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{IDEA} AussieNZ-Mod... any interest?

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Hey guys... finally a moderator validated my account after over a weeks of waiting -.- lol Im new to TEW 2008 & neva even got the chance to play 07, 05 etc... Last i played was EWR so this is a huge change. Any hints n tips would be greatly appreciated. Anyways, lets cut to the chase... im not very into the CornelVerse n as a proper real world mod is not around as of yet i had a though... an AussieNZ-Mod... i done some research n found that there are quite afew Australian & NZ promotions around, 17 to be exact (Most of which im pretty sure are sharing talent & colaborating). Im curious if there is any interest in this Mod or anybody out there willing to help out as this with be my 1st Mod ie. Im slightly clueless as to where to start but am a quick learner :) So far ive already Notepaded all the wrestlers & staff for 1 promotion including Bios & Pics... As ive neva actually seen the wrestlers in action ur guess is as good as mine on stats, no clue on relationships either but that jus leaves room for improvement i guess. I do intend on goin to see afew of the promotions as they are quite local so i guess i can make my own anaylse of stats or i could jus go to the AWF Dojo which is like 5 min from my house & get all the info i need from them haha Anywho iv babbled on long enuf Rilos
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I'm working on the NZ scene for the "WIP Real World Mod". I've seen most of the guys in action from NZPWI Invitationals but yeah there is some basic sort of guess work involved - for instance, there's no resource for ages of anyone so I have to go by looks (the scale kinda goes from Dream Catcher to Alfred Valentine).
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Hmm, I do have a friend that was friends with Valentine and used to go to where they trained a bit. If I can track her down I'll try and see if I can get any ages for ya. Course no garauntee, since she's not even in the country any more :P
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