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The Kid and The Business

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Great job.


Thankyou for reading


too bad about hogans creative control..... you could always edit that out in game and job him out hahaha.... anyway that was one hell of a PPV Boom.


Yeah I seriously considered that but I suppose we can have more fun this way. And thanks for the compliment.

Nooooooooooooooooo! Stupid refs not paying attention! Poor Randy.


Great show, Boom. Awesome presentation, and very fluid and true to form. And Tenta wearing springs, to try to keep himself from being eliminated ... genius!


Who'd be a referee eh? I'm sure this isn't the last we've heard on the situation though... Thanks for the comments on the show. I was trying to keep it as "of the time" as possible, I don't think I succeeded at everything, but thats what the next PPV's for right? I wish I could push Tenta without Vince going ballistic!


For your information, here is the scores from everyone predictions


GardnerFTW 5 out of 6

Mad5226 5 out of 6

Prophet 5 out of 6

The Final Countdown 6 out of 6

Chuck 3 out of 6

James Casey 5 out of 6

Flame Snoopy 5 out of 6

Truth 5 out of 6


Man, talk about a predictable show! I gotta try harder to keep you people on your toes! Well done to countdown for being the only one to get a perfect score.

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Hooray for me! :D


Regarding your comment of making the shows less predictable: I think sometimes predictability is a good thing. Sure, a curveball here and there can make things more interesting, but don't go in a different direction storyline-wise just to throw people off. I mean, David Arquette winning the WCW title was certainly surprising, but I think we can all agree that it was a terrible decision.

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Hooray for me! :D


Regarding your comment of making the shows less predictable: I think sometimes predictability is a good thing. Sure, a curveball here and there can make things more interesting, but don't go in a different direction storyline-wise just to throw people off. I mean, David Arquette winning the WCW title was certainly surprising, but I think we can all agree that it was a terrible decision.


Perfectly well stated. I especially love using teh greatest person ever to hold a belt (with the possible exception of Buff Bagwell's mother) as your example. lol


Sometimes, the next step in a story is perfectly predictable. You will probably want to throw a surprise or two in at some point, but you've many chapters to go before the end of the story. You should never have a twist in every chapter. Vince Russo never figured that one out.


Hence my avatar.

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Hooray for me! :D


Regarding your comment of making the shows less predictable: I think sometimes predictability is a good thing. Sure, a curveball here and there can make things more interesting, but don't go in a different direction storyline-wise just to throw people off. I mean, David Arquette winning the WCW title was certainly surprising, but I think we can all agree that it was a terrible decision.


Perfectly well stated. I especially love using teh greatest person ever to hold a belt (with the possible exception of Buff Bagwell's mother) as your example. lol


Sometimes, the next step in a story is perfectly predictable. You will probably want to throw a surprise or two in at some point, but you've many chapters to go before the end of the story. You should never have a twist in every chapter. Vince Russo never figured that one out.


Hence my avatar.


Fair point well made fella's. Im sure there will be a few suprises along the way!

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The Kids eye was busted open.

"What kind of bull**** ending was that Kid?! You made me look like a total *****! Thats what you get for turning against me brother, I thought me and you were on the same page!"

"But Mr Hogan sir..."


"It's too late for Mr's and sir's you backstabbing piece of crap!"


Hogan picked The Kid up by the scruff of his neck and pulled him close. The Kid could feel Hulk's breath against his face.


"You and me could have been close, Kid, you could have been in my circle of friends and you would have been set for life. You could have been running things in no time, but instead you chose to sign your own death warrant."


There was nothing the kid could do but close his eyes and prepare for the beating of his young life.


"Id think long and hard if I were you Mr Hogan" came a familiar voice from the doorway. It was Vincent Kennedy McMahon himself, and he wasn't alone. He was flanked by Patterson, Lanza, Strongbow, Monsoon and his son Shane.


"Put The Kid down Hulk, you know he's got no real power, it's us you want not him." said Gorilla as mild mannered as ever, but with a hint of malice behind his words.


"You all screwed me! That ending made me look weak and you all know it!" shouted Hogan, still holding onto The Kid with such a tight grip that his once orange knuckles were white.Vince spoke again, his voice as steady and as business like as The Kid had ever heard.


"Mr Hogan, if you have a problem with how the match ended, I suggest you take it up with me. I authorised everything that happened tonight and I alone."


With that, Hulk released The Kid and stepped into the side room that had previously been used to re-book the ending of the Rumble. In truth it was a pointless excercise, as The Kid and the others could clearly hear their raised voices through the door.


"Vince, you've pulled some crap on me over the years, but this is low even for you. People were actually booing me when I was annouced as the winner! How am I supposed to go into WrestleMania as a strong challenger after that?"


Vince approached Hogan. Despite the obvious size and strength advantage, The Hulkster actually backed off half a step.


"Well Mr Hogan, we never actually planned for you to headline WrestleMania this year did we? It was you who decided we should change our plans, and as such we only had a short time to improvise a finish that benefitted all parties involved....."


"Don't give me that political bull**** Vince! You know what you did! Well let me tell you something, Hulk Hogan is bigger than The WWF, I don't need you anymore Vince, I can go anywhere I want, WCW, Japan, Hollywood, anywhere!"


Hogan had played this card before, and Vince had always given into his demands because whatever Hulk was like backstage, he was the biggest draw in the WWF by far. There was a brief silence as both men eyed each other up. Finally Vince spoke.


"Well Mr Hogan, that certainly is your perogative. If you want to come to my office tomorrow, I'll tear up your contract there and then, and you're free to go on your way."


Hogan was stunned and quickly tried to backtrack.


"I'm not saying I want to go anywhere else I'm just saying I could make a big splash wherever I go, you should be thanking me for sticking around as long as I have."


It was clear from the look on Vince's face that he wished he could kick the crap out of Hogan and surely his booking team would have been the first to congratulate him, but this wasn't personal, it was business.


" Mr Hogan, need I remind you that I handpicked you to be the star attraction of this company all those years ago. I gave you your first WWF title run all the way back in 84. Sure, you were the one in the ring, but I was the one pulling the strings. I gave you every opportunity to become the greatest icon this business has ever seen, and you achieved world wide fame off my back. All I've asked you to do in return is help me bring along the next generation..."


Hogan cut him off. "Yeah, and I put over that freak Ultimate Warrior last year, and I STILL haven't got my win back! We've all seen the ratings with Warrior as Champ, you need me to win the belt back from him at Mania Vince and you know it!"



Vince carried on undetered."Your popularity is unquestionable, but no amount of victories or title runs is going to get you more over than you already are." Vince's face changed ever so slightly, revealing the glee with which he continued. Perhaps this was personal afterall. " But here's the thing Hulk. Tonight you saw first hand that we can turn even the greatest of victories against you. You're absolutely right, we all sat right here in this room earlier tonight and chipped in idea's of how to screw you over. Everyone of us. So the way I see it, you can use your creative control to get your revenge on The Ultimate Warrior at Mania, Terry, but you better believe that we will pull out all of the stops to make you the lamest champion this business has ever seen."


Hogan was furious, and his eyes got wider by the second as Vince talked. "You can't do this to me Vince! This is not a road you want to continue down with me, brother! Maybe I was bluffing about going somewhere else, but right about now it doesn't seem like such a bad idea!"

"Like I said, you can leave as soon as I can draw up the paperwork if that's what you want. But there is another option of course..."


Vince had got hold of Hogan's curiosity. " And what would that be?"


" You stop acting like a spoilt little prick and go along with the storylines we've spent months creating for you. You give your Mania spot to the man who earned it and we forget that tonight ever happened..."


"Wait a minute McMahon, I can't do that, I've got my principals brother!" said Hogan not quite believing himself.


"Would you please stop interrupting me and let me finish!? Think about it for a minute. The Undertaker tried to pull you over the top rope, you've got unfinished business with both Slaughter and Dibiase, plus there's easy money fueds down the line with savage, and yes, Warrior. Now you do things my way and I guarantee you that you and me will make more money in the next year than we have in our whole lives...and surely that comes above and beyond all principals?"


Money. Finally something that the two men could agree on, but whilst Vince was able to swallow his pride for the promise of a payday, Hogan was struggling to do the same.


"I'm gonna have to think about this, Vince. There's a whole lot of hulkamaniacs out there that depend on me to do the right thing in the ring."

"I know Hulk, I know. Why don't you sleep on it and give me your answer tomorrow. Just remember that there's a hulkamaniac right here, and this ones signing your cheques."


Both men left the room back through to where the booking team pretended to be busy and not eavesdropping. Hogan left the arena without so much as looking at any of the men in the room. Vince sat down, drained from everything that had gone on that night.

"Well guys," he said, " I think we all deserve a drink, my treat."


He turned and saw The Kid nursing his eye.


"That's going to be quite a shiner in the morning Kid!"

"It's nothing really sir..."


"Nothing!? That's not nothing! That means that your no longer a kid around here, your a man. Now does anybody know any good bars around here before I change my mind?"

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I'm pretty sure Vince has called people Mr at various points on-screen, actually. Even if he hadn't, I think it's fine for him to use it in these backstage situations, where he is supposed to be a businessman rather than an on-screen character.


Interesting stuff, Boom. Can't wait to see where this goes from here. I think it'd be tremendous if you intentionally booked Hogan as the most inept champion in wrestling history.

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Another great post. I love this diary!


Thankyou very much Pate!


I am not trying to be rude at all so sorry if I come off as so, but I have never heard Vince call anyone Mr. and then the last name, he has always used his first, but that might just be me



but anyways, great show and story still and loved the finish with Hogan and Savage

I'm pretty sure Vince has called people Mr at various points on-screen, actually. Even if he hadn't, I think it's fine for him to use it in these backstage situations, where he is supposed to be a businessman rather than an on-screen character.


Interesting stuff, Boom. Can't wait to see where this goes from here. I think it'd be tremendous if you intentionally booked Hogan as the most inept champion in wrestling history.


Thanks for the feedback Gatorbait. I understand exactly what you are saying as it is not a very McMahon thing to do by all accounts, and it kinda goes against how I've portrayed him so far. What I perhaps in hindsight could have made clearer in the last post was that he used "Mr Hogan" when he was trying to keep things strictly business as The Final Countdown has suggested, and changed to use "Hulk" and even "Terry" when things began to get more personal. It probably isn't clear due to my limited writing skills rather than anything else sorry!

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This is fantastic, I love the concept. It's very refreshing to see someone start out "at the bottom" as it were, and work their way up, with mistakes along the way, rather than entering as the new top dog from nowhere and getting everything right.


I'm playing a game set at the same time, so from a personal perspective it's interesting seeing how you're booking and what I'm doing in my game. I left Hogan out of the Rumble, had 'Taker win it and beat Warrior at Mania. Hogan tried the ol' creative control thing on me too. I'm about to feud him with Mr Perfect, who has received a Jesus push to the very top of the card, only Warrior and Hogan are above him in popularity on the face side, so once he's done with them I might turn him and throw him against 'Taker.


Err, anyway, back to the diary :p I love the way you've characterised everyone, and for the most part, I can definitely picture them speaking the way you've portrayed them. Though I did have a small chuckle to myself in the last segment, imagining Vince kicking down the door with the rest of the booking team beside him like some sort of superhero team with a bright shining light behind them! :D


And I can remember Vince calling Stone Cold "Mr Austin" on a number of occasions, when he has been trying to make himself sound very calm, in control and authoritative. I can't recall any others of the top of my head, but I'm sure he has done and probably would do moreso off-screen.

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This is fantastic, I love the concept. It's very refreshing to see someone start out "at the bottom" as it were, and work their way up, with mistakes along the way, rather than entering as the new top dog from nowhere and getting everything right.


I'm playing a game set at the same time, so from a personal perspective it's interesting seeing how you're booking and what I'm doing in my game. I left Hogan out of the Rumble, had 'Taker win it and beat Warrior at Mania. Hogan tried the ol' creative control thing on me too. I'm about to feud him with Mr Perfect, who has received a Jesus push to the very top of the card, only Warrior and Hogan are above him in popularity on the face side, so once he's done with them I might turn him and throw him against 'Taker.


Err, anyway, back to the diary I love the way you've characterised everyone, and for the most part, I can definitely picture them speaking the way you've portrayed them. Though I did have a small chuckle to myself in the last segment, imagining Vince kicking down the door with the rest of the booking team beside him like some sort of superhero team with a bright shining light behind them!



Thanks Slim. Yeah, I gotta admit, looking back it was probably melodramatic to have Vince and his booking squad arrive when they did! It would be interesting to hear more about how your game is progressing, its always fun to see how other people have booked the same promotion in the same mod.


Okay, I wasn't sure, i was just checking, and countdown is right he isnt an on screen personality yet like he is to day so I could see that



and I understand now how you are writing Vince I just wanted to firgure that out.


No problem at all Gator. This was the period of wrestling I watched growing up but I know very little of what went down from a business standpoint. Most of what I know comes from internet stories and shoot videos and a whole lot of guesswork that I cross my fingers and hope I don't get corrected on! So what I guess I'm saying is, I haven't got a clue how Vince speaks to his employee's in real life and never will, so there really is no right or wrong.


So I didn't realise that The Main Event was planned for the evening after The Royal Rumble. (Stupid short sighted bookers!) It seems that in real life, the Rumble was on 19/01/1991 and The Main Event was on 28/01/1991 but perhaps the mod was a little innacurate, or more likely, it's something to do with my computer and not changing the dates or something. So here is the card that I put together. Feel free to discuss.


Legion Of Doom and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs The Barbarian, Hercules and Haku


The British Bulldog vs John Aurobindo Tenta-cles


The Bushwhackers vs Demolition members Crush and Smash


Andre The Giant vs Greg Valentine


The Ultimate Warrior vs Colonel Mustafa


Jim Neidhart vs Rick "The Model" Martel


Hulk Hogan and Macho King Randy Savage vs The Undertaker and The Million Dollar Man

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"Does anybody get the feeling we've been here before" said Vince McMahon as spritely as ever, despite drinking heavily until about five hours ago. The lack of response and the stench of ale gave further rise to the sense of Deja vu. The only difference between this meeting and the one that brought in the new year is that theres an extra seat.


"Well Kid, I'd be lying if I didn't say that I'm surprised you've lasted this long, Hell, I think we all are!


"Thankyou Mr McMahon...I think."


"Anyway, enough of the small talk, we aren't here to give you a blowjob, were here to discuss the past month and the month going forward. First things first, as you can see January was a very impressive month financially, no doubt bolstered by the Royal Rumble. Hogan and Warrior merch is flying off the stalls everywhere we go, but does anybody know who our third biggest seller is?"


The guys tried to clear their heads long enough to think of a reply but none where forthcoming. Vince sighed loud enough for them all to hear him and get the message.


"Its Savage. A god damn heel! That tells me one of two things fella's, either your not doing your jobs properly and nobody gives a crap for our faces, or Savage is due a turn. Now which is it?"


Patterson ventured an answer. "Definitely the second one Mr McMahon. Whatever we do, Savage is just crazy over with the fans."


"Maybe you're right Pat, but I think it's a little from column A, a little from column B. We're heading into WrestleMania territory people, and we need as many superstars as we can make...Which brings me back to you Kid. I gave you the ball to run with this Matt Borne angle and so far he's just not getting over at all. Even attacking The Bossman didn't help like it should."


The Kid raced to the defence of his character like it was his own baby." Mr McMahon, I was not the one who rushed through the match with Bossman. If we had followed the storyline I'd set out Matt could be the most over heel in the company in six months time..."

"Whoa, cool your jets hotshot!" laughed Vince. "The fact is I don't want to have to wait six weeks for someone to make an impact, never mind six months!"

"But sir once the vignettes start...."


"Look Kid that's what I'm trying to tell you, there's not going to be any Vignettes for this guy. He's not worth the time, the effort or the money we'd have to throw at him."


The Kid was lost for words. He felt like the rug had just been pulled out from under him and he's fallen flat on his face.


"Now hold on a minute Mr McMahon." said Patterson to the absolute shock of everyone, including it seemed, himself. "Maybe filming these video's is gonna be a bit much, but how about we throw The Kid a bone here. Give Borne a manager or something to help get him over. I mean, a good manager could explain away anything better than what you can put on tape."

"Jesus Pat, that must be a record for you, two decent points in one meeting. Alright Kid, how about it, scrap the Vignettes and I'll give you a manager."


The Kid knew he couldn't turn down the offer, but it was still nice to be asked.

"Sure thing Mr McMahon, I think I can still get everything across."


"So it's settled. You work out the rest of the details and bring your proposal to me before the Challenge tapings on tuesday. Now, before we move onto tonights Main Event show, as you all know, there were a few contracts came up at the end of last month, and just to clarify, none of them have been extended. That means Kato is gone, Ax is gone, and that fat piece of crap Dusty Rhodes is history at last!"


The bookers may have congratulated Vince on a decision well made to his face, but in truth they were all sad to see Dusty go. And so the meeting continued and talk turned to the outcomes of The Main Event matches. A running order and the finishes were finalised, and a contingency plan was put into place incase "Mr Hogan" decided he wasn't going to play ball. The bookers filed out of the tiny room and went on their way to the locker room to inform the wrestlers. The Kid took the opportunity to talk to Patterson.

"Hey Mr Patterson, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure Kid, what's on your mind?"


"I just wanted to say thanks for standing up for me in there."


"No problem at all. It was just a shame I had to...."


Patterson went to walk away but The Kid pulled him back.

"What dya mean, it's a shame you had to?"


"Well, the way I see it, you and Gorilla are partners right? He should have been the one to back you up, but I don't think he believes in you like we do Kid. I mean, you heard what he said to Hogan last night, "The Kid doesn't have any real power." We may have had our differences me and you, but I call em like I see em. You're onto something with Borne and Gorilla is either so past it that he can't see it, or he's running scared that you're gonna take his job. Either way, you need to decide if you're with us, or with him."

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Gotta say, im really enjoying this so far. This was the era I grew up watching, so it brings back alot of good memories as well as adding your own twist to things. And im really enjoying the backstage stuff. Like somebody said before, it feels more like a story than a traditional diary. Keep it up "Kid".
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