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You are wrong. Overness is Popularity. It's how famous/'big name' someone is. Momentum is more a measure of how much a push someone has behind them. It's possible to be a Main Eventer with a low Momentum (Best real world example: Kane, most of the time), and it's possible to be a lower-carder with a high momentum (Best current example is probably Evan Bourne or, for a totally different reason, Santino Marella). Think of Popularity/Overness as 'how big are they now' and Momentum as 'how big do they have a chance to be if nothing changes'... and keep in mind, things like random fluke losses and killer promos can change Momentum overnight.
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I see Momentum as more of a 'interest' factor, rather than a potential, as that's a bit misleading. Popularity governs how well known a wrestler is, someone like The Rock for instance is immensely popular, every wrestling fan alive knows who he is. A guy like Funaki, while nowhere near Rock-like levels of popularity, is still fairly popular as he's been around for seemingly forever in the WWE, so most people who watch wrestling know of Funaki, but they don't care as much. Momentum is a measure of how interested the fans currently are in seeing the guy wrestle. Funaki, for instance, has zero momentum, and never really has had any. If next week's Smackdown main event featured Funaki, it'd be odd, and you wouldn't really care. Whereas if it featured someone like... er, I dunno, haven't watched for ages... Ok, let's take it back to 2003, much more familiar ground for me. You've got Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle absolutely on fire, with A* momentum. The fans are desperate to see them face off at Wrestlemania, Kurt Angle is as over as a heel as he's ever been, and Brock is the poor, screwed-over babyface out for revenge. They're both really popular, and both have loads of momentum. Further down the card you've got Matt Hardy, Version 1. He's not as popular as the main event guys, obviously, but he's still got a lot of momentum, he's still pretty over. So his momentum might be, say, B-. Then you've got Kane and Rob Van Dam. Kane has just unmasked, and is in the middle of trying to clear up the catastrophe surrounding that. His popularity isn't as great as it once was, and his momentum is virtually unheard of. Nobody cares. Likewise with Van Dam, I can't even remember why he was teaming with Kane at this point. Their momentum would be somewhere around D+, with Van Dam slightly higher as his entire character hadn't been destroyed. So while Popularity governs how well known they are, and how much merchandise they can shift and how recognisable they are to the public, Momentum governs how 'over' they are at the moment, how much support (or heat) they have from the fans, and how much the fans want to pay to see them wrestle. A guy who loses all the time, isn't charismatic at all and very rarely does anything meaningful will have low momentum, the fans won't really care about him at all, regardless of how well known he is. While someone like The Hurricane who gets a great gimmick, plays it fantastically and starts getting involved in entertaining storylines and winning matches will have good momentum, because the fans will want to see him more, and that momentum will eventually lead to him becoming more popular.
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I think D-Lyrium's is the best I've heard these explained. I also find that momentum is needed to overcome Creative Control issues as well. I've had Sam Keith (with an overness of B+ and Momentum of B) in a TCW game refuse to job to guys with B- Overness and low momentum but agree to lose to, say Sammy Bach who was also a B- Overness but had a high momentum.
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.. Popularity and skills of the worker actually. In my WEXXV most of the main eventers are constantly in B to A* momentum because they are at B to A* overness and are constantly in good angles, and the promotion is just Regional size, highest popularity is D in Kanto, others E+. In performance based promotions workers will get over wrestling good matches (so good skills -> good momentum & better popularity). In entertainment promotions people get over with mainly entertainment skills (or menace, or performance skills, or with manager (+ effect of a good gimmick)).
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In my experience, its tough to maintain high momentum on a worker who doesn't have that great of popularity. A worker with C- popularity but somehow has A momentum is likely to drop in momentum, even with wins. You would have to give them continual wins over top workers - the Jesus push - and try to get their overness up in a hurry. Which has its major downsides.
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How do you get your highly over wrestlers to stay with you in WEXXV, FIN? In my experience they are leaving at the end of the contract, when they are too over for a Regional company. Plus, popular worker should get a lot of contract offers, leading to some of them leaving ("to concentrate on other contracts") even when you have high prestige. I personally would have a hard time to keep a very high momentum, if I would care that much. Even my current champion (popularity: B+), who won all his matches in the last 25 months and has an average A-rating in his matches usually falls back to B+ momentum. It's enough to have a single B+ match to let his momentum fade away. Also I regulary use Battle Royals that damage momentum, but supports overness. At least I keep my top guys at C+ to B momentum. Considering I don't do angles that's the best thing I can achieve in the long run (with Main Eventers overness only reaching from B- to B+). But if someone knows better, I take every tipps for better momentum, better popularity and better matches, because I hate to see NOTBPW and WLW putting up 1 - 2 A* matches per show, while I had only ONE A* match in my while TEW 2008 career with over 10 years of booking 2(+) shows a week. -_-
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And why exactly are they staying this amount of popularity competing in a minor company? ... or, ehm, with you? ;-) Still, I would love some tipps. Afterall, my developement companys (Regional) managed to keep two of their workers at A momentum, even though they had rediculous overness and put on matches between D and C... Mhm... I think, that's how turning insane must feel like...
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It just surprises me, because when I was at Regional level, even newly hired popular workers lost overness, without even jobbing. I was under the strong impression, that it was caused by my size. On the other hand, I only have experiences with performance based and "equal" companies. Getting workers more over - and even didn't fall back after "pushed" with victories against regionally more over guys - always seemed very hard here.
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Could it be that that I changed the match/angle ratio to 70%? WEXXV starts with 80 or 90, can't remember. :P When the product is more biased on popularity, you should always use lots and lots of angles (of course that is.. Atleast be on the 80/20 at minimum, I usually use 70/30). As you can see from my diary, the matches are usually rated between D and C+ (even with main eventers, altough sometimes I get B- and B matches (without chemistry!), yet the angles score much better grades: B- to A*. :P
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