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TF22 Burning down the House, why because it's july and it's hot, next because it's an allusion to the fact that every thing about the product is going to go haywire. i would guess August would be a rebuilding month so maybe Forced Labor Under the Sun or Domestic Violence (that house them again) then September would brings some resolution so Brick by Brick Forced to Fight or Home of Champions I really like the first one the rest are just kinda feelers.
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"The Voice" Syn Roberts: Middleweight HEEL Manager He comes from New York. Is a very open minded person, but also very vindictive if his clients ever cross him. Has the ability to take his clients to the top, if they ever stay with this commandeering general. Believes himself to be The Voice Of The New Generation.
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Anna Sin Sational, Aka Princess, One fine Piece of A.S.S. Just as often a face Mangager as a Heel manager, is known for calling the color comentary when one of her boys is in the ring. She has exotic charm, and wears a show girls outfit (silver) out to the ring. but constantly tells the fans they are chauvinists and pigs when the hoot at her. she may be just the woman to reign in Meat-grinder and harness his enery in more productive direction. (frequent inuendo should be used when the Princess is behind the microphone,and she should blush any time some one calls her on it!)
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Bumpkis: the ultimate jobber, in fact the fans love to see this guy loose, he is a hard core um, legend just doesn't seem to be the right word. fans bring weapons for him to use, but some how he always seems to loose control of them, and he ends up feeling their bite rather than his oponents. Bumpkis can have a great match with almost anyone, and is an especially skilled brawler. but even when he has the upper hands, the villans he faces almost always seem to come out on top. Bumpkis is often the lower cards first victory over an upper midcard. infact the only winds Bump seems to pick up are over debuting enhancement talent. How ever when paired with other workers he seems to bring out the best in them (read as his wins come as part of a tag team) ok 4 to go!
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[QUOTE=mistaken;517333]Bumpkis: the ultimate jobber, in fact the fans love to see this guy loose, he is a hard core um, legend just doesn't seem to be the right word. fans bring weapons for him to use, but some how he always seems to loose control of them, and he ends up feeling their bite rather than his oponents. Bumpkis can have a great match with almost anyone, and is an especially skilled brawler. but even when he has the upper hands, the villans he faces almost always seem to come out on top. Bumpkis is often the lower cards first victory over an upper midcard. infact the only winds Bump seems to pick up are over debuting enhancement talent. How ever when paired with other workers he seems to bring out the best in them (read as his wins come as part of a tag team) ok 4 to go![/QUOTE] I miss Mikey Whipwreck!
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[B]Character name: Chris Sharp[/B] Size: Light Heavyweight Finisher: The Sharpshooter Gimmick: Face- Fan Favourite Heel- Arrogant Heel [B]Character name: The Bull[/B] Size: Heavyweight Finisher Bullseye Gimmick: Face/Heel- no gimmick needed [B]Character name: Jack Hawthorne[/B] Size: middleweight Finisher Hawthorne Heights gimmick: heel- rich snob
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My roster compromises of the following people: "The HEAT seeker" Johnny Danger lightweight - Quite simply, he is the black charisma like person, where being bad is just too damned cool! He is quite c.o.c.k.y. and will stop at nothing to get himself and ONLY himself over. Think all of the members of the Kliq rolled into one, minus the drugs (he's manipulative, short tempered, a con man through and through, a total politician) John Pope. Preacher. middleweight Travelled round Europe for a while, learnt his wrestling schools from a Priest. Habid Hatooq. Foreigner. heavyweight Born and raised in Muslim Somalia, works well, learnt skills in Army. Good as Heel Tom Foley. Traditionalist. lightweight Owns the company. Learned to wrestle in High School. Is he good find out in this thread... Mark Evan Alexander Thompson-Head Large Heavyweight: MEAT-Head, Face Guy that is nothing but muscle, teamed with a heal who is constantly taking advantage of his good nature but simple mindedness. Okay, I'll make Timmy Lee Klansly - HEEL - Big Heavyweight - Kevin Nash with HBK attitude (pre Church) and 1-2-3 Kid workrate. His gimmick is that he is big and a force to be reckoned with...actually, lets give him face paint and have him do Jim Force promos. Big Smack Scott with Jim Force promos. This should be good. Alpha/Omega-Super heavyweight-heel He comes to the ring in a white robe, brags he is the Alpha the begining, then after the match he takes the Mic and tells the crowd he is the Omega, the end is coming.... A huge fat guy (6ft 9, 400+ pounds) “OG Eazy: A Black Highflyer, his ripped physique and Chino accent got him pushed into a gangsta gimmick, and while he portrays the role to a T, he is rather talented in the ring and might be able to break into singles competition and out of his stereotypical gimmick eventually. Real Name Oliver Grant Donny Ice: A white brawler with a hardcore streak in him, Donny is the opposite to Eazy gimmick wise, as he's a trust fund kid from Fort Lauderdale who actually WANTED the 'fly-white guy' gimmick. There's no question he's got talent in the ring and he can cut a half-decent promo, but there's only so far his gimmick will get him.” "The Perfect One" Jake Young A young brash manager with an arrogant attitude but without the size to back it up. (lightweight) A quick wit and a great talker. Likes to lead a stable known as the "Perfect Alliance." Could also do Color Commentary. "The Enforcer" Wallace McMichael A burly man, who is mostly soft-spoken, unless pushed to the edge. Having grown up in the wrestling business, after his knees gave way from years of in-ring abuse, McMichael turned to working backstage as a road agent, taking more interest in teaching the next generation of wrestler. Can also play an authority figure, if necessary. Character name: The Pisschrist Bio: A dark, evil character, lunatic, a Grim Reaper of somesort. Nemesis combined with Larry Wood and the whole spirit of WEXXV. Finishing move: The TombstonePiledriver. Stats etc: Heavyweight, Heel A*, face C. A nice guy in reality ^^ Nick Clements AKA Senor Ignition Heavyweight Heel He is the size of Chris Benoit. He models his moveset after Arik Cannon, Benoit, and Disco Inferno, DDP. He has a plethora of charisma Randy Eltern: Retired Veteran turned to announcing, once a six-time company champion. Delilah Hatton: Dating Tom Foley, very witty, gets over on the East Coast, but slag’s off the West side too much for my liking. Works as Colour Girl I.C.All Veteran referee, interestingly he is blind in one eye, so that has been used in many angles. Name: Dzaglika Kostava Bio: Dzaglika Kostava is a former judo competitor from the nation of Georgia. Dzaglika is known for competing in the 2004 Summer Olympics, where he failed to win a medal, finishing 25th overall. Realizing that his career in judo was growing hopeless, he's decided to take his skills to professional wrestling. He's made an OK transition, and makes his judo background a focus of his in-ring work, utilizing lots of throws and takedowns. Physical details: Light-Heavyweight, semi-muscular, white. Head and beard and cut/shaved very short, to the point of being stubble (sorta like Blackjack Robbins), and has very pronounced cheekbones. Age: 26 Style: MMA Crossover Backstage: A very driven jackass. Finisher: Iberian Implosion (Overhead Belly to Belly suplex that bridges into a pin). “Team Showtime Josh Taylor Bio: Born in San Jose and moved to baltimore at 14 with his brother and sister in-law after his parents died in car crash. He loved wrestling and attended many events when he was younger. He always had matches with friends and wanted to enter a profession of wrestling. He attented a wrestling school at 17 to start to make his dream a reality. He met up with his partner Rob Johnson.They realized that they had similar experiences and interests and the two have become best freinds since then and are almost inseprable. Physical details: Moderately tall, 6-pack, white, Long Brown Hair, no facial hair, Age: 24 Style: Super Junior Backstage: Everything Middle but Very Loyal and Humble Face Gimmick: Rock Star Heel Gimmick: Franchise Player Moveset: A cross between John Morrison and Rey Mysterio (flies alot but good technically aswell) Finisher: Shooting Star Legdrop, Spinning Impaler (Vito esque) Loyal To Rob Johnson Rob Johnson Bio: He was born in Baltimore, MD lived with his mom while his dad died while at war .He had to drop out of high school at age 16 to get a full-time job and help his mom with their house and his younger infant twin brothers. When his mom hit the lottery Rob left to try his hand at wrestling. He always watched and was a fan since childhood. He left for wrestling school and met his partner Josh Taylor and they've been best friends every since. Physical: Cut Brown hair (like Aries had), About 5 ft 11, Goatee Age: 26 Style: Puserosu(sp) Backstage: Extremely Loyal but more selfish about 45/55 Face Gimmick: No Gimmick Needed Heel Gimmick: Egotistical Moveset: Mostly technical but some flying in there. Finishers: Cattle Mutilation, The Delux” Name: Aaron Genocide Age: 23 Birthday: March 23, 1985 Bio: Was born in Tornto but moved to Detriot. Grew up really poor but loved wrestling. Moved with his grandma in the UK at 11. At age 13 became a pro wrestler. He would wrestle at local events. He decided to move back to the the states and there is where he became an independent god (basicly like how AmDrag is prasied.). At age 17 wrestling analysts said that he would be the next best thing. Basicly this verision of Chris Jericho. Face Gimmick: People's Champion Heel Gimmick: Black Charisma Style: Super Junior Finsher: Genocidal Driver(Burning Hammer), Superstar Drop (Tiger Bomb) Backstage: Driven, Loyal, and Bold Moveset: Chris Jericho Heel Performance: A* Face Performance: B- “Silent But Violent Name Ellipsis Age 27 Real Name Troy Baker Size Heavyweight Style/Skills Superb Brawler with some technical skills. Poor talker. Bio: Troy began training at 17, and moved to Japan to train at 19. He debuted at the age of 21 and in a few short years really managed to hone his craft. He suffered a shoulder injury at 24, and the promotion made an angle out of it. After an 8 month lay off, Troy returned under a mask and worked an Avenging Angel gimmick against the wrestler who had injured him. It was a big success but Troy grew tired of living in Japan and came back to America. He since tweaked the gimmick from a mask to face paint. Name Unspoken Age 25 Real Name Paul Roberts Size Middleweight Style/Skills Good Brawler and High Flyer. Bad Talker Bio: Paul is a native of Southern California and grew up idolizing Lucha wrestlers. He began training at 18 in the Lucha style but a brief foray into Mexico convinced Paul that he was a little too big to try daredevil manuevers without hurting eitehr himself or those he wrestled, so he concetrated more on being a brawler. Since then he's traveled the U.S. indy circuit with his mask as a silent, assassin for hire type. He met up with Ellipsis and two decided to form a team.” Name Simon Seven Allignament Heel Gimmick Opportunist...he has never had the possibility of achiving something in the business, but now he is going to do everything he can to win...it doesn't matter who is the one he has to beat...he will do even the dirtyest thing to win Age 30 Real Name Joe Stredowski Size Heavyweight Style/Skills Regular wrestler with some technical skills and great performance skills. Great talker, who links with the crowd in a second and realy makes them hate him. Bio: Joe always was a wrestler, but due to a lot of injury he didn't have the possibility of achive something in the business he love, but recently he starts a new gimmick, the Simon Seven one, that ghives him the possibility of go trough his injury problem...he is a great talker so he can remain on screen even if he can not wrestle. With the time he is vbecame a good trainer and he has 2 great prospect who are loyal to him and that play the part of the sidekicks and help him to arrive on top. Catch Frase...: "I had never had nothing from that business...so now I am going to take something out of it by myself" and "You can tell me I am not fair, you can say I am not a gentleman...well...you are free to do what you want...but forgive me...If I will not care about it at all!" Finisher S7Special(Catatonic to emerald fusion) Name: Henrik Seaborne AKA Mr. Superior (choose whichever your prefer) Bio: "Mr. Superior" Henrik Seaborne of South Africa is an amazing physical specimen, with a physique so perfectly chiseled that he's been hounded by steroid rumours since his days as a professional strongman (and supported by his apparent bouts of roid rage). And, this image is just about the only thing going for him as he is clueless in the ring, but atleast has some passable microphone skills. Alas, there will always be a place in wrestling for musclebound freaks. Sometimes teams with Dzaglika Kostava as the International Connection, and to help hide his lack of wrestling talent. Physical details: Light-Heavyweight, super buff, white, ultra-sized super duper muscles, buff, clean shaven face with a black faux-hawk, often wears dark black goggles. Age: 29 Style: Entertainer Backstage: A total nightmare. Driven, egotistical, manipulative, but very social. Finisher: Cape Town Crash (Death Valley Driver) Lil Hellian- African American Heavyweight(because he's fat, not muscular) manager that will do whatever it takes to win a match. Outside the ring he is perfectly pure and loyal. Big Tasty- A Giant that is always on the side of good. LARGEST POSSIBLE SIZE. Finishing move- Chokeslam. Also loves McDonalds. Outside the ring he is manipulative and evil. Darkshadow Wears a mask. Uses and occult like gimmick. Light Heavyweight. Technician, with fairly good charisma. Bret Hart type I suppose, but more menacing. Easy going, respectful guy. Loyal...all that stuff. "The Voice" Syn Roberts: Middleweight HEEL Manager He comes from New York. Is a very open minded person, but also very vindictive if his clients ever cross him. Has the ability to take his clients to the top, if they ever stay with this commandeering general. Believes himself to be The Voice Of The New Generation. Anna Sin Sational, Aka Princess, One fine Piece of A.S.S. Just as often a face Mangager as a Heel manager, is known for calling the color comentary when one of her boys is in the ring. She has exotic charm, and wears a show girls outfit (silver) out to the ring. but constantly tells the fans they are chauvinists and pigs when the hoot at her. she may be just the woman to reign in Meat-grinder and harness his enery in more productive direction. (frequent inuendo should be used when the Princess is behind the microphone,and she should blush any time some one calls her on it!) Bumpkis: the ultimate jobber, in fact the fans love to see this guy loose, he is a hard core um, legend just doesn't seem to be the right word. fans bring weapons for him to use, but some how he always seems to loose control of them, and he ends up feeling their bite rather than his oponents. Bumpkis can have a great match with almost anyone, and is an especially skilled brawler. but even when he has the upper hands, the villans he faces almost always seem to come out on top. Bumpkis is often the lower cards first victory over an upper midcard. infact the only winds Bump seems to pick up are over debuting enhancement talent. How ever when paired with other workers he seems to bring out the best in them (read as his wins come as part of a tag team) Character name: Nigel Rush size: Lightweight finisher: Super Kick gimmick: face: showstealer heel: evolution Character name: Chris Sharp Size: Light Heavyweight Finisher: The Sharpshooter Gimmick: Face- Fan Favourite Heel- Arrogant Heel Character name: The Bull Size: Heavyweight Finisher Bullseye Gimmick: Face/Heel- no gimmick needed Character name: Jack Hawthorne Size: middleweight Finisher Hawthorne Heights gimmick: heel- rich snob If I have forgotten one of yours that you posted pray tell. I shall take the from temptation and help you find salvation. This is my last post. Look out for my new thread
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