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The 'What's Going On In Your Game' Thread

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As far as I can see there isn't a topic for this. Basically, tell us exactly what's going on in your game. Who are you're champs? Hottest storyline? Most over star? Whose suprising you? Whose hot? Whose not? Your plans? Anything you want really just as long as it's going on in your game. Me? I'm playing an SWF game. Below is my roster which is quite big but as you can see I intend on having a brand split. So; SWF SUPREME TV ROSTER SWF Supreme TV GM - Phil Vibert Announcers - Peter Michaels, Ana Garcia Jack Bruce Steve Frehley Christian Faith Elmo Benson Randy Bumfhole Kid Toma Zimmy Bumfhole Akima Brave Jack Giedroyc Valiant Groucho Bling Lobster Warrior Vengeance Remo Runaway Train Brandon James Joe Sexy Rich Money Squeeky McClean Kurt Laramee Marc DuBois Enforcer Roberts Big Smack Scott Shady K Knuckles Andre Jones Eric Eisen Angry Gilmore SWF CARNAGE ROSTER SWF Carnage GM - The Guru Announcers - Duane Fry, Jerry Eisen Jim Force Jungle Jack Daniel Francis Remmy Skye Bart Biggz Brett Biggz Enygma Robbie Retro Jumbo Jackson Ace Youngblood Spike Davis Wayne Newton Nathan McKenzie Swoop McCarthy Brimstone Lead Belly Grease Hogg Gargantuan Champagne Lover Louie Payton Mister King Frederique Antonio Garcia Not a great deal going on at the moment as I've not long started the game but I have a lot of things already planned out. Quite a few face and heel turns to mix things up, formations of stables etc. Pretty excited about the whole thing.
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I am doing a game using DOTT Gen. Running ROH and got Austin Aries chasing the belt, Steenerico and AOTF are feuding over the tag titles, Hero & Danielson are 2 matches into a best of seven series, Ms Chif is booked in a fatal 4 way to defend her Shimmer championship against Lacey, Sara Del Ray & Allison Danger and A New stable consisting of Erick Stevens, Roderick Strong & Brent Albright are wreaking havoc.
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Playing as SWF recently started a draft split:) [B][SIZE="4"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/B] Commentary Team: Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia SWF Championship: Eric Eisen SWF World Tag Team Championship: Wrath of God (Jack Giedroyc and Valiant) SWF North American Championship: Lobster Warrior Main Event: Brandon James Eric Eisen Lobster Warrior Midian (user) Runaway Train Vengeance Upper: Aaron Andrews Frederique Antonio Garcia Jack Giedroyc Squeeky McClean Steve Flash Valiant Midcard: Akima Brave Andre Jones Champagne Lover Guide Jungle Jack Kid Toma Marc DuBois Paul Huntingdon Scout Lower: Kill Switch Nevada Nuclear Shooter Sean Deeley Opener: Atlas Jacob Jett Marshall Dillon Enhancement Talent: Bear Bekowski Daniel Black Francis Other: Ana Garcia BJ O'Neill Dawn The Cheerleader Pat Deacon Peter Michaels Ric Young Shane Stones The Guru [B][SIZE="4"]SWF High Voltage[/SIZE][/B] Commentary Team: Duane Fry and Emma Chase SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Rich Money SWF Tag Team Championship: The Amazing Bumfholes SWF Shooting Star Championship: Hoshino Main Event: Angry Gilmore Christian Faith Jack Bruce Rich Money Ricky Dale Johnson Steve Frehley Upper: Enforcer Roberts Enygma Joe Sexy Randy Bumfhole Remo Zimmy Bumfhole Midcard: Bart Biggz Benson Wright (Elmo Benson) Brett Biggz Edd Stone Gregory Wright (Groucho Bling) Hoshino (Eisaku Hoshino) Kurt Laramee Robbie Retro Shady K Lower: Greg Rayne Knuckles Roderick Remus Opener: Cheetah Boy John Greed Lassana Makutsi Enhancement Talent: Davis Wayne Newton Other: Blonde Bombshell Chief Two Eagles Darren Smith Duane Fry Jerry Eisen Jessie Richard Eisen Sam Sparrow
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I'm still plugging away with my MOSC game. I always have a MOSC game running usually until the sequel comes out. I usually have a DAVE game running on the side but Adam took that away from me this year :(:p As far as MOSC go i'm 3 years in to my game, currently at Cult but far from National, currently have Daniel Black Francis chasing after Merle O' Curle's title. Most surprising worker for me so far has been Joey Beauchamp who became so over in my promotion its hard to keep the belt off him. He is currently injured which is giving me some time to develop some other talent.
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;465134]Those of you who have Brand Split the SWF.... Are you currently at International Status or Global? I'm at Global and wanted to do a brand split but it's crazy the amount of people that you need to make it work. (However, Understandable.)[/QUOTE] Global
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In one of my non diary SWF Games, I have gone global and am using a different take on the brand split idea... as opposed to where WWE have gone for 3 brands in the states offering up slightly different shows...i have gone truly global with SWF and SWF: All Japan so depending on the workers skills and style and whatnot, I may send them to japan to be my new puro guy... its been a slow build in japan but its starting to pay off...due to my global status and prestige i am able to sign some stars with decent overness there so even if my japanese overness is only at C+ it is increasing rapidly
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I'm working out in a made up fed C-Verse game with my made up fed AWE (American Wrestling Experience). I started with 15k, 0% pop and 0% Prestige. I hired only guys who were F- in the US. The first 8 months was rough because everyone wanted traveling money but after their renewals all that's gone away. I'm Local (or is it small I can never remember the order) but now that I'm hitting a regional battle I can't seem to gain any overness, especially after losing Frankie Dee to NOTBPW and Phenomenal E to BHOTWG they had great chemistry and pulled off a best of seven series where all seven matches got C- even after the 4th match. Right now my Main Event is Mr. Lucha III (AWE Inspired Championship title holder), Raphael, Fearless Blue and Warren Technique. The Valorous Ones (El Hijo Del Zonk and La Sombra Jr.) are my AWE Dynamic Duo champions feuding against my other lucha team The Bad Omens (Amo Del Gato and DeCipher). I pull of D- shows and gain .8% but I come in fourth in my regional battle and lose all of that again. Most of my workers are developing nicely and my user character (a horrifically unskilled super junior) Lobo Solitario has both Excellent tag chemistry and Great singles chemistry with Cal Sanders. I'm 2 shows until the end of 2009 and I htink I'm going to switch to a touring schedule as I've already saved up close to 60k and no worker costs me more than 400 and appearance.
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Apu - why don't you get friendly agreements with the promotions that you are competing against? That way IIRC from the dev journal, you don't lose any overness from the regional battles (or less than normal at any rate) When you've overtaken them, then cancel the agreements.
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[QUOTE=Rob4590;465177]Apu - why don't you get friendly agreements with the promotions that you are competing against? That way IIRC from the dev journal, you don't lose any overness from the regional battles (or less than normal at any rate) When you've overtaken them, then cancel the agreements.[/QUOTE] I guess I could do that but I usually don't sign friendly agreements with people for a work around. Like I don't sign non-aggression with SWF, TCW or NOTBPW when I'm playing smaller feds so they don't steal my workers. But I might give it a try. I figure if I hit a touring schedule and do two shows a week and a monthly show with two months on one month off I can make 7.2% a month and only lose .8 at the end of the battle.
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[QUOTE]In one of my non diary SWF Games, I have gone global and am using a different take on the brand split idea... as opposed to where WWE have gone for 3 brands in the states offering up slightly different shows...i have gone truly global with SWF and SWF: All Japan so depending on the workers skills and style and whatnot, I may send them to japan to be my new puro guy... its been a slow build in japan but its starting to pay off...due to my global status and prestige i am able to sign some stars with decent overness there so even if my japanese overness is only at C+ it is increasing rapidly[/QUOTE] I really like this idea as it gives you a little something new to focus on. Japan would be a great place to build up (for me i would probably end up making a SWF: Mexico or SWF: UK). The problem I have is that I have a plentiful roster if I don't do a Brand Split... However... If I go into a brand split then all of a sudden I need like 10 more workers. (5 in Mid card, 2 in upper midcard, 2 main eventers, and 1 Enhancement). I really want to split the company so that I can really start to focus on certain workers, however, it's gotten to a point where It seems impossible unless some BIG NAMES open up from other companies (which doesn't seem to be the case for atleast 6 months).
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[QUOTE=Rob4590;465177]Apu - why don't you get friendly agreements with the promotions that you are competing against? That way IIRC from the dev journal, you don't lose any overness from the regional battles (or less than normal at any rate) When you've overtaken them, then cancel the agreements.[/QUOTE] Am fairly sure relationships have no effect in regional battles, only in national battles.
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I started out with AAA, but then resigned in November 2008 and set up my own promotion, Women's Fighting Spirit. Thanks to the High reputation I got in AAA I was able to open WFS at Cult level. I'm now National, though my entire main event is under PPA contracts as they all work for 5SSW who were National at one point but dropped down to Cult. They look ready to jump back to National soon, and thankfully we have a working agreement, or they'd take my best and most over workers! I have BSC and an American all-girl touring promotion called WWW as my development feds. I'm currently in May 2009 running a weekly PPV which is broadcast in America and Canada. I'm just one grade (as in D- to D) in two areas in Canada from becoming Global, however because of a National battle with SWF and TCW I'm beginning to slip down to Cult
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I've started with SWF, and when I hit global, and storylines and money allows, I'm thinking of branching off into 3 brands. A more traditional brand that covers Canda and Japan, with cruiserweights thrown in. An entertainment brand with aspects of lucha, covering Mexico and USA. And finally a brand that takes in all, especially young talents, to cover Australia, UK and Europe. Just a tad ambitious :p
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Nothing wrong with ambition hehe. Still its a problem having brands cover areas seeing as the autopush always calculates popularity in your home area as primary. I also would really like to use region specific brands but this fact kinda puts me of it. O and just wondering is it possible to have a ´b´ show on a different network then your A show? I am playing TCW and my A show doesn´t cover Hawai and I want my ´b´ show to cover it on a smaller network.
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Those of you who are doing Brand Splits... Are you paying attention to the amount of wrestlers supposedly needed to run a company at Global in a Brand Split? Or are you just going ahead with it and not hearing anything bad about it? I really want to go brand split but I'm afraid of not having X number of people and hurting my prestige because of it. I have more than enough people in a normal roster layout (actually an excess)... however... once I go to Brand Split they call for like 10 more people. hah Thanks!
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After 4 months of [B]CGC[/B] sitting pretty on National, I just fell back down to Cult. Don't blame my sometimes questionable booking, it's because my recent PPV knocked me up to International level, and I didn't have enough time to bulk up to the expected roster in time for the following TV taping. Now I'm Cult for the next 6 months. At least I signed a decent long term TV deal. After a year of being unable to get his act together, [B]Ricky DeColt[/B] has finally stepped up to the plate, proving himself more than equal to the task of keeping the DeColt name in the limelight for years to come. After finally beating his eldest brother Steve, in Steve's last match with the company, he went on an incredible winning streak which took him all of the way to the top of the promotion, finally taking the CGC World Title from his dastardly brother, the crooked Commissioner, [B]Alex DeColt[/B]. Unable to get his belt back, Alex has turned his frustrations to young up-and-comer [B]Trent Shaffer[/B], stripping him of his CGC Canadian Title, and then melting the belt down to make a pair of golden knuckles, which he then used to cheat to win their recent PPV clash. Drunk with power since his Father's retirement, Alex makes life miserable for all of CGC's most popular stars. After being engaged for what seems like an eternity, [B]Jack DeColt and Hotstuff Marie[/B] have finally set a date for the wedding. In one month's time, they will tie the knot. However, new tag team[B] The Naturals[/B] ([I]Owen Love and Quinn Carvill[/I]) have their eye on the future Mrs. DeColt. Who knows what they have planned? Another man to make his debut in CGC is the terrifying [B]Bloodstone[/B]. After defeating countless opponents with his unbreakable Bloodstone Mutilation, he earned himself a title shot against Ricky at The Battle Beyond. After a tremendous battle, Bloodstone locked in the Mutilation, but Ricky held on until the time ran out. With Bloodstone demanding a rematch, and Alex eager to see his little brother suffer, it looks like Ricky has got a real fight on his hands, next month, live on PPV. There's other stuff happening, but I only get an hour of TV a week, so there's not much time for an undercard.
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SWF Tuesday Week 2 May 2008 SWF World Heavyweight Champion - Jack Bruce SWF World Tag Team - Sex and Violence (Sexy and Roberts) SWF North American - "Crippler" Chris Morrisette SWF Shooting Star - Acid SWF Intercontinental - "Magic Man" Darryl Mumford Main Event Babyfaces Christian Faith Jack Bruce Runaway Train Sean McFly Steve Frehley Tom Gilmore Main Event Heels Chris Morrisette Remo Rich Money Vengeance Upper Midcard Babyfaces Elmo Benson Groucho Bling Jack Giedroyc John Anderson Upper Midcard Heels Brandon James Enforcer Roberts Enygma Eric Tyler Joe Sexy Squeeky McClean Troy Tornado Midcard Babyfaces Akima Brave Antonio Maxi Marquez Darryl Mumford (Devine) JD Morgan Jim Force The Amazing Randy (Bumfhole) Valiant Midcard Heels Acid Bryan Holmes Frederique Antonio Garcia Kurt Laramee Marc DuBois Paul Huntingdon Zimmy B. (Bumfhole) Lower Midcard Babyfaces Bart Biggz Gino Montero Rhino Umaga Lower Midcard Heels Death Monkey Rudy Velasquez Steven Parker The Sensational Singh Opener Babyfaces The Masked Patriot Opener Heels Blake (Blake Belushi) Casey Valentine Sydney (Rick Stantz) The Glorious Greek (Zeus Maxmillion) Enhancement Talents SUKI Current Tag Team Roster Big and Rich - Brandon James and Rich Money High Concept Sex and Violence - Joe Sexy and Enforcer Roberts The Indio-Grecian Express - Greek and Singh The Island Boys The Melbourne Blondes Current Stable Roster 2 Much TV - High Concept and Mumford Hustlin' Kings - Batch, Laramee, Remo and Zimmy Chase Talent Group - James, Chase, Roberts, Sexy and Money The Guru's Gang - Death Monkey, Greek, Singh and The Guru School Of Tradition - Acid, Eric Tyler, Holmes, Enygma and Melbourne Blondes Current Storylines (all unchained) Faith vs Vengeance - Five Months never dipping below an 'A' rating.. also involves Giedroyc and Richard Eisen. Eisen is using Vengeance to finally rid the SWF of Christian Faith. McClean vs John Anderson - Anderson's debut feud, he and McClean have great chemistry. McFly vs Morrisette vs Holmes - Chris flipped about all the new names flooding into the SWF, wants to remind people just who he is.. the greatest technical wrestler in the world. Remo vs Maxi Marquez - Great chem, decided to try a feud between the two. Rich Money vs Tom Gilmore - Brand new, no momentum yet.. just realized I had neither doing anything. Steve Frehley vs Enygma - I have a soft spot for Enygma. Wanted to see him in a high profile feud. Troy Tornado vs Jack Bruce - Tornado is in a "super nice guy" heel role, the whole feud playing off the fact Troy took Bruce's role in Painful Procedure back in TCW.
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[U]Saturday, Week 1, September 2008[/U] [B]SWF World Heavyweight Champion:[/B] Angry Gilmore (6 defenses since the 2nd week of June) [B]SWF North American Champion:[/B] Brandon James w/ Emma Chase (9 defenses since 2nd week of June) [B]SWF Television Champion:[/B] Enforcer Roberts (4 defenses since 2nd week of June) * [B]SWF Shooting Star Champion: [/B] Elmo Benson (2 defenses since the 2nd week of August) [B]SWF Tag Team Champions:[/B] "Viva La Raza" - Gino Montero & Antonio Marquez (6 defenses since 4th week of June) [B]2008 SWF Tournament of Supremacy Winner:[/B] Remo (Tournament win) *The TV title is a Lower-Level Title used on my "B" level show. Roberts had the title placed on him to act as a veteran working with the newcomers of the company... While throwing a title into the mix to make it interesting. --- What's going on currently? --- * Richard Eisen has developed a new stable entitled "Eisen's Wrath". The controversial owner of the Global Powerhouse, the SWF, has seemingly gained a "GOD Complex" and is currently setting out to destroy those who "stand against him". He ultimately smites his adversaries with the help of the Supernatural Monster..."Vengeance"... Using his name in a literal sense... Finding vengeance on those who have decided to go against his rule (the top faces.... Rich Money, Angry Gilmore, really... any face). He has seemingly slipped into a sense of psychosis and he truly believes that others should be worshiping him. + Within this storyline is the heavy feud between Vengeance and SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Angry Gilmore. Eisen wants the belt off of Gilmore citing that he wants to have a champion that was "chosen by him". He asked Gilmore to relinquish the title but when Gilmore told him he would never do so... and that the SWF title means more to him than life itself... Eisen set out to destroy him. Having Vengeance kidnap the champion and for a week was seen torturing the champ from an undisclosed location. Gilmore broke free... bandaged, bruised, and bloody and came back onto TV telling Eisen that he will NEVER "break"... That the SWF Championship will stay with him and won't be tainted by the companies owner! + This opens up to push Gilmore like a hard nosed champion who has pain inflicted on him week in and week out... Absolutely destroyed by Vengeance on many occasions... but... always gets back up. Even when he is barely able to stand... He's putting his hands up for a fight. This has built Gilmore into being A* in popularity all over the game world except for in Japan and Australia. * "The Hated Few" is a stable that was once full of Brandon James, Jack Giedroyc, and Emma Chase. Jack G. went psycho himself becoming and acolyte of Eisen (Under his Wrath of God Gimmick) and James introduced two new members of the group... Christian Faith (heel) and Randy Cruise (Randy Bumfhole - heel). They are looking to be a strong stable as well as James is the NA Champion, Faith is a former World Champion in 2008 (losing to Gilmore and then turning heel), and Randy Cruise is an up and coming loud mouth who is pissed that his brother was let go (due to hard drug use on many occassions). * Runaway Train's contract is about to run up and doesn't fit the guidelines as to being re-hired.... So... I'm going to have him loose a career match to Marc Dubois to catipult the "loner" superstar (DuBois) into super stardom.. (already at a B+). I'm pushing DuBois as a Raven'esk superstar who uses Psychology and Philosophical rants to get into the heads of his opponents. Most likely, DuBois won't do this alone in beating Train and will receive help from Christian Faith who had just come off of a hot feud with Train (Where Train stood up to Faith's demands that everyone "praise his career"... When they wouldn't he would beat them and yell in their face that "they will now praise him"). May put DuBois in with the "hated few" after that as well. * Finally, Rich Money is holding a weekly challenge to see if anyone can defeat him. If someone does... they will receive the sum of a Million Dollars... All coming personally from Rich's pockets. However, there is a catch... They had from the last PPV (August 2nd) to the next PPV (Sept 2nd) to defeat him or else he would keep the money to himself. As a face, Money is one of my most popular workers and I plan on having someone "cheat to win" the money. It's either going to be Eric Eisen (a rich snob.. looking for more money), Superstar Steve Sparxx (Troy Tornado, someone he's feuded with off and on for the last few months), or someone like Randy Cruise (with help from "The Hated Few") to push that alliance to looking even stronger.
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[QUOTE]You have all these storylines going, but they only happen in your head. Thats why I am having trouble getting into the game.[/QUOTE] Believe me... I have the same problem too. I'd do a "dynasty" but the time you have to put behind those things is way too tough for me to keep up with. ya know? I guess it's one of those things where you just have to have fun with it even though you know that it's all in your head. hah.
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E-V interesting stuff, though... [QUOTE=Eisen-verse;465261]May put DuBois in with the "hated few" after that as well.[/QUOTE] Don't, it'd contradict the great direction you're going in :p [QUOTE=Jonfun;465320]You have all these storylines going, but they only happen in your head. Thats why I am having trouble getting into the game.[/QUOTE] Well it's pointless playing it IMO if you don't add a little colour to it xD
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Trust me Eisenverse the amount of time you spend posting here isn´t half the time it takes to do a dynasty all depends how full pull you want to go. For me the most difficult and time consuming part is the thought behind it etc not the writing itself and seeing as you already have the thoughts put em in writing so we can enjoy too dammit! lol PS not posting whats going on in my game as only jsut started my dynasty, lookf for TCW to the brink and beyond in the dynasty page. Shameless plug I know hehe.
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