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A dead sport?


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To me it seems like it has lost some steam I don't care for baseball but I mean I can tell you maybe 10-15 years ago I couldn't turn the channel more than a few times and see a baseball game on T.V. Now however I can go maybe 20 channels.....again I don't know much about baseball and it's attendance levels and all the mumbo jumbo but to me it seems like no one cares about it. Also I know a lot of people who go to games to just have some drinks and meet girls lol i'm sure there are a lot of people that go to games just to do something.
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I was walking home from an overnightshift when I passed through a newsstand and saw the newspaper had on the front page reading "A-R*d" From that asterisk used ALOT when Bonds was chasing Hanks home run record, I sighed knowing immediately what happened without reading anything else.


Personally, I'm disappointed in A-Rod. I was a huge supporter and still am and he was one of the few "good guys" who did it with natural talent. Boy, that guys got natural talent up the wazoo too. In fact, I based my work ethic back in high school to be just as well rounded as he is.


Who's to blame? A-Rod? Yes But also Bud Selig. He knew this was happening in baseball where his players are taking banned substances but never did a thing until congress got involved or when Jose Canseco decided to care about "saving lives..." or at least when he divorced and lost half his money... whatever.


What will happen to A-Rod? I think he did the right thing by fessing up unlike Roger Clemens or Barry Bonds who fought to the death and in the end ended up with pie in their face, and a few perjury charges. I think he's in for the Giambi treatment to be honest. Where he is ridiculed by the media and god forbid he start off the season slow. But I think this is a humanizing experience, much like it was for Giambi, and at least New York will rally around him and his support will become unanimous at home because he's no longer a robot. He's a human being who made a mistake. As for away teams, I can imagine Met fans and Sox fans giving him the 3rd degree, but in time, it will pass. He has not failed a single test since the first one and I hope it remains that way. He is far too talented on his own and doesn't need drugs.


What I am upset about though, is that out of the 104 players that apparently tested positive in that first test in 03, only A-Rod was named. That is for an obvious reason too since he is the biggest name in baseball right now, but that is full on discrimination. If he wanted to be a jerk about it, he can press charges for not only discrimination, but leaking confidential information.

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NFL is a dying sport. WOW?


He was being sarcastic, parodying the fact that your argument is about a sport dying - but ignores widely-accepted statistical measures of performance that disagree with you - by showing that when applying your own logic to an obviously healthy sport like NFL it shows that to be "dying" too.


But you play on the company softball team, so I make that 1-1 on counter-arguments.


Carry on. :)

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He was being sarcastic, parodying the fact that your argument is about a sport dying - but ignores widely-accepted statistical measures of performance that disagree with you - by showing that when applying your own logic to an obviously healthy sport like NFL it shows that to be "dying" too.


But you play on the company softball team, so I make that 1-1 on counter-arguments.


Carry on. :)


Company softball teams are where the losers and winners in life truly shine through! Oh ya I stake my .900 batting average in slow pitch softball on it :rolleyes:

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Baseball is not dieing, i do not know why some many people are bringing that up. Although i am not even American and do not watch baseball much, whenever i do (which is 2-3 times a month) i see 20k+ packed in a stadium, believe me, that is not a sign of a dieing sport. Sure Baseball is not exactly a contact sport BUT it has its market and the game is so deep, with so many minor leagues that it is technically impossible for it to die. Baseball will never ever be a global sport though, i heard they plan to remove it from the Olympic graph in the next Olympics (or maybe the one after than) reason being that too few countries play it competitively. Hockey will also struggle for the same reason, not many countries play it and it is unlikely they ever will. At the moment i think Basketball has the biggest chance to become the only sport in history to become global (when i mean global i mean the world + the USA, something Soccer cannot boast)
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GB, I'd argue that there are a few pitchers I'd take ahead of Clemens as "greatest", among them Smoltz (wins & saves), Maddux, who was consistently good, Randy Johnson was amazing at his best, and Pedro was clean as far as we know. Imagine Randy & Pedro, who are both breaking/broken down with the marvels of modern science and they'd be pretty damn good.


Also, people make the mistake that having one extraordinary season is proof of steroids, when it could conceivably be an outlier (see: Brady Anderson). Now if you saw someone who never hit more than 20HRs per year, then suddenly started on a string of 50+ for a few years, then back to his previous range, a case could be made.

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If baseball is on life support someone should really inform the fans who continuously break the attendance records every year.




When people are setting attendance records and owners continue to hand out crazy contracts the sport seems pretty healthy.


Viewership is misleading to look at on its own. Viewership for all sport events are down, even the NFL playoffs were down bigtime during the divisional games compared with last year around 15-20% (excluding the Super Bowl which is some kind of pop culture tradition rather than sporting event). I think the proliferation of new media and people either gathering at someone's place or at sports bars contributes to this. There may actually be roughly the same amount of viewers, but they're not all being counted.

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GB, I'd argue that there are a few pitchers I'd take ahead of Clemens as "greatest", among them Smoltz (wins & saves), Maddux, who was consistently good, Randy Johnson was amazing at his best, and Pedro was clean as far as we know. Imagine Randy & Pedro, who are both breaking/broken down with the marvels of modern science and they'd be pretty damn good.




I agree, when I made my comment I was doing it purely on stats and records not just total skills, because you and I both agree that Pedro when healthy was top notch but how many times was he truly healthy. Which brings up another scary fact, he did a lot of his best stuff injured in some way.

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Pedro said in an interview last year that he was better than Clemens because he (Pedro) had accomplished everything clean. Nowadays, with everyone investigating everything, you don't say that unless either you're clean or you're so good at cheating that you'll never be caught.


They should just make a steroid wing for the HOF. Round walls, bulging out from the rest of the building.

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Yeah I could see them just making a complete building just for steroid users


But on Pedro I could believe it for the simple fact that steroid (if my memory remembers correctly) actually helps you with injuries and Pedro was always hurt and the only thing that got bigger on his body was his belly not his head or muscles

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