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Waking Up In 1920 (organic effinverse)

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Yay! I have at least 2 readers now! I will clarify some of your points. 1. I really don't see the point of doing some of the harsh things that did occur back then especially since the filter will eat them. However, I will add that since there are no pics for the wrestlers that my nomination for Leon Hudson to join the Sports Guy's Reggie Cleveland All-Stars has been submitted. (for those of you who don't know what that is, it is for athletes that have African-American sounding names but are in fact white) So, I may have a racist storyline down the road. 2. Since there is no Japanese fed right now, I view it as those wrestlers are staying in the states. Yes, I didn't pay a relocation fee, but that's my justification for how travel is screwed up in TEW. Also, you have to remember that we're on the West Coast where there was a long-standing Asian population since the 1840's so an Asian person isn't going to be a massive novelty. *In kayfabe* 3. Both Gary and I are legit businessmen so we wouldn't dare tempt the government to poke its nose in our business with either a gangster or someone getting ahold of alcohol during Prohibition. Besides, we're making over $42,000/month in "sponsorship money". Definitely no questions need to be asked by a suit.;) *end kayfabe* 4. All of the guys in my fed have been professionals for at least 6 months before I started the game, thus they're rusty. Now, when TEW spits out a new guy worth a crap (wow, the ones for Feb. really were awful), that person will be green. Really, it is just semantics, but that's how the game puts it so more people understand that. 5. You really don't want me renaming the people. The choices would be old movie actors, old movie characters, or new ones (though jobbing out Kevin Costner would be fun:D). Really, I'm too much like Vince Russo so the less I mess with things the better.:p Plus, it makes golden names like Gary Cooper that much better. 6. As to why we're not more carny, you're confusing us with real-world mid-70's to early 80's. This is a world where everyone else is a Pure or Traditional fed. Having people on the mic and actually running angles is pretty out there in this universe right now. And if I had a few people who had B or higher strength, I would be running Strongman contests. Hmm...there is a giant out there.... Keep reading. I think I've turned the corner with this last adjustment. Now, on with the post-show and end of the month stuff. [COLOR="Blue"]Street: Someone promised me almost 1,500 people if we came here. Where were they, Gary?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: *distracted* I'm sorry. I'm still counting the merchandising take from tonight. *waves an impressive stack of money bags*[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: Wow! We made all that tonight! We'll see if that was a one-time thing or not, and we still lost a large chunk of change booking this joint. This was definitely not what I envisioned when I set up this show, but it still was our best ever gentlemen. Go on home.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: *after everyone else leaves* There is one last thing to discuss. Loomis is being a jerk. No matter what I offer, he won't let us borrow one of our targets. Hell, I even offered Westybrook, and the idiot wouldn't take it.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: Well, it's time to see if we can't get a work-around to get them in here. CWB turned me down again as did Buncho. It may be time to dip into our bank account and wipe one of them from the face of the earth.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"]End of the Month Report[/COLOR] Made $26,390 this month Merchandising made [B]$6880[/B] with costs of $2064 Current Balance--$104,807 We've hit 6 figures!!!! Popularity in North West--Lost 0.6% to 38.4% still D- (5.1% still in BC and SW) For some odd reason, I gained 0.2% everywhere else in the US. Not that I'm knocking it.:D Importance in North West--Still E+ Wrestlers who gained overness in North West: Finally, I think things are improving. We had a several people go up to F from F- (including Joel and Emilio) and Randall Rock jumps back up to F+. Maybe this will help some people gain some momentum as Randall Rock is still our leader with a C with the 3 others at C- are all involved in the Triple-Threat matches (Gary, Peter Edwards, and Hudson). Joel is at D with Emilio at E+:confused: [COLOR="DarkRed"]Marching Towards The Future[/COLOR] Gary Cooper vs Lester Gordy Tomas Pastor vs Cecil Marsters--NWA North American Title Match Pedro Phillips vs Masami Shirane Larry Rush vs Leonardo Carmona Ricardo Rude vs Manuel Munoz Joel Westybrook vs ??????????--NWA World Championship Match And no it's not Emilio. He's actually listed in the Time Decline section though it does say it's an occasional sign. So, he's not in the future. Though observant people can figure it out easily. Show will probably go up Sat. night as I'm going to see either Mummy or X-Files tomorrow night. P.S. Has anyone actually used the takeover button in 08? PM me how to do it, and what it entails.
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[I]Okay, from now on, my comments are in Blue and Gary's will be in Red. And any and all obscenities and racism is purely at the request of my audience and not even remotely close to my rl opinions.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Did you talk to our lawyer in NYC? Are things progressing on removing a thorn from our side?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Sure did, that Jew and his law partner have promised to take care of CWB for us. Using that as a development company is going to pay huge dividends for us. Oh, and just received a telegram from Emilio. He finally talked Loomis into allowing a trade. You won't like who we had to trade...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Don't tell me he wanted Joel back?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Nope. He refused the ex-SPW workers flat-out. Loomis only wanted Leon.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]@%#^&!@^^#@!%##*** Did we at least get our #1 target?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Nope, we had to settle for our #3 option. Don wanted only equally-over workers, and we just don't have many.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]But he's only going to be an Upper Midcarder for us!!! Hell, the racist jackass is using him as a Lower Mid now. I've got to talk to our people down there. This is a rip-off. Oh well, at least we got[/COLOR] *bell rings for dark match*:p [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Masque & Tomoaki vs Dustin Davis & Don Cooper vs Gabriel Henderson & Hirotaka vs Bradley Kelly & Joe Gilbert[/COLOR] Wow, this match should have been part of the main show as we're headed towards another best show ever if this is any indication. We found out that Gilbert isn't Mr. Chemistry as he and Kelly have zero tag chemistry. We also found out that Davis is a sulker as he stunk up the joint. Hmmm...have talk about him really wanting to be here or not. Our managers keep doing a good job as they mesh really well with several of their clients. [B]Kelly & Gibert win in 9:56 by pinfall E-[/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Marching Towards The Future[/COLOR][/SIZE] *nice pyro show. those production guys are getting good at this* [COLOR="Blue"]And the crowd turns expectantly waiting for Tonya to come out. Instead, Joel comes down to the ring looking pretty dapper holding the coveted NWA World Championship belt. As he enters the ring, ballons drop from the ceiling, and several of us wheel in a cake. Free food always cheers up a crowd as they start to get into the segment. "Thank you all for your support as I have battled these dispicable foreigners for the most coveted title in all of professional wrestling. And thanks to the announce crew who has been saddled with having to announce Emilio's lousy matches. *winks at Kathryn* Thankfully, he's sitting at home since he can't walk after what I did to him at Greatness. Lastly, I will make you all this promise. I will guarantee you that I will hold this belt with honor and integrity never stooping to breaking the rules like the last champion. Thank you."[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Our illustrious Authority, Pedro Rodriguez comes out and thanks Joel for being a champion we can all look up to here in NWA. On that note, there's another champion who has been getting screwed by various people but has taken it like a cowboy should. Gary Cooper comes out to stand next to Pedro. I've decided to give you and your title the night off as you deserve it *crowd starts to boo*. Stunned at the crowd's reaction, Gary shakes his head no. Pedro recovers and says that if you want to wrestle tonight, I'll give you an easy non-title match. Lester Gordy come on out and get your ass-kicking.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hmm...seems like we need to use Pedro more to get him over with the crowd.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Yeah, he's been off for too long. Though I didn't expect that big of a fan reaction either.[/COLOR] [B]Gary Cooper vs Lester Gordy[/B] Hey, did you know that Lester Gordy and Squash Match have the same number of letters? Guess why that's relevant?;) Cooper looks good out there, and we even found someone who wasn't rusty or green or purple.:p [B]Gary Cooper wins in 5:37 by pinfall D-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Uh oh, Ricardo is trying to give another interview by himself. Didn't he learn yet? Yep, here come Munoz and Carmona. Rude tries to fight them off, but the numbers game is on their side. The crowd starts to go nuts (or mildly excited)!!! It's Pedro Phillips with a chair! He's back in NWA, but he can't swing a chair to save his life as he misses 5 times. The 2 heels figure out that he means business though and run.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]What is this fed coming to when our squash matches outshine most of our angles, Gary?[/COLOR]:confused: [B]Pedro Phillips vs Masami Shirane[/B] Ouch, here's a formula for you. One rusty wrestler (who shouldn't be #@!% rusty btw as this is match #4 for him) + one low-conditioned wrestler + an EIGHT MINUTE MATCH!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad: = a blah match. Wow, guess Pedro needs to be wheeled to the ring to conserve his strength.:eek: This is your typical big, brawler match as they trade hard blows. Just as Pedro looks like he's going to get the upper hand, Christine Hogan distracts the ref while handing Shirane a pair of brass knucks. Pedro bends over to pick up Masami and gets popped right in the face, knocked out (or just plain tired:mad:). [B]Masami Shirane wins in 7:35 by pinfall w/help from Hogan E[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]I should have named this angle Why You Don't Have Two People With The Same Name In Your Promotion. My big reveal is screwed up by a mis-click. Should I have Pedro Rodriguez, the authority figure with great entertainment skills, or Pedro Phillips who hates the wrestler in the angle? Gary Funk and Tonya roll into the office and open the briefcase from last show. "I knew my guys would win that ladder match so I snuck in an open contract with your signature on it, and now, we're here to collect on it. We are asking, no, demanding a World Championship match TONIGHT!" With a bemused look on his face, Pedro says sure, but let me look at that contract in the meantime.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Rodriguez is not eating at that restaurant ever again. He's on his 2nd roll of toilet paper in there.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]He better be out here before the main event, or he'll be busing tables there.[/COLOR] [B]Larry Rush vs Leonardo Carmona[/B] Oh sure, 2 of the 4 guys in this storyline that can really go awhile don't click. Thankfully, I had this match overbooked complete with multiple run-ins and interference by Tonya. After both Munoz and Rude interfered and Tonya screaming at him, Rodney Keith has had enough and calls for the bell. [B]Larry Rush & Carmona drew in 12:15 by Double DQ E-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Randall Rock comes to the ring and lays into Leon Hudson saying he's nothing but a lackey for Rush, Rude, and Phillips, and he's going to prove it by beating him tonight. Then, he's going to make sure Cooper faces him for the title next time.[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [B]Leon Hudson vs Randall Rock[/B] Hmm...maybe it was swinging those chair wildly that did Phillips in as Rock and his D- stamina stays upright for his 8 minutes. This was another back and forth big guy brawl. Randall manages to hit a wicked clothesline then grabs the tights to get the win and his shot at Cooper next show. [B]Randall Rock wins in 7:47 by pinfall w/handful of tights D-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Cecil Marsters comes out to the ring with that ****y strut that ticks the fans off. He gets the microphone. "Tomas Pastor, so you think you can succeed where others have failed? When are all of you morons going to face the facts? There isn't anyone here that can beat me. I barely broke a sweat against Soto, and Don Cooper doesn't even come to Oregon anymore just in case I'm here he's so afraid of me. Maybe you can keep that loser company after I embarrass you right now. Hell, just to make it interesting let's make this a Last Man Standing match.[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA North American Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Tomas Pastor vs Cecil Marsters--Last Man Standing[/B] Yep, Pastor is still rusty even after his 3 matches. At least they can go over 10 minutes though. If things had gone like I had planned this would have been even better than the last match, but since it looks like they have to wrestle over 6 months before the rust falls off, it was less than thrilling. Maybe I can blame it on Don Cooper. He made his return to the main show complete with a steel chair, and unlike Phillips, he connects right across the head of Marsters. That'll teach him to pick a no-DQ match.;) Of course, Cecil can't get up before the ten count. [B]Tomas Pastor wins in 14:41 by ten count w/help from Don Cooper E-[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Your [B]NEW[/B] North American Champion! Tomas Pastor[/COLOR] [B]Ricardo Rude vs Manuel Munoz[/B] Thank god I switch the order around and put this after the NA title match because this was a good match. You could feel the hatred these 2 felt for each other (nice job guys) as they went at each other hard. Munoz kept getting 2 counts and finally snapped. As we've already seen, Keith has a short fuse tonight, so when Munoz shoved him a little too hard it was over. Rude laughs at him as he bails out of the ring while Tonya yells at Keith leaving Munoz doing a bad? Jim Force impression shaking the ring ropes and screaming in frustration. [B]Ricardo Rude wins in 11:54 via DQ by Munoz E+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The wrestlers are in the ring ready to fight. Hey, Pedro is finally done in the bathroom looking a little worse for wear. "Wait a minute, wait a minute. I've been looking over the contract here, and Tonya, you overlooked something. See, I make sure that all of my contracts leave me room to change a few things as I see fit. So, I've added a couple of stipulations to this match. First, EVERYONE is barred from interfering in this match, meaning you can leave now Tonya. If anyone interferes, they're fired. Second, (a couple of production guys come to the ring) to make sure there is a winner tonight, this is going to be a strap match. Good luck gentlemen." Joel has a huge grin on his face as the strap goes on his wrist while Gary Funk is just beside himself forcing both guys to hold Gary's arms to put the strap on his wrist.[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] [COLOR="darkorange"]NWA World Championship Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Joel Westybrook vs Gary Funk--Strap Match[/B] And finally, I have some good luck. These two have wonderful chemistry together, and they put on a show. They had put in the work with the straps putting together some excellent moves that the crowd just ate up. The match went back and forth with several near-falls, but in the end, Funk just needed that little boost from Tonya that she couldn't give him from the back. Instead of ducking a roundhouse from Joel, Gary took it right in the jaw staggering him right into a DDT. Westybrook just drug Funk around the ring touching all 4 corners for the win. [B]Joel Westybrook wins in 17:49 by touching all 4 corners D[/B] Attendance: 1,000 Another sellout of the Portland Center Overall Rating: [SIZE="5"][B]D FREAKING MINUS!!!!![/B][/SIZE]:D And the changes just keep paying off. 2 shows and they're the best ever. Soon, we'll have the whole roster rust-free and brimming with overness. Now, we just have to make sure the new guy gets with the program and helps us out like he should. He's got 3 appearances to do it too.
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[I]Eek! I don't post for a day, and this slips to page 3![/I] [COLOR="Blue"]What do you mean the write-up for this show is going to be on Page 3? We have just had our two best shows ever, and this show is going to be awesome![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Don't worry about it, Street. Our film sales to theaters across the country have been doing great and getting rave reviews. Our popularity has grown everywhere because of it.[/COLOR] [I]Evidently, Ryland decided to add a fix to the game to slow internet distribution jumping feds up rapidly by increasing video/DVD distribution effects. This has led me to gain a few tenths of a percent in pop everywhere in the US except in the North West. So, that's my reasoning for the gain in-game. It sure beats seeing some poorly-drawn mouse boating downriver before the movie starts:p.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Our surprise arrived without anyone other than Emilio seeing him, right?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Yep, but I do have some bad news. We got screwed even worse on the deal than we thought. Our guy didn't check when his contract was up, and it just came up. Per the American Declaration of Athletic Membership (ADAM) Rule 3.2, on-loan workers can't be negociated with until the loan agreement is finished.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]LOOMIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just wait you racist jackass. I'll get you.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Masque vs Hirotaka[/COLOR] Two more ring rust matches this show. Time to push Masque as he's got loads of talent and oozes sex appeal and star quality. The one thing he doesn't have is chemistry with Hirotaka. This would be important if he wasn't an enhancement talent. [B]Masque wins in 5:27 by pinfall F[/B] [COLOR="darkorange"]Ruben Batch vs Cecil Bull vs Craig Rahn vs Lester Gordy vs Joe Gilbert[/COLOR] Nothing much to report here either except that Rahn was off his game yet again. Once we get the rust off of everyone, stage 2 will be firing people who consistantly don't give maximum effort even in defeat. [B]Joe Gilbert wins in 8:09 by pinning Rahn F+[/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]NWA Luck Of The Irish[/COLOR][/SIZE] *Cool green fireworks for the show!* [COLOR="Blue"]Joel Westybrook comes down to the ring holding the World Championship belt over his shoulder. "I have proven to be very capable of defending this title by defeating one of Emilio's flunkies at Future. Hell, Emilio isn't even here again tonight as all I had to do was mention a cage, and he ran off crying." *several fans yell "he tapped out* A casket is being rolled down to ring by Tonya, myself, and Gary as Joel talks. Finally, he notices it and starts laughing at Tonya. "Aww...thanks for bringing out a symbol of where you helped put Emilio's future when you hit him with the door to that cage." As Joel reaches over to knock on it, the lid pops off showing Emilio in it! The crowd roars as Joel starts reeling away from it. Emilio catches up to Joel and starts beating him around the ring, but as they approach the casket, Joel recovers enough to keep from being put in it and gets away.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [B]Duane Jenkins vs Emilio Suarez[/B] Grrr...evidently putting guys in an active angle right before their match means they're going to stink in said match. Emilio is off his game, and guess what, Jenkins is exhausted at the end of 7 minute match.:mad: Not appearing on enough shows to suit you is the least of your problems, Jenkins. Emilio does yell at the crowd "this is for you Joel" as he puts an ankle lock on Duane causing him to submit. [B]Emilio Suarez wins in 6:42 by submission E+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Joel Westybrook comes out after Emilio and Tonya have headed to the locker room. He goes straight to Pedro Rodriguez's office and barges in without knocking (hey, that's extreme for the times!). Joel demands a match against Emilio. Pedro says that that is fine with him, but it will be at the next show as you have other things to do tonight.[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [B]Dustin Davis vs Sean Murphy[/B] Blah match by two very blah-wrestling guys. Davis adds his name to the list by being off his game tonight. Maybe this could have been something good otherwise. Murphy hopefully gains a little bit of momentum back. [B]Sean Murphy wins in 7:53 by pinfall E[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Emilio marches into Pedro's office with Tonya in tow. She demands that if Pedro is going to book a match with her client against Westybrook that it be for the NWA World Championship, and the match will not be in a cage. Pedro says that he agrees with her 100% that the title will be on the line. However, he retains all authority on stipulations, and that the stipulations will be announced next show. Now beat it![/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Tomas Pastor is walking backstage with the North American belt around his waist when he passes Armando Santos who is making balloon animals. He makes a joke about how this isn't a circus and how much he hates clowns. As Tomas keeps walking, Santos gets up and steps in front of Pastor. Armando starts doing a couple of clown tricks while Pastor starts to get impatient. He tries to leave, but Santos taps him on the shoulder while holding a flower in his other hand. As Tomas turns, IT'S A TRICK FLOWER! Some liquid comes shooting out of it causing Pastor to hit the ground holding his eyes screaming.[/COLOR] [B]F+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Gary, why didn't Eva appear with Pastor? He really needed the help out there.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Street, I have no idea.[/COLOR] [I]Grrr...any ideas why his manager didn't appear in the angle? I made it an attack angle. Was that it?[/I] [B]The Rude Rush vs Gabriel Henderson & Bradley Kelly[/B] Basically, this was just a way to showcase Rush and Rude while eliminating some more ring rust from the lower guys. Not a bad match at all. [B]The Rude Rush win in 9:30 by pinfall after hitting A Rude Ending E[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Cecil Marsters comes down to the ring looking pissed off. "Don Cooper, you took something precious from me. I'm going to get my North American title back soon, but tonight, tonight I'm focused on kicking your poor-wrestling ass all over this ring to make sure you never come back."[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Don Cooper comes out from the back. "Marsters, you stole that title from me to begin with so it wasn't yours at all. You've been making fun of me for over a month, and I've had it with you. I'm going to show you the door."[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [B]Don Cooper vs Cecil Marsters[/B] Hey, it IS going to be a loser leave town match after all. That is the match where the winner leaves town, right?:eek: Cooper is finished with me until he can find a game to be off with. I even had him win this match hoping that was the problem, or Marsters could carry him. Turns out neither was the case though it wasn't a bad match, but Cecil did gain some performance skills. At least he leaves a winner. [B]Don Cooper wins in 13:36 by submission E[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Randall Rock comes down to the ring. "Gary Cooper, you uptight, goody-goody jerk get down here and face me like a man!" As Cooper makes his way to the ring, a guy comes out from behind the bleachers with a chair and whacks Gary across the back. Rock continues as Cooper gets beaten up. "Let me introduce you to someone who hates law and order types as much as I do. Meet Edwin Jenkins!"[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA North American Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Tomas Pastor vs Armando Santos--Strap Match[/B] Well, this was just a complete disaster. Somehow, Pastor is still rusty even after 4 previous matches. Plus, to sell the injury we let the match go too long for midcarders as the crowd started to get bored. At least Eva Carter did find her way to ringside which helped a little bit. [B]Tomas Pastor wins in 15:58 by touching all four corners F[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Yep, this is going to be a wonderful show alright. I can hear our popularity going down the drain as I speak. We've got to get a training promotion fast.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Our people are trying, but everyone keeps turning us down. Besides, I think the ring rust will be off of everyone soon.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Somewhere in the ADAM rule book it must say that everyone must be lousy their first 6 matches.[/COLOR]:mad::mad::mad: [COLOR="blue"]Joel Westybrook comes down to the ring with a mic in hand, but instead of heading into the ring, he approaches the announce table. "I can't stand Emilio and Tonya and what they stand for, but they did something tonight that made me realize something. When they brought that casket down and tried to put me in it, my life flashed before my eyes. I realized that there was a hole in my heart. Kathryn, I've seen how people have treated you trying to join the guy's club. You have a hole of your own that needs to be filled. You are a great dame, and I would like to take you out on the town after the show. She accepts the flowers and says yes![/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Is that a tear I see, Gary?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]I'm just remembering the good times before I got married.[/COLOR] [B]Joel Westybrook & Pedro Phillips vs The Revolution (Munoz & Funk)[/B] This would be funny if it wasn't killing my shows. Munoz is still rusty, and Pedro contributed to the mess by being off his game. Joel kept staring at Kathryn too. Pedro was at least on his game enough to pin Munoz. [B]Westybrook & Phillips win in 10:10 by pinfall E[/B] rotfl, I misclicked again. Instead of Gary Cooper, I ended up with Gary Funk cutting a promo for the Triple-Threat Title Match. [B]E-[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA Triple-Threat Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Gary Cooper vs Randall Rock vs Edwin Jenkins[/B] Can this show's film be burned? Maybe it is a flu affecting the locker room. Gary Cooper was really off his game tonight.:eek: And of course, since the match went longer than 4 minutes, Rock was tiring at the end. At least he picked up some flying lessons from Jenkins. As for Jenkins, he showed some moves and proved I know talent. The sad thing is that this was a decent match in spite of all this, but thanks to the crap before it, it got a good rating. [B]Gary Cooper wins in 11:31 by pinfall on Rock D+[/B] Attendance: 965 (even 35 fans knew not to show up to watch this awful show) Overall Rating: D- [COLOR="Blue"]Time to drug-test the audience.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Time to bar the doors as other bookers are going to be asking how in the hell we got that rating with 3 segments of D- or better while having SEVEN E- or worse segments.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Hell, I wish I knew. Now, let's give a speech to the locker room.[/COLOR] I'll post that and the end of the month report later tonight.
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Hey, thanks for the reply and addressing my points. I think you got the great show rating for roughly following the Perfect Event Formula. Sure you had some ****ty matches, but you gradually built up periods of excitement and momentum inter-spaced with cool-off periods before having a fantastic main event. In other words, you booked a really good card. BTW - How's your competition doing? Are you going to get the Card of the year with this show?
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Good stuff here. The write ups are great and the comedy is good. I didn't read the back story at all I jsut skipped to the history of what has happened in game and then to your first roster. In my effinverse game I have the same problem with rust, and guys with 5 matches still having it. Keep up the good work!
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Thanks for reading guys. And what do you want a quarterly world report for? We haven't even gone three months yet? [COLOR="Red"]Umm...Street, it is April 1928 so we have gone 3 months.[/COLOR] Oh, well that is a wonderful idea, and I'm thrilled to have come up with it.:p But first, I have a post-show rant to do. I think you'll like it. I tried counting to 10, then 100, and as I reached 359, I realized I had walked down the hallway to stand in front of the locker room. 1...2...3...4... [COLOR="Green"]"Hey, Street. Wait, I think you need to see this.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Wow, that's a surprise. That sure changes things."[/COLOR] Taking a deep breath, I mentally shuffle some things around clearing level 5 on mental tetris before entering the locker room. Btw, I enter with a scowl only seen on a salesman's face as he faces the 10th moron of the day who "knows all about them TV things" or has a brother/cousin/friend who works on computers. And you think the Grand Avatar in ReapeR's diary is scary. [COLOR="blue"]"I see you all have seen the show grade. *some congratulations by the wrestlers* Knock it off! I was just reminded that it has been 3 months since we started this promotion. Some of you are some of the greatest performers in the world today. That's why I hired you. And let's look at what I've gotten for my trouble. Ring rust, more ring rust, people who can't perform worth a dam, and people who need oxygen just to wrestle 6 minutes. Hell, if it wasn't for Kathryn and Jose, we'd never get an E rating on some of this crap that passes as wrestling. A few of you have shown everyone how this should be done, and for that, you have our thanks. Now, the rest of you are going to have to become quick studies because a few more shows like this is going to lead to a roster purge. I am not going to put up with any more F+ matches in the main show. I will take a moment and apologize to Tomas and Armando as this was our fault and not yours. We're going to let you two go again in two weeks without us screwing you up. Now, I know some of you are sitting there thinking that you're safe, that you're too big to be fired. Well, I'm going to prove that assumption false right now. Dustin Davis, please stand up if it won't tire you out too much. You have shown you're worth to us every time you step into the ring...*looks relieved*...and are promptly gassed. YOU'RE FIRED! Don Cooper, please stand up *looks really pale*. Honestly, you have stunk up the ring everytime you've been a match here, and I was going to fire you too. However, I was passed a note right before I came in here that literally saved your job. Most of you know that he's one of the most talented wrestlers here. For some reason though, you have decided to not show it here in NWA. However, the fans like you, and they'll continue to like you in your new role of Lower Midcarder. That's where you'll stay until you decide to dedicate yourself to us. You are all dismissed.[/COLOR] We've fired 2 wrestlers now (Dahl being the other), and now, we're going to add 2 more. [B]Lester St. Hubbins[/B] is an Australian youngster that Queensland Wrestling has so far overlooked. He's a lightweight flier who does everything else pretty well for a 21 year old, and he's got C's in star quality, sex appeal, and stamina with a B in consistantly. He's death on a mic so Stephen Macy will be managing this lower midcard lumberjack. [B]Roger Savage[/B] is the 2nd hire, and he's the one replacing Dustin. He's not quite as good in the star power as Lester, but the man has more C's than Cherrios. He has been in QCW wrestling some of the biggest names in wrestling so we look forward to him doing more of the same in NWA. He's also death on a mic so Stephen Macy gets another client. [COLOR="SlateGray"]End of Month Report[/COLOR] Made $33,145 this month (didn't do a small venue this month) Merchandising made $5520 with costs of $1656 (umm...didn't go to a small venue this month) Current Balance--$137,952 Popularity in North West--Lost 0.2% to 38.2% still D- (5.1% still in BC and 5.5% in SW) Importance in North West--Still E+ (Holding steady though not for long if my popularity keeps dropping) [COLOR="Purple"][B][U]State of the Wrestling World[/U][/B][/COLOR] [B][U]Promotion Rankings[/U][/B]--Based on Importance (popularity ranking) 1. Southern Pro Wrestling (1)--Regional 2. Fight Night Promotions (5)--Regional 3. Viva La Lucha (3)--Small 4. Joshi Japan Championship (8)--Small 5. Championship Wrestling of Buffalo (7)--Small 6. New Wrestling Alliance (4)--Regional 7. Pride of Germany (2)--Regional 8. Quebec Championship Wrestling (6)--Small 9. Queensland Wrestling (9)--Local JJC is a new promotion based in Japan. It is the first all-women's fed in the world though it is being run by the same man who sent KINKI to a quick grave, Saita Kuroki who is still booking SPW btw. Our own Christine Hogan made NWA proud by becoming the first ever JJC Intercontinental champion. As for Match of the Year Candidates, here's the top matches so far. Emilio has had 2 C- matches in SPW and one in VLL. However, the top match so far has been the upset of the year as Juan Cortes defeated Emilio at VLL Eclipse Total in March with a C match. LOL, the card won't win the Card of the Year as Emilio was so hyped for his match, he made a bad booking mistake and put 2 of NWA's lower card guys in the pre-main event match. Andres Bravo (Enhancement Talent for me) vs Leonardo Carmona (Midcard for me) rewarded Emilio with an E- match. The card got a D+ because of that. There are a few other D+ cards out there, and that's the best there is. Kinda puts my back to back D- cards in perspective.;) The thing that is interesting is that SPW is trying to branch out into the Great Lakes region in an effort to hit Cult. They're D- in the South East, but they've hit a wall. They haven't put on a D+ card since SPW Lockdown in Feb. 1927, and that card had Westybrook and Gary Cooper on it who aren't there anymore. Basically, they've just been puttering along with D-rated cards with a few D- ones thrown in too. [COLOR="Red"][B]Showers of Blood[/B][/COLOR] Joel Westybrook vs Emilio Suarez--World Championship Title Match [I]Stipulations Unknown[/I] Gary Cooper vs Roger Savage vs Angel Vaughn--Triple-Threat Title Match [I]Normal, Cooper debuts new guy to boost that guy's momentum match[/I] Tomas Pastor vs Armando Santos--North American Title Rematch Don Cooper & Duane Jenkins vs Masami Shirane & Joe Gilbert Leon Hudson & Pedro Phillips vs Gabriel Henderson & Bradley Kelly Jaime Soto vs Randall Rock
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[B]Joel Westybrook[/B] vs Emilio Suarez-Stips will screw Suarez. [B]Gary Cooper[/B] vs Roger Savage vs Angel Vaughn-Cooper rocks them pretty hard. [B]Tomas Pastor[/B] vs Armando Santos-I don't see a title drop here. Don Cooper & Duane Jenkins vs [B]Masami Shirane & Joe Gilbert[/B]-This is a shot in the dark that sees me favor Masami over Cooper. Leon Hudson & Pedro Phillips vs [B]Gabriel Henderson & Bradley Kelly[/B]-You seem to like Kelly, so I see no reason for him not to win. Jaime Soto vs [B]Randall Rock[/B]-Rock can really roll on the microphone!
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[I]Sorry, but the predictions are going to be pretty obvious as I try to build up everyone's overness. Basically, I'm going to be booking alot like WWF in the mid-80's with lots of jobber matches in the early matches then bigger stars at the end. Right now, it is a race to see who hits D- first amongst 6 candidates, none of them named Emilio though.:mad:[/I] [COLOR="red"]This is a risk not using Rude, Rush, Munoz, or Funk tonight. Hope the lower guys seize the brass ring you're offering them.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Yeah, I really hope that Don and Duane figure out that if they stink it up tonight, they're both fired, fan polls be damned.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Well, you gave them the first match of the night which people on the Hill know is vitally important.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Lester St. Hubbins vs Cecil Bull vs Andres Bravo vs Craig Rahn vs Lester Gordy[/COLOR] Hey, the new talented guy wins in his debut match against mainly jobbers. Who'd have thought of that one?:p At least Rahn and Gordy took advantage of the match to learn something. Rahn improves performance, and Gordy improves rumble though he was off his game. [B]Lester St. Hubbins wins in 5:35 by pinfall on Bravo E-[/B] [COLOR="darkorange"]Torajiro Iitaka vs Leonardo Carmona[/COLOR] Ugh, I knew I should have flipped these two matches. Evidently, 2 rusty workers is bad, but 4 out of 5 rusty wrestlers is okay.:confused: Anyway, this is just to get the rust off of Carmona and my face jobber to the stars, Torajiro. [B]Leonardo Carmona wins in 5:10 by fast roll-up F+[/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"][B]Showers Of Blood[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] *hmmm...slight delay on the fireworks. Seemed like the production guy had to hit the button like 5 times then run like hell. Stupid purple suits are never in fashion.* [COLOR="Blue"]It's the start of the show so that means it is time for Joel to come down to the ring. "Emilio, for someone who claims to be the King of Professional Wrestling, you are one of the biggest babies. A little bit of metal and you start screaming for your mommy. I'm a real champion, someone who doesn't have to hide behind a skirt or 3 cronies to win." *Tonya and Emilio come out to the ring* "Oh, you don't have to hide behind anyone, do you? Well, why is Viva La Revolution constantly being screwed by Pedro Rodriguez? Everyone knows that he's cooked something up to basically hand you that title AGAIN. He'll probably make my Emilio here wrestle with both hands tied behind his back just to protect you. Joel, you're worthless and should have to bow to the greatness that is Emilio Suarez."[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Pedro Rodriguez comes out to the apron. *fakes wiping away tears* "Oh boo hoo, poor Emilio is being mistreated all because I won't let you have interference by your cow or your cronies. If you were truly the King of Pro Wrestling, you wouldn't need any of that. In fact, you'll get to grow up tonight as I've banned all your cronies from the arena. Oh, you get to keep your cow since she rung your bell last time. And since you like caskets, one of you is getting locked in one tonight. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the first ever Casket Match!!!![/COLOR] [B]F+[/B] Hmm...they must not be too impressed with a Casket match. [COLOR="blue"]After everyone leaves, Christine Hogan brings her two men to the ring, Joe Gilbert and Masami Shirane. "I give you the greatest tag team in the world today, The Rising Sun. They're going to run roughshod over everyone here in NWA just like these two losers."[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [B]Don Cooper & Duane Jenkins vs The Rising Sun[/B] OMG! Cooper actually listened to me and didn't stink! The rest of the match is kinda hazy as I think I fainted from the shock. Gary told me that it was pretty decent though both Sun members were still rusty. Also, Joe Gilbert improved his rumble skills. [B]The Rising Sun wins by pinfall when Shirane pins Cooper in 7:33 E[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Randall Rock comes to the ring. "Gary Cooper, I'm going to get my hands on you again real soon. You are too scared of me to give me a rematch tonight, so you've just given this kid a a visit to the emergency room. His blood is on your hands.[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [B]Jaime Soto vs Randall Rock[/B] Can you say squash match? Can you say good chemistry? Huh? Yep, they have good chemistry. Again, this would be important if Soto wasn't an opener. Maybe in a few years, we can revisit this when it will matter. Things that don't help is that Jaime was rusty and off his game, but he did improve his performance skills. [B]Randall Rock wins in 4:45 by pinfall E+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Randall isn't finished kicking Soto's butt all over the ring. However, a new face runs into the ring. It's Roger Savage! Why does he look like Hawkman??? Oh, that's an (Avenging) Angel costume. He and Rock trade a few punches, then Rock decides to run away like a good heel.[/COLOR] [B]F[/B] Not the debut we really wanted from him. [COLOR="blue"]Tonya and Emilio come back out. Nothing really new is said. They say they hate Joel's guts and are going to take the title from him tonight.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [B]Leon Hudson & Pedro Phillips vs Gabriel Henderson & Bradley Kelly[/B] Man, Phillips is just not getting with the program. He can't go long, and he's always off his game. The two heels were still rusty which didn't help the match any, but I do have high hopes for both of them. [B]Hudson & Phillips win in 9:26 by pinfall when Hudson pins Kelly E-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]And it's Joel's turn to hype the main event. He says that he's going to bury all of Emilio's hopes and dreams along with him. The most prestigious belt in wrestling deserves to be around a man's waist, not a sissy's.[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Tomas Pastor, who is still very red in the face around the eyes, is led to the ring by Eva Carter. "You evil sadistic clown! You tried to permanantly blink by client 2 weeks ago. He's been told not to wrestle tonight, but my guy wants to get his hands on you again. Pastor's even put up the title, but there is one catch Armando. This isn't going to be a normal match. This is a Portland Death Match. I'm going to beat you silly, then pin you. You're through.[/COLOR] [B]F[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA North American Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Tomas Pastor vs Armando Santos--Texas Death Match[/B] Oh boy, these two were still rusty. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm ever going to get all the ring rust off everybody. As you can guess, this match tried to torpedo my card. Something is going to have to be done. [B]Tomas Pastor wins by 10 count and pinfall in 11:57 F+:mad::mad:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]For 2 of the best announcers in the world, you would think I'd get better ratings. They announce the full details of the main event tonight. Why's it here, you ask?[/COLOR] [B]F[/B] That would be why. [COLOR="blue"]Gary Cooper comes out to the ring. "Well, well, well, it looks like we have another person who's tired of these troublemakers and villains. Anybody who's willing to go after Rock is a friend of mine, and I've decided to put him in my Triple-Threat Title Match. As for you Angel, you've got nowhere to run to now. Both of us are coming after you."[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Stephen Macy brings Roger Savage out to the ring. "Thank you for your kind words, Gary Cooper. Savage came here to NWA because he saw that there were many unsavory characters here that needed to be taken care of. The first one is you, Angel Vaughn. You're no angel, Mr. Belt Thief, and I'm demanding you change your name.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA Triple-Threat Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Gary Cooper vs Roger Savage vs Angel Vaughn--Ladder Match[/B] Well, this wasn't quite as good as last week's match, but I blame that on Roger's lack of overness in the area and momentum. It was still a great match though. This was an open match, and there was plenty of action. The only problem was that Angel was off his game (gee, isn't that a common theme here in NWA). One other thing is that Stephen Macy and Savage work great together. [B]Gary Cooper wins in 14:57 by retrieval D[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Winner and STILL NWA Triple-Threat Champion--Gary Cooper[/COLOR][B]Defense #5[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Now we have the cooling segment. I mean the romance segment! Joel comes down to the ring carrying a huge bouquet of flowers. Those better not have been grabbed at the funeral home! Kathryn doesn't seem to mind though as we catch some of their conversation. She wishes him luck in the match, confirms they're going out again tomorrow night, and then she kissed him. Hmm...that seems like a distraction to me.[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA World Championship Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Joel Westybrook vs Emilio Suarez--Casket Match[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Okay, I'm not booking an active segment right before their match. This is just killing us as they all end up off their game for the match."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Yeah, he did get pretty "active" last segment. They really should have done better than that though.[/COLOR] Joel broke my heart tonight when he didn't give even 80%. I think I'm just going to rent those two a hotel room, lock them in it, and let them go at it for 3 days to get it out of their system. Maybe the last segment didn't cool things down very well. Anywho, they spent the first 10 minutes beating each other up. Then, the next 5 minutes were all spent in close proximity to the casket as they took turns trying to stuff the other one in there. Emilio was almost in when Tonya grabbed the flowers and threw them in Kathryn's face. Emilio took the opportunity to rally for a couple of minutes, but he took a running start into a ring post busting him open. He sent into the post again then fell face first into the casket with Joel locking it down. [B]Joel Westybrook wins in 20:05 by trapping in casket E+[/B] Overall Rating: E+:mad::mad::mad: Attendance: 1,000 Well, at least it was a sell-out Yep, our popularity is going to take another dip.
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*Scene opens in Street's living room with Street sipping brandy as Gary enters the room.* [COLOR="Blue"][I]laughing hard[/I] Thanks for coming over this afternoon before the show, Gary. Have you seen what Buncho has done?[/COLOR] *Gary is handed a sheet of paper* [COLOR="Red"]*shakes his head and starts laughing* Nobody can be this stupid, not even a fat Jap. Has this been confirmed?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Yes, I've just gotten off the phone with Patrick. He's agreed to meet with us in a couple of days. Also, we have a meeting with Randall in Quebec in two days.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Oh no, not another plane ride. *starts looking green*[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Hey, that is the best plane $10,000 could buy, and after we take their two best main eventers, they'll be dead in the water. That moron is still booking himself in one of the last matches on the card AND putting his best match first. No wonder Patrick wants out of there.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]And all of our wrestlers are here which is going to kill Championship Wrestling of Buffalo's event. That was a brilliant move to put our show opposite theirs. If they cancel their show again, they're sure to be hurting.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Somebody is going to lose this war, and we're going to have our development fed. Personally, I don't care which one it is. We're taking a risk putting 7 matches on the card which is going to cutdown on our angle time.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Yeah, but we're going to align the card better, and Joel has promised us he'll be ready to go. Who knew he'd be afraid of caskets? I'd told him he wasn't going in it.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]We paid for that dearly as we're down to 37.9% popularity, and Joel is still not at E- popularity. Btw, is Rock paying the fans or something? The guy is 3-3 in NWA, and yet he joins Gary Cooper as our only two E- pop guys. I don't like the fans telling me to do something, but I may have to put a title on him soon.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Well, let's get ready and go to the arena. We'll take my Rolls since I haven't been drinking.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Good idea *mutters* or we'll end up looking like Kurt Angle after taking that ladder shot wrong.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Huh?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]I just said driving intoxicated is a really bad idea.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]NWA Reign of Pain[/COLOR] *Bolded workers are ones who also work in CWB* Joel Westybrook vs [B]Edwin Jenkins[/B]--World Championship Title [I]match 2 of 3 for Edwin in NWA[/I] Gary Cooper vs Peter Edwards vs Sean Murphy--Triple Threat Title [I]Just giving these two guys a match as they've not been used much lately[/I] [B]Larry Rush[/B] vs Emilio Suarez--No Stipulations Match;) [B]Roger Savage[/B] vs [B]Randall Rock[/B] [I]Savage interrupted a beatdown by Rock, and now he wants revenge[/I] [B]Leon Hudson[/B] & Pedro Phillips vs The Rising Sun (Gilbert & Shirane) Tomas Pastor vs [B]Cecil Marsters[/B]--North American Title Don Cooper & Duane Jenkins vs The Revolution Sorry, got caught up with Bill Engvall Show and TNA so didn't post this show tonight. It will go up Friday.
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That is genius going to war to get a developmental fed! I always need one but can't get one. Did you figure out the buy out button? [B]Joel Westybrook[/B] vs Edwin Jenkins--World Championship Title match 2 of 3 for Edwin in NWA [B]Gary Cooper[/B] vs Peter Edwards vs Sean Murphy--Triple Threat Title Just giving these two guys a match as they've not been used much lately Larry Rush vs [B]Emilio Suarez[/B]--No Stipulations Match Roger Savage vs [B]Randall Rock[/B] Savage interrupted a beatdown by Rock, and now he wants revenge Leon Hudson & Pedro Phillips vs [B]The Rising Sun [/B](Gilbert & Shirane) [B]Tomas Pastor[/B] vs Cecil Marsters--North American Title Don Cooper & Duane Jenkins vs [B]The Revolution[/B]
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[I]Yeah, I went ahead and tried to buy CWB, but they (and everyone else) is making money right now so they don't want to sell. However, the economy is going in the correct direction for the times (down) so there is hope. I would like to note that right after I posted the quarterly report, VLL posted a C- card. It never ceases to amaze me at how card grades are done. Too many times people on here put on great last 3 segments and get a low grade while I put on that terrible show and got a D-. That VLL card had E, E-, E+, D- brawl angle, E, E interview, D, and C main event. They're the only fed to have a C- card, and they've had 2 of them. Also, I'm writing this with a pulled back muscle so if I misspell something, blame that.;)[/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Lester St. Hubbins vs Timothy Macy vs Hirotaka vs Lester Gordy[/COLOR] Well, Gordy isn't rusty anymore, so that's a plus. Basically, this was to give Hubbins another win while eliminating more ring rust. Mission accomplished though it wasn't exactly pretty. [B]Lester St Hubbins wins in 6:39 by flash pinfall on Gordy F+[/B] [COLOR="darkorange"]Masque, Tomoaki Hatayama and Torajiro Iitaka vs Armando Santos, Andres Bravo and Craig Rahn[/COLOR] And the last two of CWB's guys are booked on the show.:D More ring rust on display as everyone but Bravo was rusty. Hopefully, this will be the last of the rust for Masque and Hatayama as I can really use them in the midcard. [B]Team #1 wins in 6:44 via pinfall when Masque pinned Bravo E-[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="6"][B]NWA Reign of Pain[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]And we try something different by starting the show off with Pedro Rodriguez. Hmm...this didn't go so well. "Emilio Suarez, Mr. King of Pro Wrestling, you were buried last week, but I dug you up just so these fans can watch you lose one more time. To make sure you lose, here is your opponent for tonight, Larry Rush![/COLOR] [B]F+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Note to self, don't open show with Pedro ever again. Also, stop poker game in locker room.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Or at least let me give Pedro tips on how to bluff so he won't keep losing all his money to Emilio.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Tonya brings out Manuel and Gary Funk. "These two men are the greatest tag team in the world today, and your commissioner kept them away last week so he could protect his buddy Westybrook. I feel sorry for you two, Don and Duane because these two are really, really pissed off.[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [B]Don Cooper & Duane Jenkins vs The Revolution[/B] And our first match is wrestlecrap, Cooper is back to being Cooper, and Jenkins helps out by being tired very quickly. Munoz is STILL rusty which makes no sense. Funk tries to carry the match, but there's just too much crap in the ring to overcome. Ugh, can I please get a development fed? [B]The Revolution win in 7:36 by pinfall when Munoz pins Jenkins E-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]We go backstage where Cecil Marsters is arguing with Tomas Pastor, who does look markedly better from his eye "injury". Marsters claims that he should get a rematch for the title while Pastor says that he's through fighting your worthless ass. Pedro Rodriguez happens to walk by and says that they can settle things in the ring, RIGHT NOW![/COLOR] [B]F+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]I'm beginning to think it's Pedro. Why do they hate him? And why are there so many overness-based angles?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]At least we're keeping everything short so we can have our main eventers bail us out at the end.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA North American Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Tomas Pastor vs Cecil Marsters--Submission Match[/B] How is Pastor still rusty? Really, I just don't get this. This is his THIRD title defense for crying out loud. Marsters being off his game isn't that big of a surprise. Grrr...the main eventers better not disappoint. [B]Tomas Pastor wins in 10:35 by submission E-[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Winner and STILL champion--Tomas Pastor[/COLOR][B]Defense #3[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Leon Hudson and Pedro Phillips are in the ring getting ready for an interview, but they are interrupted by Christine Hogan. She says that her men are itching for a fight, and since they are already in the ring, they'll do. Stephen Macy grabs the mic and says that his client and Pedro will be happy to take them on.[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [B]Pedro Phillips improves his charisma and performance skills[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hmm...nice job by Pedro to pick up his game. Wonder if he's heard he may be one of the guys let go if I get those two targets?[/COLOR] [B]Leon Hudson & Pedro Phillips vs The Rising Sun[/B]--Table Match I guess I'm just going to be stuck with rusty wrestlers for some reason. Both members of the Rising Sun were rusty which managed to override their great chemistry together. Plus, Shirane helped by being off tonight. Really wish the game would stop cranking out poor consistancy wrestlers well...consistantly. Phillips wanted to point out that he did well. Guess he really wants to stay here. [B]The Rising Sun win in 8:54 by table break E[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Edwin Jenkins comes out and challenges Joel Westybrook for the World Championship. "I've seen how you operate here Joel, and I'm pretty sick of it. I demand a title shot, and you aren't going to hide behind any gimmick matches either. It is going to be me, you, and that ring as it is right now. Then, I'll prove to these fans that you are nothing but a fraud."[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Randall Rock appears after Edwin leaves. "Roger Savage, you are nothing but a punk. How dare you attack me for no good reason. I'm going to teach you that you messed with the wrong person. So get out here and pay the piper."[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] (Can I get the man some endurance? At least Hogan could wrestle 15 minutes) [B]Roger Savage vs Randall Rock[/B] Okay, I'm totally confused now. How in the hell do you have great chemistry with someone yet you also don't click??????:confused::confused::confused: It was just a plain match too. Savage used his size to dominate most of the match as we went with the typical Heavyweight versus lightweight match. Savage went for his Savage Drop (a fallaway slam), but Rock counters with a kick to the jewels which the ref conviently doesn't see. Then, he uses the ropes to pin Roger for the win. [B]Randall Rock wins in 9:31 by pinfall and cheating E+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Tonya and Emilio come to the ring. "Pedro, if you think putting the King of Professional Wrestling in a match with the likes of Larry Rush is a punishment, you're sadly mistaken. My man is going to whip that no-talent loser in a real wrestling match. See, you've been taking away Emilio's advantage of being the best wrestler in the world with these stupid matches. He'll show everyone how good he is, NOW![/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [B]Larry Rush vs Emilio Suarez[/B] Hey, we get a good match rating out of Emilio though it's still nowhere near what he does in VLL or SPW. These two men put on a wrestling clinic. It finally looked like Rush was going to get the win, but then Mr. Enforcer, Gary Funk, came running down to the ring and pull Larry off of Emilio to stop the 3-count. They spent the rest of the match outside which is illegal, and the ref was forced to count both men out as a result. [B]Larry Rush and Emilio Suarez DRAW in 12:26 D-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joel Westybrook comes down to the ring after everyone's cleared out. "Edwin Jenkins, you frankly don't deserve a shot at my title, but I'm getting sick and tired of the talk backstage about me not being good enough to just wrestle. I don't hide behind anyone either. So, to prove to everyone just how good I am, this match is going to be Best 2 Out of 3 Falls.[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA World Championship Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Joel Westybrook vs Edwin Jenkins--Two Out of Three Falls[/B] Woohoo!!!! Now, this is what I'm talking about. These two tore the roof off the place. Joel picked up the first pinfall at the 7 minute mark which brought Emilio down to the ring. He distracted Joel almost evening the match, but Westybrook just kicked out. This really pissed Joel off, and he started attacking the knees of Jenkins yelling at Emilio "did this look familiar". He locks on his finisher in the middle of the ring forcing Edwin to tap out while Joel stares daggers at Emilio. [B]Joel Westybrook wins in 15:10 in 2 falls by submission D+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Winner and STILL Champion--Joel Westybrook[/COLOR] [B]Defense #3[/B] [COLOR="red"]Hey, that was a great main event Street. Let's get everything ready for the post-show meeting.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Uh, I didn't put that as the main event. I put the Triple-Threat Title match in the main event. *holds head in hands*[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Gary Cooper comes down to the ring. "I'm the cowboy sherriff of these parts, and I have the belt to prove it." *holds up the Triple-Threat Title Belt to cheers* I've defeated all comers always within the rules because you deserve a champion to be proud of, and I'll keep being that champion for all you fans. Man, the crowd just loves him.[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA Triple-Threat Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Gary Cooper vs Peter Edwards vs Sean Murphy--Elimination Match[/B] Ugh, this was a good match, but it wasn't quite as good as the last match. Gary made sure to bring his A game, and the other two guys were no slouches. Oh, they lost, but they looked good doing it. Peter lost first as he was pinned by Murphy, then Cooper pinned Sean a few minutes later. [B]Gary Cooper wins in 14:47 by pinfall of Murphy D-[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Winner and STILL Champion--Gary Cooper[/COLOR] [B]Defense #6[/B] Overall Rating: D- (and I really only have myself to blame. Go with the overness and fan heat rating for the matches he said.:mad:) Attendance: 1,000 Another Sell Out as the industry keeps growing (C)
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Okay, fans (all like 10 of you;)). I'm going to sim the game forward about 6 months so I won't be posting anything for several days. Why am I doing this you ask? Well, for several reasons. 1. After what should have been the great show of the young promotion, I check the editor and find that my popularity FELL 0.2% after a [B]D[/B] show. This is with a D- popularity mind you. So, I want to see if this screwed up trend is continuing or not as I'll have to scrap this if it is. Not much fun if you're always going down no matter what you do. 2. I got tired of trying to get one of the feds to be my development fed, so I have tried to make one in the game. Unfortunately, I have to wait for an owner to take it over before I can get it agree which may take awhile. Unless I can just do the takeover AND make it my development fed. Feedback please? 3. I'm really thinking that there is a bug in the game with how the show ratings are determined. Now, while it hasn't affected me, it really makes the two excellent TCW diaries on here look stupid when they end with B+, B+, A, and A* and get a B. Any show seems to get them a B in fact, yet I can put on utter crap for the first 2/3 of the show and get a D (you think Reign of Pain sucked, you ought to see the Budding Excellence show). Hopefully, Adam will get this fixed, and I'm worried that when he does that it will be one of those "Everyone has to start a new game" fixes. It takes me a couple of hours to post a show to my standards (what? he has standards?:p), and I don't want to devote that much time if it's going to be screwed. Hopefully, you understand why I'm doing this, and once I get everything fleshed out to my liking, I'll be back posting. I may even give you really short results to my shows as I run them. Also, I hope either Rob or Hyde will post in the bug section about their shows always getting just B's when they definitely deserve higher.
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