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True National Champ


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GB, you're pretty naive if you think that coaches are biased, but when picking two contenders they wouldn't be. Really? How do you think Stoops got his team into the title game this year? Or a few years ago, when they got run over by USC (I think) and it should have been Auburn in the National title.


Still think that 16 teams is too many. Keep your crappy bowls for everyone but the top 8teams.

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alright Nick I can agree with that



and it doesn't matter if they are bias, that's them, but what do writers really know about college football besides who plays, yeah we could sit here and say this player is great and that player is great, but what about the lesser known players?


and i never disagree with the playoff system, I just think they need to keep the bowl games as well, for the school who don't make it, because look ND went from 6-6 to 7-6 which helped Weis and maybe their guys be ready for next year

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GB, you're pretty naive if you think that coaches are biased, but when picking two contenders they wouldn't be. Really? How do you think Stoops got his team into the title game this year? Or a few years ago, when they got run over by USC (I think) and it should have been Auburn in the National title.


Still think that 16 teams is too many. Keep your crappy bowls for everyone but the top 8teams.


16 teams is just right, imo. its just like the basketball tourney, 65 teams is too many. 16 teams is the only way to get ALL conferences involved.

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alright Nick I can agree with that



and it doesn't matter if they are bias, that's them, but what do writers really know about college football besides who plays, yeah we could sit here and say this player is great and that player is great, but what about the lesser known players?


and i never disagree with the playoff system, I just think they need to keep the bowl games as well, for the school who don't make it, because look ND went from 6-6 to 7-6 which helped Weis and maybe their guys be ready for next year


and I agree, that they need to keep the bowl games. the whole argument that a playoff will ruin the rest of the bowl games is stupid as it would not ruin the other bowl games.

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I do believe they use 16 teams in all the other playoffs in college football and it works out just fine.


Richmond which won 1AA(that's what it use to be and always will be in my mind) wouldn't have had a chance in a BCS system as they went 9-3 in the regular season. However, they won the 4 games they needed to and are the 1AA champs.


You just can't pick two teams and that is the problem with the BCS. Also, 8 teams isn't enough as Richmond would have been left out in 1AA.


16 teams/4 weeks(5 if you want a week to hype the championship game).


Also, teams won't be sitting on their ass without a real game for 1 month and 2 days like UF/OU.


Again, this game tonight will be one I watch because it is a football game. It doesn't crown a champion in my mind as it's just another game. When they have a true playoff like the other NCAA divisions that play football, then I will deem that winner to be a real championship.



You don't see ANY other sport vote on who the champion is.


Baseball has tons of playoffs before they get to the CWS.

Basketball has the most successful playoff ever.

Hockey has some sort of playoff.



One last point. Coaches don't pay attention to other teams unless they play them. So they don't vote with knowledge of other teams. Hell even some media guys who vote have admitted they had only seen Utah in HIGHLIGHTS. The current system is a joke.


If it was a great system, the other division would use it. Hell the pros would use it.


Tonight's game does not crown a true national champ. It is just another football game.

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But if we had a playoff system then none of us would be having this discussion!


Honestly I think this crappy BCS stuff is a part of what signifies div 1 college football as it's own game. Do I think it's fair, not entirely, but did they get it wrong this year? NOT AT ALL!


I don't want to hear "Utah deserves a chance at the national championship" or USC or Texas or anyother crapshot one loss team or small conference school. If Utah wants to play in the big game, then they will get in a BCS CONFERENCE! And NO ONE could tell me that they would not be welcomed! Oh yeah and just because you beat Alabama does not mean I think that Utah is a better team than Alabama. Don't get me wrong I respect what Utah did this year and they did have a good team, but if you want recognition then put yourself in a situation to get it. So I say "shut the hell up mayor of Utah and quit causing trouble", because honestly......the two best teams played in the championship thursday and believe it or not the BCS got it right this year. No one could even come CLOSE to saying that any other conference was even in the big 12 and SEC's leagues this year. The two teams that won the two toughest conferences went to the bigest game....I'm sorry I just don't see any problem with this?


And as for USC, congratulations you won the Rose bowl for what seems like your 8th year in a row or something and in 2015 they are going to rename it the Carroll bowl to signify your dominace over all things Rosey! But as far as a BCS Championship birth goes......PFT!!!!!!!!!! if anyone deserves it less it's you!!!! You, much like the dallas cowboys, controlled your own fate this year and you FRICKEN BLEW IT!!!!!!!!!!! So get over it, your in a conference where your third string walk-on's could be a 4yr starter for any other school and you want to complain because a 1 loss season kept you out of the championship. In my eyes there is a sole team to blame and that is you South Cali, you played like poo against Oregon st. and you lost your shot and the national title, that's it end of story!


Texas quite frankly probably should have lost 4 games this year, but they over achieved in a big way. They have an incredibly young team that played really hard this year, and just like OSU, USC, and yes even Utah, deserved the spot they were given.


Anyway that's my 2 cents and I hope it was clear enough for you to understand, and better luck next year guys. Congrats Florida!


EDIT: Oh and btw combined record for the teams Utah faced this year 76-75......combined record for the teams Florida faced 97-71!

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still if your 13-0 and you got shafted by the BCS rankings you'd be upset. sure it also considers stregnth of schedule but you cannot deny a perfect season deserves something. I don't think Utah got invided to another conference but I don't go there so I don't know I'm just assuming. hell when I play ncaa09 and I'm rutgers and I'm killing the other teams by like 40 by mid-season and I still get shafted by not being ranked I'd be pissed too
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I believe Utah tried to get into the pac ten a few years ago and were denied but if the pac ten could get them and BYU into their conference then they could have a conference championship game as well as making that conference a little more interesting in the regular season. I for one hope this happens but you never know, I guess we will see. Honestly if they are shafted it's because they did it to themselves. If they believed they were going to be this good then why didn't they schedule at least ONE top ten none conference game. I still say it's bogus, imo you can't call yourself the top dog or even one of the top dogs unless you play the top dogs. Utah beat about 4 good programs and they played them close, let's not pretend that they blew them away here. But what kills them is that they didn't play ANY of the top ten teams and it kind of ticks me off that they want a share of the title when they never expected to come anywhere close to the top ten at the start of the year. If they did expect to break the top ten at the begining of this season then why did they not schedule at least ONE really good school?


Oh and btw here are the scores from their tougher games


*this one is a laugh that the team that wants to be considered #1 played these guys this close? gimme a break


at Michigan 25-23


*a td victory over AF but AF never beat anyone worth their salt all year long losing to TCU, BYU, Navy and well Utah


at Air Force 30-23


*Now this one is interesting, USC lost to these guys on the road and Utah beat them at home by a marginal score


vs Oregon State 31-28


*Dunno what to make of this one New Mexico is better than their record states cuz they played some tough guys but still at 4-8 this win doesn't mean much


at New Mexico 13-10


*A close game could have gone either way and honestly I'm still not particuarly sold that TCU didn't have the better team, because they DID schedule a top ten team in Oklahoma and they beat the snott out of Air Force, not to mention Utah got to play this at their house


vs TCU 13-10


The only reason I think people are making this case to begin with is because Alabama played so horribly in the sugar bowl. Not to take anything away from Utah, but Bama played like utter CRAP. Look imo Texas, USC, Penn State and Florida all could have gone undefeated easily except for fluke circumstances:


Texas had the int to end the drive the play before crabtree's miraculous catch

not to mention the freshman saftey just took a bag angle at a horrible time.


USC got in a whole and ultimately lost to an inferior Oregon State


Penn State lost by 1pt to a team that again was most definetly inferior


Florida lost on a fricken PAT to tie it up! gimme a break, you do not get much closer than that


But none of them did so Utah is the only undefeated team, by chance, and the arguement ensues.


EDIT: and btw if you switch to a playoff system you will NOT keep the bowl games or the sponsors that just won't happen if it could be done to the same effect don't you think basketball would be doing it, seeing as how it is so incredibly profitable?

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1. Utah is in a BCS conference. Just not one with an automatic bid to one of the big bowls.


2. Utah kicked Alabama's ass.


3. Utah beat the team who beat USC.


4. The Mountain West Conference that Utah plays in was 6-1 against the Pac-10 during the regular season.



I HATE the BCS. It is NOT the way to determine a championship.

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Sorry, but Utah is NOT in a BCS conference. There are 6 BCS Conferences:


Big East

Big 10

Big 12


Pac 10



That is it. Everyone else is NOT in a BCS conference. Only BCS conferences get automatic bids. Since there are only 6 BCS conferences, I think they shouldn't be allowed to play anyone that isn't in a BCS conference during the regular season. As it stands, BCS teams don't want to play strong non-BCS teams during the season because if they win, it means nothing. And if they lose, it looks bad.

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And Florida winning the National Title by 10 doesn't say much.


If you don't actually make points in your argument then don't be surprised when no one acknowledges it.


I would like to know why you think that? You wouldn't happen to be from Salt Lake City would you?


Okay by a show of posts who actually thinks that Utah is a better football team than Florida. All you guys want to beat around the bush with it and play devil's advocate by saying they belong at the top or in the game but I don't think you honestly believe it. There is no team in college football this year that is more talented than the Florida gators, bottom line. So under the guise that the best team in college football should be number one, this year has not been one of legitimate controversy.


Oh and P.S.

You know enough about football to know that the old he beat him who beat someone else holds no weight at all. Anything can happen and any team could beat any other team any given day, it's called parody and lately football has been filled with it. But playing by your philosophy I could also say that Utah beat Michigan by 3 where Ohio St and Penn State beat them 45-7 and 46-17 respectively and neither one of those teams is in the top 5!

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I agree with Grudge that Florida is the best team this year in college football, to shut down the best offense ever and hold them to just 2TD; 49 points less then what they are use to is good



But I do believe it would be fun to see UF vs USC


and no I think Utah gets lucky from playing a weaker schedule

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But if we had a playoff system then none of us would be having this discussion!


Honestly I think this crappy BCS stuff is a part of what signifies div 1 college football as it's own game. Do I think it's fair, not entirely, but did they get it wrong this year? NOT AT ALL!


I don't want to hear "Utah deserves a chance at the national championship" or USC or Texas or anyother crapshot one loss team or small conference school. If Utah wants to play in the big game, then they will get in a BCS CONFERENCE! And NO ONE could tell me that they would not be welcomed! Oh yeah and just because you beat Alabama does not mean I think that Utah is a better team than Alabama. Don't get me wrong I respect what Utah did this year and they did have a good team, but if you want recognition then put yourself in a situation to get it. So I say "shut the hell up mayor of Utah and quit causing trouble", because honestly......the two best teams played in the championship thursday and believe it or not the BCS got it right this year. No one could even come CLOSE to saying that any other conference was even in the big 12 and SEC's leagues this year. The two teams that won the two toughest conferences went to the bigest game....I'm sorry I just don't see any problem with this?


And as for USC, congratulations you won the Rose bowl for what seems like your 8th year in a row or something and in 2015 they are going to rename it the Carroll bowl to signify your dominace over all things Rosey! But as far as a BCS Championship birth goes......PFT!!!!!!!!!! if anyone deserves it less it's you!!!! You, much like the dallas cowboys, controlled your own fate this year and you FRICKEN BLEW IT!!!!!!!!!!! So get over it, your in a conference where your third string walk-on's could be a 4yr starter for any other school and you want to complain because a 1 loss season kept you out of the championship. In my eyes there is a sole team to blame and that is you South Cali, you played like poo against Oregon st. and you lost your shot and the national title, that's it end of story!


Texas quite frankly probably should have lost 4 games this year, but they over achieved in a big way. They have an incredibly young team that played really hard this year, and just like OSU, USC, and yes even Utah, deserved the spot they were given.


Anyway that's my 2 cents and I hope it was clear enough for you to understand, and better luck next year guys. Congrats Florida!


EDIT: Oh and btw combined record for the teams Utah faced this year 76-75......combined record for the teams Florida faced 97-71!


on a scale, this is a true statement. But it wasnt just the fact that they beat them. If they won on a last second field goal, i would agree with you. But they won by 14 points! that is a definite, I am better than you score. If we had a playoff, hell even a plus 1 system, UTah WOULD be good odds to win the national title. and your argument of "get put into a BCS conference" is such a load of crock. It is damn near impossible to switch a conference once your already in one. Going undefeated in any conference is damn near impossible.

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Sorry, but Utah is NOT in a BCS conference. There are 6 BCS Conferences:


Big East

Big 10

Big 12


Pac 10



That is it. Everyone else is NOT in a BCS conference. Only BCS conferences get automatic bids. Since there are only 6 BCS conferences, I think they shouldn't be allowed to play anyone that isn't in a BCS conference during the regular season. As it stands, BCS teams don't want to play strong non-BCS teams during the season because if they win, it means nothing. And if they lose, it looks bad.


that quote is utter bulls*it. What your saying is that if North Carolina beat Boise State (11th AP), it wouldn't mean anything? That is utter bullcrap. It WOULD mean something. I agree with you on one point, if that non-BCS conference team is not in the Top 25, it wouldnt mean much, but it would still mean something, like that the winning team is one step closer to being BOWL eligible

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I agree with Grudge that Florida is the best team this year in college football, to shut down the best offense ever and hold them to just 2TD; 49 points less then what they are use to is good



But I do believe it would be fun to see UF vs USC


and no I think Utah gets lucky from playing a weaker schedule


gets "Lucky"? You cannot get lucky playing football, you are good. and strength of schedule, i agree, should play a part in it, but not as big a part as people make it out to be. and if a person has an AP or Coaches vote, they should watch every team in the Top 30 (or however many teams got a vote the prior week).



P.S. whoever said they get shafted because the play with Rutgers, I TOTALLY feel your pain. I play a BBCF cheat game with Middle Tennessee State (EVERY player is 5.0/5.0) and I have gone 52-0 in four seasons (Including 4 bowl wins), started in Sun Belt and moved WAC. Started as number 1 in 2012. Beat #2 LSU handely (By 24 points). Then proceeded to dominate my conference with wins in the 50 points range, with a 71-0 thrashing of Boise State in the season FINALE. End up 6 or 7 in AP Pollevery year (4 through 6 in the BCS equivalent). Not ONCE have i gotten into a national championship game. I think prior record has to go into it, and Utah going undefeated TWICE in 4 (or 3) years has to be taken into account, this team is for real.




Do the Utah Utes Have a Case to Make for Winning the National Championship?

by T Kyle King on Jan 4, 2009 8:51 PM EST in Football

Now that only three bowl games (and only two consequential bowl games; sorry, GMAC Bowl) remain, it is time to begin giving thought to how the teams will be ranked on my postseason BlogPoll ballot. One question, of course, leaps directly to the forefront of my deliberations: "How seriously does Utah deserve to be considered for the national championship?"


Obviously, the Utes will conclude the campaign as the lone unbeaten team in Division I-A, which counts for quite a lot. I gave similar consideration to Boise State two years ago, for the same reason, and the identical issue has reared its head again this year. (For some reason, whenever Florida is in the running for the national championship, it always involves a mid-major power arguably getting hosed, be it Brigham Young in 1996, Boise State in 2006, or Utah in 2008.)


As stated by JazzyUte, the argument for the Mountain West Conference champions is simple: "Utah still did more than any other team in college football. They proved it on the field every single week by winning all their games, while the winner of the BCS National Championship will have failed at doing that."


There is, however, more to a team’s resume than just its record. In 1990, Georgia Tech went undefeated against (a) a weak A.C.C., (b) what remains to this day the worst Georgia team since the Johnny Griffith era, and © Nebraska in the bowl game at a time when the Cornhuskers couldn’t buy a postseason victory in the Sunshine State. That simply, and correctly, counted for less in the eyes of many voters than Colorado’s once-beaten run through a daunting Big 8 slate and non-conference schedule.


Let us, therefore, look at the Utes’ resume, which stacks up as follows:


W 25-23 at Michigan (3-9)

W 42-21 v. U.N.L.V. (5-7)

W 58-10 at Utah State (3-9)

W 30-23 at Air Force (8-5; lost Armed Forces Bowl)

W 37-21 v. Weber State (Division I-AA)

W 31-28 v. Oregon State (9-4; won Sun Bowl)

W 40-7 at Wyoming (4-8)

W 49-16 v. Colorado State (7-6; won New Mexico Bowl)

W 13-10 at New Mexico (4-8)

W 13-10 v. Texas Christian (11-2; won Poinsettia Bowl)

W 63-14 at San Diego State (2-10)

W 48-24 v. Brigham Young (10-3; lost Las Vegas Bowl)

W 31-17 v. Alabama (12-2; lost Sugar Bowl)

That comes to three wins over B.C.S. conference teams, six wins over teams that went to bowl games (including three over bowl champions), and six wins over Division I-A teams that finished with winning records.


Leaving aside the Utes’ one game against Division I-AA opposition, Utah beat five teams that lost eight or more games but also defeated five teams that won eight or more games. Utah beat the Horned Frogs, whose only other loss was to Oklahoma, and the Crimson Tide, whose only other loss was to Florida.


The question is how that resume compares to this one . . .


W 56-10 v. Hawaii (7-7; lost Hawaii Bowl)

W 26-3 v. Miami (Florida) (7-6; lost Emerald Bowl)

W 30-6 at Tennessee (5-7)

L 31-30 v. Ole Miss (9-4; won Cotton Bowl)

W 38-7 at Arkansas (5-7)

W 51-21 v. Louisiana State (8-5; won Chick-fil-A Bowl)

W 63-5 v. Kentucky (7-6; won Liberty Bowl)

W 49-10 v. Georgia (10-3; won Capital One Bowl)

W 42-14 at Vanderbilt (7-6; won Music City Bowl)

W 56-6 v. South Carolina (7-6; lost Outback Bowl)

W 70-19 v. The Citadel (Division I-AA)

W 45-15 at Florida State (9-4; won Champs Sports Bowl)

W 31-20 v. Alabama (12-2; lost Sugar Bowl)

. . . or this one . . .


W 57-2 v. Chattanooga (Division I-AA)

W 52-26 v. Cincinnati (11-3; lost Orange Bowl)

W 55-14 at Washington (0-12)

W 35-10 v. Texas Christian (11-2; won Poinsettia Bowl)

W 49-17 at Baylor (4-8)

L 45-35 v. Texas (11-1; Fiesta Bowl win result pending)

W 45-31 v. Kansas (8-5; won Insight Bowl)

W 58-35 at Kansas State (5-7)

W 62-28 v. Nebraska (9-4; won Gator Bowl)

W 66-28 at Texas A&M (4-8)

W 65-21 v. Texas Tech (11-2; lost Cotton Bowl)

W 61-41 at Oklahoma State (9-4; lost Holiday Bowl)

W 62-21 v. Missouri (10-4; won Alamo Bowl)

. . . if a victory by one over the other is added to the mix.


If the Sooners win on Thursday night, would Utah have an argument over Oklahoma? What about when if the Gators win on Thursday night? Would it matter whether the winner of the designated national championship game won by a little or won by a lot?





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on a scale, this is a true statement. But it wasnt just the fact that they beat them. If they won on a last second field goal, i would agree with you. But they won by 14 points! that is a definite, I am better than you score. If we had a playoff, hell even a plus 1 system, UTah WOULD be good odds to win the national title. and your argument of "get put into a BCS conference" is such a load of crock. It is damn near impossible to switch a conference once your already in one. Going undefeated in any conference is damn near impossible.


The Pac-10 needs a conference championship and BYU and Utah are out there to fill it whenever they decide to bring them in, this is not impossible or illogical as it does happen when needed.


And as for Utah winning by two possesions, they scored 21 of those points in the first quarter! Alabama was a team that was playing better than they actually were tbh. And I think their first loss brought them back down to earth a little bit.


Don't get me wrong I think Utah had a good team this year, but definetly not the best team. And I promise you if there was a plus one, no matter who Utah faced, be it Oklahoma, Texas, USC or Florida they would be double digit underdogs.


And USC has gone undefeated twice in the Pac-10, Florida State 7 times in the ACC, Florida 3, Ohio State twice, hell Alabama and Boise State did it this year.


Edit: in 2004 Urban Meyer lead the utes to an undefeated season and left for Florida, the following years they would go




13-0-the first year to win their conference since Meyer which is also interesting because Meyer won the conference in both of his 2 years there

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that quote is utter bulls*it. What your saying is that if North Carolina beat Boise State (11th AP), it wouldn't mean anything? That is utter bullcrap. It WOULD mean something. I agree with you on one point, if that non-BCS conference team is not in the Top 25, it wouldnt mean much, but it would still mean something, like that the winning team is one step closer to being BOWL eligible


UNC is not that good, so unless they won their conference, beating Boise would mean nothing. And Georgia beat Boise State a few years ago and it meant zilch. No matter how good Boise St was, Georgia was EXPECTED to win.

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And to back up my comment Nick


I wasn't meaning it like Utah had weak opponents, I meant it as they had a weak schedule and they were lucky for that, because I know you can't sit here and tell me that Utah in the SEC or Big 12 would have gone undefeated?



And about Urban Meyers, people keep talking about how Saban and Carroll as the top to coaches and I think that argument is up for grabs now big time


I mean Stoops has been to three NC games, yes he is 1-3 but he is in a much tougher division than USC


USC also dominates the West Coast but yet they lose once or sometimes twice a year and I think that is why people don't see them play for the NC, because until this year USC has never had a challenge in the Pac 10, I am not sure that will change much, when I had an interview with Florida OC Dan Mullen and he said the reason he believes USC gets the shaft every year is because people expect them to be undefeated in the Pac 10 even though it is hard to do in any division of D-1, but back to the point, Carroll has a great record, he is 1-1 in NC games and has 1 1/2 National Titles, countless rose bowls, destroys ND yearly and doesn't face much competition though, but what he did for that program has really help and he recruits like a monster so I don't doubt him in the top 3


Saban got a 5 year 25 million dollar contract or something like that, that is good, and he was worth it I mean he brought that team back just to look dumb there last two games and most of the season, if you ask any SEC fan they will tell you that Bama had an easier schedule then a lot of the other teams, and they didn't face a lot of injuries and face teams they barely beat, now I am not saying they didn't have a good year because they did, but look at their games, they were close and almost lost a couple in which they should have, At Toledo he won one Conf. Title in one year, At Michigan State he went 34-24-1 never won a Conf. Title and lost the three bowl games he went to in 6 years(the other one he left before they played it) and we know what he has done since, but he is in the argument


Stoops, coached three years at UF as the DC and went to a NC games there and won it, then goes to OKL, where in 10 seasons he has been to 7 BCS bowl games, 10 bowls games, and three NC title games, and won one, He has 6 Conf titles, and is 109-24 including 7 top 10 finishes, and one year he finished 6th and they didn't even play in a BCS bowl game


Urban Meyer, at Bowling Green he went 17-6, then went to Utah where he went 22-2 and won both Bowl games one which was a BCS bowl game, the first actually that had a none BCS conf. school playing and he destroy Pitt if I am correct and his player went Number 1, then he comes to Florida where he goes 45-9 so far with two Conf. titles and two NC, he is the only coach is College football with 2 BCS Titles, in his career he is 5-1 in bowl games and has a top five recruiting class each year since he has come to Florida


So the debate is up

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