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Cverse Draft 2009: Frontier Combat Kingdom

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Given recent events concerning her little brother Edd, Victoria Stone has announced she'll be coming to the Frontier Combat Kingdom this Monday. What will happen when the 'Heart of Stone' confronts the '24 Hour Party Animal'? Find out on 'FCK Mondays!' only on IC-TV.




Nightshade vs Melody Cuthill - You spent a good deal of time portraying Melody as legitimate, I don't see a ton of upside in going back on that now.


OOC - Man, when I think back to what the 'FCK Women' division was supposed to be, 'legitimate' didn't even figure into it. It was supposed to be pure eye-candy, big boobs, tiny outfits, pudding & pillow fights. You know, the sort of softcore spectacle that would get 15 year olds frantically setting their DVRs ("It's just wrestling, Mom!") and have the front row filled with drunken frat boys and old men in trenchcoats. I blame all of you internet wrestling fans. Trying so hard to please you I'm betraying everything I believe in.


I also planned to have a Hardcore match every week, you know, for variety, but no. I blame Jim Cornette for that one. He did a commentary on the "point" of Hardcore that ruined so many plans.


Slightly depressing myself now. I started with such a clear vision. Now I'm just 'writing wrestling' and winning awards for it... /sigh.

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Jerry Eisen ”We’re just two weeks away from the Summer FCKfest, the Frontier Combat Kingdom’s outdoor PPV spectacular! Part wrestling show, part music festival. The line-up so far is amazing, with dozens of top bands scheduled to perform.”

Sam Strong “Don’t forget the wrestling, Jerry. Jeremy Stone vs Johnny Blood. Mentor versus Student for the FCK Title. Johnny Blood’s fury has hit another level recently, sending both Boo Smithson and ET Howard to the hospital. With Jeremy’s knee clearly giving him trouble, could this be The Submission Demon’s chance to finally defeat his former mentor? The only way to find out is to come to the show or watch live on PPV.”

Jerry Eisen ”Tonight, a very special guest comes to the Frontier Combat Kingdom. The ‘Heart of Stone‘ herself, Victoria Stone.”

Sam Strong “The Stones have been having some troubles recently involving Edd. We all know that the 24 Hour Party Animal has been something of an embarrassment to his family in the past, but now it seems there was some controversy over his drug testing results.”

Jerry Eisen “Not to mention Edd is teaming up with one of the Stone Family’s arch rivals; Steve DeColt.”

Sam Strong “Well… I understand the DeColts and the Stones have never seen eye-to-eye, and maybe Steve isn’t the best influence on young Edd, but personally I think that could be a great team. They were very impressive last week.”

Jerry Eisen “What will happen when Victoria Stone confronts her brother? Stay tuned to find out.”




Jerry Eisen “Edd Stone has been on a roll recently. Not only did he score a big upset win over Raul Hughes, but he also qualified for the Round Robin Tag Team Tournament.

Sam Strong “Edd and Gumble have both left their partners in the back, so this should be a good clean fight.“


The battle begins. Gumble’s fast, but Edd’s faster, more agile and more innovative, surprising the cowboy with an offensive flurry, adding cartwheels and flips to anything and everything, repeatedly stopping to bust a move. Edd throws some wacky kicks, but Gumble closes him down into a clinch and lays in some vicious knees. The Young Gun controls his opponent with simple brawling.


Gumble rams Edd into the turnbuckle, and goes for the double driving knees, but Edd dodges in pure instinct. He goes for a Cartwheel Splash into the corner, but the more experienced Gumble plays possum and moves at the last moment. He tries a monkey flip, but Edd lands on his feet. Edd goes for the Edd-Reneline Shot (Super Kick) but Gumble ducks and hits the Quick Draw Kick (Savate Kick) for the 1... 2... Kick Out!


Frustrated, Gumble goes for a Powerbomb, but Edd counters in mid air into the Party’s Over (Sit-Out Facebuster) and follows up with a Shooting Star Legdrop for the win.




Jerry Eisen “That could have gone either way. Steve Gumble made just one mistake, but that was enough.”

Sam Strong “Never Powerbomb Edd... Just... Just don’t do it.”


As a dejected Steve Gumble heads up the ramp, Edd celebrates, dancing, poses, throwing in a few DeColt-esque flexes, when-




LEFT HOOK! Edd Stone in out cold! RAUL HUGHES stands over him, microphone in hand.



So this is who Steve DeColt chooses to be his partner? Typical... As I

said before... Steve DeColt and Edd Stone have a lot in common...

They’re both great fighters, sure... but they only got to that level because

of their famous fathers... paving the way... taking them along the easy

road... all the way to the top... They don’t know what it’s like to start from

the bottom... on the streets... working their way up the ladder… punch by

punch… knockout by knockout… not like I did... When it comes down to

it... when things get really tough... They don’t have the heart of a true

warrior... and I aim to prove that...







Raul Hughes! It seems like you’ve got a problem with me. It seems like

you’ve got a problem with The Raging Bull. You’re coming out here, week

after week, talking trash about how I got to the top, knocking out my

partner, braggin’ how you’re from ‘the streets’, Well I’ve got a newsflash

for you, this isn’t ‘the streets’. This! Is! DeColt Country!


I’ve been listening to your rants every week and I think I’ve finally figured

out what your problem is. You’re jealous. Not of my gigantic muscles

or my currently unconscious tag partner, but of my father. What’s the

matter, Hughesy? Got some Daddy issues? Wish you had someone to

tuck you in at night? Or check your closet for monsters?


I’ll tell you what, maybe the Raging Bull can give you what you need.

How about you and me go out after the show and I get you some ice-cream.

Or we can go to the park and have a catch. Or I can get Ricky’s old bike

out of the garage and teach you how to ride. Would you like that, little

buddy? There aren’t any training wheels, but don’t worry, I won’t let go...



You think this is funny?



No. It stopped being funny last week, and now it’s just annoying. So I

tell you what...You’ve got a problem with me. I’ve got a problem with you,

so lets settle this like men. Right here. Right now! I’m gonna kick your

ass all over Quebec, and that’s a DeColt Guarantee!



No... Not tonight... Not in front of these people... Two weeks from now…

the Summer FCKfest…I’ve already talked to Mr. Eisen about it… the

match is already signed… See you there.






VICTORIA STONE and JEREMY STONE arrive at the arena, the latter moving slowly and with some difficulty, his injured knee giving him trouble.



Just go easy on Edd, okay?



I’m long past going easy on him. We gave him leeway when he was

younger, but he’s become an irresponsible jackass and has to be set

straight. The partying, the drugs, the DeColts… Enough is enough. You

just worry about your FCK Title match with Johnny Blood in two weeks.

I’ll deal with Edd.




Jerry Eisen “Three teams have qualified for the Round Robin Tag Team Tournament so far, let’s see who’ll be the fourth.”

Sam Strong “DaLay and Maverick have been training hard these past few weeks, but don’t count out the Blondes. Young, powerful Australian fighters who just need that one big win to put themselves on the map.”


Blake and Rick impress early with double team moves, even combining forces to slam the massive DaLay. Adrian Garcia soon interjects, distracting Blake long enough for Maverick to hit the mother of all chop-blocks! The Canadians take control and isolate Blake in their corner. Emotionless, Maverick clinically dissects his knee, limiting his movement, while DaLay haphazardly throws his weight around. Blake manages to wriggle free and make a tag, allowing Rick to mount a fiery comeback, but it doesn’t last long. DaLay cuts him off with the Big Boot and drops him with the DaLay Down (Belly-to-Belly Piledriver) for the win.




Jerry Eisen “That makes 4! The Dirty White Boys, The Young Guns, Edd & DeColt, and now the formidable team of Dan DaLay and Maverick have all qualified.”

Sam Strong “This could be the team to beat.”






JOHNNY BLOOD stands in the middle of the ring, FCK Title around his waist, glaring at the crowd, furious that they‘re not giving him the reception he feels he deserves.



At the House of Stone, we learned how to apply pressure to shut off an

opponent’s jugular vein and cut off the blood supply to the brain! We were

taught how to put an opponent to sleep! Well I’m beyond that! I don’t just

want to put you to sleep! I want to crush your windpipe! I want to break

your neck and leave you paralyzed! If I put you to sleep, I never

want you to wake up!


You know the deal! Open Challenge! Anyone who hasn’t held a major

wrestling title before! If you’ve got the guts to take on The Submission

Demon and take this title from me… Come get it! I dare you!


Johnny Blood eagerly awaits an answer to his challenge. Out comes...




HARRY ALLEN comes out onto the ramp, microphone in hand, his girlfriend CHITOSE on his arm. Johnny Blood doesn’t look quite so eager any more.



Howdy, Blood. For the last few weeks I’ve been hearin’ you issue this here

Open Challenge to any folks who ain’t won a major wrestlin’ title before.

I gotta admit, I weren’t sure if I qualified. I mean, I’ve held titles before,

but what exactly counts as ‘major‘? So I went to your boy, Richard Eisen

and asked him. Weren’t too hard. Only had to beat up a couple of his

security. Turns out, Tag Titles don’t count. Cruiserweight titles don’t count,

so there’s nothin’ stopping me from gettin’ in this ring and taking you on

for that belt, right here, right now.


Harry climbs into the ring, getting face to face with The Submission Demon... Who refuses to look him in the eye. Referee Sam Sparrow gets in the ring, ready to get the fight started. He tries to take the FCK Title off of Blood’s shoulder, but Johnny freaks out, clutching onto the belt, refusing to let go. He rolls out of the ring, and heads up the ramp.



Where y’all goin’? I thought this was an open challenge!


Choking on his own rage, Johnny Blood leaves.







Age 34

From Halifax, Nova Scotia

Height 5’10

Weight 175lbs

Past Accomplishments 3 time NOTBPW Women’s Champion

Strengths Size, Technical Training, Stone Constitution

Specialty Moves Stone Hold (Crossface) Delorean Driver (Northern Lights Bomb)


Victoria Stone-McFly is the only daughter of the legendary Dan Stone. Like her four brothers, she was brought up with wrestling in her blood, and was taught how to fight from an early age. Unlike her brothers, she has also excelled in the business side of the sport. As a child she used to curl up in her Father’s lap during his business meetings, and so absorbed all of the knowledge and knowhow that went into making NOTBPW the most successful promotion in Canada for decades. Over the years she has used those skills to become a very successful businesswoman, even outside of wrestling.


In the ring she has been equally dominant. The crown jewel of the NOTBPW Women’s division, her technical ‘Stone-Style’ proved a massive problem for the largely aerial-based female fighters at the time. She never quite became as renowned as her brothers though, as she was so dominant that she never found a really challenging opponent to steal the show with.


Although the Stones generally live very private lives (with Edd being the obvious exception) Victoria found herself in the middle of a very public media frenzy when news broke of her romance with superstar American fighter Sean McFly. Cynical reports of it being a publicity stunt were quickly proved wrong, and the couple have now been married for almost a decade.


Victoria retired from competition in 2007, suffering from a nagging back injury and wanting to spend more time with her family. However, with the 2009 Draft shaking up the sport and presenting a whole new set of challenges, she has returned to Semi-Active competition. She recently took a couple of high-profile fights in Japan, but her youngest brother’s antics have now brought her home to Canada and the Frontier Combat Kingdom.




Jerry Eisen “The first of two ‘FCK women’ division matches tonight.”

Sam Strong “I’m looking forward to seeing the Delicate Flowers in action. Kate Lilly and Debbie Rose may be young, but they‘ve already been teaming for a number of years, which gives them the edge here.”


The Delicate Flowers jump Rodriguez while Blonde Bombshell is still making her entrance through the crowd. The Luchador battles back, wrong-footing her foes with unorthodox lucha-style rolls and Ranas, but she can’t fight off both at once. BB finally makes it onto the apron to see the Flowers whipping J-Ro into the ropes for a double clothesline, but J-Ro rolls under and makes the tag!


The Flowers charge at the Blonde Bombshell, who simply poses. The lights go out, thumping dance music starts playing and a single spotlight shines from above, illuminating the Dirty White Girl. Lily and Rose stop in their tracks, perplexed, as the Blonde Bombshell starts dancing, gyrating, writhing, overcome by the rhythm of the music. It’s an impressively erotic display.


Meanwhile, Rodriguez recovers and tags herself back in. The music stops, BB collapses in exhaustion, and the lights come back on just in time to see J-Ro dropkick Lily in the face and hit the J-Rocker (Twisting Face Crusher) on Rose for the win!




The Latin rhythms of Rodriguez’ music reinvigorates the Blonde Bombshell, who writhes up to her feet to continue the dance party. She writhes against J-Ro, who sheepishly joins in.


Sam Strong “That was… different.”

Jerry Eisen “A fine victory for J-Ro, BB, and lets face it, everyone in the arena.”






Businessman, billionaire, CEO of the Frontier Combat Kingdom; RICHARD EISEN sits behind his desk, watching a furious JOHNNY BLOOD pace back and forth.



When I issued that open challenge I asked for people who hadn’t won

titles before! Harry Allen’s been a TCW Tag Team Champion! He’s been

TCW All Action Champion! He’s…



Technically, Johnny, you asked for fighters who hadn’t won “major titles”.






I had to draw the line somewhere!



You realise I’m just two weeks away from defending this title against

Jeremy Stone at the Summer FCKfest, don‘t you??? I‘m two weeks

away from finally beating the one man I‘ve never beaten! I can‘t afford

to walk into that match at anything less than 100%! You can‘t expect

me to put myself in jeopardy for a fight with Harry Allen! Not this close

to the Summer FCKfest! I can’t-



Yes you can! You are the Frontier Combat King, and with that title comes

a responsibility. I’m in the middle of rebuilding my empire, and I can’t

have my champion refusing challenges from pint-sized cowboys on National

Television… even if it’s in Canada. So tonight, you ARE going to defend

your title against Harry Allen. He may be good, but you’re better. You’re

the best in the Frontier Combat Kingdom. You’re the Frontier

Combat King! Go prove it!










VICTORIA STONE walks purposefully through the corridors, searching for Edd. CATHERINE QUINE suddenly steps in her path, much to Victoria’s irritation.



Victoria. At last we finally meet. I just want to say that it’s a pleasure to

finally have a kindred spirit come to the Frontier Combat Kingdom. I’ve

been surrounded by posers for so long I almost forgot what it’s like to

have another real fighter around.



Good for you. You seen Edd?



Thankfully, no. You’re right to be mad at him. He’s a complete disgrace,

just like all of the male chauvinist pigs in the audience. I can’t tell you how

many times that disgusting little creep has come barging into the Women’s

Locker Room claiming to be “lost” or “blind” or “the breast inspector”. It’s

only a matter of time before he completely destroys himself, you should cut

him loose now while you have a chance to publicly disown him. You know

what, you should think about teaming up with me. With my brains and your

lineage we could show all of the vile disgusting whores that make up the

‘FCK Women’ division what real fighters look like.




MELODY CUTHILL wanders in, Victoria immediately approaches her, completely blowing off The Cat.



Hey Mel. You seen Edd?



Medic. Down the hall. Third left.


Victoria turns back to a furious Catherine.



Real fighters don’t talk so much... Oh, and if you ever talk about my brother

like that again I’ll show YOU what a real fighter looks like.


Victoria barges past her, leaving The Cat furious, and Melody chuckling.






Jerry Eisen “Looks like we’re going to be joined by Catherine Quine for this contest.”

Catherine Quine “Stop looking at me like that, Jerry. I’m not your whore!”

Jerry Eisen “I… um… Nightshade has looked strong since debuting three weeks ago, even making Melody tap out in last week’s tag match.”

Catherine Quine “Pft. I softened her up first.”

Sam Strong “A strange but technically proficient fighter, Nightshade’s going to have to ground the high flying Melody to get the win here.”


Nightshade is quick to take the fight to ground early, but Melody shows impressive skills on the mat, and the two women go hold for hold, their feminine flexibility providing countless options for unique counters. Melody manages to break free, get to her feet and kick things into high gear, unleashing with lightning-fast arm-drags and Ranas, but gets cut off with an amazing Tilt-o-Whirl Backbreaker.


Nightshade stalks her pray with an almost ethereal sense of calm, repeatedly taking Melody down with a variety of innovative backbreakers, before smoothly transitioning into fluid mat work, constantly working over the lower back. Nightshade throws a big Roundhouse Kick, but Melody does the splits, jabs her opponent in the stomach, backward-rolls to his feet, and decapitates Nightshade with an Enziguri.


Melody uses her speed to out-manoeuvre Nightshade at every turn, scoring with dropkicks and a big DDT. She goes for the Melody Maker (Rocker Dropper) but Nightshade counters with a backbreaker. She goes for the Scorpion Deathlock, but Melody kicks her way free. Nightshade goes for a second Roundhouse Kick, but Melody ducks and takes her over with a Bridging German Suplex, but due to the damage to her back can’t keep her shoulders off the mat. Referee Sparrow counts both down for the 1...2...3!




Jerry Eisen “What an evenly-matched contest. Incredible.”

Sam Strong “Has Melody Cuthill finally met her match?”

Catherine Quine ”Hey!”


A little disappointed, Melody nonetheless extends a hand of friendship to Nightshade, who completely ignores it and heads up the ramp.


Catherine Quine “Although I’m starting to like Nightshade. Maybe I misjudged her.”






STEVE DECOLT watches as a Medic checks over EDD STONE for signs of a concussion.



Five times, dude. Raul Hughes has knocked me out five times! The first

was, like, fair enough. It was a match. The second, same difference,

ClusterFCKs get all kinds of crazy. The third? THAT was a cheap shot. I

pinned him fair and square. The fourth? Another Cheap Shot, I was like

totally in the middle of a promo. Now tonight? Knocking me out while

I’m doing my victory dance? You’d better do something about this Raul

Hughes thing because I totally don’t want to spend another night

in the emergency room.



I already said I’m dealing with it. Two weeks from now. Live on PPV. Summer

FCKfest. Raul Hughes is going to get what’s coming to him.




VICTORIA STONE approaches, immediately getting in DeColt’s face.



I need to talk to my brother. You got a problem with that?



No problem at all. Just make it fast. We’re hitting the clubs once he’s

got his equilibrium back. Going to celebrate his win streak.



Whoo! Yeah! 3 for 3, bitch!


DeColt leaves, taking the none-too-pleased Medic with him, leaving the siblings alone.



Edd, I love you, but you are driving us crazy. Danny won't talk to you. Mom

and Dad have practically disowned you. Duane moved to Japan. Jeremy

is furious about the DeColt thing! Right now, I‘m the only one who

will speak to you, and that’ll change if you don‘t change your attitude.


So stop it! Stop all the drinking. Stop all the partying. Stop all the drugs.

Stop getting arrested for public urination. Stop getting drunk and falling

asleep in fountains. Stop getting out of limousines without any pants on.

Stop "accidentally" posting naked pictures of yourself on the internet.

Just stop it. You’re embarrassing the family and you’re embarrassing yourself.


You’ve been getting a pass because you’re young, but sooner or later

people are going to stop giving you breaks. You’re a world famous

wrestler. You’re a Stone! Like it or not, people look up to you. You have

a responsibility to your fans to be a positive role model, so straighten

up, fly right and get your act together.



You came all this way to tell me to “Stop it”?



Not quite, I also wanted to tell you not to make any plans for the next

PPV. I had a meeting with Richard Eisen earlier, and not only did I sign

a contract with the Frontier Combat Kingdom, but I also signed us to

a match at the Summer FCKfest. You’re going to learn there are

consequences for your actions. Every time you piss me off, I’m

going to put my foot up your ass.


Victoria storms off.



What? Are you serious? You’re a girl! I’ll destroy you… I’ll… like…

totally… um… Should my ear have this much blood in it?







Sam Strong “Johnny has been destroying guys recently in an attempt to psyche out The Canadian Wrestling Machine, but let’s face it, they weren’t top level fighters. I don’t think Johnny was after a real challenge, he just wanted to hurt people. Like it or not, he’s got a challenge tonight in Harry Allen; a tremendous fighter who is really coming into his own in the Frontier Combat Kingdom.”

Jerry Eisen “Could tonight be his night, Sam? Could Harry Allen win the FCK Title?”

Sam Strong “It’s possible. Johnny Blood is a dangerous competitor, but if Harry can use his speed and agility to avoid the Submissions attempts, and try to use Blood’s anger against him, we could very well crown a new Frontier Combat King here tonight.”


Blood repeatedly takes Harry off his feet with suplexes and amateur takedowns. He lunges for The Vigilante’s neck, but Harry’s up to his feet too fast, keeping his distance, sticking and moving. Frustrated, Blood throws the Raging Elbow (Discus Elbow Strike) but Harry ducks and erupts with arm drags, dropkicks and an amazing springboard back elbow. Blood retreats outside, but Harry wipes him out with a somersault plancha!


Rolling back into the ring, Harry takes a kick to the throat, followed by a snap-overheard-belly-to-belly suplex into the turnbuckle, landing hard on his head. Enraged, Johnny Blood begins a furious attack on The Vigilante’s neck, angrily wrenching him into a variety of headlocks, front facelocks and other holds designed to rip his head off his shoulders. He tries to apply a Dragon Sleeper, but Harry’s still got too much fight in him, backflipping out of the hold and planting Blood with a Reverse DDT.


Harry fights back. Cross Body. Twisting Neckbreaker. Enziguri. He crushes Blood into the turnbuckle with the driving double knees, before going for the Gunslinger’s Revenge (Cutter) but Blood shoves him away and decapitates him with the Raging Elbow. He hits a German Suplex... followed by a second... He goes for a third, but Harry flips over and lands on his feet before nailing a Leaping DDT. Harry quickly springs up top and hits the Fistful of Dynamite (Flying Fist Drop)!


Sam Strong “Yes! Cover him Harry! New Champion!”


Harry crawls onto the cover... 1... 2... Blood kicks out at the last possible moment! Undaunted, Harry picks him up and goes for the Gunslinger’s Revenge but Blood snatches him into a German Suplex, planting The Vigilante directly onto his head. He follows up with the Blood-Stone’s Throw (Angry Exploder Suplex) again onto Harry’s head & neck, before quickly locking in a vicious Dragon Sleeper. Harry tries to fight it, but has eventually has no choice but to tap.




Jerry Eisen “So close and yet so far. Harry took the Champion to his limit, but it wasn’t enough to stop the Submission Demon.”

Sam Strong “Every time he comes out here, every time Harry Allen steps into that ring, he shows just a little more heart. A future Champion, make no mistake… Hold on a second!”


Even though the bell has rung, Johnny Blood still has the Dragon Sleeper locked it. Screaming, practically foaming at the mouth, Blood continues to apply more and more pressure, trying to rip The Vigilante’s head off.




JEREMY STONE sprints down to the ring. As soon as he slides into the ring, Blood immediately releases the hold and bails. The two old rivals stare each other down.

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Raul and DeColt talk Daddy issues... B

Victoria and Jeremy arrive... B+


Harry answers Blood’s open challenge... B

Profile: Victoria Stone... C+


Blood talks to Eisen... B

Victoria meets The Cat... C+


Victoria talks to DeColt & Edd... B+


Post Match Staredown... A


‘The Marksman’ gives this show a B

Early reports put the rating at a 0.29



Next week’s card as reported by FCKwrestling.ca

’Last Chance’ Tag Tournament Qualifier: Team Deathstrike vs Melbourne Blondes

Dan DaLay vs Steve Gumble vs Edd Stone

Maverick vs Harry Allen vs Steve DeColt

Catherine Quine vs Joanne Rodriguez

Delicate Flowers vs Melody Cuthill & Blonde Bombshell

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’Last Chance’ Tag Tournament Qualifier: Team Deathstrike vs Melbourne Blondes

Dan DaLay vs Steve Gumble vs Edd Stone

Maverick vs Harry Allen vs Steve DeColt

Catherine Quine vs Joanne Rodriguez

Delicate Flowers vs Melody Cuthill & Blonde Bombshell


Going on a limb and picking Edd to go over DaLay and Gumble. Probably won't happen... but a threeway is a good place for it to occur if it does....


As always, another good show. Great to see the break has not affected the quality at all.

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’Last Chance’ Tag Tournament Qualifier: Team Deathstrike vs Melbourne Blondes

Better skillss, more exposure, more chance.


Dan DaLay vs Steve Gumble vs Edd Stone

Because it's Edd Freaking Stone!


Maverick vs Harry Allen vs Steve DeColt



Catherine Quine vs Joanne Rodriguez

J-Ro keeps on strong.


Delicate Flowers vs Melody Cuthill & Blonde Bombshell



Also... Well. Harry Allen's cool and all, but Johnny Blood backing down from him? I don't buy it. Johnny's lots of things, but coward isn't one of them.

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I'd forgot my pastword to post on the forums a long time ago and have finally sorted it out not just to say how much i've enjoyed reading your shows but that is 1 of the reasons.


’Last Chance’ Tag Tournament Qualifier: Team Deathstrike vs Melbourne Blondes

The better team i'd say.

Dan DaLay vs Steve Gumble vs Edd Stone

I like .. no love Edd Stone but i'm also interested to see where your going with Steve Gumble so he just gets the nod.

Maverick vs Harry Allen vs Steve DeColt

Just to reiterate ... DECOLT RULES!

Catherine Quine vs Joanne Rodriguez

I'm going against the others here, i think Quine is in more need of the V.

Delicate Flowers vs Melody Cuthill & Blonde Bombshell

I cant see the "Flowers" winning ... Ever! Sorry Girls :o


Oh and the Johnny Blood backing down it does seem out of character for him but just shows he's unusually focused i'd say. Wanting to keep onto his title and all that.

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As always, another good show. Great to see the break has not affected the quality at all.


Breaks are good. Don't hide from them. Embrace them.



Also... Well. Harry Allen's cool and all, but Johnny Blood backing down from him? I don't buy it. Johnny's lots of things, but coward isn't one of them.


Oh and the Johnny Blood backing down it does seem out of character for him but just shows he's unusually focused i'd say. Wanting to keep onto his title and all that.


I hate it when readers say exactly what I'm thinking :)


Yes, it was an odd move for the usually fearless Johnny Blood, but he's got a lot on his mind. He's just two weeks away from the most important match in his life; defending the FCK Title against Jeremy Stone, the man he has never been able to beat. They've fought dozens, maybe even hundreds of times, and every single time Jeremy Stone has taken him down. Blood's overcompensating by injuring guys, but it's got to be messing with his head a bit.


Plus, I'm sure Blood expected a scrub like Boo Smithson or ET Howard to come take a crack at him, not the fastest rising superstar in the Frontier Combat Kingdom, The Vigilante, Harry Allen. Fighting a guy like that, with no preperation time, would give even the bravest fighter in the world pause for thought.


Excuses, excuses, I can't defend it too strongly. We'll have to see if Johnny Blood has anything to say about it on Monday.

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And the thing is, I'd be more happy about Harry pulling off an upset in the match itself. He's got that level of push, he's the plucky underdog who might... just... do it. But, as I said, you don't run from the plucky underdog.


I could have seen Johnny accepting the challenge and blasting him with the belt the second the bell rang to get DQ'd and get out quick.

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Hmmm, I didn't see a problem with Blood backing down. He's never seemed "Brave" to me, more overcompensating and angry. Angry != brave, even if the two can lead to the same result.


Besides, Allen's got this 'do no wrong' aura. He's on a roll, his confidence is through the roof, while Blood's worried, nervous. Low confidence.


Two laws of the jungle, confidence = intimidation and when blindsided, run and regroup.


Also, Astil CAN powerbomb Edd Stone.

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’Last Chance’ Tag Tournament Qualifier: Team Deathstrike vs Melbourne Blondes

Dan DaLay vs Steve Gumble vs Edd Stone

Maverick vs Harry Allen vs Steve DeColt

Catherine Quine vs Joanne Rodriguez

Delicate Flowers vs Melody Cuthill & Blonde Bombshell

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WOW... Just WOW... I found this Diary about two days ago.. and since then I have read ALL 20 pages so far! I can't believe I didn't know this was here, AMAZING Dynasty, by far my favorite for TEW2008, the graphics add so much, and the level of character development along with fantastice dynamics is great. Awesome Awesome read, You just picked up a new fan Self, so in closing let me just say that incase you've never heard it before....


Edd Stone... is DA MAN! Now let me down some of this Beaver Buzz and get to the predictions I've been dying to make!




’Last Chance’ Tag Tournament Qualifier: Team Deathstrike vs Melbourne Blondes

Dan DaLay vs Steve Gumble vs Edd Stone

Maverick vs Harry Allen vs Steve DeColt

Catherine Quine vs Joanne Rodriguez

Delicate Flowers vs Melody Cuthill & Blonde Bombshell



..oh yeah... that feels good.

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WOW... Just WOW... I found this Diary about two days ago.. and since then I have read ALL 20 pages so far! I can't believe I didn't know this was here, AMAZING Dynasty, by far my favorite for TEW2008, the graphics add so much, and the level of character development along with fantastice dynamics is great. Awesome Awesome read, You just picked up a new fan Self, so in closing let me just say that incase you've never heard it before....


Edd Stone... is DA MAN! Now let me down some of this Beaver Buzz and get to the predictions I've been dying to make!


The new episode is coming up in the next hour or so, but I wanted to chime in and mention that this post made my weekend. My spirits weren't exactly low, but they sure were lifted reading this.


I like being praised :)

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Jerry Eisen “It’s almost here! Just two days away! The Summer FCKfest! The Frontier Combat Kingdom’s outdoor PPV spectacular coming live from Caribou Field, London, Ontario. I’m Jerry Eisen, with me as always in Sam Strong, and this week our special guest is ‘The Heart of Stone’ Victoria Stone.”

Victoria Stone “Great to be here. I’m really looking forward to Wednesday.”

Sam Strong “It’s going to be an amazing show. Jeremy Stone takes on his former student Johnny Blood for the FCK Title. Steve DeColt does battle with Raul Hughes. The FCK Tag Team Tournament kicks off. And in one of the most intriguing match-ups, the first ever Brother vs Sister match. Victoria Stone vs Edd Stone.”

Jerry Eisen “Intriguing, indeed. Victoria, I’m sure the entire Kingdom wants to know more about why you want to fight your little brother.”

Victoria Stone “Short answer? Frustration. Long answer? Well... Wrestling is looked down upon in a lot of circles. It’s a violent, contact sport and it seems like every other week a wrestler is getting arrested or failing a drug test and giving this sport a bad name. That’s bad enough, but when it’s a member of your own family, it... The Stone Family have always tried to bring honor, dignity and respect to this sport and for some reason Edd likes to rebel against that. Jeremy’s tried to get him back on the straight and narrow, he tried to be his friend, but it didn’t work. Now it’s my turn. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not going to ‘fight’ Edd. I’m not going to try to ‘take him out’. I’m going to wrestle him. I am going to give that hot-shot a dose of humility and show him that he’s still got a lot to learn, and that there’s a reason why fighters come from all over the world to learn the Stone Way of doing things.”

Jerry Eisen ”The Round Robin tournament to crown the first ever FCK Tag Team Champions kicks off this Wednesday, but tonight as a special preview of that tournament, several of the participants will compete in two Three-Way matches.”





Jerry Eisen “The first of two three-way matches tonight. Who would you say is the favorite in this one?”

Sam Strong “I’d say the big man, Dan DaLay is the one to watch here, but I bet you‘ll be watching Edd closely in this one, Victoria.”

Victoria Stone “I‘ve been watching Edd his whole life. I know exactly what he‘s capable of.”


Gumble and Edd take it in turns to try to fell DaLay, but the Giant Amongst Giants is too big and too strong to be taken off of his feet. He starts throwing his weight around, squashing his smaller foes with big boots and clubbing blows, before haphazardly tossing them across the ring, roaring with laughter.


Gumble and Edd join forces and attack in a flurry of knees and kicks. Dropkicks. Spin Kicks. Roundhouse Kicks. Enziguris. DaLay staggers back against the ropes and a simultaneous Edd-Reneline Shot (Super Kick) & Quick Draw Kick (Savate Kick) sends him out of the ring. Gumble launches after him with a Plancha, but DaLay catches him. Edd follows with a corkscrew super-duper plancha and finishes the job. DaLay goes down, hitting his head on the floor.


Edd and Gumble get back in the ring and the pace quickens. Edd throws wacky kicks and Ranas, adding flips and cartwheels to everything. Gumble closes him down, throwing knees from a clinch. Both men trade near-falls, desperately trying to finish the match as quickly as possible. DaLay clambers back onto the apron. Gumble and Edd immediately knock him back down with a Double Dropkick. Gumble goes for the Union Valley Driver (Burning Hammer) but Edd counters in mid-air into the Party’s Over (Sit-Out Facebuster) for the win.




Sam Strong “Sound strategy from Gumble and Edd, keeping the big man out of the fight.”

Jerry Eisen “You look pretty happy with Edd getting the win, Victoria.“

Victoria Stone “Of course I’m happy. He’s my brother. Edd has the potential to be a fantastic fighter, he just needs someone to kick his ass and get him on the straight and narrow so he can really fulfil his potential. I’m just the person to do it.”








Jerry Eisen “What do you think about the ‘FCK Women’ division, Victoria?”

Victoria Stone “It’s getting there. There have been some very promising new additions recently, particularly in Rodriguez and Nightshade, and it goes without saying that I’m a huge fan of Melody.”

Sam Strong “Normally I‘d suggest the Flowers try to isolate the Blonde Bombshell and keep Melody out of the match, but judging by last week, maybe that‘s not a good idea.”


Debbie Rose tries to take the fight to the mat, but Melody proves too lithe and flexible to keep down. Kate Lilly picks up the pace, but can’t keep up with the energetic Cuthill. Eventually, The Flowers gang up on her, isolating her in the corner with a vicious beat down, full of back rakes and hair pulling. Lilly and Rose throw Melody to the ropes and try a Double Hiptoss, but Melody lands on her feet and make a tag.


The Flowers charge at the Blonde Bombshell, who simply poses. The lights go out, thumping dance music starts playing and a single spotlight shines from above, illuminating the Dirty White Girl. Lily and Rose stop in their tracks, perplexed, as the Blonde Bombshell starts dancing, gyrating, writhing, overcome by the rhythm of the music. It’s an impressively erotic display.


Meanwhile, Melody recovers and tags herself back in. The music stops, BB collapses in exhaustion, and the lights come back on just in time to see Melody nail Rose with a springboard crossbody and hit the Melody Maker (Rocker Dropper) on Lily for the win!




Jerry Eisen “Deja-Vu all over again for the Delicate Flowers.”

Victoria Stone “The rookies have to learn; if your opponent’s dancing, it’s perfectly okay to kick them in the face.”

Sam Strong “A tactic I’m sure you’ll use to full effect against Edd Stone this Wednesday.”







DHARMA GREGG stands by with ADRIAN GARCIA, flanked by the looming DAN DALAY and blankly staring MAVERICK.



Adrian Garcia. In just two days time the Tag Team Tournament begins

as your team takes on The Young Guns. How do you rate your chances?



“Our chances?“ Dharma, Dharma, Dharma. There’s no question as

to which is the best team in this tournament. DaLay and Maverick are the

be-all and end-all. Just look at the competition. Who can compare? The

Young Guns are fast, they‘re agile, they can flip, they can fly, but they’ll

have a hard time flying when they get their wings clipped by The Silent

Threat, the master technician, Maverick. The Dirty White Boys are big,

they’re powerful, they’re rough, they’re tough, but neither of them compare

to The Giant Amongst Giants, the 6’7 350lb, first ever Frontier Combat King,

Dan DaLay.


DeColt may have the power, Edd Stone may have the speed, but as a

team they’ve got a long way to go. DaLay and Maverick have been training

together for years! I was proud to have DeColt and Stone on my side at

Going To War, I would have been happy to call them my clients, but they

turned their back on me, refused to sign a contract, they won’t even answer

my calls! When they come up against DaLay and Maverick, they’re going

to suffer for that. I have assembled the perfect team. They’re going to

Steamroll through the competition in this tournament, starting with those

Young Guns this Wednesday.





Jerry Eisen “This Wednesday at the Summer FCKfest, Raul Hughes takes on The Raging Bull, Steve DeColt.”

Sam Strong “Those two have had their differences over the past few weeks, and it‘s about time they settled them”


Jeremiah bobs and weaves and rolls and cartwheels, but Raul simply shrugs off his enthusiastic offence. He takes him down with ease and lays in some devastating ground and pound. Moments before Jeremiah loses consciousness, Raul dismounts. Jeremiah staggers to his feet and- LEFT HOOK! Bullfrog is out cold!




Sam Strong “Sheer domination from the demolition expert. Raul Hughes is ready for the Summer FCKfest.”







DHARMA GREGG stands by with STEVE DECOLT and EDD STONE. DeColt stands perfectly still, like a Greek God sculpted out of marble, his gigantic muscles gleaming. Beside him, Edd grins like a madman, chugging on Beaver Buzz, constantly moving around, pacing, jumping and moonwalking like there’s no tomorrow.



Steve DeColt, Edd Stone, you-



Just one second, Dharma. Do you know where we are? Do you sense it?

We’re in a very special place. This is British Columbia! This is Abbotsford!



For weeks, Raul Hughes has been calling me out, talking trash, sucker

punching me and Edd! Why? Who knows? Jealousy? Revenge? Tummy

Ache? Fact of the matter is, I don’t know and I don’t care. It doesn’t matter

why Raul Hughes has a problem with me, because now I have a problem

with him. The Raging Bull has had enough. I am going to kick Raul Hughes’

ass all over Caribou Field and that’s a DeColt Guarantee!



Bitchin’! Meanwhile, Edd, you’ll be taking on Victoria Stone. Were you

surprised last week when your own sister requested a match with you?



At first, yeah, it caught me off guard a little, but after I kicked my brain up

a gear it totally made sense. Vickie’s had a problem with me for years.

She never bought me beer, she never let me borrow her car, and when

she picked me up from a concert a few years back, she bitched the whole

drive about how I “wasn’t given permission” to go, and how “our folks

were worried sick” and how I “embarrassed the whole family”. In my

defense, when I climbed up on that stage I thought I still had my pants on.

Simple mistake. Could have happened to anyone.


What I DO find surprising is that Vickie thinks she can take me. That might

have been true back when I was 12 and she duct-taped me to the roof for

“not respecting her privacy” but I’m all grown up now, and I’ve had plenty of

experience wrestling women. Let’s just say the 24 Hour Party Animal always

comes out on top. Only this time it’ll be my FOOT going up the girl’s a-



This Wednesday Night! The Awesome Alliance will continue to Rock

and Rule! The Raging Bull is gonna beat Raul Hughes to within an inch

of his life, The 24 Hour Party Animal is gonna knock Victoria Stone off her

high horse, and then we’re gonna lay waste to the tag team competition

here in the Frontier Combat Kingdom. WHO RULES????



DeColt Rules.



… and Edd’s not too bad either.


Steve DeColt and Edd Stone high five and leave.




Akinori & Danger Kumasaka . . . . . . Blake Belushi & Rick Stanz


Jerry Eisen “The winners of this match will take the 5th and final spot in the Round Robin Tournament to crown the first ever FCK Tag Team Champions.”

Sam Strong “It’s going to be the sheer power of the Melbourne Blondes going up against sheer craftiness of Team Deathstrike.”


The Melbourne Blondes dominate early with powerful double team moves, until a series of eye pokes and foot stomps allow Team Deathstrike to isolate and control Blake in their corner. Akinori does the bulk of the work, while Danger barks orders from the apron.


Akinori tries to get him up for a Brainbuster, but Blake counters with a suplex and makes the tag. Rick runs wild with powerful slams and sets Akinori up for a Big Splash. He climbs up top, but Danger throws a handful of salt in his eyes as the Referee’s back is turned, allowing Akinori to hit a Brainbuster Superplex and get the win.




Sam Strong “Well, I can‘t say I like how it went down, but Team Deathstrike qualify, and will fight at the Summer FCKfest against the Dirty White Boys, returning from suspension.”







DHARMA GREGG is with HARRY ALLEN, a practically giddy CHITOSE KUMASAKA on his arm. STEVE GUMBLE sits in the background, recovering from his earlier match.



Harry, last week you answered Johnny Blood’s open challenge and came

within a hair of getting the win. Any future plans on chasing the FCK Title?



One thing at a time, little lady, one thing at a time. Maybe I did take

Johnny Blood to the limit last week, maybe the next time I fight for that

belt I’ll be able to win it, but for now the only gold I got my eye on

are those FCK Tag Team Titles.



Speaking of which, the tag team tournament kicks off this Wednesday

when you and Steve take on Dan DaLay and John Maverick.



We got history with DaLay and Maverick and ain’t no mistake. Seems

like ever since we got here they been tryin’ to take us out. They’ve won

a few battles and we’ve won some too, but we ain’t ever tangled with

‘em 2 on 2 before, and that just happens to be our specialty. We may

have been fightin’ alone recently, but for the past 10 years, Steve and

I have been shoulder to shoulder, fightin’ the good fight. Together. I trust

this man with my life! I would take a bullet for him, and there’s no doubt

in my mind that he’d do the same for me! Trust. Absolute trust. That’s

what makes us the best dang tag team in the Frontier Combat Kingdom

and that’s what makes us a force to be reckoned with in this here tournament.


DaLay! Maverick! We ain’t forgotten how you hit Steve with a car a few

months back. We ain’t forgotten how you tried to do the same to me. I

got myself a measure of revenge a ways back, but when it comes to the

Young Guns, there’s always room for a little more vigilante justice.

See y’all on Wednesday.





Jerry Eisen “Victoria, you met Catherine Quine last week. Any thought about “the only real female fighter in the Frontier Combat Kingdom“?”

Victoria Stone “Talkative.”

Sam Strong “This is a big opportunity for Rodriguez. She‘s been impressive since arriving here, but she‘s still looking for that first big win to put her on the map.”


The Cat begs off initially, claiming that Rodriguez’ lucha-style rolls are “cheating”. She retreats outside, but J-Ro wipes her out with a Plancha, before dragging her back into the ring and exploding with a series of exhilarating high-flying moves. Getting her wits about her, The Cat connects with a Spear, and starts laying in a vicious beatdown, mouthing off constantly.


The Cat misses a big Flying Elbow Drop, and Rodriguez battles back, wrongfooting her opponent with unorthodox Lucha-style arm-drags and Ranas. She hops up top for the Senton Bomb but gets cut off and crotched. They battle on the top turnbuckle. J-Ro shoves Quine down, but The Cat lands on her feet. Rodriguez goes for a Dragon Rana, but Quine counters with a Powerbomb and locks in the Cat’s Cradle (Magistral) for the win.









JOHNNY BLOOD stands in the middle of the ring, clutching tightly to his FCK Title belt. He is furious.



There’s not gonna be an open challenge tonight! I already proved my

point! I broke Boo Smithson’s arm! I broke ET Howard’s leg! I felt Harry

Allen’s neck begin to splinter and crack in my arms! I have proved that

I’m the best in this territory and the true Frontier Combat King!


This Wednesday! At the Summer FCKfest! I am finally going to defeat

Jeremy Stone! The one man I’ve never beaten! The man who trained me!

The man who helped me become the weapon I am today! Credit where

credit is due! Without him I never would never have become the Champion

I am today! But I have surpassed him! In every single way! I have taken

what he taught me at the House of Stone and I have made it better!


You don’t think so??? You don’t think I can beat Jeremy Stone???

Watch me! This Wednesday! Summer FCKfest! I am going to rip Jeremy

Stone apart! I’m going to break HIS arm! I’m going to break HIS leg! I’m

going to take him apart! Piece by piece! This is my title! Mine! Nobody

is going to take it from me!




JEREMY STONE calmly walks down the ramp, limping ever so slightly, uncharacteristically carrying a microphone.



You want to know why you’ve never beaten me, John? It’s because I

know you better than you know yourself. My father once told me that the

best way to know someone is to fight them, and I’ve been fighting you for

8 years. You’ve changed a lot in that time, but beneath the extra muscle,

beneath the haircut, beneath that chip on your shoulder, you’re still the

same boy I met in 2001 who tried so hard to impress me. The boy I trained

and stretched and made cry for mercy in the House of Stone. I don’t just

know how you think, I taught you how to think.


… and yet a couple of my lessons don’t seem to have sunk in. Respect.

Honour. There’s a thin line between being a professional fighter and

being a thug, and you’re crossing it. When you fight, you’re supposed

to do everything in your power to defeat your opponent, but you don’t go

out of your way to break their arm, or shatter their leg, or snap their neck.

You’ve lost your way, John. You’re one of the best fighters in the world

right now, but you’re not the best. Until you learn some respect, until

you let go of all of that rage inside of you, you’ll never become the

Champion I trained you to be.


An increasingly furious Blood is unable to meet Jeremy’s calm gaze. Getting angrier and angrier until Johnny explodes! Charging at Jeremy! Going for the knee! Jeremy sees it’s coming, counters his momentum and hurls him across the ring with the Stone’s Throw (Exploder Suplex). Blood lands hard and rolls out of the ring.



That anger. That rage. It makes you predictable, John. If you come to

the Summer FCKfest like this, I’m going to have no problem taking

that title from you.





Jerry Eisen “Main Event Time! The Second Three-Way of the Night. Who will have the momentum going into the Tag Team Tournament?”

Victoria Stone “These matches are very unpredictable. As we saw in the opener, any competitor can be taken out of the match, so it’s hard for there to be a favourite.”

Sam Strong “I agree, but I’m still going to take a gamble and put my money on Harry Allen. He came within a hair of winning the FCK Title last week, and is improving every single week.”


The bell rings and Maverick immediately bails, leaving Harry and DeColt to go at it. Harry turns up the pace, dodging, rolling, running the ropes, striking out with hit and run tactics. He springs off of the ropes, but Decolt catches him, presses him over his head and drops him to the mat. The Raging Bull straight-up overpowers The Vigilante, impressing with feats of tremendous strength.


Emotionless, Maverick blindsides DeColt with a Shoulder Stunner and begins clinically dissecting the elbow and shoulder of The Raging Bull with arm-wringers, stomps and hammerlock slams. DeColt telegraphs the fifth attempted slam, dead weighting it and trying to lift The Silent Threat off his feet, but his injured arm can’t take the weight. Maverick wipes him out with a second Shoulder Stunner.


Harry springs in out of nowhere and takes it to Maverick. The Silent Threat tries to take him to ground, but The Vigilante is too fast, rocking him with an Enziguri and crushing him with Driving Double Knees into the turnbuckle. DeColt scoops Harry up for a Running Powerslam, but can’t hold on with his weakened left arm. Harry slips free, plants him with a Reverse DDT and climbs up top for the Fistful of Dynamite. Maverick cuts him off and tries a Superplex, but Harry fights it off.


DeColt interjects as they battle on the turnbuckle. He hoists Maverick onto one shoulder, Harry onto the other, and in a tremendous feat of strength and fortitude, destroys both with a Dual Running Powerslam. As they struggle to their feet, DeColt hits the Decolt Stampede (Running Bulldog) on Maverick while turning Harry inside out with a clothesline in the process, allowing him to pin Maverick uninterrupted.




Jerry Eisen “Two wins in two matches for the new team of DeColt and Stone!”

Victoria Stone “Never thought I’d hear anyone say that in my lifetime…”

Sam Strong “Both are phenomenal singles competitors, but tag team wrestling is a different animal entirely. One thing‘s for sure, this is going to be one hell of a tournament, and it all kicks off in two days at the Summer FCKfest.”




Celebrating, Steve DeColt turns and LEFT HOOK! DeColt is out cold! RAUL HUGHES stands over his unconscious body with a smile upon his face.

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Opening Commentary... B-



Go Home Promo: Triumvirate... C


Go Home Promo: Edd & DeColt... B


Go Home Promo: The Young Guns... C+


Johnny Blood argues with Jeremy Stone... B



‘The Marksman’ gives this show a B-

Early reports put the rating at 0.29


Here’s the card for the Summer FCKfest, courtesy of FCKwrestling.ca

FCK Title Match: Johnny Blood [c] vs. Jeremy Stone

FCK Tag Tournament: DaLay & Maverick vs. Young Guns

FCK Tag Tournament: Dirty White Boys vs. Team Deathstrike

Raul Hughes vs. Steve DeColt

Edd Stone vs. Victoria Stone

Catherine Quine vs. Nightshade vs. Melody Cuthill vs. Joanne Rodriguez

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FCK Title Match: Johnny Blood [c] vs. Jeremy Stone

A draw. The champ retains, and still hasn't beaten Jeremy Stone.


FCK Tag Tournament: DaLay & Maverick vs. Young Guns

It goes against the grain to predict against the Young Guns, but Damn it, DaLay and Mav have to win something eventually, right?


FCK Tag Tournament: Dirty White Boys vs. Team Deathstrike

Team Deathstrike are glorified jobbers.


Raul Hughes vs. Steve DeColt



Edd Stone vs. Victoria Stone

Somehow, Edd Stone manages to pull out the win.


Catherine Quine vs. Nightshade vs. Melody Cuthill vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Time to establish a new contender. A new contender of EEEEEEEEEEVIL!

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FCK Title Match: Johnny Blood [c] vs. Jeremy Stone


FCK Tag Tournament: DaLay & Maverick vs. Young Guns

Best. FCK. Team. Ever. If the Guns don't win I riot.

FCK Tag Tournament: Dirty White Boys vs. Team Deathstrike

I dislike DWB in your dynasty

Raul Hughes vs. Steve DeColt

D-Colt wins...

Edd Stone vs. Victoria Stone

Double D loses

Catherine Quine vs. Nightshade vs. Melody Cuthill vs. Joanne Rodriguez

J-Ro! J-Ro! J-Ro!

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Great show as usual especially enjoyed the Edd Stone + Steve Decolt Interview.


FCK Title Match: Johnny Blood [c] vs. Jeremy Stone

I'm going with the crowd here - Draw.

FCK Tag Tournament: DaLay & Maverick vs. Young Guns

Really liking the Young Guns right now.

FCK Tag Tournament: Dirty White Boys vs. Team Deathstrike

A win on their return.

Raul Hughes vs. Steve DeColt

Who Rules?

Edd Stone vs. Victoria Stone

The wins continue.

Catherine Quine vs. Nightshade vs. Melody Cuthill vs. Joanne Rodriguez

A win at last maybe!?

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