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Just a random thread, but possibly a fun one. Anybody have any workers in the Cornellverse that you never thought you'd get behind, but have become a big fan of? (I'm excluding BSS, Force, and Williams for this one :p) For me personally, I randomly decided to give TCW a try after spending most of the other installments of TEW playing almost exclusively Japanese promotions, and I was surprised that I developed a favoritism for Rocky Golden. I've decided that he's the perfect fit as the next Sam Strong, although I have nothing to back that up. I've also become a big fan of Freddy Huggins, although that has more to do with the fact that in my game he has excellent chemistry with most of the midcard :cool:Any others?
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TCW here too Texes Pete as my pet Heidenreich project. Giving Clark ALexander, Freddy Huggins, Chance Fortune and Signings Donnie J and James Prudence love. I think especially prudence and donnie stand out as many people hate them but TCWs tag division is weak apart from the top so brought them in and they have developed nicely both skillwise and overness wise.
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In previous games Marc DuBois always fell by the wayside for me when booking SWF. This year though he is getting pushes in both of my SWF games and is coming out looking really good. Can't believe I missed him as a future star. Gargantuan....the best monster heel a sports entertainment fed can buy imo
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Eric Eisen has gotten very over very fast, after four months his popularity is A or A* with one B+, he fueded with Jack Bruce then Christian Faith, he lost both blow off matches but stayed over and has good momentum. He may be the SWF World Champion by year's end.
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Yori Toyoshima (in 07) and Sakura Sada (in 08). I'm usually not much of a 'project' person. I like a worker to have obvious potential before I spend time developing them. But in 07, Yori got a new picture that didn't look quite as lame as the one from 05 so I took a flyer on her (pun intended). Turns out, she got seriously over (with some help from my user character, with whom she had excellent tag chemistry with). After that, I made her my 'Ayako Hamada in ARSION' worker. In 08 with the accelerated pace of worker development, taking chances doesn't take quite so long to see results. So, someone had done a new pic for Sakura Sada (the whole bird headpiece thing really didn't appeal to me) for me so I started using her. She developed crazy fast until she could be brought up from development (C+ or better Performance skills is the minimum for me) and now, she's really gaining overness with her wingmates (Ochiyo Iijima, Tomoko Saitoh, Kinuye Mushashibo, and Tai) who all came up together.
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Munemitsu Senmatsu, I've started playing Japan for the first time as WEXXV and despite not having the best skills, he consistently pulls off D+ matches against the undercard, I've paired him up with manager Munenmori Umari and they play off each other well, was a big surprise that I liked him so much because when I first started I thought he was gonna drag down my matches by being a not-so-talented World Champion, but he's done surprisingly well.
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This guy isn't so much a surprise as he is a very good worker but he's not someone I thought I would put into the main event. I'm playing TCW and I needed another high level face. Looking at my available roster I saw Sammy Bach. I was a little hesitant because I really wanted to turn Champagne Lover face (he was at C* overness at the time) but it hadn't been six months since he debuted as a heel. I didn't want to botch a turn by doing it too soon so Bach it was. I already had determined that Bach would make it to the finals of a world title shot tournament where he would lose to Joey Minnesota. So I did that as planned. After the match Cornell & Hawkins came in to attack Minnesota (to soften him up) but since Joey had earned Bach's respect he saved him from the two on one attack. Bach's momentum went through the roof, A* for awhile. At one time he was called the lead face in the creative meeting. He's at basically B* popularity and I'm hoping I can raise it to an A so that Cornell will drop the belt to him at the August PPV (I run free style but Cornell still has creative control). I would have never thought that Bach would be my world champ but his matches and angles always get high marks and he's one of my main guys. BTW: I ran an alliance choice angle to turn his manager Karen Killer face also. Kind of a "you still want in on the Bach express" deal. In addition I turned Rick Law heel, made him The Syndicate's enforcer and redubbed him The Law. Made a guy I couldn't stand into a character I can get behind, another favorite. Finally I did the Fly Boys thing as well but they were a heel team called the Suicide Studs. I wanted Suicide Blondes (I think there is one though in the real world) but Donnie's hair doesn't match. Didn't work out very well but bought me some time until I could bring Brent Hill & Sam Keith together (I split The Machines, turned Anderson face and returned him to Human Arsenal). I might put them in development again.
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Hmm... Characters I didn't like, but found a role within my CGC game, and because of that role, grew on me... [B]Larry Wood.[/B] He's a big, sloppy hardcore guy, who I hired to leech his overness. Seeing as I only had an hour of TV, I needed somewhere to wedge him in, so I put his Menace to work as Trent Shaffer's bodyguard, succinctly named Wood (insert "Look at my Wood" jokes here) Riding Trent's push, he got popular, and despite jobbing in most of Trent's feuds, kept solid momentum. He started to get very Tomko-ish in my mind, and after a high-scoring match with one of the DeColts, I started preparing him for a big monster push. Sadly, he got the head booker job at NOTBPW soon after, and I really didn't want to let them have a piece of one of my major stars, so Mick Muscles took his role as Trent's bodyguard, and Wood got jobbed into obscurity. I died a little inside. Speaking of [B]Trent Shaffer[/B], I do sort of inexplicably hate the guy. Something about when I hired him in my NOTBPW TEW07 game. Nonetheless, he's always fit into a solid cowardly midcard heel in how I run CGC. [B]Barry Kingman[/B] is another guy I didn't really like to begin with. I hired him just to screw with 4C, but then I discovered his clown gimmick. Now teams with Shooter Sean as Shooter Barry - The Straight Shooters.
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Namboku Makuda, Kiminobu Kuroki and Takayuki 2000. The latter two are poisonoys for the backstage, but all three have developed really well in GCG during 1½ of game-time. Especially since Toshiharu Hyobanshi and Hiroyasu Gakusha are both capped in B- popularity, thus I decided to keep those two guys in the tagteam division alonside Makuda and Kuroki. :o
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In my CGC diary game, Trent Shaffer is coming along nicely as an arrogant prima donna and starting to get B level segments. As for my old stomping grounds NYCW, this time I decided to give Land Mass a try instead of just jettisoning the fat lug at the beginning like I usually do. He still sucks in the ring, but with an A in menace, using the proper angles, I can get C range segments out of him, and thus he actually can be useful! :D
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Joel Bryant. I always used the Specialists to help put over young up and coming teams in my TCW games, but in my current game Bryant just exploded. After the first few months of the game he was an upper midcarder with decent momentum despite a record of something like 1-6 (Oxford was a lower midcarder). I decided Bryant would be my JBL. I split up the tag team by having Oxford get "fired" (sent to developmental to be a trainer) and Bryant turning his back on him. Eventually he replaced Sam Keith in The Syndicate when they kicked him out and those two had a great fued, luckily they had excellent chemistry as opponents. That's where I am now...strongly considering breaking up The Syndicate by having Bryant turn face and beat Cornell for the title. I think he's popular enough that Cornell wouldn't block it.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;463426]Ehm Wood aint sloppy hos basics are verry high and he can rumble pretty wel. He generally always turns up on my hidden gems list no matter who I play.[/QUOTE] Pft. I don't memorise stats. Just looking at him he seems like he'd be a big-ish somewhat clumsy lummox, so that's how I picture/book him.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;463458]lol next time take a look hes actually a good wrestler not all big man suck in the ring ya know (at least not in the Cornellverse), plus then you wouldnt have been that suprised.[/QUOTE] I play as CGC, so it's all about popularity and entertainment skills away. It really doesn't matter to me if they suck or not. :) Besides, with Wood working for NOTBPW I'm pretty set on jobbing him out and destroying his credibility anyway. I'm sure his high basics will keep him warm at night when I fire his ass and then destroy his precious company.
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Playing as MAW, and Cameron Vessey has really grown on me. In previous games I never really dug him, plus in his pic he has this irritating smirk on his face. But he's been improving by leaps and bounds in my current game. His CV-2 tag team is the only reason I'm going to have a shot at Rip's owner goal of getting Casey Valentine to a B momentum.
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In EWA I've started to mark out for Bam Bam Johansson. Partially, it has to do with all the backstage stuff I've had with the guy. After a rough relationship with the former roid user, he finally started to change his mindset and make a few efforts to be less of a prick. Finally, after Marat Khoklov pulled a prank on him, Bam Bam become completely Loyal to me. Which is good, because before then the only thing really keeping him around was the chance he might have some potential, and the fact that he actually has some Popularity in a company that's starving for it.
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I have a soft spot for Valiant. In the past he was boring, but using the Wrath of God pic, I use him and Jack G. as a tag team of religious heels. St. Mark and St. John have been super hot and are feuding with Brandon James and Lobster Warrior, who have a buddy cop movie gimmick.
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