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USPW: The American Way

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[CENTER][I][B][11 Minutes later, Jim Force is still banging on the door but now intermittently.] Jim Force[/B] "The Force is growing weeeeeaaakkkkeerrrrr! Ohhhhh mighty door you are strooooooong! What is that? Nurse you cannot touch me! No, mighty nurse! Not the needle again! NNNNNOOOOOOOO!" [B][The banging stops and Jim Force is heard being dragged away from the door. The lights slowly come back on within the office and everyone looks around with Sam clearing his throat.] Sam Strong[/B] "Alllllright. Now that that is taken care of, let's take a look at our tv ratings. Danny?" [B]Danny Jillefski[/B] "It's rather odd. Our ratings are bouncing around more then Alicia's..." [B]Sam Strong[/B] "DANNY! Don't you say it." [B][Everyone chuckles except Sam.] Danny Jillefski[/B] "Our ratings went to a .24, the lowest since Jack here took over." [B]Sam Strong[/B] "Jack, that is not good." [B]Jack Avatar[/B] "I have time to turn it around, though. I am the man after all." [B]Sam Strong[/B] "More like the boy. But let's move on, shall we? Micky, the matches?" [B]Micky Starr[/B] "We have been doing good at keeping around the right stamina for everyone. Not too surprisingly, the match of the night was tied between the opening match between Bruce The Giant and Captain USA and the tag team main event." [B]Sam Strong[/B] "I ---" [B][They are interrupted by another knock on the door. Everyone's eyes go wide at that. Sam sneaks over toward the door and turns off the light.] Citizen X[/B] "That light is just another sign of corporate America dimming the light of the people who want freedom." [B][Everyone looks at each other and then Sam turns the light back on and opens the door. Sam shakes hands with Citizen X and invites him into the office.] Citizen X[/B] "No thank you, Mr. Strong. I just came to sign my contract and leave this meeting of Corporate America. I shall destroy the USPW from the inside out." [B][Everyone looks at each other and then Citizen X signs his contract before walking out. Sam closes the door and locks it.] Sam Strong[/B] "Jack, quick, anything to add?" [B]Jack Avatar[/B] "As you can tell I made a couple of signings here for USPW. Things are definitely looking up..." [B]As Jack speaks, the doorknob begins to turn and then not fully turn since it's locked. Another knock at the door interrupts the meeting. Sam opens the door this time and it's...Fumihiro Ota! He sneaks and creeps into the room, standing against a wall. Fumihiro Ota[/B] "Invisible cloak...on!" [B][Fumihiro closes his eyes.] Fumihiro Ota[/B] "I am invisible! You cannot see me!" [B][Sam, Danny, Micky and Jack all look at him with raised eyebrows.] Jack Avatar[/B] "Fumi? I can see you." [B][Fumihiro Ota shakes his head.] Fumihiro Ota[/B] "Damn clothes gave me away." [B]Sam Strong[/B] "I think this meeting is over."[/CENTER][/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]USPW AMERICAN WRESTLING PREVIEW! January Week 4, 2008[/SIZE] [SiZE=3]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ChrisCaulfield.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant[/B] What a hardcore main event as the Hardcore American Chris Caulfield takes on Bruce The Giant! Just what happened to Seduction at the end of the show last week? Will she be here in Caulfield's corner for this match? Find out tonight![/I][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Whistler.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]Jumbo Jackson vs. Whistler James Justice vs. Jack Griffith[/B] Our challenger and champion at USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams have big matches tonight. The challenger taking on one of the American Made Men: Whistler and the Champion taking on Southern Justice Jack Griffith! Will both of them come out with momentum heading into their major contest?[/I][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez vs. Cherry Bomb and Wanda Fish[/B] After the attack and save last week here on USPW American Wrestling, the daughter of the owner Alicia Strong and J-Ro team up for the first time ever to take on Cherry Bomb and Wanda Fish! One team will have momentum heading into Stars, Stripes and Slams. Just who will it be?[/I][/QUOTE] Plus the in-ring debut of Citizen X, Nicky Champion defends the USPW Television Title and more of your favorite USPW Superstars in action! Make sure you tune in![/B][/CENTER] [B]Match Quicklist[/B] Cherry Bomb and Wanda Fish vs. Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez USPW World Television Title Match: Nicky Champion defends against Giant Redwood Non Title: James Justice vs. Jack Griffith Eric 'The Bull' Sandretti vs. Jim Force Citizen X debuts against the also debuting Ernie Turner Whistler vs. Jumbo Jackson Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;530142]i haven't read a lot of dynasties over the years, however, I've come to find myself reading yours pretty regularly. Keep it up!! :D[/QUOTE] Awesome! I'm always glad to have a reader and especially a poster. :-) don't forget the TEW 08 Diary Awards nominations. :) And I promise that will be one of only a few shills. lol.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]USPW AMERICAN WRESTLING![/SIZE] [I]Wednesday Week 4 January 2008 Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds Attendance: 4,448 Overall Rating: C- TV Rating: .27[/I][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][I][B][The cameras focus in on the Huntsville Fairgrounds, that has become the home of USPW action! Danny Jillefski and Jack Avatar are at the announcer's table.][/B] [B]Danny Jillefski[/B] "Hello everyone and welcome to USPW All American Wrestling! I'm Danny Jillefski alongside Jack Avatar and we have some great action coming to you tonight!" [B]Jack Avatar[/B] "Indeed we do, Danny. After last week no one has seen Seduction. Peter Valentine has denied kidnapping her but maybe he just forgot where he put her...?" [B][Jack's words are ended by the ring music of the Hardcore American Chris Caulfield! The crowd cheers for the Hardcore American as he walks to the ring with a purpose! He steps inside and grabs a microphone.] Chris Caulfield[/B] "Peter Valentine! I know you're back there listening! Turn up your hearing aid so you can hear me better and get on yuor wheelchair and come out here to the ring and return my Seduction! If you just return her, nobody will get hurt." [B][Crickets chirp as nobody comes out and Chris Caulfield leans against the ropes, waiting. After several minutes, Caulfield shakes his head.] Chris Caulfield[/B] "Valentine, you're lucky I have a match tonight but at Stars, Stripes and Slams you won't be so lucky! Our match is going to be right up my alley: A Hardcore match! Good luck on that one!" [B][Chris tosses the microphone away and heads to the back.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Cherry Bomb and Wanda Fish vs. Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]The in-ring portion of the show begins with the top four women wrestlers in the United States going at it! It was a real struggle and back and forth contest between these four women with Wanda and Joanne re-igniting their rivalry and the announcement that Wanda Fish and Joanne Rodriguez will be fighting at USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams! Alicia got the win to give her team momentum with a pinfall on Cherry Bomb following the Angel Driver.[/I] [B]Winners: Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez Match Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][I][B][Things cut backstage where Nicky Champion is sitting on the bench nearly in tears as he stares down at his USPW World Television Title belt. Nicky Champion[/B] "Giant Redwood's gonna kill me. I just know it. Look at how big that guy is compared to me? He can just sit on me and squash me like a bug." [B][Sam Strong walks in and pats Nicky on the back.] Sam Strong[/B] "Ready for your match tonight, Nicky?" [B]Nicky Champion[/B] "Do I have a choice?" [B]Sam Strong[/B] "No." [B]Nicky Champion[/B] "Then I guess I'm ready." [B][Nicky gets to his feet and begins to walk out of the locker room, shaking his head and nearly shaking in fear.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]USPW World Television Title Match Nicky Champion defends against Giant Redwood[/B] [I]Nicky came walking out to the ring against Giant Redwood and at the beginning of the match he made Redwood chase him! Nicky ran around and around the ring with Redwood not being able to catch him. Nicky crawled under Redwood's legs. Nicky finally got up and faced Giant Redwood, throwing a punch to his chest and Redwood looked down and just smiled. Nicky begged off and Giant Redwood began the advantage, bringing down Nicky Champion but the longer the match wore on, the more it was to Nicky's advantage as Giant Redwood began to tire out. Nicky dodged a big boot from Giant Redwood and hit him in the back of the knee, rolling him up: 1...2...3! Somehow Nicky managed out the win![/I] [B]Winner: Nicky Champion Match Rating: E+[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][The focus turned up toward the announcers.] Danny Jillefski[/B] "Nicky got lucky in that one, Jack." [B]Jack Avatar[/B] "He was just baiting Giant Redwood in." [B]Danny Jillefski[/B] "Whatever. Everyone is looking forward to the major match at Stars, Stripes and Slams. It will have Jumbo Jackson gain the USPW World Title for the Sneer Corporation taking on James Justice." [B]Jack Avatar[/B] "I think the American Way is going to have something to say about that." [B]Danny Jillefski[/B] "What? Is AmWay going to try to sell a loss to Jumbo?" [B]Jack Avatar[/B] "I don't think so, Danny. James has a lot going for him. And to prove it, he's about to be in action against Southern Justice tonight."[/CENTER][/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Non Title James Justice vs. Jack Griffith[/B] [I]The American Way James Justice came out to a good ovation from the crowd here in the Huntsville Fairgrounds. Then the music for Jack Griffith hit and...nothing? The fans waited and waited. Then we were taken backstage where Jack Griffith was shown laying down in his locker room! Micky Starr came over and woke him up and Jack grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and took a swig, staggering from the locker room and finally making it down to the ring. Despite his drunken stupor, Griffith actually held his own in the ring against the USPW World Champion. It took more than a miniscule effort from James Justice to keep Griffith down. Southern Justice got several near falls but Justice made his big comeback. As James Justice was about to hit a Liberation Slam, Jack Griffith got out of it and rolled out of the ring, falling to the ground below. He looked up at everyone and smiled and waved and walked around outside the ring while James Justice looked on from the ring. Griffith jumped the guardrail and took someone's cup of beer from them, walking up through the crowd and was counted out![/I] [B]Winner: James Justice Match Rating: C+[/B] [I]While James Justice watched the goings-on, Jumbo Jackson came out from behind him and attacked him! Jumbo lifted Justice in a Bear Hug, squeezing the life out of him! He held it tight, squeezing as Justice faded out slowly. Jumbo then angled toward the turnbuckle and ran, avalanching James Justice in the corner three times in a row before finally releasing the USPW World Champion and smiling down at him. Jumbo made the belt motion at his waist...or maybe he is hungry? Either way, I think Jumbo wants something and he might get it at Stars, Stripes and Slams.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Eric 'The Bull' Sandretti vs. Jim Force[/B] [I][B][Prior to the match, we had these comments made by Jim Force backstage.][/B] [B]Jim Force[/B] "Mighty Bull Ryne Sandberg, you think you have the might to take on the mighty Jim FOOOOOORRRRCCCCCEEEEE?!?! You have not earned enough Force credits to even be in my leaaagggguuuuueeeeee! Tonight, Eric The Bull I shall turn my mighty back to you and you shall know true feeeeearrrrrr because the back of the mighty Force is worse than the front! Tonight, Ryne the Bull you shall be deeeeffeeeeeeaatttteeeddddd by the Force!" The crowd cheered as Jim Force came out to the ring while Danny and Jack tried to make sense of the latest Jim Force promo. I think he says he's going to beat the Bull? In either case, he dominated the match in and out of the ring against Eric Sandretti. A name change cannot help the kid and Shane Sneer even left him during the match! Jim Force hit the Full Force and got the pinfall.[/I] [B]Winner: Jim Force Match Rating: E-[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]A video begins to play showing an obvious made up scene of a bedroom. In walks a new wrestler to USPW: Mario Heroic! [B]Mario Heroic[/B] "Hello ladies! Mario Heroic here as I am sure all of you know from my movies. I am here on the set of my latest film: Heroic Homecumming to let each and every USPW superstar know that I will soon be arriving on the scene. But I will especially be letting each and every one of you ladies that are watching, well, if there are any before I got there, know about my arrival. Soon, you'll be seeing me not only in movies but in a wrestling ring as well! Yes, I really do wrestle too. I will see you all soon!" [B][Mario walks off toward the set as the camera fades out.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Citizen X debuts against the also debuting Ernie Turner[/B] [I]So we go from a porn star to a white pimp dressed in a fur coat. Yeah, is Sam Strong losing all his marbles here? He must be but have no fear Citizen X is here to save the day! Citizen X comes out to the ring looking ultra-serious. Inside the ring, these two didn't seem to click at all. Gee, an Anarchist and a Pimp not clicking. What are the odds, right? Citizen X picked up an early pinfall win with the Flaming Anarchy but something tells me we haven't seen the last of either of these two.[/I] [B]Winner: Citizen X Match Rating: E-[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][I][B][A video begins to play of a wintry scene. Everyone seems happy-go-lucky, having a snowball fight and then blood smears all over the screen and evil laughter is heard within the background along with these words: "Blood Runs Cold." How...odd?[/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Whistler vs. Jumbo Jackson[/B] [I]Two decent vets of match action, right? Jumbo with Shane Sneer in his corner and Whistler with, well, no one in his corner but who needs help, right? Obviously Whistler does since some well-timed interference by Shane Sneer really helped out the number one contender. Jumbo got Whistler in the corner and squashed him with the Jumbo Avalanche before getting the pinfall victory.[/I] [B]Winner: Jumbo Jackson Match Rating: D[/B] [B][I][Following the match, Shane Sneer entered the ring with a microphone.] Shane Sneer[/B] "Just like I've been saying for a few weeks now: I have a winner on my hands with Jumbo Jackson. He was the main man in that other organization and at Stars, Stripes and Slams he's going to prove that he is the main man here at United States Pro Wrestling. James, there will be no justice at Triple S, for mighty James has struck out."[/CENTER][/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant [/B] [I]For those of you still tuned in and not napping: God Bless Ya! And you're given a split screen of Bruce and Chris doing what they do best: walking...! They're both headed to the ring for the next matchup. After what seems like an eternity, Bruce walks down to the ring to meet Chris and the Hardcore American attacks him. Even Caulfield looks small compared to Bruce The Giant! Caulfield holds the advantage for several moments before well-timed interference by Playboy Jake Sawyer gives it back to Bruce The Giant. The momentum bounces around like a bouncy ball. Oooo. I like bouncy balls. Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy. Oh, wait, there's a match going on and more interference by Sawyer that leads to Bruce hitting the Giant Choke Slam on Caulfield and getting the three count. Oh and no bouncy balls were hurt during this match.[/I] [B]Winner: Bruce The Giant Match Rating: C[/B] [I]Following Bruce's win, he exits with Sawyer and Peter Valentine comes racing out of the back. Well, racing isn't exactly the right word. Maybe jogging? Walking? Crawling? I could maybe crawl faster than Peter Valentine running to the ring. Caulfield is stuck selling the Giant Choke Slam until Valentine gets there and Valentine hits the Heart Breaker on Caulfield and raises his arms to boos from the crowd. Valentine smiles and slides out of the ring, grabbing his back in the process but he gets a chair with the other hand and sits down for a few minutes before sliding the chair back in the ring and hitting Caulfield with it with the weakest chairshot this side of Lance Storm. But Caulfield sells it like he's been shot![/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][I][B][Before we leave you, we head backstage where Jumbo Jackson is walking down a hallway. He runs into the American Way James Justice! Justice growls at him and Jumbo takes several steps back before running...sort of...kinda...James Justice gives chase and runs alongside him a few steps before he gets blind-sided by Savage Fury! Oh wait they're members of the Sneer Corporation too! I get it! They set Justice up against the wall and Jumbo nails a Jumbo Avalanche against the wall! What kind of condition will our Champ be in at Stars, Stripes and Slams! Buy our Pay-Per-View and find out!][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]USPW STARS, STRIPES AND SLAMS PREVIEW! January Week 4, 2008[/SIZE] [SiZE=3]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/USPW_World.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]USPW WORLD TITLE MATCH James Justice defends against Jumbo Jackson[/B] Our main event is a good one as the American Way James Justice takes on Jumbo Jackson of the Sneer Corporation. One of these two is going to have to take on Bruce The Giant next month! Just who is it going to be?! Will James Justice recover from the beating he took on American Wrestling?[/I][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]Wanda Fish vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] These two women have re-ignited their revalry from AAA with the winner here going on to face the winner of Cherry Bomb/Alicia Strong at the next PPV! Who is going to win that right?[/I][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/USPW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/USPW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]USPW TAG TEAM TITLES MATCH The Towers of Power defend against the Forces of America[/B] The USPW Tag Team Titles are on the line here as the Towers of Power take on the Forces of America. The Towers have recently signed on with Playboy Jake Sawyer. Will Sawyer lead this team to even greater heights? Or will the Forces of America be too much for the Champs?[/I][/QUOTE] Plus Bruce The Giant, Nicky Champion defends the USPW Television Title and more of your favorite USPW Superstars in action! Make sure you tune in![/B][/CENTER] [B]Match Quicklist[/B] USPW Television Title Match: Nicky Champion vs. Demon Anger Battle For The Colour Commentator Position, Special Guest Commentator: Queen Emily: T-Rex vs. Jack Avatar USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power vs. The Forces of America USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong Hardcore Match: Peter Valentine vs. Chris Caulfield Jack Griffith vs. Alex Braun Winner Gets A Women's Title Shot: Wanda Fish vs. Joanne Rodriguez American Made Men vs. Savage Fury Bruce's Open Challenge: Bruce The Giant vs. Madman Boone USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson
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USPW Television Title Match: [B]Nicky Champion[/B] vs. Demon Anger Battle For The Colour Commentator Position, Special Guest Commentator: Queen Emily: T-Rex vs. [B]Jack Avatar[/B] USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: [B]The Towers of Power[/B] vs. The Forces of America USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb vs. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] Hardcore Match: Peter Valentine vs. [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] [B]Jack Griffith[/B] vs. Alex Braun Winner Gets A Women's Title Shot:[B] Wanda Fish[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez [B]American Made Men[/B] vs. Savage Fury Bruce's Open Challenge:[B] Bruce The Giant[/B] vs. Madman Boone USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: [B]James Justice[/B] vs. Jumbo Jackson
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]USPW STARS, STRIPES AND SLAMS![/SIZE] [I]Sunday Week 4 January 2008 Location: Louisiana Auditorium Attendance: 10,000 Overall Rating: C PPV Rating: .45[/I][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][I][B][The sound of fireworks exploding can be heard within the background as the pay-per-view begins here in Louisiana! The crowd is on their feet, everyone trying to be on television as Danny and Jack welcome everyone to USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams! They talk for a few minutes about the main event match between James Justice and Jumbo Jackson before sending us backstage...][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][I][B][Backstage, Nicky Champion is hopping around a little bit with Sam Strong talking to him and we finally get some sound...] Sam Strong[/B] "That's right, Nicky. Tonight, you're going to get your revenge on Anger. You're going to step forward and win this match and defend your Television Title." [B]Nicky Champion[/B] "I'm gonna win! Let's go!" [B][Nicky looks toward the camera and mouths..'Someone help me,' giving a concerned look as he heads out the door of the locker room for our opening bout.][/I][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]USPW Television Title Match: Nicky Champion vs. Demon Anger[/B] [I]The opening contest has a USPW Television Title defense to get things started. Anger dominates the bout early but something seems off about him inside the ring and this helps Nicky rise to the occassion in this bout and even things up. Anger goes for a Demon Slam but somehow Nicky Champion slides out of it and nails Anger with the Hawkeye Hammer! Nicky makes the cover: 1...2...3!! Another successful title defense for Nicky Champion![/I] [B]Winner: Nicky Champion Match Rating: D[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Battle For The Colour Commentator Position Special Guest Commentator: Queen Emily T-Rex vs. Jack Avatar[/B] [I]Queen Emily came down with T-Rex and then joined Danny at the booth. Danny talked about how wonderful it is to finally have a decent colour commentator at his side and really sucked up to her throughout the bout. This was a fairly even matchup throughout with Jack using some technical skills to slow down T-Rex but once T-Rex was able to brawl and use his power, Jack didn't have a comeback for that. Queen Emily got involved as well, choking Jack Avatar with her sceptor. This led to a Jurassic Crush from T-Rex and he got the submission win so we have a new colour commentator starting on the next All American Wrestling![/I] [B]Winner: T-Rex Match Rating: C[/B] [I][B][Queen Emily stepped into the ring and celebrated with T-Rex to boos from the crowd as Jack Avatar rolled out of the ring dejected.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]USPW World Tag Team Titles Match The Towers of Power vs. The Forces of America[/B] [I]Our second of four title matches has Jim Force and Captain USA taking on Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles for the USPW World Tag Team Titles. A pier four brawl early on that when broken down had the Champions with the advantage. They used some true brawling skills, keeping Captain USA in their corner and away from the tag to Jim Force. They set Captain USA up for a Doomsday Device but Jim Force came running in and clotheslined Muscles off the top turnbuckle to splat on the outside and then brought down Rushmore with another clothesline! The referee moved Jim Force back out of the ring and during that time, Rushmore went out and got the USPW World Tag Team Title belts. He slid back in and threw a shot at USA --- DUCKED!! USA hit a DDT and then began the long crawl over toward the corner with Jim Force reaching out for a tag. Mick Muscles was crawling up onto the apron after that splat outside and both sides got the tag! Jim Force came in and took down both Towers of Power with clotheslines and then a gorilla press slam for Danny Rushmore over the top rope, showing the power of Jim Force! Force grabbed Muscles and lifted him up --- FULL FORCE!! The crowd got on their feet as Jim Force made the cover and counted along with the referee: 1...2...3!!! We have NEW USPW World Tag Team Champions![/I] [B]Winners: Forces of America Match Rating: D-[/B] [I][B][Following the bout, both members of the Forces of America were handed their title belts but the celebration was cut short by the sounds of motorcycles and the Dirty White Boys making their debuts here in USPW! Lead Belly and Grease Hogg came into the ring with lead pipes and attacked the Forces of America head on, ducking belt shots from the new Champions and dropping them each with brainbusters! The Dirty White Boys grabbed the belts and raised them up to boos from the crowd, exiting the ring with them and driving their motorcycles back up the ramp.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][After the boos filled the arena with what the DWB's did, cheers filled as James Justice showed up on the big screen back within his locker room, pacing.] James Justice[/B] "Later on tonight, Jumbo Jackson, you are NOT going to see what the Forces of America did. You are not going to see a title change hands. What you are going to see is a battle for truth. The truth is that I am better than you. I am the American Way here in USPW and to prove it I hold the USPW World Heavyweight Title belt. You are going to see a battle for justice. Justice is the last name of the winner tonight and furthermore a win for the Sneer Corporation means there would be no Justice tonight. And you are going to see a battle with Liberation Slams for all! That's right, Jumbo, if anyone tries to interfere in the bout they may very well suffer the same fate as you: A Liberation Slam. Be ready, Jumbo. Be ready to lose."[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]USPW Women's Title Match Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong[/B] [I]Our third of four title matches tonight pitting the Women's Champion Cherry Bomb against the Boss' Daughter: Alicia Strong. A very good women's bout inside the ring that went back and forth with Alicia starting to make her comeback toward the end. Cherry Bomb raked the eyes to halt that momentum and went outside the ring, grabbing her USPW Women's Title belt. She slid inside and sized up Alicia and --- BAM! --- Women's Title belt to the face! This gave the referee no choice but to DQ Cherry Bomb! However, rules state that the title cannot change hands on a DQ so Cherry Bomb keeps her title![/I] [B]Winner: Alicia Strong by DQ (Title doesn't change hands) Match Rating: D[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][And we head backstage to show Sam Strong within his office. This time he is talking to one of USPW's newest stars: Mario Heroic.] Sam Strong[/B] "Welcome to USPW, Mr. Heroic." [B]Mario Heroic[/B] "Mario knew you would want to talk with Mario specifically, Mr. Strong. You see, Mario is going to be your number one star. Mario has the face that every woman wants to wake up next to and the face that every man wants to have plastic surgery to look like. When Mario Heroic steps inside that very ring, fans are going to cheer Mario. They are going to emulate Mario and Mario is going to sell a lot of merchandise. Now, Mario has to head to the set of Mario's latest movie. USPW fans make sure you tune in if you're 18 and older." [B][Sam raises a brow and shakes his head as Mario Heroic walks off.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Hardcore Match Peter Valentine vs. Chris Caulfield[/B] [I]The crowd was pumped for this one, looking for the Hardcore American to gain the advantage on Peter Valentine finally since this is Chris Caulfield's type of match. The early advantage went to Caulfield as he started using weapons early. To Valentine's credit, he hung in there during that early onslaught of weaponry even though he was busted open early. Valentine finally took the advantage and used a chair to choke Caulfield and then nailed a drop toe hold into the chair, showing some hardcore skills of his own! Valentine got several near falls during the bout but he just couldn't put the Hardcore American away! Caulfield got the crowd into the match and began to brawl his way back, using a lead pipe and a chair and nearly putting Valentine through a table but Valentine was able to wiggle away from that. As Caulfield was looking to put on the finishing touches, the crowd's attention turned to the top of the ramp where someone was bringing Seduction down toward the ring, holding her on one shoulder like a sack of potatos! Caulfield saw this and turned his attention to the man on the outside, who turns out to be Giant Redwood! Valentine used the distraction to bring Caulfield down with a double knee to the back and then hit the Heart Breaker and made the cover for the 1---2---3![/I] [B]Winner: Peter Valentine Match Rating: D+[/B] [B][I][After the match, Giant Redwood handcuffed Seduction to the top rope and stepped into the ring, putting the boots to Caulfield along with Peter Valentine! Redwood and Valentine shook hands and Valentine lifted Caulfield up --- BIG BOOT FROM REDWOOD! They uncuffed Seduction and Redwood tossed her over his shoulder again and they headed out, leaving a broken and fallen Chris Caulfield in the ring.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Jack Griffith vs. Alex Braun[/B] [I]The Iceman came out for this next match against Southern Justice. Both of these men new to USPW so the crowd wasn't sure how to take them. Griffith was stumbling down to the ring with a glass bottle in his hand filled with presumably alcohol. These two had a decent back and forth match with Griffith's momentum being halted time and time again by his drunken nature. Griffith stumbled out of the ring late in the match and Braun came after him. Griffith grabbed his bottle and tried to drink from it but Braun caught him with a punch that made him spill it! Griffith's eyes went wide and he turned on Braun, smashing him across the skull with that glass bottle and Braun went down hard, busted open! The bell sounded for the DQ![/I] [B]Winner: Alex Braun Match Rating: D[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][The crowd here in Louisiana started to boo as Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson showed up on the big screen!] Shane Sneer[/B] "American Way? The American Way is right here with the Sneer Corporation. Greed, money and power. What more could an American ask for? James Justice, I hope you are keeping MY World Title nice and shiny and warm. Tonight, Jumbo proves that he is more than just a shrimp. Tonight, Jumbo proves he is World Title caliber. You speak of truth and justice, James? Justice will happen tonight when Jumbo Jackson walks out the USPW World Champion after being removed from that other organization. Get ready for the dawning of a new era. The era of Jumbo Jackson!"[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Winner Gets A Women's Title Shot Wanda Fish vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]Both of these women want a shot at Cherry Bomb and the USPW Women's Title. The old rivalry seemed new again as this bout went back and forth inside a USPW ring. They had hold for counterhold with each other due to knowing each other so very well. J-Ro was able to come out with the victory here after hitting Wanda Fish with the J-Rocker![/I] [B]Winner: Joanne Rodriguez Match Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]American Made Men vs. Savage Fury[/B] [I]Shane Sneer looking for a win here against the American Made Men to get momentum heading into the USPW World Title bout. Whistler was off his game inside the ring and the fans took this time to go and get Jim Force merchandise. Savage Fury picked up the victory when Java defeated American Machine with the Greetings From The Island.[/I] [B]Winners: Savage Fury Match Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Bruce's Open Challenge Bruce The Giant vs. Madman Boone[/B] [I]Bruce The Giant's open challenge was accepted by a newcomer to USPW in Madman Boone. Playboy Jake Sawyer came down with Bruce and was handed a microphone before the bout. [B]Playboy Jake Sawyer[/B] "It doesn't really matter who wins the main event tonight. If it's James Justice then so be it. If it's Jumbo Jackson then it's Jumbo. Whoever wins is just a placeholder until next month when Bruce the Giant steps inside with the winner. Madman Boone, tonight you have chosen to be the sacrifical lamb for my Bruce the Giant. You really ARE a Madman. Good night." And Bruce went on the attack! Bruce dominated early on, keeping Madman Boone off his game. Madman tried to fight back but even this large man didn't seem to be too much competition for Bruce the Giant! Bruce got Boone up and delivered a GIANT GIANT CHOKE SLAM!!! He made the cover and got an early three count much to the shock of everyone in attendance.[/I] [B]Winner: Bruce The Giant Match Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]USPW World Heavyweight Title Match James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson[/B] [I]Up on the Big Screen, both competitiors were shown walking backstage. Wow. They can both walk? SHOCKING! They both walked to the ring afterward and the match was on between the American Way and Shane Sneer's Corporate Man Jumbo Jackson. Justice started the match hot with the early advantage, getting the crowd into it and knocking Jackson out of the ring to regroup with Sneer. This happened several times in the first five minutes as nothing seemed able to stop the USPW World Champion! Justice went for a Liberation Slam early but Jumbo fell on top of him for a two count. That led to Jumbo starting to get the advantage. He used his weight on Justice early and often, keeping the Champion grounded on the mat. Jumbo distracted the official at times while Shane Sneer choked Justice in the ring or outside the ring Sneer put the boots to James Justice! The onslaught continued by Jumbo Jackson until he set Justice in the corner and began the warmup for his Jumbo Avalanche! He charged Justice but Justice moved at the last second and Jumbo hit the corner hard, shaking the ring to it's very core! Justice worked hard on Jumbo with kicks and clotheslines. A hard clothesline finally bringing the large man to the ground and Shane Sneer jumped on the apron! Justice grabbed Sneer and brought him in the ring, lifting him up --- LIBERATION SLAM --- NO! --- STOPPED by a shot by Jumbo Jackson! Sneer distracted the official as the official told him to get out of the ring while Jumbo went outside and got the USPW World title belt! Jumbo slid back in the ring and lined up James Justice for a shot --- CONNECTS!!! James Justice falls in a heap and Jumbo slides the belt out of the ring! Jumbo makes the cover as referee Baby Jamie turns around and Shane Sneer smiles for the camera... 1... 2... 3!!! We have a NEW USPW World --- NO!, WAIT --- Baby Jamie signals that James Justice got his shoulder up at the last moment! This match continues! Jumbo argues with the referee for several minutes before turning back to Justice and lifting him up. Jumbo wraps his arms around Justice's waist --- BEAR HUG!! James Justice is falling limp in the arms of Jumbo Jackson. Jamie asks Justice if he wants to give up and doesn't get a response. He grabs Justice's arm ---- it falls once ---- it falls twice --- it falls three --- NO! James Justice holds his arm up as the fans get on their feet, cheering him on! The fans clap as Justice throws a punch to Jumbo Jackson! Another one! The fans cheer with every thrown punch as Jumbo tries to hold on! He runs Justice toward the corner, squashing him in a modified version of the Jumbo Avalanche! Jumbo makes the cover and puts his feet on the ropes! 1... 2... REFEREE SEES JUMBO'S FEET!!! Baby Jamie stops the count and gets into another argument with Jumbo Jackson and then Shane Sneer gets involved as well. Jumbo lifts a limp James Justice and sets him up in the corner. Jumbo steps back to the other side and then charges --- MISSED!!! James Justice fell out of the way of the Jumbo Avalanche! Justice with a clip to the knee of Jumbo, bringing him down! He moves to straddle him and throws some straight rights and a left! The crowd cheers his every move even as Shane Sneer jumps on the apron again! Justice gets up, riding the adrenaline from every member of the crowd! Justice turns toward Shane Sneer whose eyes go wide! Justice with a straight right to Sneer, knocking him off the apron! Justice ducks a Jumbo clothesline --- LIBERATION SLAM!!! Somehow James Justice nailed the Liberation Slam on Jumbo Jackson! Justice makes the cover and the crowd counts along... 1... 2... 3!!! And this time....it IS a three count! The bell sounds for a successful title defense for James Justice![/I] [B]Winner: James Justice Match Rating: C+[/B] [I][B][Bruce The Giant and Playboy Jake Sawyer immediately come walking out from the back and they're headed toward the ring! Justice sees them and lays down the title belt, getting in a fighter's stance and waiting for Bruce to hit the ring! Bruce slowly, slowly, slowly makes his way down and begins to climb to the apron and Justice charges, sending Bruce back down to the floor before Justice can connect. Sawyer holds Bruce back, yelling that they will have their time at Red, White and Blue. The fans want to see these two get it on! But we're out of time! Thanks for joining!][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][I][And it's back to the nursing home --- errrr --- Sam Strong's office for another committee meeting.] Sam Strong[/B] "I think we put on a pretty strong showing at the pay per view on Sunday and we made some money this past month. A pretty good start for you, Jack. Looks like you made it another month." [B]Jack Avatar[/B] "Thanks, Sam. I'd like to thank the academy..." [B][The door suddenly is pushed open and in walks Pimp Daddy Ernie Turner! Ernie has a couple of old ladies on each arm and he slides up to Sam Strong.] Ernie Turner[/B] "A couple of presents for my boss here, playa! Yo yo yo! How's everyone doing? Fo Shizzle!" [B][Everyone just sort of looks at each other for a moment.] Micky Starr[/B] "I think I preferred Jim." [B][Ernie is undaunted, unleashing the two grey haired old ladies on Sam Strong for some kisses and Sam takes a few steps back, shaking his head.] Ernie Turner[/B] "What? You don't like my gift, playa?" [B]Sam Strong[/B] "Ernie? You're white? You need to accept that and embrace it. You're white...and you're lame. It's something we have to deal with every day." [B]Ernie Turner[/B] "The Pimp Daddy Ernie Turner is far from lame, playa. But I'll let you enjoy those gifts and get out of here. Lata hata!" [B][Ernie finally leaves but leaves the two..ahem..ladies.] Sam Strong[/B] "Oh look they're giving out free denture cream!" [B]Micky Starr[/B] "What? Where?" [B][Micky leaves the room following the two old ladies looking for the free denture cream and Sam locks the door behind them all, shaking his head. Then everyone looked over to the far wall where Fumihiro Ota was standing now dressed in a pair of boxers and his ninja hood.] Fumihiro Ota[/B] "I am invisible ninja! You cannot see me!" [B][Everyone just stared at him for a moment longer.] Fumihiro Ota[/B] "Come on, guys. I am invisible. Don't look this way." [B][Sam rolled his eyes and pointed toward the door. Fumi lowered his head and began scuffing his feet as he walked toward the door, completely dejected.] Jack Avatar[/B] "I don't see you, Fumihiro." [B][Fumi perked up at that some and waved before exiting the room and Sam locked the door back.] Sam Strong[/B] "Please don't encourage them, Jack. They'll only keep coming back." [B]Jack Avatar[/B] "I couldn't help myself. But let's get down to business. As with the last card, I have decided to return to the ring full-time as I think I can help this company. I also think we've had some pretty good debuts here lately. And our last Pay-Per-View got that .45 buyrate. We are slowly moving toward the big time and I have even more ideas to help us get there." [B]Sam Strong[/B] "Let's hear them Jack..." [B][To Be Continued...][/B][/CENTER][/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]USPW ALL AMERICAN WRESTLING PREVIEW! February Week 1, 2008[/SIZE] [SiZE=3]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]NON-TITLE MATCH James Justice vs. Giant Redwood[/B] Our main event this week features two men heavily embroiled in storylines as The American Way James Justice is headed toward a huge rematch with Bruce The Giant and Giant Redwood recently came out on Peter Valentine's side and showed that he helped abduct Seduction! Will Chris Caulfield or Bruce The Giant show up in this one?[/I][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]T-Rex vs. Darryl Devine[/B] Two men in the thick of the USPW World Title hunt go one on one here as T-Rex looks to dismantle another opponent and Darryl Devine looks to continue his Mighty Fine Challenge! Which wrestler will come out on top?[/I][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StephanieWade.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]Joanne Rodriguez vs. Stephanie Wade[/B] Women's action kicks off this edition of All American Wrestling with the top number one contender Joanne Rodriguez beginning her road to the match with Cherry Bomb. The first stop on the road: Superstar Stephanie Wade![/I][/QUOTE] Plus Bruce The Giant, Nicky Champion, Sam Strong and more of your favorite USPW Superstars in action! Make sure you tune in![/B][/CENTER] [B]Match Quicklist[/B] Joanne Rodriguez vs. Stephanie Wade Citizen X vs. Pete the Hillbilly USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Forces of America vs. Savage Fury Jack Avatar vs. Peter Valentine T-Rex vs. Darryl Devine Donnie J vs. Mick Muscles Non Title: James Justice vs. Giant Redwood
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]USPW AMERICAN WRESTLING![/SIZE] [I]Wednesday Week 1 February 2008 Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds Attendance: 3,995 Overall Rating: D+ TV Rating: .23[/I][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][I][B][We're headed back to the Huntsville Fairgrounds in Alabama for this next episode of USPW American Wrestling! Danny Jillefski and Queen Emily welcome everyone to this broadcast and they are interrupted as the man who still holds the USPW World Title James Justice steps out from the back to a huge crowd ovation! Justice slaps high fives with the fans on his way down to the ring and steps inside, microphone in hand.] James Justice[/B] "USPW wrestling fans, your Champ is here! Just like I predicted last night, the American way prevailed with Liberation Slams for all! Jumbo, you gave me a good fight but in the end the American Way will always win out! Now, it's on to Bruce The Giant. Bruce..." [B][James' words are cut off by the sounds of Peter Valentine's music! Peter steps out from the back and offers a smile to James Justice.] Peter Valentine[/B] "Congratulations on your win last night, Justice. You beat Jumbo right in the middle of the ring. However, you're not the only one who won last night. I was in a hardcore match against Chris Caulfield and came out victorious..." [B]James Justice[/B] "Only because you had that big red goof watching your back. Tonight, I'm going to make sure he gets put back in his place." [B]Peter Valentine[/B] "Well, that's wonderful, Justice. You do what you have to do. I just wanted to come out here and let you know that next week I have secured a USPW World Title match against you on American Wrestling." [B]James Justice[/B] "Why wait until next week? Why not man up and step in the ring with me right here, right now?" [B]Peter Valentine[/B] "You have enough to worry about with my new bodyguard tonight, James. But don't worry too much since tonight is non-title and next week there won't be any excuses when you and I meet inside of a 15 foot high steel cage!" [B][The crowd is buzzing with that announcement and Justice is left floored in the ring as Valentine heads to the back and Justice finally exits stage right.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Joanne Rodriguez vs. Stephanie Wade[/B] [I]Not a horrible opening bout here for the women's competition. Joanne Rodriguez looked good inside the ring while Wade seemed off her game tonight. Only a few minutes in and J-Ro hit the J-Rocker and got the pinfall victory.[/I] [B]Winner: Joanne Rodriguez Match Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Citizen X vs. Pete the Hillbilly[/B] [I]Citizen X came down to the ring for this match against the menacing Pete the Hillbilly. Pete didn't stand much of a chance in this bout and did his best to make Citizen X look good but the fans didn't care for either of these competitors. Citizen X hit a Flaming Anarchy and got the pinfall victory.[/I] [B]Winner: Citizen X Match Rating: E-[/B] [B][I][After the match, Citizen X grabbed up a microphone.] Citizen X[/B] "I implore you people to watch my bouts, to focus in on each and every move because what you are seeing is the beginning of corporate downfall. You are seeing the end of the big money corporation known as United States Pro Wrestling and it shall continue as I make my challenge for USPW: Red, White And Blue! My challenge goes out to someone who seems to be the Corporate pick. Nicky Champion, we have watched you week after week sitting by the boss. At Red, White and Blue, not even the boss will be able to help you."[/CENTER][/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][A graphic shows up on the screen hyping that next week James Justice WILL be defending his USPW World Title against Peter Valentine inside of a steel cage with the winner heading to Red, White and Blue to face Bruce the Giant![/I][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]USPW World Tag Team Titles Match The Forces of America vs. Savage Fury[/B] [I]The crowd cheered the new USPW World Tag Team Champions: The Forces of America and booed Shane Sneer and Savage Fury! Fury got in some good shots in this tag team title match but the Forces of America rallied back. The Champions showed why they are the Champions in bringing down Savage Fury. Jim Force hit Java with the Full Force and got the pinfall.[/I] [B]Winners: The Forces of America Match Rating: E[/B] [B][I][Following the match, Jim Force grabs a microphone and brings it in the ring.] Jim Force[/B] "YES! I have the mighty microphone and can talk to my Forcemaniacs! Listen to the FFFFFOOOORRRRRCCCCEEEEE!!!! Dirty White BBBBBOOOOYYYYSSSS! You dared step into the ring and attacked the Force when we won these titles! Last night I looked up toward the Heavens and I spoke with the man who created the Force! I spoke with my hero and he told me to load up my rocket ship with fuel from the power of the FOOORRCE!! And take that rocket ship and go to the furthest star within the sky and leap out of the rocket ship and float my way back home on the power of the FORCE! And when I did that my Force grew stronger within the Force! Dirty White Boys you may have struck me down once but I am now more powerful than ever and when the Force begins to run faster within my veins I shall grow large enough that there will not be any room for anyone else upon this USPW ring except for myself and Forcemaniacs as we float to the top of our destiny!" [B]Danny Jillefski[/B] "What?" [B]Queen Emily[/B] "I think I have a headache." [B]Captain USA[/B] "U S A! U S A! U S A!" [B][Captain USA runs around the ring, getting the USA chant throughout the crowd and then falls over and takes a nap. Jim Force picks him up and carries him to the back.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Jack Avatar vs. Peter Valentine[/B] [I]A full-time ring return for Jack Avatar? Just how shall that go? He has a big challenge here in the HeartBreaker Peter Valentine. This was the match of the night so far as both Avatar and Valentine went back and forth with hold and counterhold. Valentine got knocked in the corner late and Avatar charged but Valentine moved out of the way and rolled up Avatar, putting his feet on the ropes! 1...2...3!! Peter Valentine steals one![/I] [B]Winner: Peter Valentine Match Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][The crowd cheers as The American Way James Justice appears on the big screen, pumping himself up.] James Justice[/B] "Giant Redwood, later on tonight you are going to be stepping inside the ring with the man whose merchandise is a best seller here in USPW. I am the top rated wrestler here in USPW and the USPW World Heavyweight Champion. I stand for truth, justice and liberation slams for all! Tonight, I prove that I can take down a Giant Redwood with my bare hands. Tonight, it's a Liberation SLAM and the American Way sells again!"[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]T-Rex vs. Darryl Devine[/B] [I]The crowd really booed T-Rex when they saw that he was joined by Shane Sneer! Queen Emily explained that she sold his contract to Shane Sneer to become his bodyguard. Darryl Devine came out and used some quick moves to keep T-Rex off guard. But once T-Rex caught him, he didn't let up. T-Rex grounded Devine and began pummeling him with rights and lefts! Baby Jamie tried to get involved but T-Rex shoved him off, causing the DQ![/I] [B]Winner: Darryl Devine Match Rating: E[/B] [I][B][Following the match, T-Rex didn't let up. He hit Devine with the Extinction and then went outside and grabbed a chair as Shane Sneer cheered him on from ringside! T-Rex slid inside the ring and the crowd got on their feet and cheered as Madman Boone came out from nowhere! He slid in the ring and punched the chair into T-Rex's face! Boone stood in front of T-Rex and the two stared each other down before Shane Sneer got T-Rex out of the ring. What a collission it would be between these two!][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][A video begins to play upon the big screen and for the fans at home. It is of a city street, focusing in on a corner where an elderly woman is sitting in a wheelchair waiting for the light to change. falling from the sky comes...Des Davids landing right beside her!] Des Davids[/B] "Hello ma'am! Here, let me help you across the street!" [B][Des reaches down and picks her up from the wheelchair, raising a stiff arm with his free arm, carrying her across the street and dodging traffic along the way. Once across the street he sets her down on the ground. And she yells at him about her wheelchair!] Des Davids[/B] "No need to thank me, ma'am! It's all in a day's work!" [B][Des turns and rushes off to help others while the camera watched the woman's wheelchair slide down the sidewalk and into traffic, causing a big pileup before the video ends.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Donnie J vs. Mick Muscles[/B] [I]Donnie J comes out to some cheers from the crowd. Inside the ring he is giving up a ton of weight and muscle mass to Mick Muscles, who is joined at ringside by Playboy Jake Sawyer. Muscles dominated a lot of the match with Donnie J playing the underdog role to perfection. Donnie got some good words from Queen Emily and Danny Jillefski for showing his heart and never giving up against the former USPW World Tag Team Champion. Muscles played some to the crowd and that was his downfall as Donnie J seized an opportunity and rolled him up and got the three count![/I] [B]Winner: Donnie J Match Rating: D[/B] [I][B][Following the win, Donnie rolled out of the ring, raising his arms to cheers from the crowd and got smacked from behind by Jumbo Jackson! Jumbo ran him right into the ringpost to boos from the crowd! Jumbo pushed Donnie J back into the ring and set him up in a corner: JUMBO AVALANCHE!! Donnie J falls to the mat and Jumbo raises his arms up to boos from the crowd.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][Backstage begins a pre-taped interview showing Playboy Jake Sawyer and Bruce The Giant.] Playboy Jake Sawyer[/B] "Things are slowly taking shape, James Justice. You think the American Way can beat the Playboy's Way? Not when the Playboy has a man like Bruce The Giant on his side. Next week, we hope that you beat Peter Valentine so that we get our rematch but even if you don't, Valentine will simply be the man to be squashed. Bruce is ready to walk away with the USPW World Title. Enjoy."[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Non Title James Justice vs. Giant Redwood[/B] [I]And it's main event time as The American Way James Justice takes on a man almost as big as Bruce The Giant in Giant Redwood! This is a non title match but Redwood would shoot up the rankings if he can beat the USPW World Champion. Justice starts off strong like he usually does, keeping Redwood off balance with quick strikes and quick movements away from the larger man. Redwood tries several times to catch Justice but the American Way is quick hitting and moving. Redwood charges Justice and hits the turnbuckle and Justice climbs up, throwing punches away at the head of Giant Redwood but Redwood pushes Justice back to the ground and follows that with a clothesline! The large man slowing things down here as he picks up Justice and headbutts him, covering him for a two count. Redwood leans his weight on Justice, wearing him down in that manner. After several minutes of an advantage, Redwood lifts Justice for a suplex but Justice reverses --- DDT!! Redwood falls to the mat and Justice jumps in quickly dropping an elbow and a stomp to the head of Redwood! Justice looks up and takes a shot from Peter Valentine, causing the DQ![/I] [B]Winner: James Justice Match Rating: D+[/B] [I][B][Peter Valentine goes right on the attack, focusing in on the shoulder of Justice, trying to set him up for that match next week but the crowd cheers as out comes the Hardcore American! Chris Caulfield is in the building with a chair! Caulfield chases off Valentine and Redwood with the chair, standing in the ring over Justice and looking down at Valentine and Redwood. Up on the big screen, Seduction is shown sitting on a chair tied up and gagged. Valentine and Redwood point to the big screen, laughing as they walk off, leaving an angry Chris Caulfield in the ring as the show comes to a close.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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I think I share Emily's headache ! I really like how your undercard is filled with more comedy, that's exactly how I figure USPW : the good old battle between good and evil at the top andwith a few good laughs to fill the show. Des Davids will be specially interesting to watch in that regard.
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Here is a question for each and every one of my readers: who would you like to see get a push? I will post my roster underneath here so you know who I have. But I'd like to get your top 5 for people you want to see make it to the top! Plus some roster cuts may be coming soon so a vote for your favorite may help keep them from the dreaded axe! [CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER] [COLOR=BLUE]Faces[/COLOR] [COLOR=NAVY]Heels[/COLOR] [B]Main Eventers[/B] --- [COLOR=BLUE]Alex Braun Chris Caulfield Freddie Datsun Jack Avatar James Justice Madman Boone[/COLOR] [COLOR=NAVY]Bruce The Giant Peter Valentine T-Rex[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] --- [COLOR=BLUE]Captain USA Donnie J Nicky Champion[/COLOR] [COLOR=NAVY]Fumihiro Ota Giant Redwood Jack Griffith Java Jumbo Jackson[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders[/B] --- [COLOR=BLUE]Al The Hillbilly American Machine Darryl Devine Des Davids Jim Force Whistler[/COLOR] [COLOR=NAVY]Anger Danny Rushmore Grease Hogg Larry Wood Lead Belly Mick Muscles Tribal Warrior[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] --- [COLOR=BLUE]Ernie Turner Jacob Jett Mario Heroic Pete The Hillbilly Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] [COLOR=NAVY]Citizen X Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] [B]Openers[/B] --- [COLOR=BLUE]Happy Elwood[/COLOR] [COLOR=NAVY]Eric Sandretti Joss Thompson Lex Appeal[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement Talents[/B] --- [COLOR=NAVY]Derek Frost[/COLOR] [B]Women's Division[/B] --- [COLOR=BLUE]Alicia Strong Joanne Rodriguez Sara Marie York[/COLOR] [COLOR=NAVY]Agent 69 Cherry Bomb Nadia Snow Stephanie Wade Wanda Fish[/COLOR] [B]Occasional Wrestlers[/B] --- [B]Managers[/B] --- [COLOR=BLUE]Blonde Bombshell Katie Cameron Seduction[/COLOR] [COLOR=NAVY]Playboy Jake Sawyer Shane Sneer[/COLOR] [B]Announcer[/B] --- [COLOR=NAVY]Danny Jillefski[/COLOR] [B]Colour Commentator[/B] --- [COLOR=NAVY]Queen Emily[/COLOR] [B]Referees[/B] --- [COLOR=BLUE]Baby Jamie Jez McArthuer Robbie Sanchez[/COLOR] [B]Authority Figures[/B] --- [B]Road Agents[/B] --- [COLOR=BLUE]Micky Starr[/COLOR] [COLOR=NAVY]Commissioner Doom Crippler Ray Kingman Sheik Mustafa[/COLOR] [B]Personalities[/B] --- [COLOR=BLUE]Sam Strong[/COLOR] [B]Tag Teams[/B] --- [COLOR=BLUE]American Made Men (Whistler and American Machine) Mighty Fine (Darryl Devine and Jacob Jett) The Forces of America (Jim Force and Captain USA) The Hillbillys (Al The Hillbilly and Pete The Hillbilly)[/COLOR] [COLOR=NAVY]Savage Fury (Java and Tribal Warrior) The Dirty White Boys (Grease Hogg and Lead Belly) The Towers of Power (Mick Muscle and Danny Rushmore)[/COLOR][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[LIST] [*]Madman Boone----I have a soft spot for him stemming from a game in which he must have had an off the charts destiny stat and he carried my promotion from regional to the brink of national, before getting poached. [*]T-Rex-----Just cause he's perfect for USPW [*]Ernie Turner----Because I always want to push him and never get around to it [*]Jack Griffith-----Cause he's great [*]Agent 69------Just to see someone other than J-RO, Alicia or Wanda on top [/LIST]
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Peter Valentine : I'd like to see him prove to the world that he's more than Sam's friend. Des Davids : After a bit of seasoning in the midcard, this young guy is made for USPW as a believable tough guy with decent entertainement skills. Joss Thompson : I don't know, I like this guy and I tend to get him in about every game. Freddie Datsun : I know, he's at the top, but his persona is so bland. I'm pretty sure with a more dynamic character, he could be hugely over.
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[CENTER][B][I][And it's a return to the office of Sam Strong for the weekly meeting of the USPW Committee.] Sam Strong[/B] "Alright, Gentlemen, let's get this over quickly so none of those goofballs can show up and ruin the meeting again. Danny, tv..." [B][And there is a knock on the door and a collective groan from the men in the room.] Agent 69[/B] "Comrades, it is I Agent 69 and I have come with important information." [B][The men perk up at a female voice finally interrupting the proceedings. They open the door and Agent 69 walks in but Jim Force follows in behind her!] Agent 69[/B] "I am sorry I had to do this comrades but he gave me no choice." [B]Jim Force[/B] "No one messes with the power of the FOOOORRRRCCCCEEEEEE! With the FORCE I can do anything! I know that everyone within this room are Forcemaniacs! The heavens have split open and the earth has crumbled toward the sea and the only way for you to survive this decadent world is to BUY MY MERCHANDISE! You must build up your power within the FOOORRRCCCEEEE!! It is your only hope to meet your destiny!" [B][Everyone in the room shakes their head, groaning. And who else should enter the room but Fumihiro Ota! He takes a look around the room, sneaking up on Jim Force.] Fumihiro Ota[/B] "By the power vested in me by the Shi'ar Council I declare you to be mute Jim Force!" [B][Jim looks toward Fumi and raises an eyebrow and begins to talk but no words come out! Everyone else in the room applauds and Jim Force flexes for a moment, looking angrily at Fumihiro Ota. Force grabs Fumi and lifts him up military press style! Sam Strong walks over and pats Jim on the shoulder.] Sam Strong[/B] "Put him down, Jim. We'll get you your voice back by the next show. I promise." [B][Slowly Jim Force releases Fumihiro and looks toward Sam with a sad look in his eyes and a pout before he exits the room, ranting visibly but not audibly.] Danny Jillefski[/B] "Back to the real business at hand, we had a bit of a letdown in the ratings of our last show. A .23 right after a pay-per-view is a horrible way to start out the next month." [B]Sam Strong[/B] "Jack, you're hearing this, right? Better shape up or ship out." [B]Jack Avatar[/B] "I got you, boss. I have the perfect way to raise the ratings and boost our revenue. I'm going to put more of ME on the show." [B]Sam Strong[/B] "You do realize that with that strategy if it fails the only person you have to blame is yourself?" [B]Jack Avatar[/B] "I know, Sam. But it won't fail. We do have a big show coming up this week with the James Justice/Peter Valentine match and the surprise that will shock the world for that match is all set. Not to mention, we continued our talent exchange with TCW, getting Rocky Golden to face Bruce. And, of course, we are going to have that 'other' fun part on the show." [B][Everyone laughs at that, seemingly in a good mood...for now.][/B][/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]USPW ALL AMERICAN WRESTLING PREVIEW! February Week 2, 2008[/SIZE] [SiZE=3]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/USPW_World.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]STEEL CAGE MATCH USPW WORLD TITLE MATCH James Justice vs. Peter Valentine[/B] This could be the main event of a match anywhere in the world and it comes to you live from the Huntsville Fairgrounds on USPW American Wrestling. It's gonna be a steel cage match where no one can get in as The American Way James Justice defends the USPW World Title against Peter Valentine. Valentine has looked very good this year. Can he keep his streak going and become the new USPW World Champion? Is James Justice looking too far ahead toward Red, White and Blue where he or Peter Valentine will take on Bruce the Giant?[/I][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/RockyGolden.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]Rocky Golden vs. Bruce The Giant[/B] The USPW/TCW talent exchange continues as Rocky Golden comes over from TCW to take on USPW's resident Giant: Bruce The Giant. Rocky is solidly popular up there in TCW while Bruce has turned on the fans. Can Rocky pick up a win for the fans to shut up Bruce's mouthpiece some or will Bruce demolish another opponent on the road to Red, White and Blue?[/I][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ErnieTurner.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][I]Anger vs. Ernie Turner[/B] USPW: The Website has learned that Anger recently lost all of his money due to the losses he has been taking and was recently evicted from his house. How will this make him fair as he takes on the Pimp Daddy Ernie Turner? Will the Pimp Daddy look better than he did against Citizen X in his debut match?[/I][/QUOTE] Plus Bruce The Giant, Nicky Champion, Sam Strong, Des Davids and more of your favorite USPW Superstars in action! Make sure you tune in![/B][/CENTER] [B]Match Quicklist[/B] Sara Marie York vs. Wanda Fish Anger vs. Ernie Turner The Dirty White Boys vs. The Hillbillys Chris Caulfield vs. Joss Thompson Rocky Golden vs. Bruce The Giant USPW World Title Match, Steel Cage Match: James Justice vs. Peter Valentine
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I can't wait for the show :D Sara Marie York vs. [B]Wanda Fish[/B] [I]Wanda Rules, SMY doesn't[/I] Anger vs. [B]Ernie Turner[/B] [I]I'm really surprised if Anger wins, noone ever pushes him.[/I] [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] vs. The Hillbillys [I]A no-brainer, The DWB's debut, so they wins... if you don't believe me, look at their opponents.[/I] [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] vs. Joss Thompson [I]The Hardcore american wins.[/I] Rocky Golden vs. [B]Bruce The Giant[/B] [B]The Giant needs to put over his new gimmick, and a loss wouldn't help with that.[/B] USPW World Title Match, Steel Cage Match: [B]James Justice[/B] vs. Peter Valentine [I]I'm shocked if Valentine wins, but I wouldn't be sad :D[/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]USPW AMERICAN WRESTLING![/SIZE] [I]Wednesday Week 2 February 2008 Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds Attendance: 4,159 Overall Rating: C TV Rating: .36[/I][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][I][B][The show begins with a darkened arena and lighters slowly being lifted around the arena. A spotlight slowly shines upon the center of the ring illuminating the USPW World Heavyweight Champion James Justice.] James Justice[/B] "Later tonight I step inside this very ring and fight for the right to keep my USPW World Title and take on my former best friend Bruce. Right now every fan in this arena and every fan watching at home is in the dark about who is going to win the steel cage match tonight when I take on Peter Valentine. Well, let me give you that answer..." [B][The lights come back on slowly and show the steel cage hovering above the ring and the rest of the fans in the arena. Looking at the cage, there is a red, white and blue symbol on all four sides with 'USPW' in the middle.] James Justice[/B] "Your winner tonight against Peter Valentine is none other than the American Way James Justice! Tonight, Peter Valentine, I'm not thinking about Bruce The Giant and I'm not thinking about Giant Redwood. Tonight, my focus is completely on you. Tonight, there will be truth as spoken in this ring by yours truly. The winner will be Justice. And there will be Liberation Slams for all!!" [B][The crowd begins a 'Justice, Justice' chant as James gives a smile and then exits the ring.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Sara Marie York vs. Wanda Fish[/B] [I]After seeing James Justice, the crowd was not too thrilled with the women's wrestling kicking off the show and it showed as some went to the bathroom and others went to get Jim Force merchandise. Wanda Fish was mostly dominant in this match and she finished off York with the Dish Of The Day.[/I] [B]Winner: Wanda Fish Match Rating: E+[/B] [I][B][Following the match, Alicia Strong came out, applauding as she looked up toward Wanda Fish.] Alicia Strong[/B] "A good win tonight, Wanda, but you won't be so successful later on when we go one on one in a...bikini contest!" [B][The crowd cheered and ate that one up! A bikini contest between Alicia Strong and Wanda Fish? Sounds like a good night had by all! Alicia just smiles and turns and heads toward the back while Wanda yells something not picked up by the cameras.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Anger vs. Ernie Turner[/B] [I]Anger came out looking like he hadn't slept in awhile and Queen Emily and Danny Jillefski talked about how USPW: The Website broke the news that Anger had lost all his money and was having to live on the street. Pimp Daddy Ernie Turner came out with his rings and expensive fur coat and headed right to the ring. These two didn't seem to click within the ring and that certainly didn't help the match out. They made it about less interesting than the women's bout if that was possible. But Turner got the pinfall following the Slick Pimp Spike.[/I] [B]Winner: Ernie Turner Match Rating: E-[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][Backstage, Nicky Champion is shown once again settled on the bench and staring at his USPW World Television Title. Sam Strong enters the room and pats him on the shoulder.] Sam Strong[/B] "I told you I'd get you some competition for that belt, kid. You've got Citizen X at USPW Red, White and Blue next week defending that Television Title. You should be getting prepared." [B]Nicky Champion[/B] "He talks of Anarchy, Sam. He talks about going against the corporate mold. Why would anyone want to be like that?" [B]Sam Strong[/B] "He's one of those free thinkers, kid. Don't listen to him and don't let him get you down. You're my Champion and you're going to hold that title for a very long time." [B]Nicky Champion[/B] "But what if he beats me, Sam?" [B]Sam Strong[/B] "He won't, kid. I'll make sure of it." [B]Nicky Champion[/B] "But what if he ---" [B]Sam Strong[/B] "He WON'T, kid. Now, go home and get some rest. Red, White and Blue is next week and you also have a match against Joss Thompson here on American Wrestling next week." [B]Nicky Champion[/B] "Yes sir." [B][Nicky gets up and exits the room.] Sam Strong[/B] "Just something about that kid." [B][Sam shrugs his shoulders and leaves the room himself.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][A video begins to play... An old lady is shown walking down the street minding her own business when a hooligan comes up and snatches her purse and starts running the other way!] Old Woman[/B] "Someone help me!" [B][The hooligan looks back toward her laughing before he runs into...Des Davids! The hooligan falls to the ground and peers up toward Des.] Des Davids[/B] "Didn't anyone ever teach you to tie your shoes, friend? Here, let me help you." [B][Des kneels down and begins to tie the hooligan's shoes for him] Des Davids[/B] "Once there was a rabbit that was very sad because his ears were so long and narrow that he stepped on them all the time. One day a fairy landed on the bunny's head. She lifted up the bunny's ears and crossed them over like an x. Then she put one ear through the bottom of the x and pulled. Next, she made each long ear into a loop and made another x like before. She put an ear under that x and pulled again. From then on the bunny remembered how to tie his ears into a bow, and he lived happily every after." [B][Des smiles down at his work and helps the hooligan up.] Des Davids[/B] "Now go and be safe, friend." [B]DES DAVIDS HELPING PEOPLE AND KEEPING THEM SAFE ONE PERSON AT A TIME![/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][I][B][Backstage, Jim Force and Captain USA are standing within the interview area with their USPW World Tag Team Title belts. They look at each other.] Jim Force[/B] "1 - 2 - 3 - SHOOT!" [B][Jim puts out 'paper' and Captain USA puts out 'rock.' Paper covers Rock and Captain USA sighs and turns and exits while Jim Force turns toward the camera.] Jim Force[/B] "NO ONE CAN DEFEAT THE FOOOORRRRRRCCCCEEEEEE! Not even my own partner can defeat me! I am here representing the FORCES of AMERICA, the USPW World Tag Team Champions! You can buy my Jim Force merchandise right here in this arena everyone. Go...buy...now! It is your DESTINY! Just like it is the destiny of the greaseheads, the Dirty...White...Boys to step into the ring with the greatest power known to the world today: THE FOOOORRRRCCEEEEE! And when they step into the ring with me they will know what it is like to be within an explosion for the Force shall explode out from my body and wrap around their necks and squeeze the life out of them for the Force has the power to consume life and remake it within the image of the Force! And when the Dirty White Boys are made within the image of the Force they shall know what it is like to travel to Parts Unknown!" [B][Force flexes for a moment and then turns and walks off as we head back up to the ring.][/I][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]The Dirty White Boys vs. The Hillbillys[/B] [I]Just another match the crowd wasn't into at all. The Dirty White Boys dominated the match as one would expect them to in their in-ring debut here on USPW American Wrestling. They showed some great brawling teamwork with double elbows and a double flapjack and Grease Hogg finished off Pete with the Grease Spot for the pinfall win.[/I] [B]Winners: The Dirty White Boys Match Rating: E-[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][Backstage, Madman Boone stands by ready to give some comments.] Madman Boone[/B] "When I lost the International Title in TCW in 2006 everyone thought that I was done. Everyone thought that the Madman had had enough within this industry and that I should get out before I leave the ring as a cripple. Even I thought that for awhile. But when I was approached by Sam Strong to come back to wrestling, to come back to doing what I love doing how could I turn that down? How could I turn down the chance to return to wrestling? I couldn't. I took a long look at the list of guys here at USPW and I decided that this would be the best place for me. And now I look ahead to Red, White And Blue. I look ahead to a match against the man they call the Monster, the man hand selected by Shane Sneer to become his new bodyguard, the man known as T-Rex. At Red, White And Blue, T-Rex, I am going to step into that ring with you and there will be no rules. The referee won't be able to step in front when I hit you with a chair. The referee won't be able to disqualify me when I hit you with the steel steps. The referee won't be able to count me out when I carry you all over the arena. Pinfalls Count Anywhere in the building, T-Rex, you and I at Red, White And Blue. I will prove to you why I am the Madman and why you are extinct." [B][Boone lowers his head and we are taken back into the ring.][/I][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][Back inside the ring is the former Colour Commentator for USPW American Wrestling: Jack Avatar! Jack Avatar[/B] "Hello everyone and welcome back to United States Pro Wrestling. Without any further talk from me, let's welcome out the two contests for our bikini contest!" [B][The crowd boos when Wanda Fish comes out dressed in a black robe and steps inside the ring. Then the crowd cheers heavily for Alicia Strong and her appearance in a white robe!] Jack Avatar[/B] "You ladies know the rules. You get 15 seconds to show everyone your bikini and then the fans will decide the victor. Wanda, you're up first." [B][Generic music begins to play as Wanda strips the robe to show a black tight bikini on her body. She does a little strutting and posing to some good crowd feedback. Then Alicia steps forward and removes her robe, showing a USA red, white and blue style bikini! The crowd cheers as Alicia struts along the ring for her 15 seconds of fame. Jack moves over to them and points to each, listening to the crowd response.] Jack Avatar[/B] "I think we have a winner! Alicia Strong!" [B][Alicia cheers and jumps up and down while Wanda looks disappointed. Wanda turns and attacks Alicia, beating her down and nailing her with the Dish Of The Day! Wanda smiles after that and exits the ring while Jack attends to Alicia.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Chris Caulfield vs. Joss Thompson[/B] [I]The best match of the night so far as The Hardcore American comes out to a big crowd ovation and steps inside the ring with Joss Thompson. The two have great chemistry inside the ring and Thompson puts up more of a fight than some might give him credit for. Caulfield seems a little taken by surprise and has to step up his game but eventually nails Thompson with the Danger Drop and gets the pinfall.[/I] [B]Winner: Chris Caulfield Match Rating: D[/B] [I][B][Following the match, Chris grabs a microphone.] Chris Caulfield[/B] "Peter Valentine, I know you're listening to me and I know you have another match to tend to tonight against James Justice but you better be watching over your shoulder. One way or another at USPW Red, White and Blue I am going to get my Seduction back. Even if I have to pry her location from your dying lips. They don't call me the Hardcore American for nothing. At Red, White and Blue I will go through Giant Redwood to get to you. And you're going to find out just how Hardcore I can be." [B][He tosses down the microphone and leaves, obviously angered about the missing Seduction still.][/B][/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][I][The focus turns to the announcers.] Danny Jillefski[/B] "Emily, in just a few moments we are going to see the top number one contender to the USPW World Title in action: Bruce the Giant. We've all seen how dangerous he can be and how focused he is since joining up with Playboy Jake Sawyer. Can either James Justice or Peter Valentine even come close to stopping him at Red, White and Blue?" [B]Queen Emily[/B] "In my royal opinion, Bruce is just one step below my former charge T-Rex. And I think that Rex would be the only man who could stop him inside that ring. James Justice? If there was any justice in this world he would be off my tv set. Peter Valentine isn't bad but he has his hands full with the Hardcore American. I'm not sure that Valentine would be focused enough for that. But I'll tell you this: Rocky Golden doesn't stand a chance tonight." [B]Danny Jillefski[/B] "Let's find that out right now."[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Rocky Golden vs. Bruce The Giant[/B] [I]These two large heavyweights went toe to toe in this matchup featuring the TCW Talent Exchange in Rocky Golden and Bruce The Giant with Playboy Jake Sawyer in his corner. They put on an even better match than the one previous to it as neither man seemed to want to go down for the other in the first few minutes. Golden eventually succumbed to the might of Bruce the Giant and once Bruce got started he never stopped. Rocky wasn't laying the golden egg but Bruce did get his hand around his neck and squeezed and he dropped Golden with a Giant Choke Slam as Sawyer celebrated at ringside. Bruce placed a single foot on top of Golden and got the 1-2-3, giving a monster roar.[/I] [B]Winner: Bruce The Giant Match Rating: C[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]USPW World Title Match Steel Cage Match James Justice vs. Peter Valentine[/B] [I][B][Backstage, Peter Valentine had these comments before the match.] Peter Valentine[/B] "There has been a lot of talk tonight about where my focus lies. Does it lie with Seduction? After all, she has been having such a GOOD time ever since I stole her from that Hardcore doofus. Does it lie with that Hardcore Idiot Chris Caulfield? Though he is a bit of a thorn in my side, Giant Redwood will pluck that thorn at the next pay per view. My focus right now is where it should be: on my next match. James Justice, you cry about Justice and Liberation Slams for all? Tonight, you are going to bow down to the Heartbreaker and step away from the ring without the one thing that makes your heart beat: the USPW World Title. Tonight, I claim my rightful place...on top." [B][Peter smiles and then heads towards the ring.][/B] The introductions are made as James Justice and Peter Valentine both come out alone, stepping inside the 15 foot high steel cage as it had lowered during Peter Valentine's promo. There are three ways to win: pinfall, submision or escaping the cage. Valentine goes on the assault early on the Champion, focusing in on the arm and shoulder with armbars and a Code Red style cross arm breaker. Justice, of course, isn't going to give up this early but the holds slowly begin to wear him down. Valentine wraps Justice's arm around the top rope, stretching it out and then bringing Justice down with a kneelift. He makes a cover: 1 --- 2 --- Kickout! James Justice isn't going down that quickly! The first three minutes of the bout are all Peter Valentine. He even rams Justice's shoulder against the steel cage itself and against the ringpost, wearing him down. During an armbar, the crowd really starts getting into it, screaming for their wounded warrior to make a comeback and he does! Justice starts using his good arm to throw punches and keep Peter Valentine at bay. He hits him with a picture perfect dropkick! The American Way tosses Valentine into the steel cage and down comes the Giant Redwood! Redwood crosses his arms across his chest as he watches the match, shaking his head. Justice lifts Valentine in for a Liberation slam but Valentine squirts out and drops Justice with a clothesline! Valentine lifts Justice for the Heartbreaker but Justice gets out and both men go for a clothesline and both connect! Valentine and Justice lie upon the mat, both men slow to get up with the crowd urging Justice and Redwood urging Valentine. Justice gets to his feet first and moves over to Valentine --- RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX! Valentine hits the mat hard! Justice is slowly getting to his feet again and beginning to climb the cage. Justice is slow doing it though because of that hurt arm! James Justice gets halfway up and then continues to the top of the cage! Peter Valentine is stirring inside the ring and beginning to crawl toward the door! He motions for the door to be opened and referee Robbie Sanchez on the outside opens the door. Justice is slowly climbing down the side of the cage. Who is going to get down first?!?! Valentine gets to the ropes --- Justice leaps down --- CAUGHT!!! Giant Redwood caught James Justice so his feet didn't hit the floor! Justice tries to fight but Redwood clamps in an inverted over the shoulder backbreaker, stretching out Justice and making sure he can't touch the floor! Valentine sees this and smiles as he steps out the door to the floor --- WAIT! OH!!! MY!!! GOD!! Chris Caulfield just SLAMMED the door shut on Peter Valentine! The Hardcore American came in out of NOWHERE and slammed the door against the head of Peter Valentine and Valentine fell inside the ring! Giant Redwood sees Caulfield --- SPEAR!!! Caulfield hits Redwood with the spear and Redwood drops Justice as he falls to the ground! The bell sounds!![/I] [B]Winner: James Justice Match Rating: C[/B] [I][B][But it's not over yet! Peter Valentine has gotten up inside the ring and he saw what happened! He sneaks up behind the Hardcore American and smashes him in the back with a chair! Valentine slowly helps Giant Redwood up and they put the boots to both Caulfield and Justice. Who is going to help them?!?! HO- LY ****! The crowd ERUPTS as someone comes running in from the stands and attacks Valentine and Redwood with huge rights and lefts! He's wearing a hoodie and the hood is over his head so no one can see who it is! Valentine and Redwood are knocked back up the ramp and away from Justice and Caulfield and both look like they've seen a ghost! The hoodie comes flying down to reveal... FREDDIE DATSUN!!! Datsun has returned to USPW from his injury and on the side of Chris Caulfield and James Justice! The crowd cheers and begins to chant 'Datsun, Datsun, Datsun!' Freddie soaks in the cheers and jumps over the railing and into the crowd with the fans, taking them in and high fiving as the show comes to an end.][/I][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Lexa90;534940]I can't wait for the show :D Sara Marie York vs. [B]Wanda Fish[/B] [I]Wanda Rules, SMY doesn't[/I] Anger vs. [B]Ernie Turner[/B] [I]I'm really surprised if Anger wins, noone ever pushes him.[/I] [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] vs. The Hillbillys [I]A no-brainer, The DWB's debut, so they wins... if you don't believe me, look at their opponents.[/I] [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] vs. Joss Thompson [I]The Hardcore american wins.[/I] Rocky Golden vs. [B]Bruce The Giant[/B] [B]The Giant needs to put over his new gimmick, and a loss wouldn't help with that.[/B] USPW World Title Match, Steel Cage Match: [B]James Justice[/B] vs. Peter Valentine [I]I'm shocked if Valentine wins, but I wouldn't be sad :D[/I][/QUOTE] I hope it lived up to expectations!
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