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NOTBPW '97: Let the Wrestling Do The Talking

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Victoria Stone always liked to make a habit of getting into the office early. For one thing, she knew it looked good, and when you stand a good chance of one day of inheriting your dad’s business it pays to look as conscientious as possible. Sure, Jeremy and Dan were both older than her, but they would always be wrestlers first and businessmen a distant second, and Dad knew it. Vicky, on the other hand, was the only member of the family who was as interested in the business side of her Dad’s work as the wrestling. Plus, unlike Edd she was unlikely to get into trouble just by walking into the room.


The other reason she liked to was that it gave her a chance to call her boyfriend Sean, who she was basically nuts about, without the rest of her family (particularly her brothers, who took the concept of over-protectiveness to a frightening new level) finding out.


So it was that she found herself entering NOTBPW Headquarters on the last Friday of December, only to find that she wasn’t as alone as usual.


“Er…hey, Vicky. How ya been?”


Hugh Dansigny still looked the same as he had always done, which is to say, not especially well. 5 foot 6 and maybe 180 pounds in heavy shoes, Hugh was still the same underfed, balding, appallingly dressed (Bright orange beach shirt and grey tweed trousers? yuck) little weed he’d been 10 years ago when he’d been the first person in their class to talk to Dan Stone’s famous daughter.


“Hugh? What the hell are you doing here, you pencil-necked freak? I thought you’d gone to New York with Nicole”


Hugh winced, and Victoria suddenly noticed that the incredibly tacky wedding ring he’d been so proud of was noticeably absent.


“Gee Vicky, it’s nice to see you too. Listen, can we really not talk about Nicole right now? I kinda need to ask you a favour”


“Now that’s the Hugh I know. What was it you once said? ‘Real friends are the ones I can sponge off of for the rest of my life’?”


“Look, this is serious, okay? I really need to ask you something, and then we can go back to thinly veiled insults for as long as you like”


“Sure, Hugh, okay. What is it?”


“…Can I have a job?”

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I’ll admit that surprising your best friend at her place of work and then basically begging for a job is probably not the best way to go about securing an interview, but hey, it works. After only a little begging (and I suspect most of that was just ‘cos she’s evil), Victoria had agreed to set me up with an interview with her dad, in theory for the position of Colour Commentator on their TV show, NOTBPW Championship Wrestling (North of the Border Pro Wrestling Championship Wrestling? Am I the only one who thinks that’s a little stupid?).


Anyway, the interview itself promised to be a nerve-wracking experience. Not because I didn’t think I’d get the job (are you kidding? Maybe I was a little off form, but I’m still the best, even on a bad day). No, the problem I had was protocol: I’d known Dan Stone for 10 years by that point, but he was a potential employer. So do I call him Dan, or Mr. Stone, or what? It’s this sorta thing that can really count in a job interview.


Fortunately, it was at this point that Dan Stone finally arrived, putting a halt to my rather pointless musings.


“Hugh! It’s good to see you again”


“Hey, Mr…erm, Dan…ah, what the hell do I call you? It’s been bugging me for hours”


Well, maybe 10 minutes, but I have a short concentration span.


“Dan’s fine. So, Victoria tells me you want a job. I thought you’d got work down at that deathmatch company in New York?”


And straight in where I didn’t want to go. My time in New York…well, there just isn’t enough alcohol in the world, get what I’m saying?


“XFW, yeah…look, I know this is a job interview, Dan, but that whole XFW thing? Kinda something I don’t want to talk about in any kind of detail”


“What happened? I managed to get hold of Duncan Kendall, all he said was you were doing Colour work and a little booking, and then you had some kinda personal thing and left”


“You talked to Duncan?”


“Just to get a reference, Hugh. This might shock you, but I believe that references are still generally though of as a good thing to have”


That…might be a good thing. Honestly, I’d taken off so fast after I quit that I never heard what Duncan thought of my work down there.


“What’d he say?”


“I think his exact words were ‘give him coffee and he’ll go crazier than Eddie Peak, but give him a mic and he’ll blow you away’. There was also…look, before we go any further, I’ve got to ask. When you left New York…was it just for personal reasons?”


“What do you mean?”


“Ever heard of The Hype, Hugh?”


Okay, okay, so maybe I should’ve figured it out earlier (after all, I knew XFW’s rep). I’m not a psychic, alright? Gimme a break.


“I don’t touch that stuff, Dan. Never have done, never will do, not with my background”


“Of course, your mother…I’m sorry, but I had to ask. You see, Hugh, Duncan told me who’d been giving Randall the Vandall all his ideas for the booking.”


“Well, I mean, yeah I was playing a pretty big role there, but…”


“Hugh, according to Duncan the only reason you were never put in charge is because you left before he could make the offer. I’m not making the same mistake”


“Are you…Are you asking what I think you’re asking? ‘Cos I think of a half-dozen names better than me. Three of them are related to ya”


“Dan and Jeremy are both stars- I need them focussed on working a match, not coping with all the backstage stuff. And like as not Victoria will take over the business when I’m gone, but she’s been in the business barely long enough to blow her nose, let alone run a company our size. You, though…you take risks. You think outside the box. Heck, you’re the only booker I know that actually managed to work with Big Smack Scott without killing him”


To tell you the truth, I probably would’ve if I’d stuck around, but like hell was I telling Mr. Stone that.


“So, what you’re saying is…”


“What I’m saying, Hugh, is that I want you to take over as head booker.”


“…Okay. On one condition”


I’m not saying Dan was annoyed, but his eyebrows were definitely ascending his forehead pretty quickly.


“And what would that be, Hugh?”


“I want my own chair.”




“Yeah. A big one. With cushion and armrests. And maybe cupholders too”


Let it never be said that I don’t think big.

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OOC Note: Thanks for all the positive response guys- here's a hugely long post as a thanks. Predictions for the next show at the bottom of the post, just to make sure you keep reading :p


My first day in charge was mostly spent in my new office (with requisite big chair, cupholders included no less) getting to grips with the roster.


April Appleseed was one of the cornerstones of our new Women’s Division (otherwise known as the ‘Vicky Needs a Job’ championship). She wasn’t that bad, but she’d never stand out as a great wrestler. That said, she could call her own matches, and her friendship with Victoria meant that I was willing to keep her around.


Billy Sanderson was one of our road agents, and a good friend of Jeremy’s. He was pretty damn good as a road agent, and could ref and do mic work reasonably well. The only thing against him is that we already have a road agent, and he’s my boss. Still, Billy’s good, and I’ve got no specific reason to get rid of him.


Billy Wood, aka Alysian Scottsfield, was the kind of big lug I’d dealt with a bit in XFW. Not much use in the ring, and terrible on the mic, his only upside was his tag team with his ‘brother’ Larry. Still, with the Ed Henson Cup on the horizon and less than half a dozen decent teams in the company, that’s a big upside.


Canadian Dragon is a competent high flyer that was largely brought in to give Duane some more high flyers to work off of. He’s okay-nothing even remotely special, but not actually bad. I can work with him for now, at least.


Chris Candle- man, I can remember watching him when he was just the man of 319 holds. Unfortunately, that was when I was about 6, and he wasn’t a young guy then. He’s way past his prime, and I doubt he’ll still be active by the end of the year. That said, he’s added an extra 53 holds over the years, and can boost our midcard a bit until he retires.


Clarence Garcia is our junior ref. He’s decent at his job, if unspectacular, and has the benefit of one of the greatest moustaches I’ve ever seen. Seriously, man, this moustache has to be taken as proof of god’s existence (how else so perfect come to pass?). Worth keeping around solely for his lip-furniture.


Craig Green is 19, and will therefore keep his job in the hope he improves. At the moment he’s propping up the lower reaches of the card, and I can’t see him going higher for quite a while. He’s apparently looking to go into tag competition, which I suppose might work, but either way there’s a lot of work to be done.


Craig Prince is seriously bad-ass. He’s probably the finest technical worker on the roster not related to Dan, and has to be considered the number one contender to the Canadian Title, given that the only people more popular than him are all faces. On the other hand, if he’s not taking you to the mat he’s weak, and whilst he can call his matches there’s gaps in his playbook that could harm his chances of holding the belt.


Curt O’Malley is another road agent, and whilst he’s good he’s nowhere near Sanderson or Dan’s level. I might release him, except that I’m not sure I really want to. I mean, sure there’s no reason to keep him around, but there’s no really good reason to get rid of him.


Dallas and Dean McWade are cornerstones of our tag division. They’re neither of them anything special- hardcore bruisers that would be a godsend to DaVE or XFW but don’t really fit in here. That said, their experience as a team make them a valuable commodity, and they aren’t so useless that I can’t find a use for them individually.


Dan Stone is my boss, so I kinda have to be nice. However, that ain’t hard: he’s a fantastic road agent, and has enough charisma to handle himself on the mic if I ever need him to. All in all, a very big asset to the company.


Dan Stone Jr. is, as his name suggests, the boss’ kid, and our biggest star. He’s our current Canadian Champion, and more than deserves to hold the title belt, given that he’s probably one of the best wrestlers in the world. Unfortunately, he’s not as hot as he might be- a lot of his matches recently have been against the weaker members of the roster, and that’s left him in a slightly odd position momentum wise. Still, he ain’t losing that belt yet.


Dark Angel’s another of the high flyers brought in to give Duane someone to work with. He’s good, too- a really good high flyer with some competent technical and brawling work to boot. Plus, with fundamentals that are through the roof, he’s one of the stronger contenders to the Canadian Title right now, but for the fact that he’s yet to really bust on through to the main event. Still, it’s a matter of when, not if, that will happen.


Derek Frost is, like Craig Green, a young guy that needs a lot of work. Still, he’s extremely consistent, and has enough skill that I’m willing to work on him. It’s just unfortunate that he’s a brawler- we don’t have many of those on the roster, and none that are good enough to teach him anything.


Dog Fyte is one major-league *******. I heard a lot about him when I was in New York- he works for DaVE, who were our big competition- and all of it was about his tendency to get into arguments with just about everybody. However, having a bad attitude is not a good enough reason for me to get rid of him, especially when he’s this good. He’s one of the few guys that could work with Derek, and he has a Japanese influence in his work that makes him a good fit for our product. Plus, I need someone to vent at, and something tells me I’m gonna be shouting a lot at this guy anyway.


Duane Stone is another Stone, and a high flyer to boot. Same story as the others here: hugely talented, hugely popular, son of the boss so I have to work with him. Not that I object, mind you: who could, when you’ve got this much talent to work with?


Farrah Hesketh provides another name in the ‘Vicky Needs a Job’ division, and is a solid technical wrestler to boot. There isn’t a lot to be said about Farrah; she’s solid, decent on the fundamentals and better on the mic. I can’t say I plan on making her a major part of the women’s division, for the very simple reason that she’s competing with Vicky and April for the top face spot, but she can provide a decent undercard match or two.


Hugh Dansigny is me, so I can’t claim to be objective. I’m apparently considered quite a good colour man, so I’ll be handling commentary duties with Tommy, providing the wise-cracking heel to his straight-laced good guy.


Jeremy Stone is probably the finest technical worker in North America right now, and one of our biggest stars. Like Dan, he’s one of our biggest names but hasn’t got a lot of momentum- he’s just come out of deputising for an injured Tom Gilmore in our tag division, and it didn’t really work out as well as had been hoped. He’s also a little difficult backstage- apparently his excellence has gone to his head just a little, and his tongue occasionally runs away with him. I can deal with that, though, at least until he stops delivering in the ring


Kit Hatoyama is the big heel of the women’s division. A really good high flyer, she’s our top candidate for the inaugural champ. Only problem with that is that she doesn’t speak a word of English, and whilst our workers do their talking in the ring, it’d help if anyone could understand what she was talking about backstage.


Larry Wood is one half of probably our top heel tandem with Billy. Whilst he’s a hardcore nutjob like his ‘brother’, he’s got more solid fundamentals and about a dozen fewer years on the clock than Billy. In any case, I need all the teams I can get for the Cup in two months time.


Matthew White is our head referee, and has Clarence has a great moustache. He also has an outrageous French accent, making him worth keeping around purely for comedy value.


Phillip Roberts is a difficult guy to deal with. He’s a fantastic wrestler, and a great guy to match up against Dan or Jeremy, but he also works for the SWF, and when that contract runs out he’ll probably be offered a full-time written contract with them. That means I can’t really build any concrete plans around him, which is unfortunate as I’d love to give him a major title run and see what he could do with it.


R.K. Hayes is a big brawler who’s risen to the main event largely out of novelty value, as far as I can tell. He’s a less than spectacular wrestler, and has no really great redeeming features. I’m inclined to de-push him and see if I can turn him into a useable midcarder or something.


Reese Paige is one of the hot young talents of women’s wrestling, and is one of the cornerstones of our division. A flashy high flyer by and large, she’s also one of the few women wrestlers out there that can call matches (come to think of it, nearly all of them work for us).


Richard Coleman is one of our young talents that could go very far, with the right push and some momentum. He’s a solid technical worker with good fundamentals, very much a typical NOTBPW wrestlers, which in an odd way may be the one thing holding him back: with Dan Jr and Jeremy at the top, any other faces up there need something to make them stand out.


Ron Greenhorn…sorry, I think I just fell asleep. Seriously, this guy doesn’t have a charismatic bone in his body, and not many talented ones either. I can’t help but feel like there’s a few guys at the bottom of the roster who owe their position solely to the fact that they’re young and therefore might have potential. Ron won’t last long: as soon as I’ve found someone better he’s gone.


Sandy Townsley’s another of the young-but-faintly-useless division, with the added proviso that he’s so young that he actually stands a better chance of developing into something good down the line. I’ll keep him around for a few years and see how he works out, but he’ll be looking at the lights a lot, I guarantee it.


Stephanie Hazel joins Sandy and Ron as a female representative of the young-and-useless gang. Alright, so maybe she’s a little better than those two, but I don’t like her attitude, and shouldn’t she still be at school?


Steve Flash is awesome, end of story. He’s been holding up our tag division for a few years now, most recently with Tom Gilmore and then with Jeremy when Tom got injured. There isn’t a guy on the roster that Steve couldn’t work with, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he has only slightly more charisma than Ronny G he’d be main-event bound.


The Black Mark, aka Calvin Dark, is yet more proof that NOTBPW need to sort out their talent spotters. He sucks, and I’m only keeping him because I can’t think of anyone better.


The Wizard of Ottawa is the undoubted king of the young-and-useless gang. Fortunately for him, he’s a nice guy that can help keep the locker room morale up, so I’ll probably wind up keeping him long after Ronnie and Calvin are gone.


Thomas Morgan manages the almost impossible feat of restoring my faith in NOTBPW’s talent spotters. He’s young, good in the ring and has a lot of charisma to back it up, making him an ideal hot prospect for us. Plus, I’ve got a great idea for a tag team for him.


Tom Gilmore is, let’s face it, awesome. One half of The High Flyers, our current tag champions, he’s a damn fine worker with a lot of charisma and extremely solid fundamentals. Oh, and did I mention he’s only 18? Seriously, I’m starting to wonder if Dan ever cheated on his wife, Tom’s that good.


Tommy London is my broadcast partner, and one of the finest announcers in wrestling (okay, so I’m biased, deal with it). He’s undoubtedly the voice of North of the Border Pro Wrestling, and as much a part of the company as Dan Stone.


Victoria Stone’s my best friend, do you really expect objectivity? Although let’s face it, her taste in men is crappy (C’mon…Sean McFly? What’s with that?).


Zeus Maxmillion is, slightly daft name aside, one of our better young guys. A solid all-rounder with particularly good charisma, my only complaint is that dumb movie director gimmick he came in with. Sure, that might work in CGC or the SWF, but this is a serious wrestling company. Still, with a new gimmick and the right opponents, there’s no doubt that he could make a big contribution in the future.




“Okay, where the hell is he?”


Jeremy, Victoria reflected, was not exactly a patient man.


“Knowing Hugh, he’s probably still in his office, playing with his new chair-did you actually give him cup-holders in the end?”


“That’s another thing- who asks for a chair as a contractual obligation?”


“Somebody who really likes chairs? Sorry I’m late, a couple of things came up that I wanted to deal with pronto”


Hugh’s outfit was the same as yesterday, Victoria noticed. This was probably a good thing: given his appalling dress sense, she really didn’t want to see what he would do with a suit.


“No problem, Hugh. It’s good to see you’re settling in so quickly”


“Yeah well. I’m here now, might as well do something useful, right?”


Having known him for 10 years, Victoria could tell when Hugh was being flippant. Jeremy, though, clearly couldn’t; it was kinda funny, watching him getsao annoyed.


“Yeah, you might as well.”


“Glad you’re onside, Jeremy. Anyway, Dan, speaking as the only person NOT related to you, can we get on? I want to make sure I’ve got the card together for Championship Wrestling on Wednesday.”


“No problem, Hugh. Just wanted to get your first impressions, first ideas, all that kind of stuff”


“Well, the way I see it, first thing we gotta do is bring in some new talent, there’s a lot of weaknesses in our roster. I mean, Ronnie G? The Black Mark? And how the heck did R.K Hayes get to the main event?”


“He stands out from the roster, breaks the monotony…”


“Yeah. Because he sucks. Hey, I got nothing against mixing it up a bit, but there’s gotta be somebody out there who’s better than him. Hell, if you’re really desperate for a good brawler Nemesis’ contract is supposed to be up pretty soon, and there ain’t no way he’s staying in the SWF”


“Be that as it may, Hugh, I think it’s probably a good idea if you have some objectives to work to. Enthusiasm’s great, but I’m sure we’d all be happier if you had a plan to work to”


Victoria could virtually hear the ‘…and weren’t running round like an overly-caffeinated puppy’ on the end of that sentence.


"Firstly, I want NOTBPW to grow as a company, not go backwards. Right now we’re ranked number 6 in the world- fall below that, and you’re out of here, okay?


“Secondly, we all know that Dan’s not got the momentum he should as champion. Right now TEW.com rates his momentum at C: get it up to a B if you can. And whilst you’re at it, I know that you’ll want to make some new stars, but Dan and Jeremy are our big stars, and I’d rather you didn’t job them out to all and sundry, okay?”


“Pretty much what I was thinking myself, boss. Get Dan’s momentum up, don’t kill the company, and make sure that Dan and Jeremy are still top of the mountain-which, believe me, they should be”


“Also, we’re a serious wrestling company. Which means I don’t want you hiring anybody who isn’t at least a competent athlete, they won’t be able to keep up. And no luchadores, either: I’m not knocking it as a style, but people don’t really take it seriously, and it wouldn’t really fit with what we’re trying to present here. Any problems with that?”


“I dunno, Dan. It’s not a problem for my new signings, but there’s a couple of guys on the roster that I’d want to keep around. We’ll come back to this later, okay? Once I’ve got a better idea of what I’m doing with these guys.”


“No problem. So, what’ve you got planned for the next show?”


Hugh grinned, and Victoria was reminded of a shark’s smile. Which was unusual, as the animal Hugh usually most resembled was a weasel.


“I am so glad you asked. Listen to this…”




Prediction Key:



Dan Stone Jr vs. Jeremy Stone


Duane Stone vs. Dark Angel



The High Flyers (Tom Gilmore& Steve Flash) vs. The McWades


Richard Coleman vs. Phillip Roberts


Reese Paige vs. Victoria Stone


Dog Fyte vs. Thomas Morgan



R.K Hayes vs. Derek Frost

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Dan Stone Jr vs. Jeremy Stone


Duane Stone vs. Dark Angel



The High Flyers (Tom Gilmore& Steve Flash) vs. The McWades


Richard Coleman vs. Phillip Roberts


Reese Paige vs. Victoria Stone


Dog Fyte vs. Thomas Morgan



R.K Hayes vs. Derek Frost

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Dan Stone Jr vs. Jeremy Stone

Might be a draw but I can't see Jeremy winning here


Duane Stone vs. Dark Angel

Always go safe in the beginning of a diary



The High Flyers (Tom Gilmore& Steve Flash) vs. The McWades

It's a young Steve Flash in a promotion that couldn't care less that he can't speak


Richard Coleman vs. Phillip Roberts


Reese Paige vs. Victoria Stone

All the Stones are going to win


Dog Fyte vs. Thomas Morgan

Coin flip



R.K Hayes vs. Derek Frost

Jobbing him out to Frost would be completely stupid at this point

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Prediction Key:



Dan Stone Jr vs. Jeremy Stone


You said you need to get Dan's momentum up,what better way to do that with a victory in a top rated match against his brother.


Duane Stone vs. Dark Angel


I'm tempted to go Dark Angel, but I think the more safer bet would be Duane.



The High Flyers (Tom Gilmore& Steve Flash) vs. The McWades


Can't see this talenting pairing dropping the Tag belt to the baldy brothers.


Richard Coleman vs. Phillip Roberts


Roberts could be on his way out, but I feel he would have the edge over Coleman at this stage, depending on how long Roberts has left you could develop this as a nice little undercard feud.


Reese Paige vs. Victoria Stone


Routine win for the bosses daughter.


Dog Fyte vs. Thomas Morgan


Fyte appears to be higher up the pecking order, in your roster assessment



R.K Hayes vs. Derek Frost


You might not be high on Hayes, but it'll be a gradual de push so he wont be jobbing to Frost on the pre-show.

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Dan Stone Jr vs. Jeremy Stone


Duane Stone vs. Dark Angel



The High Flyers (Tom Gilmore& Steve Flash) vs. The McWades


Richard Coleman vs. Phillip Roberts


Reese Paige vs. Victoria Stone


Dog Fyte vs. Thomas Morgan



R.K Hayes vs. Derek Frost


Mostly down one side, but hey.


Tom and Steve is a pairing you cannot really go wrong with - over in my save, though, it's Jeremy and Steve feuding with Tom and Chris, and it's doing well...

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Prediction Key:



Dan Stone Jr vs. Jeremy Stone


You said you need to get Dan's momentum up,what better way to do that with a victory in a top rated match against his brother.


Duane Stone vs. Dark Angel


I'm tempted to go Dark Angel, but I think the more safer bet would be Duane.



The High Flyers (Tom Gilmore& Steve Flash) vs. The McWades


Can't see this talenting pairing dropping the Tag belt to the baldy brothers.


Richard Coleman vs. Phillip Roberts


Roberts could be on his way out, but I feel he would have the edge over Coleman at this stage, depending on how long Roberts has left you could develop this as a nice little undercard feud.


Reese Paige vs. Victoria Stone


Routine win for the bosses daughter.


Dog Fyte vs. Thomas Morgan


Fyte appears to be higher up the pecking order, in your roster assessment



R.K Hayes vs. Derek Frost


You might not be high on Hayes, but it'll be a gradual de push so he wont be jobbing to Frost on the pre-show.


My name is Regis, and I endorse this message.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Live from the Moose Jaw Centre (The Prairies)

Audience: 956




R.K Hayes vs. Derek Frost

This was largely to get a picture of where R.K was at as a main eventer, and unsurprisingly the answer was ‘not where he should be’. Okay, so Derek’s hardly an exceptional wrestler, but a Main Eventer needs to be able to carry people, and R.K didn’t do that here. Still, me and Tommy gelled fairly well, covering the more lacklustre moments here with some neat banter.

Winner: R.K Hayes Match Rating: D+


The Show


“We’re LIVE from the Moose Jaw Centre this fine Wednesday Evening, and this is NOTBPW Championship Wrestling! I’m Tommy London, and joining me for the first time is Hugh Dansigny”


“North of the Border Pro Wrestling Championship Wrestling? Am I the only one who thinks that sounds really incredibly dumb?”


“Y’know, Hugh, I’m sure the fans at home are more interested in the show tonight. Fans, we’ve got a main event for you tonight, as our reigning Canadian Champion Dan Stone Jr faces off against his own brother ‘The Submission Master’ Jeremy Stone!”


“They say a rolling stone gathers no moss-looking at Jeremy’s head, I can really believe that”


“Thanks for that one, Hugh, we really care…on to tonight’s first match, as Phillip ‘The Enforcer’ Roberts takes on Richard Coleman”


“Man am I gonna enjoy this…Roberts is gonna take Coleman apart”




Richard Coleman vs. Phillip Roberts

That, R.K, is how you do it. No chemistry, no special criteria, just two blokes tearing it up in the ring. Okay, so Coleman and Roberts are probably both better wrestlers than Hayes and Frost, but Hayes has more popularity than either. This was exactly the kind of technical showcase NOTBPW’s known for, which is kind of the way I wanted it: the first match of the first show of the year serves as an introduction for new fans to the product, so you want it to be typical and good. Coleman took the win here with his Glittering Magician finisher; I like Roberts, but that SWF contract is hanging over his head rather, so I can’t build too much around him until I know whether he’s staying or not.

Winner: Richard Coleman Match Rating: C+




Dog Fyte vs. Thomas Morgan

This wasn’t bad for a couple of midcarders, matching R.K and Frost’s efforts earlier in the evening (and Morgan’s around Frost’s level popularity-wise, making this doubly satisfying). Dog Fyte may be an @ss backstage, but he can definitely bring it in the ring, and for a while he really punished Morgan, beating him from pillar to post. It wasn’t long, though, before Morgan was able to dig down deep and bring it to his opponent, sharpening up his brawling skills before hitting The Northern Lights Suplex for the pin. Now all I gotta do is wait for Fyte’s explosion backstage…

Winner: Thomas Morgan Match Rating: D+




“Y’know, fans, Big City Brawl is only two weeks away, and already we’ve got matches raring to go! Last month at Winter War, Steve Flash and stand-in Jeremy Stone were able to defeat The Wood Brothers, Larry and Billy. At Big City Brawl we’ll be seeing a rematch, and with Flash’s regular partner in The High Flyers Tom Gilmore back to health it promises to be a humdinger of a match!”


“If by ‘humdinger’ you mean ‘brutal execution of has-been and never-will-be’ then hell yeah it will be, Tommy. I can’t wait to see what The Woods will do to get those belts back”


“Y’know, Hugh, I wouldn’t count The High Flyers out just yet-they’re both great wrestlers, and they fought hard for that belt”


“In an alternative universe, maybe”


This…didn’t work. An unfortunate side-effect of our emphasis on in-ring action is that our fans don’t like to sit through any kind of non-wrestling segment.

Rating: E+




The High Flyers (Steve Flash and Tom Gilmore) vs. The McWades

I’d hoped for better from this one-the McWades are hugely experienced tag wrestlers, and with Flash and Gilmore’s chemistry this should have been a really good match. As it was this was merely okay, although Tom did up his brawling game in there, giving it back to the McWades in between periods of extreme beatdown. Flash, meanwhile, was spectacular out there, and with me and Tommy doing a good job on commentary he really looked great out there. The High Flyers got the win here, with Gilmore hitting the Picture Perfect Moonsault on Dallas McWade for the win.

Winners: The High Flyers Match Rating: D+




Victoria Stone vs. Reese Paige

Our inaugural women’s match was, unfortunately, rather disappointing. Vicky was as good as I’d though she would be, but Reese had let her nerves get to her, and was really off her game. Still, she was able to sharpen up her fundamentals against Vicky, and with me and Tommy around to paper over the cracks it wasn’t all bad. Still, I think I messed up putting this here, I should’ve switched it with Fyte/Morgan earlier. Vicky took the win here, dropping Reese with a Stone Super Kick for the pinfall.

Winner: Victoria Stone Match Rating: D




“Well, fans, that’s just a taste of the kind of action the NOTBPW Women’s Division will be delivering in the weeks to come- next week we’ll be finding out who Victoria will be taking on at Big City Brawl to determine the inaugural Women’s Champion”


“Whatever, Tommy- I’ll tell you what I’m REALLY interested in, and that’s seeing Craig Prince dismantle Dan Stone Jr for the Canadian Championship!”


“That’s certainly gonna be one heck of a match, Hugh! Both men are among the best in the world, and I for one cannot wait to see them in action.”


“Both men? Craig’s certainly among the best. But Dan Jr.? If he was any more of a hokey good guy I’d have to call for a doctor”


“Dan plays by the rules, Hugh- and let’s not forget that he was ranked as the Second Greatest Wrestler in the World on TEW.com’s Power 100 of 1996.”


“Yeah yeah-Prince don’t care about lists, all he’s focussed on is taking Stone apart”


“Whatever the result, Hugh, those two are gonna tear it down at Big City Brawl”


Now that was what I was looking for-clearly I should save our non-wrestling segments for the big names.

Rating: B




Dark Angel vs. Duane Stone

This was a huge step-up from the previous matches, which is both good and slightly worrying (after all, what happens when Duane and Cliff aren’t around to deliver this?). Partly this was down to the fact that Duane and The Angel have great chemistry and are both reading from the same playbook, but let’s not belittle them: these two are among the best high fliers in the world. Both guys showed some improvement in their fundamentals as well, much to my surprise (can Cliff even improve those? They’re great already). This also went to a time-limit draw-there’s going to be a rematch at Big City Brawl, and I needed a reason to set it up.

Winner: None Match Rating: A




Dan Stone Jr vs. Jeremy Stone

Unfortunately, whilst both of these two are excellent workers they don’t have the chemistry that Duane and Cliff have, and their low momentum meant that this was always gonna struggle to match the last showcase. It was still good, mind you, but felt like a bit of a let-down after the last match. Jeremy sharpened up his flying skills, hitting a neat if hardly spectacular second-rope elbow drop part-way through the match, whilst Dan’s fundamentals sharpened up a bit before he rolled up big brother for the win.

Winner: Dan Stone Jr Match Rating: B


Overall Rating: B, a pretty good rating but inflated a little by those last two matches.

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First set of results, and in our predictions condition it's a three-way win between Regis, Tigerkinney and FINisher at 4/, with nobody seeing Coleman taking down Roberts and the Stone/Angel match going to a draw. All three win all new 'NOTBPW: Let the Wrestling Do The Talking' T-Shirts and baseball caps





“Okay, let’s just recap this, for my benefit…”


It was true that Hugh had expected Dog Fyte to make trouble, sooner or later. But he hadn’t expected him to pick a fight. With a Fan. On his very first show of the year.


“So, you’re heading out for the evening, and this fan says…something, nobody seems entirely sure what. Next thing anybody knows, you’ve beaten the crap outta the poor guy. Now, in all that action, and I want you to think this very carefully, is there any reason I shouldn’t fire your ass right now”


“He called me a punk”


“Seriously? You attacked him ‘cos he called you a punk? Dog…you are a punk.”


Dog tensed up, and if Hugh had been in his right mind he’d probably have backed down a bit at that. Unfortunately somebody had given him coffee.


“Wanna know how I figured that out? Simple. You attacked him. Anybody who wasn’t a punk-well, they’d have ignored him. Maybe laid out a little wit, make him look stupid. The one thing they wouldn’t do is go for the guy and land themselves in a load of cr@p with their boss.”


“Now listen…”


“No! You listen, punk. I’m not having this, not in my company. This is your last warning, Dog Fyte. Any more of this, and your pay packet’s gonna look a whole lot lighter, capiche? Now get out, before I decide to do something worse”


Dog Fyte, who evidently wasn’t quite as stupid as he seemed, took off, muttering under his breath.




“Another week, another meeting he’s late to. Does Hugh even understand the concept of time-keeping?”


“Honestly? Yes, but apparently he’s talked Reese into sneaking him coffee. I don’t think she realises the damage that might do”


It was at that point that Hugh made his entrance, and Vicky soon realised that he was hopped up on more than coffee.




“That’d be me, Hugh”


“Oh yeah, right. Er…WHO’S THE MAN?!!!”


“Still Dad I’m afraid.”


“Dammit! C’mon, think…aha! CAN YOU DIG IT?!!”


“Okay, am I the only one who has no idea what you’re talking about?”


“Let me put it like this. Which popular Canadian Wrestling Company now has a Pay-per-View deal with Canada 1-Choice?”


“You managed to get a deal through?”


“Yeah! I mean, it’s like 90% their way, but as of Big City Brawl we’ll be pulling in a lot of extra dosh from our big shows. Oh, and I just signed up JD Morgan on a pay-per-appearance deal”


On reflection, Victoria decided, it was hard to decide which impressed her dad more.


“JD Morgan you say? He’s quite a wrestler.”


“Ain’t he just? Oh, and I’ve got that young guy Poison coming in tomorrow and hopefully some new women wrestlers the day after that. Plus, y’know, Kovach and Brent Hill are hopefully getting back to me on the offer sometime soon”


“Quite the talent initiative you’ve got going on, here. Hugh”


“Well, the way I see it, Jeremy, you and your brothers and Craig are tearing it up at the top of the card. But at the other end we haven’t got that consistent quality, and I want to really work on that. Also, Dog Fyte’s a pain in the @ss and I’ll probably end up firing him before I’ve been here three months, so, y’know, I wanted to find a replacement”


“Can’t argue with that, can we?”


“Correct-a-mundo, Vicky. Also, whilst I’m here, midcard title: we could use one.”


“You think so?”


“Yeah. Right now, guys like Richard Coleman or CanDrag haven’t got a lot of focus in their matches. I figure we put a midcard title in there, it gives them something to work towards and provides a focus for the middle of the card”


“Actually, he’s right. I don’t agree with Hugh on everything, but this is a good idea, dad. We could even use that Young Lion idea we talked about”


“Oh, that was your idea? In that case, Dan, Jeremy think we could use a midcard title. I just think it’s a really good idea”


Dan’s eyebrows were climbing his forehead at an alarming rate, and he looked like he was about to burst out laughing.


“Alright. Jeremy, that’s a good plan, we’ll bring it in for Big City Brawl. Hugh, keep working on those signings, we could always use more talent. Victoria…”


“Yeah dad?”


“…Make sure Reese only gets him decaffeinated from now on, okay?”




Predictions for Big City Brawl week 2



Dan Stone Jr vs. Phillip Roberts


Craig Prince vs. Richard Coleman


Farrah Hesketh vs. Wanda Fish


JD Morgan vs. Tom Gilmore


Stephanie Hazel vs. Kit Hatoyama


Chris Candle vs. Brent Hill


The Great Hisato vs. The Wizard of Ottawa

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Dan Stone Jr vs. Phillip Roberts


You said Roberts might not be around long term so I doubt he'll be the one to take the belt off Stone Jr.


Craig Prince vs. Richard Coleman


Prince is a little more over at this stage


Farrah Hesketh vs. Wanda Fish


If this was five years later I'd go with Fish but in 1997 i'll stump for Hesketh.


JD Morgan vs. Tom Gilmore


Keeping one half of your tag champs strong.


Stephanie Hazel vs. Kit Hatoyama


Time for Hazel to job to the imported Japanese talent


Chris Candle vs. Brent Hill


Candle's past his sell by date and Hill's starting to really build his reputation on the independent circuit.


The Great Hisato vs. The Wizard of Ottawa


And Wizard does for the men, what Hazel did for the women

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Can't wait to see what you are going to do with Brent Hill.



Dan Stone Jr vs. Phillip Roberts


Craig Prince vs. Richard Coleman


Farrah Hesketh vs. Wanda Fish


JD Morgan vs. Tom Gilmore


Stephanie Hazel vs. Kit Hatoyama


Chris Candle vs. Brent Hill


The Great Hisato vs. The Wizard of Ottawa

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Predictions for Big City Brawl week 2



Dan Stone Jr vs. Phillip Roberts

No title change onto guy who may leave.


Craig Prince vs. Richard Coleman

Quality difference is pronounced.


Farrah Hesketh vs. Wanda Fish

An easily recognisable name.


JD Morgan vs. Tom Gilmore

Strong debut.


Stephanie Hazel vs. Kit Hatoyama

Random choice.


Chris Candle vs. Brent Hill

No-one beats the King, baby.


The Great Hisato vs. The Wizard of Ottawa

Because The Wiz is a jobber.

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Dan Stone Jr vs. Phillip Roberts

Dan gains some tasty, tasty momentum. Mmmm... Momentummmm....


Craig Prince vs. Richard Coleman

The sadistic side of me loves that the two future retirees-due-to-injury are facing off here. Anyway, Prince goes into his title match strong.


Farrah Hesketh vs. Wanda Fish

Hesketh is a force, at this stage. Fish is still a young kid. I've got fingers crossed for some chemistry here, as I could "watch" these two go at it all day. Is it unhealthy to have a crush on fictional characters?


JD Morgan vs. Tom Gilmore

I mark for the Angry one. Besides, Canada always beats Britain. Just check the record in wars between them....


Stephanie Hazel vs. Kit Hatoyama

No matter what year it is, Steph Hazel is nothing to write home about.


Chris Candle vs. Brent Hill

Now here's a fellow to elevate in a hurry. Candle does his veteran duty.


The Great Hisato vs. The Wizard of Ottawa

This is one of the greater mis-matches of all time.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Live from the Abbotsford Recreation Complex (British Columbia)

Audience: 1,673




The Great Hisato vs. The Wizard of Ottawa

That was exactly as bad as I expected it to be. Even with orders to protect The Wizard as much as possible, there was no way this was gonna do anything other than suck as he simply isn’t that good. Still, Hisato took the first in what will hopefully be a series of wins (I’m hoping to build him up to the point where he can credibly face Duane Stone without sucking).

Winner: The Great Hisato Match Rating: E


The Show


Chris Candle vs. Brent Hill

Brent’s another one of the new talent I brought in to fill out the roster, and he debuted in fine style here, getting a pretty decent match out of Candle, who may be declining rapidly but can still put a decent match together when he’s got a good opponent. Brent’s definitely that: he’s got a lot of potential, and I could see him main eventing shows in a few years time. He took the win here, dismantling Candle in the final minutes before busting out The King of the Hill flying legdrop to give our fans some unusual high-flying work.

Winner: Brent Hill Match Rating: C




“What a match! Good evening grappling fans, I’m Tommy London and THIS is NOTBPW Championship Wrestling!”


“And people call me hyper. Tommy, Big City Brawl is coming up in just a couple of days time and I for one cannot wait to see it.”


“Me neither, Hugh. And you know what, fans? Thanks to the terrific people at Canada 1-Choice, you too can see Big City Brawl LIVE on Pay-Per-View!”


“That’s right ya monkeys! All you gotta do is figure out how that shiny Pay-Per-View box works and then you too can watch Craig Prince dismantle that useless hunk of meat Dan Stone Jr!”


“I wouldn’t be so sure of that, Hugh! Now, as well as that match, we’ve got the tag team titles on the line, a triple threat match to determine the first ever NOTBPW Women’s Champion, and a high-flying spectacular between Duane Stone and The Dark Angel! Earlier today, I conducted an interview with Duane Stone to get his thoughts on the match”


The camera mixes to a backstage area, where Tommy is talking to Duane.


“Duane Stone, last week on Championship Wrestling you faced the Dark Angel in a match that ended in a draw. At Big City Brawl we’ll be seeing the re-match. What are your thoughts?”


“Well, Tommy, I’ll be honest with you. A match like this is the reason I got into wrestling. Dark Angel, whatever else he might be, is one of the finest wrestlers in the world, and I don’t know about you, but for me there’s nothing better than the feeling you get when you know you’re facing a master of his craft”


“Do you think you can beat him?”


“Honestly? I don’t know. Like I said, he’s a great wrestler, and whilst I’m a pretty good worker myself, we’ve already seen how evenly matched we are. All I can say is I’m gonna do what I always do- go out there and give 110%. As long as I’ve done that, then it doesn’t really matter who wins.”


“Duane Stone, thank you for your time”


That went pretty well. Duane’s one of the more charismatic members of the roster, and Dark Angel’s popularity meant this went over okay, without any of the complaints we sometimes get.

Rating: C+




Stephanie Hazel vs. Kit Hatoyama

This was even worse than the dark match. Unfortunately it turns out Kit and Steph couldn’t get on the same page, and their bad chemistry threw the match off by quite a ways. Me and Tommy did our best to cover for the worse moments, but I for one was relieved when Kit finally ended the match with the Hatoyama Driver.

Winner: Kit Hatoyama Match Rating: E-




JD Morgan vs. Tom Gilmore

This wasn’t the match I’d hoped it would be, but it was still good enough to get things going again. Gilmore maybe wasn’t the right opponent for Morgan, as he’s more of a high flyer than a mat worker, but he did his best and me and Tommy did our usual good job on commentary, talking up Gilmore’s tag work and explaining away his eventual loss as the result of his lack of singles experience. Morgan got the win here, locking Gilmore in the Cross Atlantic Stretch for the victory.

Winner: JD Morgan Match Rating: D




“JD Morgan makes one heck of a debut there, Hugh- I for one will be interested to see how his career progresses here in North of the Border Pro Wrestling!”


“I’ve just received word, Tommy- JD Morgan will be action again at Big City Brawl. Apparently he’s challenged Jeremy Stone to a match, and Baldy fell for it. That dumbass is going down, Tommy!”


“I don’t know, Hugh- Morgan’s a great wrestler, true, but Jeremy’s one of the best in the world”


“Oh come on, Tommy. Only reason Jeremy ever wins anything is that his opponents by the shine coming off of his forehead”


Unfortunately, we once again came up against a restless crowd who wanted to see more action. I’ll have to look into that after the show.

Rating: E




Farrah Hesketh vs. Wanda Fish

This was more up to standard for a women’s match. Fish is a big signing for the division, and with Hatoyama having failed to deliver there’s a very real chance that Fish could be our inaugural champ. Hesketh, meanwhile, helped her sharpen up her technical skills, and improved her fundamentals before going down to the Dish of the Day.

Winner: Wanda Fish Match Rating: D




Craig Prince vs. Richard Coleman

Another solid match here, and whilst it wasn’t a knock-out encounter it was still pretty good. Prince was as solid as ever, and made Coleman look pretty good for the first half of the match before taking him apart in the final third, eventually choking him out with the Katahajime whilst Tommy and I speculated on whether he was sending a message to Dan Jr about his chances on Saturday.

Winner: Craig Prince Match Rating: C+




Dan Stone Jr vs. Phillip Roberts

Another solid match from Dan, as he and Roberts delivered another solid main event to close a slightly hit and miss show. The match played out in much the same way as it’s predecessor, with Roberts taking an early lead (sharpening up his brawling as he did so), before Dan took over in the final strait, beating him from pillar to post before locking on The Stone Ankle Stretch for the tap-out, with Tommy once again making it clear that Dan was sending a message to Craig.

Winner: Dan Stone Jr. Match Rating: B


Overall Rating: B-, a step down on the last show but still decent given our location.

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<p><em>For thoe of you who read this...sorry I've been gone for a while (not sure how long it's been, but it feels like a while). I just got back to Uni, so 've been busy sorting things out and sitting my one-and-only exam for this semester. Big City Brawl will go up either tomorrow or the day after depending on how quick preidctions come in</em></p><p> </p><p>

***</p><p> </p><p>

If Victoria had to sum up the feeling in the locker room at that moment, she’d have probably gone for ‘tense’. Hugh had made orders for everyone to be in Quebec for the show, whether or not they were booked for it. Not that anyone would have missed this anyway: the excitement was palpable.</p><p> </p><p>

Dan was the first to address the locker room:</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">“In just a moment, Hugh will go over the final running order for the show, with any notes he may wish to give. Burt first, I just want to say a few words</span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

“On behalf of this company, and myself: Thank You</span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

“Thank you for always giving 110 per cent in that ring. Thank you for improving your performances every night, and always making sure that the fans have had a great evening. Thank you for getting the company to the level where we can- for the first time- broadcast a major event on Pay-Per-View, to the whole nation</span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

“But most of all, thank you for loving this business the way it deserves-nobody could love it more than the people in this room. Hugh?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

If Dan had been quietly dignified and stately, Hugh was the absolute opposite: a raging ball of nervous energy and excitement.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Alrighty then. Firstly, I’d just like to echo Dan’s words to you. You guys are the best in the world. Nobody, and I mean nobody, can deliver a better wrestling show than you guys.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;">

“I know this event is going to be awesome. I know you will make sure that people are talking about this event for years to come. And I KNOW Dan’s switched my coffee over to de-caff, and I don’t care! </span><span style="color:#FF8C00;"><em>That’s</em></span><span style="color:#FF8C00;"> how great you can be!</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;">

“Tonight, I want you to get out there and blow their goddamn minds! I want you to look the world in the eye and say ‘Hey! This is North of the Border Pro Wrestling, and TONIGHT….We Unleash Hell!”</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;">

“Jeremy, you and JD are up first. I want you to get out there and show these guys what technical wrestling can be! Richard, Brent, CanDrag, Morgan, you guys follow them out, and show this audience what the future looks like, and I’m thinking it looks good! RK, Dog Fyte, you guys are on third and I want you to give these sons-of-mothers a fight like they ain’t never seen!</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;">

The Tag Title Match marks the halfway point in the show. I don’t even need to tell you guys this, you’re gonna be great anyway! Vicky, Wanda, Kit, you guys are between the tag titles and the big finish. Go out there, tear it down, break it up and let the world know that women’s wrestling is HERE! Duane, Angel, just make like last time and they’re not gonna know what hit them!</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;">

“Dan. Craig. You two are the best. I don’t care about the numbers, or the critics, or whoever. As far as I’m concerned, right here, right now, there are two wrestlers out there that are as gods of the squared circle. And I’m talking to them right now.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;">

“Now Go Do That Hoodoo That You Do So Well, people! To quote a great philosopher: We Roll Tonight, To The Guitar Bite, and For Those About to Rock….</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;">

I Salute You”</span></p><p> </p><p>

***</p><p> </p><p>

Prediction Key for NOTBPW Big City Brawl:</p><p> </p><p>


Dan Stone Jr vs. Craig Prince</p><p> </p><p>

Duane Stone vs. Dark Angel</p><p> </p><p>


Victoria Stone vs. Wanda Fish vs. Kit Hatoyama</p><p> </p><p>


The High Flyers vs. The Wood Brothers</p><p> </p><p>

RK Hayes vs. Dog Fyte</p><p> </p><p>


Thomas Morgan vs. Brent Hill vs. Richard Coleman vs. Canadian Dragon</p><p> </p><p>

Jeremy Stone vs. JD Morgan</p><p> </p><p>

With Bonus Live Match: </p><p>

Phillip Roberts vs. Joey Poison</p>

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<strong>Dan Stone Jr</strong> vs. Craig Prince</p><p>

<em>This should definitely get his momentum up where you'd like it to be.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Duane Stone vs. <strong>Dark Angel</strong></p><p>

<em>Angel's probably on his way to a Canadian Title shot, sometime soon.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Victoria Stone</strong> vs. Wanda Fish vs. Kit Hatoyama</p><p>

<em>If your name's Stone, you've always got to be considered the favourite.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>The High Flyers</strong> vs. The Wood Brothers</p><p>

<em>This is such a dream team. They'll probably get a fairly lengthy run.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RK Hayes</strong> vs. Dog Fyte</p><p>

<em>As much as you're not big on him (and nobody really ever is), Hayes is a bigger player in this game than Fyte. At least in the short-term.</em></p><p> </p><p>


Thomas Morgan vs. <strong>Brent Hill</strong> vs. Richard Coleman vs. Canadian Dragon</p><p>

<em>Definitely the most open match of the night, and not just because of the number of competitors. This is very even, across the board. This is just a hunch.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jeremy Stone</strong> vs. JD Morgan</p><p>

<em>Like Dan Jr, Jeremy picks up the momentum he was lacking.</em></p><p> </p><p>

With Bonus Live Match: </p><p>

<strong>Phillip Roberts</strong> vs. Joey Poison</p><p>

<em>Even though you're worried about losing him, the Enforcer is just too good to job out, especially when you might get to keep him.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Nice looking card. It should be quite the show.</p>

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