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Jay Darkness & Eddie Chandler in a tag team under the names: Danny Fonzarelli & Francis Fabulous with Fonzarelli (Darkness) playing a ****y youth gimmick and Fabulous (Chandler) playing a fabulous heel gimmick. Tag Team name: The Fonz & Fabulous. Both work very well in my game and went from D overness to B+ in a matter of 6 months. :)
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I gotta agree on Sammy Bach i got him into 6month long world champion pretty much by accident and altho im hes lost his last 2 feuds i still wanna keep him hot so i can pull the trigger on the Gino Montero vs Sammy Bach ladder match! Troy Tornado and Brent Hill would be my big ones at present, both guys are A* overness and are World and International champions disrespectfully. Both dont have high star quality so i didnt think id get behind them but somehow someway the game and me have conspired to provide them the glory.
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Mine must be Mauler and Smasher. Half of you probably don't even know who they are :p They are couple of australian wrestlers from unemployment line. I created hardcore promotion to Australia owned by The Comedian and Mauler and Smasher pull D+ to C- matches with him. And APW didn't even want them to their roster :eek:
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Squeeky McClean and Chris Storm (Lobster Warriors as he was in '97) have btoh grown on me. When I first got Cverse 97 I couldn't figure out how to use them, but Chris is particular has gone from being 'aimless upper midcard dude who puts Stomper over' to being the futuere of the company
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Honest Frank/Frankie Future I really couldn't figure anything out for him to do, but on a lark, I gave Frankie a religious cult gimmick (the pastor of a church that worships Jim Force). I put him in a rotation of opening guys I was trying out and he just took off – first in my PSW diary and then when he started getting over in my game. He's my fastest-rising guy on the roster, and here I was about to cut the guy and replace him.
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Hmm with names like Brent Hill Sammy Bach and the like we are not really in the realm of what I would call suprise favorites. To me those are the guys low in the card or that you didn´t think much of put suprised you or have an effinity with. As stated before for me its the Fly boys (Donnie J and James Prudance) and Texes Pete and maybe danny Fonzarelli who I wil change back to Jay Darkness and see if I can get those two to learn to sell moves so they wil be more use to me.
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Signed Brady Prince he has like an A consistancey figured he would make a decent jobber. He has Jobbed his way to the upper midcard and has C popularity across the USA now. He normally gets beaten up by Bryan Holmes in some form at the ppv as he has great chemistry with him and Holmes is the champ. I try to have him work on some low card guys on the 4 tv shows leading up to the next ppv to get some momentum. At the last ppv a 3 way for the title with Holmes, Prince and American Elemental got a B+ rating.
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a couple i was never really into to begin with but since grown fond of are Lobster Warrior who i really thought was extremely lame because of his gimmick since TEW 04. But this year i actaully have him in a mainevent fued with Vengence and after that im ging to move him into a World Title fed with Remo. and Steve Frehley who somebody that i could understand why they got such a huge push when they have so little talent. But i stuck him as the head in a Gangsta group and he has really delvoped skill wise and maintain atleast B+ popularity and he has really grown on me.
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Joey Beauchamp. Back in '07, he and Byron cut loose from UCR simultaneously and I signed them both. Byron came into my main event, Joey into the lower midcard, and Byron had a slightly stronger emphasis on technical skills, which is kind of important to ROF. Byron flopped and was gone at the end of his contract, not to be re-signed until five years and a conversion to 08 later. Joey lost two matches, found himself in the upper midcard, won two more, got a shot at the championship, won, and became my strongest champ to date, and he's now a four-time champ with multiple MOTYs to his name. He just exploded into the main event and made me mark. I was also happy to finally have Don Henderson in a position to take the belt after six years, with ROF pushing close to International when he secured it.
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Groucho Bling (as Greg Black) Realised that they were going nowhere in the tag division, so I split up them up, planning on the typical tag feud. Groucho/Greg turns on Elmo, but what I don't bargain on is his momentum shooting through the roof up to A*. I take the ball and run with it, even giving him one of those "Weekly TV Midcarder vs. Main Eventer one-off title shots", in a Last Man Standing match of all things, and have him beat Jack Bruce within an inch of his life but still coming out unlucky. My main event plans for him started tailing off at this point though, and so I put a stop on them before I did something stupid like put the title on him. Good while it lasted though...
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