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Question to writers/readers

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Hey all, I wasn't really sure where I should put this so appologies in advance. Here's the thing, I'm currently struggeling with my dynasty and writing overall. Since I've got here, one particular game I've been playing has really interested me (I've made somewhere around 3 or 4 dynastys covering it), I really really love the story and I feel like it could really go places in almost all aspects of writing. Yet each time it gets minimal response and it feels as though I'm just doing it and am the only one reading it. Yet at the same time, my current dynasty, which I honestly am not a full 110% into and it gets responses, even with the fact I've changed my writing style. My question is, do I bail on the current one and go back to the old one and not go with the whole history gimmick I've been doing and go full speed into this like I have been, or just stay where I'm at. I hopeI'm not sounding lame or whiney or anything like that, this is just kinda been bugging me and such.


Thanks again all

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Not lame at all, and a common problem. I personally find my best work is usually the stuff that goes unnoticed. Then I'll post a 'filler' show and I'll get 4-5 responses...


I would stick with your story that YOU love, even though it hasn't received recognition yet... the old saying is if you build it they will come. If you think it's interesting, then you'll get one reader hooked, then another will see it on the first page near the top after that person has responded... get hooked, and all of a sudden it starts to flow.


The only other advice I can suggest is to add interactivity to the one you love writing. Tips, theoretical questions, moot points et al so the reader feels they have some impact and can be immersed in the world that you've created beyond the shows. Completely understand how you feel mate, I doubt there's too many that have written here for long who don't know what you mean, it's not lame, you put a lot of effort into it and sometimes you wonder, for what? The real question is, are you enjoying it? If you're not it's not worth it, if you are then build it, they will come.

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Not lame at all, and a common problem. I personally find my best work is usually the stuff that goes unnoticed. Then I'll post a 'filler' show and I'll get 4-5 responses...


I would stick with your story that YOU love, even though it hasn't received recognition yet... the old saying is if you build it they will come. If you think it's interesting, then you'll get one reader hooked, then another will see it on the first page near the top after that person has responded... get hooked, and all of a sudden it starts to flow.


The only other advice I can suggest is to add interactivity to the one you love writing. Tips, theoretical questions, moot points et al so the reader feels they have some impact and can be immersed in the world that you've created beyond the shows. Completely understand how you feel mate, I doubt there's too many that have written here for long who don't know what you mean, it's not lame, you put a lot of effort into it and sometimes you wonder, for what? The real question is, are you enjoying it? If you're not it's not worth it, if you are then build it, they will come.


I agree with tristram I've seen guys like I'mac and Myself get that as well but it doesn't bother me.

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The "are people even reading this?" syndrome is common. Unfortunate, but common. As a writer, I love feedback - whether its a simple "hey, reading this" or "good last show" or even some form of suggestion/criticism. The ironic thing is that I'm also a reader, and I'm very guilty of not giving those little encouragers to the other writers nearly often enough. So I'm hardly pointing fingers here, just I am very guilty as well.


It seems the common situation is that you get a fair bit of response to the first little bit of your diary - the initial set up, the first show or two. Then things die down a bit. It seems like a lot of readers wait until you've got through a few more shows to prove that you are going to stick with it. Because most diaries don't make it past a half dozen shows. And as a reader, it can be frustrating when you just start to get involved with and really enjoy a new diary, only to have abandoned. It seems to me like a lot of people kinda wait for the writer to get past that point. The problem is, that's also a tough point for the writer to get past, especially when there isn't a ton of encouragement coming. Catch-22 situation.

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I must admit I'm one of those readers who enjoys but rarely comments. I skim through the dynasties often and nearly always find a fun read. Please don't think because you don't have many comments people aren't reading. I'd say there are alot of people who do the same.
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I must admit I'm one of those readers who enjoys but rarely comments. I skim through the dynasties often and nearly always find a fun read. Please don't think because you don't have many comments people aren't reading. I'd say there are alot of people who do the same.


There definitely are. I do the same thing! But as the writer, just seeing the View Count go up doesn't tell you that much. Yes, you know people are reading... but are they enjoying it? Are they regular readers who want to read every show, or people who just check in occasionally? Personally, I'm going to try to be more proactive in throwing little comments into the diaries I enjoy reading.

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Unfortunately, that seems to be the nature of the boards.


It can get very disheartening at times, but atm I'm so enjoying writing my dynasty, to a degree that I never have before. I think it's in part to the fact that I'm building up to Survivor Series and then after that 2 of the next 4 ppv's will be the Rumble and Mania so I'm building up a head of steam with where my stories are going etc.


But it can get very disconcerting when you see about 60 people have viewed your thread snce your last show but noone has replied.


Luckily I've got a few regulars in my diary who post predictions pretty much every show, and if not every show, 2/3 and a couple who give me some nice comments every 3/4 shows. The small problem I had was when I took a break for a good bit and then when I got the diary back running it was only like a show every 10 days. I'm in a good position now where I'm blasting through my shows and keeping your dynasty on the front page will obviously make people notice but I can only always help but feel that it would be nice to get more feedback than I do, good or bad, as long as it's constructive.


I know people must be reading, by the amount of views I get but sometimes I think 'is it really worth it when you only get one person regularly giving feedback?' ATM it is probably more to do with the holidays and people being away, but all it takes is 3 minutes to post some predictions and leave a little feedback about what you are and aren'y enjoying about someones diary.


Anyway I feel I've rambled long enough.

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Write what you like writing. People will read what they like reading, and comment when they feel like commenting. Some people get multiple comments for every show; others go multiple shows with no comments. It's all relative, and by no means a commentary on your writing, only on your readers.
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What's your first goal - writing a popular diary or playing a game you enjoy?


For most people its the latter (although its perfectly possible to do both). You have to do something you enjoy, so if you're enjoying getting responses to a game you're not into more than you're enjoying playing the game thats getting little response, go for that. Or vice versa. Man, I could have written that sentance so it was easier to read.


My goal has always been to play a game that I enjoy. I also enjoy posting a diary as it keeps me honest - no throwing together two random people with chemistry three times every 6 months just to get good rating without actually trying to make a story around it. If people enjoy my diary, great. Even better if they post and I know their enjoying it. But people wont comment all the time - very few people have the time or inclination to post predictions to every show even if you give them the opportunity. Even if you write a diary so its popular (by the way, there's no harm in doing this - I could never write diaries as good as some people, and its all good development of language skills) you may go through a period with no responses. Just keep plowing on, and if the quality's there, the readers will come.


And don't try a satisfy all readers. It'll never happen - some are after great promos and characterisations, others want great match ups, others have no interest if you're not pushing JBL, while others just want to see how you book your promotion. If you try and satisfy too many of those groups, the diary could turn into a chore.

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