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Ring of Honors Road Agents Who are they?

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The wrestlers themselves. Not every fed has "road agents". Most small feds either don't bother, as the wrestlers involved aren't very good anyway, or they have a more experienced wrestler work out matches with the lower card talent and act as an "agent".. Ring Of Honor it'd probably be guys like Danielson, Aries, Hero, whomever, or maybe some of the guests like Jerry Lynn or Lance Storm, they pop in every now and again. I'm sure they help guys work out matches when they're at a show.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;464003]because its a general questions.[/QUOTE] You can just have random questions about wrestling on this forum? Here I thought it was a [I]Total Extreme Wrestling 2008 General Discussion[/I] Board, where people could have general discussions about Total Extreme Wrestling 2008. If I had questions about, say, who worked where in a promotion that, last I checked, was not included in the product contained in Total Extreme Wrestling 2008, I could take them elsewhere, where people that actually make it their business to make mods including said promotion could actually find an answer. But maybe that's just me.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;464022]You can just have random questions about wrestling on this forum? Here I thought it was a [I]Total Extreme Wrestling 2008 General Discussion[/I] Board, where people could have general discussions about Total Extreme Wrestling 2008. If I had questions about, say, who worked where in a promotion that, last I checked, was not included in the product contained in Total Extreme Wrestling 2008, I could take them elsewhere, where people that actually make it their business to make mods including said promotion could actually find an answer. But maybe that's just me.[/QUOTE] he is trying to replicate ROH in TEW. He wants to know who does the road agent duties in ROH to replicate it in TEW. and the booker is Gabe Sapolsky
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;464032]he is trying to replicate ROH in TEW. He wants to know who does the road agent duties in ROH to replicate it in TEW. and the booker is Gabe Sapolsky[/QUOTE] On what planet is that general discussion of TEW 08? I'm genuinely curious.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;464060]On what planet is that general discussion of TEW 08? I'm genuinely curious.[/QUOTE] He's playing TEW08, he has something to discuss about it, so I'm going to say [I]this[/I] planet.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;464081]Quit being a dick. 'Nuff said.[/QUOTE] I'm not trying to be a dick, but really? You can't think of a better forum for real world [B]mod [/B]information completely unrelated to the content included in the game? The minute stuff like this starts turning up under general discussion, it opens the door for all kinds of unnecessary crap: "How much of a brawling stat should I give RVD?" "I think Coach has too much overness on T-Zone. Wat u think??" "Who won the WCW tag titles from The Triad?" None of that stuff should fit under the banner of TEW 2008 General Discussions, but apparently, all of it is "discussing" TEW, so you guys will helpfully give answers to crap like the above? It shouldn't be on this forum, which is about general experiences playing TEW, NOT helping people create mods.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;464082]I'm not trying to be a dick, but really? You can't think of a better forum for real world [B]mod [/B]information completely unrelated to the content included in the game? The minute stuff like this starts turning up under general discussion, it opens the door for all kinds of unnecessary crap: "How much of a brawling stat should I give RVD?" "I think Coach has too much overness on T-Zone. Wat u think??" "Who won the WCW tag titles from The Triad?" None of that stuff should fit under the banner of TEW 2008 General Discussions, but apparently, all of it is "discussing" TEW, so you guys will helpfully give answers to crap like the above? It shouldn't be on this forum, which is about general experiences playing TEW, NOT helping people create mods.[/QUOTE] This is the reason that the boards have [B]moderators[/B], to move topics that don't belong in the thread that they are originally posted in. If you were one, Lazorbeak, then you could gleefully move this thread to another, better suited forum. But since you're not one, unfortunately you have no say in what gets posted here. If the topic doesn't belong here, the moderator will move it. Don't worry about it.
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[QUOTE=hrdcoresidebrns;464086]This is the reason that the boards have [B]moderators[/B], to move topics that don't belong in the thread that they are originally posted in. If you were one, Lazorbeak, then you could gleefully move this thread to another, better suited forum. But since you're not one, unfortunately you have no say in what gets posted here. If the topic doesn't belong here, the moderator will move it. Don't worry about it.[/QUOTE] QFT lazorbeak
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Yes, everything you say is true, and I don't worry about it. My original post was just a cue for a moderator to move the thread, or at least an endorsement that I think the thread needs to be moved. Unfortunately, someone responded to my original, one sentence post and I got sucked into explaining the basics of why threads don't belong wherever they're posted. But thanks for understanding the issue and informing me that I am not, in fact, a moderator. This came as quite a shock to me, as I had always just assumed I moderated every forum I visit.
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[QUOTE]Always glad to help .[/QUOTE] Lol I agree with what you are saying Lazorbeak only not how you are saying it goes for some of the responses too Mod plz move this to TEW 2008 Mods as I think it should be discussed there. Would also have been helpful if the original poster would have mentioned it was for a mod. Because if it wasn´t then this belongs in the dogbound imho. And yeah the head booker Gabe Sapolsky is prolly the main RA as he determins how the matches go then the wrestlers themselves aided by guys with good in rng psy and basics and respect(in Cverse terms) Help them. They are a small fed so prolly saves em money not having a permanent RA on the books.
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