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Border-Line Wrestling: Evolution Or Revolution?

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“[B]Shooter” Sean Deeley[/B] vs “Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota for the BLW World Championship [I]Too early for SSD to lose the belt[/I] [B]Split Personality (Deano Machino & Insane Machine)[/B] vs Natural Storm (D.C. Rayne & Eddie Howard) for the BLW World Tag Team Championships [I]Ditto for Split Personality and besides the challengers are Natural Bland.[/I] “Vintage” Steve Flash vs [B]“Mr XFW” Frankie Future[/B] “[B]The V-Man” Vin Tanner[/B] vs “Ace Express” Rick Sanders [I]I'll go for these rival pairings to split these matches.[/I] “Dazzling” Dave Diamond vs [B]The Sensational Singh[/B] [I]Singh to get the win, with some help from Dermot.[/I] “The Triple Threat” Davis Wayne Newton vs [B]“The Bronzed God” Zeus Maxmillion[/B] [I]I really like DWN, but I think you may be doing a sort of 'can't quite' get the win gimmick for him at this moment in time, so I see Zeus getting the win on his debut.[/I]
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I'll hopefully have this show up tomorrow so that I can get to the bit that I really want to get to. In the meantime, more predictions would be welcomed with open arms... and if I don't get any then I'll simply edit this message and no-one will ever see that I was begging for more predictions. :)
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“[B]Shooter” Sean Deeley[/B] vs “Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota for the BLW World Championship [I]Deeley has serious untapped potential. Toobad he always wants to go to Japan[/I] [B]Split Personality (Deano Machino & Insane Machine)[/B] vs Natural Storm (D.C. Rayne & Eddie Howard) for the BLW World Tag Team Championships [I]The better team by far[/I] [B]“Vintage” Steve Flash[/B] vs “Mr XFW” Frankie Future [I]I hate going against my avatar, but Flash is a million times better in the ring than Frankie[/I] “The V-Man” Vin Tanner vs [B]“Ace Express” Rick Sanders[/B] [I]Both are bland midcarders, but I have a soft spot for Sanders.[/I] “Dazzling” Dave Diamond vs [B]The Sensational Singh[/B] [I]he really needs some success somewhere[/I] “The Triple Threat” Davis Wayne Newton vs[B] “The Bronzed God” Zeus Maxmillion [/B] [I]Both are underutilized in my promotion but this early, DWN is still paying dues.[/I]
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This diary feels easy to get behind. You develope your characters well. Sayeed reminds me of New Jack and Mark Smart strikes me as the guy who annoys the fans sorta like Stevie Richards when in Right to Censor however his character is good and not annoying to me as a reader. I think you should only have him try to spoil the shows for SWF or TCW or something. That would make it more interesting. Dont have him ruin the BLW cards. As for Shooter being the champ I think its a great choice however I think you need to put the belt on someone with a bigger name in the business. Now that Shooter is the champ though you should wait awhile before passing the belt on to someone with name value. I look forward to reading more and hopefully I will be able to get a good diary going soon.
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[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/FullSpeedAhead.jpg[/IMG] [i][u]In front of a live crowd of 129 fans in the Riot Act Club, New York [/u][/i] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ChristianBlack_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [b]Christian Black introduces the show[/b][/center] [b][u]Black:[/u][/b][i] “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Border-Line Wrestling!! Tonight we have two title matches as the new BLW World Tag Team champions Split Personality put their gold on the line against The Natural Storm!! And the BLW World Championship will be on the line as “Shooter” Sean Deeley squares off against another of the six men who were in the elimination match, the “Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota!! Both of those matches are sure to be awesome but before that we have several other matches, including the debut of this man, making his entrance to the tune of “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred and accompanied by his manager Jenny Playmate, ladies and gentlemen, this is Zeus Maxmillion!!”[/i] The crowd respond suprisingly badly to 90s pop music and boo Zeus the moment he struts from the back down to the ring, but they boo even more as he strikes a pose then turns and struts back with the same power walk. Jenny passes him on his way back using the same power walk, turning and flicking her hair as she reaches the ring before walking back to Zeus. They then both power walk down to the ring and strike a double pose that seems eerily familiar from Charlie’s Angels before finally getting in the ring as the song comes to an end. [b][u]RATING:[/u] D+[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ZeusMaxmillion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/JennyPlaymate.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]“The Triple Threat” Davis Wayne Newton[/u] vs [u] “The Bronzed God” Zeus Maxmillion[/u][/b][i] w/Jenny Playmate[/i][/center] This match starts off fairly quickly with Newton trying a quick roll up right out of the blocks that almost steals a win from Zeus, who poses the moment he gets back to his feet as if he meant that all along. The two men engage in a series of holds and counterholds, with Zeus trying to keep Newton’s head under control while Newton shows off his wrestling skills by finding a way out of each move. After a few more minutes of this the two men engage in a chop battle that Newton again gets the advantage on before hitting Zeus with a big right hand to the head that sends Zeus flying. Playmate is immediately up on the apron complaining to the referee about Zeus being hit in the face, saying that his looks are his job and that Newton shouldn’t be allowed to do that. Newton moves to send Playmate off the apron but is hit from behind by Zeus with a high knee that sets Newton up for the Thunder Bolt (Brainbuster) and then ultimately, the Olympian Clutch (variation camel clutch) that forces Newton to tap out. [b][u]WINNER:[/u] “The Bronzed God” Zeus Maxmillion[/b] [b][u]RATING:[/u] D-[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/PlayboyJakeSawyer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_Championship01.jpg[/IMG] [b] “Playboy” Jake Sawyer makes an announcement[/b][/center] Some opera music plays and the crowd know to expect the imminent arrival of “Playboy” Jake Sawyer. In one hand, as always, Sawyer has a glass of red wine but most notable is the championship belt strapped around his waist. He sloshes his wine around and takes a small drink just before he addresses the crowd, smacking his lips as he enjoys the taste of the wine. [b][u]Playboy:[/b][/u][i] “I know what you’re all thinking… it doesn’t match the suit, does it? But then, this belt isn’t for me. Don’t misunderstand, it IS mine but it’s not going to be sitting around my waist for long, as that would be a style nightmare. No, this belt is something that marks a new era, not just for Border-Line Wrestling, but for professional wrestling as a whole.”[/i] The crowd aren’t sure what to think of Sawyer as he talks so they give him a mixed reaction. On the one hand, he’s probably about to deliver something good but on the other he’s clearly not someone who can be easily cheered. Sawyer takes another sip of wine and continues talking. [b][u]Playboy:[/b][/u][i] “In two weeks time, BLW will hold it’s next show in thie very building… and indeed, in that very ring. But it won’t be any old show, there will be a tournament. The very first tournament of it’s kind in pro wrestling and one that will be an annual fixture for BLW for years to come. In one night, there will be eight men competing for this belt and for the right to call themselves a BLW champion. Now, what do you think about that?”[/i] A bit of a mixed reaction, tournaments are hardly a new thing… [b][u]Playboy:[/b][/u][i] “Oh, and did I mention that this belt, and the event, is called the King Of The Cage?”[/i] Now the crowd pop. [b][u]Playboy:[/b][/u][i] “I don’t know what it is about cage fighting but it feels so… violent. So… brutal. So… something I had to put together. Eight men, one night. A straight knock-out, hah, tournament to decide the King Of The Cage. Matches will take place over 3 five minute rounds and are decided by submission, knock-out or stoppage. In the event of a fight going to the time limit then it will go to the judges.”[/i] The MMA-style rules go over well with the crowd, there clerly seems to be more than a little crossover between wrestling fans and MMA fans, although quite how that will work out in terms of cage fighting is something that only time will tell. [b][u]Playboy:[/b][/u][i] “Now, I must confess that I haven’t drawn up the brackets for the tournament yet but I have almost narrowed down the field fo competitors to the eight men I want to compete. The six names I have so far are… “P-Dawg” Frankie Perex … Leper Mesiah … “The Submission King” Marc Speed … “The Bulldozer” Brandon Smith… “The Dragon” Mikey James… and “Hands Of Stone” Bradford Peverell… I can tell from your reactions that some of you can already see how great this line up is.”[/i] The crowd give a lot of mixed reactions to the names of the fighters as Sawyer looks really proud of himself for putting together a tournament like this. Another mouthful of wine sees him cough slightly as it goes down the wrong way, causing several of the fans who notice to laugh at him but he swiftly regains his composure. [b][u]Playboy:[/b][/u][i] “The last two competitors will be decided right now in a tag team match. As both teams seem like they would be viable competitors I thought this would be a fun little preview match. Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it will be….”[/i] [b][u]RATING:[/u] E+[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/Hidekazu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DynamiteNarahashi.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Burning Bridges (Fuse Hidekazu & Dynamite Narahashi)[/u] vs [u]Dirty White Boyz (Grease Hogg & Lead Belly)[/b][/u] [/center] The Burning Bridges make their way to the ring carrying the Japanese flag once again but with a serious look of intensity on both of their faces. The Dirty White Boys both make their entrances riding on their motorcycles and circle the ring a couple of times trying to intimidate their opponents as they rev their engines loudly in the club. When they finally get in the ring the match starts fast as both teams go for the all out brawling approach to things and quickly end up on the floor in front of the fans. Referee McArthuer doesn’t issue a count, perhaps for reasons we don’t know about, as the two teams brawl around the club floor and among the fans whenever possible. When the teams eventually get in the ring it is Hidekazu who picks up the advantage on Lead Belly, working over his knee with the only technical offense we see in this whole match. But after a couple of minutes of action like this the match breaks down again and we see all four men in the ring. Eventually it comes down to Dynamite Narahashi in the ring after a big press slam from Lead Belly and Grease Hogg follows finishes him off with a devastating Grease Spot (running knee strike) straight to the head of the downed Narahashi that gets the pinfall. [b][u]WINNERS:[/u] The Dirty White Boys[/b] [b][u]RATING:[/u] D-[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DermotOLogical.jpg[/IMG] [b]Sensational News From Sensational Singh… again?[/b][/center] “Dazzling” Dave Diamond has made his way to the ring and has a microphone in hand before his match with The Sensational Singh. [b][u]Diamond[/b][/u]:[i] “Four weeks ago at Fighting Spirit, I had a match with The Sensational Singh that he chickened out of because he or his stupid manager said that I was cheating when I crotched him on top of this turnbuckle. What a p****! I know, you know and the whole world knows that if you go high risk then you pay the price… so Singh, get your “fabulous” ass out here and stop trying to hide behind your little “trainer”, we’re going to settle this once and for all so that I can get back on concentrating on more important things… like the BLW World Championship.”[/i] Diamond looks ready to fight as The Sensational Singh and Dermot O’Logical make their way from the back. Unfortunately for everyone, Dermot has a microphone in his hand too. [b][u]Dermot[/b][/u]:[i] “Dastardly Dave Diamond, unfortunately for you your wish will once again not be able to come through tonight as my client here has pulled a [b]COUGH[/b][size=1]pose[/size][b]COUGH[/b] while competing in a recent body building event in Puerto Rico…”[/i] [b][u]Diamond[/b][/u]:[i] “Bull****!”[/i] [b][u]Dermot[/b][/u]:[i] “… and while he bravely carried on and won the competition…”[/i] Singh tries to pull a pose but winces in pain as he does so, prompting Dermot to gently stroke the areas Singh points to as being in pain. His arms mostly. [b][u]Dermot[/b][/u]:[i] “… I cannot in good conscience allow him to compete in a wrestling match with the likes of you, “Dastardly” Dave Diamond, knowing the depths to which you will stoop in order to win a match. I simply can’t allow it.”[/i] In response to Diamond’s call of shenanigans the crowd start their own chant of “Bulls***” that gets louder as Dermot tries to protect Singh’s ears from hearing such foul obscenities. [b][u]Diamond[/b][/u]:[i] “No-one in this arena believes a word of your crap Dermot, I know that Singh is running scared of me because he doesn’t want to lose again.”[/i] [b][u]Dermot[/b][/u]:[i] “That isn’t true “Dastardly” Dave Diamond, he really isn’t able to wrestle tonight. But to prove our good faith and to make sure you get paid whatever meagre amount of money that Master Sawyer has deemed you worthy of receiving when you wrestle, I have brought along with me another client of mine.”[/i] [b][u]Diamond[/b][/u]:[i] “This ought to be good…”[/i] [b][u]Dermot[/b][/u]:[i] “I have been training this man for years in the arts of good skin care and personal hygiene, he is practically a disciple of mine. Thanks to the skills and techniques I have taught him he has been able to train harder and for longer while maintaining a perfect complexion thanks to his regular routine of exfoliating, cleansing and toning on an hourly basis…”[/i] [b][u]Diamond[/b][/u]:[i] “Cut to the chase Dermot, if I’m not wrestling Singh and I’m not wrestling you then who the hell am I wrestling tonight?”[/i] [b][u]Dermot[/b][/u]:[i] “Very well, “Dastardly” Dave Diamond, if that is your wish. The man you will be wrestling tonight doesn’t want me to use his real name so instead I shall refer to him by the first thing I called him when I saw him. “Dastardly” Dave Diamond, your opponent tonight is…. [b]The Big Problem![/b]"[/i] [b][u]RATING:[/u] D-[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/TheBigProblem.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/KashmirSingh_alt12.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DermotOLogical_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Dazzling” Dave Diamond[/u] vs[u] The Big Problem[/u][/b] [i][size=2]w/Sensational Singh & Dermot O’Logical[/i][/center][/size] Diamond can’t believe the sight of the man who makes his way down to the ring, a monstrous 6’10”, 390 lb behemoth of man. The Big Problem lumbers up to the ring apron where he is met with a running dropkick from Diamond that sends him back down to the floor but not off his feet. Diamond quickly climbs the turnbuckles as the crowd chant “You’re The Big Flop” at Problem, Diamond waits a moment and then flies with a big cross body that would fell any normal man but has no effect on Problem who catches Diamond and then throws him back into the ring before stepping over the top rope and into the ring himself. Diamond looks like he doesn’t know what to do as he tries to evade the big man, ducking out of his grasp and trying to pound on him with some big forearms that seem to bounce off him. The next couple of minutes consist of Diamond trying to work out how to take him down before he finally connects with a chop block that sends Problem down to one knee briefly. A second one keeps him down longer and Diamond tries to change his attack plan as he shoots off the rope only to run into a massive hand from Problem, who wraps it around Diamond’s throat. The crowd boo as Diamond is hoisted up into the air and then driven down into the mat with a huge choke slam, making the three count academic. Singh and Dermot look more than pleased at ringside, with Singh “forgetting” about his injury as he jumps with glee at Diamond’s misfortune. [b][u]WINNER:[/u] The Big Problem[/b] [b][u]RATING:[/u] E+[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_Tag01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Split Personality (Deano Machino & Insane Machine) © [/u]vs[u] Natural Storm (Eddie Howard & D.C. Rayne)[/u][/b] [i]For The BLW World Tag Team Titles[/i][/center] Just two weeks ago at Brothers In Arms it came down to these two teams as the last two teams standing in the ladder match to crown the first BLW World Tag Team champions. DC Rayne was hit with the Cradle To The Grave (cradle piledriver) off the ladder and Insane Machine climbed the ladder to win the belts. Tonight, those two teams square off in tag action and both teams are still selling injuries from that match, with Rayne in particular selling his neck being in pain. The match focuses on this heavily, with Split Personality quickly doing their best to isolate Rayne from his partner and targetting his neck with some stiff chops and kicks when they can. Rayne is clearly in pain as Eddie tries to get the crowd on his side to get the tag but Insane Machine is… well, he’s machine-like as he and Machino cut the ring in half. Several tags are teased but either the referee doesn’t see them or Rayne is cut off and Howard is left on the apron for a long time. The eventual hot tag sees Rayne come in like a house on fire as he knocks down the champs with big punches and clotheslines before locking each man in the Transgenderizer (testicular claw) before he’s forced to release the hold by Referee McArthuer. Split Personality miss a double clothesline only to be taken down by a double clothesline from Howard as he gets fired up, tagging in his partner so that they can each send one of the champs over the top rope with a clothesline of their own. Eddie and Deano Machino crash hard to the floor but Insane Machine shows incredible balance as he lands on his feet, something Rayne is completely unaware of. Machine sneaks back into the ring as Rayne gets himself into position for a vaulting body press to aid his partner but he gets caught in the back of the head with a brutal Termination Kick (superkick to back of the head). Rayne bounces backwards off the ropes and crumples into the middle of the ring as Insane Machine makes a quick cover and picks up the pinfall. [b][u]WINNERS:[/u] Split Personality[/b] [b][u]RATING:[/u] E+[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/HonestFrank.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/RickSanders.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Truth Hurt Your Ears[/b][/center] “Mr XFW” Frankie Future and “Ace Express” Rick Sanders make their way down to the ring and as ever, they seem to have been given a house microphone to help them make their point. They are now both wearing matching outfits, long tights with the phrase “The Truth Hurts” on one leg and the names of the XFW, DAVE, RPW and PPPW on the other leg, all crossed out… [b][u]Future:[/u][/b][i] “Tonight, we finally put an end to two of the most over-hyped legacies in professional wrestling when I, Frankie Future, and “Ace Express” Rick Sanders face off against Steve Flash and Vin Tanner in this very ring. For those of you who haven’t been paying attention or who have been manipulated into believing the lies, these men are not the heroes you believe them to be. In fact it is them, along with guys like Nemesis, Shawn Gonzalez, Johnny Martin and Phil Vibert himself that have deliberately and purposefully made it their life’s work to ruin the careers of guys like myself and Rick. Honest, hard working, blue collar guys.. the kind of guys who never worked backstage politics in our own favour, the kind of guys who never stabbed anyone else in the back to get ahead in life, the kind of guys who [b]deserve[/b] to be stars but who could never get that shot because of guys like Vin Tanner and Steve Flash!”[/i] The crowd boo Future as they all know that Steve Flash is one of the nicest guys in pro wrestling and has been for pretty much his entire career. Whether the same applies to Vin Tanner or not is another thing but since Tanner hasn’t been a major champion for a very long time it seems unlikely that he is a major backstage politician, at least in any serious way. [b][u]Sanders:[/u][/b][i] “Over a decade ago I was discarded by Johnny Martin like I was nothing more than garbage. Without me, he never woulda even got noticed. He would’ve been just another indy worker struggling to get over, just another face in an increasingly large crowd. He was never a great wrestler, not even at his peak and it was always me that carried the team. I took the bumps, I weathered the storm and then when I had worn down our opponents he would come in and pick up the pieces. Johnny Martin was nothing but a glory hound and when he finally realised that I was getting sick of carrying him, he abandoned me. It should’ve been the other way around, I should’ve become the darling of the indy scene. Me!!”[/i] [b][u]Future:[/u][/b][i] “You see, tonight this is for the casualties of the East Coast War. The men who gave it their all and were thrown away when the war ended. The forgotten men who should’ve been stars but who couldn’t play the politics game as well as the men who betrayed them. Tonight, this is for all the broken promises that were made back then… I, Butcher. JJ Coles. Sandy Townsley. Lance Henderson. Colossus, the list goes on. While the wrestling world moves on and forgets about you, we will never forget what you done. While Vibert and co may have tried to bury you in the past with lies and false promises, we promise that The Truth will never let them forget. We are the truth… and tonight we show Steve Flash and Vin Tanner exactly how much the Truth hurts.”[/i] [b][u]RATING:[/u] D[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/VinTanner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/HonestFrank.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/RickSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]”The V Man” Vin Tanner[/u] vs[u] “Mr XFW” Frankie Future[/u][/b][i] w/Rick Sanders[/i][/center] It didn’t take long for the crowd to realise this wasn’t the match that had been announced before the show and they quickly turned on it as Future and Sanders began brawling outside the ring, forcing the two hardcore brawlers to move the match into the ring just in case. Tanner pulls out his usual tricks as he cheated whenever necessary to gain the upperhand, letting his trademark pokes to the eye do much of his work for him whle Future let his wrath be felt whenever he is on the offense. Sanders makes his presence felt with a few little trips and this brings out Steve Flash early on to counter his presence at ringside A big spinebuster from Future has him in control for a while before a poke to the eye brought Tanner back into things, and set him up to be in control and looking for the win with a V For Victory (spinning face first suplex) while Flash and Sanders yell at each other on the floor, leaving enough time for Citizen X to sneak in and grab Tanner’s leg to block the move for Future. Tanner turns and aims a kick through the ropes at X that fails to connect and X responds with some taunts and a shout of “Too slow old man”. Tanner never even sees the Frank-N-Hurter (roaring elbow) aimed at his temple as Future comes back off the ropes and nails him, allowing him to steal the victory. [b][u]WINNER:[/u] “Mr XFW” Frankie Future[/b] [b][u]RATING:[/u] E+[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/RickSanders.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]“Vintage” Steve Flash[/u] vs[u] “Ace Express” Rick Sanders[/b][/u][/center] Referee McArthuer tries to bring things under control quickly but has trouble keeping control of the five men in and around the ring. Future lays a couple of stomps to Tanner before Flash throws him bodily over the top rope, landing square at Citizen X’s feet while taunts Tanner from ringside. Sanders takes quick advantage of this to clobber Flash from behind and begin their match while X and Future are sent to the back by McArthuer who seems determined to gain authority. Tanner groggily gets to his feet while the referee tries to throw him out, allowing Sanders to blatantly cheat with a long choke that has Flash looking like his head might explode if he’s not careful. Tanner tries to help out but is told this is a match and he is being ordered to the back, which only succeeds in making him more angry before he finally rolls out and heads away. With the referee’s attention turned back to the match after the chaotic opening few minutes, Sanders begins to target Flash’s knee, clearly setting him up later on for the figure four leglock. Flash bumps and sells like a champ for Sanders as he does everything he can think of to work Flash’s knee, using the ropes, the ring apron and ultimately the ringpost to cause pain to Flash. Flash fights back when Sanders tries to wrap him up for a figure four around the ringpost, sending Sanders into the front row of the crowd. Flash then tries to quickly get to the top roe and leaps off with a double axe handle, but Sanders sees it coming and Flash lands on his feet, only for his knee to give out underneath him on landing. Sanders smiles a cruel smile and grabs a chair, prepare to waffle Flash with it but McArthuer grabs the chair from his hands before he can do the damage. Sanders argues with the referee which allows Flash the time to leap up to the ring apron and springboard back off it with a moonsault that gets the crowd on it’s feet. From there Flash gets both men back into the ring and begins to wrestle his way back into the match, deliberately avoiding being on his feet in order to rest up his knee. Flash wears down Sanders on the mat but Sanders gets to his feet and eventually breaks up the holds with a basement dropkick after creating the space via some stiff elbows to the midsection. Sanders senses his chance to strike and moves in for the figure four leglock, cinching it in after only a little trouble from Flash and now Flash is in serious pain. Every time Flash tries to get to the ropes Sanders pulls him back into the middle of the ring and Flash has to keep trying to do everything he can to avoid defeat. The referee almost counts Flash’s shoulders down a couple of times but he eventually manages to turn Sanders over in the hold, forcing him to break the hold of bear with the pain himself. Sanders is quick to get back on the offense and goes for another figure four but Flash rolls him up into a small package for a quick two count! Sanders is flustered by the quick offense as he charges in again only to be rolled into a schoolboy for another quick two count. Sanders throws a wild right as he tries to beat Flash to the punch but the punch is caught by Flash who explodes out with a Flash Bang (Rock Bottom) out of nowhere! Flash rolls on top of Sanders for the pin, clutching his knee in pain even as the referee issues the three count and calls for the bell. [b][u]WINNER:[/u] “Vintage” Steve Flash[/b] [b][u]RATING:[/u] C-[/b] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_WorldHeavy02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“Shooter” Sean Deeley © [/u] vs[u] “Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota[/u][/b] [i]For The BLW World Championship[/i][/center] Following on from a Steve Flash match is never easy but with Ota performing as well as he ever has and Deeley getting better with every match this match promises to be an indy classic. Deeley once again makes his entrance in very subdued fashion, keeping things slightly on the dull side of realism as he wears a hooded top over his wrestling singlet and with the BLW World Championship strapped firmly to his waist. Ota makes his traditional entrance, wearing all black as ever and entering to a traditional quiet Japanese song that probably doesn’t hold any significance to anyone in the building. Both men look focussed and this match looks to be a battle of traditional wrestling skill vs the fast paced exciting cruiserweight stylings of the Super Ninja. The match begins at a slow pace as Deeley looks to control the match with his familiar ground and pound tactics, hoping invariably to get a submission. Ota staves off Deeley’s lunges for takedowns with some kicks, knowing that Deeley’s amateur wrsetling background may make him susceptible to strikes like that. But it’s still Deeley who dominates the early going in this match as he takes Ota down with some fast takedowns and then wrestles him all over the ring trying to get an armlock or even a pinfall in the early going. Ota eventually breaks the cycle with a scintilating kick that catches Deeley going in for a double leg takedown. Deeley is rocked as Ota follows up with a series of open palm strikes that forces him back into the corner. Ota rocks the champ with some big forearms before being spun around. Deeley tries a European uppercut only for Ota to catch it in mid strike and then throw himself over the top ropes, locking in an arm bar on Deeley that has the champ in serious pain for the 4 ½ seconds the referee allows Ota to keep it locked in for. Deeley tries to put some distance between the two of them but as he turns back towards Ota he is caught with a springboard flying heel kick that knocks him silly and sees Ota pick up a two count. Ota wastes little time following up as he runs to the ropes and springboards off again, looking for the springboard moonsault but catching nothing but knees in the process. Deeley quickly puts Ota in lockdown and begins the task of wearing him down slowly by draining the air out of him, using a long series of head locks, chin locks and body scissors to ground Ota while knocking any cobwebs out of his own head. Ota fights his way to his feet with Deeley holding on to a waistlock, desperately trying to launch Ota over his head with a German suplex only to be blocked. Ota tries to spin his way out of the move and eventually builds up enough momentum to send Deeley through the ropes to the floor. Deeley looks briefly frustrated before Ota sails beautifully over the top rope with a massive plancha, reminding Deeley that this isn’t amateur wrestling and that anything can happen to you at any time if you aren’t paying enough attention. Ota plays to the crowd before getting the match back into the ring and trying to pin Deeley, only getting a two count. Ota drags both men to their feet but Deeley almost seems to rise from the dead as he grabs Ota and throws him clean over his head with a release belly to belly suplex that the crowd pop for. Ota recovers fast but gets caught with a second suplex and sent flying once more. Ota pops back to his feet as Deeley looks fired up and charges in blindly, only to be caught in the back of the head with a lightning quick Ninja Strike (running enziguri) from Ota. The crowd mark out hard as Ota goes for the cover but Deeley pops a shoulder out just in time. Ota looks like he can’t believe his luck as he quickly tries to work out what to do next. Deeley rolls onto his front and gets up to all fours in typical amateur wrestling style, doing his best to make sure he can’t be pinned. Ota sees a chance and moves in, trying to get Deeley to his feet but Deeley’s instincts take over and he charges forward, tripping Ota and locking in the Front Choke Lock as they fall together. Ota is flailing wildly, trying to do what he can to escape the hold but Deeley has it locked in deep and Ota is fading fast without oxygen. McArthuer looks for the submission and after bravely holding on Ota has to tap out, giving “Shooter” Sean Deeley his second successful defense of the BLW World Championship. [b][u]WINNER:[/u] “Shooter” Sean Deeley[/b] [b][u]RATING:[/u] C-[/b] [u][b][size=5]OVERALL SHOW RATING:[/u] D+[/b][/size] [QUOTE][b][u]Quick Results For BLW: Full Speed Ahead[/b] [i]129 people in the Riot Act Club[/u] Zeus Maxmillion & Jenny Playmate catwalk entrance, 3 mins (D+) Zeus Maxmillion defeated Davis Wayne Newton by Olympian Clutch, 7 mins (D-) Playboy Jake Sawyer announce King Of The Cage tournament, 5 mins (E+) Dirty White Boys defeated Burning Bridges by Grease Spot, 10 mins (D-) The Big Problem subbing for Singh, 6 mins (D-) The Big Problem defeated Dave Diamond, 7 mins (E+) Split Personality defeat Natural Storm (defense#1), 12 mins (D-) The Truth hype matches, 6 mins (D) Frankie Future defeats Vin Tanner by Frank-N-Hunter, 14 mins (E+) Steve Flash defeats Rick Sanders by Flash Bang, 15 mins (C-) Sean Deeley defeats Fumihiro Ota by Front Choke Lock (defense#2), 22 mins (C-) OVERALL: D+[/i][/QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/FullSpeedAhead.jpg[/IMG][/center]
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[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/center] [QUOTE]Captain’s Blog, Sometime After Full Speed Ahead Mood: Conflicted Listening To: “Big Girls Don’t Cry” by Fergie I can’t believe I didn’t notice sooner that I’d made a mistake on the flyers for Full Speed Ahead, promoting Flash/Future and Tanner/Sanders rather than Tanner/Future and Flash/Sanders. I had time to change it if I wanted to but to be honest, we’re still drawing such small crowds that I didn’t really think it would be worth it. Even so, with the bait and switch AGAIN on Singh/Diamond I should probably just deliver what I’m advertising from now on… maybe. But more importantly than all that though is the King Of The Cage tournament! While MMA fans probably won’t ever cross over to wrestling I know from experience that a lot of wrestling fans will cross over to MMA. By promoting a mix of the two I’m hoping to draw in fans of wrestling that also like MMA, so hopefully bringing fans in that I might not otherwise be able to get access to. NYC has, despite the legalities, a blossoming underground cage fighting scene so I should be able to get some great stuff for this. Plus… a tournament means I only need to promote a few guys on the one show, so it should not only add a good feeling of progression through the night but also be a cheap show. I’ve got a lot of plans for this so hopefully it’ll work. I want to be able to get fans on those upper balconies by Christmas this year as I think that’ll lend even more to the experience. With their retractable seating, awesome sound system and a bar, this place has to be one of the best wrestling venues in the entire country. The more fans I can pack in, the merrier. On the crunch side of things… we’re still losing lots of money. Not to worry though, we’re gaining fans and if I need to then I can lose a few of the highest earners. Until later blog, keep this between you and me. No-one else needs to know, eh? [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ChristianBlack_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [b][i]Christian Black[/center][/b][/i][/QUOTE]
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From: [b][u]ProWrestlingHits.com/[/u][/b] By: [i][u]Theodore Logan[/u][/i] [Quote][center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/EricTyler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BlackHatBailey.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/AlexBraun.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Veterans Making Way For New Generation[/b][/u][/center] The wrestling industry has recently been saddened to see the retirement of a number of stars over the last few weeks. While never World Champions for a major promotion, Eric Tyler, Black Hat Bailey and Alex Braun have all made major contributions to the wrestling industry throughout their many years in professional wrestling. Eric Tyler first came to fame as a major name for CGC in Canada but is best known for his run in DAVE where he was a major player for many years prior to his final runs with CGC and his current employers, the SWF. While he may only have had two matches with the company, it is rumoured that Tyler is going to be offered a backstage role with the company, perhaps as a road agent. Black Hat Bailey is best known for his run in the SWF where he was a three time North American champion during his decade with the promotion. Over the last few years he has been wrestling almost exclusively with the NYCW promotion where he has also been known to book for the company thanks to his friendship with the owner, The Stomper. Alex Braun is best known as one of the stars of the DAVE promotion before it folded in 2007. Braun was also noted for his role in the East Coast Wars where he was the last champion of RPW before it was absorbed into DAVE. Braun has also been a part of the PSW promotion in recent months since DAVE died and he has been continuing his successful team with Tank Bradley.[/QUOTe] [QUOTe][center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/EisakuKunomasu.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Duck Season!! Rabbit Season!! Tournament Season!![/u][/b][/center] It seems it’s tournament season in pro wrestling as NOTBPW recently held the 10th annual Ed Henson Tag Team Memorial Cup and PGHW held the annual Elite Series. With the small indy promotion BLW also gearing up to host their King Of The Cage tournament it seems that pro wrestling has decided to make March the month of wrestling tournaments. First up this month was NOTBPW, and they saw new winners of the Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup as Johnny Bloodstone and Dark Angel teamed together to win the tournament, defeating Dan Stone Jr and Jeremy Stone in the final. While the team had never competed together prior to the event it seems that NOTBPW have big plans for them in future and the duo may be seen teaming together more often as two of the main threats to the legendary Stone family. Just days later in Japan, PGHW held their Elite Series tournament at Night Of PRIDE 2008 in what will almost certainly be a show of the year candidate, featuring a match of the year candidate from Nobuatso Tatsuko and Bryan Vessey in the first round. Tatsuko also defeated Ray Diaz on route to the finals where he lost to Eisaku Kunomasu, who had a superb series of matches with wins over PRIDE Koiso and Tetsunori Yasuda. All in all, this was a great show and I recommend that any fans of wrestling, no matter what style you normally watch, should get a copy of this if you get the chance.[/QUOTE] From: [b][u]ProWrestlingHits.com/IndyNews[/u][/b] By: [i][u]Robert Greene[/u][/i] [Quote][center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Card For BLW: King Of The Cage[/b][/u][/center] Tournament season is in full swing in pro wrestling with PGHW and NOTBPW being joined by the young indy promotion Border-Line Wrestling in hosting a tournament in the month of March. BLW will soon be presenting their King Of The Cage tournament, an 8 man straight knockout tournament for the new King Of The Cage title. The MMA style competition is clearly designed to get a crossover audience from MMA into pro wrestling but I must admit I’ve got mixed feelings about the tournament, although I hope the company manages to pull it off because it could be something truly unique and interesting.[/QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/KingOfTheCage.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_Championship01.jpg[/IMG] BLW presents the first ever King Of The Cage tournament, to be held at The Riot Act Club in New York. The event will feature seven cage fight style bouts as eight men battle it out in single elimination tournament format to decide the first ever King Of The Cage. Fights will be contested over three 5 minute rounds with winners being decided by submission or knock-out, and if any fight reaches the time limit a panel of judges will decide the victor. Here are the four first round matches: [size=4][b]Fight 1[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BulldozerBrandon_alt5.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “The Submission King” Marc Speed[/u] vs[u] “The Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/u][/b] “The Submission King” Marc Speed is a youngster known for his ability to counter wrestle and, as the nickname suggests, to utilise deadly skill with submission moves. “The Bulldozer” Brandon Smith is a former amateur football player with explosive power who likes to deal heavy damage with slams and throws but is no stranger to wrestling when the need arises. While the size and strength advantage are clearly in The Bulldozer’s favour, Speed has the advantage in terms of sheer technique and this match promises to be an exciting styles clash. Will the Bulldozer be able to overwhelm his opponent or will he fall victim to Speed’s skill and be forced to make the choice “tap, nap or snap?” [size=4][b]Fight 2[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “P-Dawg” Frankie Perez[/u] vs[u] Grease Hogg[/u][/b] “P-Dawg” Frankie Perez is a young star in the making, known for his ultra intense, hard hitting style that mixes brutal martial arts kicks and innovative brutal submission moves. His fans know his to hit harder than anyone despite his relatively small size and this earned him his spot in this tournament. Grease Hogg earned his way in through a different road, fighting in bars around the country as he travels the country on his motorcycle fighting to earn extra money. He is known for his wild brawls, his passion in the ring and for never stopping fighting even when bleeding profusely. This match promises to be a hard hitting, violent affair that should be truly memorable. [size=4][b]Fight 3[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Hands Of Stone” Bradford Peverell[/u] vs[u] Lead Belly[/u][/b] “Hands Of Stone” Bradford Peverell is a former amateur boxer known for his charisma and his devastating left hook that has saw him win many matches. His recent performances in Puerto Rico have seen him gaining fame and accolades in recent months and he has made it known that he sees this tournament as a way to launch himself into the big time. His opponent however is Lead Belly, the other biker who has earned his spot through his underground fights in bars across the country. Lead Belly is a huge man known for his freakish power and tendencies towards violence so this match almost promises a knockout given the men involved. [size=4][b]Fight 4[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/MikeyJames.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “The Dragon” Mikey James[/u] vs[u] Leper Messiah[/u][/b] “The Dragon” Mikey James is a truly outstanding competitor, being a black belt in karate, a championship calibre kickboxer and a dedicated student of martial arts. He almost undoubtedly has the most dangerous feet of anyone in this tournament but he is seriously out-szed against his opponent and that will have to be a factor in this match. Leper Messiah is a monster of a man, perhaps the strongest man in the world and he brings all that raw power into the cage while also standing at 6 feet 8 inches tall. What Messiah lacks in technique he hopes his size and raw power will overcome and he is perhaps the biggest wildcard in this tournament, both literally and figuratively. [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_Championship01.jpg[/IMG] The semi-finals will pit see the winner of Match 1 against Match 2 later in the night, and the winners of Match 3 and Match 4 will face off after that. The final will see one man endure three cage fights in one night to be crowned the King Of The Cage in what promises to be a spectacular night of action, brought to you by Border-Line Wrestling. To get your tickets to this one night tournament, go to BorderLineWrestling.com or to The Riot Act Club. For only $6 you will be guaranteed to get more than your money’s worth!! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/KingOfTheCage.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [QUOTE][b][u]Quick Picks For BLW: King Of The Cage[/b][/u] Fight 1: "The Submission King" Marc Speed vs "The Bulldozer" Brandon Smith Fight 2: "P-Dawg" Frankie Perez vs Grease Hogg Fight 3: "Hands Of Stone" Bradford Peverell" vs Lead Belly Fight 4: "The Dragon" Mikey James vs Leper Messiah Fight 5: Winner Fight 1 vs Winner Fight 2 Fight 6: Winner Fight 3 vs Winner Fight 4 Fight 7: Winner Fight 5 vs Winner Fight 6[/QUOTE]
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Quick Picks For BLW: King Of The Cage Fight 1: "The Submission King" Marc Speed vs [B]"The Bulldozer" Brandon Smith[/B] Fight 2: "[B]P-Dawg" Frankie Perez[/B] vs Grease Hogg Fight 3: "Hands Of Stone" Bradford Peverell" vs [B]Lead Belly[/B] Fight 4: "[B]The Dragon" Mikey James[/B] vs Leper Messiah Fight 5:[B] BBS[/B] vs Perez Fight 6: Lead Belly vs [B]Mikey James[/B] Fight 7: [B]BBS [/B]vs Mikey James
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[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/KingOfTheCage.png[/IMG] [i][u]In front of a live crowd of 105 people at the Riot Act Club[/u][/i] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ChristianBlack_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [b]Christian Black introduces the show[/b][/center] The crowd on hand tonight isn’t the biggest that BLW has drawn but they are enthusiastic and several are wearing shirts related to BLW or to the BLW roster, showing that merchandise sales are doing pretty well over on the concession stand. In the center of the dancefloor is the wrestling ring, surrounded by an 8 foot cage and with no ring ropes in sight. Tonight isn’t about wrestling as we normally see it, tonight is something special in the history of BLW. Hopefully… [b][u]Black:[/b][/u][i] “Laaaadies and gentlemen, welcome to a unique event in professional sports, the first annual event brought to you by Border-Line Wrestling, the first ever King Of The Cage Tournament in which one man will go through three opponents in order to be crowned the first ever King Of The Cage!! All the matches tonight will be fought under Cage Fight Rules, with fights taking place over three 5 minute rounds with the first man to make their opponent submit or knock their opponent out will be declared the winner. In the event of a draw the fight will go to the judges, and those judges tonight are Referee Jez McArthuer who will have a close up view of the fight, myself Christian Black who will be watching the action intently from ringside and the man who runs BLW backstage, “Playboy” Jake Sawyer who will be watching on screens all night with multiple views of the action. So ladies and gentlemen, without further ado I present to you the first match on tonight’s card….”[/i] [center][size=4][b]Fight 1[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BulldozerBrandon_alt5.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “The Submission King” Marc Speed[/u] vs[u] “The Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/u][/b][/center] Round 1 of the first cage fight in BLW history starts fast as Brandon charges straight at Speed and takes him down to the mat hard, looking to end it quick as he tries to get to the mount and rain blows down. But Speed is smart and doesn’t panic as he gets himself into a defensive position and smothers The Bulldozer so much that he eventually backs off and demands that Speed gets back to his feet, which Speed does slowly. The two men stand up in the middle of the ring again as Smith tries to find an opening past an extremely defensive Speed, but only manages to land a few glancing punches past an effective guard. With time ticking on Brandon charges in again and manages to slam Speed to the mat and get some meaningful punches in before the bell rings to end the first round. The second round is more of the same as Speed tries to counter Brandon’s reckless charges, almost managing to lock in a guillotine choke only to be thrown overhead by Brandon and mounted into some rough punches. Speed manages to block some of them as McArthuer takes a close look, only to see Speed gets his legs up and try for a triangle choke himself that sees Smith quickly hit reverse gear and get back to his feet. Speed decides to stay on his back for a while and dare Smith to come to him but McArthuer eventually forces him up to his feet. Other than this exchange the round is pretty quiet, with most of the rest of the round taken up by mat wrestling where Speed seems to be in his element, defending against Smith and almost managing to pull out the odd arm bar only for Brandon to over power him. The third round opens with a signature charge from Brandon who is caught hard with a knee from Speed that surprises him. Speed turns the tables on Brandon fast and uses a single leg takedown on the bigger man and takes the match down to the mat. Brandon’s power sees him able to almost get to his feet but Speed’s tenacity stops him from being able to do it. Speed manages to get behind Brandon and uses an incredible takedown to get him into a crossarmbreaker with lightning speed. Brandon tries to use his power to bring his hands together but Speed has the hold in tight and the crowd chant loudly for him to tap, which he has to do a few seconds later or risk having his elbow dislocated. [b][u]WINNER:[/b][/u]Marc Speed via submission (cross armbreaker) at 1:45 in 3rd Round [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] D- [center][size=4][b]Fight 2[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “P-Dawg” Frankie Perez[/u] vs[u] Grease Hogg[/u][/b][/center] Hogg is the picture of intensity as he rides to the ring on his motorcycle, getting the crowd fired up for what is sure to be an intense match with one of the hardest hitters in pro wrestling. The match starts with Hogg feinting a charge and that draws a high head kick from Perez that almost certainly would’ve knocked Hogg out if he’d been moving in. Hogg shows some patience as Perez fires off some leg kicks before eventually shoving Perez back into the cage and try to fire off some right hands, although he is too close to get much behind them. Perez rifles off a lot of kicks over the rest of the round as he tries to fend off a number of charges from Hogg who protects his head while ramming Perez back into the cage repeatedly and that is how the first round plays out, with Perez perhaps ending up with a slight edge in terms of blows landed. Hogg seems to come out limping slightly into the second round but that doesn’t stop him from throwing big jabs that see Perez struggle to cope effectively with them. The jab provides a great distraction for Hogg as he manages to make a great charge and bodily left Perez off his feet and drive him hard into the cage. Hogg doesn’t let go though as he repeats the charge while Perez tries to escape, using his elbows futilely as he gets slammed hard to the mat. Perez tries to cover up to stop the blows raining down but Hogg’s shots are hard, precise and clearly well practised and Perez is getting pounded into the mat, leaving Referee McArthuer with no choice but to stop the fight as the bare knuckle punches could cause some real damage otherwise. [b][u]WINNER:[/b][/u]Grease Hogg via TKO (mounted punches) at 3:39 in 2nd Round [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] D+ [center][size=4][b]Fight 3[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Hands Of Stone” Bradford Peverell[/u] vs[u] Lead Belly[/u][/b][/center] Lead Belly gets the crowd fired up as he rides his motorcycle to the ring but Peverell equally gets the crowd going as he show some fast footwork and throws a lot of shadow punches going into the match. The first round sees Lead Belly try to use his side and power to intimidate Peverell but the smaller man show some quickness to duck some wild punches from Lead Belly, allowing him to get some great punches into Lead’s ribs and stomach that seem to at least slightly hurt the big man. Once more Lead Belly goes to the power game as he backs Peverell into the corner and launches some powerful blows into his stomach with his ham sized left hand. Peverell is clearly in pain but he uses his punches to wear down Lead Belly too, hitting him around the head and forcing him to take a step back. Peverell puts up a strong jab for much of the rest of the round, keeping Lead Belly on the end of it as the power man struggles to get close enough to utilise his main strength. The round ends with Lead Belly getting close enough to try a bear hug but it doesn’t have time to go anywhere. The second round sees both men come out firing on all cylinders as Lead Belly is barely beaten to the punch by Peverell as he lands with a scintilating 1-2 punch. Peverell can see that it has rocked the big man and works the angles, landing some jabs and trying to connect with big punches that are mostly blocked. Lead Belly fights back in the only way he knows how, charging in and using his power to overwhelm Peverell back against the cage but Peverell shows he isn’t completely without wrestling skill as he drops back from the charge and uses a drop toe hold to trip Lead Belly. He looks furious and quickly gets back to his feet and throws a monstrous right that Peverell ducks crisply and launches off a huge left hook that connects right on the temple. Lead Belly drops like a rock and Peverell doesn’t even bother to follow up, he already knows that McArthuer is about to call for a knockout on Lead Belly. [b][u]WINNER:[/b][/u]Bradford Peverell via knockout (Dream Left Hook) at 2:12 in 2nd Round [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] E+ [center][size=4][b]Fight 4[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/MikeyJames.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “The Dragon” Mikey James[/u] vs[u] Leper Messiah[/u][/b][/center] The mind games begin early in this one as Leper Messiah taunts Mikey from inside the cage, letting him know he’s got 15 minutes in which to inflict pain on him. Mikey tries to get in the cage but Leper charges the door and closes it on him forcing the ref to force him back in order to let Mikey into the cage. The first round starts and Leper stalks towards his opponent, trying to back him up into a corner only to have Mikey snap off a big front kick that almost connects. Mikey doesn’t look intimidated at all, in fact he almost looks over-confident in his own skills as he uses his educated feet to kick Leper in the legs, stomach and chest. But the height difference is significant, almost 12 inches, giving Messiah the advantage in reach too as he begins to throw some wild punches while he also whispers menacing words to Mikey and slowly backs him towards the cage. Mikey is aware of the danger but is finally caught by a huge clubbing blow from Messiah, a side lariat almost that sends Mikey to the floor. The crowd anticipate a barrage but Messiah says “Get up little fly, I’m not done yet” and Mikey gets back to his feet looking a little sore around the midsection. A second big lariat seems to drive the wind out of Mikey with the sheer force of impact, but when Mikey tries to fight from his back using kicks Messiah just tells him to get back to his feet again, knowing he doesn’t have the skill to compete with Mikey in that situation. The first round reaches it’s finish with Mikey trying to draw wind while Messiah seems comfortable looking to slowly crush his opponent. The second round sees Mikey come out fighting, catching Messiah with a flying kick to the chest that catches him unaware and knocks him backwards off his feet. Mikey puts everything he’s got behind his kicks as Messiah tries to ward them off, getting his massive arms between the vicious kicks and his own head. Mikey fire kicks in with both feet, connecting with arms, legs, ribs, almost the head and back to the midsection as he tries to dominate the monster. Messiah can’t create any distance between them by going backwards so he surges forward and drops Mikey with a brutal slam that dries all the wind out of Mikey. The crowd are hot as Messiah pounds down on Mikey’s ribs with crushing right hand blows but Mikey is using his knees to try and out-strike Messiah, raising them into his head whenever he gets the chance. Both men look hurt as Messiah breaks partly through disorientation and necessity. James tries to follow up on his advantage as he holds his ribs, firing kicks at Messiah who sees the potential injury and swings wildly at Mikey’s ribs. Mikey howls in pain but before any more damage can be done the round reaches the 5 minute mark and ends. Messiah can smell blood as he looks across the ring at Mikey trying to draw wind and get himself together. The two start the third round but it doesn’t last long as Messiah gets in close and violently slams Mikey to the mat face first against his will. Messiah begins to use his massive right hand to pound on Mikey’s clearly damaged ribs and crushes Mikey underneath him, leaving the referee no choice but to stop the match as Mikey has no way to escape and is already clearly in pain. The crowd boo, but the intensity of this match was awesome considering the two men involved. [b][u]WINNER:[/u][/b] Leper Messiah via stoppage at 0:29 in 3rd Round [u][b]RATING:[/u][/b] D- [center][size=4][b]Fight 5[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“The Submission King” Marc Speed[/u] vs [u]Grease Hogg[/u][/b][/center] The first semi final fight is up next and once again the crowd get fired up by the loud engine of Grease Hogg’s motorcycle prior to the fight starting. This fight started slow, with both men showing more tactical approaches than most of the men I nthe first round, waiting and trying to pick their openings for attacks. Hogg was more forward, throwing jabs and punches at Speed and watching for his counters, with Speed seemingly determined to avoid taking shots if he can help it. The first round gets booed as both men do little in the way of offense, with Grease Hogg doing most of the very little that seemed to happen. The second round sees things pick up a little as Hogg starts to look for takedowns too, but Speed shows good sprawling technique to maintain his vertical base and try for the occassional guillotine choke to little success. Going into this tournament many wouldn’t have predicted for Hogg to have such refined fighting instincts but he fights a smart round here again, looking for simple takedowns on Speed and throwing enough punches to make sure Speed can’t do much even when he wants to try. The second round sees little more than a left hook land on Speed’s jaw witih Hogg making sure to let Speed know that the both rounds so far have been his, ensuring that Speed knows he’s got a lot to do in the third round. And for the first time Speed comes out on the attack feinting high with a punch and showing his quickness as he goes low with a double leg takedown. Speed manages to get a half mount but can’t throw any devastating punches and he gets caught with a big right from Hogg on his back that forces a break. Hogg looks a little smug as he tries to work his jab and keep Speed at arm’s length but Speed manages to catch one incoming and powers into Hogg to take him down and try to lock on a lightning quick kimura. Hogg doesn’t panic though as he fights his way out of the move and catches Speed first on the way up, wrestling him to the mat with his size and power. Speed looks frustrated as Hogg desperately holds on, letting time trickle away. Speed eventually manages to get free and goes for a Furuzawa Armbar variant as time runs out, with Hogg looking in pain after being stuck in the hold for a few seconds. This fight goes to the judges… Jake Sawyer appears from backstage to give his verdict through the cage to Referee McArthuer who also communicates with Christian Black at ringside. Black announces the result and the fans seem to react well to it, probably due to the way the final round of the fight was sold. [u][b]WINNER:[/b][/u] Grease Hogg via unanimous decision after 3 Rounds [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] D+ [center][size=4][b]Fight 6[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“Hands Of Stone” Bradford Peverell[/u] vs [u]Leper Messiah[/u][/b][/center] Peverell once again started this match by getting the crowd on his side while Messiah tried to work the mind games on him with low threats and an evil stare. Messiah tried to use his raw menace to get to Peverell but some snappy jabs soon taught Messiah that mind games may not be the best thing to use in this environment. The former amateur boxer keeps on his toes as he tries to evade the brute power of Messiah, using his jab to keep the big man away and his footwork to try and get an opening. Messiah tried to charge in with some thunderous sprints and massive, wild blows but Peverell deftly evades them and tries to hit some big punches in return. Peverell is definitely getting the better of the round as he connects late in the round with some powerful flurries of punches to the body, but with Messiah’s physique it’s hard to tell just how much effect they are really having as the round ends. The second round begins with similar battle plans in effect, with Peverell trying to avoid damage as Messiah tries to power his way to victory. Messiah creates an opening for himself as he charges straight for Peverell and sends him flying backwards to a corner, momentarily dropping his guard and being caught with a brutal forearm to the head from Messiah. Peverell is rocked and knows he needs to fight out of it, but covers up and tries to protect himself. Messiah tries to chokes Peverell with his bare hands but Peverell thinks fast and kicks Messiah in the knee as hard and fast as he can in order to break it. Messiah drops to one knee with a further kick and now Peverell launches a barrage of punches that has Messiah rocking. The crowd are eating it up but Messiah comes back with another charge sending Peverell back into the cage. Messiah looks almost like he’s trying to push Peverell over the top of the 8 foot cage but Peverell strikes downwards with more punches that sees Messiah start bleeding from the forehead and eventually have to let him go. Messiah looks furious and charges towards Peverell only to be caught with a Dream Left Hook that sends him crashing to the mat and prompts the referee to all for the bell with just seconds left to go in the round. [u][b]WINNER:[/b][/u] Bradford Peverell via TKO at 4:56 in 2nd Round [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] E+ Peverell celebrates in the cage like he’s just won the tournament as Grease Hogg makes his way back to the cage on his motorcycle. Peverell doesn’t have any time to rest and that time is about to be sabotaged further as he is nailed from behind by a furious, crimson masked Leper Messiah. Messiah’s clothesline floors Peverell, allowing the powerful monster to grab Peverell’s left hand and stomp on it repeatedly. The referee tries to stop it but he bails out of the cage when Messiah turns to him, leaving Messiah to lean slightly on the cage and then stand on top of Peverell with his 350+ pound frame. Grease Hogg doesn’t look happy on the outside but Messiah relents on his attack when some blood flows into his eyes. He rubs his hand in his blood, smearing it all over his forehead before he hits an open hand blow to Peverell’s chest, leaving a bloody handprint on him before he leaves the cage. [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] E- [center][size=4][b]Championship Fight[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_Championship01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Grease Hogg[/u] vs [u] “Hands Of Stone” Bradford Peverell[/u][/b][/center] Peverell is given a few minutes to recover but he looks in pain, shaking his left hand to try and get some life in it. He tries to psyche out Grease Hogg by demonstrating what he did to both Messiah and Lead Belly so far with the knockout wins but Hogg smirks confidently as the referee holds up the King Of The Cage title belt and the ring introductions are completed. The first round starts out slowly, with Hogg mocking Peverell and goading him into throwing some punches early on, looking for the extent of the weakness in him. Hogg looks refreshed from the rest he got between fights, even with the 15 minute fight he had in the semis but both men are throwing snappy jabs inside the cage, though neither seems to be connecting. Hogg makes the first bold move, ducking low to Peverell’s left to avoid the jab and go for the takedown. Peverell lands on his knees but Hogg is quick to try and lock in a choke only to be blocked and have Peverell counter and after a quick wrestle almost get a mount position. Peverell fires off a stiff right that hits hard but winces in pain when he connects, taking some of the sting out of the subsequent punches and allowing Hogg to escape and to get the fight back vertical. With the round coming to a close Hogg tries to ensure he wins on points and looks for another takedown but is creamed with a Dream Left Hook out of nowhere that sends him staggering back into the cage on wobbly knees. Peverell cringes in pain and tries to follow up fast as he throws rights and lefts but Hogg has his wits about him enough to get his guard up and defend from the oncoming blows and the round ends with that flurry of offense. Hogg still looks a little dazed as he comes out for the second round but Peverell is also clearly in pain, with who knows how much damage done to his hand at the end of the last round. Peverell knows he needs to push for a victory hard and he comes out swinging as a southpaw, using his left to jab and his right to do the heavy duty shots early on. Hogg doesn’t take it lying down either and throws some wild haymakers of his own as the two men slug it out in the middle of the cage in front of a bloodthirsty crowd. A big right catches Hogg on the nose and a trickle of blood appears out of it while staggering Hogg back. Peverell advances with a hint of desperation and a grimace of pain but Hogg seems to see red and charges at him with a spear like takedown. The two men roll around on the mat trying to get position and throwing punches when they get the chance but eventually Hogg gets into a mounted position and manages to pin Peverell’s right shoulder down with a knee. Peverell tries to catch some of the punches that Hogg is launching at him with his legs, but to no avail. His right arm is trapped too and his left is providing next to no cover and then the referee has seen enough. Peverell isn’t protecting himself and isn’t fighting back, so he stops the match and we have a new King Of The Cage in BLW! [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_Championship01.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] D Grease Hogg celebrates winning the King Of The Cage after three tough fights in one night. With a little blood dripping from his nose and seemingly slightly weak at the knees, he’ll probably be in pain tomorrow… but for now, it’s his time to celebrate in front of the small crowd on hand. [size=4][b][u]OVERALL RATING:[/u][/b] D-[/size] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/KingOfTheCage.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/center] [quote][b][u]Quick Results For BLW: King OF The Cage[/b][/u] [i] Marc Speed defeats Brandon Smith via submission (cross armbreaker) at 1:45 in 3rd Round (D-) Grease Hogg defeats Frankie Perez via TKO (mounted punches) at 3:39 in 2nd Round (D+) Bradford Peverell defeats Lead Belly via knockout (Dream Left Hook) at 2:12 in 2nd Round (E+) Leper Messiah defeats Mikey James via stoppage at 0:29 in 3rd Round (D-) Grease Hogg defeats Marc Speed via unanimous decision after 3 Rounds (D+) Bradford Peverell defeats Leper Messiah via knockout at 4:56 in 2nd Round (E+) Leper Messiah attacks Bradford Peverell, 5 mins (E-) Grease Hogg defeats Bradford Peverell via stoppage at 2:57 in 2nd Round to become King Of The Cage (D)[/i] [b]OVERALL: D-[/b][/quote]
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[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/center] [QUOTE]Captain’s Blog, After King Of The Cage [b]Mood:[/b] Excited [b]Listening To:[/b] “Nutsbush City Limits” by Tina Turner Man, that was almost certainly one of the most exciting shows I’ve ever seen in pro wrestling. I may have booked it myself and known roughly what was going to happen but I think the guys went out there and put on one hell of a show. Hogg and Peverell are going to be hurting tomorrow but I think they done a great job. But to be honest, eight tough guys went out there tonight and put on an incredible show that even Japanese fans would find awesome… and yet, barely 100 fans attended the show. You know what, I beginning to see why maybe Vibert was right to let DAVE go… the fans just don’t seem to care sometimes… wait, no. That isn’t true. The fans here are very vocal, they pay their money and they decide who they want to boo and cheer. They appreciate work rate over name value and they just want to get their money’s worth, something that the SWF probably hasn’t really done for the last 5 years if they were to be honest with themselves. I wish I could get a guy like Remo to work for BLW… the guy would be a monster of epic proportions, he wouldn’t be playing second fiddle to Rich Money or competing for a second tier title, he’d be the main event. *sigh* Even so, 8 tough guys with legitimate backgrounds in combat… or power lifting. Looking back I’m not sure I should’ve put Leper Messiah into the title tournament or had him attack Peverell but you live and learn. If all goes to plan then I’m essentially creating a second main event title, one defended in a hostile environment in front of a hostile crowd with the potential to be as tough and brutal as anything that can be imagined. I doubt the average wrestling fan can even imagine a two tiered promotion, where guys could become legends in one code and then switch over to the other code. It’d be like… of the SWF and TCW were one company but run seperately, if that makes any sense. I can see this event being one of the biggest indy events of the year, although I’m not sure I like holding it in “tournament season” as I’ve heard it called. Maybe next year I’ll move it to later in the year and make it one of our centerpiece events. Anyways, time to organise the next show… havne’t thought of a name for it yet but with all the titles worked out now I can concentrate on developing storylines and characters. I’m beginning to think that maybe some of the reasons for our less than awesome crowd numbers is our lack of focus. From now on, we’re going to be more streamlined and focussed on delivering great wrestling, great storylines and great… well, what am I saying. No-one except me can read this anyway. Til later blog, it’s been a fun night. [center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ChristianBlack_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [i]Christian Black[/i][/center][/quote]
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From: [b][u]ProWrestlingHits.com/IndyNews[/u][/b] By: [i]Robert Greene[/i] [QUOTE][center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Card For BLW: Ultimate Warriors[/b][/u][/center] I don’t know if many people have had the chance to check out the recent BLW event entitled King Of The Cage but if you get the chance I think you should check it out. It won’t appeal to everyone, especially not fans of MMA who will moan about the fact that it’s basically fake MMA, but it’s a helluva fun show for a wrestling fan with the way they built the matches and tried to push the guys. I hope they do more with the idea, I think it’s got potential to go places but meanwhile, here’s the card for the next event called Ultimate Warriors. I wonder where they got the idea for the name from?[/quote] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/UW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_WorldHeavy02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“Shooter” Sean Deeley ©[/u] vs [u]Lead Belly[/u][/b] [i]For the BLW World Championship[/i] Lead Belly is reportedly furious at what happened at King Of The Cage, getting knocked out in the first round by a massive left hand from Bradford Peverell and rumours have been going round that he has been spoiling for fights in bars across the Tri-State area. BLW World Champion “Shooter” Sean Deeley is proving himself to be a fighting champion and has set himself a quest to defeat all 5 of the men he was up against in the original match to crown the champion back at Evolution Or Revolution in January. Deeley requested this match and it looks like this could be explosive, as Lead Belly’s rage will be unleashed upon the confident technical machine with the BLW World Championship on the line! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/HonestFrank.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Vintage” Steve Flash[/u] vs [u]“Mr XFW” Frankie Future[/u][/b] [i]To Determine The #1 Contender For The BLW World Championship[/i] The rivalry between these two men is rapidly becoming one of the hottest in pro wrestling as Frankie Future (along with Rick Sanders) continues his quest to get revenge for what happened to his career, while claiming to also be getting even for those who were left behind in the East Coast Wars back in the 1990s. “Vintage” Steve Flash has been one of the top performers in pro wrestling for what feels like an eternity and has continued to show off his skills in a BLW ring in recent months. Both of these men want to taste BLW championship gold and with Deeley seeking to defeat everyone who was in the six way title match in one vs one competition, “Playboy” Jake Sawyer has decreed that the winner of this match will be next in line for a title shot. With the stakes in this one raised so high, this promises to be a match for the ages! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/VinTanner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/RickSanders.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “The V-Man” Vin Tanner[/u] vs[u] “Ace Express” Rick Sanders[/u][/b] This match was requested by both men after hearing about the Flash/Future match also on this show. With both of these men looking to prove themselves and trying to get into the title picture a win here is almost essential with both coming off recent losses. Sanders is a very bitter man, mostly at his former tag team partner Johnny Martin for abandoning him but also at anyone who remained with the DAVE company, meaning that when he steps into the ring with Vin Tanner that he will be sure to raise his game in order to prove that he really has been held back and did deserve the break he never got. With Citizen X seemingly out to cost Tanner the win at every opportunity, Tanner will need to break out all his old tricks and have eyes in the back of his head if he is to catapult himself back into contendership for BLW gold. [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota[/u] vs[u] Burning EXILE[/u][/b] [i]Rematch from BLW: Fighting Spirit[/i] At Fighting Spirit these two men went to a 20 minute time limit draw in what many BLW fans believe to be one of the best matches in the promotions short history so far. The mysterious Super Ninja has been incredible since coming to BLW, turning in great performances against everyone he has stepped in the ring against while Burning EXILE has still got much to prove regarding his international reputation as one of the top stars on the global Junior scene. These two men will meet once more to do battle in a BLW ring and this match promises to be off the charts exciting no matter what the result! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/CameronVessey.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/CaseyValentine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BulldozerBrandon_alt5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/PrimusAllen.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]C-V-2 (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine)[/u] vs[u] The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen)[/u][/b] Vessey and Valentine are a talented young, second generation team who are still finding their feet in pro wrestling and are slowly gelling into a fine young tandem through their work in MAW and BLW. While they have yet to establish themselves as serious threats to the tag team gold they are no pushovers and it will be interesting to see how they fare against the monstrous debuting tag team of “The Bulldozer” Brandon Smith and the self professed “Rookie Monster” Primus Allen, known together for their athletic backgrounds in football and incredible size. This is perhaps their first match as a tag team but both men are used to being a part of a unit and it will be intriguing to see how they gel together in their debut match as both men posess incredible athleticism and look like huge stars in the making. [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/no_picture.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“Dazzling” Dave Diamond[/u] vs [u]??????????????[/u][/b] “Dazzling”, or “Dastardly” depending on who you listen to, has been trying to get a match with The Sensational Singh for two months now ever since Singh walked out of their match back at Fighting Spirit. But every time Diamond looks set to square off with Singh he ends up facing someone else, first Dermot O’Logical and then The Big Problem. Diamond has issued an open invite for Singh to face him one on one at Ultimate Warriors but we won’t know if Singh will accept the challenge himself or if someone else will accept on his behalf. Tickets for this event are priced at just $6 and are available from BorderLineWrestling.com or from the Riot Act Club, New York. Be sure to get your ticket early as only 300 tickets are available and it would be a terrible shame if you were to miss out on this exciting event!! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/UW.jpg[/IMG][/center] [quote][b][u]Quick Picks For BLW: Ultimate Warriors[/u][/b] “Shooter” Sean Deeley © vs Lead Belly for the BLW World Championship “Vintage” Steve Flash vs “Mr XFW” Frankie Future for the #1 Contendership “The V Man” Vin Tanner vs “Ace Express” Rick Sanders “Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota vs Burning EXILE C-V-2 (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine) vs The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen) “Dazzling” Dave Diamond vs ??? (open challenge to The Sensational Singh)[/QUOTE]
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Quick Picks For BLW: Ultimate Warriors [B]“Shooter” Sean Deeley[/B] © vs Lead Belly for the BLW World Championship “[B]Vintage” Steve Flash[/B] vs “Mr XFW” Frankie Future for the #1 Contendership “The V Man” Vin Tanner vs “[B]Ace Express” Rick Sanders[/B] [B]“Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs Burning EXILE [B]C-V-2 (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine)[/B] vs The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen) “Dazzling” Dave Diamond vs [B]???[/B] (open challenge to The Sensational Singh)
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[B]“Shooter” Sean Deeley ©[/B] vs Lead Belly for the BLW World Championship [B]“Vintage” Steve Flash[/B] vs “Mr XFW” Frankie Future for the #1 Contendership “The V Man” Vin Tanner vs [B]“Ace Express” Rick Sanders[/B] [B]“Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs Burning EXILE [B]C-V-2 (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine)[/B] vs The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen) “Dazzling” Dave Diamond vs [B]???[/B] (open challenge to The Sensational Singh)
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[B]“Shooter” Sean Deeley ©[/B] vs Lead Belly for the BLW World Championship [I]No way he loses the strap this fast, despite how hard I could push Lead Belly if I wanted...[/I] [B]“Vintage” Steve Flash[/B] vs “Mr XFW” Frankie Future for the #1 Contendership [I]Flash will go on to fight Sean Deeley, but only because that will make for a most epic match... if you're into that technical precision garbage[/I] “The V Man” Vin Tanner vs [B]“Ace Express” Rick Sanders[/B] [I]I can't help but mark out for former SCCW workers, even if he's actually doomed to lose. Bring in Blackjack![/I] [B]“Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs Burning EXILE [I]He's the ninja who will be here for more than two months... kekeke[/I] C-V-2 (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine) vs [B]The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen)[/B] [I]I know it won't go down like this, but the big guys get the win so you can go on to push them based on their Menace. Right? Doubtful[/I] “Dazzling” Dave Diamond vs [B]??? (open challenge to The Sensational Singh)[/B] [I]For whatever reason, Singh is one of the most beloved workers around... I honestly don't get it, he's not THAT good. Still, he'll beat poor Triple D[/I]
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I'm missing Mark Smart... :-( “Shooter” Sean Deeley © vs Lead Belly for the BLW World Championship - Deeley “Vintage” Steve Flash vs “Mr XFW” Frankie Future for the #1 Contendership - Frankie Future “The V Man” Vin Tanner vs “Ace Express” Rick Sanders - Rick Sanders always been a fan of him as well as Citizen X “Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota vs Burning EXILE - Yay! Super Ninja! C-V-2 (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine) vs The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen) The All Star Team... even if I do hate Primus Allen. “Dazzling” Dave Diamond vs ??? (open challenge to The Sensational Singh) - Triple D
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[B]“Shooter” Sean Deeley ©[/B] vs Lead Belly for the BLW World Championship “Vintage” Steve Flash vs [B]“Mr XFW” Frankie Future [/B]for the #1 Contendership [B]“The V Man” Vin Tanner[/B] vs “Ace Express” Rick Sanders [B]“Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs Burning EXILE C-V-2 (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine) vs [B]The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen)[/B] <3 this team “Dazzling” Dave Diamond vs [B]Kane[/B] (open challenge to The Sensational Singh)
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[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/UW.jpg[/IMG] [i]In front of a live crowd of 156 people at the Riot Act Club, New York[/i] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ChristianBlack_alt3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/CarlBatch-1.jpg[/IMG] [b]Christian Black Joined By Carl Batch[/b][/center] [b][u]Black:[/u][/b][i] “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Border-Line Wrestling. Tonight I am joined at the announce table by a man who needs little introduction, the “Street Hustler” Carl Batch. Carl, how are you tonight?”[/i] [b][u]Batch:[/u][/b][i] “Don’ you worry yourself about me, Black. I’m not here to make small talk with you, I’m here to do some scouting for some new, real talent. I’ve been hearing some good things about BLW, you hear? I’m looking to find me the next big thing, the next Eddie Peak or the next Jack Giedroyc, you hear?”[/i] [b][u]Black:[/u][/b][i] “I hear you loud and clear, Carl.”[/i] [b][u]Batch:[/u][/b][i] “Did I say you could call me Carl? Only my very close friends call me Carl. Even my own momma calls me Mr Batch, you better belie’ dat.”[/i] [b][u]Black:[/u][/b][i] “Well Mr Batch, I don’t quite know how you got permission to be on the announce table but it’s good to have some company for once.”[/i] [b][u]Batch:[/u][/b][i] “Our mutual friend Sawyer owes me a favour or two, that’s why. Stop asking me questions foo’ and get on with calling the action.”[/i] [b][u]Black:[/u][/b][i] “What action? There isn’t anyth…..”[/i] [b][u]Batch:[/u][/b][i] “Aw man, how you even manage to get a job let alone one where they leave you unsupervised…”[/i] It quickly becomes obvious what Batch is referring to as we hear the revving of an engine and see the arrival of Lead Belly. He rides round the ring, revving the engine hard and grabs a microphone as he steps into the ring looking for all the world like a man who is seriously PO’ed. [b][u]Lead Belly:[/u][/b][i] “Deeley, get your ass out here now. I’m not waiting for the other chumps here to have their matches before I become BLW World Champion! Stop stretching, get your singlet on and get your punk ass out here now so I can get to the bar and celebrate all night long!”[/i] Lead Belly paces around the ring angrily with the microphone still in his hand but it doesn’t take long for Deeley to make his entrance, complete with zip hoodie and the BLW World Championship strapped around his waist. Lead Belly motions for him to hurry his way to the ring but doesn’t even have the patience to wait long as he charges towards Deeley and this match is on!! [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_WorldHeavy02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“Shooter” Sean Deeley ©[/u] vs [u]Lead Belly[/u][/b] [i]For the BLW World Championship[/i][/center] Champion and challenger clash on the aisleway with Lead Belly quickly throwing clubbing blows at Deeley’s back as he goes for a single leg takedown that sees both men crash into a couple of rows of empty seats. Lead Belly doesn’t stop throwing punches even from in among the chairs as Deeley tries to subdue him with a leglock or something but it doesn’t work. Lead Belly manages to get up to his feet among the chairs and starts to take control of Deeley, throwing him into some of the chairs and getting in the faces of a few fans nearby who get to close to the action. Deeley escapes over the back of some of the chairs but Lead Belly follows him and slams him head first into the concession stand, immediately raising the value of at least a couple of T-shirts by a couple of dollars. Deeley manages to recover enough to his a variation drop toe hold and float over into a front face lock. Lead Belly powers his way out though, getting to his feet and tossing Deeley away, though he lands on his feet. Deeley realises that he’s not going to be able to wrestle Lead Belly in his own environment and backs away slowly, yelling at Lead Belly to come face him in the ring like a real athlete rather than a savage… and it works. Both men are finally in the ring and now Deeley tries to slow things down, evading Lead Belly’s aggressive attacks and trying to get some kicks in at his knees as he does so. Lead Belly starts to look ever more frustrated as Deeley ducks out of the ring and stands out there trying to formulate his battleplan. Lead Belly isn’t in the mood for it and follows out, leading to the old chase around the ring routine. Deeley slides in and when Lead Belly follows him in, he quickly picks a leg and locks in a leg grapevine. Lead Belly looks more angry than pained but Deeley wrenches at the knee anyways, looking to wear down the big man and stop him being able to use his power. Deeley uses his slick grappling techniques to keep Lead Belly floored for a lengthy period of time, working over the knee while Lead Belly tries to clobber him with some wild swings and loud threats. The momentum finally shifts when Lead Belly blocks a dropping attack on his knee by using his other foot to shove Deeley over the ropes. Deeley recovers fast but when he grabs Lead’s legs he gets shoved away into the front row of the crowd and Lead Belly slides out the ring catching him on the way back with a big clothesline. Belly starts to take advantage, even while limping to use the ring and drive Deeley’s back into the apron a couple of times, then follows that up by picking him up and running him back first into the ringpost. Deeley looks hurt as Lead Belly shows off his power and press slams the champion back into the ring over the top rope again. Lead follows up with knees in the corner , driving the wind out of the champ only for him to fight back with some kicks to the weakened knee of Lead Belly and then some big punches. Lead Belly counters again with a big side slam that gets him a two count. Lead Belly works a methodical game now, mounting Deeley and throwing a series of big punches that the referee is forced to warn him about due to the closed fists. On commentary Carl Batch crows about Lead Belly’s power and how he sort of reminds him of Eddie Peak, as Lead sets up Deeley for the RPM Bomb (double handed choke bomb) but as he lifts up Deeley he is caught with a great counter as Deeley leaps with the move and catches Lead Belly with a knee to the jaw, breaking his grip allowing Deeley to catch Lead’s arm and lock in a high angle Furuzawa armbar. The crowd pop for Deeley’s counter as Lead Belly grunts in pain, struggling to get to the ropes and only managing it after an extended period of time. Lead Belly is slow to get to his feet and this allows Deeley to go for the Front Choke Lock that has proved so deadly in BLW, but Lead Belly is still too strong and catches him before can get the takedown, throwing Deeley overhead with a belly to belly suplex. Lead Belly shakes some feeling into his sore leg and arm before charging into Deeley in the corner only to eat nothing but turnbuckles. Deeley scoots behind Lead Belly and uses all his power to take the big man over with a bridging German suplex that stuns him long enough to pick up the pinfall. [u][b]WINNER:[/u][/b] “Shooter” Sean Deeley (defense #3 of BLW World Championship) [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] C- [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Dirty White Boys Attack The Champ…[/b][/center] Without warning Grease Hogg makes his way down to the ring with the King Of The Cage championship in one hand. Lead Belly looks furious about having been pinned and lunges at Deeley who ducks out the ring but straight into a shot to the skull from Grease Hogg with his title belt. Deeley goes down hard as Hogg and Lead Belly start stomping him into the floor before rolling him into the ring with bad intentions on their mind. The beatdown continues with Deeley being punched hard in the ribs while stuck in the corner, allowing both Hogg and Lead Belly to take some free shots at him while the crowd boo. Eventually Lead Belly wraps his big hands around Deeley’s throat and drives him into the mat with the RPM Bomb. Hogg takes the BLW World Championship from ringside and spits on it before he drops it next to Deeley’s head, standing over him and saying that the King Of The Cage is the only belt worth fighting for anyways. Eventually the scene is seperated by Bradford Peverell running to the ring with a length of pipe in one hand. The Dirty White Boys see him coming though and slowly roll out of the ring, leaving Peverell to stand over Deeley protectively, although somewhat later than he may have been needed. [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] D- [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/no_picture.jpg[/IMG] [b]Diamond’s Challenge Is Answered[/b][/center] “Dazzling” Dave Diamond makes his entrance to the ring through the fans, slapping hands with those that want it and generally trying to keep them pumped up after a hot opening to the show. As he gets into the ring he gets handed a mic but before he can even say anything he is interupted by “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred, the music of Zeus Maxmillion and Jenny Playmate. [b][u]Playmate:[/u][/b][i] “To save the crowd from having to listen to you as well as, eugh, touch you I’m going to just tell you this quickly…”[/i] [b][u]Zeus:[/u][/b][i] “Singh is not here tonight, eh. He has taken the advice from his little wife and once again decided not to fight you. So instead, I have decided to accept your challenge.”[/i] [b][u]Playmate:[/u][/b][i] “But don’t think we’re doing it for him because we do not operate on a level like him. No, we are seizing this chance to show off our superiority to everyone here. After all, when you look as good as we do… you can’t help but bring a little light into the lives of the little people.”[/i] [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] E [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ZeusMaxmillion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/JennyPlaymate.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Dazzling” Dave Diamond[/u] vs[u] “The Bronzed God” Zeus Maxmillion[/u][/b][i] w/Jenny Playmate[/i][/center] Despite never seeming to know who his opponent is going to be ahead of time Diamond has always been ready for a fight when it reach go time. Diamond opens this match as he always does, with a flurry of punches that sees Zeus trying to deflect the blows away from his precious face. Zeus gets in close enough to Diamond to avoid any direct shots and manages to come out with a hammer lock. The two men exchange hold and counter hold for some basic moves and it carries on like this for a while. Zeus hits his high knee to gain the advantage briefly but Diamond practically no sells it and comes back swinging again. Zeus covers up and Playmate yells from the apron at Diamond for the punches to the face, telling him to “lay of the face, that’s how he makes his money!” to the crowd’s amusement. Diamond grabs a handful of Playmate’s hair but quickly finds himself rolled up from behind with a schoolboy with Zeus’ feet on the ropes to get the three count. [u][b]WINNER:[/u][/b] “The Bronzed God” Zeus Maxmillion [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] E+ [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/CameronVessey.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/CaseyValentine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BulldozerBrandon_alt5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/PrimusAllen.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]C-V-2 (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine)[/u] vs[u] The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen)[/u][/b][/center] Over 1,000lbs of humanity are in the ring for thise tag match, with more than 600 of those being brought by Brandon Smith and Primus Allen who are imposing figures across the ring from the second generation starlets Valentine and Vessey. Primus’ inexperience in the ring was quickly exposed as he found himself being outwrestled by Valentine, but his sheer power and athleticism was enough to get him free of a series of chain wrestling holds, prompting a tag. Vessey has a similar result, being overwhelmed by power despite being the slicker wrestler and it isn’t long before Brandon is tagged in too. The match progresses a long fairly evenly as both teams get periods of offense, with The All Stars using big slams and running moves to build the advantage while C-V-2 take the technical approach and try to wear down both men with wrestling moves, keeping them grounded where their power can’t be as effective. In the end it comes down to a messy finish. With the referee losing control of things Smith and Valentine are the legal men, Vessey manages to land a Vessey Driver on Brandon Smith but is pulled out of the ring by Primus Allen and the two men slug it out on the floor. Valentine recovers from the beating he’s taken to go for the pin but only gets a two count. He signals for the Shot To The Heart (Curb Stomp) but has a little trouble getting Brandon set for the move, long enough for Primus to deal with Vessey, climb to the top and come off with a monster flying lariat. Valentine goes down hard but The Bulldozer puts an exclamation mark on the match with an inverted piledriver that sees him pick up the pinfall on Valentine. [u][b]WINNERS:[/u][/b] The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen) [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] D- [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/PlayboyJakeSawyer.jpg[/IMG] [b]Card Subject To Change[/b][/center] Unannounced, Mark Smark quickly makes his way to the ring with a microphone in one hand and some papers in the other hand. In his haste to get in the ring he almost trips and falls over the bottom rope but is quick to right himself. [b][u]Smart:[/u][/b][i] “Hi everyone, I’m sorry I wasn’t here last time to warn you about what was going to happen at King Of The Cage but I got sidetracked by a guy who was talking crap all over my blog. SWFRichard, you are such a dumb mark that nothing you say has any value at all. You’re just wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong WRONG!! The only guy the SWF has ever pushed properly is Jack Bruce and he’s already miles past his best. And you know as well as I do that they’ll never push the Bumfholes or Marc DuBois, the only guys who really deserve a push. So stick that in your blog, you pompous idiot because at least I know what I’m talking about because I’m a real wrestler unlike you!!”[/i] Smart looks pleased with himself for his little rant but it doesn’t last long as the sounds of some warbling opera singer play in the club and announce the arrival of “Playboy” Jake Sawyer, complete with a glass of wine in one hand. He walks towards the concession stand and rests his wine next to some Steve Flash merchandise… [b][u]Playboy:[/u][/b][i] “Mark Smart, it’s funny that you should mention that you are a real wrestler because the last time you graced us with your presence I seem to remember you submitting in a match before you had even had a finger laid on you.”[/i] [b][u]Smart:[/u][/b][i] “I didn’t want to….”[/i] [b][u]Playboy:[/u][/b][i] “You don’t speak unless I say you speak! Mark Smart, this is Border-Line Wrestling and I am the man in charge around here. I like to let things play out naturally and I expect the men and women that I have permitted to be on my roster to behave appropriately to their roles. Mark Smart, you are nothing but a coward. You aren’t a wrestler, you are just a wannabe. Like so many of the people you are in correspondence with on the internet, you can talk a good game. You can talk about work rate, you can talk about psychology and you can talk about pushes but when it comes down to the facts… you are just another internet fan who thinks they can compete with real wrestlers.”[/i] [b][u]Smart:[/u][/b][i] “Jake…”[/i] [b][u]Playboy:[/u][/b][i] “I did not say you could speak! Not only do you fail to show due respect to me, not only do you submit when you get a difficult match, not only have you tried to spoil my shows but you have yet to show that you are even capable of winning a match here in BLW. At this time, BLW is your own employer in pro wrestling. If I so choose, I could blackball you throughout pro wrestling, make it so that no-one would ever hire you again, not even as a towel boy. Tell me, Mark Smart, is there any reason why I should not exercise that power?”[/i] [b][u]Smart:[/u][/b][i] “Please… don’t do that. Please. Wrestling is everything to me.”[/i] Mark Smart looks like he’s about to break down and cry in the ring as the power of “Playboy” Jake Sawyer’s words sink in. [b][u]Playboy:[/u][/b][i] “Mark Smart, come over here right now and tell me to my face, in front of everyone here, how much you want this.”[/i] Smart looks slightly hesitant but he drops and rolls out of the ring as the fans watch on with a weird disquiet about them. Smart looks around the crowd, BLW’s biggest yet, as he moves to stand in front of Jake Sawyer. [b][u]Smart:[/u][/b][i] “I… please… I love wrestling, it’s everything to me, it really is.”[/i] [b][u]Playboy:[/u][/b][i] “That’s not enough. Show me how much it means. In front of this crowd, I want you to show how much you really want it. I want you to get on your knees in front of this crowd of one hundred and fifty six people, none of whom care about you, and beg for me to let you stay in wrestling.”[/i] Smart looks stunned at what Sawyer says and the crowd don’t seem to approve either as some of them let their feelings be known. Smart looks like he doesn’t know what to do but after a while he drops slowly to his knees with tears welling up in his eyes. [b][u]Smart:[/u][/b][i] “Please, sir. I love wrestling. It’s everything to me. From the moment I wake up every day to the moment I fall asleep, it’s all I think about. And when I’m sleeping, I dream of wrestling, I dream of the day I’ll be World champion… I dream of thousands and thousands of fans chanting my name in unison as I hold the belt above my head… Just watching on TV or the internet isn’t enough, that’s why I trained to be a wrestler. For as long as I can remember I’ve been a wrestling fan, my first memory of my life is of watching a wrestling match on a family holiday with one of the guys yelling “I hate kids” after every move… wrestling has been part of my life for so long that I don’t know what I’d so without wrestling. If I couldn’t wrestle, I don’t know what I’d do… please… please… I’m begging you, please…”[/i] Sawyer looks down at Mark’s face as a tear actually rolls down his cheek and then finally breaks his glare. [b][u]Playboy:[/u][/b][i] “Mark Smart, if I am to keep you on my roster you have to behave very differently around here.”[/i] [b][u]Smart:[/u][/b][i] “Yes sir. Anything, sir.”[/i] [b][u]Playboy:[/u][/b][i] “First of all, if I even hear you talking about trying to spoil this show for any of the fans here, you’re gone.”[/i] [b][u]Smart:[/u][/b][i] “I promise I won’t do it again sir”[/i] [b][u]Playboy:[/u][/b][i] “I’m not an unfair man, all I want is for you to prove to me that you really want to be here and to stop being such a nuisance to everyone. I’m going to give you a match tonight…”[/i] [b][u]Smart:[/u][/b][i] “But I’m not…. Thank you sir, thank you! I won’t let you down. Thank you, thank you.”[/i] [b][u]Playboy:[/u][/b][i] “… stop snivelling already, you are making yourself look like a child. Mark Smart, I’m going to give you a match next against someone who has been waiting patiently to make his debut. I don’t expect you to win, but I want you to show me that you want to be here, in professional wrestling.”[/i] [b][u]Smart:[/u][/b][i] “Of course sir, I’ll do my best.”[/i] [b][u]Playboy:[/u][/b][i] “Very well, then we have an accord. Mark Smart, tonight you will be facing off against a man who doesn’t like to use his real name. You may call him Kaos.”[/i] [b][u]Smart:[/u][/b][i] “Kaos? I’ve never heard of him”[/i] From behind the doors that all the wrestlers enter through comes a huge 350 pounder of a man with wild hair and a wild look in his eyes. Sawyer takes a few steps away before turning back to Smart. [b][u]Playboy:[/u][/b][i] “Oh… and did I mention that it will be a hardcore match?”[/i] Sawyer permits himself a little smile as he sees the look on Mark Smart’s face as the man known as Kaos advances on him… [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] D [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LarryWood_alt.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “The Insider” Mark Smart[/u] vs[u] Kaos[/u][/b][/center] Kaos wastes little time in this match as he advances on Mark Smart, picking up the wineglass that Jake Sawyer left on the concession stand and smashing it over Smart’s head. Smart rolls around on the floor as a cut on his forehead starts to seep blood over his face and Kaos seems to pick up on this, pounding on the cut with huge balled fists. Smart tries to defend himself but it doesn’t amount to much of a defense as Kaos picks him up and throws him into some empty chairs with ease. Kaos is having his way with Smart as he leads him towards the ring and starts to use it as a weapon, ramming Smart’s head into the ringpost and drawing more blood. Smart is clearly out of it as he throws a few wild punches and catches nothing but shadows while Kaos stalks him full of evil intentions. Smart gets to his feet and is levelled by a running big boot on the ringside floor. Kaos isn’t done yet though as he starts to pound Smart’s head into the floor with some monstrous punches before choking him with his bare hands. McArthuer knows he can’t stop the match but he sees Smart’s shoulders are down and quickly makes a three count, with the bell ringing being enough to make Kaos release the choke. [u][b]WINNER:[/u][/b] Kaos [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] E+ [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota[/u] vs[u] Burning EXILE[/u][/b] [i]Rematch from BLW: Fighting Spirit[/i][/center] Much like their last encounter, this match starts fast and never lets up. The early going is filled with some fast paced cruiserweight one upsmanship and counter wrestling that brings the crowd into the match early on. Ota manges to lock in his illegal over the top rope armbar causing EXILE to be in pain but Ota’s springboard attack is countered as EXILE charges the ropes and pushes Ota backwards to the floor, following up with a big somersault plancha dive as Ota gets to his feet that also brings the crowd to theirs. EXILE controls the match for a while but isn’t able to put Ota away and the match evens out again as both men start pulling out some big kicks to try and gain the advantage. Ota’s quickness finally allows him to gain the big momentum as he manages to connect with a springboard spinning heel kick from the apron that sets EXILE up in place for the dread Ninja Strike. The crowd sense that it’s coming but they don’t get to see it as Dynamite Narahashi and Fuse Hidekazu hit the ring and then hit Ota, forcing a disqualification. [u][b]WINNER:[/u][/b] “Super Ninja” Fumihiro Ota [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] C- [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/Hidekazu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DynamiteNarahashi.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Burning Bridges Attack The Super Ninja[/b][/center] Ota tries to fight back against the interference runners but he is dropped by a Narahashi Cutter (RKO) from Dynamite, allowing for Fuse to lock in the Furuzawa armbar and wrench back on Ota’s shoulder whle Dynamite stomps him in the back and kidneys. EXILE yells something at Ota in Japanese before signalling to his allies to help Ota back to his feet, only to scoop Ota up and drive him into the mat with the Exile Driver (Michinoku Driver). Satisifed that they have all hit their finishers on him and left him an unknown message, the three members of the Burning Bridges leave Ota lying in the middle of the ring and leave. [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] E- [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/VinTanner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/RickSanders.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “The V-Man” Vin Tanner[/u] vs[u] “Ace Express” Rick Sanders[/u][/b][/center] The match starts quickly as Vin Tanner opens with an eye poke on Sanders, not even giving his opponent time to try anything cheap first. Tanner’s early onslaught is broken down when he misses a charging shoulder attack into the corner and hits the ringpost. Sanders goes for a quick roll up but only gets a two. Sanders then begins the wearing down process by targetting Tanner’s left knee, dropping some elbows on it and then working it over with a series of knee bars. The flows with Sanders continuing to work over the knee and stopping each of Tanner’s comebacks with quick takedowns or low dropkicks. Tanner looks frustrated but eventually breaks up Sanders’ momentum with a well disguised low blow. Tanner clobbers Sanders with a couple of hard shots and then gets him up on his shoulder and falls backwards with a Samoan Drop that drives the wind out of him. Sanders kicks out before he is helped up to his feet and then dragged into the corner getting his head driven into the top turnbuckle repeatedly by Tanner. Sanders staggers out of the corner but Tanner grabs him by the head again and then does the same again in the opposite corner leaving Sanders to flop into the middle of the ring. Tanner looks ready to finish this one but a shout from behind him distracts him as Citizen X appears on the apron. Tanner turns to see him and words are exchanged before Tanner takes a swing at X, X ducks it and quickly grabs Tanner’s arms holding him while Sanders charges at him with a spear.. only for Tanner to sidestep quickly and nail X with it instead. Tanner quickly rolls Sanders up and McArthuer manages to count to three. [u][b]WINNER:[/u][/b] “The V-Man” Vin Tanner [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] D [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/VinTanner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/RickSanders.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] [b]Tanner Issues A Challenge[/b][/center] [b][u]Tanner:[/b][/u][i] “Son, I’ve been attacked a lot during my career and it’s going to take a lot more than that to keep me from beating your little boyfriend there. So X, son, if you think you’ve got what it takes to beat me in the ring, stop appearing out of nowhere and attacking me, be a real man and face me mano y mano in the ring. You think you can handle that, son?”[/i] [b][u]X:[/b][/u][i] “I’m not going to step in the ring against you, you rusting old fossil. I am Citizen X and I don’t play by your rules or anyone else’s. I’ll face you when I feel like it, not because you try to call me out and lay your agenda on me.”[/i] [b][u]Tanner:[/b][/u][i] “Quit talking crap, son. I know you are one of the brightest young talents around just now, you won the Rip Chord Invitational a coupla months back… but that means jack to a guy like me. Mid Atlantic Wrestling has a lot of young talent but you don’t get to my level in this industry without learning all the tricks. Son, if you want to prove to anyone that you’re the real thing then you have to beat men like me.”[/i] [b][u]X:[/b][/u][i] “Old timer, your tricks won’t work on me. Your rules, your structure, your values… they mean nothing to me. I’ll do what I feel like and if I feel like interfering in your matches then I will.”[/i] [b][u]Tanner:[/b][/u][i] “Have it your way, son. But be warned… if you cross me again then I’m not going to give you the option of running away.”[/i] [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] D [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/HonestFrank.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“Vintage” Steve Flash[/u] vs [u]“Mr XFW” Frankie Future[/u][/b] [i]To Determine The #1 Contender For The BLW World Championship[/i][/center] Not for the first time tonight this match begins before it is even in the ring, with Future ambushing Flash on his way to the ring. The two men brawl around the floor for a while, with Flash countering an Irish whip and posting Future hard. Flash later hits a backdrop on Future to the floor before executing a crisp standing moonsault into a series of mounted forearms that has the crowd on its feet. Flash looks to follow up the move with a moonsault from the apron as Future gets to his feet but Future steps forward to evade it and even though Flash lands on his feet he is caught with a short Frank-N-Hurter (Roaring Elbow) that catches him hard on the jaw. Future takes a moment to gloat before lifting Flash’s deadweight into the ring and going for a cover, only getting a two count. Future builds momentum as he stomps each of Flash’s limbs, starting with the left arm and working around clockwise through the legs, right arm and lastly Flash’s head with the Garvin stomps. Flash tries to roll away but Future is relentless with the stomps as he puts a vicious series of hard stomps right into Flash’s gut while he is sat in the corner. Future poses for the fans allowing Flash to get a small breather and fire back with a double foot kick as Future comes at him. A second one puts some distance between them but Future nails him with a big spinebuster when Flash charges him, but again only gets a two count. Flash is clearly rattled as Future starts to go to weardown holds to make sure Flash can’t get any air into his lungs. The match slows down in pace as Flash tries to wrestle his way out of the move but can’t seem to generate much distance for long until after several attempts he hits a big back suplex. Future throws the first punch as they get back to their feet and exchange blows but it’s Flash who gets the immediate advantage with a big dropkick. A second dropkick counters a charge from Future before Flash ducks another charging clothesline and catches Future with a big hotshot that leads to a two count. The crowd are massively behind Flash as he signals he’s going for the Flash Bang (Rock Bottom) but Future manages to block the move with some stiff elbows before managing to connect with a Flash Bang of his own. The crowd go mad as McArthuer counts but only manages to reach a long two count that has Future holding his head in his hands. Future tries to argue the count with the referee but McArthuer makes it clear he won’t be intimidated, so Future sets himself into position behind Flash, stalking him as he slowly gets up to his feet. Future rubs his elbow as he sets up for the Frank-N-Hurter once more and waits for Flash to get up and turn around before spiralling into the move, only for Flash to duck it and counter with a lightning quick Flash Bang! The crowd pop and McArthuer counts, barely managing to get a three count before Future gets a shoulder up, meaning that Flash is the new number one contender to the BLW World Championship. [u][b]WINNER:[/u][/b] “Vintage” Steve Flash [b][u]RATING:[/b][/u] C- Flash leaves the ring as his hand is raised and slaps hands with a few of the fans on his way to the back, leaving Frankie Future wondering quite how he just managed to lose that match. [size=4][b][u]OVERALL SHOW RATING:[/b][/u] D+[/size] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/UW.jpg[/IMG][/center] [quote][b][u]Quick Results For BLW: Ultimate Warriors[/u][/b] [i][u]In Front of 156 people at the Riot Act Club[/u][/i] [i] Lead Belly calls out Deeley, wants his title match now, 5 mins (D-) Deeley defeats Lead Belly by pinfall (German Suplex), 15 mins (C-) DWBs attack Deeley, Peverell makes the save, 5 minutes (D-) Zeus interupts Diamond’s entrance, says Singh isn’t there so he’ll fight him instead, 2 mins (E) Zeus defeats Diamond via manager interference, 8 mins (E+) All Star Team defeat CV2, 10 mins (D-) Sawyer makes Smart beg for his wrestling career+match making, 6 mins (D) Kaos defeats Mark Smart, 5 mins (E+) Ota defeats EXILE by DQ when Burning Bridges interfere, 14 mins (C-) Burning Bridges beatdown Ota with finishers, 3 mins (E-) Vin Tanner defeats Rick Sanders after botched interference from Citizen X, 13 mins (D) Tanner challenges Citizen X to a match but is denied, 5 mins (D) Steve Flash defeats Frankie Future to become #1 contender, 14 mins (C-)[/i] OVERALL: D+[/QUOTE]
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From: [b][u]ProWrestlingHits.com/News[/u][/b] By: [i]Theodore Logan[/i] [QUOTE][center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/PRIDEKoiso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/PGHW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/SeijiJimbo.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] Pride.. Glory… Honour… News [/b][/u][/center] As any real wrestling fan knows, PGHW is one of the few remaining promotions who refuse to cave in to wrestling being anything short of a real sport. The company has been known as one fo the most physical places in the world to work and has more than earned it’s reputation for putting on some of the best matches the world of professional wrestling has ever seen, with men like Yoshimi Mushashibo, Nobuatsu Tatsuko, Eisaku Kunomasu and Hoshino, Mita Miwa and Shuji Inukai leading the way for them for the last decade. Sadly, the promotion has been rocked by the news that one of their rising stars and one half of their tag team champions Yasunobu “PRIDE” Koiso has suffered a major concussion during a tag match with Alexander Robinson and Lee Bennett. Koiso is said to have suffered a major concussion, the effects of which could be truly devastating for his career if he continues to take any bumps to the head, each of which could result in further concussions and potential brain damage. As such, Koiso will not be allowed to step near a wrestling ring for the next twelve months as he sits on the sidelines, something that will sadden him, PGHW and the fans. However, for every negative there must be a positive, right? It seems that PGHW is going to have another second generation star on their hands soon as Seiji Jimbo, the son of the PGHW owner Sadaharu Jimbo, has recently joined PGHW’s child company, Pro Wrestling SAISHO. By all accounts he has signed up with them on a developmental deal and it seems that once he has went through some fine tuning with the company, he will then make his appearance for PGHW. No word on when his eventual debut will be however, although speculation suggests it is almost certainly going to be sometime in 2008.[/quote] [QUOTE][center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Total Championship Wrestling Expanding[/b][/u][/center] After the SWF signed up some new talent earlier this year it seems that TCW also have expansion on their minds, bringing in a wealth of talent from the indy scene. TCW have cultivated strong links with other promotions in a bid to be able to bring the best talent into the fold and this seems to be the first step. Joining them from the Puerto Rico based FCW is Puerto Rican Power, Shawn Gonzalez and Rudy Velasquez, with Rudy being the only one of those men to sign an exclusive deal, showing perhaps just how much potential TCW believe him to have. From the BLW promotion they have signed Frankie Perez, Mikey James and Carl Batch. All six of these men are expected to make appearances on screen in the near future and will be joined by experienced referee Jez McArthuer and recently retired Black Hat Bailey,. Who is believed to be helping backstage. As already mentioned, only Rudy Velasquez has signed an exclusive deal with TCW, meaning that everyone else is free to pursue other commitments for the time being, although how long that will last is anyone’s guess.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Retirement For Joshi Legend[/u][/b][/center] Tara “Thunder” Hike has announced her plans to retire from wrestling in 4 weeks time. One of the cornerstones of 5SSW, a wrestler named as one of their “magic three” alongside Sensational Ogiwara and Crusher Ichihara announced her retirement at a recent show in a move that will almost certainly sadden her many fans across Japan. Viewed as one of the finest technical wrestlers of either gender, Hike is a former four time 5SSW World Champion. Her retirement will be a great loss in the ring for the promotion but given her status with the company it is widely believed that she will continue to work for them in some fashion, most likely in a behind the scenes role aiding the young up and coming talent on the roster.[/quote] [quote][center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/WalterMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Injury Shocker For British Master Technician[/b][/u][/center] British Wrestling may not get much coverage here at Pro Wrestling Hits, with only guys like Cornell, Dark Angel and Giedroyc even getting a mention on a regular basis but that doesn’t mean that the country doesn’t have it’s fair share of talented wrestlers. Among them is a man called Walter Morgan, who is one of the finest technical wrestlers on the face of the planet. A master submissionist surpassed only by men like Yoshimi Mushashibo and Jeremy Stone, Morgan has somehow never tried to break out of his homeland despite having all the tools required to be a major player. And it seems that any chances he had of becoming an international star, especially with rumours constantly circulating about him heading off to tour Japan, have been cut short as Morgan recently suffered a broken neck in a match with Menace. Despite the injury Morgan was able to continue the match and even win it, but with an injury as severe as his he probably should have stopped while he could. It is said that he will miss over a year of action due to the injury but he is hoping to be able to continue in others roles for Ring Of Fire in the meantime, although the short term damage from the injury may make it difficult for him to even be able to do that. We wish him a speed recovery and all the best.[/QUOTE] From: [b][u]ProWrestlingHits.com/IndyNews[/u][/b] By: [i]Robert Greene[/i] [QUOTE][center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Card For BLW: Living Dangerously [/b][/u][/center] Another promising show here for BLW… I’m not sure what I can say about them that hasn’t already been said. They have a pretty unique group of talents, they are running two shows a month in the New York area and are slowly but surely drawing in new fans to the company. I hear their DVD sales are doing pretty good too, with a couple of hundred discs selling away for each show… and with probably 10 times that actually watching on the internet too than it at least looks like BLW will keep doing well. The highlight of the last show for me? The debuting team of Brandon Smith and Primus Allen… with each of them standing at least 6’4” and 300 pounds they look like they could be a team with a huge amount of potential. Anyways, here’s the new card…[/quote] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/fire3.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Coming to you from the Riot Act Club, New York[/u][/b] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Shooter” Sean Deeley & “Hands Of Stone” Bradford Peverell[/u] vs [u]The Dirty White Boys[/u][/b] [i]For the chance to earn a title shot[/i] Both of BLW’s singles champions are present in this tag team match which will not only see them squared off against each other but also against a man who is considered one of the top challengers for their own title belt. This match was made by “Playboy” Jake Sawyer after seeing Peverell save Deeley from a beatdown at the hands of Grease Hogg and LeadBelly. After losing a second chance to get his hands on the BLW World Championship, Lead Belly needs to earn another shot at the belt by picking up the win with his side here. On the other side, Bradford Peverell looks to earn a shot at the King of the Cage title by winning this match for his side. Sawyer has promised only one of these men a title shot so this match promises to be volatile as both teams have pride and glory at stake! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_Tag01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/WootonFitzpaine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ThimblebyLangton.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Split Personality (Insane Machine & Deano Machino)[/u] vs[u] The Good Old Boyz (Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine)[/u][/b] [i]For the BLW World Tag Team Titles[/i] The BLW World Tag Team titles are on the line in a match that promises to be one of the most chaotic and exciting bouts in BLW’s short history. The Good Old Boys are a wild team who have been tearing up a path of destruction across America lately while Split Personality are one of the finest and most experienced teams around, starring not only in America but also in Japan for the WLW promotion. With the belts on the line both teams are sure to bring their A game into this match and that can only mean we’ll see some exciting wrestling in this contest to take home the gold! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VSred.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“Southern Justice” Jack Griffith[/u] vs[u] “The Insider” Mark Smart[/u][/b] [i]In A BLW Cage Fight[/i] 0-0 - W/L - 0-0 This match has “Playboy” Jake Sawyer’s fingerprints all over it as he looks to test out Mark Smart’s will to compete for BLW against a man looking to rebuild his reputation after years of obscurity. “Southern Justice” Jack Griffith had apparantly been rediscovered fighting for money in bar fights around the Tennessee area before Jake Sawyer contacted him and brought him to BLW. In this match Saywer looks to test both of his investments as Griffith makes his BLW debut against Mark Smart inside the BLW cage!! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VSred.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Dazzling” Dave Diamond[/u] vs[u] “The Submission King” Marc Speed[/u][/b] [i]In A BLW Cage Fight[/i] 0-0 - W/L - 1-1 Also inside the BLW cage will see “The Submission King” Marc Speed look to pick up a victory after his loss to Grease Hogg at King Of The Cage. The masterful technician has trained hard to be one of the best counter wrestlers in the industry and he will need to be on his toes as “Dazzling” Dave Diamond is a wild fist fighter who holds nothing back. This cage fight should be action packed and a win here will do a lot to help put them into contendership for the King Of The Cage title!! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BlackEagle_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“No Gimmick Needed” Barry Kingman[/u] vs[u] Plague[/u][/b] The son of the legendary “Crippler” Ray Kingman will once again be in action in BLW as he steps up to face off against the reigning Coastal Zone Champion, Plague, in a non-title match. With the mysterious and exciting high flyer Plague building up a lot of momentum across the American wrestling scene Kingman will have a tough match on his hands. Will he be able to stop the Plague from spreading, or will he get put down by the sickness? [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“The Amazing” Jacob Jett[/u] vs[u] “King Of The Ladder Match” Remmy Skye[/b][/u] For the first time ever, two of the most exciting high flyers in the world will face off against each other in a BLW ring. Remmy Skye is almost the undisputed King of the Ladder match and has earned himself an incredible fanbase thanks to his daredevil, risk taking style in the ring. But when it comes to incredible moments in wrestling few men can create as many as “The Amazing” Jacob Jett, a man who has dazzled fans up in Canada for the last couple of years and even has a reign as 4C champion under his belt. No doubt about it, this match could be a classic for the ages and it will happen in a BLW ring!! Don’t miss out on the chance to see all this and more as BLW hosts Living Dangerously at The Riot Act Club, New York. Tickets for this event are only $6 with lots of signed merchandise available at the event. Be sure to book early through BorderLineWrestling.com or at the venue itself to avoid disappointment as there are only 300 tickets available for this event! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/fire3.jpg[/IMG][/center] [QUOTE][b][u]Quick Picks For BLW: Living Dangerously[/b][/u] "Shooter" Sean Deeley & "Hands Of Stone" Bradford Peverell vs The Dirty White Boys (Grease Hogg & Lead Belly) - Lead Belly or Peverell get a title shot if their team win Split Personality (Insane Machine & Deano Machino) © vs The Good Old Boys (Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine) - BLW World Tag Team Title Match "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith vs "The Insider" Mark Smart - BLW Cage Fight "Dazzling" Dave Diamond vs "The Submission King" Marc Speed - BLW Cage Fight "No Gimmick Needed" Barry Kingman vs Plague "The Amazing" Jacob Jett vs "King Of The Ladder Match" Remmy Skye[/QUOTE]
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Got to be honest, not a great fan of the whole Pseudo-MMA stuff, but it's your promotion and I'll continue to read. At least there's some good old fashioned 'wrasslin' on the rest of the show :p;) [B]"Shooter" Sean Deeley & "Hands Of Stone" Bradford Peverell[/B] vs The Dirty White Boys (Grease Hogg & Lead Belly) - Lead Belly or Peverell get a title shot if their team win [I]Peverall pins Grease Hogg to get a shot at the Pseudo-MMA title. Neither of the DWB are really good enough to challenge for the proper belt. [/I] [B]Split Personality (Insane Machine & Deano Machino) ©[/B] vs The Good Old Boys (Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine) - BLW World Tag Team Title Match [I]Good Ol' Boys tag champs ? About as much chance as Big Smack Scott being called modest.[/I] [B]"Southern Justice" Jack Griffith[/B] vs "The Insider" Mark Smart - BLW Cage Fight [I]Surely some kind of punishment for Smart annoying the fans with his insider gossip at every show.[/I] "Dazzling" Dave Diamond vs [B]"The Submission King" Marc Speed[/B] - BLW Cage Fight [I]On paper Speed seems to be more suited to the Pseudo-MMA stuff, but my predictions for that tournament were hopeless so what do I know ?![/I] "No Gimmick Needed" Barry Kingman vs [B]Plague[/B] [I]Kingman's got a bit of a 'loser' gimmick going on and Plague is just better anyway.[/I] [B]"The Amazing" Jacob Jett[/B] vs "King Of The Ladder Match" Remmy Skye [I]Basically a coin flip for this one, as it could honestly go either way and this is one of those spot-based matches that could be an absolute thrill ride or a chaotic mess.[/I]
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[quote=Tigerkinney;513609]Got to be honest, not a great fan of the whole Pseudo-MMA stuff, but it's your promotion and I'll continue to read. At least there's some good old fashioned 'wrasslin' on the rest of the show :p;)[/quote] To be honest, even I'm not 100% sure about it myself. It'll take some time to build the division into something important but I've got plans for it and fancied taking a risk in this diary. If it doesn't work out... I'll think of something else. Something easier to predict for you. :)
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[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/fire3.jpg[/IMG] [i][u]In front of a crowd of 100 fans in the Riot Act Club, New York[/i][/u] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ChristianBlack_alt3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/CarlBatch-1.jpg[/IMG] [b]Batch joins Black on commentary again[/b][/center] [u][b]Black:[/u][/b][i] “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Living Dangerously, brought to you by Border-Line Wrestling! As we’re sure you already know, tonight’s line up features six matches that will pit some of the finest talents in pro wrestling up against each other, including the return of the BLW Cage Fight!”[/i] [u][b]Batch:[/u][/b][i] “Shut up, foo’! These people know what they paid to come see tonight. Jack Griffith is gonna squash that little bug Mark Smart inside that cage tonight and I promise, it will be bloody! It will be violent! It will be hardcore!! And you know I know what I’m talking about foo’, cos I managed Eddie Peak!”[/i] [u][b]Black:[/u][/b][i] “I don’t think anyone can forget how violent Peak was when you were managing him, which reminds me.. why exactly are you out here again, Carl?”[/i] [u][b]Batch:[/u][/b][i] “I warned you two weeks ago, foo’. You call me Mr Batch, not even my own momma calls me Carl.”[/i] [u][b]Black:[/u][/b][i] “Sorry, Mr Batch. But my question still stands.”[/i] [u][b]Batch:[/u][/b][i] “I’m getting a close up look at the talent BLW has to offer. You know I’m the greatest manager in professional wrestling today! I’m scouting baby, looking to find the next big thing so that I can help them make sure they become the next big thing. And I get to help you to sound less stupid on the DVD of this show too, all thanks to Jake Sawyer’s wisdom.”[/i] [u][b]Black:[/u][/b][i] “Well, thanks for that insight Ca… Mr Batch. The crowd are ready for this tonight so lets get this show underway. Here comes….”[/i] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/KatieCameron2.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]“King Of The Ladder Match” Remmy Skye[/u] vs[u] “The Amazing” Jacob Jett[/u][/b][i] w/Katie Cameron[/i][/center] Of all the match ups on the show, this is the one that probably had indy fans drooling the most, as two of the most exciting high flyers in profession wrestling lock up to open the show. In terms of big moves, this match had it all as both men pulled out their trademark flashy aerial attacks. Jett hit his over the top rope rana, a minute later Skye hit a big plancha dive, another minute later and Jett hit a plancha of his own and so the match kept going with high spot after high spot to wow the crowd although many of the transitions were barely thought through. The finish eventually sees Jacob Jett attempt the Jett Take Off (Roll Through Powerbomb) only for Skye to rana his way out of it, hit the Cobra neckbreaker and then land the Skye Dive (Swanton) to pick up the three count. [b][u]WINNER:[/u][/b] “King Of The Ladder Match” Remmy Skye [u][b]RATING:[/b][/u] D- [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] [b]A Heated Confrontation[/b][/center] Skye’s victory celebration is over and Katie Cameron is helping Jett to the back when Barry Kingman begins to make his entrance early. Jett is still on the walkway as Kingman barges past him, shoving him on the way and prompting the two men to start a war of words while Katie tries to hold Jett back. Both men look angry with Katie standing between the two of them whle they shout obscenities at each other. Kingman evidently says something about Katie and that prompts her to turn around and slap him hard across the face. Jett smiles and pokes fun at Kingman while he looks stunned at what happened. [u][b]RATING:[/b][/u] D- [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BlackEagle_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“No Gimmick Needed” Barry Kingman[/u] vs[u] Plague[/u][/b][/center] This match starts fast as Kingman is upset about what just happened to him, allowing the more level headed CZCW champion to get the early advantage on Kingman. Plague manages to control Kingman early on with some nice mat wrestling, beating Kingman at one element he is usually in control of in matches. But the momentum eventually ends up in Kingman’s favour as he fails to give clean breaks, taking the advantage with forearm shots that surprise Plague. The match wears on with Kingman trying to keep Plague grounded and sap his strength with a variety of holds on all parts of his body. Kingman attempts to apply the Kingman Krippler (Crossface Submission) on Plague but he flips his way out of it and is quickly up to his feet. Plague follows up with some big dropkicks to keep Kingman off balance before quickly climbing the ropes, only to be crotched by Kingman. Kingman tries to set Plague up for a superplex but he is blocked and sent to the mat with a big face first suplex. In one fluid motion Plague bounces down to the apron and then over the ropes into the ring where he catches Kingman with the New Jersey Turnpike (Slingshot Corkscrew Legdrop) that manages to keep Kingman down for the three count. [b][u]WINNER:[/u][/b] Plague [u][b]RATING:[/b][/u] D+ [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_Tag01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/WootonFitzpaine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ThimblebyLangton.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Split Personality (Insane Machine & Deano Machino)[/u] vs[u] The Good Old Boyz (Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine)[/u][/b] [i]For the BLW World Tag Team Titles[/i][/center] The Good Old Boys are beginning to make a name for themselves in the New York area thanks to some wild brawls in PSW and now in BLW. This title match started fast and kept going as both teams were willing to brawl all over the place. But Langton and Fitzpaine took control in the hostile ringside environment, brawling all over the place and into the fans, using whatever came to hand to add to the punishment. The match finally gets into the ring and for the first time we see a tag and some proper teamwork as the burly brawlers take control and use double teams to pound away on the champions. Insane Machine seems to take the brunt of the damage as a result of the attacks, until he eventually lands close to his partner following a big fallaway slam from Wooton Fitzpaine. Deano Machino, in his infinite wisdom, manages to slow down the pace of the match by delaying things for a while. After some tentative wrestling Deano manages to find an opening thanks to a distraction from Machine at ringside. The attack is swift and vicious as both men use quick tags to lay a flurry of punches and kicks down onto Wooton in the corner. The momentum stays in favour of the champions as they start to work on the big man’s left knee, stretching it out with various double team moves and distracting the referee to get an extra advantage where necessary. Langton paces on the apron and yells words of encouragement to his tag parter to get the tag after several close calls that just didn’t quite make it. Eventually Langton gets the tag and cleans house with Fitzpaine, laying waste to the champions until both men look ready to finish off the match. Langton gets ready to take Deano up to his shoulder for the Shock To The System (Dominator) as Fitzpaine tries to a lariat on Insane Machine only for Machine to drop to the mat and pull the ropes down, sending Fitzpaine crashing to the outside. Deano is in trouble but Insane Machine pulls Deano off the shoulder and seizes the opportunity to hit the Termination Kick (superkick to back of the head) on Langton who crumples to the mat. Deano makes the cover and Machine does just enough to stop Fitzpaine from getting in the ring to break up the fall. [b][u]WINNERS:[/u][/b] Split Personality (Insane Machine & Deano Machino), defense #2 of the BLW World Tag Team titles [u][b]RATING:[/b][/u] E+ It’s intermission in the show as the ring is quickly set up for the next fight, a small but well drilled crew seem to know exactly what they are doing and have the job done in no time at all, which is handy since they’ll have to take it down again later. [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VSred.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Dazzling” Dave Diamond[/u] vs[u] “The Submission King” Marc Speed[/u][/b] [i]In A BLW Cage Fight[/i] 0-0 - W/L - 1-1[/center] Speed looked all business heading into this match, never taking his eyes off his opponent even as he played to the crowd leading up to the final bell. Speed had his full MMA gear on with the long shorts and grappling gloves while Diamond wore his normal wrestling gear. As the bell rung to start this fight Diamond didn’t even hesitate to come out swinging, hoping to land one of his wild punches on Speed’s jaw. But Speed showed that he could really move when he needed to, evading punches and slipping away from Diamond’s early onslaught, defending but not countering the offense. Diamond gets more and more frustrated as Speed continually evades his punches but Speed knows what he is doing and waits for Diamond to throw a hesitant punch, catching it and going quickly for a Furuzawa armbar. Diamond fights the move, but Speed really doesn’t want to let it go as the two struggle on the mat with each other. Eventually Speed is forced to give up the hold and begins to simply wrestle for position, trying to slip behind Diamond and maybe get a choke. The round finally ends and Speed ****ily lets Diamond know that he was very close to getting him in that round, something Diamond doesn’t take kindly to as he almost charges Speed during the break between rounds! Diamond is still fired up and once again comes out with a rapid barrage of punches that takes Speed by surprise. A couple get through and Speed is forced to try for a clinch, only to take more of a pounding onto his back. Speed manages to shove Diamond up against the cage and tries to weather the storm as Diamond tries to reach round with a forearm on Speed’s neck. He can’t pop his hips into the move though as Speed lifts Diamond off his feet and manages a messy takedown, but Diamond manages to roll with it and get a partial mount where he tries to throw more punches. Speed manages to get into full guard and Diamond is going ballistic with punch after punch raining down on Speed but suddenly Speed gets his legs up and he manages to sink in a deep triangle choke on Diamond! Diamond tries to break up the move but there is nowhere to escape to and he has to tap out to Speed who wastes no time in celebrating the win. [b][u]WINNER:[/u][/b] Marc Speed by submission at 2:31 in the 2nd Round [u][b]RATING:[/b][/u] D- [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/PlayboyJakeSawyer.jpg[/IMG] [b]Arrival Of The Playboy[/b][/center] Mark Smart is on his way to the ring for his fight looking completely out of place in MMA gear. He tries to look confident but there is no hiding the fact that he clearly does not want to be in this match at all. He gets into the ring and hears the sound of opera music playing, signalling the arrival of “Playboy” Jake Sawyer, the apparent authority figure of BLW. Sawyer walks calmly down to ringside and pulls up a chair but when he takes a look at it he changes his mind and decides to remain standing instead. He sips his wine as he watches on with interest at the arrival of Mark Smart’s opponent for tonight, a man he personally had a hand in bringing to BLW. [u][b]RATING:[/b][/u] D- [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VSred.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]“Southern Justice” Jack Griffith[/u] vs[u] “The Insider” Mark Smart[/u][/b] [i]In A BLW Cage Fight[/i] 0-0 - W/L - 0-0[/center] The crowd head into this match knowing that Mark Smart realistically doesn’t have a chance. They try to cheer him a little but Jack Griffith wastes little time in kicking Smart in the balls, a move that isn’t illegal in the cage fighting environment. Smart doubles over in pain as Sawyer calmly sips from his glass of wine and watches Griffith grab Smart by the back of the head and ram him head first into the cage, taking him back and forth across the ring until he is busted open. Smart is left to drop into the middle of the ring where he slowly crawls around the floor, turning around so the fans can see the blood before Jack Griffith looks over to Sawyer, who nods slightly. Jack Griffith sneers a little before picking Smart up to his feet and drilling him into the mat with the Jack In The Box (the Lo-Down). Griffith knows that the fight is already over but he drags Smart back up to his feet and locks in the Crossface Chickenwing, taking Smart down to the mat quickly in a simple show of what he can do. Smart isn’t in the hold for long as Referee McArthuer calls for the bell and seperates Griffith from Smart. At ringside, Sawyer lets slip a slight smiles as he turns away and heads backstage once more. [b][u]WINNER:[/u][/b] Jack Griffith by stoppage at 4:37 in the 1st Round [u][b]RATING:[/b][/u] D- [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Dirty White Boys Are Ready[/b][/center] The ring crew have barely had time to begin taking down the cage when the very loud revving of engines can be heard, announcing the arrival of Lead Belly and Grease Hogg. The two men ride to the ring and circle it a couple of times before parking up and getting into the cage where one of the walls have been taken down. They look ready for a fight, to say the least. [b][u]Grease:[/u][/b][i] “Deeley… Peverell… you guys are lucky that these nobodies are taking down this cage because you both know, if you came face to face with me in here that you wouldn’t walk out again. Last month, I became the King Of The Cage by proving to everyone that I am quite simply, the toughest son of a bitch in BLW. So tonight, after I beat you two into submission, it’ll be time for my riding buddy here to pick up some gold of his own. Tell ‘em, Lead Belly”[/i] [b][u]Lead:[/u][/b][i] “Tonight, I get even with you two punks. Your fluke victories can’t hide the fact that I beat you both around the ring and the cage when I danced with you, and you both managed to pick up a win over me. History won’t repeat itself tonight, bitches. Myself and Grease Hogg, we’re the most destructive force in pro wrestling. Too violent for prime time TV, we’re here to not only put a mark in your loss column, but we’re making it in your own blood.”[/i] [b][u]Grease:[/u][/b][i] “Boys, I hope you’re ready. We’re the Dirty White Boys and tonight… we fight!!”[/i] [u][b]RATING:[/b][/u] D- [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Shooter” Sean Deeley & “Hands Of Stone” Bradford Peverell[/u] vs [u]The Dirty White Boys (Grease Hogg & Lead Belly)[/u][/b] [i]For the chance to earn a title shot[/i][/center] It takes everything Deeley has to slow his tag partner down to prevent this match from erupting into a brawl from the off. Deeley restrains Peverell while he talks smack at Hogg who simply dares him to come into the ring and take his best shot. But the match actually starts with Deeley in the ring facing off against Lead Belly, the classic technique vs power battle. Lead uses his power to block Deeley’s attempts and the Dirty White Boys gain an early advantage with some good teamwork to keep Deeley isolated from his partner. Peverell continually tries to get into the ring only to be cut off by the referee, prompting him to get to the apron and try to get the fans behind Deeley as he slowly tries to escape the punishment from the DWBs. Deeley’s break finally comes when he manages to counter Grease Hogg into a painful armlock. Lead Belly is quick to try and break it up but Deeley shows great ring awareness and rolls away out of the move, diving across the ring to make the tag. Peverell vaultss over the top rope and explodes into the ring with a series of punches that takes down each of his opponents in turn. The punches turn to clotheslines to knock them down before Peverell launches a great dropkick on Lead Belly that sends him to the floor, only for Lead to land on his feet. Peverell turns to face up to Grease Hogg but is dragged out of the ring and into Lead Belly’s arms where he is quickly thrown with a huge fallaway slam. Lead Belly gloats as Peverell grimaces on the floor in pain, but Lead doesn’t notice Deeley sneak him behind him on the apron and lock in a rear naked choke, using a jump from the apron to take him down to the floor in one swift motion. Hogg’s attention is on Peverell as he makes his way out the ring to punish him some more by ramming him into the apron before taking him into the ring. Deeley still has the choke on Lead Belly on the floor as the referee keeps his attention on the legal men. Deeley has Lead down and out on the floor and he makes his way to his corner while Grease shoots Peverell off the ropes to crush him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, he doesn’t see Deeley make the blind tag off the ropes. With Peverell on all fours, Hogg looks for the Grease Spot (Running Knee Strike) but Peverell evades it. Hogg’s momentum carries him into a stiff forearm from Deeley that gives him time to get into the ring as Peverell recovers enough to nail a Dream Left Hook that sends Hogg straight into the clutches of a German Suplex from Deeley, complete with a bridge to get the three count. Bradford Peverell will get a shot at Grease Hogg’s King Of The Cage championship! [b][u]WINNERS:[/u][/b] “Shooter” Sean Deeley & “Hands Of Stone” Bradford Peverell [u][b]RATING:[/b][/u] D The crowd seem happy with the result of the main event as Deeley and Peverell celebrate their victory in the tag match. Lead Belly slowly recovers on the floor, but by time he has the winners have already left the ring area. [b][u][size=4]OVERALL SHOW RATING[/u][/b]: D[/size] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/fire3.jpg[/IMG][/center] [QUOTE][b][u]Quick Results For BLW: Living Dangerously[/b] [i]In front of 100 people in the Riot Act Club[/u] Remmy Skye defeated Jacob Jett, 13 mins (D) Jett/Kingman argument, Katie slaps Kingman, 4 mins (D-) Plague defeats Barry Kingman via New Jersey Turnpike, 13 mins (D+) Split Personality defeat Good Old Boys (defense#2 of BLW World Tag Team), 14 mins (E+) CAGE FIGHT: Marc Speed defeats Dave Diamond via submission at 2:31 in 2nd Round (D-) Sawyer comes out to watch Mark Smart, 2 mins (D-) CAGE FIGHT: Jack Griffith defeats Mark Smart via stoppage at 4:37 in 1st Round (D-) DWBs hype up main event while cage is taken down, 3 mins (D-) Deeley/Peverell defeat Dirty White Boys via KO/suplex, 16 mins (D) [b]OVERALL SHOW RATING[/b]: D[/i][/quote]
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[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/center] [QUOTE][b][u]Mood:[/u][/b] Pleased [b][u]Listening To:[/u][/b] "Last Christmas" by Wham Hi blog, Feels like it's been a while since I last left an entry here but I've been busy. I've been doing some research into NYCW's schedule and found out when they are going to hold their next show... they don't know it yet but I'm planning to "accidentally" on purpose have a show on the same day. We share several workers and I ahve it on good authority that they would rather work for me than NYCW if given the choice... they may not know that the East Coast Wars are on, but they will. :) On another note, Living Dangerously went down pretty well I thought. Still not as many fans as I'd hoped. It seems that I'm going to have to keep bringing Steve Flash in because he brings in the crowds. I want to be able to sell out the lower half of the Riot Act Club before I ask them to open the balconies. The next show should be a great one... Deeley vs Flash is one of the biggest dream matches on the indy scene and should be awesome. Grease Hogg vs Peverell should be another good match too, especially with the cage fighting stuff going on. I'm nto sure the fans buy into the idea yet but with some more build it will be an exciting division. Failing that, I've got 2 back up plans to fall back on. If only I can convince the stupid fans that the Cage Fighting division is a revolutionary new concept... NOT MMA, but wrestling and fighting in a cage. Tough guys fighting in a more realistic style rather than fighting in an MMA style. It clearly favours brawlers, power men and technical guys... so the high flyers may struggle. And yet.... Well, enough from me for now. Things to do and whatnot. [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ChristianBlack_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [i]Christian Black[/i][/center][/quote]
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[b][u]From:[/b][/u] ProWrestlingHits.com/IndyNews [b][u]By:[/b][/u] Robert Greene [quote][center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/BLW_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/center] While I’m vaguely aware that there are only about seven people who like to keep up with the indy promotions in the US, I’m always going to keep updating you on the latest shows going around whenever I can. Border-Line Wrestling is a small company based out of New York who have made the Riot Act Club their home. The venue itself is a modern place, with seating for around 1,000 people potentially when their balconies are open, a fully licensed bar, a great sound system and lights set-up, and perhaps one day all the facilities BLW would need to host one hell of an after party to their shows if enough people showed up. As it is they are only getting around 100 people to come along despite putting on shows that are more modern and with darker storylines than anything NYCW would be putting on. In short… check them out if you get the chance. Here is their next card.[/quote] [center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/unpredictable2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_WorldHeavy02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “Shooter” Sean Deeley ©[/u] vs[u] “Vintage” Steve Flash[/b][/u] [i]For the BLW World Championship[/i] The main event of the show is the match that BLW fans have been waiting for, the inevitable showdown between the champion and one of pro wrestling’s perennial challengers. Deeley has saw his stock in the wrestling world rising in the last two years with his affiliation with the Elite stable in CGC earning him more name value while his outstanding performances in winning and retaining the BLW World Championship have seen him earn the respect of many. The challenger is “Vintage” Steve Flash, a man who seems to get better with age , turning in show stealing performances wherever he goes and still defying critics who say he will never win a major title. This match will see two of BLW’s finest go at it with the BLW World Championship on the line and only one man can walk out as the champion! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/Generic_Championship01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VSred.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Grease Hogg ©[/u] vs[u] “Hands Of Stone” Bradford Peverell[/b][/u] [i]King Of The Cage Title Fight[/i] Grease Hogg came out of the King Of The Cage tournament with the gold around his waist but the talk of the tournament was the supposed upset king Bradford Peverell, who knocked out Lead Belly and Leper Messiah en route to the final. Many people speculate that if it weren’t for Messiah’s rage fuelled attack on Peverell after their fight was over that “Hands Of Stone” would already be the King Of The Cage. This is the first time the belt has been defended and with two men as explosive as this, this fight should prove to be nothing short of incredible. Will Hogg’s cage fighting experience prove to be enough to earn him the victory or will Peverell’s Dream Left Hook find itself another victim?! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Natural Storm (D.C. Rayne & Eddie Howard)[/u] vs[u] Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye[/u][/b] [i]Winners To Receive A BLW World Tag Team title match[/i] If rumour is to be believed then “Playboy” Jake Sawyer has been having nightmares trying to establish order in the BLW tag team division. With so many talented teams on the roster he has the ever impossible task of deciding who should be next in line for a shot. Natural Storm are one of the finest young teams in pro wrestling and came within inches of winning the gold in the huge four way tag ladder match, then had a strong performance challenging for the belts just weeks later even though Rayne was still recovering from the massive Cradle To The Grave (cradle piledriver) off the ladder that he suffered. As for Perez and Skye… well, they are the reigning Coastal Zone Tag Team champs, a title that is respected all over the world. Both teams want a shot at the BLW World Tag Team belts and the winners of this match will receive a shot at a future BLW event! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] “No Gimmick Needed” Barry Kingman[/u] vs[u] “The Amazing” Jacob Jett[/b][/u] This match has sprung from an incident at BLW: Living Dangerously after the two men exchanged angry words between their respective matches and Kingman wound up being slapped by Jett’s girlfriend, Katie Cameron. But it is well known that these two men also have bad blood from their time in the 4C promotion in Canada, where both are former champions. At Unpredictable these two men will lock up and try to settle their differences once and for all inside a BLW ring, but with Kingman’s recent tendency to snap and Jett’s fiery temperament, this match could explode at any moment! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/DynamiteNarahashi.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]The Sensational Singh[/u] vs[u] Dynamite Narahashi[/u][/b] By decree of “Playboy” Jake Saywer, The Sensational Singh will not only appear at Unpredictable but he will also wrestle. Having substituted himself for his allies in some recent events and having completely failed to show for others, Singh has been ordered to compete in this match or risk never competing for BLW again. His opponent is a youngster from Japan who is looking to make a name for himself ever since he left BHOTWG, much like his friends in the Burning Bridges group. This match, like all the matches on the card, is as unpredictable as it comes with Singh’s versatility being his key assey while Narahashi has the ever explosive Narahashi Cutter in his arsenal to help him win a match out of nowhere. [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/WootonFitzpaine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/ThimblebyLangton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/VS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/BulldozerBrandon_alt5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/PrimusAllen.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]The Good Old Boys (Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine)[/u] vs [u]The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen)[/u][/b] Coming off an impressive debut victory, The All Star Team will face off against one of the wildest teams in America right now as the southern rednecks look to bounce back from a tag team title match defeat with a win here. While neither team has been around for long, this match promises to be one of the wildest matches in BLW as over 1,000 pounds of whirlwind violence will come crashing together in a bid to move up the ladder on their quests to become BLW World Tag Team champions! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/People/PlayboyJakeSawyer.jpg[/IMG] To get your tickets for this event just head to BorderLineWrestling.com to make your reservations or go along to the Riot Act Club, New York to book your tickets there. Tickets cost just $7 and are limited to a highly exclusive 300 seats, so be sure to book early in order to avoid disappointment for this hotly anticipated show! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20not%20ECW/Logos/unpredictable2.jpg[/IMG][/center] [QUOTE][u][b]Quick Picks For BLW: Unpredictable[/b][/u] "Shooter" Sean Deeley (c) vs "Vintage" Steve Flash [i]-BLW World Championship[/i] Grease Hogg (c) vs "Hands of Stone" Bradford Peverell [i]-King Of The Cage title[/i] Natural Storm (DC Rayne & Eddie Howard) vs Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye [i]-for a shot at the BLW World Tag Team titles[/i] "No Gimmick Needed" Barry Kingman vs "The Amazing" Jacob Jett The Sensational Singh vs Dynamite Narahashi The Good Old Boys (Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine) vs The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen)[/quote]
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"Shooter" Sean Deeley (c) vs "Vintage" Steve Flash -BLW World Championship [I]Good old fashioned Time Limit draw to set up a rematch.[/I] Grease Hogg (c) vs "Hands of Stone" Bradford Peverell -King Of The Cage title [I]The big hairy biker retains the Pseudo MMA Title :p[/I] Natural Storm (DC Rayne & Eddie Howard) vs [B]Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye[/B] -for a shot at the BLW World Tag Team titles [I]More talented[/I] "No Gimmick Needed" Barry Kingman vs [B]"The Amazing" Jacob Jett[/B] [I]Kingman's troubles continue[/I] [B]The Sensational Singh[/B] vs Dynamite Narahashi [I]Narahashi will dominant but Singh will cheat his way to victory.[/I] The Good Old Boys (Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine) vs [B]The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen)[/B] [I]BBS and Primus have great potential to be pair of dominannt monster heels, and one's that could also have reasonably good matches given the right opponents. The Good Old Boys on the other hand aren't that good.[/I]
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I've just caught up with this diary, and I have to say - it's good to see Shooter Sean getting the recognition he deserves! I'm curious, though - what Product are you using? Quick Picks For BLW: Unpredictable [B]"Shooter" Sean Deeley[/B] (c) vs "Vintage" Steve Flash -BLW World Championship [I]While I like the sound of a draw, I want Shooter Sean to continue in his championship ways.[/I] [B]Grease Hogg[/B] (c) vs "Hands of Stone" Bradford Peverell -King Of The Cage title [I]Peverell's fun, and he's god a good, old-school gimmick, but I think there's more name value in the former DWBs.[/I] Natural Storm (DC Rayne & Eddie Howard) vs [B]Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye[/B] -for a shot at the BLW World Tag Team titles [I]SUPER-INDIE TEAM AWAY![/I] "No Gimmick Needed" Barry Kingman vs [B]"The Amazing" Jacob Jett[/B] [I]I've always liked to think of Barry Kingman as 4C's version of Tazz. He doesn't talk, because he doesn't need to. He's just a crazed technician, who BREAKS PEOPLE. However, that doesn't seem to be the case here.[/I] [B]The Sensational Singh[/B] vs Dynamite Narahashi [I]Singh can take a dirty, dirty win here to get some momentum back.[/I] The Good Old Boys (Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine) vs [B]The All Star Team (Brandon Smith & Primus Allen)[/B] [I]Do you smell that? That, my friend, is the smell of potential![/I]
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