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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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This shows great promise but I'd like to make one minor suggestion.

Change Francis Cartier to Francois Cartier. Francis is an English sounding sissyboy's name, Francois is a proud, snooty, Frenchy name if ever there was one!







Acid vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash

[X-WA X Championship Match]

- Unmasked Ota likely has the most overness so I'll pick him to win in a mild upset.


William Kingsbuy III vs. Hell Monkey

- I'm going with the Monkey. I'm not 100% sure why, but I am.


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Ultimate Phoenix vs. Vicente Marquez vs. Teddy Powell

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]

- There must be champagne for this celebration win!


Enygma Extreme vs. The Cyclone


Silver Shark/Mr. Electricity/P-Phunk vs. Whippy the Clown/Snap Dragon/Kill Switch

[X-WA 6 Man Championship Match]

- I still mark for the Shark, I've always dug Singh and Ph-Phunk erm, P-Punk can be there too.


Enygma Extreme vs. The Cyclone

- Because I can't recall who the Cyclone is. And Enygma Extreme is a better name, although in the C-Verse this name sounds like he should be wrestling in MHW as a Mexican knock-off of Enygma.


Francis Cartier/Joss Thompson/Jacob Jett vs. Burning Taka/Mikkel Drago/Velocidad

- More talent and overness across the board... I think.

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Thank you to everyone who left their predictions behind. The show is coming along really well and I'm only 2 matches left yet to write. With the show being more of a re-cap based thing... It shouldn't take very long at all. While I had some entertaining ideas in mind in the first show, It's probably going to take a few show posts before I totally get down the writing style that I'm going for. All in all, I hope you enjoy the write-up! You can look for it sometime tomorrow (Friday)


Change Francis Cartier to Francois Cartier. Francis is an English sounding sissyboy's name, Francois is a proud, snooty, Frenchy name if ever there was one!


Great idea. I'll go ahead with the name change as it doesn't change too much from Francis and will ultimately help to push the character I'm going for.


Thanks for the heads up!


Side note: Results to be up Tomorrow!! I'm down to pretty much the end.

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X-WA 'Til The Last Man Stands

2nd Week, February 2008


Angle: 'Til the Last Man Stands...

Grade: C+


The first ever X-WA show kicks off with the companies owner, and wrestling legend, Nemesis climbing into the ring. The crowd is absolutely roaring for Nemesis, so much so that as his music comes to a close we can hear a constant chant of "Thank you" filling the arena. Nemesis soaks the moment in and then quickly gets down to business by declaring tonight as a historic event in world wrestling history. The dawn of the X-WA... And the rise of a new counter-culture promotion to challenge the supposed "big three". From there he also dives into the reason behind the name of their first PPV event, 'Til the last man stands. Citing that tonight's main event for the X-WA X Championship would be set to an elimination style "Last Man Standing" match. The crowd buys into the announcement with a thunderous roar as Nemesis motions to the crowd that there is more yet to come. He then declares that the Main Event, as it's written on paper right now, is not set in stone. The reason behind this is that ANYONE has a chance to take one of the three competitors spots in the match-up and the only way they can gain that spot is by physically taking one of the original competitors out of the match. That means, If Acid... Steve Flash... or Fumihiro Ota are assaulted before their match tonight and are physically un-able to compete... Then the attacker (the one who put the original competitor out of competition tonight) will then be subsituted into the Main Event (taking the place of the injured superstar) and will ultimately via for the X-WA X Championship. Then going on to say that the X-WA only wants "the best of the best as Champion unlike other promotions out there"... Also, stating that to be the champ, You'll have to know what it's like to constantly have a bulls-eye on your back... With this new stipulation showing the weight of always being a "marked man". Nemesis ends the opening segment of the PPV by clarifying that once the bell has rung for the Main Event... The three competitors who have made it to said Main Event will be locked into place & the match will take place as is and will only come to an end when we have declared our first X-WA X Champion!


"The Next-Gen Trio" (Francois Catier, Jacob Jett, and Joss Thompson) vs. Burning Taka, Velocidad, Mikkel Drago


The opening X-WA match-up was something of a one-sided affair. Sure, Taka put up a pretty strong fight... and at some points... Mikkel Drago was able to utilize an array of martial arts strikes to slow-down "The Next-Gen Trio".... However, in the end, there was no real chance for their rag-tag trio to come away with the victory. "The Next-Gen Trio" was focused, determined, and down right dedicated to coming away with the win and it showed. While all three men could have won the match alone... They often used underhanded tactics while the referee was being distracted through various measures. In the end, it was just too much for the inexperienced trio of Taka, Velocidad, and Drago as they seemed to lack the focus to keep up with "The Trio". The match came to an and when Jacob Jett pinned Mikkel Drago after exicuting a snap DDT in the center of the ring.


Winner: "The Next-Gen Trio" via pinfall after Jacob Jett pinned Mikkel Drago at the 8:31 mark.

Grade: D-



Angle: Jack Griffith swoops in...

Grade: D+


We cut backstage to see Main Event competitor, and Indy Wrestling Sensation, Steve Flash talking with several X-WA officials backstage about the new stipulation put in place for his match-up tonight. All seems to be rather normal when all of a sudden Jack Griffith bursts onto the scene in blazing fashion... Assaulting Steve Flash from behind and taunting him through out the entire process. It looks as if Jack Griffith may be the first superstar to force his way into the Main Event when Steve Flash gains the upper hand in the fight and ultimately reverses the sneak assault. Flash ends up laying out Griffith with an array of haymakers & finally putting him on his back with a vicious European Uppercut. The scene comes to a close as Steve checks his lip for blood and walks off as Jack Griffith is seen blinking non-stop... Almost as if he is fighting off a concusion.


William Kingsbury III vs. Hell Monkey


This match was truly an intense affair between the hellacious hell monkey & the old-money rich-snob... William Kingsbury III. It was truly a back and forth kind of match the entire way through and at certain points along the way.. It was seemingly on the verge of ending, however, the other superstar would find something deep down to help them kick out. In one instance, Hell Monkey was able to exicute a top rope backbreaker (Carlito's backbreaker) which almost seemed to "break Kingsbury" in half. While the move really landed a serious amount of impact upon Kingsbury's back... Hell Monkey was obviously hurt in the process as well. By the time that Monkey was able to roll over for the pin... Kingsbury found a way to drop his leg on the bottom rope... breaking up the count.


The biggest shock of the match, however, came from Hell Monkey later on when he risked his own body flying to the outside. Kingsbury was staggered outside of the ring and Hell Monkey took advantage by running and diving over the tope rope with a twisting aerial assault. Both men went crashing to the floor... however... again... Hell Monkey did more damage to himself in the end as his head collided with the steel guard rail. Kingsbury was the first person back up to his feet as he staggered back towards the ring... but... Just then we saw Hell Monkey do the same... Both men landed a few punches back and forth as both tried to climb back into the ring... In the end, though, William gained the upper hand when he swung his leg forwards and connected with a low blow on Hell Monkey. In most cases this would end in a DQ, however, the referee was too busy looking back to the time keeper to assure his count was right. Hell Monkey crashed to the floor... wincing in pain.. As William Kingsbury III slowly slid back into the ring, seemingly in a great deal of pain himself, as the referee finished his ten count... Counting Hell Monkey out.


Winner: William Kingsbury III via Countout after Hell Monkey was unable to climb back into the ring at the 12:02 mark.

Grade: C


Angle: Main Event in Question...

Grade: C-


We cut backstage again to see Main Event competitor, and former TCW Cruiserweight stand-out, Fumihiro Ota getting ready in the locker room area. Ota is seen seated, obviously meditating, as the crowd pops at the sight of him. However, this peaceful segment comes to a screetching hault as a large shadowy figure steps into the room. Ota, deep in meditation, doesn't even realize what is going on behind him as a very large musclebound man steps into the room... Standing inches behind the unsuspecting Ota. With a slow crack of his neck, The large musclebound man reaches down and lifts Ota up by his neck in a sleeperhold-like submission. Ota, jolted back to conciousness, struggles to break free from the hold... However, is unsucsessful. Ota shows obvious signs of starting to drift back into unconciousness, however this time by force, as the un-named muscle bound man continues to wrentch in more and more until Ota seemingly passes out. If that wasn't enough, The Big Heavyweight attacker ends up lifting Ota above his head in a full press slam... Throwing him across the room and through a table full of food. The camera man quickly moves out of the way to allow the un-named attacker to leave, however, wasn't fast enough as the big man ended up pushing the camera to the floor. All in all, no one knows who the attacker was and whether or not he is even with the X-WA.


Enygma Extreme vs. The Cyclone


No one saw this match-up delivering at the level that it did when the card was originally released, however, both men found that they had pretty good chemistry with one another from the start. Back and forth, back and forth, the two of them were constantly seen as equals through out the entire match. Just as one would gain the upper hand... The other would find a way to take back control a matter of a few sequences later. So when Enygma Extreme was took control towards the end of the match everyone thought that the Cyclone would ultimately find a way to pull out the win in a shocking fashion... However, that never came to be. The Cyclone tried to exicute a russian leg sweep as a last ditch effort following a strong attack by Enygma... but... the move was quickly blocked... And in the end, Enygma Extreme was able to counter the hold and land an impact move of his own... Hitting a R-K-O'esque kind of move that he calls "The Slow Drain". Enygma went for the pinfall and Cyclone was never seen moving again.


Winner: Enygma Extreme via pinfall at the 11:37 mark.

Grade: C-


Angle: Good luck with that..

Grade: C


Silver Shark is seen roaming the hallways backstage asking various X-WA officials if they've seen Acid anywhere. When asked why... Silver Shark bluntly tells them that he "wants to beat up Acid". Most people laugh it off as they all tell him "Good luck" in different ways (knowing that Silver Shark poses no threat to Acid in reality.. But... Shark doesn't live in... "Reality"). The big moment finally comes though as Shark turns the corner and finds a dimly lit hallway. The light swings back and forth from the ceiling as you're only able to see a couple feet in front of you at a time (whenever the light swings back in the right way). At the end of the hallway we see Acid... Back to the camera... Breathing rather heavily and hunched over as he seems to be simply stairing at the wall. Shark clears his throat and yells out "Mr. Acid... err... I'm here.. to.. ahhh.." Just as Acid slowly spins around with a vampiric look upon his face. This instantly strikes fear in the eyes of Shark as he quickly yelps and spins around all in one second... Finally, running away from the scene with his arms flailing above him.. Knocking over almost everything along the way. Meanwhile, Acid lets out a wicked scream that sounds like nothing that would come from any normal human being... Finally beating his fists on his chest in one powerful display of psychosis.


"The P-G Squad" (P-Phunk, Silver Shark, Mr. Electricity) vs. "The Circus" (Whippy the Clown, Snap Dragon, Kill Switch)

X-WA Six Man Championship Match


This match was nothing short of deliciously awkward. The uber-babyface "P-G Squad" spent most of the time dancing around the ring... Exciting the fans... And even leading in cheers for their legal man. All in all, They played their role perfectly. At one point, Mr. Electricity and P-Phunk were seen double teaming Snap Dragon with a double spinebuster followed up by a dance-off that stretched all over the ring (even getting the referee involved in the dance itself). However, at the other side of the ring, we had the polar opposite of the "P-G Squad" in the vicious, vile, and all around demonic trio... "The Circus". Snap Dragon was the legal man through out most of the match as he kept the pace of the match at a high rate. At one point, The psychotic high flier, perched himself on the top rope... Flying through the air with a hellacious dive that connected in the form of a spike DDT... Quickly popping back up to his feet in a crouched position... Shooting his tounge out like a venomous snake. The creepiest part of the "Circus" came, though, with Whippy's "Sack of fun" (yep, sounds bad) which looks like a dusty old knapsack... Chalked full of hideous weapons. Whippy dragged the sack into his corner at the beginning of the match and it came to aide "The Circus" as, in the end, Whippy (the non-legal man on the outside) blasted a whoopy cushion full of some sort of chalk like powder square in the face of Mr. Electricity (who was the legal man). From there, Kill Switch (the legal man for the "Circus") was able to swoop in and lock in a crossface stretch in the middle of the ring. "The P-G Squad" tried to run in for the save but it was too late as the rest of the "Circus" cleared the ring. The referee, unaware of the chalk in the face of Mr. Electricity due to his back being turned to try to keep Snap Dragon from entering the ring earlier, has no clue about what has happened and ultimately watches on as P-Phunk fanatically taps in obvious pain as Kill Switch sits back father and farther... Wrenching his neck and shoulder.


Winner: "The Circus" win the X-WA Six Man Championships via pinfall after Kill Switch submits Mr. Electricity at the 12:10 mark.

Grade: D


Angle: Medical Attention...

Grade: D+


Backstage, We see Fumihiro Ota struggling to get back up to his feet as local EMT rescuers are seen advising Ota to lay back down. Ota continues to try to get up, however, obviously seems to be in a lot of pain stemming from the assault he just endured. He clutches his back and falls back to the ground in pain as the EMT's try to keep him still for a few seconds. After a brief examination, It seems that Ota is in a great deal of pain & is advised against competing tonight. Fumihiro tries to prove to himself that he's okay by standing up again, however, quickly topples back over... clentching his back in excessive pain and ultimately agreeing to climb onto a stretcher in which to be re-routed to an area hospital instead of competing tonight.


Angle: Master of Manipulation...

Grade: D


Just after seeing that Fumihiro Ota is seemingly injured and unable to compete tonight... We see X-WA owner, Nemesis standing before the un-named muscle bound attacker... Right outside of the locker room area. Nemesis looks over the big man and proclaims that he "doesn't know who he is" (showing that he's not under contract with the X-WA). Nemesis then goes on to say that he's not sure whether or not he should grant the title shot to a non-company fighter... However, in the end, it seems that the controversial owner is about to offer the spot in the Main Event to a relative unknown. Just as he offers the shot... The big heavyweight attacker moves aside as William Kingsbury the III walks onto the scene with a coy remark about what money can buy you. Nemesis is confused as William goes on to unvail that the attacker is NOT an X-WA employee but rather.... His personally hired bodyguard. Then going as far to say that since the big man isn't under contract and rather was doing "his dirty work"... That He, William Kingsbury III, should recieve Fumihiro's spot in the Main Event. Nemesis mulls it over... Weighting the pro's and con's in his mind... And in the end, begins to laugh a little as he states that even he can't stop Kingsbury from getting into the Main Event since Kingsbury showed, while by extremely dubious means, that he really wants to compete for the X Championship... And that's what Nemesis wanted to see when he put this new stipulation in place. So, in the end, Nemesis grants William Kingsbury the III the ability to compete for the X-WA X Championship as a replacement for Fumihiro Ota. While the crowd is somewhat shocked why Nemesis would allow him to do so... It seems to be cemented as such! However, just as William walks off the scene with a smirky grin on his face and his fellow bodyguard at his side... Nemesis stops him with a few parting words of wisdom.


Nemesis: I hope you know what you got yourself into William... [Laughs] Those guys are going to eat... you... alive in there. [Laughs] And if you do make it out in one piece... I'm sure you're going to have a HELL of a time trying to explain your reasons to Fumihiro Ota [Crowd pops as Nemesis smirks]. Regardless of if you win the title or not tonight.... It's going to be you and Ota... one on one... Next month! [The crowd pops like crazy as William throws a hissy fit and storms out of the room with his un-named bodyguard at his side].


Ultimate Phoenix vs. Vicente Marquez vs. Stric Lee Bizness vs. Teddy Powell

X-WA Arena Championship Match


Argueably the best match of the night came when the X-WA Arena Champoinship was on the line. All four superstars were focused and ready for tonight's match-up as no one let their "A Game" slip by. In a shocking underdog-esque kind of way, Teddy Powell was in full control of the match from the get go. I'm not sure if it was because others didn't expect him to come straight out of the gate as hard as he did, however, the first few minutes of the match was obviously in his corner. That was... until... Stric Lee Bizness caught Teddy Powell trying to land a tope rope missle drop-kick that missed. SLB quickly slide in and grounded the flier with an array of submission holds that truly slowed down his aerial assault. At one point, It looked as if SLB was about to win the match within the first five minutes as he worked over the leg of Powell... Locking in a twisted leg lock... wrenching... However, just as Powell was about to tap... Vicente Marquez dove into the ring and elbow dropped Powell in the back of the head... Knocking him out... And making it so he couldn't really tap. From there, Marquez and Phoenix worked as a strong team to take down the technically superior superstar in SLB. At one point, Both men climbed the tope rope on either side and jumped off at the same time... Phoenix landing a leg drop on SLB and Marquez landing a full on splash on SLB. Marquez would go for the pin... Phoenix pulled him off... And the two ended up brawling around the ringside area. At one point, Phoenix was seen jumping up onto the steel guardrail with his back facing Marquez.... Then doing a standing back elbow off of the guardrail... knocking both men to the floor. This was followed up by a few strong strikes from Phoenix and a snap suplex on the exposed cement floor on the outside. Meanwhile, the injured Powell is seen slowly rolling over on the fallen SLB in the middle of the ring... Going for the pin! However, the count is stopped when SLB kicked out in 2 and a half. Powell pushed his shoulder back down... and tried again... but got an even less count.


In the end, All four men found their way back into the ring as you can see the tole that the lengthy bout had taken on all of them. Vicente Marquez hit a reverse DDT on Powell to go for the pin, however, just as he drops back for the reverse DDT... SLB slides into the picture and hit a neckbreaker on the falling Marquez.... So Marquez hits a loose reverse DDT on Powell... And SLB hits a neckbreaker on the falling Marquez all at the same time. SLB gets back up to his feet and grabs Marquez's leg and starts to twist... however... just as he spins around and is about to drop to the matt... Ultimate Phoenix jumps in from behind and rolls the unexpecting SLB up.. Pinning his shoulders down to the matt for a shocking three count!


Winner: Ultimate Phoenix wins the X-WA Arena Championship by pinfall over Stric Lee Bizness at the 16:58 mark.

Grade: C-


Angle: It's just business...

Grade: D-


The match comes to an end as the X-WA Arena Championship is handed to Ultimate Phoenix. He instantly raises the championship high into the air and looks out to the crowd as the celebration has begun. However, before it can go too far... Stric Lee Bizness slides into the ring from under the bottom rope and instantly lays out the new Arena Champion by clipping his right knee out from him from behind. Phoenix drops to the ground in a slow heap as Stric Lee continues his suprise assault by working over the knee of Phoenix. At one point, it looked as if Ultimate Phoenix would be able to salvage himself... however, SLB gains the ultimate upper-hand when he decks the newly crowned champion with his own title belt. Phoenix looks to be out cold now as SLB locks in a twisted single leg crab on the injured leg of Phoenix (Old school Walls of Jericho style)... All the while, Phoenix's face is pushing into his own championship belt that lays below him... However, it's obvious that he's out cold and not even moving through all of this. In the end, a slew of referee's are able to break the hold from SLB... however, not before it's obvious that the damage has been done. SLB slowly walks out of the ring... Stairing down at the fallen Champion the entire time.


Angle: Not so fast...

Grade: D-


Steve Flash makes his way down to the ring for tonight's main event, however, just as he makes his way down the ramp... He is quickly rushed upon by X-WA superstar, The Mean Machine. However, this time around, Flash is ready for the fight as it seems he was expecting something like this to happen. The two brawl around the enterence ramp as the Mean Machine tries a last chance effort to get into the Main Event. While the assault was a clever one... it turned out unsuccessful as Flash shocks the metal-masked superstar with a standing spear into the guardrail. Machine takes a second to grasp his back as Flash quickly runs and slides into the ring.. under the bottom rope.... And the bell is rung for the Main Event!


Acid vs. Steve Flash vs. William Kingsbury III

X-WA X Championship Match

Last Man Standing Elimination Match


The match of the night came in the Main Event as the crown jewel... The X-WA X Championship was on the line. Three strong competitors with William Kingsbury III showing himself off as being the great opportunist in it all... Attacking Fumihiro Ota earlier in the show and claiming his spot in the Main Event. Straight out of the gate, William stood in the wings as Steve Flash and Acid were seen locking up around the ring. Kingsbury would get involved occassionally but only really to hit one cheap move after another on Flash... Trying to gain a quick pinfall in the end. However, at every attempt, either Flash was able to kick out or Acid butt his head into the pinfall and ultimately stopped it. In a comical moment during the match, Kingsbury tried to do the same cheap shot style attack on Acid.. however.. once he hit him in the back... Acid spun around and titled his head in a creepy fashion as if to say "that's all you got". Kingsbury quickly ran to the ropes and dived out to the outside.. Standing alongside his un-named bodyguard. The match continued to go on with William Kingsbury slowly building more and more into the match... Now actually locking up with Flash and trying to out wrestle him, however, while he was seen as somewhat successful in doing so... Flash always found a way to knock the snob back on his ass. At one point, Flash landed a leaping superkick on Kingsbury... However... A dazed and confused Williams was somehow able to pull himself back up to his feet. Just as Acid slide in and laid out Flash with a steel chair shot from hell. However, just like Kingsbury, Flash was able to somehow pull himself back to his feet... Even withstanding a second chair shot just as he got back up to his feet.


The first elimination came when Kingsbury started to work over on the, now, bloodied Steve Flash in the middle of the ring with a string of knee drops to the throat... Holding the last knee drop over his throat and pushing down.. Trying to cut off his breathe. Just then a "gang" of X-WA babyfaces come storming out of the back ("P-G Squad", Velocidad, Hell Monkey, and Enygma Extreme) and v-lining towards the un-named bodyguard who put their friend out of the running for tonight's Main Event. In an act of loyalty to their fallen friend, The 6 of them started to attack the bodyguard from all over... While he put up a hell of a fight... The numbers and the speed of the attacks were just too much to withstand. The angry mob beat the un-named bodyguard down to the ground.. Just as William notices what's going on. He walks over to the ropes stop the carnage by.. well.. yellling at them... Which opened up room for him to be almost be-headed by another Superkick from Steve Flash as he spun back around to continue his assault. William isn't able to respond to the ten count as he is declared out of the match.


From there Acid and Flash would brawl all through out the ringside area. In and out of the crowd through out the rest of the match. The "game changing" moment came, however, when Acid was able to leap off of a group of chairs and land a swooping hurricanrana on a dazed Flash. Steve went flying into the guadrail and due the force was flung over the guardrail and back to the ringside area. He would slowly try to get back to his feet but Acid took control from here on out... With the final moments of the match coming to a point where Acid was seen beating Flash into the matt with a steel chair. In the end, Acid would lay Flash down in the middle of the ring... Draping the steel chairs over his body... Finally landing a high rise moonsault on the fallen Flash. The move would end up hurting Acid as well, however, Acid would land on the chair bridged over Flash's face... Knocking him out in the process. Acid would find a way back to his feet at the count of 7 as he gripped his stomach in pain... Flash... however... Never got back up.


Winner: Acid wins the X-WA X Championship via pinfall over Steve Flash at the 22:13 mark. William Kingsbury III was the first to be defeated with Steve Flash second.

Grade: B-



Overall Show Grade: C+

Attendance: 7,782

PPV Buy Rate: 0.21

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Show Thoughts:


After every resulting posting, I'm planning on posting my overall thoughts with the show. It's going to be set to a bullet form kind of thing, however, I thought it'd be cool to comment on the show. I've read other's diaries before and really enjoyed when the "player" himself/herself left their own thoughts on the show. Nothing too crazy but enough to give an idea of what was going through their mind.


* I absolutely love "The Circus" trio group so much so that I changed who I wanted to win based upon that. The "P-G Squad" was my first choice when mulling over the results as they are a super babyface team and could be a great comedic relief kind of group. However, at the end of it all, I couldn't not put the titles on "The Circus". There's so much room to go ahead with them... Whippy's "Sack of Fun" (hah), Kill Switch being a violent submission artist, and Snap Dragon being a truly unique freak (love his character so far). Overall, I'm not saying that they will have an extremely lengthy kind of run with the belts.. but.. I love the trio so far.


* The X-WA Arena Championship match could have gone either way between the four. I really like them all, however, Phoenix is a personal favorite of mine. When I chose champions I did so from the stand-point of "Who would I want to be the first EVER Champion with this belt". Between the four of them Phoenix was the best choice for the historical title reign. I'm looking forward to booking the Phoenix vs. Stric Lee Bizness feud going ahead!


* The X-WA X Championship match was hands down the easiest match to decide on. I love Steve Flash don't get me wrong.. but.. Acid just personifies the X-WA for me. Dark, borderline psychotic, cult-like entertainment wrestling. That's Acid to me. So, while Flash is a big name in my eyes, Acid was the only real person I could see with the title belt right out of the gate to help shape the X-WA's theme. It was fun writing up the card and having William Kingsbury III slip into the Main Event due to his bodyguard's attack.


* The un-named bodyguard will be named very soon! Not a crazy noteable thing, however, he'll be involved in William's matches enough that he should have a name. He's an actual Cornellverse wrestler (however, unknown in the U.S.) and will only be there as a man in Kingsbury's corner. He may wrestle at some point, however, he's not a modern'esque kind of superstar so we'll see. If the storyline calls for it then maybe.


* I know that a lot of people were pulling for Ota to put up a strong showing in the Main Event... I was planning on having him via for the title, however, the storyline behind 'Til the last man stands made it so that he had to be the one taken out. Instead, though, this builds a strong Kingsbury III & Bodyguard vs. Fumihiro Ota feud. I'm not sure how I'm going to book this one as of yet, but I'm sure it will build itself up.


* I'm trying to land a TV show so that I can step away from a 2 hour show into maybe an hour 1/2 or just an hour. That way it's a little easier to keep up to date with shows and then making the final PPV of the month the longer of them all.


* I'm not 100% sure who I plan on having the first title shot for the X Championship, however, Steve Flash would seem like the smartest choice of them all. However, I'm not always a fan of cliche' so that could change.


* I got a note after the show saying that Steve Flash had suffered a cold during last night's match. So, I guess the fact that he was cut open and bled all over the ring caused him to get the sniffles. ha. Tough life for the Blue Collar warrior.


Apupunchau@optonline & Foolinc were the closest to having a perfect card prediction with 4 out of 6 correct! Thanks to everyone who put in predictions for the show. It's cool to see what others think may happen all together. As the cards go along, It'll probably become more fun to follow along and put your own 2 cents into it.


All in all, I just thought I'd leave my thoughts behind after the show. I hope you enjoyed reading it! I'm sure through out the next few days I'll be posting some news stories that will ultimately bring on the next card (and also further storylines).




EDIT NOTE: The roster section of the post is updated with the new champions being declared as such. The title belts are seen next to the current champion and their X-WA Highlights section is also updated accordingly.

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The Official Website of X-Wrestling America




The deal was made official today as the X-WA has reached an agreement with U.S. based TV station, Arcadia, to broadcast a new TV show in their Late Evening time slot on Thursdays.


The show has already been named "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" and will run for approx. an hour and a half each and every week starting in March of 2008. It's said to be a very short contractual agreement (only running for 12 episodes), however, with the potential to move into a longer agreement after the initial broadcasts have been reviewed.


It is also to be noted that Arcadia is granted full exclusive rights to the X-WA's newest addition, however, revenues and costs will be split 90/10.


When reached for comment, the X-WA vowed that their new TV show will not only bring the X-WA to a larger audience but will also house a dedicated effort in "changing the wrestling landscape".


With that being said, The first EVER X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" main event has been announced. The historic match-up will pit the X-WA X Champion, Acid, against the "tough as nails" challenger, Steve Flash, for said Championship. To add a little more spice onto an already explosive match-up... Nemesis himself has declared that the match will take place in a Steel Cage so no one can interfere in this legendary affair.


Rest of the card to follow.

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With that being said, The first EVER X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" main event has been announced. The historic match-up will pit the X-WA X Champion, Acid, against the "tough as nails" challenger, Steve Flash, for said Championship. To add a little more spice onto an already explosive match-up... Nemesis himself has declared that the match will take place in a Steel Cage so no one can interfere in this legendary affair.


Gonna get my TiVo ready for this one :)

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NEWS: First Ever X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" card is Finalized!


The X-WA has released the very first card for their upcoming TV debut coming this Thursday. You can leave your predictions if you like!



Fumihiro Ota vs. William Kingsbury III w/ un-named bodyguard


Hell Monkey vs. Kill Switch w/ Whippy the Clown & Snap Dragon


Vicente Marquez vs. Teddy Powell


Burning Taka vs. Stric Lee Bizness


|| X-WA Main Event ||

Acid © vs. Steve Flash

[X-WA X Championship Match]

[steel Cage]


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Liked the first show. Hopefully you can keep it up. :)


Acid © vs. Steve Flash

[X-WA X Championship Match]

[steel Cage]


Fumihiro Ota vs. William Kingsbury III w/ un-named bodyguard

Cheating to win


Hell Monkey vs. Kill Switch w/ Whippy the Clown & Snap Dragon


Vicente Marquez vs. Teddy Powell


Burning Taka vs. Stric Lee Bizness

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Fumihiro Ota vs. William Kingsbury III w/ un-named bodyguard


Hell Monkey vs. Kill Switch w/ Whippy the Clown & Snap Dragon


Vicente Marquez vs. Teddy Powell


Burning Taka vs. Stric Lee Bizness


|| X-WA Main Event ||

Acid © vs. Steve Flash

[X-WA X Championship Match]

[steel Cage]

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Fumihiro Ota vs. William Kingsbury III w/ un-named bodyguard


Ota by DQ


Hell Monkey vs. Kill Switch w/ Whippy the Clown & Snap Dragon


More push for the Circus


Vicente Marquez vs. Teddy Powell


I just like Champagne Lover better


Burning Taka vs. Stric Lee Bizness


SLB builds toward a match the Ultimate Phoenix


|| X-WA Main Event ||

Acid © vs. Steve Flash

[X-WA X Championship Match]

[steel Cage]


Acid won't lose the title so quickly even to "The Great One"

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Pre-Write Up: This is a rumor mill/X-WA analysis style of post that I plan on trying to incorporate into my game. The exert is set to take place on Ernie Turner's website and is a mixture of both shooting and in-character rant... This way there is a great deal of ambiguity. These posts will help to bring in new information to the reader that will be more interesting than saying "So and so failed a drug test"... Rather, Turner sells his "inside knowledge" to his readers. The big question is... Is he shooting or developing storylines in a new medium? It's not known and can change a couple of times through out one post alone.



"The X-WA Xplosive Report w/ Ernie Turner"



Hello X-WA fans, Ernie "Mr. Shock Himself" Turner here!


We here at ErnieTurner.com have decided to go forward with a real-time blog that will help those of you X-WA fans to see the X-WA like you've never seen it before. Nemesis originally wasn't a huge fan of the idea but after a long conversation... I was given the rights to do so. So, I promise to not only show the "skeleton of the X-WA" to those of you but to also bring you the kind of analysis that NO ONE else could. Who else could host this thing? Stevie Smith? hah. Only if you want to hear the word "bugger" every two seconds. Anyways, let's get a move on.

This week marks our TV debut with "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" and the Main Event is set to be a hellacious battle between our X-WA X Champion, Acid, and the "King of New York" Steve Flash. To make matters even crazier... It's all going to be set within four sides of steel.... Placing the match in the middle of a steel cage. At first, I was confused as to why Nemesis would throw a steel cage into the mix (outside of the fact that it just makes for a great match none the less), however, after our last PPV event... I guess it's a smart idea to keep out all of those "opportunists" who are looking to make a name for themselves. They had their chance last month and only William Kingsbury the III was "man enough" to get the job done. After that, the Boss had to find a way to temper the chaos around the X Championship. Who do I think will win? I'm not totally sure as when you stack up their credentials... It always seems to come back to a stalemate, however, I wouldn't want to step into a steel cage with the likes of Acid. Have you seen this guy lately? It's almost as if he died when DaVE fell apart and has now been reborn as some sort of sub-human psychopath.


How bad ass is the Circus? By far the most unique set of three superstars in the entire industry... Hands down. For those of you who think that the "Syndi-snore" in TCW is the "hottest group in wrestling today"... Think again. The Circus looks to be a rag-tag bunch of mentally deranged schizo's who are more hell-bent on absolute carnage then winning a match. Then again, with that being said, their Six Man Championships win isn't shocking by any means... How can you defeat a group that has no boundaries? How do you slow down a trio that is obsessed with chaotic bombardments? All I know is that while we don't have many trios in the X-WA as of right now.... Even if there were thousands... I don't see the Circus losing the championships anytime soon.


I keep on reading the same emails from you ever since the last PPV.... Who is Kingsbury's bodyguard? Where did he come from? While we haven't officially heard his name yet... A lot of rumblings backstage is that the grizzled big man is somewhat of a "foreign made man". While I haven't been physically close to the guy yet... I've heard that he speaks very little english. All in all, The big man is truly a menacing figure in the locker room area and is seen always two steps behind Kingsbury no matter where he goes. The one big piece of information that I have heard though is that this is not a "new hire" for Kingsbury but rather it seems that the silent big man has been at his side since his 16th birthday. So, it seems that he has made a career out of "opening doors" for Kingsbury. Both literal and theoretically.

Another question that I've personally seen in number of emails is asking whether or not we'll see Nemesis step into the ring in the X-WA. While you never really know what's going on in the boss's head... I wouldn't put it past him to step into the ring at some point. Granted, for him to do so, it would probably have to be in the right circumstance. He's not like Sam Strong... He isn't going to whore his name just for ratings.


Rumor Section:


+ Does the Circus have a ringleader? Rumor is that there may be another member or two to join the demonic trio at some point in the near future. While there have been some names thrown around.... It is in good authority that there may be another BIG NAME to join the group at some point down the line.


+ Has Steve Flash made a pact with the "P-G Squad" to watch eachother's backs? While it hasn't been confirmed, Sources backstage say that Flash has been seen talking with most of the trio before and after shows. Could the "P-G Squad" be at his side when he takes on Acid? I guess we will see when the show finally airs.


+ Rumor is that Nemesis may want a "closer look" at the upcoming Main Event between Flash & Acid. No one knows what this really means... or if it's true for that matter... but, the X-WA is obviously Nemesis's baby.. And the X-WA X Championship is the "crown jewel" of the company... So, it's pretty safe to say that he'll be dedicated to maintaining the prestige of the young championship.


+ Could there be new signings on the way to the X-WA? Scouts for the company have been seen at CZCW events as well as some un-named overseas events as well with the focus of looking for "new talent". Will this actually transpire into more superstars on the X-WA roster?


+ Rumor is backstage that if Steve Flash is un-able to defeat Acid for the Championship... He will not continue to be the default #1 contender. Rather, there may be a major #1 contendership match to take place in the future if Acid is victorious. With that being said, this hasn't been officially confirmed and in some circles... Steve Flash is seen as the far and away favorite in the match-up despite being the challenger... As many believe that the bloodied superstar was screwed over in the first match-up.

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+ Rumor is that Nemesis may want a "closer look" at the upcoming Main Event between Flash & Acid. No one knows what this really means... or if it's true for that matter... but, the X-WA is obviously Nemesis's baby.. And the X-WA X Championship is the "crown jewel" of the company... So, it's pretty safe to say that he'll be dedicated to maintaining the prestige of the young championship.


So, Nemesis vs. Flash vs. Acid? ;)

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Really enjoying the presentation of this and the various avenues of information presented here, Eisen


Thanks Crayon! (Writing that made me feel like I was in kindergarten or something. hah. The kind of kid who sits in the corner and eats paste)


When I decided to go ahead with a diary I wanted to make sure that there was a lot of planning gone into every post. In past dairies I tired, I got bored really early because I didn't understand my own characters and typically felt like all of it was happening inside my head (which arguably it is. ha). This time around I wanted to create different "mediums" to get information out there so that it stayed fresh for me and also gave the reader a little more than just a post here and there.


With knowing that show write-ups take the longest block of time and factoring that in with my actual dwindling free-time, I thought it would be best to create other posts that could keep it interesting while I tried to book and then write-up the shows.


Anywhoo, That's my long rant. :) I'm glad that people are stopping by and giving the diary a read so far! I'm cementing out plans for the first TV show post and will probably start booking it sometime this weekend with write-up coming early next week.


So, Nemesis vs. Flash vs. Acid?


That's a pretty lofty rumor ... But ya never know??? ;)

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X-WA Thursday Night Blitzkrieg - TV Event

1st Week of March 2009


Angle: I should be champion...

Grade: C+


The show kicks off with Nemesis coming down to the ring. The crowd is going absolutely crazy for the once "Fallen Angel of the SWF" as Nemesis goes on to hype tonight's main event. Talking about how both Acid and Steve Flash are "warriors of their craft" and will give you nothing less than perfection while competing. The crowd, heavily on the side of the "New York Indy Legend" Steve Flash, was heard chanting Flash's name over and over again as Nemesis comments on his regional success. Just then as Nemesis begins to talk about how steel cage's can be the most "unforgiving matches in all of Pro Wrestling... It can change careers"... William Kingsbury III's music hits over the arena sound system.


Kingsbury, with his menacing bodyguard at his side, already had a mic in hand as he went on to challenge Nemesis's judgement in putting Steve Flash in tonight's main event. He then also claimed that he was "robbed of the X-WA X Championship" and should be the "rightful Champion". Nemesis laughed off his statement and made a joke to the effect that "If you want to be stupid enough to step into the ring with Acid then be my guest"... however, Kingsbury doesn't take well to his joke. instead, he demanded that he receive a re-shot for the X-WA X Championship. Nemesis, tightening up his smile and adopting a more aggressive tone, tells William that he shouldn't worry about the X Championship tonight as he has his hands full with Fumihiro Ota. The crowd errupted like crazy as William was seen telling them all to "shutup" or else his bodyguard would go out there and "shut them up". In the end, Nemesis rejects his notion of a re-match for the X Championship and rather... Wishes him "luck tonight", since he saw Ota in the back, because (and I quote) "that man is looking for a fight". The crowd errupts once again as Nemesis's music hits to close the segment. Kingsbury is seen telling the crowd to "shutup" as he & his bodyguard walk back into the back.


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Burning TAKA


For those who thought that Stric Lee Bizness would simply walk away with this match-up in hand... You were sorely mistaken. Burning TAKA put on a show through out the entire match and really pushed the young "ice man" to the edge and back. At one point, TAKA was so close to picking up the win that he achieved a 2 1/2 count after a top rope leg drop that connected on the back of SLB's head. As the match dragged along, however, SLB never made that grave mistake that would put him away. Rather, at certain points of the match, would find a way to work over the lower back of the International high flier. A sidewalk slam here, rolling knee drop there... Even locking in a submission hold which hand his knees planted in the lower back of TAKA and pulling up on his upper body with a rear-naked choke. While the move looked hideous... TAKA found a way to grab the bottom rope and ultimately break the hold. From there, TAKA would find a way to make a major impact by laying out SLB with a high speed spinning heel kick to the head... Followed by a string of grapples... Finishing with a snap fisherman suplex... Which only got TAKA a 2 count before SLB was able to kick out.


In the end, TAKA climbed to the top rope inwhich to exicute a flying closeline... however... SLB went from seemingly being staggered to being on-top of his game... catching TAKA on his way down and ultimately flipping him over into a raised Single Leg Crab (much like the Walls of Jericho). Stric Lee sits back farther and farther as TAKA quickly taps marking the end of the match.


Winner: Stric Lee Bizness over Burning TAKA in 13:48 via submission.

Grade: D+


Angle: Why Steve Flash? Why not any of us?...

Grade: D-


We cut backstage to see Nemesis talking over tonight's main event with an X-WA referee when all of a sudden "The Next-Gen Trio" bursts into the room with arrogant intentions. Nemesis continues to speak to the referee, despite the group just walking in, as this quickly enrages the three youngsters as Jacob Jett quickly interjects into the middle of the conversation stating "we need to talk". Nemesis was seen rolling his eyes as he dismisses the referee for the Main Event and then turns his attention to the "Next-Gen Trio" stating that "they better have a reason for wasting his time". The Trio then went on to ask why Steve Flash is receiving another title shot despite losing last week in the first ever X Championship Main Event. Nemesis proclaims that Flash deserves the shot due to "proving himself as a viable champion through out his career". This enrages the Trio as they come back saying that Flash is an over-the-hill "Grandpa" who deserves nothing more than the opener slot.... That one of them should have recieved the title shot since they are "The real cornerstones of this company". Nemesis tells the three of them that they would be "ever so lucky to have a career biography like Flash"... Ultimately denying their request. As the "Next-Gen Trio" storms out of the room vowing some sort of revenge... Nemesis tells them to "stay out of his office until they have proved that they are worth the time".


Vicente Marquez vs. Teddy Powell


The match sounded great on paper.... And that's where it should have stayed. These two men just didn't click what so ever through out the entire match... Which was evident with some novice-looking mistakes coming from both men. The worst of them came when Teddy Powell tried to springboard himself into the ring to land an aerial assault on Marquez... However, just as he jumps up onto the rope... His legs buckle and he ends up slamming head first into the matt... Knocking him completely silly. In the end, that would mark the ultimate mistake as Vicente Marquez never looked back... taking full control of the match up and finally ending it all with a running high impact move (Billy Gunn's old "Fame-asser") that he calls "Look on the bright side". Powell's head would hit the matt with so much force that his entire body shakes following the landing, just as Marquez slowly rolls over the unconcious Powell for the standard 3 count.


Winner: Vicente Marquez over Teddy Powell in 12:18 via pinfall.

Grade: E+


Angle: Demonic Intentions...

Grade: E


A produced video is shown for "The Circus" at this point. The video starts with a swinging camera shot... back and forth... back and forth... back and forth... to the point where you almost end up getting "sea sick" from watching your own TV. While this is going on, The scene changes from "TV snow" to a plain black background to a shot of a run-down circus tent every other second or two... Just as your typical circus theme is played in the background... using an out-of-tune organ to add to the demonic-nature. Just then it goes completely black and you hear a sadistic laughter coming through from Whippy the clown. Then from there we see random clips of "The Circus" both in and out of the ring... Attacking people, lighting things on fire, throwing gasoline on different objects, etc... All in an extremely fast set of scene changes. With the video finally ending with an all black background once again.. Hearing Snap Dragon sounding like a snake... Slithering his tounge. Just as Whippy starts to sadistically laughing again... Followed by Kill Switch, in a very monotone half-dead kind of approach, says "The circus is coming to town...".


Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Hell Monkey


This match was a perfect example of what the X-WA is all about... Violent, ultra-aggressive, "Shock & Awe" style wrestling that leaves you on the edge of your seat. Both men were "jacked" straight out of the gate as they met eachother in the middle of the ring with fists-a-blazing. Both men laid into eachother so heavily that you would have expected them both to pass out due to injury... However, It didn't slow them down in the slightest. At one point, Hell Monkey was seen pulling up on Kill Switch's arms while running his foot across Switch's throat... Choking him badly in the process. It almost looked as if the referee was going to allow the move to count as a Submission hold when Whippy The Clown of "The Circus" quickly jumped up on the aipren and grabbed the back of Monkey's mask.. Pulling him towards the ropes. The referee breaks Whippy from Monkey as Hell Monkey tells him to "not call the DQ"... Instead, Monkey wanted to go back into the fight. After the referee allowed the match to continue... This was enough room for Kill Switch to regain the control of the match following a string of cheap shots... Followed up with a submission hold of his own, A seated sleeper hold, while twisting Monkey's body all over the place. The contortions looked to almost pull Monkey's head square off, however, he was able to break the hold with a clever backward roll... Pinning Switch in the process. The count would only get a 2 count, however.


As the match continued both men showed no sign of slowing down and that was most evident as Hell Monkey went for a spiked piledriver but was blocked by Switch... Ultimately flipping him over the top rope with a back body drop that would have Monkey land awkwardly on the aipren and then to the floor. The referee would start his count just as Hell Monkey slowly tried to get back to his feet... Holding his shoulder in the process and toppling over on a few occassions as he fought to regain his composure. The key moment came though as Kill Switch all of a sudden deverted the ref's attention as he (still on the ground after the back body drop) begins to yell out in pain as if he broke his leg. The referee breaks his focus for a few moments to check on the fallen Switch just as the other members of "The Circus" (Whippy and Snap Dragon) are seen assaulting Hell Monkey on the outside. In the end, Whippy the clown reaches into his "Sack of Fun" and ends up pulling out a dusty mallot.... Swinging it wildly over his head and ultimately slamming in into the back of Monkey's skull... having him fall over to the ground in a massive heap. When the referee turns back both men walk away from the scene as the count reaches ten.


Winner: Kill Switch over Hell Monkey in 11:49 due to Count-out.

Grade: C-


Angle: The Optimist meets the Jaded...

Grade: D+


We cut backstage to see Vicente Marquez telling a story to several X-WA officials backstage about how he had overcome living in poverty as a child in Mexico and how he, and his family, were fortunate enough to break-free from the poverished home they had once resided in & now is thankful for the opportunity to become an American Citizen. Even if it means living in his car... He and his brothers are "so very happy for living in the land of the free". The crew of X-WA officials are all in amazement of Marquez's story as many of them shake his hand and say that it's "an honor to have him here". Just as the last official walks past and thanks him for his story, Jack Griffith walks onto the scene from the corner of the screen. Marquez goes to shake his hand, having not met Griffith yet, and Griffith doesn't seem to really care about his advancement. Instead, Griffith tells him that he had over-heard his story and was shocked. Marquez, thinking that it's about how he had came from rags to the X-WA, begins to smile and nod his head.. Starting to speak... Just as Griffith cuts him off saying that he's shocked because..... "Marquez doesn't deserve to be here in the X-WA". Vicente is thrown off by the comment as he laughs off Griffith's negative attitude as he questions why. Griffith, the ultimate pessimist, goes on to tell Vicente that he's nothing more than a "overglorified joke" and that he doesn't know "True pain". Vicente, not knowing of Griffith's demons, tries to back out of the arguement by smiling and stating that he lived through a very "tough childhood". However, this makes Griffith mad as he feels Vicente isn't listening to him... So in turn, not respecting him. Griffith tells him to "shutup when I'm talking to you"... Which turns Vicente's mood a little more pointed... As he goes to leave the scene... Griffith pulls him back and ends up slapping him straight across the face... Proclaiming "I deserve your respect" at the same time. This enrages Vicente as his typical "happy-go-lucky" persona drops for a second... Marquez gets square into the face of Griffith as the two share some heated words... With the segment ending with both agreeing to a match here on Blitzkrieg.. Next week!


Angle: Show of support...

Grade: D-


Fumihiro Ota's theme music hits as we suprisingly see a grouping of babyface superstars come out of the back first. All six men (Enygma Extreme, Silver Shark, Cyclone, Ultimate Phoenix, P-Funk, and Mr. Electricity) are seen lining along the side of the enterence ramp on either side as a show of support for the returning Fumihiro Ota. No one speaks.. rather... They stand in confidence, Showing their respect & support for the still injured Cruiserweight Stand-out, Fumihiro Ota. Overall, the "break" from kayfabe heightens this short display of support into somewhat of an iconic moment in X-WA history. Creating a heavy "buzz" around the idea that Ota is back from last week's hanious assault and has his mind focused on destroying the man who put the hit on him.


Fumihiro Ota vs. William Kingsbury III w/ un-named bodyguard


The grudge match was suppose to be Ota's revenge against the snobby rich kid who put a hit on him last week... Having his bodyguard do his dirty work in exchange for William's title shot, however, this match-up was certainly not that. As the bell rung, We saw William call the referee over to check his boots for weapons. The referee, shocked by why Williams would want to be checked in the first place (especially if he did have a weapon) does his job and goes on to check William. However, just as he gets finished, we see Kingsbury's bodyguard slide into the ring ever so quietly... Ultimately running over Ota from behind with a powerful closeline to the back of his neck. Ota hits the matt pretty hard as the bodyguard stomps the hell out of him... Just as the referee notices what is going on and calls for the bell.


Winner: Fumihiro Ota over William Kingsbury III in 0:09 via DQ.

Grade: D+


Angle: Just in time...

Grade: D


Despite losing via DQ, William Kingsbury III is seen celebrating what has just transpired as his un-named bodyguard stands over the fallen Fumihiro Ota in a show of dominance. Meanwhile, the six babyface superstars who stood around the rampway for Ota's return come running out of the back to stop the vile tandem from doing anymore harm to Ota. Noticing that the calvary is coming, Kingsbury quickly slides out of the ring and jumps into the first row of the crowd.. using the guardrail as some sort of protection. The bodyguard slowly follows by stepping over the top rope and standing along side Kingsbury as his alleegance lies with Kingsbury... not to get into a fight with six other guys. The babyface squad quickly takes over the ring as Kingsbury is seen "jaw-jacking" with the group while various members lean down to check up on Ota. Ultimately, Ota is helped to his feet and Kingsbury exits through the crowd all the while being followed by his menacing bodyguard.


Angle: The Anticipation grows...

Grade: D


We cut backstage to see Steve Flash warming up in the locker room area. Already dressed for tonight's match-up and going through the final phases of mentally and physically getting himself ready for tonight's legendary affair. He's told by an X-WA official that he has 5 minutes before his enterence as Flash nods without saying a word and continues to shake-out his body... Stripping away his nerves and gearing his thoughts towards winning the X-WA X Championship.


Just as we cut away from Flash getting ready we instantly switched to a shot of a darkened boiler room. Steam is shooting out in every direction as it looks almost as if the boiler room is a personification of hell itself. The camera slowly panned across the room to see Acid with a layer of sweat glistening off of his back while he faces away from the camera. He's seen heavily breathing (to the point where his body is physically moving up and down while he breathes) and making weird snarling like noises every once in awhile. An X-WA employee opens the door slowly and tells him that he has 5 minutes before the match-up tonight and Acid does nothing. Just then Acid leans backwards flexing his arms out at the side and letting out a gargoyle like scream that echos through out the room. This caused the X-WA worker to quickly slam the door shut in fear of what may come. All in all, the match of the night is next....


Acid © vs. Steve Flash

X-WA X Championship Match

Modern Steel Cage Match


"The Showdown in the Steel", "The Carnage in the Cage", The Main Event.... This match did not let anyone down. Both men gave it their absolute-all and in the end, It created a sense that the two had amazing chemistry together. Through out the beginning of the match, It looked like any normal match. Neither man utilized the steel cage and neither man seemed to want to make this match any longer than it had to be. Constantly going for pinfalls and locking in submission holds to ground eachother in the process. It was seeming to be just another typical match when all of a sudden that got thrown by the wayside with one major mistake by Acid. Acid was running at Flash full-speed just as Steve ducked down and flipping Acid square into the steel cage wall.. Shaking it on it's very foundation. From there, it's almost as if both men acted hungry wolves that smelled "blood"... The match started to incorpoate the steel cage more and more and at one point... Acid was seen running Flash's face over the steel cage like he was grating cheese... Ending it with a couple of kicks to the back of Flash's head.. Slamming his face harder and harder into the steel... Leaving lines across Steve's face.


Acid would continue to work over Flash and thought he had the win after a spinning fireman's carry spike. After the move he was seen jumping back up to his feet and letting out a roar that seemed more primal than human. This would be followed by him quickly trying to scurry up the side of the cage... Sensing freedom. However, Flash is somehow able to get back to his feet and starts climbing himself. Acid gets over the edge of the cage but is caught... Flash punches him out a few times and finally lands a major top rope super-plex from the top of the steel cage. Both men look like they had just gone through a car wreck as neither are moving. Both men lay in the middle of the ring for more than 30 seconds as it seems like neither will be able to continue from the fall. However, both men find a way to start to drag themselves to their feet. Just then both men would swing wildly at eachother in the middle of the ring... Staggering... Punching... Staggering.. Punching... With the fist fight ending with Flash ducking an Acid swing and knee'ing him in the back... Ultimately hitting "The Flash Bang" in the middle of the ring.


Just then we see Steve Flash slowly drag himself towards the steel cage door... calling for the referee to open it up. As he drags himself, We see the "Next-Gen Trio" make their way out of the back.. Slowly walking down to the ringside area with a ****y stride to their step. All three men stand on the outside and watch the carnage as the mood starts to shift. The door slowly opens on the cage as Flash pulls himself to his feet and steps through with one leg... And is just about to slide his body through the ropes completely as Francois Cartier (of the "Next-Gen Trio") jumps in like a cat and quickly slams the door on Flash... The unforgiving steel cage door slams agains the side of Flash's head as he slumps over back in the ring. The referee tries to throw Cartier out of the ringside area, however, the rest of the "Next-Gen Trio" is seen picking the referee up and moving him out of the way like he weighted nothing more than 2 pounds. The "Next-Gen Trio" had done exactly what they set out to do... "Proved themselves as threats in the X-WA".


The Trio stood along the cage and watched again as Flash is seen blinking non-stop while laying on the matt... An obvious sign of a concussion. Just then we see Acid is now back on his feet, staggering over to the fallen Flash. Acid reaches down to get Flash and in a knee-jerk reaction (showing how much of a true veteran Flash is)... He's able to roll up Acid despite possibly suffering a major concussion... However, the pinfall only gets a one count in the process as Flash is unable to keep the hold. Instead, Acid gets back up to his feet and picks up a completely "lost" Steve Flash... Ultimately exicuting a suspended spike DDT towards the steel cage door... Going for the pinfall and getting the three count and retaining his title.


Winner: Acid over Steve Flash in 19:53 via pinfall. This marks the first successful defense for Acid as the X-WA X Champion.

Grade: B-



Overall Show Grade: C+

Attendance: 2,000

TV Rating: 0.37

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The Official website of X-Wrestling America





The legendary cage match between Steve Flash and X-WA X Champion, Acid, was truly one for the ages. Both men absolutely disregarded their health as they fought for the right to claim the "crown jewel" of the X-WA, The X Championship.


Blood was shed, bodies were broken, and history was made when Acid successfully retained the X Championship marking the first title defense in his young reign. While Steve Flash was able to manipulate the steel cell like a veteran of his craft.... Ultimately, Acid was too much to withstand and the

"Legend of New York Indy Wrestling" found himself barely gripping to consciousness after the hellacious battle.


At one point, however, Steve Flash was seemingly inches from victory. The arena erupted as Flash was able to execute his famous "Flash Bang" in the middle of the ring. The pro-Flash New York crowd was dancing in the isle ways.. Anticipating their hero to do what he does best... Win. However, that fanfare fell by the wayside pretty quickly as the ultra-arrogant "Next-Gen Trio" made their presence known with an imfamous steel door shot to the side of Flash's unprotected head. Some at ringside said the sound was so sickening that they had to turn away... In the end, showing Flash fall to the matt in a thunderous fashion... Obviously fighting with consciousness.


There are many both within, and outside, of the X-WA that believe Flash was "robbed" of a historic victory tonight by the egocentric young trio... Most notably, Francois Cartier. When approached after the event initially Steve Flash was unable to take any questions due to his medical condition. Doctors cornered Flash in the locker room and forced him to submit to a full concussion exam. However, after Flash was released and seemingly more coherent... He left this message for the fans of the X-WA, Acid, and "The Next-Gen Trio"....


"Acid fought like a mad-man tonight. No matter what I was able to do... He [Acid] always found a way to match me or somehow overcome. I know that my day will come once again when I am given the chance to compete for the X Championship and when that day comes... I won't let you down.


As for the "Next-Gen Trio", I'm not one to make excuses... So, If you're looking for me to blame my loss on you... You're mistaken. But what I am going to do is teach you young punks a lesson. A lesson in respect. Some may say that I'm playing into your "plan" by taking the bait... but I don't care.... Green little punks like you are always in need of an attitude adjustment. In this case, I'll do my duty as a veteran to put you all in your place."


Some feel that Nemesis may be to blame for this manipulative attack due to his recent interaction with the group, however, many agree with his original statement on "Blitzkrieg". While "The Next-Gen Trio" is considered a young-up-and-coming group... It seems that their members are already tired of the notion that they are the "Future" and rather want to be... The Present.

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NEWS: X-WA signs International Superstar American Elemental.




It has been made official as of tonight...The X-WA has expanded its roster with the signing of American Elemental. Known for his recent stint with the WLW, Elemental is considered to be one of the "hottest indy talents out there". With that being said, It probably won't take long before you see the impressive flier in an X-WA ring.




(American Elemental has been added to the X-WA roster on the first page of this forum.)

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NEWS: "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" Card is finalized.

Week 2, March 2009


The X-WA has released their overall card for this weeks "Blitzkrieg" telecast. With last week's debut show pulling in a decent 0.37 TV Rating... The company is hoping to draw in as many viewers if not more with this weeks action. Will Steve Flash gain revenge on the "Next-Gen Trio" for what they did to him last week? Will Vicente Marquez find a way to overcome the "Jaded Jackass" Jack Griffith? Also, will Hell Monkey find a way to overcome the odds this week and finally defeat a member of "The Circus"? Tune in to find out....



Enygma Extreme vs. Whippy the Clown w/ "The Circus"


Vicente Marquez vs. Jack Griffith


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Mr. Electricity

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


Hell Monkey vs. Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus"


|| X-WA Main Event ||


Steve Flash, Fumihiro Ota, Silver Shark vs. Acid, William Kingsbury III w/ his un-named bodyguard, Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio"

[3 vs. 3 Match]



Also, The X-WA has announced the development of a March PPV event entitled X-WA "Shockwaves". The show will take place on Tuesday of Week 4 (placing two more shows from here before the PPV) and will be in direct competition with both the SWF & TCW for viewer attention that night. We are unaware why the young company would want to instantly put themselves in the "Big Two's" path, however, many believe that with scheduling issues on other days... This day works best for the X-WA. Plus, the companies brand has always been geared towards offering an alternative product to the wrestling scene. This way they can obviously challenge the status quo with their 2nd ppv event.

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Enygma Extreme vs. Whippy the Clown w/ "The Circus"


I really like the circus and I especially like Whippy I think they get a win here before having some one come after their titles at the next PPV.


Vicente Marquez vs. Jack Griffith


Jack is old and Marquez is the future.


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Mr. Electricity

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


I like Mr. Electricity but he's not in Phoenix's league. Not a squash match though.


Hell Monkey vs. Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus"


The Circus is already taking one win and Hell Monkey is more talented all around then Snap Dragon so I can see his win here.


|| X-WA Main Event ||


Steve Flash, Fumihiro Ota, Silver Shark vs. Acid, William Kingsbury III w/ his un-named bodyguard, Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio"

[3 vs. 3 Match]


This is a good chance for Flash to get a win without hurting Acid too much.

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Enygma Extreme vs. Whippy the Clown w/ "The Circus"


I really like the circus and I especially like Whippy I think they get a win here before having some one come after their titles at the next PPV.


Vicente Marquez vs. Jack Griffith


Jack is old and Marquez is the future.


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Mr. Electricity

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


I like Mr. Electricity but he's not in Phoenix's league. Not a squash match though.


Hell Monkey vs. Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus"


The Circus is already taking one win and Hell Monkey is more talented all around then Snap Dragon so I can see his win here.


|| X-WA Main Event ||


Steve Flash, Fumihiro Ota, Silver Shark vs. Acid, William Kingsbury III w/ his un-named bodyguard, Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio"

[3 vs. 3 Match]


This is a good chance for Flash to get a win without hurting Acid too much.


Thanks for your predictions Apupunchau@optonline. There are so many diaries on this forum that it's easy to be forgotten due to other great diaries out there (foolinc, Final Countdown, Bigpapa42 come to mind off hand). So, I just wanted to say thank you for being a consistent predictor. It keeps things interesting for the writer (as we all know) since it helps you to feel like the time you spend on writing out/thinking out shows is worth it.


This is the first diary i've done where I actually feel dedicated to the story. I'm not sure how long it will continue, however, by this point in the past I always found myself already bored. Not the same with this one.


So, in between all my rambling, I just wanted to leave a quick thank you!



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"The X-WA Xplosive Report w/ Ernie Turner"



Hey X-WA fans... "Shock" here.


Holy Crap! What a F'n main event this week! While I was sitting along side Stevie at ringside I couldn't believe what I was watching. This is why I signed onto the X-WA and chose to forgo my in-ring career as a commentator... For the opportunity to watch this great company push the limits on a mainstream level. Steve Flash was an absolute warrior in the ring and even though he gave his entire body up for the win... That was all taken away by a combination of Acid's supernatural-like ability and the young opportunists in "The Next-Gen Trio". In the end, as good as Flash was... He didn't stand a chance. Having to take on Acid, alone, is a monumental feat... However, having to do so when a trio of three hungry superstars are nippin' at your heels... That's impossible to overcome... Even for "The King of New York Indy Wrestling" himself.


I saw Flash in the back after the show and all I have to say is this guy's an all around warrior. Blood was coming from every corner of his forehead and he was hardly able to stand on his own two feet. When I went back to congratulate him on such an epic performance... He was seemingly struggling with consciousness as he used my shoulder as a railing in a sense. That's when the doc's decided to swoop in, after chasing him down the hallway for a few seconds, and ultimately had him screened for a concussion. Seriously... The sight was so unreal that I had to stand in the doorway as they checked over Steve. Acid may have won the battle that night... However, Don't ever count out Steve Flash... This man will get to the top of the X-WA at some point... It's just going to take the right time and place. He's too much of a hard-nosed, tough as nails, psychological powerhouse to not come away with the X Championship at some point. Mark my words... Flash will get to the top of the mountain at some point.... This last weeks' Main Event was a pure example of that.


What about the "Next-Gen Trio" though? No veteran loves to see a bunch of arrogant little punks storm onto the scene expecting respect... However... These kids really do have a great deal of talent & moxxy that will inevitably get them to the top. With that being said, Don't you just want to see Steve Flash whip these little kids into shape? haha. I mean, in some cases... Flash is almost double their age. He could be their father. I think that's why their attack on Flash sent the "shockwaves" that it did (Fitting how the next X-WA PPV is called "Shockwaves")... Who would expect to see the "Next-Gen Trio" cost Steve Flash the championship solely based upon their "need" to prove themselves to Nemesis? In a way, you could place some of the blame for Flash's lost on Nemesis after he left the door open to the idea that they could somehow weasel their way into the Main Event scene. I mean look at Nemesis's short track record as an owner... The very first event he ran he allowed anyone to take their spot in the Main Event for the X Championship... All they had to do was incapacitate one of the original competitors and ultimately take their place. In the end, though... You have to, in some way, respect those guys for putting their necks out on the line and going after quite possibly THE biggest name in our company in Steve. Instead of throwing a change-up... They threw the high heat square at the jaw of the biggest name on the indy scene. My hat is off to them.


The one X-WA superstar, who I believe is under the radar in a sense, that a truly enjoy watching has to be Enygma Extreme. The young high flier is another example of why the X-WA is truly great in what their doing... Catapulting a strong wrestling minded "freak" who has enough ambiguity to his character that you don't know what to make of him. Maybe it's the fact that you hear little out of the guy and that his overall persona just reeks of "social misfit"... but... Overall, he's definitely a fav. of mine both in and out of the ring.


Lastly, the X-WA just signed a superstar that will literally blow you away when he finally debuts. His name is American Elemental and for those of you who follow the indy scene over in Japan... This kid has a whole lot of promise here in the X-WA. The man is an absolute psychotic freak in the ring... And that's putting it lightly. Ever wonder who would be stupid enough to attempt a 460 splash from 20 feet in the air? This is your guy.... AE is that stupid. haha. If he doesn't end up destroying his body in the process... American Elemental could, far and away, become the most popular figure in the company. I honestly think that he could become the prime example of what the X-WA is all about... However, to do so... He'll have to knock Acid off of his pedestal as right now.... Acid is the man and the face, despite wearing a mask, of the X-WA. Hands down.


Rumor Section


+ Is Nemesis planning on getting involved in the next X-WA PPV event, "Shockwaves"? (Set to take place on the 4th Tuesday of March 2008. Two shows away). Reports are that Nemesis is potentially in the works to be an active participant in the show. As of right now we're not sure if that is as an in-ring competitor, referee, commentator, or simply in someone's corner.... We don't know, however, it doesn't really matter what he does... Having Nemesis at the ringside area at any event instantly brings a sense of intriguing chaos.


+ Is there a new trio in the works to challenge "The Circus" for the Six Man Championships? Word is that there is a band of babyface superstars who are growing tired of the demonic trio's antics as of late and are banning together in which to overcome their strangehold on Trio wrestling in the X-WA.


+ With the "Shockwaves" PPV only a few weeks away... Who will challenge Acid for the X Championship? Rumor is that Steve Flash may still get another opportunity for vengeance and will via for the X Title at "Shockwaves"... However, there is also another prominent rumor that Flash may be tied up with "The Next-Gen Trio" at "Shockwaves". If that's the case... Who will be the challenger for the X Championship? If I had a vote, which I certainly don't, I would say stick William Kingsbury III into that match-up. Sure, he's got his hands full with Ota and in some ways it would be weird to see two relative "bad guys" duke it out... But I'd pay to see that fight.


+ As stated in an earlier post, It seems that "The Circus" may have a ring-leader on their way into the fold. It's been confirmed that the group is gearing up towards adding a 4th member to the dominant schizo circus.... Who will it be? And... Are they already a member of the X-WA or will their be a shocking debut of not only a new "Circus" member but also a shocking debut to the X-WA Roster?!?!

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Almost forgot predicting. Glad I made it in time. :D


Enygma Extreme vs. Whippy the Clown w/ "The Circus"


Vicente Marquez vs. Jack Griffith


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Mr. Electricity

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


Hell Monkey vs. Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus"


|| X-WA Main Event ||


Steve Flash, Fumihiro Ota, Silver Shark vs. Acid, William Kingsbury III w/ his un-named bodyguard, Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio"

[3 vs. 3 Match]

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Thanks for your predictions Apupunchau@optonline. There are so many diaries on this forum that it's easy to be forgotten due to other great diaries out there (foolinc, Final Countdown, Bigpapa42 come to mind off hand). So, I just wanted to say thank you for being a consistent predictor. It keeps things interesting for the writer (as we all know) since it helps you to feel like the time you spend on writing out/thinking out shows is worth it.


This is the first diary i've done where I actually feel dedicated to the story. I'm not sure how long it will continue, however, by this point in the past I always found myself already bored. Not the same with this one.


So, in between all my rambling, I just wanted to leave a quick thank you!




Truth is this is the only diary I'm reading right now. I took some time off and got lost in some of the older diaries so I've been trying to find one I can really get into and get on board from the beginning and this is it. But it just as nice to be appreciated as a reader as it is as a writer. So thanks.

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Writer's Notes


Just checking in to let everyone know that the "Blitzkrieg" results should be up sometime towards the end of the week. I've already plugged the show out on my game and am in the process of doing the write-up.


With the PPV coming up... I have the next two shows to set up the PPV matches and ultimately make it all "make sense". hah. So, there may be some match developments that are going on as the results go up since this time frame is much shorter than normal (as I would normally have 3 to 4 shows in which to set things up).


All in all, Just thought I'd let you all know!

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So I got bored one day and decided to give this diary a try, and I couldnt be happier that I did. You have created this amazing new fed that is so unlike anything else and you give it this amazing vibe. Its like a mix between old school ECW. ROH and WWE its just awesome, Really execellent work Eisen-Verse.
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