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"Unhappy with some of your recent decisions."

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Just a general TEW 08 question. "Unhappy with some of your recent decisions." When you get that under your talk to worker screen.. what exactly does that mean? I have Eric Tyler pushed as my main color commentator, he has excellent chemistry at the booth with Duane Fry, he retired with awesome momentum in a huge send off match with Christian Faith.. but his little happy face / mean face meter keeps dropping. What could I be doing wrong? He's a color commentator, not a lot I can do booking-wise.. so what the heck?
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His disposition/ favoured role as a retired wrestler probably doesn´t include colour commentator at the moment or ever will. Best set him to his recomended push and then use him as a colour comentator. Plus are you sure that is the only problem? Not fired any friends? Backstage altercations etc?
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;470483]He's auto pushed as a color commentator. Every time he's gotten in a backstage thing I've taken either the fatherly approach or the slap of the wrist, never bitched him out. Never fired anyone he was close to. I'm still dreadfully confused as to why he's so unhappy..[/QUOTE] I've found that if you just have an incident, despite whatever action you do, the worker becomes unhappy.
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That depends on the worker. Some only react unhappy with a strict approach, some even prefer it, some react positive with the right talk and some react negative on however you react. When he has incidents, it's very likely, that this is the reason for his decreasing satisfaction.
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[QUOTE=Nightshadeex;470504]Aaron Andrews is one step away from hating me. He's pulling too many pranks and getting into fights. I haven't had luck with a response yet.[/QUOTE] Guess that's my problem. What do I do to fix the problem? I mean, he's a color commentator, not a lot I can do with him. If no incidents happen for a while does his happiness slowly crawl back up?
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You have to select the proper action. I tested this out in my game by saving the game, making a decision, seeing his mood, then re-loading and doing it again. Different workers react to different things, for example in my game Eddie Peak always responds good to light action, but if I do harsh actions to try and set him straight his mood drops.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;470520]Guess that's my problem. What do I do to fix the problem? I mean, he's a color commentator, not a lot I can do with him. If no incidents happen for a while does his happiness slowly crawl back up?[/QUOTE] Yeah, it does. I have the same problem with Aria Moore in my QAW game. She got into a fight with Tamara McFly at one show, then pulled a tasteless prank on Miss Information at another show. I used the fatherly approach and slap on the wrist (respectively) and now, of course, she's unhappy with some of my recent decisions. If she screws up again, I'll be more harsh. Kinda nonsensical though. I mean, all she has to do is look around the locker room and she'd see well over a dozen managers/valets who are better lookin', more over, and rock the mic better than she could ever hope to.
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;471141]Basically, you get the same problems with the same wrestlers over and over again and no matter what, they will hate you! what a pain in the ass[/QUOTE] Not actually true. For any given worker there's an action, occasionally more than one, that helps them out. Enough of them and the guy calms down.
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;471141]Basically, you get the same problems with the same wrestlers over and over again and no matter what, they will hate you! what a pain in the ass[/QUOTE] That's not even close to be accurate, you're actually wrong on every single count - you don't get the same problems with the same wrestlers (their habits vary over time), it doesn't happen over and over (your actions can cause them to lower or raise their habits), and they don't always result in a hate relationship (it depends on personality vs. the action taken)!
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;471141]Basically, you get the same problems with the same wrestlers over and over again and no matter what, they will hate you! what a pain in the ass[/QUOTE] I've found after two warnings Rick Stantz hasn't caused a problem in over a year and we now have a friendship with each other. So your assumption isn't set totally in stone I'm afraid.
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