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:confused: Okay, I've got a few guys in my diary (cheap plug : [url][/url] ) that I'm trying to get into a position to make a run at one of the titles (I'm booked ahead almost 6 months to what I'm writing) however, it seems that no matter what I try to do, they always wind up getting an E or so rating, and they're feuding with each other... I'm sure that popularity, etc has to do with this, but how are they to even get over when I book them in other matches/segments with other people ranked even slightly above them and they stay sitting on the "NOT" list? I feel like such a damned noob that I actually had to ask that... [CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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Actually I am glad that you asked this question as well, because I also have the very same problem. Only my Upper Midcard and Main Eventers seem to get good momentum. No matter how much I try I can not get Darryl Devine over in the USPW. He is on like a 12 match win streak and he went from an E- to an E.
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Try stepping their push up a bit, then put them over people higher up than them, and not just a little bit, but high up. Ex. I put Vladimir Koslov over Taker the other day (tainted win so Taker wasn't hurt) and it jumped him from enhancement talent to midcarder, and his momentum shot up a few grades. Don't be scared to sacrifice your main eventer/upper midcarders once in a while.
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I tend to do that quite a lot. Practically all of my main event players have suffered shock-losses to new guys, whether it be tainted (Ted Dibiase beating John Cena thanks to Orton's interference) or a flash pin (Colt Cabana surprising JBL) It just helps them get that first jump into usefulness. From there, cutting promos with top stars helps boost them a bit. When I brought Chris Sabin into my game, I had him do 5 minute backstage skits with Cena, Batista, Shawn etc, before each match in his win-streak storyline. He's nice and comfy on a C pop now, although I'm not sure how much the angles accounted for that. He got some upset victories along the way.
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Thanks for the help guys, I'll try some of that out, especially with a few of the guys that I've got on loan (for angles, not matches, damned creative control.... and damned midcarders being Main Eventers in ROH... just.... just... just...... [IMG]http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn6/VikisMurrdoch/Rondamn.gif[/IMG]
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