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Questions About Japan

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I've never run a promotion in Japan. I have an idea for a game that I wouldn't mind trying out at some point, but I'm curious on a few things. I could find out the hard way, but I figured I'd just ask. I'm primarily looking at traditional products, such as Burning Hammer, GCG, and even PGHW. I found the couple of threads on tips for Japan and I'm still questioning a lot of stuff.


1. Product Differences


I'm trying to get a real handle of the differences between the products of BHOTWG, GCG, and PGHW. Obviously Performance skills are always important, as is Resilience. But how important is Puroseau? Will a brawler do well? Is Stiffness really important? What are really the most important attributes to look for?


2. Super Juniors


It seems like of the three promotions I'm mentioned, Burning Hammer is really the only one with with Super Juniors. Is there any specific approach you should take in booking the super juniors as opposed to the regular middleweight and heavyweight workers?


3. Super Juniors Part II


Speaking of the super juniors, I realize they are essentially high fliers with good technical skills. There are not that many in the game, however. They seem comparable in skillsets to the really good luchadores. I realized they are different styles of wrestling, but would luchadores work as super juniors? If I were to bring someone like Soul Taker into Burning Hammer, are they likely to bomb just because they are a luchadore in style?


4. Angles


I've stuck mainly to sports entertainment promotions. Now I realize you can still run storyline feuds in pure wrestling promotions by using unchained storylines with the matches as the segments. But will some small angles work? Pre-match handshakes or post-match celebrations? If they are kept short and used with over workers? Would I have to drop the match ration from 100%?


5. Managers


Will managers work in a pure wrestling federation? Would they actually take away from a match or add to it?


6. Touring


I tried finding it and failed, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that when touring, its best to run either 2 3-hour shows per week or 3 2-hour, depending on how many main event caliber workers you have. Is there much more to beyond that?


7. Gimmicks


I realize gimmicks are not necessary in pure wrestling promotions, but a number of workers start with gimmicks. Will gimmicks actually hurt the popularity or momentum of a worker, the way that an unsuited gimmick would?


8. Burning Hammer Tips?


Burning Hammer is the promotion I'm really looking at. I realize it could be tough to keep them at national, much like TCW I expect. Anyone have any tips for them?

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1. He'll do fine if he is avaible for improvement, as some puroresu skills are always better than nothing.


2. Hmm? No? If I have it right, Super Junior is pretty close to Luchador, but luchador uses alot of hurricanranas etc. Mexican traditional moves.


3. How about if you try it yourself ;)


4. If it's 100% match ratio, no. It will crap on the angles. I think 90% is close to few angles per show, but they need to be good (don't know about the last tho)


5. I don't think they add or take anything.


6. Test it yourself (if 3 2h shows is better than 2 3h.) But a huge show is always in the end of the tour.


7. Depends on product, but if it's really a pure promotion, it really doesn't matter.


Don't trust on me tho :D

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1. He'll do fine if he is avaible for improvement, as some puroresu skills are always better than nothing.


2. Hmm? No? If I have it right, Super Junior is pretty close to Luchador, but luchador uses alot of hurricanranas etc. Mexican traditional moves.


3. How about if you try it yourself ;)


4. If it's 100% match ratio, no. It will crap on the angles. I think 90% is close to few angles per show, but they need to be good (don't know about the last tho)


5. I don't think they add or take anything.


6. Test it yourself (if 3 2h shows is better than 2 3h.) But a huge show is always in the end of the tour.


7. Depends on product, but if it's really a pure promotion, it really doesn't matter.


Don't trust on me tho :D


At 90% angles you can HAVE angles, but they MUST be good. If they aren't high quality angles, then the fans will turn on the segment and it will bomb in a painful way.


And I'm completely hopeless when it comes to Japan.

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3. How about if you try it yourself ;)


I would definitely prefer that. I love running test games to get to know a promotion and its product. That one of the reasons I'm so comfortable with SWF at this point is that I did that quite a bit. Unfortunately, its time issue. My SWF game and diary take up most of my gaming time. I've been getting into actual Japanese pro wrestling a bit, which has tempted to me to try a CornellVerse version. I put the questions on here, hoping to gain some knowledge, as I won't be able to experiment as I'd normally like to.


Thanks for the help so far, guys.

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Even without CD ,Internet Coverage, TV shows and PPV coverage on other parts of the world, you still grow popular depending on your size if you are touring. Due to the fact touring companies have no house shows, I think it wont be penalized much if you did not visit an area to much
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  • 4 weeks later...

In general for promotions in Japan, utilise stable wars wherever possible. If you are not a fan of them, that is fair enough lol.


For example, in my diary game I rarely ever have big names or possible big matches take place one on one. What I've generally done is create stables to allow almost constant 3 vs. 3, 2 vs. 2 or whatever matches so that it doesn't get stale for the audiences, and also builds up to that big one on one battle. Seeing as you're following the real wrestling, look at NJPW and it's wars, mainly featuring GBH vs. everybody else lol.


That's pretty much all the advice I have that hasn't already been said.

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