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The Beginning of Pro Wrestling (Effganic)

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On January 8, 1919, a French man escaped from authorities and mobsters in New York after successfully stealing money belonging to the New York mob in order to feed a bunch of orphans. Instead of stowing away on a ship, being enslaved, getting rescued by James Bond, being left in Siam, training in Siam, and eventually winning a World Tournament featuring the best warriors (taking the place of convicted rapist and former Warrior Ajax), Christopher Dubois fled south to Mississippi. A week later, he found himself in a bar in Biloxi, planning his next move. He was the only person there, besides the bartender who, Dubois noticed, seemed defeated. French Man: What’s wrong, friend? The man looked at Dubois both with anger and disbelief. Bar Owner: You haven’t heard? French Man: No. Bar Owner: Government says no more booze. Prohibition. I got nuthin’ to sell. Everyone’s either angry or depressed, or drowning their sorrows on their private stash. French Man: That’s a shame. Bar Owner: Worst part is, I hear in places like New York and Boston, they got gangsters hauling in booze to the bars there, but I can’t get any of that here. Everyone here drinks their own booze as quick as they make it. I’m going to have to close down. French Man: I’m sorry to hear that. Bar Owner: It’s fine, but I think I’m going to call it a day. I’ll be open tomorrow. French Man: Do you know of somewhere I can sleep? Bar Owner: Not too many friendly folk ‘round here, finding a place might be hard… I suppose you could sleep in my barn. I’m Don Loomis. Don extends his hand. The man grabs it. [B]"Christopher Dubois."[/B]
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The next day Christopher was in the bar, known as the Double Deuce. There were actually a few men there, deciding to spend their time sober in a bar than sober at home. Suddenly, a few hick boys came in and caused a ruckus. They were demanding booze, but Don couldn’t oblige, for obvious reasons. The hicks became incessant and tried intimidating Don into giving them booze he didn’t have. Dubois had had enough, and asked the men to leave. They attacked him, and, using his acrobatic training, Dubois quickly thrashed them, throwing them out of the bar. The few people in the bar cheered loudly. Don Loomis: Well, that was something. Christopher Dubois: Well, I couldn’t have them damage the bar. Don Loomis: I wish I could have that more often. The beating, I mean. It keeps the people coming if they are going to be entertained. Christopher Dubois knew that was an odd, but intriguing idea. The next day he talked to Don about having the Double Deuce become a place for fights instead of booze. Don wasn’t so sure it would work, but knew there was no other way. Either the Double Deuce became something more than a bar, or it was going to close. Over the next month, Christopher Dubois, with the help of Don, began holding auditions for fighters. Most that came in were uneducated rednecks, but there were some decent talents, oddly enough spanning the globe. Don’s barn became a barracks of sorts, and by the beginning of March, [B][COLOR="Red"]Mississippi International Fight Club[/COLOR][/B] became a reality… Dom: Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that, Chris. That name doesn’t really have a ring to it, and to be honest, most of these guys aren’t the greatest fighters, they just wrassle around the ground half the time. Dubois: Well, what did you have in mind, Don? Dom: I was thinking Southern Pro Wrasslin’. We located in the South, we aren’t just funnin’ around, and we do some mighty fine wrasslin’. Dubois: Sounds good. So, like I was saying, by the beginning of March, [B][COLOR="Red"]Southern Pro Wrasslin’[/COLOR] [/B]became a reality.
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OOC: So, this is my second attempt at a diary, and the first with any sort of planning. There's probably going to be quite a few changes in format until I find out what I'm good at/what looks good/etc. I'm using the amazing Effganic Mod, created by i effin rule. The starting wrestlers (except for two) are from the original data, and are the only characters in the database when it starts. All other workers (including the refs and road agents) are produced with worker generation set on high. This creates an odd, but very rewarding experience. The pictures are self-made, and are my first time using GIMP. Thanks to Bob Inc. for the tutorial. Some of the pictures are accidentally horrendous, some are purposeful (like Emilio Suarez, who you will see.) I have a knack for losing interest in games, but I've simmed a year, and thusfar am still loving it, although for story purposes the first couple of years are going to be boring. I guess that's it, I hope you enjoy, and sorry for the Wall of Text :-).
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="2"]The Talent of[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/SPW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/ChrisDubois.jpg[/IMG] [B]Christopher Dubois[/B] Christopher Dubois, 24, is a lightweight wrestler, the owner of SPW, and he does whatever needs to be done, whether it’s making sure things don’t get out of hand, or getting his hands dirty. He is very gifted all around, but because he didn’t move to Siam and learn Maui Thai, he has very little in terms of the basics and psychology of fighting. He does, however, have a great charisma about him. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/DanielLoiselle-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Daniel Loiselle[/B] Daniel Loiselle, 30, is a Lightweight Technician from Canada who was in Mississippi looking for work on a farm. He is a former Grecco-Roman wrestler, and as such has excellent mat and submission skills. Unfortunately, his mentality of fighting, “Beat them quick or not all,” has left Daniel with very little stamina or athleticism, meaning his matches are short and sweet, or long and dull. Daniel is also as entertaining as a lance or a storm. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/EmilioSuarezBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Emilio Suarez[/B] Emilio Suarez, 25, is believed to be a Mexican male. Emilio wears a mask all of the time and no one ever knows where he is except when he is fighting at the Whiskey or sleeping at the barracks. He is a lightweight, and brings to SPW a style of Mexican wrestling that isn’t seen much in Mississippi. Emilio is a good aerial combatant, using speed to his advantage, and also, despite being somewhat young, is both in great shape and of sound mind. Not many in SPW try to entertain the crowd when they fight, but Emilio does. He may also have some good mic skills, but since he only speaks Spanish, no one really knows. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/FreidrichHerzogBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Friedrich Herzog[/B] Friedrich Herzog, 31, is a big German man who spends his fights pummeling his foes. He heard about SPW while touring in his traveling circus. After being ridiculed by the people there, he began beating one, Frank Norris. There were apparently no hard feelings because Frank told Don about him and when he was fired for beating Frank, he signed up to fight for SPW. IRL, he’s a bit of a pansy, but a great brawler, who is also good at intimidating and smack talking his opponent and the crowd. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/GeorgeGibsonPolley.jpg[/IMG] [B]George Gibson Polley[/B] “The Human Fly” George Polley, 27, is a lightweight wrestler who became famous by climbing buildings. After he was arrested whilst climbing, he decided to call it quits, and began using his unique skills to fight for money, climbing to places his opponent couldn’t get to, and then jumping on them when they finally gave up trying to get to him. He came down to Mississippi when he heard of a “professional” fighting league. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/HarryGardinerBW-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Harry Gardiner[/B] “The Human Fly” Harry Gardiner, 49, is a lightweight wrestler who also became famous by climbing buildings. He would often climb while wearing a suit and keeping his glasses on. Unfortunately, climbing buildings doesn’t always pay bills, and so throughout his career, Harry would fight on the side. He came to SPW hoping that there would be a big payoff, so he may one day retire. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/JoeBoone-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joe Boone[/B] “Smokin’” Joe Boone, 25, is a heavyweight wrestler who was once an amateur boxer. Since then, Boone has been making money winning fights and sleeping with many a woman. Retiring early has kept Joe looking great, and his boxing experience has helped him very much fighting non-professionals. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/LeviAndrewsBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Levi Andrews[/B] Levi Andrews, 40, is an Aussie actor who couldn’t quite make it in Hollywood. While Levi knows how to make a fight look great, he isn’t gifted when it comes to fighting. With a big mouth, and a good physique, he often starts fights he can’t finish. Levi is one of the only fighters to have a gimmick: a man fused with an industrial machine. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/SaitaKurokiBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Saita Kuroki[/B] Saita Kuroki, 40, is a huge sumo wrestler who left Japan in pursuit of fame and fortune. His first step in doing so is the SPW. Unfortunately, in order to keep his size, he spends most of the money he has on food. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/SirAnthonyHenryBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]'Sir' Anthony Henry [/B] Anthony Henry, 31, is a British Technician who was once part of the Royal Navy. During his service, he became proficient in Grecco-Roman wrestling, and once he was discharged, went from one job to the next, never feeling the excitement that he felt in the Navy. He eventually ended up in the United States, and after more lackluster jobs, decided to try wrestling in SPW. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/ColSandersBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Don Loomis[/B] Don Loomis is the owner of Double Deuce, and helps announce the fights that take place there. It is at this bar where SPW is born. A decent announcer, he certainly won’t be fighting any time soon. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/DorothyNevadaBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dorothy Nevada[/B] Dorothy Nevada, 19, is a young darling from, you guessed it, Nevada. She works as a waitress at the Double Deuce, but is known to be a bit promiscuous, which helps loosen up the fighters, giving them better performances. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/FrankNorrisBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Frank Norris[/B] Frank Norris, 42, is a regular at the Double Deuce, and spends most of the time shouting and making jokes during the fights.[/CENTER]
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OOC: Apologies for the slow start, the past couple of days have been unexpectedly hectic. I should have the results for the first show up later today. [U][B]Around the World in March 1920[/B][/U] The [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Versailles_Treaty"]Red Army of Ruhr[/URL] is formed. The US Congress refuses to ratify the [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Versailles_Treaty"]Treaty of Versailles[/URL]. The [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_and_Tans"]Black and Tan[/URL] Constables arrive in Ireland. [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Doohan"]James Doohan[/URL] is born.
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[QUOTE=KyleCamelot;474991] [U][B]Around the World in March 1920[/B][/U] The [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_and_Tans"]Black and Tan[/URL] Constables arrive in Ireland. [/QUOTE] If you don't get that referance...it means bad times in Ireland kids...
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March 30th [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/ColSandersBW.jpg[/IMG] Don Loomis Announcer [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/FrankNorrisBW.jpg[/IMG] Frank Norris Color Commentator (sort of) [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/DorothyNevadaBW.jpg[/IMG] Dorothy Nevada Road Agent/Hussy [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/ChrisDubois.jpg[/IMG] Chris Dubois Referee [/CENTER] [B]Don Loomis:[/B] Welcome everybody to the first wrasslin’ event here at Double Deuce! [B] Frank Norris:[/B] Wrasslin’? I thought we was here to see some fighting! [B]Don Loomis: [/B] Wrasslin’, fightin’, everything else it takes to win when these boys go at it. Here comes the first bout, for the Mississippi Championship. The winner is known as the best fighter in Mississippi. [U]Friedrich Herzog vs. Joe Boone for the [B]Mississippi Championship[/B][/U] Friedrich Herzog beats Joe Boone at 11:41 after he throws Joe into a wall. Herzog needed to finish him off because he was so exhausted he could hardly stand. Hopefully the workout gained him some stamina. [B]E[/B] [U]Daniel Loiselle vs. ‘Sir’ Anthony Henry[/U] Daniel Loiselle defeats ‘Sir’ Anthony Henry with an armbar at 11:56. This was certainly a different type of match, with both men spending the entire time on the ground. It was somewhat hard for the people to see what was going on, but they clearly saw the end. Daniel should have lost this one, he was quite tired, and if Henry didn’t make a mistake, Daniel would’ve been done. In good news, Daniel definitely taught Henry something. [B]E+[/B] [B]Don Loomis: [/B] That looked like it hurt. [B]Frank Norris:[/B] Was they kissin’ or something? I couldn’t see, but I tell you what, if they was, I’ll make sure those girlies don’t wake up tomorrow. [B]Don Loomis: [/B] I’m sure they’re scared. [B]Frank Norris:[/B] Those guys aren’t that big. [B]Don Loomis:[/B] Well, not as big as our next competitor. This next match is for the SPW Fighting Championship. The owner of this title will have to fight every time we have an event. [U]Emilio Suarez vs. Saita Kuroki for the [B]SPW Fighting Championship.[/B][/U] Saita Kuroki beats Emilio Suarez in 8:48 after he mashes Emilio in between his gut and the bar. Emilio tried his hardest, striking quick, and dodging well. However all it took was one mistake, and Saita took advantage to put Emilio out of commission. The slow, but powerful vs. the fast, but weak matchup worked well, and would have worked even better if Saita wasn’t exhausted after two minutes. The crowd didn’t like that Christopher Dubois wasn’t allowing them to go outside; the fans didn’t want to see rules in these fights. [B]E[/B] [B]Frank Norris: [/B]Well that masked freaky guy didn’t have a chance against the chinaman. [B]Don Loomis: [/B]He’s Japanese, Frank, and Emilio had him until he made one mistake. [B]Frank Norris: [/B]Just like the one my momma made by havin’ me. [U]The Human Flys vs. Levi Andrews and Joe Boone for the SPW Doubles Championship.[/U] The Human Flys defeated Andrews and Boone in 13:54 when Polley climbed and jumped from a foundation pole, onto both Andrews and Boone. The end could be felt because all the competitors were tired. The crowd didn’t like Dubois stopping things from getting out of hand; they wanted to see people go all out. Polley and Henry started fighting a lot better toward the end. [B]E[/B] Overall Rating: [B]E[/B][/QUOTE]
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17 people went to the show at the Double Deuce. Everyone was excited. Surprisingly, there were no hostilities between any of the fighters. In fact, everyone seemed to get along well, at least for starters. Most of their time in the next month was spent between the barracks and the bar. [CENTER][IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/EmilioSuarezBW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/GregarioMendezBW.jpg[/IMG] Emilio Suarez disappeared for a couple of weeks, and no one expected him to be back. It was quite a shock when he came back with Gregorio Mendez, a young technician who wanted a chance to make some easy money. Gregorio is a decent talent, but raw. However, he has a great look, and if The Double Deuce had teenage girls in them, I’d put him in every show. [IMG]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb253/KyleCamelot/JamesSummersBW.jpg[/IMG] James Summers, besides having one of the best names ever, is another guy coming in lacking any fighting skill, but looking good. He’s from Scotland, and thus, no one ever has any idea what he is saying.[/CENTER]
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OOC: So that's the first show, and the first true display of my awful GIMPing abilities. Any suggestions on the format is welcome. I noticed it is pretty bland, but I wanted to keep it black and white at least until the 1930s when color TV came around, but that only leaves me with bold, italics, and underlining.
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[B][U]Around the world in April 1920:[/U][/B] National Council in Turkey denounces current rule and instates temporary constitution. The Polish attack the Soviets in the Ukraine. Alvaro Obregon flees Mexico City and announces his fight against the rule of Venustiano Carranza.
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Around the world in April 1920 Quick Picks: [B]National Council in Turkey[/B] denounces current rule and instates temporary constitution. The Polish attack the [B]Soviets[/B] in the Ukraine. Alvaro Obregon flees Mexico City and announces his fight against the rule of [B]Venustiano Carranza[/B].
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