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Juggalo Asking For A Favor


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I dont think I ever really ask for anything. Right now I am running for a contest on another forum and I would greatly appreciate it if you guys would go to this forum and vote for me. I know the GreyDogSoftware Forum members can help me do it. So please take 10 minutes of your time sign up for this forum and then vote for me. I would really like to win this contest. Plus I would like you guys to join this forum for the heck of it(if you are interested)... to socialize and have fun. Anyways down to the biz. They posted the contest up in the "Juggalo Of The Month" section [url]http://s1.zetaboards.com/THE_JUGGALO_EMPIRE/index/[/url] so please go and help support me. I really need all of your help guys. I can't do it without you. -JuggaloNinjaLee
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