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Creative control - what do you do?

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Just wondering how you guys approach creative control. I only play real world mods, and when I come accross guys with creative control that won't job to anyone, such as Trips, I tend to just use the in game editor to remove that from his contract. But I have started a new game a little while ago and I am now about a month or so into it and have been resisting the temptation to remove the CC, and although I am finding it much more difficult to achieve what I want, I am actually enjoying it far more. So, what do you do, edit it out or just run with it?
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I very rarely get situations with creative control in, as I prefer to play smaller promotions where it isn't an issue, but when it appears I like to leave it in and deal with it. It's like the new personality set-up: sure, positive personalities are better, but it's just so much more interesting with the nasties.
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[QUOTE=Thevampire;510036]run with it. I find i much more fun to do so. keeps your mind creative. since you have to find other way to push a worker.[/QUOTE] Totally agree. That's how I do things. In my recent WWE game I spent 6 months building Jeff Hardy up to win the WWE title at Wrestlemania, and when the big night came, Triple H refused to drop it. So instead I had Trips win by cheating, turned him heel and started a new era of the corporation. Jeff dominated the 'Mania match and got a huge push from that. The world kept on turning. Just go with it. Obstacles make life interesting.
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I had a really bad night with my Invasion game. Survivor Series, Taker was supposed to drop the WWE Championship to Sting, but refused. The SS Match, Austin and Trips, the two team captains, refused to job to each other. Turned me off the save really.
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Guys- don't specify a winner. If Hardy's got the momentum, the overness, and you give him a positive note like "keep strong" or have a run-in against HHH, you can stack the deck. The Wrestlemania example is a bad one because you really want a winner, but does it really matter who wins a survivor series match-up? Let the game decide that one.
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Running my ROH diary, I found that a lot of the guys that I brought in through talent trades refused to job to some of my guys, so, after I used the ROH originals (Joe, 'cide, Sydal) I just used them the rest of their matches in dark matches against undercard guys who were going nowhere anyways. However, when I play as WWE or TNA or something, I usually just work around the CC by having some kind of screwjob finish for the guy that they refuse to job to, then take the storyline a completely different way, much like everyone else.
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Really just depends on the game and my intent with the game. I've played with TCW almost as often as SWF. For some reason, I'll never edit out the creative control contracts with Total, but I have done it quite a few times with Supreme. It definitely adds another element of challenge to the game. I think why I'm willing to do with SWF is that I'm not playing a game with them for the challenge. Its more for the fun and the storylines, and creative controls just seems to get in the way of that.
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For lots of fun play with FCW. Puerto Rican Power is the owner so he never renews his contract and I imagine you can't edit the creative control out. He's also far more popular than anyone except Shawn Gonzalez at the beginning. Unfortunately for me Gonzalez immediately left for TCW in my game before I could get the title off PRP. Worse, PRP signed a PPA with TCW meaning that he got national exposure on TV against a lot of great wrestlers, boosting his popularity up even more. If I push any of my young talented workers to even approach PRP's overness they either become too expensive to resign or they get signed by a national company. And it takes forever to push them anyway since I'm too small to get a TV deal or run more than two shows a month. I can't afford to sign anyone who is more popular than PRP, and even if I could SWF and TCW sign anyone that popular to written deals anyway. PRP won't lose in a tag match. He won't lose by flash pin. He won't lose by DQ. He won't lose even if he is set to dominate the match. I signed Steve Flash, who had become quite popular in the indy world, but PRP rejected any type of Flash victory, though he accepted a match where Flash dominated him, he got buried, but he still won. Right now I've resorted to a talent exchange with WLW for Johnny Bloodstone. PRP will take a loss to Bloodstone (but of course Bloodstone won't lose to any of my other guys since he's got CC). I will either job PRP until his overness goes down or I will come up with a story that leads to the title being vacated. Option A pretty much defeats the point of having such an over talent in FCW in the first place and option B is just boring. And even if I do get the title off PRP, how do I continue to book him in shows without giving him back the title if he refuses to ever lose to anybody? I played with SWF and I enjoyed the challenge of working around Brandon James's creative control. In this case, however, I either have to destroy my most valuable asset or wait until I have enough money to sign someone who is already so over that they don't need the rub from PRP.
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[quote=hakk99;510300]And even if I do get the title off PRP, how do I continue to book him in shows without giving him back the title if he refuses to ever lose to anybody? [/quote] He's proven he's the best wrestler in Puerto Rico's history, right? Well... see who you can bring in on talent exchanges and have him say he's going to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt as he beats... everyone! While he's beaten your roster, Dread, Strong and Chord (among others probably) he won't have beaten everyone in the world so see who you can bring in for classic massively hyped matches and have him put his legend status beyond doubt. :)
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[QUOTE=derek_b;510493]He's proven he's the best wrestler in Puerto Rico's history, right? Well... see who you can bring in on talent exchanges and have him say he's going to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt as he beats... everyone! While he's beaten your roster, Dread, Strong and Chord (among others probably) he won't have beaten everyone in the world so see who you can bring in for classic massively hyped matches and have him put his legend status beyond doubt. :)[/QUOTE] Very nice idea.
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While I was running my dynasty in TEW 2007 I was set up to have my yearly tournament and wanted to push Jacob Jett, who had been in my fed since the beginning. I gradually worked him up in the months prior and when the tournament came around, Frankie Perez, Davis Wayne Newton and Jay Chord, three guys who had left my roster earlier that year came in and refused to job to Jett. So I had to come up with a way to integrate it and still get Jett over. I made an angle where Perez shook Jett's hand and then Jett came out and destroyed my book on the fly winner Jay Chord.
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