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USPW: Road Toward National

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[The scene opens within the locker room of the McGaw Arena. The wrestlers are talking to one another as they usually do before the show. Sam Strong and Jack Avatar walk into a silenced room and take a look around.]


Sam Strong

"I am sure that all of you have heard about the releases: The Hillbillys and Eric The Bull have been removed from USPW. We wish them well. Jack has a few words to say."


Jack Avatar

"Sam and I have been doing some talking and we are going to be looking at taking a bit of a more modern approach along with putting some more pure wrestling into the mix. Of course we won't be changing too much from Sam Strong's vision. This is still his company. But we are moving toward the future. Speaking of the future, here's the card for tonight."


[Jack posts the card and he and Sam head off toward the office...]


Burning EXILE vs. Jack Avatar

Peter Valentine vs. Happy Elwood

The Masked Patriot vs. Fumihiro Ota

Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. April Appleseed

Acid vs. Nicky Champion

Nation of Filth and Bruce The Giant vs. The Towers of Power and Giant Redwood

James Justice and Steve Flash vs. T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson

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Burning EXILE vs. Jack Avatar

Peter Valentine vs. Happy Elwood

The Masked Patriot vs. Fumihiro Ota

Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. April Appleseed

Acid vs. Nicky Champion

Nation of Filth and Bruce The Giant vs. The Towers of Power and Giant Redwood

James Justice and Steve Flash vs. T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson

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Burning EXILE vs. Jack Avatar

Peter Valentine vs. Happy Elwood

The Masked Patriot vs. Fumihiro Ota

Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. April Appleseed

Acid vs. Nicky Champion

Nation of Filth and Bruce The Giant vs. The Towers of Power and Giant Redwood

James Justice and Steve Flash vs. T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson


a bit of a more modern approach along with putting some more pure wrestling into the mix


actual wrestling in USPW WTF? lol.

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Burning EXILE vs. Jack Avatar

Peter Valentine vs. Happy Elwood

The Masked Patriot vs. Fumihiro Ota

Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. April Appleseed

Acid vs. Nicky Champion

Nation of Filth and Bruce The Giant vs. The Towers of Power and Giant Redwood

James Justice and Steve Flash vs. T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson

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Wednesday Week 2 February 2008

Location: McGaw Arena

Attendance: 3,301

Overall Rating: D-

TV Rating: .40




[The show begins with a recap of last week's show with a James Justice victory over Jumbo Jackson and Steve Flash saving him after a postmatch attack!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BurningExile.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JackAvatar.jpg

Burning EXILE vs. Jack Avatar


The fans weren't too enamored with seeing this match. The announcer and color commentators tried to sell it as best they could but the match was a bit of a dud. Avatar got the pinfall with an inside cradle.


Winner: Jack Avatar

Match Rating: D-




[The cameras cut backstage where Shane Sneer and Peter Valentine are in an interview area.]


Shane Sneer

"In less than a week, my World Television Champion Peter Valentine will defend that title against the former Champion Nicky Champion. Your name is so very fitting Nicky, since that's the closest you will come to being a Champion next week. The Sneer Corporation is on a roll and that continues in just a few minutes when Peter here makes short work of Happy Elwood. Next week, Nicky, enjoy the loss."


[Cut to the ring]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/HappyElwood.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Peter Valentine vs. Happy Elwood


A horrible title match as the not-so-very-good Peter Valentine was even off his usual game and the match went way too long and brought down the crowd's mood so let's just skip to the finish. Valentine hit the Heart Breaker on Elwood and got the pinfall.


Winner: Peter Valentine

Match Rating: E+


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BulldozerBrandonSmith_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FumihiroOta.jpg

The Masked Patriot vs. Fumihiro Ota


A definite better match than the last one, helped by the commentators at ringside. Ota was slightly off his game tonight and that hurt the momentum of the match. But Ota got the pinfall win over The Masked Patriot with a Ninja Strike!


Winner: Fumihiro Ota

Match Rating: D




[***We interrupt your regularly scheduled program for an announcement from the DNN***


Cut to Freddie Datsun standing in front of a blue sky background with his hand over his heart.]


Freddie Datsun

"Ohhhh say can you see! Hello everyone, American Everyman Freddie Datsun here for the DNN Network. I am here to announce that next week at USPW Red, White And Blue I will be returning to action inside the ring. My opponent? Someone who was apparently upset at the placement of my last ad: Shooter Sean Deeley. The DNN Network is exactly where someone like a Shooter deserves to be. Just remember Sean you're going to be on tape so there is no denying it at the court. I'll see you next week!"


[***The preceding announcement was paid for the DNN, Datsun News Network. We now bring you back to your regularly scheduled program.***]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CherryBomb.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AprilAppleseed.jpg

Non Title

Cherry Bomb vs. April Appleseed


The last announcement went into some of this non title match, making it shorter for the people watching at home. During the match, Joanne Rodriguez came down to scout the Champion for their match at USPW Red, White And Blue! Cherry Bomb turned and saw her, yelling at her and pointing and this led to a roll-up from April Appleseed: 1 --- 2 --- 3!!! The distraction worked!


Winner: April Appleseed

Match Rating: D




[The camera cuts backstage where Anger is seen banging his head against the wall again. He moves into a locker room and hits his head against the lockers before turning and seeing Madman Boone and Playboy Jake Sawyer. His eyes go wide!]


Madman Boone



[Anger shakes his head, shaking and trembling as he exits the locker room.]



"No brains. No brains. Can't let myself fall into that..."


[And Anger staggers down the hallway turning and punching the wall to get control. And we cut back to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Acid.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion-1.jpg

Acid vs. Nicky Champion


Best match of the night so far with a lot of action in and out of the ring. Acid hit Nicky Champion with a suicide dive through the ropes and out of the ring. Nicky came back with some more brawling styles to help negate the speed and flying ability of Acid. Adrian Garcia interfered slightly and Nicky Champion was off his game. Peter Valentine came down to ringside and attacked Nicky outside the ring while Acid distracted the official! Valentine rolled Nicky in but Acid only got a 2 count! Valentine looked shocked when Nicky made his comeback and he nailed Acid with the Hawkeye Hammer and got the three count, looking down at Valentine and making a belt motion at his waist.


Winner: Nicky Champion

Match Rating: C-


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg


[The cameras cut back to the locker room where USPW World Champion James Justice is approaching #1 Contender Steve Flash.]


James Justice

"I want to apologize for walking out on you last week, Steve. It was the heat of the moment, the heat of battle and it was my mistake. Thanks for coming to my rescue."


[James extends a hand and Steve shakes it]


Steve Flash

"It's alright, James. And next week we do meet for that title but tonight we have to team together and I have to know that I can trust you to do the right thing."


James Justice

"You can trust me, Steve. Tonight, we are going to prove Justice for both T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson!"


Steve Flash

"And it will be done in a Flash!"


[James and Steve nod to one another before we cut back to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Stink.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Grunt.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MickMuscles.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Nation of Filth and Bruce The Giant vs. The Towers of Power and Giant Redwood


All three managers did good work at ringside, including a catfight between Seduction and Jennifer Heat that got the crowd all worked up and the referee distracted as he tried to break it up and ended up getting rolled over. The match itself wasn't that great as it was an all-out brawl. Bruce The Giant looked good when he was in the ring though that was few and far between as the heel team chose to focus on Stink.


A wild brawl broke out toward the end of the match with all six men in the ring! The two tag teams fell out of the ring and brawled up the aisle, slightly distracting referee Baby Jamie! It was enough for Adrian Garcia to hit Bruce with a steel chair across the back and then give the chair to Giant Redwood! Redwood hit Bruce in the head with it before tossing the chair out of the ring and hitting his Timber Standing Splash! Adrian turned the referee around as Redwood made the cover: 1 --- 2 --- 3!


Winners: The Towers of Power and Giant Redwood

Match Rating: D-


[Following the match, Redwood continued his attack on Bruce, lacing his leg with a chair and then stomping on it! These two will meet one on one next week but will Bruce have a leg to stand on?]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt7.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SheikMustafa_alt.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg

James Justice and Steve Flash vs. T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson


Our main event here. Sheik Mustafa did a good job at ringside, helping out T-Rex whenever he could behind the referee's back. Justice started the match and really had control whenever he was in the ring, looking good! He tagged out to Steve Flash and Flash used his speed and flying skills to his advantage but got caught by the two larger monsters and became the face-in-peril. T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson used some quick tags in and out to keep Flash down. Every time Flash would gain a small advantage he'd look for a tag but get caught before he could reach the USPW World Champion!


T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson came over and taunted James Justice into the ring so he could distract the referee and they began choking away at Steve Flash or using double teams on him. Jumbo finally set Flash up for the Jumbo Avalanche but Flash moved out of the way! Flash fell to his knees and began crawling toward his corner while a winded Jumbo Jackson looked to make the tag to T-Rex! The crowd began clapping in favor of Flash making the tag, chanting "Jus-tice, Jus-tice, Jus-tice!" Flash made it a little over halfway across the ring when T-Rex was tagged in! James Justice climbed in the ring anyway and feigned a punch to T-Rex! Referee Jez McArthuer tried to stop Justice but he was pushed back and Justice looked down at Flash and helped his partner to his feet --- LIBERATION SLAM!! James Justice just hit Steve Flash with the Liberation Slam! The crowd booed wildly as James smiled and rolled out of the ring, grabbing his World Heavyweight Title belt and walking up the aisle.


T-Rex looked down at the fallen Steve Flash and smiled, picking him up and putting him in a corner as Jumbo Jackson came in illegally and hit the Jumbo Avalanche! Flash staggered out of the corner and before he could fall, T-Rex locked in the Jurassic Crush! It only took about thirty seconds before Flash gave in.


Winners: T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson

Match Rating: D+


[Following the match, T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson continued their assault on Steve Flash. Flash was left laying on the mat as T-Rex and Jumbo celebrated and the show came to a close.]

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[And it's time for another USPW Pay-Per-View event! This time called USPW Red, White And Blue. The locker room in Evanovich Riverside is jam-packed with wrestlers for this event with James Justice and Steve Flash staring at each other from opposite ends of the locker room. Conversations can be overheard within the locker room, including talk of SWF doing some hiring. Word has already reached that they signed written contracts with Eric Tyler and Jay Fair. New federation Mexican Hardcore Wrestling has also been on a talent spree here lately but so far none of the USPW wrestlers have been contacted by either side. Sam Strong and Jack Avatar step into the room.]


Sam Strong

"Thank you for coming here tonight everyone. I know we're going to have an excellent show here. And I know that some of you have heard about SWF hiring out some wrestlers. Well, as far as I know, we've been able to stay under the radar when it comes to them but if any of you are contacted I would appreciate a head's up on what you intend to do. With that being said, Wanda Fish officially announced her retirement from in-ring competition. Wanda, thanks for being here with USPW and we look forward to retaining you in a management position. But I'd like everyone to give her a good round of applause."


[Wanda just smiled as she got applauded by the locker room and took her bow and five minutes of USPW fame.]


Sam Strong

"Though he's not a part of USPW, Canadian wrestler/road agent Jackson Andrews also retired, officially leaving the wrestling business and we wish him well too. Several promotions are also lining up for a second television spot. SWF is getting another station to air their Supreme TV show, among other changes. Now, Jack has your assignments for tonight, so he is going to post them up and we'll be in our office. Commissioner Doom, please join us when you can."


[Jack moves over and posts the lineup on the bulletin board and moves with Sam toward the office as they usually do.]


USPW Red, White And Blue

USPW World Television Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Freddie Datsun vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defends vs. The Nation of Filth

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Captain USA vs. Jim Force

Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match, 20 Minute Time Limit: James Justice defends vs. Steve Flash

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[inside the office, Sam Strong and Jack Avatar are plotting out some last minute points for tonight's show when there is a knock on the door.]


Sam Strong

"Come in."


[The door opens and Commissioner Doom walks in, looking back and forth and then leaning up against the wall.]


Commissioner Doom

"Attention! You wanted to see me, maggots?"


Jack Avatar

"Not the best thing to call your bosses there, Mr. Doom."


Commissioner Doom

"You guys haven't been putting me on shows since you became the Head Booker, Private Avatar! Why should I care?"


Sam Strong

"Doom, we brought you in here tonight to let you know that we have decided that we have no use for you in the future. So as of tomorrow when I bring up the contracts, you're fired. Now, I am sure you know where the door is..."


[Doom's eyes widen and he looks between the two, seeing nothing he can do and he throws a picture off the wall before exiting and heading to clean out his locker.]


Jack Avatar

(picking up the picture and putting it back) "That was...awkward. But there is another thing I want to speak with you about Sam. Starting tomorrow night on USPW American Wrestling I want to tone down the matches we have on our cards. I want to focus more on storylines and things that will bring the fans coming back to watch the next week without giving away too many of our main matches."


Sam Strong

"Isn't that a little much like Eisen?"


Jack Avatar

"No because we're going to do it better with better wrestlers."


Sam Strong

"Let me sleep on it, Jack. I just don't want to change things too much from what people expect and alienate our audience."


Jack Avatar

"I understand, Sam. Now about tonight's show..."


[And they finished speaking about the show.]

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USPW World Television Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Freddie Datsun vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defends vs. The Nation of Filth

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Captain USA vs. Jim Force

Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match, 20 Minute Time Limit: James Justice defends vs. Steve Flash

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USPW World Television Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Freddie Datsun vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defends vs. The Nation of Filth

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Captain USA vs. Jim Force

Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match, 20 Minute Time Limit: James Justice defends vs. Steve Flash - Draw

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USPW Red, White And Blue

USPW World Television Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Never bet against Valentine two months in a row ;)


Freddie Datsun vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

The returning hero gets a victory here to send him back in the main event picture.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defends vs. The Nation of Filth

To be honest, I'm still trying to find a quality in the Nation of Filth


USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Cherry Bomb doesn't have a proper storyline opponnent to beat her so far.


Captain USA vs. Jim Force

Oh god... this one is going to be ugly ! I'll pick Force only because the Captain should retire soon.


Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

I could see Bruce losing to help put some people over, but just not against Redwood.


USPW World Title Match, 20 Minute Time Limit: James Justice defends vs. Steve Flash

As much as we all like Flash, he's not the man to carry a cult company.

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USPW World Television Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Freddie Datsun vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defends vs. The Nation of Filth

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Captain USA vs. Jim Force

Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match, 20 Minute Time Limit: James Justice defends vs. Steve Flash

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Tuesday Week 3 February 2008

Location: Evanovich Riverside

Attendance: 7,373

Overall Rating: C+

PPV Rating: .50




[The show begins backstage where Bruce The Giant is walking down a hallway. He turns the corner and bumps right into the USPW World Champion James Justice, which elicits boos from the crowd.]


Bruce The Giant

"What were you doing last week, James?"


James Justice

"I was doing what I had to do in order to protect my title, Bruce. Anyone would do the same thing."


Bruce The Giant

"I'm disappointed in you, James."


James Justice

"I didn't ask your permission, Bruce."


[James pushes past Bruce and Bruce stares at James' back, looking very angry as we cut to inside the arena.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion-1.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion


Another match where Valentine was off his game, which isn't good for the opening bout of a pay-per-view. Shane Sneer tried to make up for it at ringside by helping out Valentine wherever he could. Late in the match, the referee was knocked down and out and for some reason T-Rex came running out from the back and attacked Nicky Champion! T-Rex locked in the Jurassic Crush for several moments before releasing and turning him over to Peter Valentine for a Heart Breaker. The referee recovered just in time to count the three count.


Winner: Peter Valentine

Match Rating: D+


[Following the match, T-Rex came in the ring and speared the hell out of Nicky Champion! T-Rex stood over Nicky, growling down at him and shaking his head before turning and exiting the ring, leaving Nicky Champion down and out while the announcers wondered just what this attack was about.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg


[The camera cuts backstage to Jennifer Heat and Shooter Sean Deeley]


Jennifer Heat

"Freddie Datsun, you interrupted a match with my client and ruined the world seeing his marvelous comeback. Tonight that is not going to happen. Tonight, your DNN gets cancelled!"


[Jennifer turns and gives Deeley a hug before pulling him toward the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FreddieDatsun.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg

Freddie Datsun vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


A very good match that keeps the crowd mostly entertained! Datsun is helped some in his performance skills in this match by Deeley. Jennifer Heat did some interference during the match but Datsun kept coming back! The American Everyman finally got a pinfall victory in his comeback with the Patriot Press!


Winner: Freddie Datsun

Match Rating: C-




[The cameras cut to the backstage area where Nicky Champion is getting looked at by the trainers, working on a cut on his forehead.]


Nicky Champion

"T-REX! You think that your little attack is going to stop me? You think that I am going to just fall to the wayside and let you have your way like when we were kids? I was never the biggest, the fastest or even the toughest when we were younger but it never stopped me before. We spent year after year at Camps together and you always pushed me around. Well, that stops right now. That stops tonight."


[Nicky pushes the trainer back and turns to a locker, banging his head against it and opening himself up even more!]


Nicky Champion

"You want a fight, T-Rex? I'll give you your fight!"


[Nicky bangs his head again against the locker and then nearly crumples to the ground, stopped only by the trainer who holds onto him. The trainer sets Nicky back up on the bench as we cut back to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Grunt.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Stink.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Seduction.jpg

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Towers of Power defends vs. The Nation of Filth


A big match here, a rematch and this time for the USPW World Tag Team Titles. As everyone would expect, it was brawling aplenty for this match. Both Towers of Power had to keep having some manager support as they both seemed off their game tonight. Grunt seemed to be tiring toward the end of the match. A catfight between Heat and Seduction brought the crowd's mood up slightly. In the end it was Mick Muscles hitting a Bulldozer Powerbomb on Stink for the pinfall win.


Winners: The Towers of Power

Match Rating: D-




[Cut to backstage where Anger is seen angrily hitting himself in the head.]



"No more, Boone! No more! I can't take it! I can't! No more brains!"


[Anger starts to slump when a hand reaches out and pulls him up. The crowd watching in the arena is stunned when Anger's former partner Demon Spite shows up on the scene!]


Demon Spite

"You can't give up, little brother. You can't."



"What do you know about it? You're retired, Spite! I can't see you anymore!"


[Anger pushes his former partner away and goes whimpering down the hallway. After a few moments, Spite goes after him and we head back to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CherryBomb.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg

USPW Women's Title Match

Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Women's Title action here that sees a lot of early brawling by Cherry Bomb, only to be followed up by some technical wrestling from J-Ro! Joanne nearly gets a submission with a bow and arrow and then a surfboard on Cherry Bomb. Joanne takes to the top turnbuckle and leaps off for a splash but Cherry Bomb rolls out of the way! Cherry Bomb goes on to hit the Cherry Bomb on Joanne and get a successful pinfall defense of her Women's Title. Interesting to note is that Alicia Strong speaks of going back into wrestling during this match.


Winner: Cherry Bomb

Match Rating: D


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JimForce.jpg

Captain USA vs. Jim Force


The revenge match for Captain USA is the worst match of the night. Not even the commentators can make something good out of this! Suffice to say that Jim Force gets the pinfall win with the Full Force. Totally ugly match!


Winner: Jim Force

Match Rating: E+




[The crowd cheers as Freddie Datsun comes out and walks toward the ring. He gets about halfway up the ramp when he gets attacked from behind by Giant Redwood! Redwood gives a sharp elbow to the back of the neck and rams him into the guardrail. Redwood stomps directly onto Datsun's ankle and Datsun falls to the ground, clutching his ankle as Adrian Garcia comes out making the X motion that so many fans know is the legit injury signal. Redwood and Garcia head on into the ring.]


Adrian Garcia

"What Giant Redwood wants to say is that Freddie Datsun is the same type of man who has destroyed his brethren. Datsun is the type of man who needlessly chops down trees for no reason other than what he calls sport. That will no longer occur as long as Giant Redwood is around. And since we're already in the ring, why doesn't Bruce come down and get what is coming to him!"


[Redwood and Garcia stand in the ring waiting.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg

Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant


Bruce comes out from the back as the medical staff is helping Freddie Datsun to the back. Freddie can't seem to put any weight on that ankle and Bruce makes sure he gets to the back before he charges toward the ring as fast as Bruce can run....which means a snail lapped him twice before he got to the ring and a brawl was on between him and Giant Redwood!


There wasn't a whole lot of selling going on between these two monsters, which comes as no surprise, really. The match lasted a little longer than it probably should have all things considered because both big men were tired by the end of the match. Referee Baby Jamie got knocked down during the match and it led way to Adrian Garcia climbing into the ring with...his shoe off?? Redwood grabbed Bruce by the arms and held him as Adrian slapped the taste out of Bruce's mouth! Adrian brought the shoe back but Bruce broke free and ducked and the shot went to Giant Redwood! Redwood staggered back in surprise and Adrian ducked a Bruce clothesline and darted out of the ring! Bruce stared at Adrian for a moment and then grabbed Redwood around the throat --- HO-LY ****! Bruce hit a Giant Choke Slam on Giant Redwood! Bruce makes the cover as Baby Jamie comes to: 1 --- 2 --- 3!! Bruce gets the win!


Winner: Bruce The Giant

Match Rating: D


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[A video is shown to get fans ready for the main event matchup! And what a matchup it's going to be! USPW World Title on the line! James Justice/Steve Flash and it's net!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg

USPW World Title Match

20 Minute Time Limit

James Justice defends vs. Steve Flash


Steve Flash came out with the Blonde Bombshell in his corner and James Justice came out alone, well, unless you include the USPW World Title belt. The crowd was definitely stoked for this match! It's the brawler against the flyer here and the bell sounds at the order of referee Jez McArthuer.


Justice does a lot of stalling at the beginning of the match, using the ropes and getting the referee to back Flash off until he can get a cheap shot on Flash! Then he brought him in the corner and started working on him. He whipped Flash into the ropes and ducked his head --- Flash hooks him in a double arm but Justice gets out and heads out of the ring to catch a breather. As Justice tries to get that breather, Flash goes to the turnbuckles and leaps onto Justice --- FRANKENSTEINER OUTSIDE THE RING! Flash rolls back in to break the count and absorbs the cheers from the fans, giving them all a bow inside the ring.


Flash makes sure that Justice isn't going to get counted out and Justice finally returns to the ring and gets Flash with a rake to the eyes! Justice starts a focus on the back of Steve Flash, using several backbreakers and dropping a knee to the back of the challenger. The next several minutes consists of James Justice on a roll against Steve Flash, making some signals toward the crowd and getting booed! Justice whipped Flash into the ropes --- SPINEBUSTER! He moves around Flash and does a little dance over his opponent before bouncing off the ropes and dropping a fist --- MISSED!! Steve Flash rolled out of the way and that had to hurt!


Justice goes after Flash and the Remarkable One crawls between his legs, using his speed advantage! Flash bounces off the ropes and leaps --- VICTORY ROLL! The pinfall is made: 1 --- 2 --- KICKOUT! The more powerful James Justice got the kickout! But Flash is on a roll though he is holding his back at times and he gets several more near falls on Justice though he isn't hitting any high impact moves that might put a strain on his back. Flash lands a DDT on James Justice and then heads up to the top turnbuckle. Flash grabs his back, grimmacing as he gets up top and then just falls to the mat, unable to stay up there! Flash and Justice are both down on the mat as the announcers signal one minute remaining! Justice crawls toward the ropes, looking like he's trying to get out of the ring but Flash grabs his leg! Justice pulls and Flash pulls! Both men jockeying for position! Flash somehow manages to get to his feet and he pulls James Justice up --- FLASH BANG! He hit the Flash Bang out of nowhere! Flash falls on top: 1 --- 2 --- DING! DING! DING! --- 3!!!


Winner: ???

Match Rating: B-


[Referee Jez McArthuer confers with the timekeeper and then tells Danny Jillefski the call.]


Danny Jillefski

"Ladies and Gentlemen, referee Jez McArthuer has confirmed that...the time limit expired before his hand reached the mat for the third time! So this match is a time limit draw, therefore still your USPW World Champion James Justice!"


[The crowd is booing heavily as the referee hands Justice his belt and he holds it close to himself, clutching it against his chest as it doesn't seem that he can even get up and neither can Steve Flash! What a main event, what a show! Thanks for watching everyone!]

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Thanks for the compliment! I am hoping to (maybe) possibly 'make' Steve Flash in the next few months much the same way Sting was made by Ric Flair.


Considering Flash's age and skill set it would more be like making Jerry Lynn than Sting, but I get what you mean. ;)

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[The locker room is once again filled with both the familiar and the not-so-familiar faces. Freddie Datsun is staying seated as he suffered a sprained ankle last night at USPW Red, White And Blue, a bit of a setback from a man who just got off of injury. But he should be able to return to action next week! Conversations and checker games take place like they usually do before a show. And as always everyone gets quiet when Sam Strong and Jack Avatar step into the locker room.]


Sam Strong

"Hello everyone. Our pay-per-view was a definite success last night! Everyone did a great job! Now we just have to continue our success tonight as we head toward Liberty And Justice. We have decided to cut down on the number of matches within the show to focus on more storylines so more of you will get some on-screen time. Jack will tell you where to be."


[Jack posts the card up and he and Sam head to the office as usual.]


Acid vs. Grunt

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong

Jesse Christian debuts vs. Java

Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Des Davids

Stink vs. T-Rex

Steve Flash, Bruce the Giant and Nicky Champion vs. James Justice, Giant Redwood and Peter Valentine (Lexa90 approved match!)

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I hope the main event won't bomb :D


Acid vs. Grunt

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong

Jesse Christian debuts vs. Java

Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Des Davids

Stink vs. T-Rex

Steve Flash, Bruce the Giant and Nicky Champion vs. James Justice, Giant Redwood and Peter Valentine

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Wednesday Week 3 February 2008

Location: The Den

Attendance: 2,000

Overall Rating: D+

TV Rating: .41




[The show kicks off with a recap from USPW Red, White And Blue. There weren't any titles changing hands or anything but the main event was a doozy as James Justice and Steve Flash went one on one and lasted to a 20 minute draw!]




[speaking of the USPW World Champion, his music hits as soon as we cut inside the arena and he slowly walks out toward the ring, hearing the boos of the crowd and absorbing them in with a smile. He steps inside the ring and raises the belt in the air before being given a microphone]


James Justice

"Last night, Steve Flash took me to the limit, the time limit that is. My shoulder was just about to come up from that Flash Bang when I thought 'why waste the energy?' I knew the time limit was coming up so why waste my energy kicking out when the time limit is gonna end the match anyway? Steve Flash, you could never beat me. You could never pin me. That is why I am STILL the USPW World Heavyweight Champion and the BEST this business has to offer. You were never good enough. No one in this industry is good enough to..."


[And James' words are interrupted by some music that no one expected! From the back walks...BRUCE THE GIANT!! Bruce gets a huge ovation since he shut James Justice up! Bruce walks casually down toward the ring, stepping over the top rope and looking down at James Justice! And he has a microphone.]


Bruce The Giant

"Listen up, mate. You think that no one in this industry is good enough to beat you? I would definitely disagree to that. I never got my rematch for that coveted title belt. So how about you give ME a match for the title...tonight?!?"


[James' eyes go wide and he takes a few steps back, shaking his head.]


James Justice

"We already have a scheduled match tonight, Bruce! You know that! Six man tag! You, Steve and Nicky against me, Redwood and Peter! But I'll tell you what I will do. If you can somehow get the win tonight then I'll grant you a match next week? How about that?"


Bruce The Giant

"Sounds good to me, mate. You better keep that belt nice and shiny because it's coming to a Giant next week!"


[bruce's music plays and he turns and exits the ring as a worried James Justice watches him.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Acid.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Grunt.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Seduction.jpg

Acid vs. Grunt


Alicia Strong is no longer colour commentating so she was absent from the announce crew tonight. This match was pretty bad for an opening bout. It was mostly a Flying display by Acid. He looked good out there but there were definitely some chemistry issues between Grunt and Seduction. Acid got the win in this one by the Acid Rain Bomb.


Winner: Acid

Match Rating: D




[A video begins to play showing a busy street outside the Den. It focuses in on a street corner where some prostitutes are trying to pick up a John and into the screen walks the Slick Pimp Daddy Ernie Turner!]


Ernie Turner

"You know, pimping ain't easy! Especially out here in this weather. My ho's get all wet with snow and rain. But no matter what city we go in, I got ho's in different area codes if you know what I'm saying. And I'm soon coming to USPW and I'm gonna show all the wrestlers there just how strong my pimp hand is. And if we got any fans or wrestlers who need a good time just find the right corner and the right girl courtesy of the Slick Pimp Daddy!"


[Ernie flashes a smile as one of his girls finds a John and he just walks off, counting his money as we cut back to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StephanieWade.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpg

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong


The Superstar Stephanie Wade taking on the in-ring return of Alicia Strong! This match was better than some men's matches we've been having lately. The crowd was into seeing the in-ring return of Alicia Strong and she had some great chemistry with the Superstar. Alicia looked good, especially when she hit the Angel Driver on Wade and got the clean pinfall victory.


Winner: Alicia Strong

Match Rating: C


[Following the match, instead of Alicia's music hitting it's Cherry Bomb walking out from the back with her USPW Women's Title around her waist. She stopped at the top of the entrance ramp.]


Cherry Bomb

"So the Boss' daughter thinks she wants to be a wrestler again. Isn't that just special? Well, we all know what you want. You want what every woman here wants. You want what I have: The USPW Women's Title belt. So I'll tell you what, since I've beaten nearly every woman here, I'll give you a title shot. But it won't be tonight or even next week. It will be at Liberty And Justice. At the pay-per-view I'm gonna show you why you should have remained at the announcer's desk when I drop the bomb on you!"


[Alicia makes the belt motion around her waist, yelling something we can't here as Cherry Bomb just smiles and heads for the back.]




[speaking of the backstage area, we head there now where Playboy Jake Sawyer and Madman Boone are seen stumbling down a hallway.]


Playboy Jake Sawyer



[Apparently, they didn't get enough from the Hillbillys! Some random staff members see them and start running the other direction!]


Madman Boone

"Mmmmm! BRAINS! They're soo, sooo rich and spicy!"


[A woman is looking down at papers and doesn't look up until it's too late and she gets taken by Boone and Sawyer and they drag her into a locker room kicking and screaming as we cut back to the ring.]


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Jesse Christian debuts vs. Java


Shane Sneer brought one half of Savage Fury out for this matchup against the debut of Jesse 'The Power' Christian. A poor man's brawling match that only served to show the power of Christian. Sneer did good work at ringside but Christian lifted up Java into the Human Torture Rack and got the submission victory!


Winner: Jesse Christian

Match Rating: D-




[The crowd popped as the American Everyman Freddie Datsun came out from the back, limping toward the ring. But just like last night, before he could enter the ring he was attacked from behind by Giant Redwood! Redwood brought him down on the entrance ramp and hit the Standing Splash to boos from the crowd! For the second night in a row, Freddie Datsun had to be helped to the back!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DesDavids_alt2.jpg

Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Des Davids


The powerful former football player was no match for the former amateur wrestler in this battle. Deeley dominated from start to finish but didn't seem to click very well with Des Davids. Deeley got the submission win with a Front Choke Lock.


Winner: Shooter Sean Deeley

Match Rating: D




[Cut to the backstage area where all three of the bad guys in tonight's main event are standing in the locker room.]


James Justice

"Bruce The Giant doesn't DESERVE a title shot and you all know it! So tonight I need your help in insuring that he doesn't get something he doesn't deserve."


Giant Redwood

"Yeah but Peter and I DO deserve a title shot. So when we win tonight we want to be next in line."


James Justice

"Is that how it is, guys? I thought we were all in this together."


Peter Valentine

"That's exactly how it is, James. After tonight, it's every man for himself."


[James sighs and looks worried as he just exits the locker room, holding the title belt close to himself.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Stink.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SheikMustafa_alt.jpg

Stink vs. T-Rex


It's hard to consider what type of match might have been worse than this one. The managers both did good work at ringside but inside the ring, both T-Rex and Stink didn't click with each other. The announcers tried to build the match up but the crowd was thankful when T-Rex locked in the Jurassic Crush and got the submission victory.


Winner: T-Rex

Match Rating: E+


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Steve Flash, Bruce the Giant and Nicky Champion vs. James Justice, Giant Redwood and Peter Valentine


T-Rex waited at the top of the entrance ramp following his match for Nicky Champion's arrival! Nicky stepped through the curtain and he was immediately assaulted by T-Rex! T-Rex got in some good hard, stiff shots before Bruce and Steve came out to break it up. It took some other officials too in order to break things up.


The match was 2 on 3 for the early going as Nicky Champion was hardly in a position to compete. The match wasn't the best in the world with Steve Flash doing a face-in-peril thing for the bad guys. It wasn't the worst in the world either. Flash did hit some moves inside the ring and finally got the tag in to Bruce! Bruce cleared house of all three bad guys and Nicky finally got into the ring and it was an all out war!


Both Sneer and Garcia did good things at ringside, Garcia holding Blonde Bombshell hostage at one point to get Steve Flash's attention and allow the bad guys to double team Nicky and then Bruce. But Bruce fought back and turned his attention toward James Justice! The USPW World Champion high tailed it out of the ring, grabbing his belt and beginning to back up the ramp with wide eyes! Bruce turned to Peter Valentine and lifted him up by the throat --- GIANT CHOKE SLAM!!! Bruce made the cover and got the three count and a shot at James Justice next week!


Winners: Steve Flash, Bruce The Giant and Nicky Champion

Match Rating: D+


[Following the match, Bruce made the belt motion as he just stared down James Justice as Justice was walking backwards up the entrance ramp. The crowd is electric for a match between these two next week and it WILL happen! And the show comes to a close with Danny and Mario hyping the match to the moon!]

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[The show is back within the Huntsville Fairgrounds for this major matchup coming up tonight between James and Bruce for the USPW World Title! It's definitely one that people have been looking forward to since James took the belt off of Bruce in October of 2007. He's held it for over 4 months now but will Bruce be the one to take it off him? Even the locker room is buzzing with talk of this match. Of course the buzzing ends with the entrance of Sam Strong and Jack Avatar]


Sam Strong

"Alright, this is one of the biggest nights in the company's history. It's make or break time here with this USPW World Title defense. But don't forget that we have to put on an excellent undercard to make sure that the fans are hyped and ready for the big match. I hope everyone is ready with their A-Game tonight. Jack will tell you where you need to be."


[And the usual posting of the card comes...]


Freddie Datsun vs. Fumihiro Ota

The Ring Generals debut vs. Nation of Filth

Kirk Jameson debuts vs. T-Rex

Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Bruce The Giant

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  • Freddie Datsun vs. Fumihiro Ota (Is this prediction racist?)
  • The Ring Generals debut vs. Nation of Filth (The NoF are ready to rock. This is their time. I can feel it.)
  • Kirk Jameson debuts vs. T-Rex (I hear good thing about this Kirk kid, but... )
  • Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Steve Flash (He will Flash you!)
  • USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Bruce The Giant (I know it's not PPV (right...?) but I predict a fast victory for Brucie. It's like trying to kill an elephant with a sword. Technically possible, but... there's a 99% chance it's just going to crush you. I'm seriously. Go Bruce!)

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