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Jim Force Returns

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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;455517][B][I][COLOR=purple]...the Forcechlorians surge through my veins, and the anarchy of the ancient Force cries out for release, and I SHALL BE THE VESSEL OF THE FOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!![/COLOR][/I][/B] [/QUOTE] You know 'Banger, I see your new Avatar and I think to myself: "The Force for $1000, Alex." "This person claimed the Force was an energy field created by all living things, surrounding us, penetrating us and binding the galaxy together." "Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi?" EDIT: At the time, 'Banger had an Alex Trebek (host of the game show Jeopardy!) avatar [QUOTE=infinitywpi;456054]... The Fooooooorce is like Scientology then, it seems... :)[/QUOTE] Maybe when the next iteration of TEW comes out, I'll write "Katie Holmes, by way of Tom Cruise, Does Jim Force!" Or maybe not...:p [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]UFW Ultimate Force The Weston Gymnasium Monday, Week 3, January 2008[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/UFWLogo-Clarity.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Pre Show - Super Duper Secret Dark Match! It wasn’t all that good anyway….[B](Rating: D-)[/B] - Super Duper Secret Dark Match 3! And this was even more crappy. [B](Rating: E+)[/B] - Sara Silver hosts a bikini contest with Katie Cameron, Jaime Quine, Raven Nightfall, and Suzanne Brazzle. Katie Cameron rocked her competition to get the win.[B](Rating: C-)[/B] Main Show [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Jim Force vs. Frankie Perez[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Jim Force does his usual ring entrance: sprinting, panting, rope shaking, screaming, etc. Frankie Perez comes out looking cool, calm, and collected. The match begins, and Jim looks for a tie-up. Frankie doesn’t even bother and responds with one of the hardest knife edge chops I’ve ever seen. The impact thundered across the entire building, and he gave three more to Force, and follows up with a clothesline that takes Force down. Frankie actually dominates most of the match-up, with Jim getting practically no offense. Well, except at the end, when he Force’s up, shaking the ropes for strength, and slowly beginning to no sell Frankie’s moves. I meant to say, becoming impervious to pain. With adrenaline (or is it Force?) flowing through his veins, Force makes the heroes comeback, with a FOOORCE PUNCH! Another FOOOORCE PUNCH! A third FOOORCE PUNCH, followed by a sloppy looking snap suplex. Jim scales the turnbuckles for his flying double axe handle! CRACK! Square between the temples, Frankie falls like a ton of bricks. Signaling for the end, Jim gets Frankie up for the Full Force (suplex powerslam, think Goldberg’s Jackhammer) and the 3-count. [B]Winner in 9:33:[/B] Jim Force [B]Rating:[/B] D [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RavenNightfall_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/SuzanneBrazzle_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/Generic_Championship01.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Raven Nightfall vs. Suzanne Brazzle for the UFW Women’s Championship[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Raven and Suzanne meet for the UFW Women’s Championship, and Raven dominates her opponent. Almost as if she went to the Jim Force school of wrestling, she made short work of Brazzle in no time, getting the 3-count after hitting the Night Faller (reverse DDT). Raven Nightfall successfully retains the Women’s title in dominating fashion. Unfortunately, they both don’t click, making the match awkard to watch. [B]Winner in 0:48 and STILL UFW Women’s Champion:[/B] Raven Nightfall [B]Rating:[/B] D- - Jim Force is shown backstage drinking Jim Force vitamin water when he bumps into Remmy Skye, who looks confused and dejected. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“REEMEEE SKYYYEEE! I SENSE YOUR CONFUSION!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Yeah dude! I’m like so bummed out! I mean, if I win tonight, I have to face you in a match for the UFW World title. I like, don’t know how I feel about that, dude. I never thought I’d be facing my hero in a match.”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“THE FOORCE HAS DICTATED THAT YOU SHOULD FORFEIT YOUR CONTENDERSHIP IF YOU FEEL NOT UP TO THE TASK! BUY MY MERCHANDISE! FOR YOU ARE YOUNG AND YOUR ABILITY TO FEEL THE FOOORCE FLOWING IN YOUR FORCEFUL FORCEFULNESS OF FOOORCE IS STILL YOUNG!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Sooo, what you’re saying is I should go out there, try my best, and whatever happens, happens. Like, may the best man win. And if I have to face my hero in a match, no matter what, I'll always be your #1 Force follower. That’s like, awesome, dude.”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“WAAAIT REMMEEE SKYYEE! YOUR CONFUSION IN THE FOORCE HAS GROOWWN TO NUMEROUS PROPORTIONS! YOU DO NOT WISH TO FACE THE GOD OF FOOORCE IN BATTLE, FOR THE TWO MOONS OF MIRANDA Will IMPLODE UPON THE SOLAR FLARES OF YOUR TRIPLY DISTENDED ANUS IF YOU CHOOSE THIS PATH!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Alright! Thanks for the pep talk, Jim! I’m going to go out there and like totally kick Matt Sparrow’s Bird Man ass!”[/COLOR] - Remmy Skye leaves rather excitedly. Jim Force looks constipated. [B]Rating:[/B] D- [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Black Eagle, Citizen X, & James Hernandez vs. Fox Mask, Jacob Jett, & Mario Heroic[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Considering the gross amount of talent in the ring, I actually expected better of this match. It’s not that the guys didn’t click, nor was there bad chemistry among the workers. In fact, it was a very good match; I just…expected more. James worked a lot with Mario, and both men took more of a brawling approach for the match, punching each other into submission. The finish came when all hell broke loose, where Citizen X and James Hernandez were double teaming Mario on the outside, prompting Fox Mask to leap to the top turnbuckle and launch himself at the three outsiders, leaving the two legal men in the ring alone. Black Eagle appears to be down, prompting Jett to go to the top turnbuckle, waiting for his chance to hit the Emergency Landing (flying Fame Dropper). As Eagle staggers to his feet, Jett launches himself, right into a super kick! In perfect position, Black Eagle hits the New Jersey Turnpike (Slingshot Corkscrew Legdrop) and the pinfall victory for his team! [B]Winner in 7:05:[/B] Black Eagle [B]Rating:[/B] D+ - Matt Sparrow comes out looking rather confident. Remmy Skye follows looking overly excited. Before the bell rings however, Jim Force comes out to ringside and sits with the announcers (Rock Downpour, Sara Silver & Katie Cameron, in case you're wondering), apparently scouting his opponents. Neither Skye nor Sparrow look too happy about this, and the crowd looks even more unhappy then them ([B]Rating:[/B] E+…ouch! Mental note; avoid ringside scouting!) [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]#1 Matt Sparrow vs. #7 Remmy Skye[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] And we have the #1 match in UFW history. Then again, can a promotion that’s only held four shows say that they have a history? Anyways, two guys of similar size and style lock up in the center of the ring. Remmy gets Sparrow into a corner, and hits a few elbows and knife edge chops, then fires him across the ring to the other turnbuckle. A monkey flip takes Sparrow to the ground. The two circle each other before locking up again. Pretty much the same sequence of moves happens again, except Skye is on the receiving end! Both men then pick up the pace, and what we get is a fantastic display of athleticism and flashy aerial maneuvers. Sparrow eventually gets the advantage, and maintains it for the most part. Interestingly enough, Skye makes a comeback, but in a Jim Force fashion, shaking the ropes and even no-selling moves…I mean, becoming invulnerable to mortal harm! Yeah, that’s right. Skye bounces off the ropes for a flying forearm! Then a spinning heel kick! Then a dropkick! Sparrow looks dazed and confused as he finds his way to a corner. Skye charges, but Sparrow sidesteps, causing Skye to crash into the turnbuckle! Stunned from the impact, Sparrow takes the advantage, picking Skye up off the ground, and hitting his finisher, the Bird Brain Buster (delayed brainbuster suplex) and goes for the cover! 1…2… Skye gets the shoulder up! Perhaps he’s learned to channel the Force! Sparrow can’t believe it! He looks irate, and argues with the referee. He then picks up Skye, and fires him off the ropes, going for a clothesline! Skye ducks, bounces off the ropes, and leaps into the air for a flying forearm. With perfect timing, Sparrow sidesteps, and Skye clocks referee Jez McArthuer. Both Jez and Skye are down! A devious smile creeps onto Sparrow’s face. He exits the ring for a steel chair! Force intervenes screaming something about honor, cheating, the Force, and buying merchandise. Force’s attempt to stop Sparrow is futile however, as he gets clocked in the noggin for good measure. Sparrow brings two steel chairs into the ring, and places one under Skye’s head. Sparrow then raises the second steel chair and swings downward, attempts to cave Skye’s skull in! But Skye rolls out of the way at the last instant! Grabbing the chair on the ground, both men are armed! With the swollen support a gymnasium filled with 9 fans can deliver, both combatants swing steel chairs at each other. Conveniently, referee Jez McArthuer comes to, sees both men armed with “illegal” objects, and calls for the bell! Remmy Skye drew with Matt Sparrow in 15:26 following a double disqualification! [B]Rating:[/B] C :D (YESSSS!) - Jim Force jumps up and down for joy. I think he interpreted the draw between Remmy Skye and Matt Sparrow as him winning the UFW World title by default. He gets in the ring and celebrates, while Remmy and Matt argue. [B]Jim Force[/B] [I](standing atop one of the turnbuckles):[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]“BUUUY THE MERCHANDISE OF THE UFW WORLD CHAMPIOOOON!!!”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“This is bird****! The Bird Man had this match won, and you know it Skye!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Dude, like shut up! I had this match won! My chair fighting skills are totally better than yours, dude!”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force [/B][I](running to another turnbuckle):[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]“AAAIIIEEE HAVE THE FOOORCE, FOR I AM THE UFW WORLD CHAMPIOOON!”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“You surf-loving moron! Thanks to you, ‘dude’, we both got DQ’d!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well, that’s like better then you winning the match, dude!”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [I](running to the third turnbuckle):[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]“FEEEEL THE FORCEFUL FURIOUS FORCEOCITY FURY OF THE FOOORCE!”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“Well, take a good look! We now have a muslebound, brainless nut job as the World Champion!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Dude, being brainless is better than having a bird brain, so there!”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [I](running to the fourth turnbuckle):[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]“BUY MY MECHANDIIISE!”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP! WE’RE TRYING TO HAVE A CONVERSATION HERE!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Hey dude, nobody yells at my hero like that!”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force[/B] [I](comes down to join Sparrow and Skye):[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]“YOU ARE STRONG IN THE FOOORCE EVIL BIRD MAN! BUT YOUR MASTERY OF SPARROWS PALES IN COMPARISON TO THE FOOORCE!”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“There’s no such thing as the Force, you retarded piece of ****!”[/COLOR] [B]???:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“Okay, I’ve heard enough!” [/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/BrainsMcGhee.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - UFW President Brains McGhee enters the ring, his fifth Jim Force beer in hand! It looks like he has trouble getting into the ring, indicating his drunken state. Being the good samaritan that he is, Force goes and helps him in, like helping an old woman cross the street; a 3’6” woman, but size doesn’t matter. Allegedly. [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“Can’t a guy…a prez'dint…drink in peace anymore! The way I see it, Jim Horse is NOT da You-Eff-Double-You Worl’ Champ.”[/COLOR] [I](Jim Force let’s Brains go, and Brains crumples to the floor. He looks like a turtle on its back, but manages to stumble to his feet).[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]“Where was I…oh yeah…Wemmy…Mutt…you both won the match, so our nex’ show…Jim Forssse will face you both in a triple fret…triple…threat…fight…a triple threat fight…so Jim Force, you need to decide…what type of match it is. Ladder? Eliminate? Diaper? Stripper? Booze?”[/COLOR] - Matt and Remmy look at Jim Force, waiting for the final verdict! [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“AS WAS WRITTEN IN THE FOOORCE EONS AGO, WHEN THE BLOOD OF URANUS FLOWED INTO THE TIDES OF THEMOON, AND CHILI DOGS WERE THE PIZZA OF DINOSAUR-KIND, I KNEEEW THE OUTCOME OF TONIGHT! JUST AS I KNOW THE TYPE OF MATCH WE THREE TITANS WILL BATTLE OVER FOR THE UFW WORLD TITLE! FOR NEXT TIME, ON THIS VERY SHOW, ON THIS VERY CHANNEL, REEEMEEE SKYYYE! MAAAATT SPAAAROOOW! YOU BOTH SHALL FEEL THE FOOORCE…” [/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B][COLOR="SeaGreen"] “…”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“…”[/COLOR] [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“…”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“IIIIN…”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B][COLOR="SeaGreen"] “…”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“…”[/COLOR] [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“…”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“AAAA…”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“…”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“…”[/COLOR] [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“…”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“REEEGUUULAAAR TRIPLE THREAT MAAATCH! FEEEEL THE FOOOORCE! AND BUY MY MERCHANDISE!”[/COLOR] - Matt’s giving the audience a “That’s it?! What the ****!!!” look, Remmy’s acting like Jim turned lead into gold, Brain’s stumbles to the back sipping on his beer, and Jim Force acts like Jim Force. [B]Rating:[/B] D- [SIZE="4"][B]Final Show Rating:[/B] D+[/SIZE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Prediction Outcome[/B][/CENTER] FORCEchlorian Points Earned tonight: [LIST] [*]Bolton: 2 [*]ColtCobana: 5 [*]CubsFan915: 5 [*]d_w_w: 4 [*]Hyde Hill: 3 [*]infinitywpi: 5 [*]juggaloninjalee: 3 [*]mad5226: 5 [*]maskedpropaganda: 2 [*]nZane: 3 [*]Tigerkinney: 6 [*]Wallbanger: 5 [/LIST] Total FORCEchlorian Points Earned: [LIST] [*]Bolton: 16 [*]ColtCobana: 5 [*]CubsFan915: 10 [*]d_w_w: 4 [*]Hyde Hill: 8 [*]infinitywpi: 5 [*]Jaded: 1 [*]juggaloninjalee: 3 [*]mad5226: 5 [*]maskedpropaganda: 10 [*]Nightshadeex: 10 [*]nZane: 10 [*]Tigerkinney: 21 [*]Wallbanger: 21 [/LIST][/QUOTE]
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[Center][B][SIZE="4"]Fabulous Restraint[/SIZE][/B][/Center] [I]Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice…[/I] “Let me fire him!” “No.” “Please, let me fire him!” “No.” “Jim!” I angrily begged. “The guy provoked Ben into a heated argument that nearly turned into a fistfight last night! He has heat with everyone here! If there’s friction backstage, ‘Fabulous’ Frank Roberts is the cause! There are other road agents out there! Why keep him around?” Jim sheepishly looked away, though I was unsure why. Maybe he had difficulty admitting he made a mistake. Or maybe he just likes having a ****head on the roster. “When his contract is up, we’ll look for a new road agent, but we’ll keep him around until then.” Before I could respond, the door to Jim’s office opened, and in walked the man of the hour. Frank walked in with an even more arrogant swagger than usual. “You two wanted to see me.” Jim sheepishly looked away again, the signal that I would do most of the talking. I repressed the urge to chew him out. “Frank…Remember the conversation you walked out on last week? The one about how your behavior in this promotion is unacceptable and you need to a better effort, make better decisions?” “Whatever.” Frank muttered, and in a moment of déjà vu, he walked out again. Involuntarily, my teeth were grinding. I snapped my head at Jim. “I’ll wash your car; just let me fire him!” “No.” “I’ll wash your car, shovel all the snow off your driveway, and vacuum your house! Now, can I fire him?” “No.” - From [url]www.ufw.com[/url] On the next UFW Ultimate Force… It has been confirmed that a 3 on 2 handicap match has been signed. Fox Mask and Mario Heroic have agreed to join forces. An ultimate alliance of sorts, they two heroes now call themselves 'Star Fox'. This new dynamic duo will face Citizen X, Frankie Perez, and James Hernandez. There has also been talk of the appearance of a ‘G-Diffuser system’. UFW officials are still trying to determine what that is. After showcasing a tournament featuring many great matches, two have emerged to compete with Jim Force: Matt Sparrow and Remmy Skye! These three will compete for the honor of becoming the first ever UFW World Champion! There can be only one! That will not be the only triple threat match on display, as Grace Harper, Kristabel Plum, and Melody Cuthill will face each other in women’s wrestling action! All this and so much more! The heat will be on, at the next UFW Ultimate Force! [QUOTE]Quick Prediction Thingie Citizen X, Frankie Perez & James Hernandez vs. Star Fox (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic) [B]Rating: [/B] Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton [B]Rating:[/B] Sara Marie York vs. Jamie Quine [B]Rating: [/B] Whippy the Clown vs. Ernie Turner [B]Rating:[/B] Black Eagle vs. Cowboy Ben [B]Rating: [/B] Grace Harper vs. Kristabel Plum vs. Melody Cuthill [B]Rating:[/B] Jim Force vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship [B]Rating:[/B] [/QUOTE]
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Citizen X, Frankie Perez & James Hernandez vs. [B]Star Fox (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic)[/B] Rating: D+ Jacob Jett vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Rating: D+ [B]Sara Marie York [/B]vs. Jamie Quine Rating: D [B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs. Ernie Turner Rating: D+ [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D [B]Grace Harper[/B] vs. Kristabel Plum vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D+ [B]Jim Force[/B] vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship Rating: C-
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[B]Citizen X, Frankie Perez & James Hernandez [/B]vs. Star Fox (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic) Rating: D+ [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D Sara Marie York vs. [B]Jamie Quine[/B] Rating: E+ [B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs. Ernie Turner Rating: D [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D- Grace Harper vs. [B]Kristabel Plum[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D- [B]Jim Force[/B] vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+
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Citizen X, [B]Frankie Perez & James Hernandez[/B] vs. Star Fox (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic) Rating: C- Jacob Jett vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Rating: D [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Jamie Quine Rating: E [B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs. Ernie Turner Rating: D [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D Grace Harper vs. Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] Rating: D- [B]Jim Force[/B] vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship Rating: C-
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[B]Citizen X, Frankie Perez & James Hernandez[/B] vs. Star Fox (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic) Rating: C- [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: C- Sara Marie York vs. [B]Jamie Quine[/B] Rating: D+ [B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs. Ernie Turner Rating: D [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D+ Grace Harper vs. Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] Rating: D [B]Jim Force[/B] vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+
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[I]Here's chance to further increase my Forcechlorian count. I can feel the FOOOOOOOORCE pumping through my veins. [/I] Citizen X, Frankie Perez & James Hernandez vs. [B]Star Fox (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic)[/B] Rating: D+ [I]That G-Diffuser thingy will ensure that Star-Fox will win, despite having a man disadvantage[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D I like DWN better, but I think Jett might just be that little bit higher up the card right now, but realistically it could go either way. [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Jamie Quine Rating: E+ Jamie Quine is hot, I would definately try and get it on with her, Sara Marie York with her spamhead does nothing for me. Oh what this isn't a contest based on sex appeal. OK the more experienced worker gets the win. [B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs. Ernie Turner Rating: D- [I]Has anyone ever pushed the slimp pimp daddy Ernie Turner ?[/I] [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D- [I]No matter how you dress him up, Ben Williams was a jobber, is a jobber and always will be a jobber. Black Eagle might be able to drag a half decent match out of him though[/I] Grace Harper vs. Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] Rating: D [I]Cuthill's the sexiest, she's also actually the best in the ring as well. So double win for her.[/I] [B]Jim Force[/B] vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+ [I]I loved the 'that's it' reaction from Sparrow, to Jim Force's completely anti-climatic announcement to this being a regular triple threat match. Anyway Force will win here, because no one is stronger in the force than him.[/I]
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Citizen X, Frankie Perez & James Hernandez vs. [B]Star Fox (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic)[/B] Rating: C- [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Jamie Quine Rating: D [B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs. Ernie Turner Rating: D- Black Eagle vs. [B]Cowboy Ben[/B] Rating: C- Grace Harper vs. Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] Rating:D [B]Jim Force[/B] vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+
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Citizen X, Frankie Perez & James Hernandez vs. [B]Star Fox[/B] (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic) Rating: D Jacob Jett vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Rating: D+ [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Jamie Quine Rating: D [B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs. Ernie Turner Rating: D+ [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D [B]Grace Harper[/B] vs. Kristabel Plum vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D- [B]Jim Force [/B]vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+
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Citizen X, Frankie Perez & James Hernandez vs. [B]Star Fox (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic)[/B] Rating: D- [I]It would be sheer hilarity if their team finisher is "Do A Barrel Roll!" but I think that there may be "something wrong with the G-Diffuser". Plus not much of them are worthy of the FOOOOOOOOOORCE.[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D [I]The one that flies like a jet has more FOOORCE in him for flying experience then the DWN. Expect take-offs. And use of the FOOOOORCE for flying.[/I] [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Jamie Quine Rating: D- [I]The spamhead has more experience in channeling the FOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!! Jamie Quine has barely any experience in channeling the FOOOOOORCE.[/I] [B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs. Ernie Turner Rating: D [I]THE SLICK PIMP DADDY HAS UNPURE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!! WHIPPY HAS THE FOOOOORCE CHANNELED IN HIM FOR PRAAAAAAANKS!!!![/I] [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D- [I]The Eagle shall peck off the eyes of the un-FOOOOORCED cowboy.[/I] Grace Harper vs. Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] Rating: D [I]Melody Cuthill is the prettiest, and the most worthy woman of channeling the FOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!![/I] [B]Jim Force[/B] vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship Rating: C- [I]THE NO.1 FAN OF THE FOOOORCE HAS A LOT OF THE FORCE IN HIM, AND THE BIRD MAN HAS NO FORCE IN HIM, ONLY FEATHERS. BUT THE FORCE HIMSELF IS THE STRONGEST IN ALL OF THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!!![/I]
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Hey... Bolton's online in this thread too! Nice to see someone appreciated my terrible characterization of Cerebros McGhee. Just popping in to say I've been kinda anti-08 but this is some top notch Forcefulness! *** So I've been mulling over the signature set-up to the Full Force and I've got it down to one of two options, both of which I think work. After hitting the Flying AxeForce or Flying ForceHandle... Jim Force stands in the center of the ring and feels a spike in the ambient Forceclorians. Feels them feed, fuel and infuse his body. Such is the overwhelming nature of a being of near Pure Force that he starts to shake... his head rocks back and forth setting his hair flying (or rocking out.) His hands, seemingly of their own accord lift upwards towards the heavens... until he seems to be staring at a great ball of Force between his hands that only he may see... then like a bolt of lightning it all clarifies for the vessel of the Force. He points at his downed opponent (who may just be starting to stir a tiny bit.) Then, led and fueled by the FORCE Jim Force hoists up his hapless oppoenent to deliver a Full Force! The other is a variation on the above. Except he picks up his opponent in a front headlock... and holds him in place as the Force fills him. Again the head bangs and the hand goes up and the body shakes... until the Force fills him and seems to covalese in his upraised hand. This spike in Jim Force's Forcechlorian count allows him to hoist any hapless victim up to deliver a Full Force of Forceful Fanaticism!
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[B]Citizen X, Frankie Perez & James Hernandez[/B] vs. Star Fox (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic) Rating: D+ [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D+ [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Jamie Quine Rating: E+ [B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs. Ernie Turner Rating: D- [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D Grace Harper vs. Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] Rating: D [B]Jim Force[/B] vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship Rating: C-
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Citizen X, Frankie Perez & James Hernandez vs. [B]Star Fox[/B] (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic) Rating: D+ [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Jamie Quine Rating: E+ [B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs. Ernie Turner Rating: D [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D+ Grace Harper vs. Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] Rating: D [B]Jim Force[/B] vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+
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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;456940]You, sir, are the proud winner of the Intrawebs for managing to work a good Star Fox reference into your dynasty. Now, any chance you can convince them to come to the ring in an Arwing? :D[/QUOTE] Hopefully, we'll see a good Star Fox game on the Wii, and hopefully good clean, fun space combat, and no roaming adventure stuff. As for flying to the ring in an Arwing, sorry but while UFW is rather wealthy for a local sized fed, but can't afford an Arwing. Slippy Toad charges an arm and a leg for his work... [QUOTE=Beeker;457042]Hey... Bolton's online in this thread too! Nice to see someone appreciated my terrible characterization of Cerebros McGhee. Just popping in to say I've been kinda anti-08 but this is some top notch Forcefulness! *** So I've been mulling over the signature set-up to the Full Force and I've got it down to one of two options, both of which I think work. After hitting the Flying AxeForce or Flying ForceHandle... Jim Force stands in the center of the ring and feels a spike in the ambient Forceclorians. Feels them feed, fuel and infuse his body. Such is the overwhelming nature of a being of near Pure Force that he starts to shake... his head rocks back and forth setting his hair flying (or rocking out.) His hands, seemingly of their own accord lift upwards towards the heavens... until he seems to be staring at a great ball of Force between his hands that only he may see... then like a bolt of lightning it all clarifies for the vessel of the Force. He points at his downed opponent (who may just be starting to stir a tiny bit.) Then, led and fueled by the FORCE Jim Force hoists up his hapless oppoenent to deliver a Full Force! The other is a variation on the above. Except he picks up his opponent in a front headlock... and holds him in place as the Force fills him. Again the head bangs and the hand goes up and the body shakes... until the Force fills him and seems to covalese in his upraised hand. This spike in Jim Force's Forcechlorian count allows him to hoist any hapless victim up to deliver a Full Force of Forceful Fanaticism![/QUOTE] You know, I was going to make Jim Force's signal a throat slash (like Undertaker), but thought that was just too cool for Jim. Then I was going to do the listening gesture (like Hogan), and thought that was just too cheesy. Well, Beeker, as of now, Jim Force's official signal before he gives the Full Force is the first option you presented to me. Now, let go of your anti '08 ways, buy TEW '08, and bring back the mini-goodness! Because even though I try, I can't do Cerebros true justice. Just give them a stat bump for better ratings (but not so much that you're getting A*'s all the time). [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]UFW Ultimate Force UFW Ultimate Force The Weston Gymnasium Thursday, Week 3, January 2008[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/UFWLogo-Clarity.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Pre Show Sara Silver hosts the ‘dark’ bikini contest, with Jaime Quine defeating Katie Cameron, Raven Nightfall, and Sara Marie York. But the true winners are the 23 perverts…I mean, Force Followers in attendance. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Main Show [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RockDownpour_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/SaraSilver_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Announcing this mess are Rock Downpour, Sara Silver, and Katie Cameron [B] Rock Downpour:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Welcome to UFW Ultimate Force! Rock Downpour, Sara Silver and Katie Cameron here at ringside. UFW has a great show for you tonight!”[/COLOR] [B]Sara Silver:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Rock, we will have the first ever UFW World Champion determined tonight! I can’t wait!”[/COLOR] [B]Rock Downpour:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“That’s right, Sara! To recap for any newcomers out there, Jim Force won a battle royal at the first ever UFW Ultimate Force, guaranteeing him not only a title shot, but the right to determine the match type as well.”[/COLOR] [B]Sara Silver:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“And let’s not forget that he has put that title shot on the line in numerous matches since.”[/COLOR] [B]Rock Downpour:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Absolutely! For the folks that did not win the battle royal, they participated in an eight-man tournament, the finals of which consisted of #1 seed Matt Sparrow and #7 seed Remmy Skye.”[/COLOR] [B]Sara Silver:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“That’s right, an amazing match between the Matt and Remmy, the greatest match in UFW’s young history, and it ended in a draw!”[/COLOR] [B]Rock Downpour:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“At the conclusion of that match, Jim Force originally thought that he won the UFW World title by default, but UFW President Brains McGhee determined that he must face BOTH Matt Sparrow and Remmy Skye in a triple threat match. Anti-climatically, Force chose to face his foes in a normal triple threat match. Katie, how smart a choice do you think that was?”[/COLOR] [B]Katie Cameron:[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“It could have been an amazing match if a certain amazing individual was facing Jim Force in a ladder match!”[/COLOR] [B]Rock Downpour:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And let’s go to our first match-up!" [/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Citizen X, Frankie Perez, & James Hernandez vs. Star Fox (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic)[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] The search for tag team chemistry continues with this hopefully strong opener! The heel trio make their way out first, then Star Fox fly to the ring by Arwing…just kidding. UFW is quite wealthy for a local sized promotion, but we can’t afford an Arwing…yet. Fox Mask and Mario Heroic come out. Fox Mask is wearing a new green uniform, while Mario is adorned in a red plumber outfit. “It’s a me: Mario!” Heroic proudly proclaims. All five were given time to put on a match, and it proved to be a good opener. Star Fox manage to take it to X, Perez, & Hernandez in the early going despite being outnumbered three-to-two. However, the numbers game comes into play as the match progressed. Mario found himself in trouble, getting double, even triple-teamed at times. Cutting the ring in half, the dastardly trio just pounded on his lower back throughout. After back body drop, Hernandez tags in Mario Heroic, who looks overconfident. He fires into the turnbuckles, but Mario leaps onto the second turnbuckle and hits a dropkick! Both men are down, for a moment, before regaining their foorting! However, an enziguri buys him enough time for the hot tag to Fox Mask, who cleans house. Perez falls to a clothesline, then to a spinning heel kick! Fox Mask then knocks both X and Hernandez off the apron. He then tries to fire Perez off the ropes, but Perez reverses, and attempts a clothesline! Fox Mask ducks, and bounces off the ropes again, building up even more velocity. “Do a barrel roll!” screams Mario Heroic from the apron. And just like that, Fox Mask executes a barrel roll, his new trademark maneuver (corkscrew flying forearm, a move K-Kwik / Ron Killings does). A tag back to Mario; Mario enters the ring and gets Perez up onto his shoulders; they’re going for the G-Diffuser! Fox Mask runs and leaps onto the top rope and hits a flying clothesline! (Springboard Doomsday Device a la the Briscoe Brothers; youtube it!) G-Diffuser system checks out perfectly! Heroic goes for the cover! But X and Hernandez make the save! A double clothesline sends Fox Mask out of the ring. Both men follow! Both legal men are down in the ring. The first to get up is Heroic, who goes to the top turnbuckle. But Perez was playing possum, and springs to life. A hard blow to the gut crotches Heroic, then he goes flying to the canvas, courtesy of Hernandez. Hernandez quickly locks in the his finishing submission move, the P-Clutch (Camel clutch with one knee driven into the opponent’s lower back)! Mario is on the outside, taking a beating at the hands of X and Hernandez! Fox Mask has no choice but to tap out! [B]Winner in 14:53:[/B] Mario Heroic, Citizen X, and James Hernandez [B]Rating:[/B] D+ - Katie Cameron leaves the announce table to support her client in the next match. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Whoa! If I knew this match would be this good…well, I have a feeling this will be the story of my life here in UFW. A short back-and-forth affair where Jett and Newton go all out from start to finish, with tons of fisticuffs, cool looking moves, great athleticism, and zero rest holds. With a match this short, who has time for rest holds? Well, unless the match involves Mammoth…or Murderous Mikey. Jett eventually wins the match with his trademark finisher, the Emergency Landing (after a charging knee in the corner, he leaps to the top rope and hits a flying Fame Dropper.) [B]Winner in 5:49:[/B] Jacob Jett [B]Rating:[/B] C- :eek: :D - Remmy Skye is in the back eating Jim Force donuts, when Jim Force approaches. [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“REEMEE SKYYEE! YOU MUST NOT FACE THE IRRESISTABEL FORCE OF THE IMMOVABLE FOOORCE TONIGHT, OR YOOOUUU WIIIILL BEEE SORRY! BUY MY MERCHANDISE! DOOST THOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THE FOOORCE BIDS YOU TO DOOO?”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Dude, Jim! I’ve been sitting here in the back enjoying my Jim Force jelly donuts and after the pep talk you gave me last week, I’m like having second thoughts.”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“YEEES, REEMEE! DO NOT LET YOUR THOUGHTS BETRAAY YOOUU! THE FOORCE IS TELLING YOU TO QUIT THIS MATCH! DO IT, NOOOWWW!” [/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Wait; are you like telling me what I think you’re telling me?”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force: [/B][COLOR="Purple"]“USE THE FOOORCE REEMEE! TRUST MEEE! GO TO OUR PRESIDENT, CONSUMED BY JIM FORCE ALCOHOL, AND DROP OUT OF THIS MAAATCH WITH MEEE!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Duuude, I’m like totally on the same wavelength as you! It’s every man for himself tonight, and may the best man win! And no matter, what happens, I like stay your #1 Force Follower forever! Dude, that’s like totally reeks of awesomeness!”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“NOOOO, REEMEE! YOUR FORCECHLORIAN”S LEAVE YOUR BODY EVEN AS WE SPEAK! DO NOT SEEERVE THE DARK SIDE! YOOUU MUST GIVE UP BEFORE THE FOOORCE DESTROYS YOOOUU!"[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] [I](eating):[/I] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“By the way, these new Jelly filled Jim Force donuts are like totally amazing! Sweet, yet slightly tart...creamy, yet slightly milky...What do you put in these things?”[/COLOR] - Jim Force angrily swipes a donut and leaves. [B]Rating:[/B] D- [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/SaraMarieYork.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JaimeQuine.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Sara Marie York vs. Jaime Quine[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Poor Jaime; she seems cursed to be booked in super short matches, but she needs to improve her skills quite a bit before getting any type of push. At least she wins Jim Force sponsored bikini contests. Getting back to this match, after an impressive missile dropkick from the top turnbuckle, Sara picks up the quick win with an Energy Burst (Glittering Magician Knee.) [B]Winner in 0:48:[/B] Sara Marie York [B]Rating:[/B] D- [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/WhippyTheClown.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/ErnieTurner.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Whippy The Clown vs. Ernie Turner[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] The Clown Prince of Rasslin’ faces the Slick Pimp Daddy (formerly Slick Pimp Cowboy, but that tag team was dissolved for zero tag chemistry). Turner’s pimp hand is strong, but not strong enough, as Whippy sets up his finishing move with a thumb to the eye! Whippy ascends the turnbuckles, and hits a Joke’s On You (flying butt press) for the three count, avenging his tag team loss to Turner a few shows ago. Whippy leaves a Joker card over Turner’s body before leaving the ring. [B]Winner in 5:01: [/B]Whippy The Clown [B]Rating:[/B] D - Backstage, in Matt Sparrow’s locker room, Sparrow is seen doing a split across two chairs (like Jean-Claude Van Damme, or if you prefer, Rob Van Dam). Jim Force enters, prompting Sparrow to stand and stare Jim in the face angrily. [B]Matt Sparrow: [/B][COLOR="Red"]“Oh God, no…please…what the hell do you want, Force?”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force: [/B][COLOR="Purple"]“MATT SPARROW! YOU ARE STRONG IN THE DARK SIDE OF…”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“Oh God, not again! Please just make him shut up!”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“…THE FOOORCE WITH YOUR EVIL BIRD MAN POWEEERS, BUT THE FOORCE WILL CRUSH YOU WITH NO EFFORT! BUY MY MERCHANDISE! FOR THE WORLD FLIES BY YOU FASTER THAN YOU FLY WITH THE SUPERSONIC SPARROWS OF ANTIGUA, AND THE MOONS…”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! My God, what is wrong with you? Were you brain damaged as a kid? You come in here ranting and raving about crap that no one understands!”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force[/B] [I](holding up a jelly-filled donut):[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]“JIM FORCE DONUT?"[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“…”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]"MMMMM....DOOONUUUTS....MMMMM!”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“Jelly?”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“JIM FORCE BLUEBERRY HONEY JELLY WITH JIM FORCE ESSENCE OF FOOORCE!”[/COLOR] - Sparrow takes the donut, and starts eating, giving Force an evil glare. Jim Force leaves. [B]Rating:[/B] D [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/BenWilliams_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Black Eagle vs. Cowboy Ben[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Black Eagle looked quite good, and gave Ben a good match. Ben gave us his best Davis Wayne Newton impersonation, but faking athleticism doesn’t work very well. But he gets an A for effort! Eventually, Black Eagle has had enough, and shows Ben what picking up the pace really means! Running circles around Ben, and hitting a dazzling array of moves Ben finds himself helpless before Eagle. Eagle decides to conclude his fun with a DDT, followed up by the New Jersey Turnpike ()! Forget about it; this one is over! [B]Winner in 4:34:[/B] Black Eagle [B]Rating:[/B] D [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/KristabelPlum.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MelodyCuthill.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Grace Harper vs. Kristabel Plum vs. Melody Cuthill[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] A quick triple threat match between some of the other UFW wonder women, all three worked hard and put on a good match. Cowboy Ben and Ernie Turner could learn a thing or two from all three of these competitiors, but everyone knew that already. After double teaming Kristabel for most of the match, Grace turns on her "partner" Melody Cuthill, and hits her Fisherman Suplex for the pinfall victory! [B]Winner in 7:48:[/B] Grace Harper [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Rock Downpour:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Ladies and gentlemen, we are moments away from tonight’s main event! It has come down to this; three men will enter the ring, only one will emerge as UFW World Champion! Sara, what’s on your mind?”[/COLOR] [B]Sara Silver:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Love him or hate him, whether he makes sense to you or not, you have to respect the spirit, power and intensity of Jim Force. He has put his title shot on the line the past couple of shows, and has found a way to win every time. In a nutshell, Jim Force: power and paint personified!”[/COLOR] [B]Rock Downpour: [/B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Any words about his competition?”[/COLOR] [B]Sara Silver:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Both Matt Sparrow and Remmy Skye are lighter, quicker and far more agile then Jim Force; the longer the match goes, the more the advantage will switch to these two. As for who has the edge between these two, their styles are so similar, they basically cancel each other out, so it’ll be interesting to see who comes out on top.”[/COLOR] [B]Rock Downpour:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Katie, do you have anything to say about tonight’s main event?”[/COLOR] [B]Katie:[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Only that it’ll be pretty good, but it won’t be amazing, because the most amazing match-up tonight was when my client Jacob Jett defeated Davis Wayne Newton in amazing fashion!”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] E+ (OUCH! Mental note: avoid match announcements!) [CENTER] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/originalbelt05.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Jim Force vs. Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Jim Force wastes no time shoving both his smaller opponents to the ground repeatedly. He finally shoves Matt Sparrow into a corner, and hits a few clumsy FOOORCE PUNCHES! He proceeds to shake the ropes violently, while Remmy gives Matt a few elbows! Sparrow tumbles to the ground, dazed and confused, leaving Force and Remmy to duke it out. Wildly brawling with FOOORCE PUNCHES and FOOORCE KICKS, Remmy finds himself on the receiving end against the ropes. Force fires him off the ropes, but a reversal by Remmy, and a dropkick send Force to the canvas. A second dropkick keeps him there; Remmy follows up with a quick leg drop and a cover. Force kicks out at one-and-a-half! Sparrow blindsides Remmy, and dishes out some punishment of his own, while Force recovers in a corner. Trading several moves, Sparrow gets the advantage with a few European uppercuts and a snap suplex! A quick cover yields almost a two count! Force comes in, and gives FOORCE PUNCHES to both Sparrow and Matt, bouncing off his titanic fists! Force then collapses from sheer exhaustion! A very unlikely alliance forms, as Sparrow and Remmy begin to unload on the unpredictable and worn out Force! Sparrow picks up Force and holds him in place, advising Skye to hit his finisher. Skye jumps to the top, and nails the Skye Diver (flying clothesline)! But Sparrow makes the cover! One… Two… Remmy makes the save! Remmy and Sparrow begin to argue, and start unloading on one another with everything they have! After some quick-paced back-and-forth action, a double clothesline sends both men crashing to the canvas! All three men are down! Referee counts to about nine, before all men stir, appearing wobbly on their feet! Uh-Oh! Force manages to reach his power source, the ring ropes! Force is shaking the ropes, more and more violently with each passing second! Remmy and Skye give each other an “Oh, ****!” look, and both start pounding on Force! Still shaking the ropes, Force no-sells every punch and chop Remmy and Matt throw at him. FOOORCE PUNCH! Sparrow falls! FOOORCE PUNCH! Remmy falls! Repeat ad nauseum! DOUBLE FOOOOORCE CLOTHESLINES! A baker’s dozen double clotheslines later, and all momentum is on Force’s side! He then slips and falls on his arse, but Force gets up and does what we all do: pretend we planned to do it all along! He ascends the top turnbuckle, measures Remmy Skye for good measure, and hits his trademark flying double axe handle! He ascends the top once more, and hits another double axe handle, this time on Matt Sparrow! Feeling the Force pumping through his veins, he gives his trademark signal for the end: his entire body shakes, veins popping, muscles flexing, his head rocking to and fro, like an ADD rock star on Ritalin! His arms slowly raise towards the heavens! DOOM! He points at Sparrow’s seemingly unconscious frame (special signal trademarked by Beeker! Incidentally, if this signal seems too long and unrealistic, remember that we're talking about Jim ****ing Force here! Besides, if you can buy the People’s Elbow, you can buy this!), lifts him up and goes for the Full Force (suplex powerslam aka Gillberg…I mean, Goldberg’s Jackhammer) and nails it! One… Two… Remmy Skye makes the save again! Unbelievable! Remmy punches and chops away at Force with everything he has. Force is staggering to the ropes, his source of power! Remmy bounces off the ropes and hits a running dropkick, sending Force to the outside! Remmy turns around to a kick to the gut! Sparrow then goes for the Bird Brain Buster (delayed brain buster), but Remmy reverses and hits a short clothesline! Force is back up on the apron! Remmy charges at Force, but Force pulls on the top rope, and Remmy goes crashing to the outside! Actually, Force clumsily slipped on the apron, and was hanging onto the top rope for dear life, but it’s the final result that counts. Regaining his footing, Force enters the ring, and sets up Sparrow for another Full Force! But two knees to the midsection weaken Force’s grip! Sparrow then goes for the Bird Brain Buster, but Force hooks the leg to counter! Force receives two more kicks to the gut, and Sparrow attempts his finisher once more. He gets Force up, but Force wiggles his legs and shifts his weight! Sparrow can’t get him all the way up and sets him down. Borrowing a page from Sparrow’s playbook, Force kicks Sparrow repeatedly! FOOORCE KICK! FOOORCE KICK! FOOOORCE KICK! He then raises Sparrow into the air again, attempting the Full Force once more! He nails it! Force goes for the cover! One… Two… Three! [B]Winner in 10:21 and FIRST EVER UFW World Champion:[/B] Jim Force [B]Rating:[/B] D+ (****! Sorry, I just wanted this to be better, lol.) With the first ever UFW World Champion crowned, an angry and dejected Matt Sparrow makes his way to the back. Remmy Skye looks like he’s about to follow suit, but returns to the ring, where Force is celebrating madly. He shakes Force’s hand, the two hug briefly (no lingering hugs in UFW!) and the master and apprentice celebrate together. [B](Rating: D)[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Final Show Rating:[/B] D+[/SIZE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Prediction Outcome[/CENTER][/B] FORCEchlorians Points earned tonight: [LIST] [*]Bolton: 9 [*]Cubsfan915: 6 [*]d_w_w: 11 [*]Hyde Hill: 9 [*]juggaloninjalee: 11 [*]mad5226: 9 [*]maskedpropaganda: 11 [*]Nightshadeex: 11 [*]Tigerkinney: 9 [*]Wallbanger: 10 [/LIST] Total FORCEchlorian Points Earned: [LIST] [*]Bolton: 25 [*]ColtCobana: 5 [*]CubsFan915: 16 [*]d_w_w: 15 [*]Hyde Hill: 17 [*]infinitywpi: 5 [*]Jaded: 1 [*]juggaloninjalee: 14 [*]mad5226: 14 [*]maskedpropaganda: 21 [*]Nightshadeex: 21 [*]nZane: 10 [*]Tigerkinney: 30 [*]Wallbanger: 31 [/LIST][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Actarus;459059] You know, I was going to make Jim Force's signal a throat slash (like Undertaker), but thought that was just too cool for Jim. Then I was going to do the listening gesture (like Hogan), and thought that was just too cheesy. Well, Beeker, as of now, Jim Force's official signal before he gives the Full Force is the first option you presented to me. Now, let go of your anti '08 ways, buy TEW '08, and bring back the mini-goodness! Because even though I try, I can't do Cerebros true justice. Just give them a stat bump for better ratings (but not so much that you're getting A*'s all the time). *** Feeling the Force pumping through his veins, he gives his trademark signal for the end: his entire body shakes, veins popping, muscles flexing, his head rocking to and fro, like an ADD rock star on Ritalin! His arms slowly raise towards the heavens! DOOM! He points at Sparrow’s seemingly unconscious frame (special signal trademarked by Beeker! Incidentally, if this signal seems too long and unrealistic, remember that we're talking about Jim ****ing Force here! Besides, if you can buy the People’s Elbow, you can buy this!), lifts him up and goes for the Full Force (suplex powerslam aka Gillberg…I mean, Goldberg’s Jackhammer) and nails it! [/QUOTE] I'll consider upgrading to 08, I think you're doing a fine job with Brains. I'm sure Brains is just happy for the work. As for the Extended Full Force Pose... that was intentional too. It's a mix of the Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan (YOU!) I figured Jim Force in Jim Force's Own Promotion means he can call the shots and even outside of Jim Force's Own Promotion he'd do something unbelievably over the top. And like you said, if people by the People's Elbow or the set-up to the W-O-R-M then this one fits in nicely with that 'elite (?) company of taunts.
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[quote=Actarus;459059] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] [I](eating):[/I] [COLOR=seagreen]“By the way, these new Jelly filled Jim Force donuts are like totally amazing! Sweet, yet slightly tart...[B][I]creamy, yet slightly milky[/I][/B]...What do you put in these things?”[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][...][/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR=purple]“JIM FORCE BLUEBERRY HONEY JELLY WITH [B][I]JIM FORCE ESSENCE OF FOOORCE![/I][/B]”[/COLOR][/quote] :eek:
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;459074]Proving once again that in wrestling, donuts are comedy gold.[/QUOTE] Interestingly enough, I'm not all that into donuts personally as far as junk food goes. As for those donut segments, I wrote those late at night, where my creativity was waning and I couldn't think of anything, so I just decided to play with donuts. [QUOTE=Beeker;459304]I'll consider upgrading to 08, I think you're doing a fine job with Brains. I'm sure Brains is just happy for the work. As for the Extended Full Force Pose... that was intentional too. It's a mix of the Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan (YOU!) I figured Jim Force in Jim Force's Own Promotion means he can call the shots and even outside of Jim Force's Own Promotion he'd do something unbelievably over the top. And like you said, if people by the People's Elbow or the set-up to the W-O-R-M then this one fits in nicely with that 'elite (?) company of taunts.[/QUOTE] At least now, when I write "Jim Force gives the signal!", people can envision what that is. Thanks again for the help, Beeker! [QUOTE=Wallbanger;459400]:eek:[/QUOTE] I wasn't going in that direction...oh, who am I kidding! I was totally going in the gross-out direction! Though to be fair, the first one who ever did so was Monkeypox. Remember 'Jim Force month'? The 'pee-pee chair'? So I thought 'Well, if he can go there, so can I, goshdarnit! [Center][B][SIZE="4"]Fabulous __________[/SIZE][/B][/Center] “Hey, Mr. Flashy Risk Taker?! Look at me when I’m talking to you, you overrated piece of crap!” This was the last thing I was expecting to see when I entered the men’s locker room after the show. “You think you can just ignore me! I was one of the greatest wrestlers in the world!” I froze in disbelief; the scene unfolding before my eyes was surreal, like something from a bad television show or movie. “I’ll teach you respect, you crap eagle!” With that battle cry, “Fabulous” Frank Roberts lunged at Black Eagle, punching him as hard as he could. Eagle’s jaw snapped back, but that was the only indication that he received a punch. Eagle responded in turn with an uppercut of his own. The only difference is that Eagle’s blow was much more effective. Frank’s feet actually left the floor for an instant, his limp body sailing backward and crashing to the locker room floor. I ran over to check on Frank’s condition, while Jim and James restrained Eagle. Amazingly, Frank looked to be conscious, though clearly rattled. I put his arm over my shoulder and helped him up. Looking into Eagle’s eyes for a moment, I could tell he felt pushed, provoked, and merely responded to the situation in self-defense. I could also tell that despite all that, he was sorry for his actions. I nodded at Eagle, an indication that I wasn’t angry at him, and that we would talk later. For now, I helped Frank out of the locker room. “Is that all you got?” moaned Frank. “Shut up Frank.” I said, as we exited the locker room. We had taken a couple of steps down the hallway when he pushed off me and stood by his own power, though his knees still looked wobbly. “Frank, you okay?” “Aahh, didn’t feel a thing. My grandma hits harder than that!” Wobbling back and forth, he pointed at me. “You…you need to get rid of that disrespectful reject! He shouldn’t be punching his elders like that!” “You shouldn’t be provoking or punching anyone, period!” I countered. “You’re our road agent, and you need to set a better example than this!” “Humph! I should have known a guy like you wouldn’t understand! No one understands! Just give me my damn paycheck so I can get out of here!” I had established the tradition of personally handing out paychecks after each and every show, which explained the small stack of envelopes in my left hand. I found and held out the envelope entitled Frank Roberts. Frank greedily snatched it, and limped away from me. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] After every show, I usually headed straight to the UFW office to work on putting up the show on our website as well as all the other popular streaming video sites. But not tonight. The events of the night left me feeling more drained than usual. I drove past the UFW offices straight for my apartment. Upon entering, I cracked open a can of Heineken and gulped it down. A couple more cans, and I found myself lying in bed, ready to lose consciousness. Even though I knew it would only be temporary, it still felt good to simply let everything go. It was what I needed most: a moment of uncaring. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Routinely, I was in the UFW offices by 7:30. Jim liked to come in at 9:00, as he usually worked out early in the morning. Today, I straggled in around 11:00 with a faint headache. Despite my throbbing head, my frustration easily outweighed the pain as I headed straight into Jim’s office. “Please tell me after last night, we’re firing Frank.” Jim looked away sheepishly. [I]Dammit![/I] I pressed the issue. “What is it with this guy? Why do you want to keep him around so badly?” Jim rotated his chair back towards me. “Ken, it’s just…Frank wrestled at a time when there weren’t as many opportunities for wrestler’s as there are now. We make a lot more money and get a lot more exposure then people like him ever did. People like Frank never had the huge salaries or the perks we take for granted. He paved the way for us, and that’s why I’m willing to give him as many chances as it takes to get it right.” I sighed. “You’re a better man than me, Charlie Brown.” “I doubt that.” I looked Jim straight in the face. “Jim, you mean well, but whatever you think, whatever you feel, you don’t owe Frank anything. You can’t save him. If he wants to waste his life away and be bitter about the way the wrestling business treated him, that’s what he’s going to do. Nothing any of us do can change that. What we should be doing is looking out for the majority of our employees, and doing right by them, and what you need to do is face the cold, hard truth: Frank has taken whatever respect the entire locker room had for him and flushed it down the toilets. This was his doing, and there should be consequences for those actions.” Jim spun his chair around and stared out the window for a moment. The grey skies forecast a storm on the horizon. “Ken, you have my word that as soon as his contract is up, we’ll let Frank go. But I just can’t fire him. I’m sorry.” I left Jim‘s office without uttering a single word. I was convinced there was nothing else I could say that would change the situation in my favor. I chuckled to myself as I entered my office. I used to think I was one of the nicest people in the world. But the kindness of Kevin Jefferson (aka Jim Force) seemed limitless. A part of me understood, and even appreciated Jim’s intentions, but a stronger part of me wanted nothing more than to exorcise Frank from Ultimate Force Wrestling. As I crumpled into my office chair and powered on my computer, I found myself hoping for only one thing. Supreme intervention. - From [url]www.ufw.com[/url] In a rematch from our last show, the Amazing Jacob Jett has accepted the challenge of the blue chipper Davis Wayne Newton. These two stole the show last time they competed. Will they do so again, and will Newton be able to exact revenge for his loss to the Amazing one? Matt Sparrow and Frankie Perez have gotten along very well behind the scenes most recently, and have decided to join forces for the night. Army Of Two has just issued a tag team challenge to Star Fox. However, the second half of Star Fox, Fox Mask, has already signed to face James Hernandez for the night. Not to be undone, Mario Heroic has enlisted the aid of self-proclaimed #1 Force Follower Remmy Skye! Calling themselves ‘Super Smash Brothers’ this dynamic duo will face Army Of Two in tag team action! Jim Force has overcome the odds and become the first ever UFW World Champion! Proclaiming himself a fighting champion willing to take on all comers, Black Eagle has proclaimed himself to be the #1 contender, and issued the challenge. Moments ago, Force has accepted the bold challenge from the hungry New Jersey native! Will Black Eagle end the “Age of Jim Force” before it’s even begun? Find out at the next UFW Ultimate Force! [QUOTE]Quick Prediction Thingie Davis Wayne Newton vs. Jacob Jett [B]Rating:[/B] Citizen X vs. Cowboy Ben [B]Rating:[/B] Fox Mask vs. James Hernandez [B]Rating:[/B] Ernie Turner vs. Whippy The Clown [B]Rating:[/B] Super Smash Brothers (Remmy Skye & Mario Heroic) vs. Army Of Two (Matt Sparrow & Frankie Perez) [B]Rating:[/B] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Melody Cuthill [B]Rating:[/B] Jim Force (C) vs. Black Eagle for the UFW World Championship [B]Rating:[/B][/QUOTE]
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Davis Wayne Newton vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] Rating: D [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D- Fox Mask vs. [B]James Hernandez[/B] Rating: D+ Ernie Turner vs. [B]Whippy The Clown[/B] Rating:C- [B]Super Smash Brothers [/B](Remmy Skye & Mario Heroic) vs. Army Of Two (Matt Sparrow & Frankie Perez) Rating: C- [B] Suzanne Brazzle[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating:E+ [B] Jim Force[/B] (C) vs. Black Eagle for the UFW World Championship Rating: A* (C-)
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Guest Bolton
Davis Wayne Newton vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] Rating: D- [I]THE ONE THAT FLIES LIKE A JET WILL DEFEAT THE BLUE CHIPPER OF THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!![/I] [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: E [I]He tells unfunny jokes. BUT HE HAS SOMETHING THAT BARELY RESEMBLES THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!![/I] Fox Mask vs. [B]James Hernandez[/B] Rating: D+ [I]Star Fox may have a barrel roll, but the Mainstream one has MORE FOOOOOOOORCE!!!![/I] Ernie Turner vs. [B]Whippy The Clown[/B] Rating: E+ [I]THE SLICK PIMP DADDY MAY HAVE A PIMP HAND, BUT HE IS NO MATCH FOR THE CLOWN OF FOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!!![/I] Super Smash Brothers (Remmy Skye & Mario Heroic) vs. [B]Army Of Two (Matt Sparrow & Frankie Perez)[/B] Rating: D+ [I]THOSE SUPER SMASH BROTHERS, THEY MAY HAVE THE POWER OF THE FINAL SMASH, BUT SPARROW HAS HIS EVIL BIRD POWERS!!! RAARGH!!!![/I] [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D [I]THEY ARE BOTH STRONG IN THE FOOOOOOOOOOORCE! FOR WOMEN THAT IS!!![/I] [B]Jim Force (C)[/B] vs. Black Eagle for the UFW World Championship Rating: A* (C in reality) [I]THAT EAGLE WILL FEEEEEEL THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!!!![/I]
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Davis Wayne Newton vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] Rating: D [I]Jett appears to be stronger in the force at this moment in time, despite the fact that he has stupid hair[/I] [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: E [I]No matter how you gimmick him up Ben Williams will be a permanent jobber[/I] Fox Mask vs. [B]James Hernandez[/B] Rating: D+ [I]This one could honestly go either way, I though 'Star-Fox' would have won the tag match last time out (despite the handicap, I though maybe a mystery partner would appear) but alas they didn't. I'll go for Fox Mask to win this singles contest, to even things up a little[/I] Ernie Turner vs. [B]Whippy The Clown[/B] Rating: E+ [I]Has there ever been a diary that has PUSHED the Slick Pimp Daddy.....didn't think so[/I] Super Smash Brothers (Remmy Skye & Mario Heroic) vs. [B]Army Of Two (Matt Sparrow & Frankie Perez)[/B] Rating: D [I]Despite the fact that these four are all reasonably talented, some thing called tag chemistry or some bizarro hidden stat that prevents tag matches from being any good, will conspire to bring the match rating down. As for who wins it could go either way but I think Sparrow (who appears to be the top heel) needs a win after jobbing to Jim Force[/I] [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D- [I]I'm more of a brunettes man myself, so I think Cuthill...oh not that sort of contest ? Could go either way, I'll go for Brazzle. [/I] [B]Jim Force (C)[/B] vs. Black Eagle for the UFW World Championship Rating: C [I]If anyone can do some heavy lifting and bring a half decent match out of Force on this roster then it's Black Eagle. Sadly Forces's higher Force Count will mean that he retains the title.[/I]
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[B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] vs. Jacob Jett Rating:d+ [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: e+ Fox Mask vs. [B]James Hernandez[/B] Rating: d+ Ernie Turner vs. [B]Whippy The Clown[/B] Rating: d Super Smash Brothers (Remmy Skye & Mario Heroic) vs. [B]Army Of Two [/B](Matt Sparrow & Frankie Perez) Rating: d- [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: d- [B]Jim Force [/B](C) vs. Black Eagle for the UFW World Championship Rating: d+
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[B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] vs. Jacob Jett Rating: D+ [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D- Fox Mask vs. [B]James Hernandez[/B] Rating: D [B]Ernie Turner[/B] vs. Whippy The Clown Rating: D Super Smash Brothers (Remmy Skye & Mario Heroic) vs. [B]Army Of Two (Matt Sparrow & Frankie Perez)[/B] Rating: D+ Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] Rating: D [B]Jim Force (C)[/B] vs. Black Eagle for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+
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Quick Prediction Thingie Davis Wayne Newton vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] Rating: D [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Cowboy Ben Rating: D- [B]Fox Mask[/B] vs. James Hernandez Rating: D+ -I always make a note to push Fox Mask in every game I play. Ernie Turner vs. [B]Whippy The Clown[/B] Rating: D+ -I also make a not to bury Whippy in every game I play... but, yeah. [B]Super Smash Brothers (Remmy Skye & Mario Heroic)[/B] vs. Army Of Two (Matt Sparrow & Frankie Perez) Rating: C- (for crazy!) [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D+ [B]Jim Force (C)[/B] vs. Black Eagle for the UFW World Championship Rating: C-
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