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Cverse Draft 2009: Frontier Combat Kingdom

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Another awesome, awesome show as ever. But... where's the love for Team Eisen!?


Raul Hughes vs Jeremy Stone - tough one, but I want DaLay to hold that title for a little while longer, and i can see him beating Raul again...


Knuckles & Shady K vs The Dirty White Boys - Well, so much for evening that one up. Looks like the DWB kick arse - in-ring at least.


Danger Kumasaka vs Harry Allen - Chitose's future love machine gets the win.


Christian Faith vs Maverick - Charisma, overness, star quality, ability vs. ability. Hmm...


Dharma Gregg vs Melody Cuthill (Pudding Match) - To the victor... pudding! To the loser... also pudding!

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Hi everyone! Dharma Gregg here! I'm sure you all know about "FCK Going To War!" by now, but some of you might be wondering, like, why you should care... I mean, one guy in a suit calling the shots is just the same as another, right? Well I thought (or at least my Boss did LOL) I should go investigate, so I went to each of the Generals, and asked them what changes they'd made to the Frontier Combat Kingdom.







The Frontier Combat Kingdom has two of the best female fighters in the

World right now, so I’d add a Women’s Title into the mix and give them

something to fight for. Might even be enough to convince Alicia to come

to the Kingdom.





Seeing as Dan DaLay has no chance of being dethroned any time soon, I’d

add a Second Singles Title to the Frontier Combat Kingdom. Maverick needs

something to wear around his waist.





Tag Team Titles. What? You need a reason? I'm a billionaire. I don't need to

explain myself to you.



I hope that clears things up. 3 different men. 3 different plans LOL. Cya




Dharma Gregg



OOC: Show's coming along slowly. I've got like 8000 projects on the go right now, and they're taking priority. It won't be up this Monday.

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  • 2 weeks later...






Jerry Eisen “FCK me sideways! We’re 3 weeks away from ‘FCK Going To War’ and the armies continue to form. Last week, Christian Faith joined Team Strong, and in answer to that, joining Team Garcia, was my guest tonight, Ladies and Gentleman...

Steve DeColt “WHO RULES???”

Jerry Eisen “DeColt Rules.”

Steve DeColt “Damn straight. In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past week, The Raging Bull, Steve DeColt, is back! Back in the Frontier Combat Kingdom. Back! In! DeColt Country!

Jerry Eisen “Two huge matches on the card tonight. For the past few weeks, Christian Faith has talked about testing himself against the best Canada has to offer, so tonight he’s going one-on-one with a former CGC Triple Crown winner, The Silent Threat, Maverick.”

Steve DeColt“You know Steve DeColt’s gonna be watching that one closely. Just like I will for the Main Event. Two members of Team Strong; Jeremy Stone and Raul Hughes, are going to fight for a spot in the FCK Title match at ‘Going To War’. Make no mistake about it, that belt means everything in the Frontier Combat Kingdom, and these two warriors aren’t going to hold back just because they’re team mates.”

Jerry Eisen “Last time these two fought, Raul Hughes scored what many considered an upset, thanks to his devastating Left Hook. Will history repeat itself? Who will represent Team Strong in the Main Event of ‘FCK Going To War’? We’ll find out tonight.”






DHARMA GREGG is with SAM STRONG, the members of Team Strong behind him.



Mr. Strong. With your team already decided, what do you think of your

chances at ‘FCK Going To War’?



Honestly, looking at my team, I think our chances are great. I knew

when I announced this event that I’d have put put together the best

team possible, but I never imagined I’d get a team like this. Four

members of Team Strong, four world-beaters, and they’re all in

action tonight to prove just how powerful they are.


CHRISTIAN FAITH sits in the corner, thumbing through his bible.



Christian Faith. 4-time SWF Heavyweight Champion. A master tactician.

A master of mind-games. Nobody in this sport has more Big Fight

experience. Nobody is better when put on the big stage. Tonight, Steve

DeColt’s going to get a look at exactly what he’s in for at ‘FCK Going

To War’ as Christian Faith goes up against Maverick.


HARRY ALLEN leans back on his chair, softly strumming away on a guitar. He looks a little in awe of the company he’s keeping, but otherwise perfectly comfortable.



Harry Allen. The Vigilante. 2-time TCW All-Action Champion. 2-time TCW

Cruiserweight Champion. 5-time Tag Team Champion. One of the best

high-flyers in the sport day. What he lacks in size, he makes up for in

heart, drive, and he‘s not half bad on the guitar either. Tonight, he

answers the challenge of Danger Kumasaka, a thirty year veteran of

the sport. Kumasaka best bring every trick he’s ever learned to that

ring, because Harry’s on a roll, headed right to the top.


Harry is somewhat taken aback by the high praise. Meanwhile, RAUL HUGHES is destroying a punching bag



Raul Hughes. The Demolition Expert. Former BHOTWG Champion.

Multi-time GAMMA Heavyweight Champion. The most powerful striker

in the sport today, with a Left Hook that could knock out a horse. I have no

doubt in my mind that he could go into the Three-Way Main Event at ‘FCK

Going to War’ and walk out with the title… but to get there, he’s

going to have to beat this man…


Raul glares across the room at JEREMY STONE, doing free squats, glaring right back.



Jeremy Stone. The Canadian Wrestling Machine. 4-time NOTBPW

Champion. 4-time NOTBPW Tag Team Champion. The undisputed king

of technical wrestling. Cool, calm, collected. Wrestling is in his blood.

Tonight, Jeremy Stone and Raul Hughes are going to fight it out. The

winner gets into the Title match at ‘FCK Going To War’. Pure and simple.

Two warriors in their prime. May the best man wi-


Strong is cut off when Jeremy’s phone starts ringing. The Canadian Wrestling Machine stops his squats and answers.


JEREMY STONE (to phone)

Yeah? Uh huh… Uh huh… Where?.. Okay.

(hanging up)

I have to go.



What? Jeremy, you’ve got a match. You can’t go.



Edd’s in jail. I have to go. I’ll try to make it back in time.


Loud 80’s Rock Music kicks off and the lights go nuclear as THE DIRTY WHITE CREW make a typically lengthy entrance, LEAD BELLY and GREASE HOGG taking their time in getting themselves and every fan around them as drunk as humanly possible, accompanied by a writhing, gyrating BLONDE BOMBSHELL.


TROY TORNADO makes a less energetic entrance, surrounded by sombre looking Bodyguards, led by the gigantic SHADY K and KNUCKLES.


/w Troy Tornado KNUCKLES & SHADY K VS THE DIRTY WHITE BOYS /w Blonde Bombshell



Jerry Eisen “For the last few weeks, The D.W.B have been trying to get their hands on Troy Tornado, but every single time they get close, one of his elite Bodyguards is able to squirrel him away.”

Steve DeColt“Simple solution. Take them both out at the same time.


It kicks off with a wild brawl, both sides ignoring the rules and throwing hands with reckless abandon, going toe to drunken, pissed off toe. Referee Sparrow finally asserts himself, forcing Lead Belly onto the apron, allowing Tornado’s Bodyguards to double team Grease Hogg and beat him down. After a few minutes of being worn down by stiff brawling and shady tactics, Grease Hogg explodes out of the corner and makes the tag to Lead Belly!


The giant cleans house with heavy-handed punches and brutal charges into the turnbuckles, before hitting Knuckles with the RPM Bomb (Spinning Crucifix Toss) as Grease Hogg wipes out Shady K with the Grease Spot (High Knee Strike).




Lead Belly and Grease Hogg turn their attention to Troy Tornado, sitting ringside, surrounded by a cadre of Bodyguards. Without a second thought, the D.W.B wade into the Bodyguards, destroying them left and right, dragging the Rock Star into the ring. Grease Hogg cracks open a beer and watches as Lead Belly hoists Tornado up for The RPM Bomb




JOHNNY BLOOD levels Lead Belly with a vicious chair shot to the back. L.B. drops Tornado, and Blood follows up with another to the skull. Grease Hogg tosses aside his beer and launches after Blood with the Grease Spot, but Johnny dodges and decapitates him with the Raging Elbow (Discus Elbow Strike) before mercilessly stomping him. The few surviving members of Tornado’s Bodyguards pull Lead Belly to his feet, as Troy grabs his guitar and a microphone.



On behalf of myself, my record label, and fans of my music worldwide,

I’d like to thank Johnny Blood and Mr. Eisen for their assistance, and

say that at ‘FCK Going To War’... they can count me in. Troy Tornado

fights for Team Eisen.


Tornado smashes the electric guitar over Lead Belly’s head.



There will be no encore.






STEVE GUMBLE climbs out of his old, beat-up, pick-up truck, and heads for the arena, where HARRY ALLEN sits on the steps.



Well ain’t you a sight for sore eyes. Tough drive?






Beard’s growin’ in good.






Good to have you back. buddy. I gotta match in a few, I’m either savin’ a

damsel from her tyrannical pop, or beatin’ up an old man who won’t

leave my ass alone... Either way, a fight’s a fight, right? Find me

later, we’ll get a beer or somethin’.



Need any help out there?



Nope. I’m fine on my own.


Harry Allen hurries inside. Steve Gumble grumbles.





Steve DeColt“Looks like young Chitose has a thing for The Vigilante. Can’t say I blame her. He’s a chilled-out bad-ass who plays by his own rules, with cool hair and an awesome beard. He’s like a pocket sized version of me.”

Jerry Eisen “Well Danger Kumasaka certainly isn’t happy with his daughter’s crush. He’s done everything in his power to take out Harry Allen, besides going after him himself, and that’s what he’s trying tonight.”


Furious, Danger attacks, but Harry’s too fast, too agile, ducking and weaving and striking out with stiff kicks, vicious chops and sudden Ranas, much to Chitose’s delight. Harry goes for the Gunslinger’s Revenge (Cutter) but Danger shoves him off and bails outside, yelling at his Daughter. He rears back a hand… but Harry launches after him with a Somersault Plancha… but Danger moves! Scouted! Harry’s shoulder slams into the barricade!


Back in the the ring, Danger works over the arm, as a worried Chitose looks on. Kumasaka ruthlessly attacks with arm-wringers, arm-bars, single arm DDTs, stopping occasionally to cackle. He goes for a Furusawa Armbar, but Harry fights out and battles back with stiff kicks. Not to be thwarted, Danger comes back with Kitozen Chops. The two warriors go toe-to-toe, back-and-forth, until they wipe each other out with simultaneous clotheslines.


Desperate, Danger rolls over to his daughter and yells at her to pass him a chair, but she refuses. He keeps yelling and yelling and… Chitose slaps him! Danger staggers back and Harry hits the Gunslinger’s Revenge (Cutter) for the win.




Danger leaves up the ramp, muttering under his breath and casting his Daughter some furious glances. Chitose looks like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders, grinning ear to ear. In celebration, she rips off her own kimono, revealing an itty-bitty bikini stretched over a perfectly-toned body. She leaps into Harry’s arms, wraps her legs around his waist, and sticks her tongue down her throat. The Vigilante is surprised, but smart enough to not fight it.



For years, Jeremy Stone has been a powerful figure in the Canadian Wrestling scene, but he’s also been a silent one. Until now. Several weeks ago, FCK CEO Sam Strong sat down with Jeremy in his home in Halifax, Nova Scotia and conducted and exhaustive 6 hour interview, covering every facet of the life of the Canadian Wrestling Machine.

As a preview of this exciting upcoming DVD release, specially selected excerpts will be airing each week on ‘FCK Mondays!’.






JEREMY STONE and SAM STRONG are mid-interview. Sam looks at a photograph of Edd Stone, holding high the NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship.



Let’s talk about Edd Stone. What was it like growing up with the

24 Hour Party Animal?



Well… I never grew up with Edd. When he was born, I was already oot

of the house, on the road full-time, wrestling all across Canada, doing

tours in Japan… Except for a couple of times babysitting and the occasional

family dinner, I barely saw him. Even when I moved back to Halifax to

start up the House of Stone, he was doing his thing, I was doing mine,

and our paths rarely crossed... Until I trained him.



What was he like as a student?



Difficult. He already had an attitude problem, and thought he could write

his own ticket just because “his name was above the door”. He thought

he could make his own hours and only learn what he wanted to learn.

He refused to do any “boring technical crap”, even though “boring

technical crap” has won the Stone Family countless championships

all over the world. I’ve never had to drag a student oot of bed and

into class before... or since.


But when he wanted to learn, he was great. He’s got balance, flexibility,

timing... He can take a tremendous amount of punishment, and has

amazing instincts considering how young he is. The way his body works...

the way his mind works... When I fought him a while back at ‘FCK

Valentine’s Day’, I couldn’t believe some of the things he was doing, and

I’ve been in the ring 20 years. Edd could be great one day. He could be

the best of us. He still has things to learn, and I really want to help him, but...


When our Father signed Edd up at the House of Stone, I wasn’t just

asked to train him, I was asked to set him straight. Edd was already the

black sheep, already getting in the papers, already causing problems

for the family... So I pushed him... I trained him how I trained Danny and

Duane, how my Father trained me, but... I pushed too hard. He wasn’t

ready, and he’s resented me for it ever since.



Edd spent a few years in NOTBPW, and had some success, but was

fired in late 2007. Why was that? We’ve heard rumors, but nothing

has been confirmed.



I’m not going to talk aboot that. Not my thing.



Did you watch much Total Wrestling when he went down to TCW?



Every episode. I even bought a satellite dish for it because GNN Sports

isn’t on cable up here. I... I didn’t like a lot of what he was doing. The

women. The dancing. The time he fell oot of an air vent… but he seemed

to be having fun, more fun than I ever saw him have in NOTBPW.



Since he was drafted here to the Frontier Combat Kingdom, you’ve been

trying to patch up your relationship, but judging from the Super Kick

he gave you at ‘FCK Easter’ things don’t seem to be going well.


Jeremy is quiet for a few moments. It’s a painful memory.



I asked our Father aboot Edd the other day, and all he said were two

words. “I’m done.” Now he has his reasons for that, but me? I’m not done.

I haven't been the perfect brother. I pushed him too hard in training, I

didn’t pick up the phone when he got fired. I... I let him down... but

I’m trying to make it right. If he ever needs me, I’ll be there to help. No

matter when. No matter what. He’s my brother, I love him, and I haven’t

given up on him... Not by a long shot.








The Cameraman frantically chases JEREMY STONE as he strides through the parking lot and into the Police Station. The OFFICER at the desk jumps out of his chair when he recognizes the Canadian Wrestling Machine.



Oh my… Mr Stone! I didn’t think you’d actually come… It’s an honor, sir.

CLIVE! GET THE KID! I don’t suppose I could get a picture, could I?


The Officer sheepishly pulls out a camera, and despite his frustration, Jeremy obliges, making the obligatory fist every fighter must make when caught on camera.




EDD STONE swaggers in, eyes bloodshot, jacket torn to shreds, hair out-of-this-world. Grinning, he’s in a surprisingly good mood, until he sees Jeremy.



What took you so long?


Jeremy just glares at him as the Policemen remove his cuffs and starts returning his possessions. Sunglasses. Yo-yo. Lots of cash. Deck of Adult playing cards. Nintendo DS with Hello Kitty’s Island Adventure cartridge...



I was holding that for a friend…



That’s what they all say.



What about my… um… you know… “Skittles”



Do you really think we’re going to give those back? Get oot of here.



Friggin’ ****s, man.


Putting on his sunglasses, Edd glances at Jeremy, amused.



Having fun there, Jez? Getting to save your little brother from the horrors

of jail? Guess again. I actually had a pretty good time. Frankly, I’ve been

partying so hard these past few weeks, I was glad for a place to sit

down. Ooh! And my cell-mate, Big Rob, gives awesome backrubs…

but then considering what he’s in for, that’s to be expected. Hey, can you

drop me off somewhere? Big Rob says there’s this totally awesome club

downtown that I have to check out.


Jeremy glares at him.



Okay, suit yourself. I’ll walk.


Jeremy borrows a set of handcuffs and cuffs himself to Edd, before dragging the 24 Hour Party Animal out of the door.



Dude. Weak.






Jerry Eisen “Time for something different from the Frontier Combat Kingdom. It’s time for the ‘FCK Women’ division”

Steve DeColt “Ever heard the saying ‘Never wear jeans to a strip club’? I think that applies right here.”


Melody outwrestles Dharma early on, with simple moves expertly applied. Dharma comes back with sheer enthusiasm and admirable balance on the slippery mat, but Melody’s flexibility allows her to slip out of her grasp. The two girls roll around together, getting thoroughly covered in Pudding, until Melody breaks free, and hits the Melody Maker (Rocker Dropper) out of nowhere for the win.




Melody celebrates, trying to help Dharma up, but having trouble keeping her footing. CATHERINE QUINE saunters out, a look of disgust on her face, watching the girls laugh and frolic.





“Wow”. Did you Male Chauvinist Pigs in the audience enjoy that? Watching

these two sluts roll around together, their legs intertwined, their heaving,

sopping wet bosoms mashed up against each other... Did that make you

happy you bought a ticket? Well it shouldn’t, because it was disgusting!

Every single one of you that cheered, or clapped, or crossed your legs to

hide your pitiful erections... You sicken me. You fans sicken me, the people

who arranged this ‘fight’ sicken me, you two whores in the ring sicken me...



Oh my God, we get it already. Don’t you have something better to do

than come out here and interrupt our fun?



Fun? This is disgusting! You two are embarrassments to womankind-



You know what, I’ve been listening to you prattle on, week after week,

running me down, running Dharma down, running our fans down, and

I’ve tried to take the high road. I’ve tried to sit back and ignore your

maniacal ravings, but enough is enough. Sure, I might enjoy the odd

Pudding Match, I might kinda enjoy squeezing Dharma Gregg’s face

between my legs, but when push comes to shove, I can fight. You say

that I’m not a real fighter, well I’ll be more than happy to prove you wrong

next week. You cheated to beat me at ‘FCK Easter’, so I want a rematch.



I... um... I don’t need to prove anything to you... No. I’ve already beaten

you twice. You haven’t earned a rematch. Rolling around in pudding with

strippers doesn’t earn anything except an STD and the scorn of true

feminists worldwide. If you want to earn a fight against me, you’re going

to have to take on a real fighter first. One of my choosing.



Fine by me. I don’t care whose ass I’ve gotta kick to get to you. Throw

anyone you want at me. Anyone. Male. Female. I don’t mind. You’re saying

I’m not a real fighter? Next week I’ll show you just how real I can be.






Looking worried, SAM STRONG enters his office, where a FCK Bunny has the phone to her ear.



It ringing? Good. Put it on speakerphone.


The FCK Bunny complies, then quickly gets out of his way. Just in time too, the phone is immediately picked up on the other end. The line is horrible, and there’s constantly changing music in the background, as though someone’s repeatedly flicking through radio stations.


EDD STONE (on speakerphone)

Jeremy Stone’s phone. You’ve got Edd!



Edd? Put Jeremy on.


EDD STONE (on speakerphone)

No can do, boss man. Jez is behind the wheel, putting reasonably

priced pedal to family-sized metal. Can’t be breaking any laws now,

can we. Jail was fine by the way, thanks for asking.



You’re cutting it pretty close. You guys getting back soon?


EDD STONE (on speakerphone)

No idea, dude. All these roads look the same. Think we just passed a

signpost but it’s crazy dark out here, man. I can’t see nothin’!


JEREMY STONE (in background)

Take off the sunglasses, you moron.


EDD STONE (on speakerphone)

Hold up! This song is totally about me!


Edd turns up the radio, and all that can be heard is loud, monotonous Dance Music. There’s a THUNK, a girlish scream, and the radio is suddenly turned off.



Just you wait until I get out of these cuffs...



Just... Tell him to hurry up.



You got it, skipper. Ooh! Hitchhiker! We’ve totally gotta pick this guy up!


Looking even more worried than before, Sam Strong hangs up.





Jerry Eisen“Steve, one thing I’ve been wondering... Last week you joined Team Garcia in order to get a match with Christian Faith, and this week Faith is booked against one of your teammates. Coincidence or something more sinister?”

Steve DeColt “Well I didn’t sic Maverick on him to soften him up if that’s what you mean. It wouldn’t surprise me if this is Garcia trying to suck up to The Raging Bull, but it’s no plan on my part. I want Christian Faith at full power for ‘FCK Going To War’.”


Faith kneels in the corner and whispers a short prayer, as Adrian Garcia gives Maverick some last minute advice. As the bell rings, Maverick ignores Faith’s offered handshake with a blank stare and the fight is on!


Faith calmly waits to see what Maverick attempts before efficiently countering, mentally ripping apart The Silent Threat’s gameplan. Maverick goes for his fourth arm-wringer in a row, but Faith cuts him off with a series of Faith Hammers (Bionic Elbows) and unleashes. Atomic Drop. Backbreaker. Faith goes for the Leap of Faith (Big Corner Splash) but Maverick dodges at the last moment and Faith’s ribs slam into the turnbuckle with a tremendous force.


Following Garcia’s frantic instructions, Maverick begins his emotionless, clinical assault, zeroing in on Faith’s ribs. Precise stomps, pinpoint knees, repeatedly hitting the same perfectly executed Gutbuster. He locks in an Abdominal Stretch, but Faith fights back, unloading with Faith Hammers, every breathe wracking his body with pain. Discus Clothesline. Pumphandle Slam. Just as he’s picking up steam, Maverick cuts him off with a knee to the ribs, and locks in the Deadly Silence (Dream Hold) Faith fades fast.


“We Have Faith! We-Have-Faith! We-Have-Faith!”[/center


Summoning all of his strength, Faith breaks free of the Sleeper, and reverses it into the Test of Faith (Main Event Sleeper) squeezing until Maverick passes out.




Jerry Eisen “A hard fought victory from Christian Faith. Your thoughts?”

Steve DeColt “He’s certainly a legend. It’s going to be an honor to kick his ass at ‘FCK Going To War’.”








RAUL HUGHES makes his way to the ring, eager to fight.


Jerry Eisen “Raul Hughes is here, but we have no idea how far away Jeremy Stone is. He hasn’t made it back to the arena yet, and if he doesn’t get here soon, Referee Samuel Sparrow will have no choice but to award this match to Raul Hughes.

Steve DeColt “Which would be just fine by Raul. He’s perfectly happy to fight for it, but bottom line, Raul wants the belt, and he’ll take the shot any way he can. I think Jeremy’s made a big mistake going to get his brother like that.”

Jerry Eisen “Would you be saying that if it was Ricky in jail?”

Steve DeColt “Ricky wouldn’t be stupid enough to get arrested.”


Referee Sparrow looks at his watch. He has no choice, time to award the match to... WAIT! On the big screen…






A car screeches to a halt and JEREMY STONE climbs out. Still handcuffed to his brother, he drags a struggling EDD STONE out after him, and marches into the arena. Barely managing to keep up, Edd tries to gnaw himself free of the handcuffs.



Dude! What the Hell?


Ignoring his brother, Jeremy continues on, through corridors, through catering, and out through the entranceway as his music thunders throughout the arena. Jeremy arrives to an explosion of cheers, and he strides down to the ring, handcuffs Edd at the announce desk, and rolls into the ring, ready to fight.






Edd Stone “OH COME ON, WHAT THE HELL, YOU... YOU STUPID... BALD... stupid-head...”

Steve DeColt“Good one.”

Jerry Eisen “Jeremy Stone vs Raul Hughes. Part 2. Predictions?”

Edd Stone “Raul is going to break Jeremy’s face and become my new best friend in the whole wide world.”

Steve DeColt“It’s a tough choice. Jeremy has the undoubted edge on the ground, but Raul has that game-changing Left Hook.”

Jerry Eisen “And think about this. Jeremy hasn’t had time to warm up, he’s been driving for the past hour, meaning he hasn’t gone through his usual pre-fight routine.”

Steve DeColt“Great point. Every fighter worth his salt knows that the hour or so before a match is crucial. It’s not superstition, it’s maximization. It’s getting the most out of your mind and body exactly when you need it. Jeremy hasn’t been able to prepare, and that could cost him.”

Edd Stone “You’ve lost me. KICK HIS ASS, RAUL!”


The two warriors touch gloves, and the fight is on!


Jeremy immediately tries to take it to the ground, but Raul resists his takedowns and throws powerful punches that Stone has no choice but to back away from. Raul launches a vicious Left Hook, but Jeremy ducks and shoots in for a double-leg takedown, looking for a submission. Raul is at his mercy on the mat as Jeremy works over his joints with a variety of painful holds, trying in particular to incapacitate his left arm.


Scoring some stiff strikes from the guard, Raul breaks free. He lays into Jeremy with powerful punches, rocking him with a Right Cross and following up with a series of jabs and body blows, wearing down the Canadian Wrestling Machine. Jeremy retaliates with a few vicious knees, but is overwhelmed by Raul’s superior punching power.


Jeremy keeps his cool, bides his time and scores a Rolling Wheel Kick out of nowhere to turn the tide. He connects with a Belly-to-Belly, a Northern Lights, and a series of German Suplexes. He signals for the Stone Hold and gets decked by a Right Cross... Straight Jab... Big Uppercut... LEFT HO- Ducked! Stone’s Throw (Exploder Suplex)! Jeremy makes the cover. 1... 2... 3!




Jerry Eisen “And just like that, Jeremy Stone earns a spot in the Three Way FCK Title match at ‘FCK Going To War’!”


Jeremy helps Raul up to his feet, and- LEFT HOOK! Jeremy is out cold!


Edd Stone “Whoa!”

Jerry Eisen “What was that for?”

Steve DeColt “Looks like Raul Hughes wasn’t too happy about coming up second best here tonight.

Edd Stone “Raul Hughes you magnificent bastard. That’s the best thing I’ve seen in the history of ever. I’m gonna sleep good tonight.”










Sam Strong presents his team... B


Johnny Blood attacks... B

Young Guns Reunite... C+


Interview: Jeremy Stone Part 3... B-

Jeremy bails out Edd... B


Quine/Cuthill Argument... C+

Phone Call... B+


Pre-Fight Shenanigans... A



“The Marksman” gives this show a B-

Early reports put the rating at a 0.21


Next Week's card, as reported on FCKwrestling.ca


Troy Tornado vs Steve DeColt

Johnny Blood vs Lead Belly

Catherine Quine vs Chitose Kumasaka

Melody Cuthill vs An opponent of Catherine Quine’s choosing

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Self, you diary machine you. Wonderful show, i'm running out of superlatives for them by now!


For a moment:


Edd turns up the radio, and all that can be heard is loud, monotonous Dance Music. There’s a THUNK, a girlish scream


I thought you were going down the *dun dun DUNNNN* car crash route, but alas, Edd just got his hand smacked away. Loving the Stone family dynamic, loving the Chitose/Allen angle, loving it all. Top stuff. Worth the wait.


Troy Tornado vs Steve DeColt - I think Tornado is setting a record for most big matches without a clean win, but i don't think that'll end just yet. Also, I can't stand the guy.

Johnny Blood vs Lead Belly - Raaaaaaaaaaage! shall triumph over intoxication.

Catherine Quine vs Chitose Kumasaka - Well, someone's getting their arse kicked here, and it's certainly not Ms. Quine.

Melody Cuthill vs An opponent of Catherine Quine’s choosing - I *do* bet against '???'.


Any chance of a normal-sized version of the bearded Gumble?

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Troy Tornado vs Steve DeColt



Johnny Blood vs Lead Belly

Alas, I just don't think that Lead Belly can beat someone as angry ad Blood.


Catherine Quine vs Chitose Kumasaka

She'll cheat.


Melody Cuthill vs An opponent of Catherine Quine’s choosing

Melody's easily as good as, well, anyone Cat might get to do her dirty work.

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Jerry Eisen “We are just 2 weeks away from ‘FCK Going To War’, the 2-day PPV spectacular that will decide of the fate of the entire Frontier Combat Kingdom. I’m Jerry Eisen, and with me this week is without question one of the best female wrestlers on the planet, ‘The Excellence of Sexecution’ Melody Cuthill.”

Melody Cuthill “Excited to be here, Jerry. Just be gentle with me, it’s my first time doing a full-show on commentary.”

Jerry Eisen “I’ll… um… I’ll try to take it slow. For the past few weeks Catherine Quine has claimed that you’re not a ‘real fighter’. Tonight you’ll fight an opponent of her choosing in an attempt to prove her wrong. How are you feeling?

Melody Cuthill “Pretty good, actually. Usually I spend the week before a fight scouting my opponent, watching tapes, coming up with strategies, generally just obsessing… But with a mystery opponent I haven’t really been able to do any of that. It’s been kinda freeing. I’ve finally had time to catch up on returning emails.

Jerry Eisen “Tonight’s main event is not to be missed. For the first time ever, The Raging Bull, Steve DeColt takes on Troy Tornado.”

Melody Cuthill “It should be a fantastic fight. These guys have never fought before, and you never know, they could never fight again. Steve DeColt is like a National institution, and Troy Tornado is one of the fastest rising stars in America, so I’d be kicking myself if I missed this one.

Jerry Eisen “Very true. One last question, Melody… How do you ‘Sexecute’ someone?

Melody Cuthill “I have no idea… Apparently I’m good at it though.“







RAUL HUGHES stalks through the corridor and enters the Team Strong locker room, where he comes face-to-face with JEREMY STONE and SAM STRONG. There’s an intense staredown between the two sides, until Raul extends his hand to the Canadian Wrestling Machine.



I’m not one for apologizing... Heat of the battle was all.


Hardly moved by his words, and more than a little wary, Jeremy shakes his hand. Sam Strong follows suit.





CAHTERINE QUINE is in the ring, looking at the crowd with contempt.





In mere moments, I am going to destroy Chitose Kumasaka. I know you

Male Chauvinist Pigs are expecting it to be a Pudding Match, or something

else that requires me to degrade myself, but that’s not going to happen.

I’m not out here to please you ’men’. I am a real fighter, and despite who

my opponent is, this is going to be a real fight. So sit down, shut up,

and pay attention.





Melody Cuthill “So I guess Harry and Chitose are an official couple now. Good for them.”

Jerry Eisen “Chitose seems happy, but she may be out of her league against a veteran like Catherine Quine”


Catherine Quine dominates from the bell, using simple holds in an almost mocking fashion, constantly berating her young opponent. Using some inventive variations on the word ‘whore’, Quine throws some Palm Strikes, but Chitose ducks, dips and dodges, even matrix-ing under one blow.


Melody Cuthill “Wow. Impressive flexibility. I bet Harry’s enjoying that.”


Quine levels Chitose with a spear, and notices Melody and Jerry Eisen chuckling at the announce table out of the corner of the eye, Quine gets up and starts yelling at her, completely distracted. Suddenly, Chitose schoolgirls her for the pin.




Catherine Quine is stunned as an ecstatic Chitose rolls out of the ring and leaps in Harry Allen’s arms. Quine casts an evil glance at Melody at the announce table.









CHITOSE KUMASAKA is ecstatic, jumping up and down, babbling incoherently in excited, unintelligible Japanese, much to the baffled amusement of HARRY ALLEN. STEVE GUMBLE sits nearby, less than impressed.



You understand any of that?






Me neither. Probably should getta book or somethin ’.


Suddenly and inexplicable panicking, Chitose starts yanking on Harry’s arm, apparently wanting him to follow her.



Aw shoot. I gotta go, partner. Team Strong stuff. We’ll catch up later

though, right?


Gumble opens his mouth to speak, but Harry & Chitose are already gone. Steve Gumble grumbles. He turns around, and realizes he’s being watched by...





You’ve heard what they’re all saying, haven’t you. “Harry Allen’s really

stepped up his game recently.” You and I both know what they’re really

saying. “Harry Allen’s really stepped up his game… since he ditched

his partner”. That’s the problem with tag teams though, isn’t it. Eventually

they all break up, and when they do, one person rises, and the other falls

into obscurity. Inevitable. I have a proposition for you. It’s come to my

attention that you need something to do at ‘FCK Going To War’ and I

need someone who can take out the Vigilante.



What are you, crazy? I ain’t gonna fight Harry.



Oh no? In these past two months without you, Harry Allen has risen

faster and higher than in the entire decade he spent with you at his

side. He’s better off without you. You know it. I know it. Even the idiot

fans in this arena know it. The only person who doesn’t is Harry, and

believe me, it’s just a matter of time before he figures it out and

calls an end to The Young Guns.


But here’s something only I seem to know. You can beat Harry Allen.

You can. Then, maybe people wont think Harry is the breakout star,

maybe they’ll think Steve Gumble is the one to watch, and maybe

you’ll get to decide when, or if, The Young Guns break up.


Trust me, Steve. I want you guys together. Unlike Sam Strong, I want

a tag team division in the Frontier Combat Kingdom, and I’m going to

need the best teams in the world to fill it. So… will you help me out?


Conflicted, Steve Gumble grumbles.






Welcome to Team Eisen.




D.C. Rayne & E.T. Howard . . . . Jeremy Stone, Harry Allen

Aki Kwakami, Danger Kumasaka . . . Raul Hughes, Christian Faith



Jerry Eisen “It’s certainly a formidable team that Sam Strong has assembled.”

Melody Cuthill “I wonder how Raul Hughes will fit in after last week’s outburst.”


Team Strong thoroughly dominate from the outset. Hughes stuns Danger with powerful punches and devastating ground & pound. Harry uses his speed and agility to stay one-step-ahead of ET. Jeremy uses flawless technique to tie DC in knots. Faith counters Akinori’s every move.


Harry and Jeremy take out Natural Storm with simultaneous planchas, Christian Faith goes for the Leap of Faith (Big Corner Splash) but Akinori rolls aside. Faith crashes into the turnbuckles, allowing Team Deathstrike to double team Raul, Akinori Russian Leg Sweeping the Demolition Expert onto Danger’s bended knee.


Jeremy launches Danger across the ring with the Stone’s Throw (Exploder Suplex) and Harry hits the Gunslinger’s Revenge on Akinori for the win.




Jerry Eisen “Well if that doesn’t prove that Team Strong are the team to beat, I don’t know what does.”


As Harry and Jeremy celebrate, Faith extends a hand to help Raul up, and- LEFT HOO- Faith ducks! Faith and Raul immediately get in each other’s faces, as their Team mates and countless officials struggle to separate them. Raul Hughes storms out.







ADRIAN GARCIA is running a Power Point presentation, flicking through a vast amount of charts and graphs in various shades of grey. MAVERICK stands nearby, blankly staring into space, as DAN DALAY lounges in the corner, devouring chicken.



… and my extensive portfolio of investments and stock options mean

that if you sign with Adrian Garcia, Agent To The Stars, your money

will be working for you for years to come. Any questions so far?




Sitting at a tiny school desk, EDD STONE waves frantically to get Garcia’s attention, despite the fact he’s the only other person in the room.



Ooh! Ooh! Does he ever blink?


Edd points at Maverick, who turns to look Edd dead in the eye. Unblinking. Expressionless.



Um... Any questions about the offer?



Oh... Is this chicken for everyone?


Edd reaches for some chicken. DaLay glares at him.



Yeah, it’s probably best if you don’t do that. Now if you just open

up to page 27 of our proposal I’ll-


Edd’s PHONE RINGS. The ring tone is his theme music... obviously.



Hold up, I gotta take this.


Edd walks out, leaving Garcia exasperated, DaLay angry, and Maverick... well... Pretty much the same at he always looks.




EDD STONE swaggers down the corridor, answering his phone.


EDD STONE (on phone)

Edd’s Phone! You’ve got Edd!




JOHNNY BLOOD blindsides him, ramming him against a wall, forearm to throat.


EDD STONE (struggling to breathe, on the phone)

I’m gonna have to call you back.

(hanging up)

Hey, Johnny. ‘sup?



Shut up! Do you remember what you did last time I saw you???


EDD STONE (still struggling)

Depends. How drunk was I?



You hit me with a chair you f***ing moron! Believe me! There’s nothing

I want more than to rip you limb from limb right here! But Eisen…

He thinks you’re important! He wants you on his team!


EDD STONE (turning blue)

Sales pitch… needs work… dude…



Oh yeah??? Remember what I did to you in that cage???


Trapped in Blood’s vice grip, Edd just barely manages to nod.



Want me to do that again???


Edd shakes his head.



So join Team Eisen! Or you’ll regret it.


Johnny releases Edd and storms away.






MELODY CUTHILL stretches in the ring, waving at the crowd and innocently bending over a lot. Enter CATHERINE QUINE, with MAVERICK at her side.





You know something, Melody? You may think you’re a real fighter, but

I know you’re just an attention loving whore who has gotten where

she is by flashing her ‘assets’ and rolling around in pudding with other

embarrassments to womankind. You asked for a challenge, but I was

going to go easy on you… until you blatantly distracted me in my match

earlier, causing me to get pinned by that oriental slut Chitose Kumasaka.


On that note, Adrian Garcia has been kind enough to lend me one of

his Soldiers. Maverick. The Silent Threat. A real fighter in every sense.

You can flash your breasts and spread your legs all you want, nothing

is going to stop him from taking you apart.





Catherine Quine “ Can I get a new chair? I‘d use Melody‘s, but I‘m afraid I might catch something.”

Jerry Eisen “Welcome back to the Announce Table, Catherine. I’ll agree with you on one thing. Maverick definitely doesn’t seem to have an issue with fighting a woman tonight… Not that Melody has any issue fighting a man.“

Catherine Quine “She’ll change her tune soon enough. Maverick isn’t someone to be messed with.”


Emotionless, Maverick goes directly for the left leg, but Melody‘s too fast, peppering him with stiff kicks and high impact springboards. Maverick gets lucky, catching a foot and taking her down with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip, before clinically dissecting the knee with pinpoint stomps, precise knees, and repeated attempts to lock in a Rolling Leg Lock. Melody fights free, and does what she can on one leg, gutting it out, even summoning up the strength to take her 263lb opponent over with a Northern Lights Suplex.


Melody signals for the Melody Maker, but Catherine Quine leaps up from the Announce desk and grabs her leg. Melody kicks her way free, but walks into a Rolling Leg Lock. She tries to fight out of it, but Maverick has it locked in tight, and she has no choice but to tap.




The Cat celebrates with an exhausted Maverick, and Melody glares at her, tentatively putting weight on her damaged leg.



For years, Jeremy Stone has been a powerful figure in the Canadian Wrestling scene, but he’s also been a silent one. Until now. Several weeks ago, FCK CEO Sam Strong sat down with Jeremy in his home in Halifax, Nova Scotia and conducted and exhaustive 6 hour interview, covering every facet of the life of the Canadian Wrestling Machine.


As a preview of this exciting upcoming DVD release, specially selected excerpts will be airing each week on ‘FCK Mondays!’.






Over the course of the interview, Jeremy was asked for his opinions on the other members of the wrestling world.


“Dan DaLay”

Formidable but lazy.



Amazing fighter. Needs to stop following orders and find his own path.


“The Young Guns”

I like Harry a lot. I get the feeling he’d do well in Japan. He has a lot of fighting spirit.


“The Dirty White Boys”

Not my style, but I think we’ve only scratched the surface on what they can do.


“Catherine Quine”

I don’t disagree with her opinions, but she’s in love with the sound of her own voice.


“Melody Cuthill”

Best woman in wrestling today… except for my sister… I admit I’m a little biased there.


“Christian Faith”



“Raul Hughes”

Canadian fans are learning what the Japanese already know. He’s a beast.


“Troy Tornado”

A great talent, but until he decides between wrestling and music, he’s

never going to truly master either.


“The DeColts”

Alex is very intelligent. Ricky seems like a good kid… Jack has heart,

but I thought he was better when he was younger. Steve… I don’t like

Steve. It’s the fundamental difference between our families. Stones let

the wrestling do the talking. DeColt’s let the talking do the talking.

Steve’s arrogant, he’s always been one to run his mouth, and until I

came to the Frontier Combat Kingdom, I rarely felt the need to talk...

We’re polar opposites. Great fighter, but I don’t think it’s possible for

me to like him.







STEVE DECOLT is posing for photographs with some fans, when LEAD BELLY approaches, looming over him, a stern expression on his face. BLONDE BOMBSHELL dances behind him.



Kick his ass tonight.



Right back at ya.


Lead Belly leaves, followed by the gyrating Blonde Bombshell. DeColt takes a moment to check out her ass. Very impressive.





Jerry Eisen “At ‘FCK Going To War’, Johnny Blood finally gets a shot at the FCK Title at ’Going To War’ when he takes on old rival Jeremy Stone and FCK Champion Dan DaLay in a three way dance.”

Melody Cuthill “Johnny should lighten up once in a while. Find a hobby. My Mom finds needlepoint very relaxing.”


Blood tries to take L.B down to the ground early, but the Dirty White Boy is too big, too strong, and responds by hurling him across the ring repeatedly. Letting his fury take over, Johnny scores a series of Raging Elbows (Discus Elbow Strikes) staggering the giant, and takes him down with a perfectly executed German Suplex. Blood dominates on the mat, angrily wrenching L.B in a variety of painful submission holds, working over the giant’s back. Lead Belly stubbornly refuses to tap.


Blood gets frustrated, allowing Lead Belly to fight back with clubbing blows and charges into the turnbuckles, but the resilient Blood cuts him off with a textbook T-bone Suplex and locks in the Bloodrage Mutilation (Modified Camel Clutch) Lead Belly taps.




Jerry Eisen “If he can do that to the gigantic Lead Belly, maybe, just maybe, he can do it to the Giant Amongst Giants, Dan DaLay.”







Several FCK Bunnies go about their business. EDD STONE approaches, holding a Purple T-Shirt in one hand, an Orange T-Shirt in the other.



Yo. Fashion question. What looks better on me? The purple goes with

my eyes, but I hear orange attracts really slutty girls. You look like

you’ve been around the block a few times, what do you think?


Appalled, the FCK Bunnies leave.



How was that anything but a compliment?




JEREMY STONE marches towards him. Edd grins.



Woah, nice shiner, bro. Raul really did a number on you, didn‘t he? I

hope you kicked his ass for it…. No… Wait… You shook his hand like

a bitch. What‘s up? Don‘t like picking on guys bigger than you? Maybe

if you spent more time hitting the gym and less time gallivanting

around, handcuffing me to things, you wouldn’t be such a *****.



You done?



Pretty much, ‘sup?



‘FCK Going To War’... I know Eisen and Garcia have both tried to recruit

you, but I need you to stay out of it.



Yeah? Why’s that? You afraid I’ll kick your ass if we get matched up?

Is Team Strong afraid of going up against the Highlight of the Night?

You know, you guys could have brought me in if you wanted, but alas,

you’re full. The ship has sailed, yo. I’m getting on another ship. A better

ship... I’m actually not sure which ship just yet, but at ‘FCK Going To

War’ I’m sailin’, that’s for sure... Metaphor, bitch!



Edd! Listen to me for once! Wrestling is a sport. The last thing we need

in the Frontier Combat Kingdom is a crooked CEO. Eisen? Garcia?

They’re corrupt. Sam Strong needs to win at ‘Going To War’. He needs

to. I know we have our problems but deep down, you’re a good guy,

Edd, and this isn’t about you and me, this is about what’s right.

Do the right thing. Stay out of it.


Jeremy leaves. Edd thinks. Seriously thinks.










Ladies and Gentlemen. This the Abbotsford Recreation Center. This is

the Frontier Combat Kingdom. This is DECOLT COUNTRY!


In just two weeks, history will be made. Not only is the Frontier Combat

Kingdom Going To War, but for the first time, THE FIRST TIME, the

Canadian Icon, The Raging Bull, Steve DeColt takes on the American

Legend, Christian Faith. There are few men on this earth that Steve

DeColt respects more than Christian Faith; Wayne Gretzky, William

Shatner, That guy who played Van Wilder... but make no mistake

about it, I’m in it to win it, and at ‘FCK Going To War!’ the Raging

Bull isn’t going to hold anything back.


But tonight’s not about Steve DeColt & Christian Faith… It’s about

Steve DeColt & Troy Tornado, and to prepare for tonight’s fight, I got

myself a pre-release copy of The Starmaker’s new album, thanks to a

‘special friend’ I have at his record label. I gotta say, there’s a lot of

reasons to buy it. If you like singers with voices like nails on a

chalkboard, BUY IT! If you like bands who only know 3 chords,

BUY IT! If you like self-important little emo-crybabies whining about

how their Daddies never loved them, BUY IT!


But if that doesn’t sound like your thing, don’t buy it. Instead, hit record

on your DVR, your TIVO, your VHS if that’s all you’ve got. Hell, torrent

it! Don’t worry, Steve DeColt won’t narc. This is a DeColt-Guarantee!

One viewing won’t be enough. You’ll wanna watch the beating I lay on

Troy Tornado again and again and again... WHO RULES!


The crowd answer... “DECOLT RULES!”





Jerry Eisen “I am really looking forward to this. No blood feud. No prior history. Just two superb fighters, in their prime, going toe-to-toe for the first time ever to see which is the best. This isn’t personal. It’s just business.“

Melody Cuthill “Well, after DeColt’s comments about his album, it might be little personal for Tornado, and with his Bodyguards out in full force, we might not get the fair fight we’re after.”


Steve DeColt straight-up overpowers Tornado from the outset, easily throwing the rock star across the ring with hip-tosses, backdrops and an effortless Delayed Vertical Suplex. Troy scurries out of the ring and throws a tantrum. DeColt gives chase, but is surrounded by Bodyguards, who distract him just long enough for Tornado to land a Starmaker (High Velocity Flying Forearm) off of the apron.


Tornado lays in some boots as his Bodyguards ‘help’ DeColt to his feet, effectively holding him steady, while not quite doing enough to get Tornado disqualified.




GREASE HOGG and LEAD BELLY jump out of the crowd and utterly destroy the Bodyguards, leaving them laying in pools of their own blood. Tornado freaks out, but nonetheless takes advantage of Referee Samuel Strong being distracted by kicking DeColt full-pelt in the nuts.


Tornado wears DeColt down with high impact moves, taking his time over each one, making sure to set up The Raging Bull just right. He repeatedly climbs the turnbuckles, but Decolt won’t stay still long enough for him to do anything, triggering a massive hissy-fit that results in Tornado wailing on him with slaps and trying to lock in a Triangle Choke.


Mistake! DeColt uses his awesome strength to Powerbomb him! Tornado lets go and DeColt fires up. Hard clotheslines. Brutal Spinebuster. Big Leg Drop. Tornado slips out of a Running Powerslam, and hits the Cyclogenesis (Reverse Underhook Driver)! Tornado is too exhausted to make the cover, but gets to his feet first, waits for DeColt to rise, charges, and launches The Starmaker but DeColt ducks, catches Troy in a Fireman’s Carry, and spins out into the DeColt Stampede (Bulldog) for the win.




Steve DeColt celebrates as Tornado is helped to the back by his sole surviving Bodyguard. The Dirty White Boys hit the ring, armed with a huge amount of beer, for now content to have seen the Rock Star get his ass kicked. They toast to The Raging Bull’s victory, and the trio start to get royally drunk, as Blonde Bombshell, writhes and gyrates in a practically nonexistent outfit.





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Raul ‘Apologises’... B+


Steve Gumble Recruited... B-


Pull Apart... B

Edd In Demand... B-

Mystery Opponent Revealed... B-


Interview: Jeremy Responds to names... B+

DeColt meets Lead Belly... B


Edd & Jeremy... A

Steve DeColt Promo... A



“The Marksman” gives this show a B

Early reports put the rating at 0.21



Next week’s card, according to FCKwrestling.ca


Catherine Quine & Maverick vs Melody Cuthill & Harry Allen

Troy Tornado & Bodyguards vs Steve DeColt & The Dirty White Boys

Haru Kurofuji vs Edd Stone



“Going To War” 3-way preview match

A member of Team Strong vs A member of Team Eisen vs A member of Team Garcia

with Edd Stone as the Special Guest Referee!

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Catherine Quine & Maverick vs Melody Cuthill & Harry Allen

Troy Tornado & Bodyguards vs Steve DeColt & The Dirty White Boys

Haru Kurofuji vs Edd Stone



“Going To War” 3-way preview match

A member of Team Strong vs A member of Team Eisen vs A member of Team Garcia

with Edd Stone as the Special Guest Referee!

If any special ref could find a way to win, it's Edd.

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Catherine Quine & Maverick vs Melody Cuthill & Harry Allen

Troy Tornado & Bodyguards vs Steve DeColt & The Dirty White Boys

Haru Kurofuji vs Edd Stone




“Going To War” 3-way preview match

A member of Team Strong vs A member of Team Eisen vs A member of Team Garcia

with Edd Stone as the Special Guest Referee!

With Edd joining Team Eisen.


Edd Stone is God

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Metaphor, bitch!


I'm a bit surprised "bitch" made it past the site's filter, while Edd calling his brother a cat got asterisk'd to Hell. Not complaining, just find it odd. Like how you can't name Hitler's political party here.


Very pro-Edd feedback, although I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I often wonder whether he's a Heel or a Babyface, but reading these comment there's no question. He's King Babyface.


By the way, I'm well aware that this is a cheap bump, but after spending 7 days working on an episode, it's a bit disheartening to see it disappear off the the front page after less than 7 hours. I guess it's a testament to how popular TEW and diary writing has become... or at least a testament to how popular updating diaries on a Monday has become. I seem to recall I knew this when I started, but "FCK Wednesdays" didn't have the same ring to it. I made my bed. Better had lay in it... at least until I can renegotiate my TV deal.

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Catherine Quine & Maverick vs Melody Cuthill & Harry Allen

Somehow, Cat seems to keep losing.


Troy Tornado & Bodyguards vs Steve DeColt & The Dirty White Boys



Haru Kurofuji vs Edd Stone

Actually, Edd Stone rules.


“Going To War” 3-way preview match

A member of Team Strong vs A member of Team Eisen vs A member of Team Garcia

with Edd Stone as the Special Guest Referee!

Got to go with the Phantom here. I want Edd to win this one.

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Catherine Quine & Maverick vs Melody Cuthill & Harry Allen

Troy Tornado & Bodyguards vs Steve DeColt & The Dirty White Boys

Haru Kurofuji vs Edd Stone


Good work on giving us all something to look forward to on Mondays, Self. Another quality show.


As for a cheap bump, I don't really consider something like that a cheap bump, as you are responding to feedback. To me, a cheap bump is where you have nothing to post and no point beyond moving the diary back up. Even something like a 24-hour notice before a show is posted or a quick note that a show isn't going up at a time previously promised is legit to me, as long as its not overly frequent.

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Catherine Quine & Maverick vs Melody Cuthill & Harry Allen


I just feel a bit weird about this whole angle... obviously, Quine is taking things way too far, but her basic point is pretty solid. (Pudding matches?) Anyway, I do not mark for Harry Allen. Ever.


Troy Tornado & Bodyguards vs Steve DeColt & The Dirty White Boys


DeColt > Tornado. DWBs > Bodyguards. It's simple math.


Haru Kurofuji vs Edd Stone


Kurofuji... isn't a winner.




“Going To War” 3-way preview match

A member of Team Strong vs A member of Team Eisen vs A member of Team Garcia


I feel like Eisen is the one who needs the boost. Team Strong has almost all the top faces. Garcia has the other top face, plus the champ. Eisen has Johnny Blood (who's just had no luck so far), Tornado (just lost to DeColt/generally difficult to take seriously), and Gumble (very much the "other" member of his team).


They need a flagship guy, and Blood ain't it. I'm calling a debut for Team Eisen -- possibly a top monster heel from SWF. Oh, and Edd? Edd heeds his brother's advice and stays out of this. He needs to do something right every so often. He makes up for it by botching the ref job, though.


I'll tell you... of all the many things to like about this diary, maybe my favorite is how, beyond the face/heel divide, these characters seem to have their own allegiances. There's not this assumption that, because two guys are faces, they're all on the same team with the other faces and that's that. (The three ad hoc teams being a literal representation of that.)


For example, Stone doesn't care for DeColt at all, and that fact doesn't cause me to doubt that either one of them is essentially a good guy. Does Harry Allen even think ANYTHING about the DWBs? We don't know, unless I've missed something. Hughes is nominally a face, but now he's sucker-punching other faces, but said faces are playing it cool for now. And then there's Edd Stone, who's, like, the Ziggy Sobotka of TEW. I don't even know WHAT to make of him on a face-heel axis. And of course he's also the best character, pretty much. (Edd, not Ziggy.)


I feel like the shifting grades of good and bad are handled here as well as any diary since "Mark Cuban's DAVE". (Which is not a knock on anyone else -- a lot of diaries are about companies with more black-and-white face/heel divides. And even the ones that aren't... well, a lot of them do other things really well.) Even down to the bottom of the card, I have a general sense of where everyone's positioned, and what they're trying for, and they're mostly pretty detailed positions. In many cases, I know how they stand with regard to guys they haven't even feuded or allied with yet. Whereas with some diaries -- even ones I really like -- they'll be telling me about a guy every so often, and I'm like, "wait, is he in a storyline? Is he a face or a heel? I know this guy is around, but I can't remember why or how..." (For whatever reason, this happens all the time with tag teams.) And it's not like


(P.S.: Maybe the filter's exclusions have something to do with NOTBPW wrestler Emma Bitch? It wouldn't do to have the forum deleting the names of characters from the game...)

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I'll tell you... of all the many things to like about this diary, maybe my favorite is how, beyond the face/heel divide, these characters seem to have their own allegiances. There's not this assumption that, because two guys are faces, they're all on the same team with the other faces and that's that. (The three ad hoc teams being a literal representation of that.)


Thank you. That's exactly what I'm going for. It's a pet peeve of mine to see Good Guy/Bad Guy reflected as two sides of a war. Look at modern television shows. Lost. Heroes. I'm currently watching Battlestar Galactica. It's rarely clear cut, black & white. You've got good guys who hate each other, good guys who like bad guys, guys who are good/bad depending on the situation, sometimes neither, sometimes both. That to me is realistic and entertaining, and something I want to explore in this format.


And then there's Edd Stone, who's, like, the Ziggy Sobotka of TEW. I don't even know WHAT to make of him on a face-heel axis. And of course he's also the best character, pretty much. (Edd, not Ziggy.)


It comes down to a simple question. Do you like him? I'm not a fan of how in wrestling today, we find ourselves asking WWE whether someone is a Babyface or a Heel. We like who we like. Listen to your heart. In fact, I would LOVE it if instead of people predicting who they think is going to win on the upcoming cards, they'd say who they WANTED to win. As a writer, it would be incredibly helpful to me. I may make a point of asking that in the future.


P.S. I just got the Ziggy reference. Awesome.

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Thank you. That's exactly what I'm going for. It's a pet peeve of mine to see Good Guy/Bad Guy reflected as two sides of a war. Look at modern television shows. Lost. Heroes. I'm currently watching Battlestar Galactica. It's rarely clear cut, black & white. You've got good guys who hate each other, good guys who like bad guys, guys who are good/bad depending on the situation, sometimes neither, sometimes both. That to me is realistic and entertaining, and something I want to explore in this format.




It comes down to a simple question. Do you like him? I'm not a fan of how in wrestling today, we find ourselves asking WWE whether someone is a Babyface or a Heel. We like who we like. Listen to your heart. In fact, I would LOVE it if instead of people predicting who they think is going to win on the upcoming cards, they'd say who they WANTED to win. As a writer, it would be incredibly helpful to me. I may make a point of asking that in the future.


P.S. I just got the Ziggy reference. Awesome.


If the WWF Attitude Era is supposed to be the equivalent to the SWF, then Modern WWE has probably shed most of its Cult Elements, and they are probably shedding most of the Risque Elements as well.


That's why we have Too-goody two-shoes John Cena, as opposed to the Rock and Steve Austin.

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If the WWF Attitude Era is supposed to be the equivalent to the SWF, then Modern WWE has probably shed most of its Cult Elements, and they are probably shedding most of the Risque Elements as well.


That's why we have Too-goody two-shoes John Cena, as opposed to the Rock and Steve Austin.


And that's only because America has shifted back toward a more conservative stance, at least in terms of it's media.


BTW, even if I don't predict, I'm trying to keep up with this diary. It's really good. Makes me wish I did one with my drafted NEO roster.

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Jerry Eisen “We are just days away from FCK Going To War and the teams still aren’t finalized, with Team Eisen and Team Garcia each looking for one more fighter apiece. I’m Jerry Eisen, and with me tonight is the only man whose team is full, locked and ready for war. Ladies and Gentleman. Sam Strong.”

Sam Strong “Ready for war is right, Jerry. We’ve been talking strategy all week, and I have to say I have complete confidence in my team to get things done at this 2-night PPV spectacular.

Jerry Eisen “Why do you think Team Eisen and Team Garcia have struggled to put together their teams?”

Sam Strong “Disrespect. No offense to you, Jerry, but your Father has always been a very selfish man, and Adrian Garcia isn’t much better. They’ve alienated most of the Frontier Combat Kingdom, and that’s coming back to bite them.“

Jerry Eisen “Well there are still plenty of free agents out there, including the 24 Hour Party Animal; Edd Stone. He has been courted by Garcia, threatened by Eisen, even asked not to compete by you, Mr. Strong. Tonight, Edd will be forced to make a choice, acting as Special Referee in our Main Event, a Three-Way match that will surely have a major impact on ‘FCK Going To War!’”





Totally amped up, EDD STONE boogies his way down to ringside, accompanied by thumping dance music and a killer strobe light. He springs into the ring and picks up a microphone.





Dudes! I know I’m just supposed to come out here and kick Ching Chong’s

face off, but I gotta tell you about the night I just had. Me and my buddy

AC were over at “Stak‘d” and we were just wrecked on Southern Comfort,

when in walks the hottest set of twins I’ve ever seen in my life. At first

they pretended they thought we were “creepy” but after a little ‘liquid

persuasion’ we got them into the back of AC’s Mom’s Mini-Van.

That‘s where the fun began, we…


Panicked, Referee Samuel Sparrow frantically whispers into Edd’s ear.


EDD STONE (to Sparrow)

What…? What do you mean “Inappropriate”…? What do you mean

“kicked off the air”? Fine, dude, whatever…

(to the crowd)

Sorry Dudes. If you want the rest, check my Twitter. Anyway. Business

time. It seems like the 24 Hour Party Animal’s pulling double duty tonight.

After I totally out-Shaolin Jackie Chan here, I’ll be rocking the Main Event,

referee-style. Seems the Powers That Be... All 3 of them... Want me to

pick a side for this war thingy. That’s cool. I can do that. I just want to tell

you all that no matter which side I pick, I’m gonna call the Main Event

right down the middle. Magnanimous, bitch!






Jerry Eisen “So Sam, did you ever consider recruiting the 24 Hour Party Animal into Team Strong?”

Sam Strong “Well… Jeremy pushed hard for him, and I certainly considered it. Edd is a really good fighter, and a pretty fun kid to be around, but simply put, I can’t trust him. Just look at this match. We scheduled this for weeks ago, and Edd just didn’t show up. No reason. No apology. I can’t afford an attitude like that at ‘FCK Going To War’.”


Both Cruiserweights go toe-to-toe early with high-flying maneuvers and fast-paced reversals, running and springing off the ropes with tremendous speed and grace. Grinning, Edd leapfrogs Haru’s charge, moonwalks, and decapitates his opponent with an awesome Pele Kick.


Grabbing his crotch, Edd celebrates, but takes his eye off the ball too long, and Haru takes him out with a Leg Lariat. Haru wears him down with simple submission holds and stiff martial arts style kicks, until the 24 Hour Party Animal ducks a Roundhouse and responds with a thundering Edd-Reneline Shot (Super Kick). Edd unleashes with every Rana ever invented, including one made up in mid-air, turning Haru inside-out, upside down, and stumbling into the Party’s Over (Sitout Faceplant) Edd climbs up top, does a little dance, and scores the Shooting Star Legdrop for the win.









DHARMA GREGG sits in uncomfortable silence with a fidgeting ADRIAN GARCIA, a leering DAN DALAY and a blankly staring MAVERICK.



So… um… I’m supposed to ask you about the Pay Per-





The uncomfortable silence continues, until in walks...





Okay, Garcia. What’s so important?



Excellent, the team’s all here. I just thought we should get together

to talk strategy before the big-



Here’s a strategy for you. Wednesday Night, The Raging Bull is going

to take on Christian Faith, and he’s going to win. Saturday Night, I’ll

fight one more match, any fight you want, and I’ll win that too. Other

than that, I don’t care what you do, because frankly, I don’t even want

you to win. So stop calling my cell, stop flooding my email account and

the next time you knock on my door at 2am wanting to talk merchandise,

I’ll rip your arm off and beat you to death with it. Keep you and your

flunkies out of my way, and maybe you won’t lose every match at

‘Going to War’. WHO RULES!



DeColt Rules!


Leaving, Steve DeColt winks at Dharma Gregg who giggles uncontrollably. He knows her name! A thoroughly embarrassed Adrian Garcia glares at her.



Sorry. So about your fourth member...



Don’t worry about that. We’re currently interviewing applicants now, you

know, taking our time, making sure we don’t get anyone who’ll mess

up our team’s harmony.



Like Steve DeColt?



Like... Steve... um... Get out.







STEVE GUMBLE climbs out of his old, beat-up, pick-up truck, and heads for the arena, where he finds HARRY ALLEN waiting for him.



What the heck, Steve? Team Eisen? After everythin’ Sam Strong’s done for us-



Us? Sam Strong ain’t done a damned thing for ‘Us’. He’s been tryin’ to

split ‘Us’ up from Day 1. We’re a tag team, Harry. Some folks fight

alone. Some folks fight in Puddin’. We fight as a team. That’s the way

it’s always been. That’s the way it always should be. So if Sam Strong

don’t want a tag team division, I’m sure as heck gonna fight for

someone who does.



That’s what this is about? We’re still a team, Steve!



Are we?


The Young Guns look at each other, almost as if they’re really seeing each other for the first time, with neither particularly thrilled with what they see.




CHITOSE KUMASAKA runs over and starts tugging on Harry’s arm, babbling in frantic, unintelligible Japanese. Somehow, Harry gets the gist of it.



I gotta go… You know what, thinkin’ about it, it might be kinda fun to

fight you. I’ve always wondered which of us was better.


Harry leaves, Chitose on his arm. Steve Gumble grumbles





A lot of quick tags early give everyone the chance to fight everyone, but while Melody is more than happy to fight Maverick, The Cat straight-up refuses to fight Harry. She isn’t too keen on battling Melody either, leaving Maverick to be dominated by the high-flying tandem, until The Cat distracts Harry just long enough for her partner to hit the mother of all chop blocks.


Maverick begins an emotionless assault on Harry’s leg, clinically dissecting the joint with pinpoint stomps and precise knees. The Cat occasionally tags in, striking whenever Harry looks particularly defenseless, and fleeing soon after. Maverick hits a knee breaker, and another, and another. He goes for a fourth, but Harry counters with a Rana and makes the tag!


Melody explodes with a flurry of kicks and Ranas, sending Maverick reeling. Outside, The Cat grabs her leg, but Melody kicks her in the face and turns- Straight into a Rolling Leg Lock.


Jerry Eisen “Maverick has it locked in. Melody has to tap!”


Harry Allen launches himself off of the top rope and destroys Maverick with the Fistful of Dynamite (Flying Fist Drop) allowing Melody to get the pin, as The Cat slinks away.










CHRISTIAN FAITH is in the middle of telling a story. HARRY ALLEN is already laughing as a Doctor checks his knee, and even the ultra-serious JEREMY STONE can’t help but smile at the tale.



… so naturally, the Cops pull out their guns, and Rip’s still yelling at them,

“Don’t you know who I am?” “I’m the World Heavyweight Champion”. He’s

got a beer in one hand, his title belt in the other, drunk off his ass, and

he’s still threatening these cops, threatening their wives, threatening

their kids… and I’m sitting behind the wheel, 22 years old, on the road

for the very first time, thinking “I’m gonna die”.


Just then, another car pulls up, and out climbs 6’9, 300lbs, Sam Strong.

Sam just strides over, calm as can be, knocks Rip out with one massive

punch, gets back in his car, and drives away. The Cops have no idea

what to do at this point, but frankly they seem relieved not to have to

shoot a celebrity, so they help me load Rip into the back of the car, I

drive to the arena, and Rip and Sam fought in the Main Event that

very night.


Harry Allen howls with laughter as Christian completely cracks up.




The laughter comes to a stop as RAUL HUGHES enters. The team watch The Demolition Expert warily, except for Christian Faith, who immediately gets in his face.



What? You’ve got nothing to say? How about “Sorry I flipped out last week”?

“Sorry I tried to knock you out”? “Sorry I tried to knock Jeremy out”? I don‘t

know what your problem is, and frankly, I don‘t care. We‘re got a job to

do, and like it or not, we’re in this together. If we’re gonna win this thing for

Sam, we can’t go around sucker-punching each other. We’re gonna need

to be able to trust our team mates. Can we trust you?



I’ll do my part. Trust that.


Raul Hughes walks out.






A blinding white light fills the arena, accompanied by the sounds of an angelic choir. The entrance way EXPLODES in fireworks! Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” booms out across the arena! CHRISTIAN FAITH makes his way to the ring!



First. “God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night."

And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.” For

hundreds of years, wrestling has etched shining moments into the minds

of fans worldwide… and what people remember most is the Firsts. The

first time someone slammed Bruce The Giant. The first time Sam Strong

held that SWF World Heavyweight Title above his head. At ‘FCK Going

To War’ the wrestling business is going to have another first. The first

time Christian Faith, former SWF Champion, a man who for two decades

has fought his way to the very top of the American wrestling scene…

takes on Steve DeColt; The Raging Bull; Canadian Icon and Multi-time

CGC Champion. I don’t know about you, but I…








Flexing his powerful muscles... STEVE DECOLT makes his way to the ring.



Pretentious. “Thou shalt not be a pretentious bitch who quotes bible

verses”... Christian Faith! You talk about history! You talk about how this

Wednesday Night, it’s going to be a momentous occasion, the first time

you and me go one on one. On the one hand, that’s true. We’ve never

fought before… but on the other hand this is just a case of same ****,

different day for The Raging Bull. For years, fighters have come from

all around the world to try to take out Steve DeColt, and one by one

they’ve been sent runnin’ back to momma with their tails between their

legs, because I’m strong, I’m fast, and come hell or high water, The

Raging f***ing Bull ill kick your ass, and that’s a DeColt Guarantee!



Charming... As much as I hate to disagree with a modest guy like yourself,

I have another theory for your success. What are their names? Alex. Jack.

Ricky. Gorgeous George. Don’t get me wrong, I applaud family values.

The way the DeColts have stuck together over the years is great, really…

but I can’t help but think that alone, like you are right now, maybe you don’t

“Rule” as much as you think you do...


Don’t pretend you haven’t wondered. I know that behind that bravado,

that underneath the muscles, there’s a seed of doubt. “Did I get where

I am because of my family?”. How do you stack up, Steve? You don’t

have Alex’s brains. You don’t have Ricky’s heart. You don’t have Jack’s

fire. Strip those away, peel back those layers, and what are you? Just

another jacked up, meat-headed, Daddy’s Boy with a big mouth. The

type of guy I’ve made a career out of beating. Maybe you’re not even

going to be a challenge. Maybe you’re just a medium sized fish in a

really small pond. Alone and scared, ready to be gutted.



I may be the only DeColt in the Kingdom, but I’m not alone. Look around,

Faith. Look at the faces of each and every one of the fans in attendance

tonight. You’re not in the Bible Belt, surrounded by your flock. I have the

home field advantage. We’re in Canada! We’re in DECOLT COUNTRY!

And make no mistake about it, each and every one of these fans are

going to be in my corner when I kick your ass all over Quebec!



Don’t forget who you’re talking to, boy. While you were playing mob law

with your brothers, getting title shots from ‘Daddy’, I was fighting tooth

and nail up every rung of the ladder, battling against the odds, night

after night, earning the respect of the people! You may be a little more

popular than me here, but you aren’t better than me, not by a long shot.


Steve DeColt makes a big show of clearing his throat, before...





The majority of the crowd respond “DeColt Rules!”.






DeColt and The DWB dominate, systematically destroying the Bodyguards as Troy Tornado watches from the safety of the ring apron, throwing a massive tantrum. DeColt tries to pull the Rock Star into the ring, but Tornado squirms away, and Shady K levels The Raging Bull with a massive head butt.


DeColt isolated, Tornado finally tags in, and wears him down with high impact moves, taking his sweet time over each one. DeColt refuses to stay in place, so Tornado throws a hissy fit, allowing Steve to level him with a massive Spinebuster and make the tag.


All Hell breaks loose. Bodies fly everywhere. Troy Tornado flees, watching his Bodyguards get triple-teamed. Knuckles walks into a Grease Spot (High Knee Strike) before being hoisted up for The RPM Bomb (Spinning Crucifix Toss) while Steve DeColt hits the DeColt Stampede (Running Bulldog) on Shady K for the win.




Steve DeColt and the Dirty White Boys celebrate with lots and lots of beer. Blonde Bombshell hits the ring, writhing and gyrating like there’s no tomorrow. Troy Tornado watches from the entranceway, throwing a Diva-like tantrum of epic proportions.


Suddenly, Knuckles and Shady K hit the ring again, leveling DeColt and The D.W.B with steel chairs. They corner Blonde bombshell, but security hit the ring before any further damage can be done.







DHARMA GREGG is with RICHARD EISEN, his team behind him. JOHNNY BLOOD paces, muttering under his breath. TROY TORNADO lounges around, surrounded by Bodyguards. STEVE GUMBLE wonders just what he’s gotten himself into.



Richard Eisen, Looking-



That’s Mr. Eisen to you.



Sorry… um… Mr. Eisen… Looking at the fighters you’ve convinced to

join you so far, it-



“Convinced” to join me? “Convinced“? You make it sound like I’ve tricked

them somehow. Every member of my team joined because they wanted

to. They joined because they know that the Frontier Combat Kingdom

would be a better place with me in charge. They joined because I want

what they want.


Team Strong? They’re merely ‘honored’ to fight for the legendary Sam

Strong. Team Garcia? They’re fighting for a paycheque. When push

comes to shove, they’ll lack the conviction that comes from truly

believing in a cause.


Like me, Steve Gumble wants a proper Tag Team division in the Frontier

Combat Kingdom. Like me, Troy Tornado wants stars to be treated like

stars, without fear of attack from drunken thugs. Like me, Johnny Blood

wants the FCK Title around his more than deserving waist. There are no

tricks here. No manipulation. My team want the same things I want, and

will happily fight to the death for them at ‘FCK Going To War!’.



Um… Awesome… Well you’re still one member down. Any plans on

who to recruit next?



None of your business.



Right… um… Cool… I guess.


Clearly about to explode, Johnny Blood snatches the microphone and glares into the camera.



Dan DaLay! Jeremy Stone! At ‘FCK Going To War!’ I finally get my shot

at the FCK Title! The belt I’ve deserved since I got here! For four months

I have been disrespected! But no more! At ’FCK Going to War!’ I’m going

to show the world that I’m better than Dan DaLay! I’m going to show the

world that I’m better than Jeremy Stone! I’m going to show the world that

I’m the best in the Frontier Combat Kingdom!





For years, Jeremy Stone has been a powerful figure in the Canadian Wrestling scene, but he’s also been a silent one. Until now. Several weeks ago, FCK CEO Sam Strong sat down with Jeremy in his home in Halifax, Nova Scotia and conducted and exhaustive 6 hour interview, covering every facet of the life of the Canadian Wrestling Machine.


As a preview of this exciting upcoming DVD release, specially selected excerpts will be airing each week on ‘FCK Mondays!’.







Let’s talk about the future. You’re 42 years old now. Some would say

you‘re “past your prime” Would you agree?



Not even slightly. Don’t get me wrong, physically I’m starting to feel it.

Twenty years of being in the ring is starting to catch up to me, but wrestlers

tend to peak much later than other athletes, because it’s as mental as

much as physical. Every time you get into that ring, you learn something;

aboot your opponent, aboot yourself, and I’ve got twenty years of

knowledge under my belt. If I could put my 42 year old brain into my 22

year old body… Not a force on this earth could stop me. Not that I’m

having much trouble right now. When I stop winning matches, maybe

then people can say I’m past it.



So no thoughts of retirement?



None at all… then again, If I was to call it quits today, I could look back

and say I had a great career. Multi-time Canadian Champion. I’ve fought

in front of huge crowds all over the world. No major injuries. No addictions.

No problems with drink or drugs. Spending so much time close to home

has meant I haven’t fallen into the traps a lot of wrestlers do when they’re

on the road. I’ve been happily married to the same woman, my high school

sweetheart, for almost 20 years. I have 3 wonderful kids, the oldest of

whom will be starting college soon. Thanks to the time I spent in the ring,

I can afford to send them to any college they want. I own my home. I

own the school. No debts. No mortgages. All in all, I could retire

tomorrow a pretty happy guy.


But I’m not done yet. Wrestling is in my blood. I love it. I still love getting

into the ring, testing myself against the best in the world. I still have

unfinished business, with Johnny Blood, with Steve DeColt, with Edd…

More than anything I need to make things right with Edd. He’s going to

need help somewhere down the line, and I want to be there to help him…

and I want to be Champion again.


As I said, my body may be 90% of what it used to be, but my mind has

never been better. I have no doubt that if I can get a fair shot, I can be

the Champion of the Frontier Combat Kingdom. I guess it was something

I took for granted in NOTBPW. I could trust my Father to runs things

fairly, and give title shots to those who deserve it. Here, in the Frontier

Combat Kingdom and let’s face it, most other territories, that’s not

enough. It’s political, you’ve got to suck up to “General Managers”. You’ve

got to talk, to entertain people, to convince them you deserve a shot.

That’s not wrestling. Wrestling is a sport. Winning matches should be

enough, and right now it isn’t… and that’s a shame, because I know if I

get the Champion, if I get DaLay in the ring, one on one, I’ll walk oot

with the belt. I just need that shot.






Totally amped up and wearing a referee‘s shirt, EDD STONE boogies his way down to ringside, accompanied by thumping dance music and a killer strobe light.


Jerry Eisen “Here we go, folks. It’s Main Event time, and things are getting crowded. Edd Stone is here to referee, and for some reason, we’ve been joined at the Announce Table by Adrian Garcia”

Adrian Garcia “Just here to bring some impartiality to the proceedings.”

Jerry Eisen “Let’s see who the Teams have put forward for this special preview match. Representing Team Strong…”




Sam Strong “Jeremy Stone. The Canadian Wrestling Machine. The man who will fight for the FCK Title this Saturday Night.”

Jerry Eisen “Representing Team Garcia…”




Adrian Garcia “The Giant Amongst Giants; Dan DaLay! The current FCK Champion. This event is going to start exactly how it’ll end; with a Dan DaLay victory.”

Jerry Eisen “Wow. Two out of the three men in the Title match at ‘FCK Going To War!’. Let’s see who will represent Team Eisen…”




Jerry Eisen “Holy Crap! Raul Hughes has switched sides!”

Sam Strong “You’ve got to be kidding me…”

Adrian Garcia “I guess your team isn’t as ready as you thought, Strong.”





Edd makes a big show of going over the rules with the competitors, and checking them for foreign objects. Only Jeremy complies, and Edd revels in having a position of authority over his older brother. Edd does a little dance, and dramatically gestures for the bell to ring.


The fight is on! Dan DaLay approaches Hughes, wanting to team up to take out the Canadian Wrestling Mach- LEFT HOOK! Dan DaLay is out cold!


Jeremy Stone and Raul Hughes square off. Raul launches powerful punches, but Jeremy calmly wrestles him to the mat, looking for a submission. Landing a few hard elbows and hammer fists, Raul gets full mount, but Jeremy bucks him off before The Demolition Expert can do any real damage. Back on their feet, Raul throws more big right hands, but Jeremy takes his time, blocking, dodging, before hurling him across the ring with a perfectly executed Belly-to-Belly Suplex.


DaLay and Stone square off. Jeremy tries to take DaLay to ground, but the Giant is too big and strong. Squashing Jeremy in the turnbuckles like a bug, DaLay laughs, and lands a few clubbing blows before snatching his opponent up in a tight Bear Hug. Jeremy fights free, rocks DaLay with a Rolling Wheel Kick, but gets caught with a Big Boot before he can capitalize.


DaLay and Hughes square off. DaLay throws some heavy right hands, but Raul thoroughly out-boxes him, bobbing and weaving before unleashing with Devastating jabs, body blows and short-range uppercuts. DaLay wobbles, and Raul moves in for the kill, but Jeremy takes him over with a picture perfect German Suplex. He bridges for a pin… but Edd is distracted, trying to get the attention of a FCK Bunny at ringside. The Stone brothers argue.


DaLay and Raul try to take advantage by charging Jeremy, but the Canadian Wrestling Machine sees it coming. He pushes Edd to safety, ducks, runs the ropes, and all three wipe each other out in an earth-shattering triple-clothesline.


The three exhausted warriors stir, with Raul getting to his feet first. He stalks Jeremy, rearing back his left fist for a- EDD-RENELINE SHOT! Edd Stone just Super Kicked Raul Hughes out of nowhere!


Jerry Eisen “Holy crap! I think Edd just made his decision!”


Jeremy turns to see his brother standing over the prone Raul Hughes. He realises what just happened and his eyes light up with pure joy. Grinning, Edd extends his hand. Jeremy takes it. Edd boots him in the stomach and hit’s the Party’s Over (Seated Faceplant).


Jerry Eisen “What? No!”


Out of nowhere, Dan DaLay leaps off the second rope and squashes Jeremy with a big splash, and Edd fast-counts the pin.


Adrian Garcia “Yes!”




Adrian Garcia leaps from the Announce table, slides into the ring and practically jumps into Dan DaLay’s arms. He’s delighted. Pumping his fist with joy and raising DaLay and Edd’s hands.


Jerry Eisen “I guess Team Garcia have their final member, and I couldn’t be more disappointed. Edd, what have you done?”


Edd looks down at his brother with just the slightest hint of remorse.





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Edd Stone Promo... C+


Checking in with Team Garcia... B-

The Young Guns chat... B-


Checking in with Team Strong... B

Christian Faith & Steve DeColt Argue... B+


Checking in with Team Eisen... B

Jeremy Stone Interview... B+

The Fighters Introduced... B+


Post Fight Celebration... B+





Going To War Singles Match : Maverick vs Steve Gumble

Going To War Singles Match : 4th Member of Team Strong vs Raul Hughes

Going To War Singles Match : Christian Faith vs Steve DeColt

Going To War 3-Way Ladder Match : Harry Allen vs Edd Stone vs Troy Tornado

Going To War 3-Way Tag Team Match : Team Strong vs Team Garcia vs Team Eisen


Hardcore Tag Team Match : Shady K & Knuckles vs The Dirty White Boys

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Another fun show, Sellf. Some great promos, as always. I'm particularly enjoying Steve DeColt, Christian Faith, and of course Edd Stone. I am also coming to appreciate the regular consistency of being to see the shows on Monday. Keep up the great work.
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