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Warrior Engine XXV

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[CENTER][I][SIZE=1]I was just getting the hang of the new game as SWF, when my game got deleted. I've played both TEW07 and 08 but never even tried out a promotion outside of America, so I decided to give Japan a try, the only company I liked right away was WEXXV, this definitely will not be the best dynasty, but I just wanted to try and see what I could do playing and writing a Japanese promotion.[/SIZE][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/WEXXV.jpg?t=1216126673[/IMG][/CENTER] [LEFT]For Ryu Kajahara, it was one of the happiest times of his life, he was winding down his career in his very own promotion, years of putting his body on the line had made him a legend amongst hardcore wrestling fans, so as he sat in his office before his promotion WEXXV's first stop on it's 2008 tour, in Matsumoto Hall, it was a bit of a surprise when an unknown man entered his office unannounced. His face was concealed, all that could be seen was a cigarette.[/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/TheGrandAvatar.jpg?t=1216126682[/IMG][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Mystery Man: [/B]"Hello, Mr. Kajahara." [B]Ryu Kajahara: [/B]"Er, hello. Who are you?" [B]Mystery Man: [/B]"Don't worry about that, just call me The Grand Avatar." [B]Ryu Kajahara: [/B][I]*Chuckles* [/I]"Ok, Mr. Grand Avatar, why exactly are you in my office." [B]Grand Avatar: [/B]"Business." [I]*Takes a seat*[/I] [B]Ryu Kajahara: [/B]"And what kind of business?" [B]Grand Avatar: [/B]"Facts are facts, Mr. Kajahara, with all due respect your organization has gone nowhere since opening. Yes. You have managed to keep a steady flow of money, but you haven't been able to grow, to expand." [B]Ryu Kajahara: [/B]"Did I ever say I wanted this company to expand? I'm just here for my love of the business, I can't part with it." [B]Grand Avatar: [/B]"Mr. Kajahara, you are the main wrestler on the roster, the owner and the head booker. You must feel some stress?" [B]Ryu Kajahara: [/B]"Skip to the point." [B]Grand Avatar: [/B]"Make me your head booker. If not only for tonight, I guarantee results." [B]Ryu Kajahara: [/B]"You expect me to believe you can make a card in less than five minutes?" [I]Avatar slips a piece of paper to Kajahara, after reading it he looks surprised.[/I] [B]Ryu Kajahara: [/B]"It's actually pretty good... I'll give you a chance, don't make me regret this... Grand Avatar." [B]Grand Avatar: [/B]"Don't worry. I'll handle everything."[/LEFT] [LEFT]With that the Grand Avatar was now the head booker of Japan's hardcore wrestling promotion, this could be the biggest business move in wrestling history, should the Grand Avatar lead the promotion to the top of Japanese wrestling, or would he be a disaster leading the promotion into bankruptcy?[/LEFT] [quote][B]Prediction's:[/B] [LEFT]Ryu Kajahara vs. Saionji Omura [LEFT]Munemitsu Sinmatsu vs. Kinji Akamatsu [B]*WEXXV Warriors Heart Title*[/B] Hiroshi Morisue vs. Kimitada Ohishi Doug Peak vs. Gareth Wayne Matsudaira Morioka vs. Travis Century Battle Sakata vs. Koichi Kajawara [B]*WEXXV King Of The Death Matches Title*[/B][/LEFT] [/quote] [/LEFT]
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[B]Ryu Kajahara[/B] vs. Saionji Omura [I]Owner gets the win.[/I] [B]Munemitsu Sinmatsu[/B] vs. Kinji Akamatsu *WEXXV Warriors Heart Title* [I]Champion retains.[/I] [B]Hiroshi Morisue[/B] vs. Kimitada Ohishi [I]Just cooler.[/I] [B]Doug Peak [/B]vs. Gareth Wayne He's still got Sharkblood in him. Matsudaira Morioka vs. [B]Travis Century[/B] [I]I feel bad for the displaced Century.[/I] [B]Battle Sakata[/B] vs. Koichi Kajawara *WEXXV King Of The Death Matches Title* [I]Bigger is better.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_WEXXV.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=4]WEXXV Tour, Thursday Show![/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Live from the sold out Matsumoto Hall, in Tohoku, Japan![/B][/SIZE] [B][/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT][B][I]Dark Match[/I][/B] Taheji Konoe def. Zeshin Makioka by pinfall @ 6:23. [B](E)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_RyuKajahara.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_SaionjiOmura.jpg[/IMG] The main show begins with Robun Yamazaki putting over tonights main event, Ryu Kajahara vs. Saionji Omura from ringside. Two maniacs in the ring are certainly going to deliver an awesome brawl for the fans of hardcore wrestling tonight! [B](B)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_BattleSakata.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_KoichiKajiwara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/WEXXV_KOTD.jpg?t=1216182665[/IMG] [B]Battle Sakata vs. Koichi Kajiwara [/B]*King Of The Death Matches Title* The former two time KOTDM Champion, Battle Sakata was looking for a record third reign as the champion tonight but Koichi Kajiwara had other ideas, the two went at it with a large array of weapons including a spot where Sakata leg dropped Kajiwara through a table, but Kajiwara showed why he is the champ by kicking out, Kajiwara reversed a clothesline attempt and hit a Release Powerbomb for the win, retaining his title. [B](E+)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_TravisCentury.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_MatsudairaMorioka.jpg[/IMG] [B]Travis Century vs. Matsudaira Morioka[/B] A brawl that went all around ringisde, both men were looking to rise up the card. Century was in control for the most part of the match, but Morioka was in control towards the end, setting up Century for the finish with a Backdrop Suplex, but Century got out and hit his signature Salvation for the pinfall. [B](E+)[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_RyuKajahara.jpg[/IMG] Backstage WEXXV owner, Ryu Kajahara cuts a promo about his match in tonights main event, he says that he may be old but he is still the toughest wrestlers in the world and tonight he'll prove that by pinning Saionji Omura in the middle of the ring. [B](B-)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_DougPeak.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_GarethWayne.jpg[/IMG] [B]Doug Peak vs. Gareth Wayne[/B] While the outcome of the match wasn't a mystery with Peak being so low down the card and Wayne looking to break into the main event, this was a pretty entertaining brawl even if it wasn't up to the standard of the matches that had already taken place, Gareth Wayne ended the match with a shoulder breaker. [B](E)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_HiroshiMorisue.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_KimitadaOhishi.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hiroshi Morisue vs. Kimitada Ohishi[/B] One of the more anticipated matches of the evening, and so far the show stealer, Morisue came to the ring with a chair while Ohishi came down with his fists, after ducking a chair shot, Ohishi lived up to his moniker of "Tokyo Tornado". Sending Morisue out of the ring and beating him around for a while, in the end Ohishi finished the match with a DDT onto Morisue's chair. [B](D-)[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_SaionjiOmura.jpg[/IMG] Saionji Omura is backstage, also on hype duty for tonights main event, he laughs off the threat of Ryu Kajahara and promises to leave Kajahara down in a pool of his own blood in tonights main event. [B](B)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_KinjiAkamatsu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_MunemitsuSenmatsu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/WEXXV_Warriors.jpg?t=1216183903[/IMG] [B]Kinji Akamatsu vs. Munemitsu Senmatsu [/B]*Warrior's Heart Title* The monstrous World Champion vs. the enhancement talent, basically over before it began Senmatsu destroyed Akamatsu before ending it with a Release Powerbomb, defending his championship for the first time. [B](D-)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_SaionjiOmura.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_RyuKajahara.jpg[/IMG] [B]Saionji Omura vs. Ryu Kajahara[/B] The main event didn't live up to all the hype but it was the best match of the night and one hell of a brawl, Kajahara and Omura exchanged chair shots with neither going down before both connecting at the same time and both going down. It was even up until the end when Omura brought out a table and hit the Collapse Piledriver on Kajahara right through the table for the pinfall. [B](C-)[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_LarryWood_alt.jpg[/IMG] After the match Omura didn't seem to be done as he lifted Kajahara in position for a second Collapsing Piledriver, before he could complete the move though "The Mountain Man" Larry Wood hit the ring and ran him off to end the show. [B](E+)[/B] [B]Quick Results:[/B] DARK MATCH: Taheiji Konoe def. Zeshin Makioka [B](E)[/B] Koichi Kajiwara def. Battle Sakata, Retained KOTDM Title [B](E+)[/B] Travis Century def. Matsudaira Morioka [B](E+)[/B] Gareth Wayne def. Doug Peak [B](E)[/B] Kimitada Ohishi def. Hiroshi Morisue [B](D-)[/B] Munemitsu Senmatsu def. Kinji Akamatsu, Retained Warrior's Heart Title [B](D-)[/B] Saionji Omura def. Ryu Kajahara [B](C-)[/B] Overall [B](D+)[/B][/LEFT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/WEXXV.jpg?t=1216316180[/IMG] [B][SIZE=4]WEXXV Tour, Thursday Show![/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3]Live from the sold out Matsumoto Hall, in Tohoku, Japan![/SIZE] [/CENTER] [LEFT][B][I]Dark Match[/I][/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith def. Taheiji Konoe [B](E)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_LarryWood_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_SaionjiOmura.jpg[/IMG] The show begin's hyping up tonight's main event, a Japanese Barbed Wire Death Match between Larry Wood and Saionji Omura, Omura was victorious over Ryu Kajahara only to be attacked by Wood post match, giving some hype to the match! [B](E+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_MamoruNagahama.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_MatsudairaMorioka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_DougPeak.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_HenryLee.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/WEXXV_Brothers.jpg?t=1216316703[/IMG] [B]Naga-Mori (c) vs. American Pshycoes [/B]*Blood Brothers Titles* Just a sloppy tag team brawl, thrown together to keep Naga-Mori and the titles relevant, Matsudaira Morioka got the pinfall to retain the titles. [B](E)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_KoichiKajiwara.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_TravisCentury.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/WEXXV_KOTD.jpg?t=1216316726[/IMG] [B]Koichi Kajiwara (c) vs. Travis Century [/B]*KOTDM Title* A good match by WEXXV standard, these two had a very entertaining brawl, with the added fact of a title on the line the fans were red hot from start to finish. Kajiwara ended up successfully retaining his title when he got the pinfall after about ten minutes of action. [B](D-)[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_SaionjiOmura.jpg[/IMG] Saionji Omura is backstage, he goes on hype duty for tonight's main event, furious about Larry Wood's assault last week, he's going to put him through hell in the barbed wire match! [B](E+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_RyuKajahara.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_KimitadaOhishi.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ryu Kajahara vs. Kimitada Ohishi[/B] Two of, if not the two most popular wrestlers on the roster went to war in this one, Kajahara was looking to rebound from the loss last week, while Ohishi was looking for another victory. Kajahara ended up leaving with the victory though, as he scored the pinfall after putting Ohishi through a table via DDT. [B](D+)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_MunemitsuSenmatsu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_ZeshinMakioka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/WEXXV_Warriors.jpg?t=1216317028[/IMG] [B]Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. Zeshin Makioka [/B]*Warrior's Heart Title* Another squash victory for Senmatsu, Makioka and him didn't click at all which is something I should remember, two minutes of domination before the pinfall victory for Senmatsu. [B](E+)[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_MunemitsuSenmatsu.jpg[/IMG] Post match, Senmatsu reminds the fans that he's a heel by beating the crap out of Makioka, literally swinging him around like a rag doll, before leaving him down and out in the ring. [B](E)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_GarethWayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_HiroshiMorisue.jpg[/IMG] [B]Gareth Wayne vs. Hiroshi Morisue[/B] Wayne is one of the more talented guys on the roster, I want him to break into the main event soon, after a decent brawl which Wayne dominated most of he put Morisue away at the six minute mark. [B](D-)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_LarryWood_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_SaionjiOmura.jpg[/IMG] [B]Larry Wood vs. Saionji Omura, Japanese Barbed Wire Match[/B] Thought this could break into a C but still a good way to end a decent show, a violent and bloody match which just reminds everyone how insane the WEXXV worker's are. In the end Larry Wood pulled off an upset victory by putting Omura through a table wrapped in barbed wire with a powerbomb. [B](D+)[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Quick Results [/B]DARK MATCH: BBS def. Teheiji Konoe [B](E)[/B] Naga-Mori def. American Pyschoes, Blood Brothers Titles retained [B](E)[/B] Koichi Kajiwara def. Travis Century, KOTDM Title retained [B](D-)[/B] Ryu Kajahara def. Kimitada Ohishi [B](D+)[/B] Munemitsu Senmatsu def. Zeshin Makioka, Warrior's Heart Title retained [B](E+)[/B] Gareth Wayne def. Hiroshi Morisue [B](D-[/B][B])[/B] Larry Wood def. Saionji Omura [B](D+)[/B] Overall: [B](D)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][B][QUOTE] [B]WEXXV Present's [COLOR=red]Blood Bath!![/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][I]Every Match will be a first blood match!![/I][/COLOR] Battle Sakata vs. Zeshin Makioka Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Kinji Akamatsu Travis Century vs. Taheiji Konoe Naga-Mori vs. The American Psychoes, WEXXV Blood Brothers Titles! Gareth Wayne vs. Hiroshi Morisue Rematch between Larry Wood and Saionji Omura! Koichi Kajiwara vs. Kimitada Ohishi, KOTDM Title! WEXXV Owner Ryu Kajahara challenges Munemitsu Senmatsu for the Warrior's Heart Title!! [/QUOTE][/B][/CENTER]
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[B]Battle Sakata[/B] vs. Zeshin Makioka [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Kinji Akamatsu Travis Century vs. [B]Taheiji Konoe[/B] Naga-Mori vs. [B]The American Psychoes,[/B] WEXXV Blood Brothers Titles! Gareth Wayne vs. [B]Hiroshi Morisue[/B] Rematch between [B]Larry Wood[/B] and Saionji Omura! Koichi Kajiwara vs. [B]Kimitada Ohishi,[/B] KOTDM Title! WEXXV Owner [B]Ryu Kajahara[/B] challenges Munemitsu Senmatsu for the Warrior's Heart Title!!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_WEXXV.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=4]WEXXV [COLOR=red]Blood Bath!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=black]Live from Iwata Hall, in Tohoku, Japan![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_RyuKajahara.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_MunemitsuSenmatsu.jpg[/IMG] We start off the show hyping tonights huge main event where Warrior's Heart Champion Munemitsu Senmatsu faces his toughest challenge in, WEXXV Owner Ryu Kajahara![/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_BattleSakata.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_ZeshinMakioka.jpg[/IMG] [B]Battle Sakata vs. Zeshin Makioka[/B] Not the greatest match, neither was exactly on his game tonight. At around the six minute mark, Sakata used a chair to knock Makioka down several times, then on the fourth shot the referee saw blood and called the match, declaring Battle Sakata the winner! [B](E-)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_BulldozerBrandon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_KinjiAkamatsu.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Kinji Akamatsu[/B] A very dominant performance from Brandon Smith, who used his size and hard hitting style to put Akamatsu on the mat, Bulldozer ended the match after five minutes when he continuously punched Akamatsu before blood spilled out. [B](E)[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_RyuKajahara.jpg[/IMG] Ryu Kajahara hypes up tonight's main event, he says it's time for Senmatsu to lose the title to someone who deserves it, good segment! [B](C+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_TaheijiKonoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_TravisCentury.jpg[/IMG] [B]Teheiji Konoe vs. Travis Century[/B] Century and Konoe put on a surprising match for two of the lower-midcarders, and went all out for a good brawl. The end came when Century used a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire to nail Konoe, busting him open. [B](E+)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_MamoruNagahama.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_MatsudairaMorioka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_HenryLee.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_DougPeak.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/WEXXV_Brothers.jpg?t=1216358103[/IMG] [B]Naga-Mori (c) vs. American Psychoes [/B]*Blood Brothers Titles* I don't know why I did this one again, but these two teams fought for a while before Naga-Mori beat the hell out of the Pyschoes with chairs, busting both of them wide open and retaining the titles. [B](E+)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_HiroshiMorisue.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_GarethWayne.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hiroshi Morisue vs. Gareth Wayne[/B] Wayne and Morisue have a good brawl, the most weapons involved since the start of the show which had the fans going crazy. Gareth Wayne ended the match with a ladder shot to the head. [B](D-)[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_LarryWood_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_SaionjiOmura.jpg[/IMG] A video hypes the bad blood between Larry Wood and Saionji Omura, highlighting Woods attack and victory over Omura in the past two weeks. [B](D+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_SaionjiOmura.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_LarryWood_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Saionji Omura vs. Larry Wood[/B] A bit of a disapointment but the subtraction of barbed wire may have hurt these two, a brawl between the two rivals went all over the place, nearly spilling into the crowd. Wood saw himself go through a table when Omura suplexed him from the ring apron. But Wood pulled a comeback and hit a DDT on Omura, before bringing some thumbtacks into the ring, he dumped them all over before planting Omura with a DDT right onto the tacks, clearly busting him open. [B](D)[/B] [IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_KoichiKajiwara.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_KimitadaOhishi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/WEXXV_KOTD.jpg?t=1216359184[/IMG] [B]Koichi Kajiwara (c) vs. Kimitada Ohishi [/B]*KOTDM Title* Another bit of a disapointment, even though not a bad match, not as good as expected. Kajiwara used his strength to control Ohishi through out the match, but when they brought out the weapons Ohishi was in control. Kajiwara nailed a low blow though, and followed it up with a chair shot that busted Ohishi open for the victory. [B](D-)[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_MunemitsuSenmatsu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_RyuKajahara.jpg[/IMG] A video airs hyping tonights main event once more, as the WEXXV Warrior's Heart Champion takes on the owner of the company Ryu Kajahara. [B](C)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_MunemitsuSenmatsu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/th_RyuKajahara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn355/HIPWrestling/WEXXV/WEXXV_Warriors.jpg?t=1216359451[/IMG] [B]Munemitsu Senmatsu (c) vs. Ryu Kajahara [/B]*Warrior's Heart Title* Man it has been a night of disapointments, what was expected to be a C turned out to be just a sloppy brawl. These two were a mismatch, but worked through it to put on a decent match, in the end Kajahara had the title in his hand looking to nail Senmatsu with it, only for Senmatsu to nail him with a big boot that busted him open, retaining the title. [B](D)[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Quick Result's:[/B] Battle Sakata def. Zeshin Makioka [B](E-)[/B] BBS def. Kinji Akamatsu [B](E)[/B] Travis Century def. Taheiji Kone [B](E+)[/B] Naga-Mori def. American Psychoes, retained Blood Brothers titles [B](E+)[/B] Gareth Wayne def. Hiroshi Morisue [B](D-)[/B] Larry Wood def. Saionji Omura [B](D)[/B] Koichi Kajiwara def. Kimitada Ohishi, retained KOTDM title [B](D-)[/B] Munemitsu Senmatsu def. Ryu Kajahara, retained Warrior's Heart title [B](D)[/B][/LEFT]
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