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CZCW: Expanding the Coastal Zone

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Well guys, I happen to have some more time on my hands now that I don't feel bad being on the computer while my girlfriend is here; ha ha. So I'm giving my CZCW dynasty another go. Rather than revive the one I had only just begun in June/July, I'm going to start a new one. This time I'm trying something different...I've made a website and I'll be posting news, results, rosters, etc on there as well as some info inside this thread. I will of course include a link to the website each time I update it with some back story on what exactly was updated. Now if you guys had started to follow my first CZCW dynasty for 2008, you'll notice that the opening story is the same, but I liked how I started the dynasty, so I decided to keep it. I've almost got the site fully operational right now, with only a few minor pages to build. So here's the link with the opening back story already on the main page. Let me know what you guys think! ======== [URL="http://czcw.clabobby.com"]Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling[/URL]
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Cliff and I met up at my apartment the next day to discuss the fine details about my new job. First off we went over the state of the industry and economy. The economy was in a state of dismay after the Christmas Season. It was very weak and still seemed to be falling towards rock bottom. With rising gas prices, it didn't look like it would be turning around any time soon. The industry on the other hand was still very strong with a lot of interest. it did seem as though it was in a downward trend, but at the moment it was very strong. Next Cliff said he wanted to give me his blessing in doing what I felt was right, but as owner of the promotion he still needed some form of control. So he came up with a set of goals to rate my performance and get his preferences straight. First off and most importantly he was giving me two full years to keep the company ranked as #19. I told him it shouldn't be a problem. Next he said he had his preferences on workers and felt I needed to follow the guidelines he came up with. He said the promotion's product was built on the modern day fast paced style of wrestling and that wrestlers with low stamina shouldn't be on our roster for at least the next two and a half years. Next he said that workers that get injured easily and often would be hard to get over with the fans and wanted no part of them for a year or so. Finally he said that unsafe workers shouldn't be wrestling anywhere, especially here. So for the next twenty months, they wouldn't be. I agreed with all of his terms, like I had much choice, and then moved on to my spiel. I told Cliff I liked the product as modern day style as that was what I was accustomed to working, but felt like we could alter it a bit and make it a bit better. He was a little weary of this until I fully explained myself. I told him with our current product, we probably wouldn't get many sponsors to put much faith in us, so I wanted to get more backing by making us look unstoppable. I also felt like we might be able to draw better and put on higher rated shows if our performers were able to get over based on their in-ring abilities and not their popularity. This would also help us produce our own stars in due time. He gave me the nod for this and told me he'd stop me if he felt like I'd drive away fans with my alterations. I explained my feelings on having shows at the end of the month instead of at the beginning and shortening them to an hour and a half so we wouldn't be overusing talent. He agreed and I moved to my next idea. I liked most of their event names, but felt liek a few of them were too old school. So I proposed a few changes I had already come up with and named a few extra shows I wanted to change but hadn't come up with anything on. He was a bit nostalgic with this and wanted to keep them, but finally caved and gave me the okay. So we both had our original agreements in place with each other. Now it was time to get to work. I had already made some calls to guys I had worked with on the independents the night before and luckily most of them fell within Cliff's restrictions. I had also called up a bunch of promoters in the US to talk about getting some working agreements in place so that our talent couldn't get signed away. I hoped to get some calls back on both aspects soon. Cliff and I parted ways with a little under a month for me to study the roster, talk to the guys and gals and get a card in place for ReVolution at the end of January. I went back to my apartment and grabbed my laptop to begin updating the website and drawing up a flier.
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Some big news has come in out from Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling involving one of their top stars, new members of the roster and more! What big star has left for bigger things? Who could be appearing at ReVolution? All this and more at the official website of [URL="http://czcw.clabobby.com"]CZCW[/URL]
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CZCW has released the tentative line up for their upcoming show ReVolution. The show is scheduled to take place the last Saturday of January at The Snake Pit. The card can be viewed at their official website [URL="http://czcw.clabobby.com"]CZCW[/URL] by going to the Upcoming Event link on the left side of the page. The card is headlined by a huge four corners match to determine a new CZCW Champion after the title was left vacant by the departing James Prudence. Both of CZCW's other championships will also be on the line as well.
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CZCW presented their first show of 2008 last night with ReVolution. A new CZCW Champion was crowned, a surprise debut was made. All of this and more can be found at the [URL="http://czcw.clabobby.com"]CZCW website[/URL] under the "Revolution" link on the left side of the page!
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January is in the books. It was a little bit of a shaky start for me here in CZCW but I feel like I'll bounce back. No contracts to deal with and networks weren't negotiating so the only things I concentrated on this month was bringing in some new talent. We did have one incident backstage at the show when Jakki played a prank on Little Miss Sunshine. It got out of and and I had to sit Jakki down. i gave her a stern warning and it seemed to get through. About two hours before ReVolution I got a call from Marv Statler saying he and Dean Waldof had agreed to come work for us. I've posted my notes from around the industry for the month of January. It can be viewed at the [URL="http://czcw.clabobby.com"]CZCW Website.[/URL]
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CZCW is happy to report that they will be airing their product on television starting in March. CZCW Head Booker Tyler Justice closed the deal with Los Deporte Hoy late last night. This announcement is huge for the promotion. Though their product will only be available in the South West and parts of Mexico, this is a huge step forward for CZCW. While details have yet to be finalized, the new show, Flatline, will air Wednesday nights at 10 PM PST. Be sure to tune in at the beginning of March when CZCW is sure to deliver huge things in their TV debut! Also, the tentative card for CZCW's February show, Vendetta, has been released and is available at the official [URL="http://czcw.clabbobby.com"]CZCW website[/URL]
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CZCW Vendetta took place last night from The Snake Pit in the Southwest region and what a night it was. Jacob Jett makes his in ring debut, another star jumps to SWF and the CZCW Xtreme Title is on the line. The official write-up can be viewed at the [URL="http://czcw.clabobby.com"]CZCW website.[/URL]
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Cliff came over to my apartment on Monday to go over our performance for the month and other things. First off was the state of the industry. The economy was still weak and getting worse. The industry was fairly strong but starting to decline. Even with the bad economy we were still able to make roughly 20k from our sponsors and other income. Next Cliff and I went over our plans for our first television show and a general direction for our next monthly event, Uprising. We talked for a couple of hours and came up with a direction we wanted to go. Now that we were running weekly shows it would make it easier to develop feuds and hype for our monthly events. Next I went over my notes from the industry. That can be viewed on CZCW's official site [URL="http://czcw.clabobby.com"]here.[/URL]
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CZCW has agreed to Pay Per Appearance deals with independent stars Cal Sanders and Sam Pratt this morning. Both will be at Flatline and available to make their in-ring debuts.

Sam Pratt came to fame as The Calamari Kid in SWF, joining Lobster Warrior's Underwater Union. Unfortunately for Pratt that stable broke up in 2007 and Pratt was not renewed in August. Since then he's been plying his trade on the independents, primarily working for SOTBPW.

Cal Sanders has been around the independents for a while and has finally landed steady work here in CZCW where he might achieve his true potential.
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CZCW presented Flatline at the SOLD OUT Junkyard. What former SWF star made his debut in impressive fashion? Donnie J and Jacob Jett have set the stage for their match at Uprising, what could they do to each other this week? Also in action was Tyler Justice, Mikey James, Insane Machine and more! View the full write-up at the [URL="http://czcw.clabobby.com"]Official CZCW website.[/URL]
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CZCW Head Booker Tyler Justice announced today that he would begin training upstart individuals looking to break into the business. Assisting Tyler in the training of these individuals will be numerous members of the CZCW roster. These men include Donnie J, Sam Pratt, Plague and Ultimate Phoenix. A full training regiment comes at a cost of $2000. Each student that graduates is guaranteed at least a six month Pay Per Appearance contract with CZCW to get their foot in the door that is the wrestling business. Anyone interested should email Tyler Justice at [email]tjustice@czcw.clabobby.com[/email] Tyler stated that he had been training three individuals prior to his taking over the head booker position of CZCW. He feels as though five is the best number for the facilities and time available to him, so act fast.
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[QUOTE=TheBrockLock;504983]Have you had Los Deportes Hoy complain about your ratings yet? Every time i use CZCW they complain about my ratings damn does the make me mad.[/QUOTE] They haven't complained yet, but I am waiting for it. Were you getting the same 0.00 ratings?
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[QUOTE=Clabobby;504985]They haven't complained yet, but I am waiting for it. Were you getting the same 0.00 ratings?[/QUOTE] Yup, they let me run a months worth of shows and complained about it then thye dropped me and then 6 months later picked me up again this time i was getting like .03 ratings and I guess they were happy.
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