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The Economy doesn't play that large of a factor, at least I don' think? I use to always fail in my SWF games until I got into the one I'm running with right now. I consistently push most of my shows to B+'s and A's and really follow the same kind of formula during every show (minus my B show)... *( Big Main Event (One that you could even envision as a PPV Main Event such as: Christian Faith vs. Jack Bruce or Angry Gilmore vs. Rich Money). This way I know that my final grade will be strong. * A strong angle right after the Main Event. (Have a run-in attack, a stair down, challenge... Really anything that involves your most over worker or two of them. Don't ever give this time to people who aren't at least an B+ in popularity. At least that's what I do). * The match right before the Main Event should also be a very strong match. * The opening segment should be really strong & somewhere around the middle I'll throw in a promo by someone like Christian Faith for somehwere around 6 minutes so I know I have a strong angle there too. By doing this I've been able to stabilize my popularity to around a B all around the US and growing outside of the US. I haven't had any fear of falling to cult and have actually seen a pretty consistent showing even though the economy rises and falls all the time. I guess, In the end, the thing that saved me from falling to cult was remembering what someone told me on this board "Don't be afraid to give them PPV quality matches on your TV shows". Nothing crazy but nothing mediocre.
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[QUOTE=TakerNGN74;462707]Alright that helps alot thank you I am going to restart my game and follow those guidelines and hopefully it won't happen again![/QUOTE] Also remember to visit all the locations in the US, using House Shows usually does the trick. One of the most common reasons for falling is people forget to ever visit Puerto Rico and Hawaii, and if they lose popularity then you'll collapse to Cult.
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[QUOTE]Alright that helps alot thank you I am going to restart my game and follow those guidelines and hopefully it won't happen again![/QUOTE] Others might tell you to do different but that's what I've found to work for me. It's not only pushed me to Global but has also developed Christian Faith, Angry Gilmore, Remo, and Rich Money into being International Icons.
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Eisen-verse's way works, but you don't need to do it- just run a large number of house shows, and on your weekly show showcase good workers in the main event. Don't stick Eisen or Runaway Train in that last match, because they will struggle to pull out a B- or better. And as was stated, finishing with a good, six minute plus angle is a sure way to get one last boost at the end of the night. You don't need to give away pay per view matches every week, but keep in mind that Jack Bruce, Christian Faith, Angry Gilmore, Remo and Rich Money are your best workers, and one or more should be in every SWF main event until you can get guys like Lobster Warrior into the B to B+ popularity range or improve Vengeance and Steve Frehley's wrestling skills.
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Yep same as with TCW your main event needs to be one of our most over workers beating up at least one of your reasonably over and talented enough workers. Using main event matches is a sure fire way of course but after you have stabilized and have the others and your main eventers gain enough popularity you can move away from it. Thing is with TCW and SWF you start with more popularity in the USA then the popularity of your workers warrent at the time so thing is to make your main eventers and upper mids popular enough to pull out those matches.
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My main problem seems to be keeping storylines hot, after every show I suddently seem to get a C+ from what should have been a B/B+ show because of it, even thought I'll have a few storylines with C/B heat and a main feud with B+/A/A* :mad:
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Eisen-verse had a lot of good advice but I must disagree with one thing: do not throw away big one one one matches on free tv. Instead use tag team, 6-man tag, three or four-way dances for your main event, with your most over workers being involved. Save the 1 on 1 matches for when they'll make you money.
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ehm if nothing happens in a storyline for over 2 weeks it drops automaticly, plus create the storyline just before the first show it will be started otherwise it wil start at f-, and always a good one let your minor storylines piggyback on your major ones. For instance Face Off no contact lets you progress 8 storylines while only rating 2 workers. Or do run ins/guest commentator etc. I really prefer unchained because of this as it gives you more freedom.
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