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WWF 1992: The year that wasn't

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With no champion in place at the start of the year Vince McMahon was beginning to get frustrated. Some people feared the title would just once again make it’s way back to Hulk Hogan, while others thought the power play of The Ultimate Warrior would see him as the new champion. Vince wanted something fresh, something new. That’s how I, a practical nobody in the business, got the book for the hottest company in the world to date. The first thing I had to do was take a look at who was deserving of the title and who would be a great draw in the long run. This brought me to my first meeting with some of the smartest guys on the planet. Myself, Chief Jay Strongbow, Shane McMahon, Pat Patterson and Sgt. Slaughter sat in the booking room throwing creative ideas against the wall. On one hand you had our top five “Franchise Players” who the fans would almost certainly expect the belt to be put on:


Bret Hart: 34 years old, and insanely popular. Add this to the fact that he is perhaps the best actual wrestler on the roster and it’s hard to argue that he shouldn’t be the champ. The only problem with Bret getting the nod is that he’s already the Intercontinental Champion and to give him both major straps isn’t practical.


Ric Flair: The top heel in the company, and 42 years old. The big question for Flair is if he was given the title how long could he continue to put on quality matches before his age finally caught up with him?


Hulk Hogan: There’s not a lot to say about Hogan. At 38 he is the most over wrestler in the world, and has held the title on four separate occasions already. The problem with Hogan is that he’s getting very stale very fast and another title run could turn away a lot of fans.


Randy Savage: Savage is 39 years old and has lived in Hogan’s shadow his entire career. He has held the WWF Championship only once. Is this the year Savage finally shows that he can carry the company by himself?


The Undertaker: The Undertaker has been absolutely huge since he debuted in the WWF. He is 29 years old and has already held the title once before dropping it to Hulk Hogan less than 2 months ago. Nothing would please me more than putting the strap back on him, but is that what’s best for the company?



Those were the five man topics of discussion in our first meeting. There were also other notables who, if pushed correctly between now and Mania could become solid champions in themselves.


Shawn Michaels: Michaels is 26 years old and was one half of an insanely popular tag team, before throwing his partner through a glass window making him one of the most hated men in the business. Do we use that momentum and put the strap on someone who is sure to be a show stopper for years to come?


Million Dollar Man: One of the best characters ever thought up in my opinion. DiBiase plays the ultimate heel but has never reached that pinnacle of success. Having DiBiase win the title could bring in all kinds of different angles, the question is does he have anything left in the tank?


Sid Vicious: We all know how Vince loves his monsters, and well Sid is a monster that alone puts him in contention.



The meeting lasted about an hour and nothing solid was decided. In the end I knew the decision was going to fall on me and me alone. After all that way if the whole thing falls through then Vince has a fall guy…me

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You can't go wrong with Flair my man. I'm playing a 91 game and wanted an idea of where I am aiming over the next year and I'm finding Ric Flair © vs Bret Hart for the WWF Title at Wrestlemania hard to argue with.


I think it's probably a tad late for DiBiase, last year was his big chance I think, but The Undertaker would be a great shout, and as a Macho Man fan you could get away with him too. But go with the easy option. If in doubt, give the belt to Flair. You can't go wrong.

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There were a few simple rules Mr. McMahon had put in place to start the year out. He does this from time to time to give us “guidelines” on the direction he wants the company to go.


The first two were obvious ones:


1) We can not fall into debt at any time for the next 2 years. If this ever even came close to happening, I suspect Vince would fire everyone on the spot.


2) We must continue to be the number 1 promotion in the world for the next 3 years. Again I don’t see this being much of a problem. The closet thing we have in terms of competition is Ted Turner’s “Rasslin” over at WCW.


3) Shawn Michaels must be kept above a C+ momentum. Apparently Vince realizes that Shawn can be a real superstar if handled correctly. And given this goal we have no choice but to handle him right.


4) Earthquake must not gain any more popularity in the US. It seems John has really pissed Vince off and as vindictive as it seems this is his way of getting back at John.


5) We can’t hire or extend anyone who has less than a C- in Selling.


6) We can’t hire or extend anyone with less than a C- in Safety.

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Primetime Wrestling

Live from the Rosemont Horizon in Chicago, IL

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports

Attendance: 13,161


Pre Show:

Million Dollar Man Vs. Duane Gill


Million Dollar Man defeated Duane Gill in 4:48 by submission with a Sleeper.

Rating: B-

Notes: The Million Dollar Man shone in this match, and helped Duane improve in Performance skills.



Main Show:


The New Hart Foundation Vs. Genichiro and Kitao


The New Hart Foundation defeated Genichiro Ten / Koji Kitao in 10:17 when Owen Hart defeated Kitao by pinfall with a Hart Attack.

Rating: C-

Notes: This was nothing more than a warm up match for The Hart Foundation. While it wasn’t the rating we wanted it should start to build some momentum for a solid tag team.



After the match The Beverly Brothers came out and said The New Hart Foundation looked pathetic. They would be no match for The Beverly Brothers, and just like that a match was named for next week.

Rating: D



Shawn Michaels W/ Sherri Martel Vs. Virgil


Shawn Michaels defeated Virgil in 10:35 by pinfall with a Sweet Chin Music.

Rating: C+

Notes: It seems Shawn and Sherri are an awful pairing. I have big plans for Shawn it’s just a matter of seeing how things fall into place in the early stages of the game.



Big Bossman Vs. Barry Horowitz


Big Bossman defeated Barry Horowitz in 5:47 by pinfall with a Bubba Slam.

Rating: D+

Notes: Do I really need to explain this one?



The Undertaker Vs. Koko B. Ware


The Undertaker defeated Koko B. Ware in 10:25 by pinfall with a Tombstone.

Rating: B-

Notes: The Undertaker seemed off tonight, let’s hope he doesn’t make that a pattern.



After the match The Undertaker entered the ring with a body bag and proceeded to put Koko in the bag.

Rating: C-



Hulk Hogan Vs. Earthquake


Hulk Hogan defeated Earthquake in 7:47 by pinfall with a Big Boot and Leg Drop.

Rating: C+

Notes: What a miserable Main Event. Neither one of these two sold the other, and it took everything they had to get the rating they did.



After the match Hogan grabbed a mic and said he was screwed out of the title and he demands he gets the chance to prove he deserves it. Jack Tunney came out and agreed with Hogan. He then said Hogan is one of several individuals lobbing for the title and if he can prove himself next week against The Undertaker it will go a long way in the decision making process.

Rating: A



Final Rating: C

Notes: Not a great first card at all, but it gives us a starting point. Next week’s Hogan Vs. Taker should bring in some views and then we’ll go from there.




Let me know what you guys think of the write up style, is it easy enough to read?

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Let me know what you guys think of the write up style, is it easy enough to read?


I don't think you've EVER written a dynasty that was difficult to read. KUPTGW.


P.S. 1992...My memory may be playing tricks on me, but I believe you have a Perfect wrestler on your roster that could use a push. I mean, let's face it: everything this individual does is absolute, positively...perfect. :D

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I don't think you've EVER written a dynasty that was difficult to read. KUPTGW.


P.S. 1992...My memory may be playing tricks on me, but I believe you have a Perfect wrestler on your roster that could use a push. I mean, let's face it: everything this individual does is absolute, positively...perfect. :D




Now that's perfect. ;)

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Gotta go with The Million Dollar Man, sure he may be heading towards the twilight of his career but since the WWF is still based more on the entertainment side of things his character and charisma alone should carry him to a lot of high scoring storylines and promos.


I like your writing style too, straight to the point.


May i ask what data you are using for this diary?

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I don't think you've EVER written a dynasty that was difficult to read. KUPTGW.


Well thanks I'm glad I have a fan. I try to make things easy mainly because I don't use a lot of graphics so I know all that text can be daunting.


P.S. 1992...My memory may be playing tricks on me, but I believe you have a Perfect wrestler on your roster that could use a push. I mean, let's face it: everything this individual does is absolute, positively...perfect. :D




Now that's perfect. ;)


If I'm not mistaken Perfect was out until almost the end of 1992 due to injury...his back maybe?




Gotta go with The Million Dollar Man, sure he may be heading towards the twilight of his career but since the WWF is still based more on the entertainment side of things his character and charisma alone should carry him to a lot of high scoring storylines and promos.


I like your writing style too, straight to the point.


May i ask what data you are using for this diary?


The datd I'm using is the 1992 data from D16NJD. It's a great mod you should check it out.


Million Dollar Man for World Champ and Mr. Peffect as Royal Rumble Winner. Imagine two heels slugging at WrestleMania...



Two late votes for The Million Dollar man always nice. Make things interesting.

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After the show I was in the bar getting a drink…I needed it after the show I had just put on.

“Tough show kid, but Taker Vs. Hogan is the right choice for the title. Mr. McMahon will be happy with the decision.”


I took another shot, my fourth of the night. The voice coming from behind me was that of Pat Patterson. Vince had entrusted Pat with a lot of power over the course of the last year and as a result we are in the situation we are in now. Being the next Pat Patterson wasn’t something I was looking forward to being. I told myself long ago I was going to push the envelope. If I were the one in charge it wouldn’t be the same old thing. Yet here I was doing the same old thing. I pounded another shot.


“That match isn’t going to decide anything Pat. It’s going to be the beginning of a series of matches, that will cumulate at Wrestlemania. That’s what I was put in place to do, not live in the moment, but plan long term.”


Pat pulled up a chair next to me, great now any chance of going home with something that looked halfway decent was gone. I could see his face getting red, after all he was basically just called out by a guy who just booked his first ever show and fell flat on his face while doing so.


“Well of course, I wouldn’t expect you to give Hogan the belt on Wednesday without making him work a little for it. So what do you have in mind? Going to have him trample 3 or 4 top guys before getting it? Make him larger than life?”


Poor Pat, the funniest part of this whole conversation was he actually thought this was a good idea. I contemplated going along with him just to give him an ego boost then watch is all disappear. I took another shot, no I couldn’t do that, not yet anyway.


“Who said anything about Hogan winning? I’m going to be straight with you Pat. I’m playing this one pretty close to the chest. You’ll find out when everyone else finds out.”


I thought Pat was going to lose it at this point. His face was as red as blood and he was now standing up at pointing his stubby little finger in my place. What followed is a bit of a blur for me. I don’t remember throwing any punches, but I do remember both of us being thrown out onto our asses by the bouncers.

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from Fred Rust Arena in Newark, DE

Aired on: USA Network, Sky Sports

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out)



Pre Show:

Andre the Giant Vs. Jim Brunzell


Andre the Giant defeated Jim Brunzell in 5:36 by pinfall with a Butt Drop.

Rating: C


Main Show:


Jim Powers Vs. Terry Gibbs


Jim Powers defeated Terry Gibbs in 5:35 by pinfall with a Powerslam.

Rating: E



Louie Spicolli Vs. Big Bully Busick W/ Harvey Wippleman


Big Bully Busick defeated Louie Spicolli in 4:31 by pinfall with a Big Otto Splash.

Rating: E-



Papa Shango Vs. Max Moon


Papa Shango defeated Max Moon in 7:40 by pinfall with a Big Kick.

Rating: D


Marty Jannetty Vs. Haku


Marty Jannetty defeated Haku in 7:49 by pinfall with a Rocker Dropper.

Rating: D+



After the last match we decided to replay both The Undertaker’s match and Hogan’s match from Wednesday. Along with what happened after the Hogan match.

Rating: A



Final Rating: D+

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After the show I sat in my office going over some notes for next week’s Superstars when there was a knock on the door. I lifted my eyes from my paperwork to see Jay Strongbow standing at the door.

“Jay, what’s going on? Come in, please.”

“I heard what happened with you and Pat.”

“I’m sorry Jay, he just…”


“He had it coming I know. The thing is he’s Vince’s right hand man. So like him or not by having words with him you’re greatly hurting your chances at having a job this time next year.”

“You’re right Jay, I should’ve thought things through, I’m sorry.”

“Good, now on to bigger news.”


There’s bigger news?”


“Unfortunately yes, it seems Hogan, everyone’s icon, just came up hot for steroids.”


“You’re kidding.”


“I wish I was. Now the press hasn’t got a hold of this yet. There’s a chance they won’t.”


“So what do we do?”

“Well company policy is to suspend them with out pay if the press gets it.”

“And if they don’t?”


“Then it never happened.”

“I can’t do that. I understand that we put it on these guys to bulk up by any means necessary, but I can’t sit idly by while someone breaks the law.”


“So you want to suspend the biggest icon in the sport? Are you aware of the repercussions that’s going to have?”

“I’m not going to suspend him. For now let him know he’s on my **** list, and any chance he had at a title run or headlining Mania is over.”


“Ok, I’ll…”


“I’m not done. You can also tell him he’s going to be forfeiting 25% of this month’s earnings.”


“Wow…anything else?”


“Yeah, do it in front of the locker room. It’s important they know where I stand on this policy. And even more important they know Hogan doesn’t have me in his pocket.”

“You’re smarter than Patterson gives you credit for kid. Just be careful, you don’t want to bite the hand that feeds you, know what I mean?”


With that Jay turned and left the office. I think he secretly liked that I was standing up to steroid use, and Hulk Hogan as a whole. He was right though, no one had done more for this business than Hulk Hogan, and to piss him off would certainly land me in the unemployment line.

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No Mr. Perfect?:(... what now?:confused:


He's doing Color for the time...soon he will be healed then it's on.



WWF Proudly Presents…

Wrestling Challenge

Live from the Lewiston Coliseum in Lewiston, ME

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)



Jim Duggan Vs. Tanaka


Jim Duggan defeated Tanaka in 3:39 by pinfall with a Three Point Stance.

Rating: C



Bob Backlund Vs. Brooklyn Brawler


Bob Backlund defeated Brooklyn Brawler in 3:32 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing.

Rating: C



The Bushwhackers Vs. Power and Glory


The Bushwhackers defeated Power and Glory in 5:53 when Bushwhacker Butch defeated Hercules Hernandez by pinfall with a Battering Ram.

Rating: D-



We show another video of the Hogan Taker angle from Primetime.

Rating: A



Final Rating: D+

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