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SWF: Generation Supreme

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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;661522]I'm hoping to see someone totally dismantle Eric Eisen, frankly. He has the potential to be huge, but it's going to take a while - his old team with Phil Roberts seems the best way to start, really. Surprised Payne lost clean, but that's definitely interesting. Jack's turn made sense to me - most turns, once they're set up, become triggers ready to pull the moment they're needed, and this one was simple enough that the heartstrings don't need to be tugged on too long.[/QUOTE] I'm actually surprised that no one called me on putting Eric Eisen in the title match on the PPV. He's done nothing for a long while to earn a shot. He's lost previously to Faith a couple of times. He was definitely not a title contender. It was moreso to serve storyline purposes... Well, I don't know how "clean" I'd call Marquez's win. Payne did got walloped by Newton with his briefcase. But that said, Payne does lose quite a bit for a worker who is, nominally, a monster heel. That was pretty much my thoughts on the turn. But it is one that could have been dragged out quite a bit more. Not as much as Frehley's heel turn - that's been ongoing to some extent since about June. [QUOTE=Self;661526]Your string of A* shows sicken me... but I liked the finish to the Opener. I also liked the Frehely/Chase conversation, even though Emma has blatantly stolen Wolverine's catchphrase :) Good stuff, as always, and The Forsaken has me curious, in a very good way. It almost seems like sacrilege to criticize, but how much do you proof read your work? It's a tiny thing, but you occasionally use plurals instead of singulars, or write a slightly wrong word, like 'love' instead of 'lovely'. I do it a lot to, but I'm just anal enough to proof read my work at least a half-dozen times to filter the errors out.[/QUOTE] The A* pay per views are almost automatic at this point. With as many popular workers as I have, its basically just a matter of making sure to avoid bad chemistry in the main matches and it happens. I was a touch concerned on this one because of the tag match between two inexperienced teams and then the three-way, but it worked. I've always said I'm opening to criticism. Especially when its deserved and valid. I do not proof-read nearly enough. The word processor I use doesn't always catch the small stuff like that, and I don't proof read thoroughly enough. Its a combination of laziness and impatience - by the time I finish writing up a show, I'm usually eager to get it posted. Its something I'll try to be more careful with. [QUOTE=foolinc;661537]And if you didn't have all my attention already, you go and add a goth/mysterious stable to the mix. I'm not really sure why I like those kinds of stables so much. Guess it's because you can do pretty much anything with that kind of a stable. They can be creepy, funny, cryptic, intimidating, and even legitimate in the ring. Plus, you can always turn them face (even for a brief bit) because of the cool factor. On a side note, I just went through all my diaries and I pretty much have one or plan(ned) to have one in all of them. :o - NEO: The Fallen - RPW'97: Always planned to turn Tayler Morton into Acid and have him form a stable in my stable heavy promotion. Still might actually. - NYCW'97: The Fallen (side note, I am SO pissed that I lost 3 months of notes via a onenote transfer gone wrong. I played that game for a full year and would have loved to at least finish it to that point) - RPW'08: No stable but the idea I had for Kill Switch is close enough - NEO'07 (Tour): The Dark Ones tag team of Evil Spirit and DeCipher (note: must recreate that tag team in one of these days) - WLW: The Circle Of Blood - NYCW '07: Nothing of the sort I'm apologize about going on a tangent, but you like these so I'll just say "your welcome." ;)[/QUOTE] I do like those kind of stables as well. And I'll take you up on that suggested reading. That said, don't jump to any conclusions about what or who The Forsaken is. [QUOTE=Astil;661621]I want that song to be Orange-kun's and my first dance at our wedding. On the show... F*** yeah Big Cat! Money's still champ! DuBois won, which makes me happy. but best of all, we get an unchained Steve Frehley. I'm more excited for that than for Big Cat.[/QUOTE] Glad you enjoyed. Frehley unleashed should be fun. He's been held back through much of my diary and this should help change that.
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So... Bruce turns heel at the same time as 'The Forsaken' is hyped to 'return'? I guess it'd be too much to hope for that Vengence returns to finish off Bruce in a bizarre reverso-feud? ¬_¬ But knowing you it's more likely to be the Darkness Warrior, who returns to job to The Nuke on the B-show :p
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;661789]But knowing you it's more likely to be the Darkness Warrior, who returns to job to The Nuke on the B-show :p[/QUOTE] Let's not even joke about that - Darkness Warrior is someone even [I]I[/I] wouldn't hire. BP, another great show. I'm disappointed that Bloodstone and Morrisette didn't get the chance to steal the show, but hey - you did okay, I guess. It'll be interesting to see what you do with Badd Kompany and Sin Inc. Even in SWF, it's difficult to imagine a heel/heel feud. I can't help but think that Darryl will get involved somehow - maybe getting some help from Elmo and Groucho? And an uncaged Frehley? Well, that should be interesting. With Payne, a wild Frehley, the possibilities of this Forsaken character and the possible return of Vengeance (if he's not Forsaken) that's a lot of potential violence. As a fan of monsters/unstoppable forces, it'll be interesting to see how you differentiate them...
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Excellent PPV as always. It's brilliant to see a fully fledget Big Cat return!!! And Frehley being unleashed? That should be amazing. And The Foresaken? Much mystery. You really didn't give much away. It could be a worker, a tag-team, a stable, who knows? But, it is exciting. Great stuff.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;661712]I think Heel Steve Frehley works much better than Face Steve Frehley. :) In RL, a face generally generates more merchandise sales, but a guy like Frehley does better as a Heel than a Face.[/QUOTE] I'm hoping he does more as a heel, as he was pretty bland and stale as a face. That's my fault, but I really struggled to find a character for him in the early going. And thankfully, merchandise sales doesn't have to be the deciding factor for me, the way it is for the E. [QUOTE=D-Lyrium;661789]So... Bruce turns heel at the same time as 'The Forsaken' is hyped to 'return'? I guess it'd be too much to hope for that Vengence returns to finish off Bruce in a bizarre reverso-feud? ¬_¬ But knowing you it's more likely to be the Darkness Warrior, who returns to job to The Nuke on the B-show :p[/QUOTE] Hey, someone has to keep The Nuke happy! And my plan was team up Vengeance and Bruce as a tag team that would end up beating each other bloody at the end of every match. It seemed like a winning idea, but I've decided to go a different direction... [QUOTE=James Casey;661828]Let's not even joke about that - Darkness Warrior is someone even [I]I[/I] wouldn't hire. BP, another great show. I'm disappointed that Bloodstone and Morrisette didn't get the chance to steal the show, but hey - you did okay, I guess. It'll be interesting to see what you do with Badd Kompany and Sin Inc. Even in SWF, it's difficult to imagine a heel/heel feud. I can't help but think that Darryl will get involved somehow - maybe getting some help from Elmo and Groucho? And an uncaged Frehley? Well, that should be interesting. With Payne, a wild Frehley, the possibilities of this Forsaken character and the possible return of Vengeance (if he's not Forsaken) that's a lot of potential violence. As a fan of monsters/unstoppable forces, it'll be interesting to see how you differentiate them...[/QUOTE] Morrisette-Bloodstone was one of the matches I could've seen take an A easy. So B was pretty disappointing. I wonder if it was the count out finish? Ah well. Didn't hurt the show overall, so no worries. There are a couple different possible directions I might take with Sin Inc against Badd Kompany. As for the monster heels, there's going to be a bit of a shake up in that regard. [QUOTE=NoNeck;661933]Massive PPV, Bigpapa. Well done. I'm very excited about the "Foresaken" angle and can't wait to watch it play out.[/QUOTE] Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. [QUOTE=UkWrestleFan;661973]Excellent PPV as always. It's brilliant to see a fully fledget Big Cat return!!! And Frehley being unleashed? That should be amazing. And The Foresaken? Much mystery. You really didn't give much away. It could be a worker, a tag-team, a stable, who knows? But, it is exciting. Great stuff.[/QUOTE] Thanks as well. I won't say much about The Forsaken at this point. But I will say that it won't be another situation of hyping someone that then kinda floats, as happened with both The Nuke and Badd Kompany.
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The biggest thing to me is Jack Bruce turning. I mean...did he NOT just shake the hand of the man who took his title a few months back? All this minutes after shoving it up McFlys..uhh, behind, who I still think will be the man to decrown Money at some point. Very interesting stuff, I'm glad Jack is right in the thick of things with this. And as everyone else has said, great pay per view...you just better not have Sin Inc dropping the titles to Badd Kompany...I still love Sexy/McClean as a team.
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[QUOTE=randomfreeze;662040]The biggest thing to me is Jack Bruce turning. I mean...did he NOT just shake the hand of the man who took his title a few months back? All this minutes after shoving it up McFlys..uhh, behind, who I still think will be the man to decrown Money at some point. Very interesting stuff, I'm glad Jack is right in the thick of things with this. And as everyone else has said, great pay per view...you just better not have Sin Inc dropping the titles to Badd Kompany...I still love Sexy/McClean as a team.[/QUOTE] As a face, Bruce was going to get lost in the shuffle. With the Supreme brand having Sean McFly, Troy Tornado, Angry Gilmore, and the Bumfhole brothers as primary faces, he was going to get lost in the shuffle. So it was either a heel turn or a brand switch. I'm glad I went with the turn, because I think he can stay very relevant as a heel. I have some fun plans for him. I obviously won't say how Sin Inc are going to lose the belts, to who, or when. But they have had them for a couple of months now. I do like my primary titles to have long reigns, but less so with the mid level titles. So while I do quite like the team of Sexy and McClean and have no plans to split the team up anytime soon (even though McClean is good enough to do very well on his own), I would say that its probably not a great idea to expect them to hold those belts through well into 2009. There are plenty of options for tag teams right now. Badd Kompany are getting a push somewhat now that they have a manager. The New Wave are the best tag team in the world. Valiant & Giedroyc remain one of my favorite teams. The Bumfholes are always going to remain a threat. Plus The Keith Factor are coming together nicely, and it wouldn't take much of a push to get them up to the necessary level. The tag team division on Supreme isn't quite to the level I would ideally like, but its getting there.
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Guest cmdrsam
I demand a full refund for all of my Jack Bruce merchandise. Or you will hear from my lawyer. Actully like the turn and your right I think he would have been lost in the shuffle as is.
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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/Avatars/Small/AvatarSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote]Random thought of the day... someone once told me that a really good hangover is very much like a religious experience... I've never been a religious person, and if religion feels anything like this hangover, I definitely never will be. The ringing phone pulled me violently out of my drunken slumber. I was not happy to be woken up. With the way I felt, I wasn't that happy to be alive. I had to fumble for a long moment before I could manage to grab the hotel room phone. I had no desire to actually talk to anyone, but the ringing was like a spike being driven directly into my brain and I needed that to stop. Had I been thinking clearly - or at all - I would have just hung the phone back up again and gone back to sleep. "Yeah," I mumbled into the receiver. Or at least attempted to mumble. I came out rather jumbled. "Kid, you don't sound so hot," laughed the voice on the other end. Peter Michaels. "Look, I know its early to be calling, but I knew you would want to hear this right away... We signed him." "Who?" There was an awkward silence. Then Michaels laughed, as if I had to joking. "The cousin," he told me cryptically. Oh yeah. Him. "That's great," was my response. It was devoid of enthusiasm. "I can tell you're thrilled," Peter laughed again. "I probably woke you up, so sorry about that. But this is a big deal. I'll let you go as I'm sure you have a lot of work to do. "Thanks Pete," I said. It took me a solid minute to hang up the phone. Things just wouldn't quite line up right. If by "things to do", Peter meant that I had to spend the next thirty minutes staring at the ceiling of the hotel room while trying to decide whether or not I wanted to vomit, then he was correct. I wasn't that surprised that we had managed to sign him. I mean, we had been running the storyline with the idea that we were going to be able to sign him, and he knew that. Still, I had somehow expected him to end up in Japan or maybe taking a break from the business for a bit. I was thrilled we had signed him, in a basic sense, though my body wouldn't let me feel anything remotely positive at this point in time. Suffice to say I'm not a regular drinker. I am not much of a partier. It happens, but pretty rarely. The same is true of most of the roster. The Rip Chord's of this business are getting few and far between, as not too many guys can rip it up all night and then get in the ring and put on a proper show the following night, only to repeat. Of course, last night was the Break Like the Wind pay per view, and we were celebrating. Goldman. It was his fault that I felt like this. The celebration had been relatively controlled under the man they call Texas Pete took over. I remember him coming up a group of us at the bar and demanding we all do tequila shots... and my memory gets hazy from there. I recall walking around with a pitcher of beer with a straw in it. Did I vomit in the cab on the way back to the hotel, or was that the cab on the way to the strip club? Trying to remember everything else was like looking at random snapshots of the evening... I recall Robbie getting a lap dance from three strippers at once. I remember getting into a long "we miss Canada" conversation with Newton and a stripper who happened to be from Montreal, which culminated in a "I love you man" session with Davey Wayne... I remember telling Ash that I would make sure he was SWF World champion someday... I think I remember turning down a rather enticing offer from that stripper from Montreal... Those are just the random snapshots I remember... What happened between those snapshots? The quote about a good hangover came from Pete. He told me that fairly early in the evening, when I tried to tell him that two-fisting beers wasn't a good idea as I had work to do the next morning. He assured me that a good drunk was good for the soul. And a really good hangover is like a religious experience, because it makes you glad to be alive. Its easy for him to say - he drinks constantly and never seems to get drunk. Maybe I'll get Pete back by feeding him to "the cousin" first of all... Thursday, Week 2, November 2008 Avatar[/quote] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;662306]I demand a full refund for all of my Jack Bruce merchandise. Or you will hear from my lawyer. Actully like the turn and your right I think he would have been lost in the shuffle as is.[/QUOTE] You will have to contact the SWF.com website regarding refunds... Which reminds, I do have some new merchandise to hock... [QUOTE=ampulator;662322]By the way, Bigpapa42, how are your profits so far?[/QUOTE] A bit inconsistent month to month, but always solid. Sitting at around $46.5m right now, but that will probably drop to about $42-43m by the end of the month. Which would still be a profit of about $2m for the month. The smallest monthly profit I've turned was about $675k, and the most was $3.1m. I basically don't have to worry much about money at all. Don't even bother to look at the finances screen all that often. That paragraph is probably going to make me hated by everyone struggling for money with a smaller promotion...
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;662335] A bit inconsistent month to month, but always solid. Sitting at around $46.5m right now, but that will probably drop to about $42-43m by the end of the month. Which would still be a profit of about $2m for the month. The smallest monthly profit I've turned was about $675k, and the most was $3.1m. I basically don't have to worry much about money at all. Don't even bother to look at the finances screen all that often. That paragraph is probably going to make me hated by everyone struggling for money with a smaller promotion...[/QUOTE] Must be tough, BP. :p
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: New Jack Bruce Merchandise![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWeb.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] It's Showtime! For every fan of the Long Island Angel who want to show support for their favorite Supreme Legend and his new disposition, we have a great new piece of merchandise available immediately. There is no chance than any fan gets overlooked in this bright piece of Showtime! Like every piece of Supreme Wrestling Federation clothing, this shirt is made from the highest quality cotton. Size available range from XS to XXXXXXL, with a XXXXXXXXL available by special order for our biggest fans. Order now and get a special discount. Watch for other great upcoming new merchandise releases, including a Marc DuBois "The Evolution" beach towel, a Sean McFly stretch doll, and a Christian Faith tooth brush holder. [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/Merch/JackBruceTieDyecopy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[CENTER][FONT=Arial][SIZE=6]TEW.com - The Supreme View[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TheSupremeView.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Saturday Week 4 October, 2008[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] is one of the foremost wrestler journalists in the business and perhaps the most respected critic of the Supreme Wrestling Federation in the world. Having covered the world's biggest wrestling promotion for years, Marshall has unequaled insider connections, which makes him privy to information that can't be found anywhere else. His highly-respected [B]The Supreme View[/B] column is available only totalextremewrestling.com. Marshall is a regular forum contributor on the exclusive Grey Dog Wrestling forums.[/quote][CENTER]__________________[/CENTER] [quote] [B][U]Supreme TV[/U][/B] I'm always suspicious of when authority figures make reasonable pronouncements. I mean, I know it's their job, but after all these years, it seems like a set-up for something down the line. * Jay Chord got his ass handed to him in that triple threat match, didn't he? Who'd he upset that he got made the punching bag in that match? I mean, okay, he was the weak man of the six, but way to make it obvious. * I enjoyed the hell out of the singles triple threat - all three men are hot prospects, and Deeley is (for me) Most Likely to Succeed. * Nuke beats Swoop. Or is it Nevada Nuclear? Is anyone keeping track? * When Peter Michaels complains about the three-ways, it's a sign that things are getting a bit convoluted. Still, the action was good - and each week brings us closer to Silverbacks/New Wave with time for the match to breathe. Thoughts like that prevent me from switching over to MHW. * Wild six-man = Good Money/Bruce = Better Money/Gilmore = Best That's how it goes, folks. STV this week was all build - and there's not much wrong with that. If they can make it a bit less obvious, then I'd have nothing to complain about - but I guess that's why Legends goes on later in the week, right? [B][U]Legends TV[/U][/B] I'm not a Puro fan, by and large, but Holmes/Diaz could change my mind. Rematch, please, with more than six minutes to make my mind up - one way or another. * Big Cat!!! * So, facing Rex would have been Pete Hall's worst match in a while, right? Is there a moral there, maybe? * On the one hand, I want to know who Dani Nevada's cousin is, as the chances are that SWF have picked up another talented worker. On the other hand, it might be Giant Redwood. I don't know that for sure, but it's a rumour I've heard. My sources are SWF based, not USPW... but Redwood may be interested in moving for one last shot at the very top. And, ultimately, we all know that Eisen and Avatar have a weakness for the big 'stars'. * Hey, look - it's Erik Strong! He survived the cut! Source C owes me $10. Shame C is Canadian. At the current exchange rate, I think that means I owe C... * Have I mentioned how much I'm enjoying Pete Hall's renaissance? I am. If ever I find myself with nothing good to say about SWF, remind me of that. * I've been keeping quiet about Frehley, for the most part, as he's never been a worker I especially care for. Still, at least this storyline has built to a pay-off. More on that regarding the PPV. * Christian has Faith. We know. We also think that unless the No DQ stip is designed to allow everyone on the roster to interfere, then a triple threat (another one!) win over JD Morgan and Runaway Train is a sight more impressive than beating Eric Eisen. But what do I know, right? [B][U]Break Like The Wind[/U][/B] So, the annual question: Has anyone explained to Richard Eisen where that show title comes from? * For the record, this show featured a Cage match, a six man ladder match, a four team elimination match, a six man match, a no DQ match, and a triple threat ladder match. Not everyone has to be on the PPV. Not every feud has to involve gimmick matches. In fact, given the number of gimmick matches on the last two pay-per-views, I'd like to see a six month ban on the word ladder on SWF programming, okay? * Kudos to Dawn for taking the bump with Giedroyc landing on her. That had to hurt - and it marked an innovative end to a good opener. We now have Badd Kompany set up as the #1 contenders to the belts, which should make for an entertaining set of promos, even if surely the two teams won't face off at the next PPV. * I like Brandon's new facepaint a lot. The match itself rather suggested that Brandon's in line for a push - and there's nothing bad about that. * Holmes/Frehley - awesome. I may not have seen much of Holmes' work, but I want to see more. And Frehley's 'back'. Hmmm. Given that his title run was a damp squib on the same level as Enygma's, and that he's got by on charisma and star quaity in a company that's increasingly about in-ring talent, it seems like this could be sink or swim time for Frehley - his last chance to make it at the very top of the card. * 'The Forsaken'? So, assuming that's Skull/Vengeance/Ares/Whatever, we have a lot of big men in the company, even allowing for the Eisen's long-established fondness. If it's someone else, well, can it at least mean the departure of Nuke Nevada? * A great tag match was coupled by the tremendous Money/Bruce turn. A heel Bruce is something we haven't seen - and some would say is long overdue. I'll just say that Bruce/Tornado should be interesting - and that the Supreme uppercard is just astonishing in terms of talent. Which rather brings us to the main event, doesn't it? Now, there was a huge problem with this from the start. Not only did we have two faces against one heel, the heel was also the most entertaining person in the build up to the match. There was never any doubt in my mind that Money would retain. I wonder what the general public thought? Did they see Money as being set to receive his comeuppance here? Answers on a postcard, please... Despite that, the lack of co-operation between Gilmore and Tornado was welcome - and logical. In fact, Money was exploiting it from the off, letting the two faces batter one another (and themsleves) as he largely played the waiting game. He was involved more than DuBois earlier, of course, but the tactics were similar. All in all, a stong pay-per-view, but I don't think it was the classic that some people are saying. Viewed in isolation, it was very good - but after the last few months it seemed like a half-step behind. Doesn't make it any the less good... just not as good. * Random notes: Is Money injured? He was pretty convincing in nursing those ribs - expect an update on Legends, if not Supreme. He may be sitting out the next few weeks of action, if Source A is to be believed. Chord in the doghouse? Jay has been complaining since day one, I'm told. He wanted out of development, he wanted into the Four Kings, he wants to be pushed higher up the card... Word reaches me that he's tried to go over Avatar's head, and in doing so has managed to alienate Avatar and Eisen both. The beating he took this week was a warning sign - and he may not be long for the company if he doesn't heed it. Who's Dani Nevada's cousin? I talked earlier about Giant Redwood, but another name has been thrown into the frame: William Hayes. This is as unconfirmed as unconfirmed gets... but after the success of Hall, Diaz and Holmes, don't count against it. Potter pleasing? I'm told that Hannah Potter has been the recipient of a lot of praise backstage for her performances and, let's be honest, her appearance. If she keeps up the hard work, it's thought that she has the most crossover potential of any of the new stars. Folks, that's it for now. Don't forget to check out the Grey Dog Wrestling forums. In the meantime, thanks for sharing the view from here! [CENTER][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] [B]The Supreme View[/B][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TotalExtremeWrestlingLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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Can I take it that Mr. Goldman's drinking may have been... inspired by one of my recent posts? ;) I did start trying to go through this diary recently just reading the Random Thought segments. I'll have to try and finish, and see how coherent it all is.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;662745]Can I take it that Mr. Goldman's drinking may have been... inspired by one of my recent posts? ;) I did start trying to go through this diary recently just reading the Random Thought segments. I'll have to try and finish, and see how coherent it all is.[/QUOTE] Yup, the Goldman bit was absolutely inspired by your diary. I quite enjoy doing little things to connect the diaries, and I'm glad someone picked up on it. Plus, he was intended to be "the cousin's" first victim anyway, so I thought that was a fun way to justify it. Re-reading all the Random Thoughts... ouch... Coherency and continuity will probably be lacking. I will often get lazy and fail to double-check stuff far too often. Enjoy, and let me know how it goes.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Generation Supreme Review[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TV%20Shows/Alt/SWFGenerationSupremeTV.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]SWF.com Review of SWF Generation Supreme - Saturday Week 2 November 2008[/CENTER] [/B] The future of the Supreme Wrestling Federation continue to be showcased every Friday night on C.A.N.N. Last night was another entertaining SWF Generation Supreme show, headlined with "The Evolution" Marc DuBois scoring a win in the threeway match. Also in action and taking wins were Los Diablos, Robbie Retro, Steve Flash, and Bart Biggz. If you did miss the action last night, check out SWF.com, where some of the best matches of every SWF Generation Supreme show will be available for download. [/quote][quote][B][CENTER]Partial Recap of Matches from SWF Generation Supreme[/CENTER] [/B] [B]The Samoan Wildboyz[/B] d. The Upper Class + Tokyo Underground [B]Badd Kompany[/B] d. The Keith Factor + Los Technicos [B]Marc DuBois[/B] d. Enforcer Roberts + ??? [CENTER][B]Overall Show: B[/B][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]The Fry Report Preview[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/FryReport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][I]Every week on The Fry Report podcast will provide the latest information on everything Supreme. News, rumors, and interviews, all brought to you by the incomparable Duane Fry.[/I] [B]Preview for podcast available Monday, Week 3, November 2008[/B] "Perhaps the greatest sign that a great pay per view has been put on is that the fans are eagerly anticipating the next Supreme TV to see the fallout. This time, there is plenty of fallout. Who is left to challenge Rich Money for the SWF World Heavyweight championship? Is Hard Cash in rough shape after his title defense? Where does this leave Angry Gilmore and Troy Tornado? What all was behind Jack Bruce turning on Sean McFly? We seem likely to find out at least some answers this week." "Expect SWF World Heavyweight champion Rich Money to be on hand and have something to say. When does the champ have something to say? There are rumors that his ribs are in tough shape and he might be out of action until the SWF Christmas Clash pay per view in a month. Will Emma Chas allow him the time off to recover? Or will the General Manager invoke the "championship clause" of the Supreme Wrestling Federation Charter, which would force Hard Cash to defend or vacate that title belt he loves so much? That would make a mighty ignoble end to The Beautiful Reign." "We will see on set of belts defending, as Sin Inc put their SWF World Tag Team championships on the line against The Keith Factor. Now, many fans might wonder why Greg and Matthew Keith would get a shot at those tag belts at this point, given that the promising duo have yet to win a match on Supreme TV? Well, you would have to direct that question at Joe Sexy and John McClean, as the champions apparently specifically requested this match. Emma Chase surprised a few insiders when she went ahead and granted the request" "Speaking of Joe Sexy and Emma Chase, many fans will recall last summer on the Sexy Time chat show hosted by Joe Sexy where Emma Chase introduced the Supreme Wrestling Federation to "Big Money" Brandon James. A memorable introduction, and a painful one for Sexy. The General Manager of the Supreme brand is scheduled to be an "honored guest" on the Sinners Sanctuary segment hosted by Sexy and tag team partner John McClean. Could Emma Chase use this platform to shock the SWF again by introducing another new client? There is no indication this is the case, but even world-renowned wrestling announcers can dream..." "Jack Bruce will be in house at The Dust Bowl, though he's not scheduled to wrestle. Will the Long Island Angel tell fans why he chose to attack his tag team partner Sean McFly at the Break Like the Wind pay per view last week? Everyone are dying to know. Though it seems unlikely that any explanation will satisfy some of the fans who feel betrayed by Bruce turning on The American Tiger." "There is plenty of action on tap, including some of the top Generation Supreme talent. Not to mention a main event so exciting that I'm not even allowed to talk about it. This is a week you do not want to miss, either for the in-ring action or the fallout from Break Like the Wind." "Supreme TV is on C.A.N.N. every Tuesday night! The only wrestling on TV on Tuesday night..." [/quote][B]The Fry Report will be available on SWF.com or directly from iTunes.[/B] [quote]A special feature for the Fry Report... A preview of the matches lined up for Supreme TV this week! [COLOR=Blue]The Keith Factor[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Sin Inc[/COLOR] for the [B]SWF World Tag Team Championships[/B] [COLOR=Red]Steven Parker[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Troy Tornado[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Randy Bumfhole[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Jay Chord[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Nevada Nuclear[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Blood Elderberry[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Giedroyc[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Remo[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Casey Valentine[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Sean McFly[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]???[/B][/COLOR] vs [B][COLOR=Red]???[/COLOR][/B] [/quote][/FONT]
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A special feature for the Fry Report... A preview of the matches lined up for Supreme TV this week! [B]The Keith Factor[/B] vs Sin Inc for the SWF World Tag Team Championships [B] Steven Parker[/B] vs Troy Tornado Randy Bumfhole vs [B]Jay Chord[/B] Nevada Nuclear vs [B]Blood Elderberry[/B] Giedroyc vs [B]Remo[/B] Casey Valentine vs[B] Sean McFly[/B] ??? vs [B]???[/B] Yeah.. Mm.. .. Picking up the heel.
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The Keith Factor vs [B]Sin Inc[/B] for the SWF World Tag Team Championships The Keith's are destined for belts in the future, but they aren't winning them here. Inc. cheats to give them a little more sympathy. Either that, or they get close to winning, before a DQ finish sets them away, whether by Inc's cheating, or via attack from one of Inc's many rivals. Steven Parker vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] A decent "stay featured" match, until Tornado's next program kicks in. [B]Randy Bumfhole[/B] vs Jay Chord Similar process here. [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] vs Blood Elderberry Neither have done jack**** since signing, but I figure Nuclear's atleast introduced to the fanbase, whereas they probably currently see Elderberry as "That Lead guy that we didn't care about, back he was winning.." As a side-note, I just don't see the Black Label Fight Club going anywhere, cool name or not. Elderberry's a pretty damn good brawler though, it might be worth a shot to break them up, and maybe move him to Legends. Him vs. Pistol Pete could make a fine rating. Giedroyc vs [B]Remo[/B] A tough test for Giedroyc..which I'd have to assume he'll fail..sorry, Jack, The Wrath Of God shant be felt tonight. Casey Valentine vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] What's with all these Upper Carder's sqaushes? What is this, WWF Superstars?! :P [B]???[/B] vs ??? You don't like upsets very much. Bigger name wins it.
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The Keith Factor vs [B]Sin Inc[/B] for the SWF World Tag Team Championships [I]Agree with Zeel-1, Keith's may well win these belts sometime in the future but not right now. They wont suddenly go from not winning a match to becoming Tag champs in a blink of an eye. Then again I thought Badd Kompany had no chance of winning the contenders match at Break Like The Wind[/I] Steven Parker vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] [B]Randy Bumfhole[/B] vs Jay Chord [I]Both Parker and Chord may be members of Remember Tomorow, but do they actually remember how to win in the present. Both will job (again) to their more established opponents.[/I] [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] vs Blood Elderberry [I]The Nuke actually gets a win here, because Elderberry (and his tag partne for that matter) have turned into pure job fodder. [/I] Giedroyc vs [B]Remo[/B] [I]The only faces I can see Remo possibly losing to on the Supreme Brand right now are McFly, Gilmore and Tornado...anyone else hasn't got a chance.[/I] Casey Valentine vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] [I]Squash to get McFly back on the winning track.[/I] ??? vs [B]???[/B] Yeah.
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[QUOTE=Zeel1;663193][B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] vs Blood Elderberry Neither have done jack**** since signing, but I figure Nuclear's atleast introduced to the fanbase, whereas they probably currently see Elderberry as "That Lead guy that we didn't care about, back he was winning.." As a side-note, I just don't see the Black Label Fight Club going anywhere, cool name or not. Elderberry's a pretty damn good brawler though, it might be worth a shot to break them up, and maybe move him to Legends. Him vs. Pistol Pete could make a fine rating. [/QUOTE] Black Label Fight Club are pure jobber fodder at the moment, though that will not necessarily always be the case. They are very gradually getting over, and they now have A tag experience. Elderberry has improved, while Bonham a bit less so, but both have more value to me as a team right now than individually - even if they are mostly just losing. As well, the tag division on the Supreme brand is slowly heading towards a bit of a shake up. Not huge, but a bit. In regards to the show overall, I overbooked again. I keep leaving out the midcard and lower talent for all upper mids and main eventers. Its just not necessary. The Parker-Tornado match could have been a main event, or at least semi-main event, on a fairly solid show. And its the second match here. The size and talent of the roster right now let me do this without it hurting, but its overkill. I have to be more careful. Also, the mention of Emma Chase and Joe Sexy on "Sexy Time" in the Fry Report was a nod to Phantom Stranger's most excellent Philly Power Pro diary. Cornell Verse Diary of the Month for June. Congrats to PS!
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