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The 'What's Going On In Your Game' Thread

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[QUOTE]Trust me Eisenverse the amount of time you spend posting here isn´t half the time it takes to do a dynasty all depends how full pull you want to go. For me the most difficult and time consuming part is the thought behind it etc not the writing itself and seeing as you already have the thoughts put em in writing so we can enjoy too dammit! lol[/QUOTE] True. My problem would be limiting myself to not booking shows unless I'm ready to post what had happened. hah. None the less... I'm really starting to see the chance of doing something like that. [QUOTE]Don't, it'd contradict the great direction you're going in [/QUOTE] Also, True. If I were to have him link up with them it would be in a "strange" way. Not really as a full fledged member but as someone who always walks like 10 feet behind them... Never really speaks when they are all around & only really talking when he is by himself. However, even though it seems like he is "walking to the beat of his own drum"... He ends up coming through and helping them in situations and seeming like they are connected somehow.
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;465398]True. My problem would be limiting myself to not booking shows unless I'm ready to post what had happened. hah. None the less... I'm really starting to see the chance of doing something like that. [/QUOTE] Nah. My 2007 run on the ROF dynasty just involved doing writeups in Word and saving the file (500 pages by the end of six years), and posting later. That said, I'm digging my current booking... but it's late, so a post from work tomorrow if I get the time.
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So I finally got the game installed on my desktop PC in my room :D Fired a new game up and am only in week 2, but; - Rich Eisen opens the show and announces that his son, Eric, will be in charge this week while he continues his search for a permanent GM. - Brandon James cuts a promo about wanting a SWF World Heavyweight title shot. Venegeance interupts saying he wants the shot and Christian Faith does the same. Eric Eisen announces a three-way with the winner getting a title shot. - Robbie Retro & FAG got into an argument backstage and ended up having a match. Retro won despite Andre Jones interference. This will start their feud.... - Valiant issued a challenge to Shooting Star champ, Marc DuBois. DuBois accepts. During the match, FAG & Andre Jones make an appearance and DuBois, Jones & FAG attack Valiant. Robbie Retro comes out and makes the save. The feud will also see Jack Giedroyc getting involved after he faces FAG the following week in a match. - The Pain Alliance begin a feud with The Bumfholes after The Pain Alliance demand a title shot. Eric Eisen agrees, saying he doesn't like The Bumfholes and would be happy to see their reign come to an end. The Bumfholes win after Big Smack Scott snaps and takes them both out with a steel chair. - Backstage, Jack Bruce says he respects Christian Faith and shakes his hand, wishing him luck tonight. Faith leaves and Bruce is approached by Eric Eisen. He tells Bruce that his days as champion are numbered. - In the main-event, Christian Faith defeats Brandon James and Vengeance after a suprise distraction from Eric Eisen, leaving Faith puzzled but happy that he'll be getting a title shot. This leaves Brandon James and Vengeance furious but the following week Eisen difuses the situation by announcing a match between the two with the winner earning a World title shot on the edition of Supreme TV after When Hell Freezes Over.
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Playing as WCW in the 1991 Mod. Sting completed a fued Rick Rude, he is now fueding with Sid Vicous for the World Title. Sid is noticing that the Horsemen seem distracted and are not really helping him reach his goal of being the World Champion. Arn Anderson is constantly on the phone with someone, talking about old times. Lex Luger is fueding with Big Van Vadder, Harley Race is keeping the fued interesting as his promos at rating A*. My tag seen is a 3 team race with the Stieners, Doom and Horsemen(Anderson and Windham). I am grooming Pillman and Zenk as a team. Flair just finished up fueding with Terry Funk. Dusty Rhodes has made his return. He defeated Rick Rude in his return Match. Nikta Koloff is Tv Champion and he is just steamrolling the Undercard. Steve Williams turned face and has formed a New Varisty Club with the Stieners, but I was unable to give them Kevin Sulivan as I fired him for being a pain in the ass. Micheal Wallstreet might be joining, if I can figure out how to make it work. Coming up I have a returning superstar who will lead to Sid being forced from the Horsemen. Sting will Fued with Vadder through the Summer, and either a heel turn Lex Luger or Terry Gordy in the Fall, and as I start to build towards Starcade, Ric Flair will get his shot at Sting.
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  • 3 months later...
Don't want to give away too much, as I'm toying with this being a dynasty ... but [B]I JUST GOT MY FIRST B+ SHOW!!![/B] I've never been very good with SWF, but now it seems every storyline is coming together well, and the future plans are working out, and everything like that! I will list champions though. [B]SWF Champion:[/B] Vengeance [B]SWF North American:[/B] Marc DuBois [B]SWF Intercontinental:[/B] (replaced SS) Kid Toma [B]SWF Tag:[/B] The Super Eisen Bros. (Eric and Jack Eisen) [B]SWF Light:[/B] Robbie Retro [B]SWF Light Tag Team:[/B] MAW Talent (Mainstream Hernandez and Steven Parker)
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[U][B]SWF - May 2010[/B][/U] Started the game in freestyle for the first time as the owner of SWF just to spice things up as I always play straight edge. After playing for 2 and a half years as the best company in the world, things were getting stale so I made TCW have an ‘accident’ (WCW style) and had to be bought out. I then split the company to have a ‘Supreme’ brand and a ‘Total’ brand. [B][U]Supreme[/U][/B] - GM Richard Eisen SWF World Heavyweight - Angry Gilmore SWF North American - Samoan Machine SWF World Tag Team - The DeColts (Steve and Jack) SWF Shooting Star - Ash Campbell [U][B]Current Supreme Main Event Feuds[/B][/U] Angry Gilmore (face) vs. The Giant (heel) - Gilmore is up against the odds as former champ Giant aims for glory one more time. ‘The Ego Trip’ Sean McFly and Bryan Vessey (heel) vs. ‘Two Man Wrecking Crew’ Runaway Train and Vengeance (face) - The hottest feud in SWF right now. The Ego trip won the first meeting between the two and both singles matches but The Crew won the tag team last man standing. They’re going at it again inside the ‘steel cell’ at Master of Puppets! [B][U]Total[/U][/B] - GM Sam Keith TCW World Heavyweight - Tommy Cornell TCW International - Chance Fortune TCW World Tag Team - The Sons of Sam (Greg and Matt Keith) TCW National - Clark Alexander [U][B]Current Total Main Event Feuds[/B][/U] Tommy Cornell (face) vs. Rich Money (heel) - Money, now aligned with The Keith Foundation hopes his connections with the ‘boss’ will see him to glory. Christian Faith (face) vs. Tyson Baine (heel) - After numerous maulings at the hands of Baine, Faith is out for revenge. The Keith Foundation vs. the rest of the ‘Total’ faces - Mad with power, GM Sam Keith is favouring his sons and current number one contender Rich Money. They hope to soon hold all of the gold. Troy Tornado (face) vs. Jack Bruce (heel) - Bruce has revamped Painful Procedure with Randall Hopkirk and Marlowe (Jungle Jack) as the new drummer and rubbing it in the face of Tornado. I think that’s everything, sorry if it’s a bit long winded!
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Sammy Bach took my HLL Mexican Heroes (Main) Championship off Soul Taker after he defended the title 260 times, hold it 35 months and won every match in 2011, 2012 and 2013 with 90-95% being As. - But not [I]ONE[/I] single A*... A* over in Mexico are El Leon, Bruce The Giant and Troy Tornado. My five singles champions are (in that order) Sammy Bach, Bruce, Mr. Lucha III, Dragón Del Arco Iris, who just took his belt once again away from Greg Gauge, and Hugh de Aske. Obviously I book like Konnan (AAA), considering how many foreigners have taken important positions in my HLL. - With the exception, that [I]my[/I] foreigners are actually [I]over[/I]. Hrhrhr...
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Currently in April of my fourth year in charge of TCW. Things are pretty peachy since SWF gave the book to Peter Michaels who put the belt back on Train and ruined the company faster than you can say Vince Russo. I've tried not to pinch too much of their talent but it's too tempting sometimes when you see some of them become unemployed. The company is Global, product is the same and we have an A and B show. Steve DeColt holds the main belt, finishing his big feud with Cornell at Malice. He's now moved on to a face vs. face feud with Rocky Golden, who's proved to be a lot better than most people say (a Good chemistry note with Tommy helped a lot). Cornell is being kept busy by annoying upstart Steven Parker who despite getting whipped by the Syndicate (now Law/Hawkins/Cornell) every week carries on warning Tommy that something big is coming and his world is about to end. My big idea for a feud going into Total Mayhem was Wolf Hawkins turning face and fighting Tommy but Wolf has been such a bad boy backstage I've finally had enough and have cancelled the turn and am slowly de-pushing him. Aaron Andrews and Troy Tornado are my two other big face draws. AA is still some way from headling a big event but the addition of Dawn the Chearleader as a damsel-in-distress for him to rescue has given him a big boost. Troy is Mr. Dependable, who will be going over Wolf Hawkins as a reward for his great performance and should meet Steve DeColt in another face/face feud at next years Malice unless anything major happens. The International title is pretty low on the priority list and sees a list of faces with poor chemistry with Cornell (Joey, Koshiri, Chris Morrisette) trying to take the belt off of Human Arsenal, who has it to try and make him in some way interesting. Since HA can't talk too good its hard to get him feuding well so a belt is a nice solution. I signed Chris Morrisette when he left SWF and put him in the International picture but am really just leeching his overness. Rick Law needs a boost after a few losses so he'll be battering the ex-Lobster around for the next few months. Rhino Umaga and Eddie Peak are filling the monster heel roles nicely. I did have Marat Kolov who was incredible in that role for two years but his contract demands where too much when it was time for renewal so he's been let go. In a bit of a panic I signed Vengeance / Skull DeBones as a replacement as he'd just left SWF and despite his age he's been very good so far. However he's another old guy so I'm treating him as little more than filler until I build up another star heel. I've got rid of the All Action title as it was too hard to work it into shows, and instead have a thriving tag division with 10 teams at present. I found that a lightweight division didn't work as there were very few guys who could step up from it to greater heights, whilst a tag division lets me get more rookies on screen and gives big guys a chance too. Davis Wayne Newton and Jacob Jett currently hold the belts but DWN's temper is beginning to show and you can guess what happens next. With a lot of main eventers in danger of retiring I figure I need two young guys to come into the singles ranks and those two are the best performing. The next PPV is the one before Total Mayhem so it's pretty throwaway and is mostly there to set up the big one which should be - TOTAL MAYHEM 16 Steve DeColt (ch) vs Rocky Golden (cl) - World Heavyweight Troy Tornado vs Wolf Hawkins (stipulation TBD) Aaron Andrews vs Eddie Peak (Hardcore match) Brent Hill vs Vengeance Joey Minnesota vs Gino Montero vs Human Arsenal (ch) - International Steven Parker vs Tommy Cornell Jacob Jett vs Davis Wayne Newton Chris Morrisette vs. Rick Law The Gauge Brothers vs The Birds of Prey (Black Eagle and Sean Deeley in a mask as Red Eagle) - Tag titles.
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I'm playing the DOWWE-2008 mod. I started off as WCW but i ended up quitting because Bischoff kept me from signing people I didn't want, and the US economy is in the toilets. I founded NOTBPW and am currently in February 2009 with 3 tv shows, and 2 brands. Jericho held the Canadian championship until the brand split and the undefeated Jack Swagger (Jake Hager) defeated him for the stap. Swagger also held the Unlimited Action title until it was vacated. Upon vacating the belt David Flair won it. Samoa Joe is dominating my other brand is the current NOTBPW World Champion. My champions are NOTBPW Canadian(B) (was at A- when Jericho was champ)- Jack Swagger NOTBPW Unlimited Action(C+)- David Flair NOTBPW Tag Team(D)- Matt Hardy and AJ Styles NOTBPW Heavyweight(B-)- Samoa Joe NOTBPW Junior Heavyweight(C-)- Paul London I'm thinking about making Milano Connection AT take the strap from Swagger and hold it til his Short Term contract runs out. Any suggestions? My whose hot stars are (in order) Samoa Joe Jack Swagger Milano Connection AT AJ Styles Ric Flair My Franchise Players are(in order) Jack Swagger Dwayne Johnson Chris Jericho Samoa Joe Ric Flair Next Big Things(In order) Kevin Steen Trent Acid other notable persons Joey Mercury(2-Time WCW United States Champion) Justin Credible(Former NWA Champion with 23 Defences,Former NWA United States Champion with 20 defences,Former NWA Six Man Tag Team Champion{Held All NWA Championships at same time},Former APW World Internet Champion, WWC Universal Champion) Mark Magnus(Bs Throughout Canada) Randy Orton(2-Time WWE Intercontinental Champion, Former WWE Champion, Former WWE Tag Team Champion,Former NOTBPW Unlimited Action Champion,****s in bags.) Rene Dupree( 2-time WWE Tag Team Champion, Former WCW United States Champion)
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