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What does it take to improve your reputation?

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I'm currently stuck on cult size, and would really really like to get bigger. But I'm finding it excessively hard to increase my reputation. I get from B+ to B- shows all the time, but apparantly that's not enough - as I rarely see a change in reputation. What does it take then?
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You're saying reputation but then your talking about your cult size. Are you talking about advancing past being a "cult" promotion or are you talking about improving your booking reputation which is entirely different. If your looking to get past cult size it tells you how to do it on your control panel. Click on your control room in the game, click on size and read what you need to do to make it to the next level. Putting on B+, or B shows doesn't mean much if you have say an A pop in that area. You have to be two grades above your pop in the area to gain pop. Even then depending on HOW much over that you are you're going to gain anywhere between .2 or .6 per show. So it can take months at that rate to improve your popularity, just keep doing it, keep spreading it out throughout the country you're in and eventually you'll get there. As far as booking reputation I'm not entirely sure how to advance that since I've never looked at mine however I would imagine just keep putting on good shows and keep booking great shows on the big events and you should raise it. I hope that helps.
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Look at the size thing in yor roster screan and check wich goals you need to reach to get to national then work towards those goals. You may not see an imediate increase in the grades of your popularity/importance but the actual percentages can actually have gone up. Check these in the in game editor post ppv e.g once a month and it shoudl give you a good idea if you are on the right track. Booking reputation is all about quality of shows you put on and the actual booking skill statistic also follows this route altough its much more an acumalation over time.
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Yeah for National you gotta be what C+ in what eight regions? So if thats the case just keep putting on B or B+ shows in eight regions until you get up to where you need to be. Click on the size button in your control room and it'll give you what you need.
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[QUOTE=Stennick;465511]Yeah for National you gotta be what C+ in what eight regions? So if thats the case just keep putting on B or B+ shows in eight regions until you get up to where you need to be. Click on the size button in your control room and it'll give you what you need.[/QUOTE] You also need atleast a D- in every other region in your area, and in the event that you're not using an American company you need to keep in mind that National means C+ Importance in 75% of your regions. So if you were in Australia, for example, then you'd only need to get C+ popularity in three regions (and if you're Australia, that means making Central Australia that D- region).
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[QUOTE=FINisher;465567]So you were confusing reputation with region importance. :P But yeah, go to the Size menu, you'll find everything needed there.[/QUOTE] I know I can find info on what I need to do in the size menu, the big question was HOW to do it. :p I guess the problem then is that I put on a ****load of B- events lately, which apparantly isn't enough...? Meh.
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[QUOTE=Hive;465604]I know I can find info on what I need to do in the size menu, the big question was HOW to do it. :p I guess the problem then is that I put on a ****load of B- events lately, which apparantly isn't enough...? Meh.[/QUOTE] It's a slow process. If you're putting on B- events chances are you will be increasing your popularity, but it'd only be going up by a fraction at a time. Just keep going and eventually you'll get there.
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[QUOTE=Hive;465634]Slow process indeed. I must be doing something extremely wrong. I just had a show that finished with A, B+ and B+ - yet the final rating of the show was still B-... :([/QUOTE] Where they matches or angles? Even if I finish with a couple of B+/A rated angles I tend to find my last two matches determine the overall rating of the show no matter what. Also, obviously there's the pitfalls such as too many/few angles, someone being overused, missing an advanced booked match off, etc, etc.
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Think about it logically- putting on great matches by itself isn't enough to get you over everywhere. What's your coverage like for events? For TV shows? If the same fans are watching your very good shows, eventually there's some trickle down, but at the same time, you might want to broaden your coverage so that people from outside your home area can start watching your product.
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I'm not having too many or few matches/angles, nor am I missing booked matches. I just usually get a B- with "no specific comments to be made". Frustrating. Oh well. Nothing to do but keep trying. I'm having a ppv event in a few days with a booked 3-way title match between my 3 top dogs in the company atm, so let's hope I'll strike gold with that show. :D
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Well, in my experience I don't get to "National" in Europe without permanent A-shows. Even B+ isn't good enough. It's just enough not to lose your small gains. - And I have pretty much perfect coverage with the largest TV-stations and the largest PPV-provider. The only way to get to National (and above) was to cheat my (necessary) third region to C+ importance. (The other 2 are "easy" to achieve by regular B-shows, what isn't a big problem after a while.)
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