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Signing workers from 'war' promotion

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[QUOTE=SuperOwens;466995]I think that we all like to see some improvement in the way the War works to make it more like the Monday night battle we all know and loved.[/QUOTE] It kind of already works that way though. Almost all of the big jumps from the Monday Night Wars came about because of political firings or one promotion having what TEW would consider a change in size, with all of the prestige gain or loss that would imply.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;467028]It kind of already works that way though. Almost all of the big jumps from the Monday Night Wars came about because of political firings or one promotion having what TEW would consider a change in size, with all of the prestige gain or loss that would imply.[/QUOTE] While I definitely agree that there should be limits, I do think that there should be some tweaking to help develop and improve upon wars. There are many wrestlers who left their respected brands for opportunity and money. For example: Alundra Blayze left for money, and even brought the Women's title for extra money. Scott Hall and Kevin nash left for money, even abandoning their positions of favor in the cliq. I don't think that a cult promotion should be able to grab a star from a global company, necessarily, but I do think that two global companies, or even a global and a national company should be able to raid each other's rosters. Obviously, the national company would have a hard time doing so, having to give a lot to get a certain couple of key players of the global fed, but I can certainly see a worker doing this, especially if they see potential in the growing fed, or seeing their company as a sinking ship. Also, there's no need to be jerks. :-)
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[QUOTE]Also, there's no need to be jerks. :-)[/QUOTE] Well here on the board evrything has been civil so far, and concerning the war the ones that jumped ship to the in the beginning smaller WCW where jerks or at least had a very high mercanary stat, this is reflected in game play by these guys being more willing to lissen to offers even from smaller in prestige promotions. And as poser said many of the hirings and firings during the wars where when they where near equel in prestige and where maninly for political/personal/backstage reasons not so much more money. Listen for instance to Benoit´s reasoning in the Hard Knocks DVD.
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