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[Hype] Rich and Famous Mod

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Universal Wrestling Federation



Top Ten guys:



Solider (aka Kellen Winslow Jr.)



Raven (aka Ray Lewis) 2-time World Champ, and 10 other title reigns



Weezy (aka Lil Wayne) Current Cruiserweight Champ



Rebel (aka Patrick Willis) Current World Champ



MVP (aka Peyton Manning) 1/2 Tag Champ



Pretty Boy (aka Tom Brady) 1/2 Tag Champ



Superman (aka Tim Tebow)



A-Rod (aka Alex Rodriguez)



Favre (aka Brett Favre) 18 time World Champ



Tony Romance (aka Tony Romo) 6 World Title matches, lost each one




Owner: george steinbrenner



Head Booker: Bill Belichick


Announcing Crew: John Madden and Gene Deckerhoff


Based: Tri-State


T.V: UWF Superstars; Primetime; live on NBC every Monday



Current Champs:


World: Rebel


U.S Title: The Hammer (John Lynch)


Tag: Pro Bowlers (Manning and Brady)


Cruiserweight Weezy

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Yeah, as a magic and Gators fan I thought of that, my only problem is people (fans and sports commentators) have called him Superman since his late freshman early sophomore year, to where Dwight it's only since he won the dunk contest last year


They even made shirts his sophomore year that had the Superman logo with a T in the middle of it



Also, I have other College football players in the game, and a few basketball

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If you can't find any cutters for the project, I suggest ditching the background and just having some kind of foreground overlay that keeps the theme consistent between your pictures.


I've done it both ways, and personally speaking I think cutting not only sucks time away from the project, it also creates visual headaches (what with loose hairs, unnatural lighting, etc) when trying to merge the two, and all but kills any thought of doing alts or updating pictures at a later date. Not to mention, the original background is always going to look more natural.


Course if you want to integrate already cut pictures with your mod, I guess that's one reason to stick with the old regime.


Btw, I love the idea. It's similar to my dream followup mod, but different enough that I'll still be able to do it at a later date :)

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Yeah, the first thing isn't my background it's just there oddly


and what is your mod about


If by the first thing you mean the Rich and Famous logo, that I actually like. By background I meant background for the workers pics (eg. the grey kyky background you've got for the pics of the workers you've shown already). You may have figured that, and if so my mistake, just want to be sure we're both on the same page :)


Far as my dream mod goes.. well it's not too likely it'll ever get done, so I may as well put it out there: It'd be a mod based on tv and movie actors, except that they'll all have and wrestle in their extensive alter-egos from their most popular shows (eg. Harrison Ford would more than likely wrestle as his Han Solo or Indiana Jones character than he would "Harrison Ford"). Which could create a lot of interesting "dream" match ups and creative platforms, depending who you sign and what alter-ego you decide to push them as. Promotions would be TV Networks and Movie Studios, and it would likely start in the early 80s and go on from there. Road Agents and Bookers would be filled by Directors, and writers.


With updates to the mod I'd eventually add music artists to the mix, and eventually the good ole' porn stars.. heck, perhaps even some wrestlers would find their way into it :)


But yeah, all pipe dreams for now

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