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DOTM Joint Nomination Thread - September

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[QUOTE=Wildfire1324;499000]Would anyone object to me requesting that my NWA:Beyond the Glory and my TNA: All's FAIR in Love and War be nominated as one diary? Its meant to be the same story told from the perspective of two different companies so its really one big diary. If its okay, then cool, if not, well then you're all soulless bastards...er...I mean...that's cool too. :p[/QUOTE] no probs, one big diary, two little diaries, I don't give a s**t, they're both kick @$$
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;498818]Couple of 2nd's In the Cornellverse category- Rob 4590's TCW: Failure is Not an Option and in the rookie category D-Lyrium's - Rhode Island Pro Wrestling.[/QUOTE] I forgot to give reasons as to why I'm seconding these diaries, well D-Lyrium's appear to be officially seconded already...but anyway it shows a lot of promise, with some unique characters already popping up. As for Rob's TCW diary...I'm giving my vote to it, because he's a workhorse with consistant updates. That might not been reason enough to vote for his diary, but even with such rapid delivery, the quality of his work does not suffer.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;498992]Interesting that I was nominated for DOTM rather than Rookie DOTM... I'll take whatever I can get, though. Thanks.[/QUOTE] Sorry for that, i must have counted the second page twice, I thought I counted 6 shows the first time through, second count comes up at 4 sorry about that, moved you back to rookie. [QUOTE=Wildfire1324;499000]Would anyone object to me requesting that my NWA:Beyond the Glory and my TNA: All's FAIR in Love and War be nominated as one diary? Its meant to be the same story told from the perspective of two different companies so its really one big diary. If its okay, then cool, if not, well then you're all soulless bastards...er...I mean...that's cool too. :p[/QUOTE] I'm split on this one, though the diaries are from the same story line, they are two pieces of work. As two diaries they are not eligible in the same category. Finally I think they are capable of standing on their own. On the other hand, you are an award winning writer, and anything that gives others the opportunity to win and get a litte recognition as well is a good thing. So I shall recognize your right as an author on this one. TNA-AFLW shall be considered part of NWA-BG, and thus is not eligible for rookie diary.
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My nominations: Realworld:- DSE81's "The New NWA" as chapter 2 has continued the Tradition of this strong diary. DSE, he continued produce his WWE style NWA show month after month, making this one of the strongest, and in my opinion most over looked real world diaries on the board Cornellverse:- Infinitywpi's "Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone " This Diary always has the goods! Rookie:Astil's "A Whole New World" As watchers diaries go, this one was infused with it's own personality and really should be recognized (also this is kick in Astil's pants to get back on it!)
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[QUOTE=mistaken;499059] I'm split on this one, though the diaries are from the same story line, they are two pieces of work. As two diaries they are not eligible in the same category. Finally I think they are capable of standing on their own. On the other hand, you are an award winning writer, and anything that gives others the opportunity to win and get a litte recognition as well is a good thing. So I shall recognize your right as an author on this one. TNA-AFLW shall be considered part of NWA-BG, and thus is not eligible for rookie diary.[/QUOTE] Thanks Mistaken. If anyone has a big issue with this, then by all means split them. I would prefer it to be counted as one but would completely understand if someone disagreed. Here is the link to the front page of TNA-AFLW if you want to post it up front. [url][/url] I also would like to second The New NWA by DSE81. He should definitely be recognized for the timely manner that he consistently puts out quality shows. Also thanks to Tizzyt and G-Prime for nominating me. :)
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;499153]Thanks for the nominations, guys, though I'm quietly boggling. If it goes on getting noms, DTF is technically a Real World diary - we even have two real workers employed - but is primarily... uh,... yeah...[/QUOTE] hmm, never said you were not a Real World dairy. but Cornelverse or realworld, DTF is still as rookie diary. So i stand by my classification on this one :p
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Just saw that I got a nomination from one of the board's best and wanted to say thank you. :) I hope people are digging my SWF as much as I dig some of the stuff on here. Cheap plug: We're only three shows away from our Wrestlemania, The Supreme Challenge. Check it out. :rolleyes: That said, I wanted to cast a nomination of Lazorbeak's EWF in the C-Verse catagory. I think his characters are great and I think he's really hitting his stride, storytelling wise. Give it a look-see if you haven't already.
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I believe I have now updated the front page to current. I hope there is a little more life in the Real World Category, I know alot have been started and not made it very far, hopefully there is more than those 3 out there right now though. :( great nominations so far!
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[quote=James Casey;499772]If this were EWB, of course, there would be no C-Verse nominations. And rookie diaries are often canned after a show anyway, so... :p I kid, but I like how strong the C-Verse is here.[/quote] EWB has no C-Verse nominations anyway. Outside of LUKIE's GCG, which is nicely done because it has the Puro style card spacing and all, but turning it to more Hardcore? Not in my GCG.
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