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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling: DaVE's not here

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I don't know about the last question, so I'll just do the fan answers 1. If I could pick one person (not currently on the roster) for PSW to hire it would be... [I]I'm gonna go outside and say Nomad. He's got personal issues and a lack of overness, but he's very solid hardcore-wise and not a problem locker-room wise[/I] 2. My three favorite PSW workers are ... [I]Johnny Martin, the spirit of hardcore. He's been one of your best so far Jungle Jack, because he's one of my favourite names already The Rev. Frankie Future, as the first Wrath-of-Hod moment of 2k8[/I] 3. The PSW Heavyweight Champion should be... [I]Jungle Jack, with Martin and Future in line for it. Not Parker-he's a technical worker in a hardcore fed, good for variety in the upper reaches of the card, but not definitively hardcore enough to be the franchise player[/I] 4. Who is the one worker (on the roster) PSW should give a singles push to? [I]Alex Braun-he's a very solid, reliable worker[/I] 5. Roman Coliseum Time! Who lives and who dies? Thumbs up or Thumbs down for each: Tank Bradley [I]Thumbs down- he sucks[/I] Teddy Powell [I]Thumbs down-he's a whiny goit[/I] Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf [I]Thumbs up-you don't have enough young-blood[/I]
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[B]1. If I could pick one person (not currently on the roster) for PSW to hire it would be _________________.[/B] Sayeed Ali, of 4C. Strong Hardcore worker, with decent fundamentals. He's not over, but that means you can get him in cheap! [B]2. My three favorite PSW workers are ...[/B] Jungle Jack, who never fails to deliver. Steve Flash, who everyone loves. Steven Parker, who is a star in the making. [B]3. The PSW Heavyweight Champion should be _____________.[/B] Awesome. What else need I say? [B]4. Who is the one worker (on the roster) PSW should give a singles push to?[/B] Steve Flash, who is always in search of direction. [B]5. Roman Coliseum Time! Who lives and who dies?[/B] Thumbs up or Thumbs down for each: Tank Bradley [I]Thumbs down - there's fun stuff top do, but he's not worth the loss of ratings.[/I] Teddy Powell [I]Thumbs up - give him time, and he'll make it eventually.[/I] Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf [I]Both solid guys for your level, and you need tag teams around.[/I]
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[I]Loving the diary McShamrock. PSW is not the easiest row to hoe, so kudos on making it a fun read.[/I] 1. If I could pick one person (not currently on the roster) for PSW to hire it would be _________________. [I]Bulldozer Brandon Smith is always popular and, really, how could you go wrong with a badass like that. However, I really liked the idea of Joey Poison that another reader posed. He's a pretty big name in the C-Verse and no one has really done anything with him of note. Larry Wood comes tailor made with that awesome mask, too.[/I] 2. My three favorite PSW workers are ... [I]Jungle Jack, The Rev, and Johnny Martin.[/I] 3. The PSW Heavyweight Champion should be _____________. [I]A nan-ah for your thoughts.... Jungle Jack, baby.[/I] 4. Who is the one worker (on the roster) PSW should give a singles push to? [I]I would say Steve Flash, just based on the fact that he'd really help the match ratings with whomever he worked with. Maybe you luck into some chemistry and really strike gold. [/I] 5. Roman Coliseum Time! Who lives and who dies? Thumbs up or Thumbs down for each: Tank Bradley Teddy Powell Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf [I]I give all three thumbs up. Dragonmack's Tank Bradley gimmick would have this reader checking back over and over again to find out what kind of tubby shenanigans he'd gotten into. It's a sure thing. Teddy Powell is the kind of wrestler I'd love to see fleshed out. He's kind of just floating around out there without an identity. Plus he has an awesome hybrid Hall & Oates look. It reeks of a lame boy band gimmick that the crowd will hate.....but I will love. And Statler and Waldorf are building blocks; guys who are pretty cheap that can be developed into something worthwhile given the right circumstances. A guy like Steve Flash helps out with these types I'd bet.[/I] [I]Looking foward to more PSW, dude. Keep it coming.[/I]
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[B]1. If I could pick one person (not currently on the roster) for PSW to hire it would be [/B]Larry Wood, he'd fit right in[B]. 2. My three favorite PSW workers are ... [/B]Jungle Jack, Johnny Martin, the mystery man. :D [B]3. The PSW Heavyweight Champion should be [/B]Jungle Jack, he has been putting on consistently good performances and should be the best choice for a world champion on your roster[B]. 4. Who is the one worker (on the roster) PSW should give a singles push to? [/B]Frankie Future! :p Bring in Ben Force, and you got a four man stable that could rule PSW! [B]5. Roman Coliseum Time! Who lives and who dies? [/B] [CENTER][B]Thumbs up or Thumbs down for each: [/B]Tank Bradley [B](Down)[/B] Teddy Powell [B](Down)[/B] Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf [B](Dunno)[/B][/CENTER] [B]6. And finally, I’ve got a gameplay question for all you TEW vets out there … [/B]I'd just keep booking around them, that's what I always do when I play a smaller promotion, book around the opposition.
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1. If I could pick one person (not currently on the roster) for PSW to hire it would be [b]Grandmaster Phunk[/b]. 2. My three favorite PSW workers are [b]Steve Flash, JD Morgan, and Mr. Nana, Jungle Jack[/b] 3. The PSW Heavyweight Champion should be [b]JD Morgan[/b]. 4. Who is the one worker (on the roster) PSW should give a singles push to? [b]Steven Parker[/b] 5. Roman Coliseum Time! Who lives and who dies? Thumbs up or Thumbs down for each: Tank Bradley [b]DIES[/b] Teddy Powell [b]Lives, for now[/b] Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf [b]Lives, just don't push them too hard[/b] 6. And finally, I’ve got a gameplay question for all you TEW vets out there … [b]To be honest, it would work, but IMO it's kind of cheap. Plus with him being NYCW's ace, his pop will rise and you can use it to give other wrestlers the rub and/or improving your own match ratings. Though NYCW is one of my favorite promotions and I want them to do well.[/b]
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1. If I could pick one person (not currently on the roster) for PSW to hire it would be _________________.Larry Wood! (and if hes the mystery man then Acid if he doenst agree, then Buldozer or Puerto Rican Power (screw with the other guys and go bi monthly shows even tough he owns the place as long as your higher in prestige he wil prefer you hehe) 2. My three favorite PSW workers are ... Jungle Jack,Steve Flash, JD Morgan (as the future wil leave eventually) 3. The PSW Heavyweight Champion should be _____________. Jungle Jack 4. Who is the one worker (on the roster) PSW should give a singles push to? Alex Braun 5. Roman Coliseum Time! Who lives and who dies? Thumbs up or Thumbs down for each: Tank Bradley DOOOOOOWN+ across the throat Teddy Powell Stay for now Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf up cheap and talented 6. And finally, I’ve got a gameplay question for all you TEW vets out there … Wel if Flash is the only reason for their high cards book shows on the same day, if you start winning go to war with em, still lose working agreement/non agresion so dont loose to many in the battles. PS Dam you, you beat me to Jack Marlowe was planning on making him a real character in my dynasty now have to rethink him or `borrow`
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/TankBradley.jpg[/IMG] [I][B]Tank Bradley[/B][/I] [I][B][SIZE=5]Episode Eleven[/SIZE][/B][/I] [I][B][SIZE=4]Trimming the Fat[/SIZE][/B][/I] [/CENTER] It was just a mere three months before his contract was up and for the money we were paying him, Tank Bradley just wasn’t worth it. Due to a steady diet of fast food and any food ending in –os (Fritos, Cheetos and Doritos), Tank’s weight was out of control. Some guys in the biz can carry the weight and not miss a beat, but Tank was not one of them. Why am I upset with Tank Bradley? Oh, let me count the ways! But mainly, it was a stamina issue. Bradley regularly blew up early in every single match – I swear the guy sounded like Darth Vader on a treadmill about five minutes into a tag match. You could hear him gasping for a breath, even if you were sitting backstage. And secondly, I was really concerned for the strain he was putting on Alex Braun’s back, since Alex had to carry the fat tub of goo in the last three Jersey Devils’ tag matches. Before the March show, I sat Alex down and told him of my plan to break up the Devils. He wasn’t the least bit sad about the Devils’ demise and agreed to drop the straps to Bloody Dan and Chains Bonham of the Black Label Brotherhood at March’s show. Tank wasn’t oblivious. He knew I wanted him to drop weight and get in shape. When I took the tag belts off of him and Braun, I figured he’d get the message. He didn’t. So it came as a giant surprise to me that Tank had called, hoping to renegotiate his deal. Our meeting place? A Pittsburgh McDonald’s. It came as no surprise to me that Tank wasn’t eating a grilled chicken salad, either. “Hey Geno,” said in between bites of his second Big Mac, “how come you guys haven’t signed me back up? Statler got his deal renewed. So did Martin. What about me?” “Uh, Tank,” I began nervously, “that’s what I’ve been meaning to talk to you about … if you can't get in shape, we’re not hiring you back.” “No Geno! C’mon, I can get in shape.” I looked down at his tray and motioned with my finger at the two Big Macs, a 20-piece box of Chicken McNuggets and two large fries. I raised my eyebrows. “What’s in the cup, Tank?” “Diet Coke.” “Really …” “Okay, it’s a suicide with all the drinks. But Diet Coke is in it.” “Tank do you realize how much fat and sugar is in all of that food? “No.” “Have you even seen Super Size Me?” “No. Is that a Mickey-D’s scratch-off game where you win burgers and fries?” “No Tank.” “Oh.” “Look Tank,” I pleaded, “after this month we’re taking you off the shows. I’ll pay you for the next three months, but if you don’t get your fat butt on a exercise bike and make some improvement in your stamina, I’ve got no choice, I gotta let you go.” “Okay. Okay. I got it and I’ll try to work out.” “Be like Jack. Eat some nanuhs … I mean, bananas or something. Go on the Biggest Loser. Do anything you can, Tank. Please.” I got up to leave with a heavy heart. Tank was a good enough guy, but I knew if I didn’t warn him, he’d drag our shows down. I also knew he’d do the same sink job with his health. That’s why I gave him the ultimatum. To save his life. Bottom line? He’s got three months to get in shape or he’s gone.
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[CENTER][B][I][SIZE=5]Promos: Chapter Two[/SIZE][/I][/B] [B][I][SIZE=4]It Wasn’t Me …[/SIZE][/I][/B] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/AshCampbellForce.jpg[/IMG] [B] [SIZE=4][I]Ash Campbell doesn't feel it[/I][/SIZE] [/B][/CENTER] Ash Campbell is obviously bored. He’s sitting in front of a television set in an uncomfortable molded plastic chair that now feels molded to his numb backside. PSW’s resident legacy doesn’t appear to be his usual self. His hair is dyed in all of the colors of the Jim Force rainbow – hot pink, lime green, sky blue with a touch of electric lemonade yellow. This new look is obviously not his idea. Ash lost the Church of Force match at the ShamRock FanFest, so being a man of his word, he’s decided to go along with the stipulation. He knew his dad, John “Nemesis” Campbell would hate every second of it. On the tube is a Jim Force match from the late ‘80s. It’s a plodding six-minute snore-fest that 80’s mainstream fans loved to pop for and hardcore fans absolutely hated. In the background, Rev. Frankie Future, the pastor of the Church of The Force, is cheering wildly. His animalistic mind-puppet Primal (formerly Rage) Force is grunting in approval, less because he loves Jim Force and more because he’s just chimping his master. “Big roided freaks plodding around like exhausted elephants,” began Campbell to his ‘captors’, “if I wanted to watch this s***, I’d go see a Tank Bradley match live.” “Oh my dear Ash,” said Frankie. “We can multi-color your hair, but we cannot multi color your brain, nor your heart. Force is genius. Force is goodness. Everything he does brings joy to his Forcelonians. It is written in the Book of Jim that he will bring joy to you as soon as you buy his merchandise.” “I suppose I could buy a T-Shirt or something. It wouldn’t hurt. I saw some in at the dollar bin at a discount store.” “NO! NO! In order to truly feel the Force, you must pay $29.95 on [URL="http://www.feeltheforce.com"]www.feeltheforce.com[/URL]! Discount clothing has been touched by too many people and the Forcelonians have rubbed off on other hands. Buying on the internet assures you that undiluted Forcelonian power is transferred from Jim Force directly to you.” “You’re telling me Jim Force ships all of his own shirts himself?” “Yes.” “Bulls**t!” “Non-believer, you will feel the Force.” “No, Frankie I ate a Force Ice Cream bar and I think I feel sick.” Ash gets up to run to the bathroom, holding his stomach like an All-Pro NFL running back holds onto the ball. “Ash it’s just the large amounts of Forcelonian points in the ice cream bar, because he makes them himself by hand! Your body can not handle the Force, because you don’t believe!” Future turns to Primal Force and shakes his head, “We’ve got a lot of work to do with that one, Primal … a lot of work.” [CENTER][B]* * * [I][SIZE=4]Untouchable?[/SIZE][/I] [/B] [/CENTER] “Steven Parker,” J.D. Morgan begins with a British snarl. “I know ya think yer gifted an’ all, but I know yer story. Yer constantly gettin’ on with the help of others. Me, Teddy Powell, Nicole … ” “What are you saying, J.D.? That me jacking you up with the PSW National title belt was my fault? Maybe you oughta go to the gym and check that grip of yours. You’re the one who let Steve Flash go. That’s why you took it on the chin.” “Is that right, pretty boy? Well why don’tcha back up that big mouth of yers and face me again? This time one-on-one?” “Okay,” laughed Parker, never one to underestimate his own ability, “you’re on. But lets make it 2 out of 3 falls, just so you don’t have an excuse for when I beat your sorry limey arse. And when I do, you shut up and do your job and stretch people out who want a shot at my belt.” Morgan growls, but is interrupted by a quiet voice. “Guys, um, what about me?” perked up Teddy Powell, the third member of the stable known as the Untouchables. “Can I get a National title shot?” “Maybe some other time, okay Teddy?” replied Parker with a pat on the back upon his exit from the scene. “You know, when J.D. and I are finished.” The door slams and Morgan goes over to console Powell. “It’s okay Teddy, someone still has yer back around here. Parker ain’t showin’ up as much to help ya out anymore is he? Well, I got somethin’ to say about it, Ted … but not right now …” Morgan ushers the cameras out and slams the door. [CENTER][B]* * *[/B] [SIZE=4][I][B]Is There Leopard Skin Behind the Voice?[/B][/I][/SIZE] [/CENTER] Johnny Martin enters the lockeroom and sees Jungle Jack wearing what once was his: the Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Heavyweight Championship belt. It was something about the shine of the belt around someone else’s waist that didn’t sit well with Johnny. He didn’t hate Jack for being the champion, but he wasn’t about to rule out the possibility that Jack was playing everyone with his simple jungle man demeanor. He wasn’t for a second about to conceed that Jack wasn’t a part of the mystery man’s plan. “Nice belt, Jack,” said Johnny, dripping with absolute sarcasm. “Someone hit Jack with crazy Ju-Ju Magic. Jack go to sleep in ring with Johnny, wake up with shiny belt.” “Yeah, now you got yourself I brand new belt. Funny how that just kinda happens, ain’t it?” “But Jack no want belt.” “Why’s that Jack?” Martin responded with surprise. Maybe Jack felt guilty for how he won it. “Mechanical bird’s owner find Jack’s luggage. Jack get old belt back. Jack no need shiny new belt now. Jack look like cowboy with shiny buckle. Cowboy buckly look good on Johnny. You have back.” Jack thrusts the belt into Johnny’s hands. Now Martin is offended, his anger starts a slow build inside of him. “I busted my ass for that belt! Is this some kind of sick joke? ‘Cause it’s not funny, Jack.” “Jack no make intentional funny. Jack unintentional comedian.” “Don’t be a smartass.” “Jack no have smart ass. Jack sit on ass. Ass no breathe, so ass have brain damage. Jack have dumb ass.” Johnny's had all he can stand ... suspicions are becoming too strong for him to ignore. “Quit playing dumb, Jack. I know you’re in on it and you’re just mocking me. Alright funny man, let's say you get yourself a partner and we go at it in the ring at April’s Reign of Terror. Then we’ll see how funny you think this all is.” Jack is left dumbfounded as the camera fades to the credits.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling's Reign of Terror[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]April 19, 2008 at The Ministry in Queens, NY [SIZE=3]Main Event Choose Your Partner Jungle Jack & ??????? vs. Johnny Martin & ??????? PSW National Championship 2 out of 3 Falls Steven "The Future" Parker [I][SIZE=2]Champion[/SIZE] [/I][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]vs. J.D. Morgan The Rubber Match Jacob Jett vs. Teddy Powell [SIZE=2]with Nicole Kiss[/SIZE] PSW Tag Team Championship The Black Label Brotherhood [SIZE=2]Champions[/SIZE] vs. The Church of Force (Ash Campbell & Primal Force w/ Rev. Frankie Future) Two more matches to be announced ... [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/PSWReign.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=5][I][B]PSW Reign of Terror[/B][/I] [B][SIZE=4]April 19, 2008 at The Ministry in Queens, NY [SIZE=3]Attendance: 559 [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][LEFT][SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Preshow Booking Notes:[/B] Our house sucks. It’s the third straight month we’ve had declining attendance. The boys deserve better than this. Each month we’re putting on better and better matches, our storylines are hot … I can’t explain it. Maybe we’re burning out the building. Things couldn’t be worse from a backstage standpoint. Where do I begin? Well four people have questioned finishes, Steven Parker came to me before the show and told me that Total Championship Wrestling has signed him to a pay-per-appearance contract (just glad it wasn’t a written contract or Eisen’s SWF, but it does mean that he’s on the radar now) and to top it all off, it’s five minutes before first bell and Jacob Jett’s not here … oh well, the show must go on.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=4][B]Dark Match[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/LittleBillLebowski.jpg[/IMG] Sayeed Ali vs. Little Bill Lebowski[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Booker’s Notes:[/B] Sayeed did well in his debut and next week we'll put him on the show. Bill? Bill was the problem. Bill disputed the finish, he bitched about the length and the spot on the show. He sunk this match on purpose, I know the little b*stard did. The crowd s**t on the match from the outset and they should have. The fans let Bill have it for the lack of effort. The crowd just turned their back on him, I think Bill’s done in this territory.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Sayeed Ali def. Little Bill Lebowski by pinfall at 7:01[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Match Rating:[/B] F (Our first F)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=4][B][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/TankBradley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/HonestFrank_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Tank Bradley vs. Rev. Frankie Future[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Booking Notes:[/B] Okay, this match wasn’t great either. Tank bitched about the finish before the match (the second straight guy in the second straight match). He gassed again in under six minutes, too. Tank was on thin ice about the weight thing, and he knows I can’t have one of our hottest guys (Frankie) jobbing out. Frankie needed the momentum. Maybe Tank just doesn’t get it. My mind is made up, after the three months are up, he’s gone. Let the Tank Bradley "Job Out the Door" tour begin.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Match Rating:[/B] E+[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE=4]PSW Tag Team Championship [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/PSW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/PSW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG] The Black Label Brotherhood (C) vs. [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/AshCampbellForce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/PrimalRage_alt1.jpg[/IMG] The Church of Force (Ash Campbell & Primal Rage)[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Booking Notes:[/B] Not a good match at all. This show’s swirling down the toilet quickly. No wait … its about to get a lot worse … Jacob Jett’s not here … so now I gotta do what a man’s gotta do …[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [B]The Black Label Brotherhood retained the PSW Tag Team Titles (Defense 1) with an Outlaw Funeral at 10:27[/B] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Match Rating: [/B]E+ [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]‘Jett’ing and Shooting into the Coastal Zone …[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]It was Jett-Powell belltime and Jacob Jett wasn’t in the building. I knew he wasn’t coming. I found out later he had double-booked himself and chose Coastal Zone over us. I wouldn’t have been so mad if it wasn’t for the fact that he told me he was going to be here.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]The Ministry crowd is smark as hell, so I knew there would be no bulls**tting them. I slowly yanked my Dr. Classic mask off in frustration and started toward the ring with a house mike.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]By the time I reached the ring, the crowd started murmuring about what the hell Geno McGrath was out there for. They knew it had to be big.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]“We were supposed to have the big rubber match between Jacob Jett and Teddy Powell here tonight for you hard-working PSW fans,” I began with as much disappointment as I truly felt, “but Jacob Jett took it upon himself to screw all of you out of it by taking a gig with Coastal Zone, instead.”[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]The crowd heartily boos Jett’s no show announcement.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]“He got on the phone to me and swore that he would be here,” I continued, “but match time has come and gone … and guess what? He still ain’t here. But I am. And I care about the PSW fans, so I went out and got a little help and I hope that in some way, this will make it up to you.”[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Buzzing starts again among the fans.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]“Tonight we get an three-way dance between Teddy Powell, “The Marksman” Kirk Jameson,” I still don’t have them, but I pause for dramatic effect anyway, “… and japanese wrestling sensation Burning Exile.”[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Crowd pops and I have them back … well, for the moment anyway.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Three-Way Dance [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/KirkJameson.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/B][B][SIZE=3]Teddy Powell vs. Burning Exile vs. Kirk Jameson[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Booking Notes: [/B]Okay. This wasn’t a bad match. Especially since I booked it right before the night began. The three guys probably got what Jett and Powell would have received. But the crowd absolutely hated Jameson being in this match. Yep, I had screwed the pooch and overbooked it. It should have just been Exile and Powell. This one’s my fault. I take full responsibility. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Teddy Powell def. Kirk Jameson & Burning Exile. 13:45[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Match Rating:[/B] D[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=4][B]PSW National Championship [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/PSW_National.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B]Best 2 out of 3 Falls [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B]Steven Parker (C) vs. J.D. Morgan[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Booking Notes:[/B] The match was good, but the crowd didn’t like the heel-heel dynamic. Guess I overestimated the smark-ness in Queens on this one. We also teased a J.D. Morgan turn and then didn’t do it. That hurt us. Man, might have to go back to the drawing board.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Steven Parker retains the PSW National Title (Defense 4) def. J.D. Morgan 2 falls to 1 at 16:22[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Match Rating:[/B] D+[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Main Event Tag Partner Announcement Time …[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Jungle Jack came down to the ring first and grabbed a mic.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]“Jack no know what to say. Jack shocked by Johnny. So Jack shock Johnny back.”[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Dr. Classic’s music kicks up on the PA System and the crowd is stunned that Jack would select a heel.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Johnny follows shortly after and enters the ring. He takes the mic and begins …[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]“Okay Jack … one good turn deserves another. I see your Dr. Classic and raise you …”[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Steve Flash’s music plays and the crowd gets to its feet. Flash sprints down the aisle and jumps into the ring and we’re off. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=4][B][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG] Jungle Jack & Dr. Classic vs. [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JohnnyMartin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Johnny Martin & Steve Flash[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Booker’s Notes:[/B] From an overness standpoint this was a great match when I put it on paper. In practice? It stunk. Styles contrasted, we blew a couple of spots and we just weren’t on our games. Johnny gave us some good color, but it still didn’t save the match. This was the lowest rated show I’d been a part of … hopefully the ending will send fans wanting more … if not, I’m in trouble.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Johnny Martin loses the pinfall to Jungle Jack at 17:55[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][B]Match Rating:[/B] D+[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE=4]Darkness falls on Johnny Martin[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]After his second straight loss, a bloody Martin sinks to his knees. First he’s consoled by Steve Flash, then he’s left alone.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]The lights go out and a single spotlight is on Johnny. A voice booms out over the public address system. The crowd perks up.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]“Alone Johnny?”[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Johnny’s head pops up. It's the mystery man ...[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]“Yes, you are alone. I’m not surprised. You’ve always been one to stay at the party, long after it’s been over. You see, John, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’m not working with anyone. Especially not that dolt Jungle Jack. No, I’m all alone. Just like you.”[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]You can audibly hear Johnny Martin say, “I’m not alone!”[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]“You aren’t?” said the voice, "Oh yes. You're hardcore. But hardcore is a blatant lie. It feeds the uncaring masses and quenches sadistic thirsts at large. It feed these fans – these vampires – the blood they need to survive, but what has hardcore ever done for you? Answer me, John! What has hardcore ever given you? ”[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Johnny has no answer for the voice.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]"I'll answer that question for you. It's left you injured, hurt and wrestling in a low-life dive in the ghettos of New York. Isn't it funny how the drunken or wreckless driver always lives, but everyone riding in the car with them dies or is crippled for life? Where is the virtue in that, huh? Where is the punishment for the driver? Where is our wreckless drunk driver? Where ... is ... he? I know where our vision of the poor innocent cripple boy in the wheelchair is ... he's standing in the ring right now." Johnny shakes his head in the negative. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]“Isn’t it funny how the drunk driver always leaves carnage in his wake, but never truly suffers the consequences of his actions? You know the metaphorical driver of whom I speak, don’t you, John? He drove the hardcore machine right into a telephone poll and he survived. You? You are crippled. He didn’t get you a job with SWF or TCW or even the USPW. Did he?”[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Martin begins to break down emotionally in the ring.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]“Show yourself!” Martin exclaims at the top of his lungs.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]“Oh I will Johnny,” the voice replies. “I will … next month at the Summer of Violence. And you’ll find out why I’m attempting to open your eyes.”[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Spotlight shuts off and the show ends. Johnny slowly makes his way to the back, head stooped, never looking at the crowd.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE=4]Show Rating: D+[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4](Our Worst Rating to Date and our first sub-C rating)[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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[quote=Hyde Hill;466600]Nice work man you are really raising the bar on character development, once my backstory is done hope I can get to the same level.[/quote] Thanks you're waaaaay too kind. Hopefully, the month-by-month format isn't scaring anyone off. We'll see how well I can write if these D-rated shows start a bad trend in ratings. :p
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Sorry i didn´t do any predictions was waiting for the two to be anounced matches think that goes for some of your other readers. Nice show in potential too bad it didn´t work out and btw I have seen that on a lot of dynasties and in my own games tag team action generally gets a lower grade best stick to one on one or three ways at least in the main event second to last event imho. And oh another posibal signing Sgt Bubba Lee West he is a total jerk backstage and when it comes to money but has decent overness and skills and could be fun to write. Oh and I am guessing Acid as the mystery man at the mo.
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][I][B]Episode Twelve[/B][/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][I][B]The Low Blow[/B][/I][/SIZE][/CENTER] Heads were down and the mood was somber. Everyone in the locker room might as well have been dressed in black suits, because it was a funeral atmosphere. The only thing that was missing from the scene was a stiff and a casket. We had just put on our worst show as a company and from curtain to close, we were all to blame. Especially the man I was looking at in the mirror. The card was poorly conceived, poorly booked, we had our first no show and our roster wasn’t where it should be four months into our run. So it came as no stunner to me when Mitch requested a pow-wow first thing on Monday morning. “Geno … not sure how I should react right this minute,” said Mitch Naess, owner and the voice of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, at the scene of the crime. “Everything but the ending of last night’s card sucked a big, fat hairy di-” “I know, Mitch,” I interrupted in a state of embarrassment. “I know.” “We’re in a hole, Geno. NYCW’s looking like the stud of the Tri-State and our company’s getting left in the dust. We’re going to have to make a few changes for May and do some drastic stuff. You know what I mean … “ “Yeah, I do. We should cut some dead weight, bring in some more new blood. Our guys are getting complacent and we need to shake things up a bit. Hopefully, the big payoff for the Martin angle and some other ideas I've got floating around will net us some good press.” “What about Jake?” Mitch asked about the night’s no show, Jacob Jett. “I’ll deal with him later,” I replied in disgust. “If he doesn’t want to be here, screw him. We're a family here. If he does want to be a part of it, then the prodigal son's got a lot to prove to me before I feed and clothe his a**.” “Good enough ... we’ll talk more on Monday A.M.” Mitch left to go tend to other business and I spent the better part of Saturday night in full-on damage control, consoling the guys who deserved it and rallying the troops. I let them know that the effort from everyone, myself included, was subpar and if we ever expected to get on TV, this wasn’t the way to do it. I can only hope the pep-talk worked, or else we’re going to travel the same path to the grave that DAVE took. Only we’ll get there much, much faster and we’ll be buried in a really cheap coffin. One thing's for sure, things were about to change. And some people weren't going to like it.
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[quote=Hyde Hill;467446]Sorry i didn´t do any predictions was waiting for the two to be anounced matches think that goes for some of your other readers. Nice show in potential too bad it didn´t work out and btw I have seen that on a lot of dynasties and in my own games tag team action generally gets a lower grade best stick to one on one or three ways at least in the main event second to last event imho. And oh another posibal signing Sgt Bubba Lee West he is a total jerk backstage and when it comes to money but has decent overness and skills and could be fun to write. Oh and I am guessing Acid as the mystery man at the mo.[/quote] No worries about the predictions. I do this for the fun of it and because it's enjoyable. I'm just glad other people do the same and have fun with it. And Bubba? Hmmmm. Drama and fun to write? You may have something there. There's going to be quite a few changes and a few new hires are gonna be made. And good guess, you're in the right ballpark, just got the wrong player. I wanted Acid to work for PSW, but he turned me down flat two game months ago. We aren't big enough for him yet. :) Anyone else wanna take a shot in the dark at the mystery man? They'll get special bonus points when I do the mid-year smark prediction standings. :p
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[quote=Rathen4;469227]Wow, I don't know whether it's in character writing or not but you seemed genuinely overly harsh on yourself! Tell me it's kayfabe![/quote] Totally in-character kayfabe. McGrath (Dr. Classic) is a perfectionist ... I'm not. Anything below average is unacceptable to him. I'm easy to please. And if we're still putting even tenths of a point on popularity, I'm good. :D
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[CENTER][FONT=Impact][SIZE=6]Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Impact][SIZE=6]Summer of Violence[/SIZE][/FONT] [B][SIZE=5]May 31, 2008[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=5]At the Steel City Pavilion[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=5]Three Main Event Quality Matches![/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=4][B] Steel City Street Fight[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]Johnny Martin vs. The Mystery Man[/SIZE] [I]The Mystery Man has promised he will reveal Johnny Martin's tormentor! Will he pay off or is this just another mind game? [/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=4][B]PSW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [B]Cage Match (Escape, Pinfall or Submission)[/B] [/SIZE][SIZE=4]Jungle Jack[/SIZE] [I][B][SIZE=3]PSW Heavyweight Champion [/SIZE][/B][/I][SIZE=4]vs.[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]Dr. Classic [B]PSW National Heavyweight Championship [/B]Steven "The Future" Parker [I][B][SIZE=3]PSW National Champion[/SIZE][/B][/I] vs. Steve Flash [B]PSW Tag Team Championship [/B]The Black Label Brotherhood [I][B][SIZE=3]PSW Tag Team Champions [/SIZE][/B][/I]vs. The Good Ol' Boys [B] Hardcore vs. The Church of The Force First Blood Match[/B] Alex Braun vs. Reverend Frankie Future Teddy Powell vs. Burning Exile J.D. Morgan vs. Kirk Jameson [B]Plus Dark Matches ... [/B]Primus Allen vs. Brimstone and Sayeed Ali vs. Tank Bradley [/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Johnny Martin vs. [B]The Mystery Man[/B] PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match (Escape, Pinfall or Submission) [B]Jungle Jack[/B] PSW Heavyweight Champion vs. Dr. Classic PSW National Heavyweight Championship [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] PSW National Champion vs. Steve Flash PSW Tag Team Championship [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] PSW Tag Team Champions vs. The Good Ol' Boys Hardcore vs. The Church of The Force First Blood Match [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs. Reverend Frankie Future [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Burning Exile [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson Plus Dark Matches ... [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Brimstone and [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Tank Bradley
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Steel City Street Fight [B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. The Mystery Man The Mystery Man has promised he will reveal Johnny Martin's tormentor! Will he pay off or is this just another mind game? [I]Unless he is a permanent addition to the roster, he isn't winning[/I] PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match (Escape, Pinfall or Submission) [B]Jungle Jack[/B] PSW Heavyweight Champion vs. Dr. Classic [I]He's your biggest star right now, he isn't going to lose[/I] PSW National Heavyweight Championship [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] PSW National Champion vs. Steve Flash [I]Unless Parker's contract is up[/I] PSW Tag Team Championship [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] PSW Tag Team Champions vs. The Good Ol' Boys [I]Not happening[/I] Hardcore vs. The Church of The Force First Blood Match [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs. Reverend Frankie Future [I]Braun is harder core[/I] Teddy Powell vs. [B]Burning Exile[/B] [I]You hate powell, although I haven't gotten good results out of Exile in the past[/I] [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson [I]Jameson isn't ready to go over people like Morgan yet[/I] Plus Dark Matches ... [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Brimstone [I]Allen has serious star potential, Brimstone is an unknown[/I] and [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Tank Bradley [I]Jelly Belly is on his way out, although I still think there is some untapped comedy potential in giving him a fitness guru gimmick.[/I]
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Steel City Street Fight [B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. The Mystery Man PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match (Escape, Pinfall or Submission) [B]Jungle Jack[/B] PSW Heavyweight Champion vs. Dr. Classic PSW National Heavyweight Championship [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] PSW National Champion vs. Steve Flash PSW Tag Team Championship [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] PSW Tag Team Champions vs. The Good Ol' Boys Hardcore vs. The Church of The Force First Blood Match [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs. Reverend Frankie Future [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Burning Exile [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson Plus Dark Matches ... [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Brimstone and [B] Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Tank Bradley
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Steel City Street Fight Johnny Martin vs. [B]Mystery Man[/B] I was going to go with Henry Lee, but I think he's too over for PSW... Then I thought Doug Peak, but he's not any good. Then I took a look at a lot of old DAVE guys and they are too over. I brought it down to Freddie Datsun and Larry Wood. I'm going with Freddie Datsun. [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. Dr. Classic [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] vs. Steve Flash [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] vs. The Good Ol' Boys [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs. Reverend Frankie Future Teddy Powell vs. [B]Burning Exile[/B] [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson Primus Allen vs. [B]Brimstone[/B] and [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Tank Bradley
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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents Summer of Violence May 31, 2008 At the Steel City Pavilion Three Main Event Quality Matches! Steel City Street Fight Johnny Martin vs. [B]The Mystery Man[/B] PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match Escape [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. Dr. Classic PSW National Heavyweight Championship [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] vs. Steve Flash PSW Tag Team Championship [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] vs. The Good Ol' Boys Hardcore vs. The Church of The Force First Blood Match [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs. Reverend Frankie Future [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Burning Exile [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson Plus Dark Matches ... [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Brimstone and [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Tank Bradley
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Steel City Street Fight [B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. The Mystery Man [I]I see the Mystery Man in this one being some lackey, so Martin gets the win here[/I] PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match (Escape, Pinfall or Submission) [B]Jungle Jack[/B] PSW Heavyweight Champion vs. Dr. Classic [I]Still too early in Jack's run to even contemplate him losing the title[/I] PSW National Heavyweight Championship [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] PSW National Champion vs. Steve Flash [I]The big companies may be swirling around, but Parkers on your books for now and I don't think it's time for him to lose the mid-card belt just yet[/I] PSW Tag Team Championship [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] PSW Tag Team Champions vs. The Good Ol' Boys [I]Chances of the Good Ol' Boys winning......miniscule or none, and miniscule just went on holiday to Siberia.[/I] Hardcore vs. The Church of The Force First Blood Match Alex Braun vs. [B]Reverend Frankie Future[/B] [I]Alex may have more hardcore experience, but what people have to remember is that he is on his own and Frankie has his fellow Church of the Force Members.[/I] [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Burning Exile [I]Powell may not necessarily be in your good books, but Exile is probably just visiting, so the regular roster member takes the win.[/I] [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson [I]Jameson's a good prospect, but it's way too early for him to get an upset win over someone the calibre of J.D Morgan[/I] Plus Dark Matches ... [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Brimstone [I]Feed me a jobber push for Primus[/I] and [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Tank Bradley [I]The Tank Bradley job out the door tour continues[/I]
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