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Empire State Wrestling: The Battle For New York (C-Verse)

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I always thought this was my most creative back story and it's kind of interesting how many events I can see transpiring because of one incident. (Kind of like the SWF Nemesis deal) When I wrote this, I ended up scrapping it but now I've edited to Cornellverse to match the story and I intend to follow through with it. The first few posts are the back story, and I hope you find it as intriguing as I do. If not.... well, that sucks for you I guess, because for at least the next month, this'll be my pet project. Thanks for reading. ~ SoK
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[CENTER][b]Prologue[/b][/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]I can't really pinpoint when it started. It was more of a gradual thing, a snowball effect if you would, but we knew something was wrong. I think it really started after Nevada Nuclear left for the big time in 2006 that Stomper's attitude started deteriorating. New York City Wrestling had so much potential, so many workers who were just waiting to explode, and it seemed that at the end, they always up and left. I can understand why something like this would dishearten a man like Stomper. He's a member of the old school. Where loyalty and respect were far more valuable than money. But times change, and we thought he understood that. People now didn't care about honor, (at least here in the States) they cared about money. How much richer could I get by doing this? His demeanor started to change. The normally cheerful man we all knew turned into an indifferent rock. He seemed to take no interest in anything. Not the company, not his friends, not even his family. We would often find him asleep in his office, not because he was working, but because he had lost the will to even leave the room. Nobody really thought anything of it. We chalked it up to the fact that he was getting older. In hindsight, it's sad. All the warning signs were there and we didn't do anything about it. Not even as much as to walk up to him and ask "How're doing?" Which is why we were all shocked when we saw NYPD vehicles outside our office building in Midtown on that cold December morning in 2007...[/I][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B]The News Is Broken[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]I had to show ID about four times just to step into the elevator. I pushed the number 38 and rode it up, a million thoughts going through my head. My fears were realized when I stepped out of the lift and a navy blue suited man with a gold badge in his hands walked over to me.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Hello. I'm Detective Winters. May I see some ID?[/COLOR] [I]I pulled my wallet out, AGAIN.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Colt... Mitchell. What do you do here Mr. Mitchell?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]I'm a booker for the wrestling promotion New York City Wrestling.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Am I correct in assuming that Derek Bradford was your boss?[/COLOR] [I]Was...[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Yes. I work for Mr. Bradford[/COLOR]. [I]The detective brought me over to the chairs we have in the waiting room.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]There's no easy way to say this, but Derek Bradford was found dead in his office this morning.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Well, that explains the yellow tape on the door.[/COLOR] [I]My attempt on humor didn't even work for myself as I lost it in the waiting room. This was the man who gave me a job. He happened to have read one of my stories in periodical published in TriBeca and though I was creative. He took a chance on me and gave me every opportunity I needed. On December 4, 2007, Derek "Stomper" Bradford died at the age of 58. The cause of death? Based on his toxicology report, an overdose of his prescription anti-depressants.[/I][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B]The Will[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]The ceremony was beautiful. Sam Strong gave a very emotional speech that had the entire church crying. After the funeral though, life went on, as we realized quickly. At the reception in Derek's home, I was ushered into the den, where around a large table sat Bobby Bailey (Black Hat), "Honest" Frank Vitone, Lee Wright and Stephen Urich, Derek's lawyer.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]As you all know, Mr. Bradford left provisions in his will for his company New York City Wrestling. I am here to read his will and divide up his property. In regard to NYCW, Bobby Bailey will remain Head Booker. Frank Vitone and Lee Wright are made assistant bookers and will be the creative team. And Colt Mitchell, you are now to take over Ownership of NYCW.[/COLOR] [I]I nearly choked on my cola when I heard that. Me? Owner of New York City Wrestling? I walked over to Mr. Urich. It was true. Derek had me down as his successor. I looked up. Frank and Lee were smiling at me nodding, but Bailey just glared at me. He never really liked me... and I don't think this made it better.[/I][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B]The Brooklyn Incident[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]I was hired by NYCW in April of 2005 as a writer for the company. It was I who wrote the Lee Wirght/Nevada Nuclear storyline which got the latter plucked by SWF and placed in their development territory. I was later singled out and in April of 2006, was made part of the booking team. A move Bobby Bailey didn't care for. He and I had very different views on the direction the company should take. I loved the old school flair of the company but felt that it should showcase the young talent. Help groom them to become the next superstars. Bailey disagreed and felt that he should be getting Main Event wins. After all, he would say, "me and the other veterans deserve it!" Then there was the "Brooklyn Incident". It was September 2006 and we were holding a benefit show for the Brooklyn Public Library in Keyspan Park, Coney Island. The main event of the night was a NYCW Empire Title match between the then champion Joey Minnesota against Black Hat Bailey. The original plan was to have Bailey win the match and become the new champion, since Joey had already informed us that once his contract ran out, he intended to pursue "more lucrative offers". The problem was, the crowd didn't really like Bailey, at all. Derek came to me and asked my advice. I told him honestly, that having Bailey win the title would be a bad move. We needed a champion who the crowd liked to see in the ring. Who the crowd liked to hear speak. That man, I said, was the current Tri-State Regional Champion, Grandmaster Phunk. We decided that Phunk would drop the belt to Steve Flash, a very reliable worker, and that he would later go and interfere in the main event, causing the ref to rule a no contest. We sent memos to everyone involved. The show went off better than we hoped. The undercard looked great, and Flash and Phunk worked great together as Flash won the belt. Everything seemed to be going great. Then the main event happened. Bailey was mounting his comeback, as was scripted. Then, Phunk ran into the ring and smashed a steel chair over Baileys head. Exactly how it was written in the memo. Except something was wrong. Bailey completely no sold it and instead looked at Phunk with shock. He pointed a finger at Phunk and started cursing at him. Whistler ran down to the ring in an attempt to defuse the situation but only seemed to exacerbate it with Bailey. Finally, Joey Minnesota "attacked" Phunk with the belt and the two started to brawl, drawing the ref ringing the bell for the no contest. Bailey stayed in the ring, yelling at Whistler. Apparently, Bailey decided not to check his email (something we all do on a daily basis) and never got the memo. He later found out that it was my idea and his distaste for me turned into hatred in that moment. And even more than a year later, me being named the new owner of NYCW turned that hatred into seething rage. I guess some people never know when to just let bygones be bygones...[/I][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B]Stabbed In The Back[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]I was sitting in my apartment a few days later, looking over spreadsheets of storylines I was planning. It was going to be great. Flash would feud with Phunk over the title in a storyline that has Phunk trying to set up a new country. It seems like it could work really cool. A Civil War type scenario. It was early afternoon when I heard the shrill ring of my phone. I picked up. It was my lawyer Gil Powers.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Colt, I'm here at 100 Centre Street.[/COLOR] [I]The courts?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]What are you doing there?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]You've been served and I need you to be completely honest with what I'm about to ask you.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Of course.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Have you ever been arrested and served time in prison?[/COLOR] [I]Oh no...[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Ummm... yeah... When I was 20, I served three months in Rikers for mutual combat assault. But I was released and the conviction was exsponged.[/COLOR] The truth is actually more boring than it sounds. I was trying to show off to my girlfriend and was play-fighting with a friend. A few minutes later, we weren't playing any more and someone called the police. The whole thing was actually rather anti-climatic. [COLOR="Red"]Exsponged doesn't mean erased. They found your conviction, and apparently there is a clause in Mr. Bradford's will that voids you from becoming owner of NYCW if you have a criminal record.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Wait, what?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]You're no longer owner of NYCW.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Who served the investigation papers?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Bobby Bailey.[/COLOR] [I]I knew it. And as Head Booker, he now becomes the owner of NYCW. Now, I was out and he was in for a stupid mistake I made five years ago.[/I] [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B]Second Chance[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]For the next few days, I didn't leave my apartment. I lived like a shut in. Kind of like that guy in th TV show about nothing. I just sat at my desk, looking out the window, watching the world pass me by. I considered writing something... I mean, that's what I went to school for. I wasn't really sure, it'd probably be about a man who gets a job at a company and has to deal with the corporate greed and whatnot. It was the fifth morning when I woke up and found Lee Wright sitting on my couch, watching "Cold Pizza" on ESPN. Apparently, my door hadn't been locked the entire time.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]You know Colt, it was messed up what happened to you.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]I see you helped yourself to my food.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Yeah, well, there wasn't much in there.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]I'm kind of out of work...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]That's why I'm here.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]I'm not going to sell my body for crack, Lee.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]No, no. Not that. Lemme ask you something. Why did you get into wrestling?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Because I've liked it ever since I was young.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]How would you like to get back into the industry?[/COLOR] [I]I laughed.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Yeah. Where? Bailey owns NYCW. Chord owns MAW, and you gotta know someone to get a job there. And Rhode Island... might as well try to get into SWF for that. Then there's the DAVE rip off which'll fold in a few months...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]You're forgetting one promotion.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Which one?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Empire State Wrestling.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Huh?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]I'm doing it.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Are you insane?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Maybe. Me and Frank know it was Bobby who dug up all that stuff to oust you as owner, so we walked out. In fact we even got Spike to walk out with us.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Well... Spike...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]I know, but it's better than nothing. Hey, I joined NYCW because Derek knew how to treat his workers. Bailey... he's controlled by his greed, and I'd like nothing more than to run him into the ground.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]So... what's the plan?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]No plan. We just do it. Frank and I have already set everything up. Empire State Wrestling will now be New York City Wrestling's worst enemy.And we want you to run it.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]A takeover?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Total annihilation.[/COLOR] [I]I wont lie, I liked the sound of that.[/I][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B]Fallout[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]I was in our new office on Lexington Avenue and 59th street when Frank and Lee both walked in. They looked pretty excited and burst into my office. [COLOR="Red"]Spike will be here in a few minutes. He's looking for a parking spot, but you'll never guess what just happened![/COLOR] I stared at Lee with a puzzled look on my face. [COLOR="Blue"]What?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Steve Flash walked out too![/COLOR] I leapt up. [COLOR="Blue"] We have Steve Flash!?[/COLOR] Frank put his hands on my shoulders to keep me from jumping up and down. [COLOR="Green"]Uhhh, no. We don't. Apparently, right now, Steve is just sic and tired of all the drama and backstage politics that right after we announced our walkout, he stood and said that he was going to take an indefinite break from wrestling.[/COLOR] I couldn't help but smile. [COLOR="Blue"]Good. With their champ gone, they're going to have to crown someone else. And Flash was for sure their best worker. [/COLOR] I hand each man a few folders. [COLOR="Blue"]C'mon guys. You gotta start helping. We need to call all these workers to see if they want to be a part of the new vision.[/COLOR] They groaned. I smiled. The end of NYCW was coming.[/I][/QUOTE] Next Time: The Debut Roster
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[CENTER][B]The Roster... [SIZE="1"]and other minor problems....[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]I looked at the roster for the first time since printing it. It looked like a pretty solid roster, but I noticed something almost immediately. We needed some workers to be faces... [B]Main Eventers[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Honest Frank Gareth Wayne Fumihiro Ota[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jack Griffith[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Brady Prince Sgt. Bubba Lee West[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernandez Lee Wright[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Jake Idol Jackpot Jordan Joe Gilbert Jesse Gilbert[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Ace Youngblood[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxmillion Warren Technique Spike[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR] [B]Openers[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Julian Watson Mark Smart[/COLOR] Yep... there's too much red on that page. I have an idea tough for later. Anyway, we need to start off strong. We have to beat NYCW in the ratings every month. The first show was going to be the aptly named "Rebellion" The card would be as follows: ESW Championship: The Honorable Jack Griffiths vs. Fumihiro Ota Lee Wright vs. Sgt Bubba Lee West Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Dermot O'Logical[/I][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="6"][B]ESW Rebellion[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] January Week 3, 2008 Att: 300[/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]Colt: Hello everybody, and welcome to the first ever show of Empire State Wrestling. We’re here in beautiful Park Slope, Brooklyn ready to kick off “Rebellion”. I’m Colt Mitchell, your resident announcer and this beautiful dime is Dharma Gregg.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Dharma: Thanks babe.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Colt: Let’s just run down the card real quick, shall I? Tonight’s main event is sure to be a doozy. Fumihiro Ota, the self-proclaimed “Super Ninja” is taking on the very personification of “Southern Justice”, Jack Griffith. It’s a true east meets west match and it’s for the ESW Championship! I can tell your excited Dharma.[/COLOR] She’s busy looking at her nails. [COLOR="Red"]Dharma: You can say that.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Colt: Right, also, we have Sgt. West taking on former NYCW employee Lee Wright and BSB going toe to toe with Dermot O’Logical. Obviously, that’s not all we’re going to have today so be sure to stay in that seat![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Dharma: I hope that’s not all. That’d suck-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Colt: More than you?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Dharma: … I was going to say more than NYCW’s last show.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Colt: That’s true. Did you see it? After Steve Flash left, they put the title on…. Bailey. Surprise, surprise. Oh yeah, and Des Davids is now their Tri-State Regional champ. Sorry Des, signing with NYCW was a very bad career move.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Dharma: Hey darling, I think the show is getting started.[/COLOR] [B] The Gilbert Brothers defeated Mark Smart and Warren Technique in 8:26 when Jesse Gilbert defeated Mark Smart by pinfall with an Icing. (E)[/B] [I]Not a good match at all. It doesn’t really bode well for the promotion, but whatever. This match suffered from a lack of star power. The guys were decent in the ring, but the crowd had no idea who they were. [/I] [B]Dermot O'Logical defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 14:19 by pinfall with a Deep Clean. (D-)[/B] [I]Dermot played up his Skin Care gimmick well, using every available second he wasn’t wrestling to throw free samples to the crowd.[/I] The camera shows security running over to a door. It’s revealed that the door belongs to Jack Griffth and it has ninja stars stuck in the wood. (D+) [B]Lee Wright defeated Sgt. Bubba Lee West in 11:57 by pinfall with a Wright Stuff following interference from Ace Youngblood. (D-)[/B] [I]This match disappointed me so much. I was hoping for at least a D+ from these two, but no, they stunk it up. The most exciting part of the match was when Ace Youngblood came down and smashed a wooden tomahawk over Sgt. West’s head, allowing Lee Wright to pick up the win.[/I] Backstage, Mainstream Hernandez is hanging out, leaning against a low rider. [COLOR="Green"]Mainstream: Hola chicos! It feels great to be back on the east coast![/COLOR] Cheap crowd pop [COLOR="Green"]Mainstream: I just wanted to let everybody know, that today I go up against Honest Frank. A man who isn’t too honest with himself if you asked me. Mira, if Frank really were honest, he’d be honest enough to realize that getting in the ring with me is a bad idea. So Frank, consider this a friendly reminder. Your no longer under the radar in a dinky little promotion. This is Empire State Wrestling. This is the mainstream.[/COLOR] (D-) [B]Honest Frank defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 14:28 by pinfall with a handful of tights. (D)[/B] [I]So, I just about want to kill myself right now. We’re never going to beat NYCW t this rate. Whatever, this match was meh.[/I] A video plays showing highlights from Jack Griffith while he was in DAVE and Fumihiro Ota when he was in TCW. Don’t tell them we’re using the footage. (D) [B] Jack Griffith defeated Fumihiro Ota in 13:34 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box. Jack Griffith wins the ESW Championship title. (C)[/B] [I]In accordance with his new gimmick, Jack Griffith was introduced as “The Honorable” Jack Griffith and walked down to the ring with a black robe. I saw some confused looks on the faces of the crowd, so hopefully next month it’ll become clearer. This match was pretty good. Not great, but pretty good. Both men did a nice job and it looks like Jack is adapting perfectly.[/I] Show Rating: D+ [B]Colt Mitchell Rating: That S*** Was Gay[/B]
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The first show didn't go as well as I had hoped. Fortunately, we still have time and I think once these storie lines start up, they'll raise our company past the garbage NYCW is feeding to their fans. --- [SIZE="6"][B]ESW Untainted: The Preview[/B][/SIZE] ESW Tag Team Titles: [B]The Gilbert Brothers vs. Point Blank[/B] (Bulldozer Brandon Smith & The Marksman [Kirk Jameson]) [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Lee Wright JD Morgan vs. Honest Frank[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]ESW Untainted[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] February, Week 3, 2008 Att: 863[/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]Colt: How you doing New York! We’re here in Mill Basin in Brooklyn getting ready for the next installment of Empire State Wrestling. I’m Colt Mitchell here as always with the extremely ravishing Dharma Gregg.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Dharma: That’s so sweet… if I weren’t such good friends with Jemma, I would think yo-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Colt: Uhhh…. Today’s main event will be the debuting JD Morgan against Honest Frank Vitone. We are also receiving reports of Sgt. West declaring a state of Marshall law on the locker room and nobody caring.[/COLOR] [B]Brady Prince defeated Mark Smart in 4:42 by pinfall with a Super Bomb. (E+)[/B] [I]Good chemistry didn’t help this match enough. It looked like an opening match for Babes of Sin City.[/I] [B]Point Blank defeated The Gilbert Brothers in 9:42 when Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Jesse Gilbert by pinfall with an One Shot One Kill. Point Blank win the ESW Tag Team Championship titles. (E)[/B] [I]I blame the Glibert Brothers….[/I] Sgt. Bubba Lee West is in his dressing room looking at a map of the world on his wall when Jack Griffith walks in dressed in his black robe. [COLOR="Green"]Sgt. West: What’s the meaning of this, Private?[/COLOR] Jack extends a piece of paper to Sgt. West. [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: You’re being sued. Show up in court today, in the ring after the next match.[/COLOR] Griffith walks out leaving West dumbfounded. (D-) [B]Fumihiro Ota defeated Lee Wright in 8:55 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. (D)[/B] [I]Ota looked uncomfortable, which sucks because he’s one of the best we have. The match was what our undercard should be looking like, but nonetheless…[/I] The ring looks like a courtroom with a bench and two desks with seats. Ace Youngblood is seated behind one of the desks. Sgt. West looks around, muttering to himself before finally taking his place. Soon the imposing Bailiff walks in (Gargantuan dressed in a security uniform) and steps in front of the bench. Bailiff: All rise for the honorable Judge Jack Griffith. Court is now in session. Jack Griffith walks down the ramp dressed in his black robes and a white powdered wig. He takes his spot behind the bench and sits down. [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: Lee West, you are being charged in a civil suit for compensation. In the 1800’s your ancestors took the land of Mr. Younblood’s forefathers. Now Mr. Youngblood is looking for reparations. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Sgt. West: What?! What the hell?[/COLOR] The gavel pounds. [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: You’re out of order! I’ve looked at the case and decided that there’s only one way to rule to make this just. Next month, you two will fight one on one. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Sgt. West: NO! I refuse to step in the ring with this maggot![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: My judgment is final![/COLOR] The gavel pounds again. (D+) [B]The Gamlber defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 14:20 by pinfall with a Shoulder Breaker. (D-)[/B] [I]The Gambler Gareth Wayne was off his game. Just in time, right?[/I] [B]JD Morgan defeated Honest Frank in 16:34 by pinfall. (D)[/B] [I]Oh my God…. [/I] Show Rating: D [B] Colt Mitchell Rating: Gayer than blowing yourself [/B]
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Hey, any enemy of NYCW is a friend of mine. They always hose me in every Cornellverse game I play. So go get'em. And keep your chin up. Starting a new fed is hard in this game because no one has any momentum which, based on how the matches are rated, just kills you.
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[CENTER][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="6"][B]ESW Rising Ashes[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] March, Week 3, 2008 Att: 845[/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]Colt: Welcome once again to Empire State Wrestling. We’re performing in Battery Park, Manhattan, and it’s a beautiful sunny day for wrestling.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Dharma: Thankfully it is. It would’ve been really bad if it rained.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Colt: That’s absolutely true. Tonight we have new signing Madman Boone taking on JD Morgan in our main event. Not only that, but our first match of the night will actually be Point Blank defending their tag team titles. Oh, before we begin. We'd like to announce to all our fans that NYCW's main draw, Whistler, is set to retire in the coming month. That's great news for ESW.[/COLOR] [B]Point Blank defeated Rich And Famous in 11:59 when The Marksman defeated Jake Idol by pinfall with a One Shot One Kill. Point Blank make defence number 1 of their ESW Tag Team Championship titles. (E)[/B] [I]It’s a tag team match, so naturally, I don’t expect much, but I still expect better than this. Point Blank defends in the opener.[/I] [B]Ace Youngblood defeated Sgt. Bubba Lee West in 12:51 when Sgt. Bubba Lee West was disqualified when Jake Idol ran in and attacked Ace Youngblood. (D-)[/B] [I]I was honestly expecting worse. Near the end of the match, Rich & Famous ran in and proceeded to kick the hell out of Youngblood, forcing referee Dewey Libertine to ring the bell for a DQ.[/I] The ring is set up for court with Griffith behind the bench in his robe and wig and The Gambler Gareth Wayne behind a desk. Sitting next to him is Honest Frank. [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: Mister… Gambler… I understand you have brought legal council to represent you?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Frank: I am Gambler’s attorney, yes.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: Please then councilor; state the nature of your case.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Frank: When my client first signed to this company, he was promised a shot at the main title belt of this company. As of yet, he hasn’t gotten said title shot. My client would like to request his shot be given to him in a timely manner. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: That cannot be done.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Gambler: This is bullshi-[/COLOR] The gavel pounds. [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER![/COLOR] Gambler sits down while Frank regains his composure. [COLOR="Red"]Frank: I’d like to offer into evidence, exhibit A. My client’s contract. The clause in question is highlighted for your honor’s convenience.[/COLOR] Bailiff (Gargantuan) takes the contract and hands it to Griffith who reads it. [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: Your client still has about 6 months left on this contract.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Frank: Yes, but as you can see, he is prepared for this match.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: Mister Gambler, are you prepared for it?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Gambler: You damn right.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: I see… the court rules in favor of The Gambler and sentences him to no less than 1 but no more than 30 minutes in the ring with the embodiment of justice. Southern Justice, that is.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Gambler: About time…[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: Starting now.[/COLOR] The gavel pounds. (C-) [B]Jack Griffith defeated The Gamlber in 11:51 by pinfall with a Southern Justice. Jack Griffith makes defence number 1 of his ESW Championship title. (D+)[/B] [I]Good match. Hopefully the main event does better. Solid, Griffith just earned his place to be fighting on every show.[/I] A video showing the evolutions of JD Morgan and Madman Boone plays. (C-) [B]Fumihiro Ota defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 10:58 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. (D)[/B] [I]The cool off match, though Ota seemed off his game… again…[/I] [B]JD Morgan defeated Madman Boone in 11:40 by submission with a Cross Atlantic Stretch. (D+)[/B] [I]I was really hoping for a slightly better match… but hey, at least this show was better than last months, right?[/I] Show Rating: D+ [B]Colt Mitchell’s Rating: Slightly less gay than last months [/B]
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[CENTER][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="6"][B]ESW Outnumbered[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] April, Week 3, 2008 Att: 832[/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]Colt: The air is getting warmer and the crowds are getting hotter. This is Empire State Wrestling here with anothing blazing show, coming as always from the capital of the world, New York City. Today, we're showcasing from Wagner College on Staten Island.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Dharma: Oh... hat's where we are? I thought this was Jersey...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Colt: It might as well be. Anyway, we have quite the main event for you tonight, but first things first. Here comes Brady Prince and oh boy, does he look mad.[/COLOR] [B]Brady Prince defeated Julian Watson in 8:29 by pinfall with a Super Bomb. (E)[/B] [I]I have to get over it. No matter how hard I push Brady, he'll never be good...[/I] [B]Ace Youngblood and Point Blank defeated Sgt. Bubba Lee West and Rich And Famous in 11:40 when The Marksman defeated Jackpot Jordan by submission with a Kirk-Hold. (E)[/B] [I]This was like an orgy, but one in which you're the only one not getting any. I was really hoping for at least a D-, but this is what I got.[/I] Joss "The Hoss" Thompson comes down to the ring, dressed in torn jeans. His accent is interesting to say the least. He is obviously American, but the crowd can pick up a hint of British. [COLOR="Red"]Joss: Wow... being back in America reminds me of all the reasons I left in the first place.[/COLOR] Cheap heat from the crowd. [COLOR="Red"]Joss: Hang on, hang on. The only reason you say that is because probably none of you have even left this pathetic excuse for an island. It's not your fault, you just don't know any better.[/COLOR] Cheap heat. [COLOR="Red"]Joss: In a few minutes, I'll be going up against Lee Wright, a fossil of a man. Someone who should just hurry up and retire already. It's OK though. I know that once he wrestles me, "The Complete Package", "The Hoss", he'll finally realize that his place is at home, getting fat while real men get the job done in the ring.[/COLOR] (D-) [B]Lee Wright defeated Joss Thompson in 13:56 by disqualification. (D-)[/B] [I]Lee refused to job and I was pissed until I realized the reason. Lee was retiring and this would be his last match. Anyway, decent showing, until the action spilled into the crowd and Joss used a chair he pushed a fn off of to beat Lee with.[/I] [B]JD Morgan defeated Madman Boone in 11:24 by submission with a Cross Atlantic Stretch. (C-)[/B] [I]Yay! Good match. We might have a chance to beat NYCW after all.[/I] The ring is set up for another court room session. Judge Griffith is in his spot with his robe and wig while Bailiff is in his uniform, standing guard. This time, Ace Youngblood wants a rematch against Sgt. Lee West. [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: After examining the evidence, I have decided to grant your request for a rematch. *pounds the gavel* Bailiff, would you please take this subpoena to the executives?[/COLOR] Bailiff takes the paper and walks up the ramp. Ace thanks Judge Griffith and walks behind Bailiff. As soon as their behind the curtain, Honest Frank and Gambler pop out of nowhere and attack Judge Griffith. They beat on him for a while and Honest Frank grabs the mic. Before he can say anything though, Bailiff comes back down and absolutely wrecks Honest Frank with a harshly stiff spinebuster. Gambler see's this and runs up the ramp. Bailiff then grabs Frank and tosses him out of the ring, before handing Griffith the microphone. [COLOR="Blue"]Griffith: *gasping for air* Gambler! I sentence you to hard time next month. You'll be in the ring 1 on 1 against JD Morgan! But tonight, I still have to serve a little Southern Justice to Frank.[/COLOR] (C-) [B]Judge Griffith defeated Honest Frank and Fumihiro Ota in 13:56 when Judge Griffith defeated Honest Frank by pinfall with a Jack in The Box. Judge Griffith makes defence number 2 of his ESW Championship title. (C)[/B] [I]Griffith went after Frank the whole time, with Ota looking like the odd man out. It was an exciting match though, and got us tied with our highest rated match to date. [/I] Show Rating: D+ [B] Colt Mitchell’s Rating: How’d I get that rating?!?!?!?[/B]
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So, NYCW rose to Regional and have decided to try and steal some of our workers. They took our newly signed Jay Chord and also Sgt. Bubba Lee West. Jay left already and West is going to leave right after our next show. Guess what's going to happen to him! Anyway, NYCW rising to Regional doesn't bode well for my small fed... Although, with Whistler retiring for THEM, we may still be in the running. Only time will tell. ---- [SIZE="6"][B]ESW Ambush[/B][/SIZE] ESW Tag Team Championships: Point Blank (c) vs. The Gilbert Brothers vs. Rich and Famous Ace Youngblood vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West Mainstream Hernandez vs. Joss "The Hoss" Thompson JD Morgan vs. The Gambler ESW Championship: Judge Griffith vs. Fumihiro Ota w/ Honest Frank Bonus Question!!!!: Should I introduce a mid card belt, or no? Thanks!
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