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Evolving Unchained Storylines

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Is it possible to evolve an unchained storyline? I've always thought that evolving an unchained storyline meant adding segments to a set storyline. What I'm trying to do is change a 2-man unchained story to a 4-man (2 man, 2 secondary) unchained without losing what I have. The story is currently A* and rolling beautifully, but I'm afraid of resetting it. When I click the evolve storyline option on an running unchained story, it just takes you into the main storyline assignment screen. I'm afraid of trying it in case I overwrite what I have... Anyone know for sure?
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;472162]The whole point of evolving storylines instead of starting new ones is that evolved storylines keep the heat grade that it had before it was evolved. :)[/QUOTE] Which is why it made sense that I should be able to do it. I just remember getting a warning at some point that I couldn't evolve an unchained story, so I wanted to make sure...
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;472166]Which is why it made sense that I should be able to do it. I just remember getting a warning at some point that I couldn't evolve an unchained story, so I wanted to make sure...[/QUOTE] That was in 07. Different ball game now.
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What is the real point of evolving storylines? It keeps the heat, that I understand, but if I evolve a storyline from one concerning 2 guys to a storyline with 5 other guys, what happens? It is not the same storyline, technically there are no guys who were involved earlier... Why should I evolve storylines, does it help guys get more over or what? Sorry for such a stupid question, but this great game still has some features I don't understand.
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[QUOTE=WeeMan;472343]What is the real point of evolving storylines? It keeps the heat, that I understand, but if I evolve a storyline from one concerning 2 guys to a storyline with 5 other guys, what happens? It is not the same storyline, technically there are no guys who were involved earlier... Why should I evolve storylines, does it help guys get more over or what? Sorry for such a stupid question, but this great game still has some features I don't understand.[/QUOTE] To evolve a storyline you need to keep two main characters from the original storyline involved in the new story. Yes it helps get higher match / angle ratings, and therefore overness
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[QUOTE=WeeMan;472343]What is the real point of evolving storylines? It keeps the heat, that I understand, but if I evolve a storyline from one concerning 2 guys to a storyline with 5 other guys, what happens? It is not the same storyline, technically there are no guys who were involved earlier... Why should I evolve storylines, does it help guys get more over or what? Sorry for such a stupid question, but this great game still has some features I don't understand.[/QUOTE] Well, I can only answer for myself, but its because the storyline [B]is [/B]evolving. To explain... I'm using SWF. I have three primary storylines, all using unchained: Rich Money - Steve Frehley, Brandon James - Christian Faith and Vengeance - Jack Bruce. Now James, Money, and Remo are a heel stable, and so the storylines involving them have the other as supporting characters. It interconnects the stories. That works for two reasons. One, they are interconnected in the story I'm trying to tell already. And two, it allows them to cross over. I have Remo involved in both but no other storyline of his own, and Lobster Warrior involved in one (plus a weaker storyline of his own), and both have massive gains in popularity and overness due to their involvement. Where the evolution comes in is that the Vengeance-Bruce storyline, I set up without any supporting characters. Its got A* heat right now, and I have other wrestlers getting involved. Basically Vengeance keeps destroying Bruce and injuring him, but Bruce keeps managing to retain the title. I've involved Christian Faith as a friend of Bruce's who is going to try stop the attacks, and Remo, as he dislikes what Vengeance is doing which leads to a very slow face turn - and likely eventually a storyline between those two. So since Faith and Remo were in a lot of the storyline segments anyway, I wanted to add them in. I didn't have the storyline laid out quite that way when I was first planning but I liked it and ran with it. Long answer to a simple question, sorry.
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