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Now they're just confusing me.

The Masked Orange

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TRIPLE H (9) (Watch | Photos)


The Game's championship win at No Way Out was soured by Monday's events as he arrived at Raw just moments after Randy Orton attacked both Stephanie and Shane McMahon, his wife and brother-in-law.



from wwe.com power 25, now they are acknowledging the marraige of HHH and Stephs McMahon.


I knew it was coming, I didn't get to watch Smackdown but there was probably a mention of it on there.


So it now looks like Wrestlemania is set to be:


HHH vs. Orton


Also, on the Hardy match at next Smackdown, I feel either another "accident" or even the revelation of the mastermind of the attacks, it just seems wrong to not go down at Wrestlemania.

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I know a lot of people are not overly happy to see Orton vs. HHH again but to be honest, They can't continue to deliver new matches we haven't seen every year at Wrestlemania. The roster is only so big and there are only so many names that can actually match up at a PPV like this. Yea, I would have loved to see CM Punk get into the main event scene for Wrestlemania, however, he's been booked nowhere near it... So, Orton vs. HHH seems fitting.


Also, the feud that they are putting together is pretty cool in my eyes. It tugs on the classic action movie premises. Bad guy attacks Good Guy's wife (most times in the movies they die)... Good guy avenges his Wife's fall with a hell of a lot of blind rage. They pine, they crawl, they beg to have their hands on the person who caused them this pain... So, by the end of the movie (or in this case Wrestlemani), when the good guy finally gets his hands on the bad guy... There is this sense of an iconic moment.


I, for one, am excited to see all of this unfold.

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Putting on Hardy vs Hardy so soon seems a bit odd (got Smackdown DVR'd to watch later) but... What's confusing you exactly?


oh yeah, I'm confused that they're suddenly admitting HHH and stephs are together. they ruined a whole era which ended with them splitting and now WWE casually slips in they're actually together.


Come on, Kayfabe can't be THAT dead

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I know a lot of people are not overly happy to see Orton vs. HHH again but to be honest, They can't continue to deliver new matches we haven't seen every year at Wrestlemania. The roster is only so big and there are only so many names that can actually match up at a PPV like this. Yea, I would have loved to see CM Punk get into the main event scene for Wrestlemania, however, he's been booked nowhere near it... So, Orton vs. HHH seems fitting.


Also, the feud that they are putting together is pretty cool in my eyes. It tugs on the classic action movie premises. Bad guy attacks Good Guy's wife (most times in the movies they die)... Good guy avenges his Wife's fall with a hell of a lot of blind rage. They pine, they crawl, they beg to have their hands on the person who caused them this pain... So, by the end of the movie (or in this case Wrestlemani), when the good guy finally gets his hands on the bad guy... There is this sense of an iconic moment.


I, for one, am excited to see all of this unfold.


I'd be more excited if this feud featured the 'new', more dangerous Randy Orton that went into the Royal Rumble. I could live with Shane-O-Mac decking Legacy with his wild air-punching. I could suspend my belief to accept the way the Street Fight at NWO was booked for the sake of putting over Shane as a man on a mission, fueled by adrenaline and rage. I had more of a problem with RAW the following night.


Despite the defence that Shane isn't a typical non-wrestler due to his history of matches (Kane, Angle, etc), it bothers me that he's basically no-selling a street fight just ONE night removed from the ppv. Personally, I'd have prefered a battered Shane to enter that match, get in a couple of minutes of adrenaline-fueled offense and then be destroyed by Orton (without Rhodes and Dibiase's assist this time). After that, the punt Shane and RKO on Stephanie was fine until the WWE decided to show Orton virtually wetting himself over the prospect of upsetting HHH.


The feud premise is fine, but the portrayal of Orton just... I just don't get it really. I want to see a cylincal, yet dangerously unstable Orton going into WM. That doesn't mean he should beat HHH (either with or without Team Priceless), but he should at least LOOK like he could and believe that he will. Hell, you could even have Orton state he's glad he drew HHH out, citing unfinished business (their last match, Evolution, whatever). Instead the WWE seem to be going out of their way to show me that Orton has stepped way out of his depth, couldn't even beat Shane without help (twice) and is terrified of now getting his *** handed to him by the almighty Thor of wrestling, HHH. I'm not sure how to take his IED. One minute it's being put over that Orton's created it as a convenient excuse, the next he's doing things and then sweating over the consequences.


As for the HHH/Stephanie kayfabe. They played on it during the DX reformation. I'm not worried that it's been 'revealed' since it's probably wrestling's worst kept secret. I just hope it's not completely disgarded straight after Wrestlemania.

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I'm looking at it as, they're trying to Hulk-book Orton. Not Hulk Hogan... Incredible Hulk. He's really not much different/better than other wrestlers -- that's why he has Legacy, is worried at facing Triple H, Shane gets the better of him, etc.


But when the IED kicks in, when he snaps, when you get him angry... you won't like him when he's angry. He'll take your head off, put you in the hospital, end your career, no matter who you are. He can't control it, even if it would be a very bad idea to, say, RKO your boss...


So basicly, it's the heel version of Hulking Up, but it's one he can't really depend on happening, so there's an excuse for him to lose a match and then still be the evil monster Orton booting people in the head.

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