroller:[/B] I know it is. [B]Melanie:[/B] Well, may I critique the plan somewhat? [B]Steamroller:[/B] If you must. [B]Melanie:[/B] It's sh*t! Oh... and you smell of old pork products. Back to you, Manny... [I]The camera cuts back to ringside.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UKTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATakeoverandPhoebe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCUKWCbelts.jpg[/IMG] As promised, this is comfortably oe of the best tag matches seen in the combat zone for many years. For once, the UK Wrecking Crew don't dominate from the bell. The experienced team of Thompson and Price pose them some difficulties. However, by the eighth minute (yes, a tag match made it past five!), Thug and Bruiser return to their arse kicking ways. Thug whips Thompson to the ropes... CLOTHESLINE FROM HULL! Cover... 1...2... Price breaks up the fall before returning to his corner. Phoebe Plumbridge jumps onto the apron to encourage Price but he just pushes her off in frustration. [B]Manny:[/B] Oh, how is that anyway to treat a woman? [B]Pag:[/B] It's his woman, Manny. He can do as he pleases. [B]Manny:[/B] Hang on, isn't she Adam Matravers woman? [B]Pag:[/B] That's in real life, Manny. We're in kayfabe right now. [B]Manny:[/B] Granted. Thug continues to dominate when all of a sudden... [CENTER][I]A familiar team runs to the ring.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAIvan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAIgor.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Ivanoff brothers start laying into the UK Wrecking Crew. [B]Pag:[/B] It's Ivan and Igor! The Ivanoffs! [B]Manny:[/B] The Alliance is growing exponentially. [B]Pag:[/B] Beautiful isn't it? Before long, a four-on-2 assault has begun. This allows Joss Thomposon to his the Clean Cutter (Spinning Back Suplex) on Thug. 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Manny:[/B] Damn it! That's right out of order! [B]Pag:[/B] Hahaha, we still got the titles dickface! [B]Manny:[/B] Dickface?! [B]Pag:[/B] Yes, your face... it looks like a phallus. [B]Manny:[/B] Mature. [B]Pag:[/B] Now, now... I never claimed I was mature. [I]The Takeover grab the belts and start celebrating. However, Bruiser is not gonna take this lying down! He grabs a chair from ringside and re-enters the ring. "F**K 'EM UP, BRUISER! F**K 'EM UP!" Chair shot to Igor... ...and Ivan. Another stiff shot to Thompson! He now swings the chair at Price but Price pulls Phoebe Plumbridge in as a shield.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] Oh my god! Plumbridge just got nailed! [I]Bruiser stops, even the double hard bastard has feelings. However, Price seizes the opportunity to steal the chair and floor Bruiser, paying no attention to his valet's plight.[/I] [CENTER][I]Adam Matravers runs out looking like he means business.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A small ball of paper flies into his face but he pays no attention. He slides into the ring.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] ...and the numbers grow! This is spectacular! [I]Matravers turns Price around and boots him in the gut so that he drops the chair. DDT onto the chair![/I] [B]Pag:[/B] What the f**k are you doing?! [B]Manny:[/B] Wouldn't you stick up for your girlfriend?! Actually, bad example... [B]Pag:[/B] Adam, it's kayfabe you pillock! K-A-Y... err... E... F... oh, however the f**k you spell it! [I]Matravers grabs the chair as the crowd goes wild. Thompson rises... chair shot. So do the Ivanoffs and both are levelled. The Alliance quickly slide out of the ring. Matravers checks on Phoebe Plumbridge.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] Yes... good on you, Adam! [B]Pag:[/B] Don't listen to him! White man speak with fork tongue! [I]Thug and Brusier arise and, after making sure his girlfriend is alright, Matravers motions to Thug and Bruiser. The UK Wrecking Crew stand near the ropes. Matravers rebounds off the ropes and runs towards the former tag champs. Thug and Bruiser Back Body Drop him over the ropes... ...Matravers flies in a Suicide Sommersault Plancha onto all four Alliance members. "MEN OF STEEL! MEN OF STEEL! MEN OF STEEL!" The Alliance make a hasty exit after gathering themselves as The UK Wrecking Crew, Adam Matravers and Phoebe Plumbridge exit through the crowd to huge applause.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAStoat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWoodandSimona.jpg[/IMG] Shockingly, the two men combine for a better title match than what was seen last month. However, Wood dominates right from the bell. It seems no one of Stoat's stature can come close to controlling the wildman. [CENTER][I]However, several members of The Alliance come running out[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMorgan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAUV.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CANeill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CABantom.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CALandlord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They sprint towards the ring and, upon entering, a 6-on-1 beatdown ensues. [CENTER][I]However, several Men Of Steel run out.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWarrior2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCMartinez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCGriffin.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A gang war breaks out that spills to the outside. The Men Of Steel and the 21st Century Alliance brawl their way up the aisle-way and to the back. Meanwhile, Wood whips Stoat to the ropes... RUNNING BIG FOOT! [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [B]Manny:[/B] He's still the champ! Larry Wood is unstoppable! [B]Pag:[/B] Excuse me... doesn't he have a loss to his name. [B]Manny:[/B] Only one... in two years... through outside interference. [B]Pag:[/B] A loss is a loss Manny and he's got another one coming soon. [B]Manny:[/B] Oh, you think? [B]Pag:[/B] I know! Let's just say I know something you don't know. [B]Manny:[/B] Not more Alliance tricks, surely. [B]Pag:[/B] My lips are sealed. [B]Manny:[/B] Makes a change. [I]Amidst the bickering, the camera cuts to the back where other members of either group have joined the brawl. Indeed, it appears no one is left uninvolved. The combatants actually brawl their way out of the arena doors onto the street. As the camera cuts back to the ring, it appears Matt Gauge, Burning Exile, Scotty Gregory and the announcers are the only staff left in the building.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Burning Exile's Farewell Match[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMattGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCExile.jpg[/IMG] The two men combine for a fantastic, fast paced match up. The moves are fluid and lightning quick. The fans, now accustomed to decent wrestling, seem to really apreciate the spectacle. In the nith minute, Exile goes for a 450 Splash. But Gauge rolls out of the way. As Exile slams onto his face, Gauge leaps on his back to capitalise... ...Proton Lock! Exile is forced to tap. [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [B]Pag:[/B] That, Manny, is called skill... and Exile has been exiled... poetic. [B]Manny:[/B] I do have to give it to Matt Gauge. That was sheer wrestling brilliance the likes of which we see too frequently from The Alliance. [B]Pag:[/B] Whatever... [CENTER][I]The Steamroller walks out with a microphone.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CASteamroller.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]He congratulates Gauge.[/I] [B]Steamroller:[/B] Wah-wah-wah... you're outta here you slitty eyed twat! [B]Manny:[/B] Oh, that's just hurrendous behaviour! [B]Steamroller:[/B] Well, played, Matty. It's about time we saw a Gauge boy winning! [I]He addresses the crowd.[/I] [B]Steamroller:[/B] As you can see, our plan is already starting to unfold... we now hold the tag championships and soon the other gold will belong to us as well. Allow me to announce that, while he may have struggled to gain the UK Championship, Stevie Stoat will put that dago bastard, Buff Martinez, in his place next month and capture the Blood and Beer Title! And, as far as that wild rabies-infested caveman is concerned, we have something much... "bigger"... planned. [B]Manny:[/B] What the hell does that mean? [B]Pag:[/B] If only you knew. [B]Steamroller:[/B] All we ask of Emma Evans is that she make a title match in a secure environment where no one can interfere... so we can see who the... "bigger"... man is. Trust me, it'll be good for ratings. [I]He pauses.[/I] [B]Steamroller:[/B] You see, Adam, you made the wrong choice because these Scottish pricks are going down. Next month, their patron saint's day is gonna be really special as the 21st Century Alliance asserts its dominance! [I]The crowd sing to te tune of 'Hey Ho Silver Lining' "F**K OFF... WHERE YOU CAME FROM 'COS WE HATE THE SOUTH!"[/I] [I]As boos ring out, the internet feed cuts out.[/I] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"]Show Rating:[/COLOR][/B] C-[/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/logoletters.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"][B]Presents...[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/SADM2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Greg Gauge vs. ???[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAGregGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]At St. Andrew's Day Massacre, there will seemingly be two mystery appearances. The first is scheduled to represent the Men Of Steel against Greg Gauge. Could it be someone from the alumni list or an entirely new ally of the scots? Tune in online to find out.[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]"Lord" Byron vs. Barry Griffin[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/Byron.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCGriffin.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]"Lord" Byron returns to action in the combat zone as he faces the Men Of Steel's Barry Griffin. Byron is one of the few men left on the roster yet to pick a side in the inter-promotional war. Will this change at St Andrew's Day Massacre?[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MoSC Blood & Beer Championship Match[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_BloodAndBeer.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Stevie Stoat vs. Buff Martinez(c)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAStoat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCMartinez.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Stevie Stoat failed to capture the UK Championshp last month as Larry Wood continue to be the thorn (excuse the pun) in the Alliance's side. This month, however, Stoat claims that he will take the Blood And Beer Title from Buff Martinez as the first match promised by The Steamroller goes ahead.[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Matt Gauge vs. Adam Matravers[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMattGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCMatraversandPhoebe.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Adam Matravers is the first of the war to cross the floor. At Top Scotch, he abandonned the 21st Century Alliance to join the Men Of Steel and, as well as Leo Price's treatment of his girlfriend, the Gauge brothers attacking Burning Exile certainly factored into his choice. Now, Matt Gauge and Adam Matravers go head-to-head for the first time in what should be a dream match-up for combat fans. Come on England![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Barbed Wire Cage Match for the MoSC UK Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UK.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]??? vs. Larry Wood(c)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CA.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWoodandSimona.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]This is the second scheduled surprse appearance as, apparently, The Steamroller and Mister Nova have acquired a "BIG" signing to challenge Larry Wood (they told us to write it like that - we don't much like 'em but it would be rude to refuse a basket of fruit, wouldn't it?). Wood has been dominant in the combat zone since his arrival two years ago. So far, he has suffered only one defeat and that was through outside interference. However, despite no chance of interference in the barbed wire cage, The Steamroller promises Wood will be beaten for a second time![/SIZE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All predictions welcomed.[/CENTER]
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Mystery Man to beat Greg 'I can't buy a win' Gauge Griffin's not doing much, so I'll take Byron to beat him in a slight upset I'm a big fan of Stoat, so I'll go with him to take the midcard belt Matravers to solidy his new allegiance by beating Matt Gauge Gotta be Khoklov in the main event - Wood to retain somehow though. It may even be a total schmozz ending that even MOSC doesn't manage to turn into a proper match ending!
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