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CGC: "That's Entertainment", The DeColt Tragedy

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Ricky DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler - CGC World

30 Minute Iron Man - Submission - Ladder


Jack DeColt vs. Ares

Cage - Hardcore - Last Man Standing


Steve DeColt vs. Dan DaLay

Tables - First Blood - Strap


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

10 Minute Time Limit - 2/3 Falls - Scaffold


Ryan Powell vs. Aether

2/3 Falls - Sudden Death Finisher - Lumberjack



If you can get your show posted in time, I'll definitly nom this for DotM! Keep up the good work!

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Just read all of this in one sitting, tis a very good read and I'm looking forward to seeing more now that I'm up to date. And now... predictions! :D



Ricky DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler - CGC World

30 Minute Iron Man - Submission - Ladder


Jack DeColt vs. Ares

Cage - Hardcore - Last Man Standing


Steve DeColt vs. Dan DaLay

Tables - First Blood - Strap


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

10 Minute Time Limit - 2/3 Falls - Scaffold


Ryan Powell vs. Aether

2/3 Falls - Sudden Death Finisher - Lumberjack

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Ricky DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler - CGC World

30 Minute Iron Man - Submission - Ladder

Ladder matches are always fun!


Jack DeColt vs. Ares

Cage - Hardcore - Last Man Standing

Ares can't lose in this sort of match.


Steve DeColt vs. Dan DaLay

Tables - First Blood - Strap

One of the better DeColt brothers IMO.


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

10 Minute Time Limit - 2/3 Falls - Scaffold

Scaffold match!


Ryan Powell vs. Aether

2/3 Falls - Sudden Death Finisher - Lumberjack

Aether wins in a slightly close bout.

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Ricky DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler - CGC World

30 Minute Iron Man - Submission - Ladder

Say hello to Eddie!


Jack DeColt vs. Ares

Cage - Hardcore - Last Man Standing

Acid is awesome, but I still think Jack is going over.


Steve DeColt vs. Dan DaLay

Tables - First Blood - Strap

The DeColt get crapped on for not being the Stones, but Steve DeColt is the man.


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

10 Minute Time Limit - 2/3 Falls - Scaffold

I wonder what The Sage saw


Ryan Powell vs. Aether

2/3 Falls - Sudden Death Finisher - Lumberjack


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Ricky DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler - CGC World

30 Minute Iron Man - Submission - Ladder

Because a ladder match HAS to favour the high flyin' Ricky.


Jack DeColt vs. Ares

Cage - Hardcore - Last Man Standing

Ares is wild and tough. Jack's best chance is with some kind of hockey stick in hand. Swing for the fences, Jacky-Boy!


Steve DeColt vs. Dan DaLay

Tables - First Blood - Strap

If Steve can use his agility and brains he can trick the Giant.


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

10 Minute Time Limit - 2/3 Falls - Scaffold

No DeColts, so 10 minutes is likely all I'll be able to take.


Ryan Powell vs. Aether

2/3 Falls - Sudden Death Finisher - Lumberjack

Make the Lumberjacks the DeColts and we've got ourselves a ballgame.

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Ricky DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler - CGC World

30 Minute Iron Man - Submission - Ladder

I love Iron Man matches!!!


Jack DeColt vs. Ares

Cage - Hardcore - Last Man Standing

I know you got a thing for Ares/Larry Wood and so do I.


Steve DeColt vs. Dan DaLay

Tables - First Blood - Strap

Two words IMO: DeColt Rules!!!


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

10 Minute Time Limit - 2/3 Falls - Scaffold

Besides Iron Man matches, 2/3 falls is next on my list.


Ryan Powell vs. Aether

2/3 Falls - Sudden Death Finisher - Lumberjack

Almost went with 2/3 falls, but I like Aether/Acid's finisher so here's my pick.

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Ricky DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler - CGC World

30 Minute Iron Man - Submission - Ladder

- I really want to pick Chandler. I desperately do! So so badly. I have some man-love for Chandler but DeColt needs to hold onto this so Elite and the Prophecy can continue to target the DeColts.


Jack DeColt vs. Ares

Cage - Hardcore - Last Man Standing

- This plays to Ares' strengths. I was tempted to flip the outcomes of this and the main event but I think Jack's slide into craziness and un-DeColt-like behaviour continues.


Steve DeColt vs. Dan DaLay

Tables - First Blood - Strap

- Because I love strap matches, and while the DeColts can appear weak on TV I think Steve picks up the win here. Yes, Elite looks a bit weak BUT more importantly, Jack is the biggest 'failure' of the DeColts. Which keeps that storyline ticking along nicely.


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

10 Minute Time Limit - 2/3 Falls - Scaffold

- 10 Minute Time Limit means this can end without a victor. Which is kinda lame but neither man needs to win (or lose) to keep Sage strong and Whippy in the mix.


Ryan Powell vs. Aether

2/3 Falls - Sudden Death Finisher - Lumberjack

- This allows Powell to appear dangerous and Aether to continue his push up the card, and with the talent under the mask not pushing him is kinda ridiculous.

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Luck Of The Draw



<object width="425" height="344">



<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnmHKN8vwPE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>



Friday, Week 3, February

Kamloops Royal Athletic Park, British Columbia

Attendance: 15,000 (SOLD OUT)

Only on PPV on Canada 1-Choice





Mitch Naess - George DeColt - Adrian Garcia





Mitch: "Welcome to the Luck Of The Draw pay-per-view everyone! You're in for one wild night let me tell you! This is going to be an awesome night!"

Adrian: "For the Elite, might I add."

Mitch: "Well we'll see about that.. Now we will go to the back where a DeColt family meeting is taking place.







George, Ricky, Jack (with Marie), Steve and Alex DeColt are together in George's office. Everyone is happy to see Alex, especially Ricky and even Jack. Alex is clearly the subject of the talk as everyone is chatting with him.



Alex: "It's good to be back.. Not fully healthy but.. Still here. Back home."

Jack: ".. It's great to see you bro.", Jack admits. Marie smiles back at him.

Alex: "So you're taking on this monster named Ares tonight, huh?"

Jack: ".. Finally. Finally I'll get my hands on that maniac."

Alex: "Just don't get hurt like I did against Eddie.."

Ricky: "Speaking of which.. I hope you're watching my match against Eddie.."

Alex: "I'm not sure if I can Ricky.. I'm not sure if I have gotten over the injury and the match against Eddie.. You know. It has just been a month. Only a month."

Ricky: "Well. Don't worry. I will defeat him and retain my World title. I promise." .. "I promise Alex."

Steve: "Don't get in harms way Alex.", Steve taunts Alex.

Alex: "Hah, I won't. I'll just stay here and take it easy. Best of luck to everyone of you.. I wish I would be wrestling on the event but.. It's going to take awhile until I'll be back."



Grade: B+


(George DeColt to Patriot (A), Ricky DeColt to Fan Favourite (B+), Steve DeColt to Fan Favourite (A*))





George DeColt comes out to the ramp to open the show and announces the stipulation for the match between Ryan Powell and Aether.



"Hello and welcome to CGC Luck Of The Draw!! Tonight you will see the most unpreditable PPV spectacle of the year! In tonight's main event Eddie Chandler will be taking on the CGC World champion Ricky DeColt for the title in either a 30 Minute Iron Man, Submission or Ladder match."



"But that's then and this is now. We will open the show with two high flyers battling it out in our opening matchup as it's Ryan Powell versus Aether which is next."




"The stipulation for the match is going to be.."





















"A Sudden Death Finisher match!!"


"Whoever hits his own finishing move on his opponent will be declared the winner!"



Grade: C+




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Ryan Powell vs. Aether

Sudden Death Finisher Match


The match starts with a fastpaced chain wrestling with Aether getting the best of Powell. Aether hits a neckbreaker and a legdrop. Aether whips Powell to the ropes, hits a kneelkick and goes for the ropes and tries to hit the Acid Rain Bomb but Powell catches him in the turnbuckle! Aether shoves Powell away who just leaps back to the turnbuckle but again Aether shoves him to the mat.






Aether turns his back on Powell and tries to go for a moonsault but Powell kicks Aether's legs from under him and Aether drops on the turnbuckle. Powell grabs Aether by the waist and locks his legs around the rope rope! Powell hits a spider backdrop, slamming Aether down to the mat while still being on the turnbuckle himself!




























Star Treatment!!



Ryan connects with his Shooting Star Press finishing move!!! Just like that, the match is over!!


Winner: Ryan Powell

Grade: C



Mitch: "Wow! What an upset! Aether was controlling almost the whole match until that really impressive spider backdrop!"

Adrian: "Hmm. Not bad I must say. A bit of a fluke win I must say. I bet Aether would have kicked out from that pinfall attempt."

Mitch: "I doubt it."



Whippy The Clown is in the backstage doing balloon animals for staff members but gets interupted by The Sage.





"So.. It's come to this. Are you going to cheat your way out once again Sage? Or do you want a balloon animal? Maybe a bat? A weasel?"







".. No tiime for gamess Whippyy.."

*squik squik*

"Hhaa.. Don't thinkk soo. Not thiss time, noo.."


"Then tell me. How is it going to end?" *squik*

".. It'ss not.. Going to endd.."


".. Nothing ever endss.."


Whippy hands the balloon weasel over to Sage who just turns his back on him. Sage leaves the scene, leaving Whippy alone and confused. Whippy looks at the balloon animal he just did, releases the air from it and watches as the balloon weasel makes a big fart circle in the air.


Grade: C





A video plays hyping The Sage vs. Whippy The Clown match for the CGC Canadian title, showing all the previous matches and confontations between the two.



Grade: D+





Youth Energy vs. Zeus Maxmillion & Shooter Sean Deeley

CGC World Tag Team


In a non-advertised match, Youth Energy defeated Zeus Maxmillion and Shooter Sean Deeley in 6:15 when Lee Rivera defeated Zeus Maxmillion by pinfall with the Youth Movement. Youth Energy make defence number 2 of their CGC World Tag Team titles.


Winner: Youth Energy

Grade: D




The Sage and Whippy The Clown are in the ring, waiting for George DeColt who comes out and announces the stipulation for the CGC Canadian Title championship match between the champion The Sage and Whippy The Clown.






"The CGC Canadian title match will be contested under..."





















"2/3 Falls rules!! Ring the bell!!"


Grade: C







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The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown

CGC Canadian Title

2/3 Falls



Sage and Whippy circle the ring until they engage, Sage getting a headlock of Whippy. Whippy sends Sage into the ropes and goes down, Sage jumps over him and runs across the ring into the ropes on the other side, Whippy hits a handstand elbow! Whippy goes for a standing moonsault, Sage rolls out of the way and hits a soccer kick to Whippy's back! Sage rakes the eyes of Whippy, the ref warns him. Sage grabs Whippy and hits a gutwrench suplex and after that Sage goes for the turnbuckle and continues the attack with a second rope dropkick! Sage goes for the cover and only gets a mere two count. Sage locks in a sleeper while the fans start a "Whippy!" chant. Whippy gets up and hits a snapmare, throwing Sage over himself. Sage gets up and eats a dropkick right away! Cover, but only a two count!






Sage rolls out of the ring and takes a breathe but Whippy won't let him rest as Whippy comes crashing down on Sage with a plancha from the ring! Referee starts counting both wrestlers out, Sage gets up and tries to whip Whippy into the steelsteps but Whippy reverses it, Sage gets smashed hard against the steps! Whippy rolls back into the ring and so does Sage in time and the match continues with neither one getting the first decision. Whippy hits an array of kicks and jumps on Sage's shoulders going for a hurricarana but Sage counters it into a powerbomb! Cover!


















Two! Whippy kicks out! Sage goes for the top rope quickly and leaps off, the Final Divination but Whippy rolls out of the way just in time and covers Sage!




















Two!! Sage gets his shoulders up! Whippy goes to the rope rope himself and tries to hit the Joke's On You (Flying Butt Press) but Sage grabs him in mid-air and slams him to the mat with a low angle german suplex! Cover!





















Two!! Whippy kicks out again! Sage rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair from the ringside and brings it to the ring! Referee Cole tries to get the chair from Sage to no avail as Sage just pushes the ref away and blasts Whippy with the chair! Cole DQ's Sage and so Whippy takes the lead with 1-0! Sage smiles and .. Goes for the cover on Whippy! Cole has no choice but to count!



























Sage pins Whippy and evens the situation into an even state as it's 1-1 now, the next decision will be the final, decisive one! Sage goes for the cover again!

























Two!! Whippy kicks out this time! Sage grabs Whippy by the hair, mocking the clown. Sage does a neck slice taunt as he places his arm around Whippy's neck and lifts him up in the air for a brainbuster!






Whippy fights back and forces Sage to drop him and the two roll all the way to the mat with Whippy having Sage in a small package!!



























Sage kicks out just in time! Whippy waits for Sage to get up and hits a flying head scissors, sending Sage reeling towards the corner. Whippy follows him and gets an elbow to the face, Sage starts running towards Whippy who hits a hurricanrana and goes for the cover but Sage rolls Whippy into his back and tries to cover him but Whippy rolls back, escaping the attempt and hitting a dropkick to Sage's face! Whippy goes for La magistral pinfall!!



























Sage gets up and tries to hit a lariat, Whippy ducks it and grabs Sage's arms and pulls him down for a backslide!



























Winner: Whippy The Clown

Grade: C-





Mitch: "Whippy gets the pin! Whippy does it in 14.41!! YOUR NEW CGC Canadian champion, Whippy The Clown!!"

George: "What a series of pinfall moves right near the end of the match!"

Adrian: "Next, watch as Dan DaLay will defeat Steve DeColt."







The Elite theme starts and Dan DaLay comes into the ring. George and Steve DeColt come the ramp as it's time to reveal the stipulation for the next match between Dan and Steve. The graphic switches on the big screen between Tables, First Blood and Strap stipulation.








"The match will be a.."























"Tables match!!"



Grade: B






Steve DeColt vs. Dan Dalay

Tables Match




Steve DeColt dives into the ring and the two start off with test of strenght as they try to push each other down. After a moment of stuggle, surprisingly Steve shoves Dan down! Dan is shocked to find himself on the canvas with Steve standing in front of him. Steve signs for Dan to stand up which he does and goes for a shoulder block but finds himself eating turnbuckle as Steve sidesteppes the attack! Dan turns around and gets taken down with a snap suplex from Steve! Steve locks a chinlock, trying to control Dan who stands up after a moment and slams Steve down with a sidewalk slam!









Dan rolls out of the ring and goes for the tables and Steve does the same. Steve sets up a table to the ringside while Dan goes to the ring and sets the table into the middle of the ring. Steve climbs to the apron and gets surprised by Dan who almost knocks Dan trough the table but Steve holds on! Dan swings for the fences with huge punches but Steve ducks them and goes for a suplex! Steve lifts Dan from the ground and almost over the ropes but Dan reverses the move into a suplex of his own! Dan has got Steve up in a stalling suplex near the table!!










But Steve counters the move into a DDT! Steve grabs Dan and tries to push him onto the table but Dan fights back with a series of punches, Steve answers with few of his own and a wild brawl starts with both men connecting with atleast twenty punches each, knocking the table over during the mayhem while the fans start doing the "Boo! Yeah! Boo! Yeah!" chant everytime a punch lands! Finally they knock themselves out at the same time as the crowd goes nuts! Dan gets up first and lifts Steve over to his shoulders as he goes for the DaLay Driver (Inverted Piledriver) but Steve counters by slipping behind Dan! Steve goes for a full nelson bomb but Dan blocks the attempt with his leg and hits a nasty looking elbow right into Steve's face! Steve stumbles down and goes trough the ropes onto the apron, Dan starts running into the ropes at the other side of the ring! Dan goes for a spear but misses, almost going trough the ropes and trough the table at the ringside! Steve pulls Dan to the apron aswell and tries to suplex him trought the table but can't lift the big man up! Dan rakes Steve's eyes and goes for the DaLay Driver once again!

















Steve reverses the move again, slipping behind of Dan!















DeColt Stampede (Running Bulldog) off the apron trough the table!! Splinters of wood scatter around the ringside as Dan gets smashed trough the table with authority!! The match is over in 12.02!!


Winner: Steve DeColt

Grade: B



Mitch: "Now that's a finish to a match! Dan got driven trough that table!"

Mitch: "The next match will be even more brutal if that is even possible. Ares, Jack DeColt, in either Cage, Hardcore or a Last Man Standing match."






Jack DeColt comes to the ring while Marie stays outside. Ares's theme starts and he comes to the ring aswell. George DeColt comes to the ramp to officially announce the match stipulation. The graphic on the GoldenTron switches between the three stipulations: Cage, Hardcore and Last Man Standing match.






"Without further adieu, the match will be .."





















"A Cage match!!"


"You can win by either pinfall, submission or cage escape."


"Lower the cage!!"


Grade: B





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Ares vs. Jack Decolt

Cage Match





The cage lowers slowly while Jack and Ares confront each other. Jack taunts Ares, saying "I'm not locked in here with you.. You're here locked in with me!" and knocks Ares down with a wild haymaker! Jack picks up Ares and whips him to the cage! Ares bounces off the cage, Jack grabs him by the hair and whips him across the ring to the other side! Jack grunts and roars as he unleashes his rage on Ares, mounting him and wildly striking him with elbows. Ares shoves Jack away and tries to get up but Jack just keeps on attacking and keeping him down. Ares finally hits a nasty uppercut and Jack drops down!









Ares takes the control as he does several knee drops on the back of Jack. Ares locks in a camel clutch, bending Jack's neck and upper back as far back as he can. Jack tries to get out of the move but can't until Ares lets go. Ares stomps on Jack for awhile until he lifts Jack up and throws him to the cage! Jack drops to the ground, Ares hits a knee to his back. Ares grabs Jack by the hair and starts rubbing his face against the cage! Jack screams in pain while Marie turns around as she can't look while his husband is being brutalised in the ring. Ares hits Jack with bare knuckles, again and again, until Jack's forehead is busted open! Ares's fists are covered in blood as he just keeps hitting Jack. Suddenly Jack kicks Ares right into the groin as his last resort. Jack wipes the blood off his face, stomps on Ares and tries to lock the End Of Days (Bow And Arrow Lock with the opponent's head then pulled back into an Inverted Sleeper) but can't as Ares blocks the move!







Jack hits an elbow drop on Ares and goes over to the side of the cage, ordering Marie to give him a chair. Marie refuses which enrages Jack who starts to shout at his fiance. While all this is going on, Ares has stood back up, Jack turns around, Running Big Foot connects! Cover!


















Two!! Jack gets his shoulders up just in time! Marie has his hands over his mouth as she panics at the ringside, not wanting to see his husband take the beating. Jack turns around on his knees while blood drips from his forehead. Ares goes up to the turnbuckle, turns around but gets caught by Jack who drops Ares onto the turnbuckle. Jack climbs up and gets a facelock of Ares, trying to choke him out. Ares hits Jack into the ribs and Jack drops back to the mat but only for a moment as Jack hits a rolling elbow which rocks Ares! Jack climbs back and grabs Ares's head under his arm. Top rope DDT connects as Jack pulls Ares off the turnbuckle! Cover!






















Two!! Ares gets up! Jack hits few elbow strikes to Ares's head and goes over to the side of the cage, again ordering Marie to give him a chair. This time Marie obeys, grabs the chair and throws it into the ring. Ares gets up, Jack grabs the chair and blasts Ares with it! Ares drops to the ground, Jack goes for the cover!
























Two again! Ares kicks out! Jack grabs the chair and starts smashing Ares with the edge of the chair right into the forehead of Ares, who is busted wide open! Jack waits for Ares to get up and goes for a running chair shot but misses as Ares ducks! Ares hits the ropes and gets some speed behind him, Running Big Foot!! Jack stays up, bounces off the ropes, still holding the chair!!


























With all the momentum from the running big foot and from the whiplash from the ropes, a semi-conscious Jack hits Ares with the chair again, the thud echoes through the arena! Jack throws the chair across the ring and covers Ares!


























Ares kicks out again and gets back to his feet! Rolling lariat levels Jack who just bounces back up as he goes for a lariat of his own! Ares goes down and up again, the two start trading big, heavy punches! Jack whips Ares to the corner, grabs the chair and goes for another chairshot but Ares misses! Jack hits the turnbuckle with the chair and hurts himself in doing so, Jack drops the chair! Ares comes running and hits a wicked corner lariat! Ares lifts Jack up to the turnbuckle and climbs up himself, going for a superplex! But Jack fights back with elbow strikes! Ares drops, Jack lifts his legs across the ropes to the front and stands up. Ares has picked up the chair and smashes Jack with it! A sickening thud drops Jack onto the turnbuckle, Ares places the chair in front of the corner! Ares climbs all the way up, reaches over and grabs Jack by the waist! A top rope Piledriver on top of the chair!!










Silence surrounds the arena altough only one voice is heard. The cry of Marie who's trying to get into the cage but the ringside staff members stop her from doing so. Ares goes for the cover!!

























Two.. ? Ares lifts up Jack's shoulders from the mat, interrupting the count himself. Ares wipes off the blood from Jack's foreahead and rubs it into his chest while Marie is screaming, pleading outside for Ares to stop the match. Marie opens the cage door and asks for Ares to come out and just end the match. Ares tilts his head from side to side as he looks at Marie. Jack is seen crawling towards Ares who taunts Jack, taunting him to get up. Jack grabs Ares by the leg and trunks, trying to lift himself up, using Ares as support. Ares takes few steps back and blasts Jack with another sickening chairshot!! Marie drops on his knees, crying hysterically.. Ares puts one foot over Jack and covers him.



























The match is over in 16.20. Even though the cage isn't even up yet, Marie runs to the ring and goes over his husband, crying, holding Jack. Ares leaves the ring with a big grin on his face as medical staff enter the ring to tend Jack.


Winner: Ares

Grade: C+




Mitch: "Oh my .. Jack is just a bloody mess. Marie is so shocked. Just.. Awful."

Adrian: "Now that's a crimson mask right there. Jack got destroyed."

Adrian: "That last chairshot and the one foot cover was just adding insult to injury."

Mitch: ".. I'm truly sorry for the younger viewers who are watching for the violent content in the match."

Mitch: "Next match will be our main event of the evening! Ricky DeColt takes on Eddie Chandler!"







Eddie Chandler's theme start as he enters the ring, confident as ever. Eddie goes trough all four turnbuckles, taunting the crowd and doing the title-around-his-waist pose. The crowd erupts as Ricky DeColt's theme starts! Ricky comes out smiling and waving to the fans and as he goes down the ramp he shakes hands with the fans at the ringside. As Ricky enters the ring, George DeColt comes to the ramp to announce the stipulation into tonight's main event match.








"It is my pleasure and priviledge to announce the last stipulation to your main event of the night."




The graphic on the screen is switching wildly between the three different stipulations: 30 Minute Iron Man, Submission and Ladder match.




"And our CGC World championship match is going to be.."







































"A Ladder match!!"



Eddie starts pounding the turnbuckle and kicking the ropes with rage while Ricky hands the belt to the referee with a smile on his face.


Grade: A
















Ricky DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler

CGC World Title

Ladder Match





And the match is on! Ricky and Eddie start with an intense staredown, Eddie does the belt-around-his-waist taunt again, Ricky talks some smack back at Eddie and they start trading punches! Eddie whips Ricky into the ropes and Ricky slides all the way to the outside and grabs the ladder. Ricky turns around but gets surprised by Eddie who comes out from the ring with a low dropkick, Ricky falls on his back with the ladder. Eddie stomps on the ladder, Ricky releases the hold of it and Eddie starts to smash RIcky's legs with the ladder! Ricky finally avoids the strike and kicks Eddie to the mat and now Eddie is on his back with the ladder, Ricky jumps on top of him with a senton splash! Ricky picks up the ladder and comes back in the ring, setting up the ladder but on his way up Eddie catches him easily and pulls him back to the mat. Eddie goes for a DDT, Ricky grabs the ropes and Eddie slams himself to the mat, Ricky starts to climb the ladder as fast as he can but ends up in the ropes instead as Eddie just shoves the ladder down with Ricky on it!















Ricky stays on the ground, holding his chest while Eddie picks up the ladder and starts to ram it again on the chest of Ricky. After couple hard smashes Eddie drags the world champion into the middle of the ring and tries to lock in the Fabolous Stretch (Takedown into a Double Armbar, wrenched back to put enormous pressure on the back and neck) on Ricky who barely escapes the move by going to the ropes and dropping from the ring! Eddie seizes the opportunity, sets up the ladder and starts climbing when suddenly Ricky comes to the apron and hits a dropkick from the top rope, knocking Eddie down! Ricky starts climbing and so does Eddie from the other side! The belt is hanging so close as both wrestlers are reaching for the title whilst punching each other. Eddie smashes Ricky's head onto the top of the ladder, Ricky does the same to Eddie! Both men are wobbling on the ladder until Eddie climbs one step higher and reaches for the title! Ricky punches Eddie, holds his head down and jumps over him but goes too far as he botches the move! Ricky lands on his feet with Eddie still on the ladder, Ricky grabs Eddie by the waist and powerbombs him off the ladder!















Both men are on the mat and take a breathe. Slowly both men get up with Eddie going for a suplex, Ricky slips behind and goes for the DeColt 45 but Eddie reverses the move by spinning out and throwing Ricky with a release northern lights suplex on the ladder! Ricky lands upside down on the ladder and falls awkvardly, head first to the mat. Eddie starts climbing the ladder but Ricky grabs his leg, not letting him up without a fight! Eddie kicks Ricky to the mat and continues going up, until Ricky lifts the ladder from the other side, causing Eddie to fall on the ropes!


















Ricky sets up the ladder once again, both men are quite fatiqued. With one step at a time Ricky climbs the ladder, Eddie is still crawling on the mat but slowly he climbs the ladder aswell. Ricky reaches for the title, but Eddie headbutts him to the chest! Eddie hits few nasty chops, Ricky hangs on with just one hand! Ricky hits few chops, Eddie answers with couple of his own! Ricky hits a middle kick and goes for the title! Eddie grabs him by the hands and tries to pull Ricky to his side of the ladder! It seems as if Eddie is going for a Muscle Buster type of move on the ladder!! Eddie gets Ricky pulled over and on top of him as he has a strong grip of the world champion!! Eddie falls back!!

















DeColt 45!! Ricky reverses the move into a DeColt 45, into a Roll Inverted DDT!! Eddie's head gets slammed on the ladder before he falls neck first to the ground! Ricky crashes on the mat also, both men are down and out!!

















Ricky is the first man to get himself to a vertical base as he drags himself on the ladder with his hands, his legs are shaking! Slowly Ricky climbs up the ladder, Eddie regains consciousness! Ricky is almost at the top, he's inches away from reaching the title! Eddie gets up, bounces off the ropes and pushes the ladder with all strenght he has left! Ricky falls to the ground chest first!!































Ricky turns around, revealing that he indeed has the World title in his hands! Referee signs for the bell, Ricky retains the World championship and makes his second title defence in total time of 18.25 as he had retrieved the title just before Eddie pushed the ladder from under him! Eddie is on his knees with a sad, disappointed look on his face as he can't believe he just lost the match.



Winner: Ricky DeColt

Grade: B-

(Didn't click!)


Mitch: "What a match, what a main event! That was incredible!"

Adrian: "..It was so close. So close. Without that stupid ladder stipulation this match would have been over in under ten minutes! Curses!"

George: "Now that's a true champion right there. He never gave up, he never quit. Time and time again he got up and climbed the ladder. My god what a match!"

George: "Well look at this!!"







Suddenly a familiar theme starts to play as Alex DeColt comes down to the ring, still sporting the neckbrace. He enters the ring very carefully, avoiding any contact with the ropes. Alex grabs Ricky by the hand and pulls him up from the mat and the two brothers hug while the crowd are chanting "DeColt, Decolt, DeColt!". Alex raises Ricky's hand in the air as the two pose together for the fans. A bitter Eddie Chandler is shown on the ramp, shouting at Alex. Alex picks up the mic.








"Eddie Chandler. You can run all that you want. But when the day comes .. When I return, when I'm one hundred percent healthy.. I will hunt you down. And when we finally meet inside this very ring.. I, Alex DeColt, will be victorious agains the Fabolous!"



Alex drops the mic to the ground while staring coldly at Eddie. After few seconds Alex turns his back on Eddie and continues the celebration with his brother Ricky as the show ends!


Grade: A



Mitch: "Thank you for joining us for the CGC: Luck Of The Draw Pay-per-view!"

Mitch: "I'm Mitch Naess, alongside with Adrian Garcia and George DeColt, saying good night, good fight!"




Overall Grade: B-

PPV Rating: 0.26



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The Miskovsky Report

Part. 4





"Welcome back to the studio. I have Mr. William Miles here with me, we are doing a brief recap and we are in late February of 2008."

"What were your thoughts after Luck Of The Draw pay-per-view?"






"I think the show delivered quite well. Steve DeColt vs. Dan DaLay was a surprise as far as performance goes as it quite frankly was the match of the night. It feels really odd for me to compliment DaLay but somehow Steve carried him trough the match and made the match really good and watchable. Jack vs. Ares storyline continued with Ares picking up the win in a brutal match and Ricky retained against Eddie. And of course Whippy became the CGC Canadian champion. It was really big for him as it was his first title win in his career as a professional wrestler."


"Tell me more about Whippy, Nathan Priest.. How would you describe him as a performer?"


"A versatile worker first and foremost. Nathan could be the happy-go-lucky clown one day and on the next day be the evil, sadistic clown if he wanted to. For me the most interesting part was that he was already 32 years old when he got his first ever titlereign. I've seen guys in their twenties winning world championships and Nathan hadn't even gotten his first midcard title until the age of 32. He had good aerial skills, amazing physical skills and on top of that he was indeed very entertaining. The program with Sage succeeded as it contrasted the two incredibly well. Like black and white, good versus evil."


".. What else.. Ryan Powell had skyrocketed into our upper midcarder scene by defeating Aether. It was a wise decision to have George announcing all the title stipulations at the PPV. Steve and Ricky DeColt were really popular and enjoying insane momentum after their wins."


"What were your thoughts on Ricky during that time?"


"I must admit I didn't fancy Ricky as the world champion. George and Alex booked him strong though and I just couldn't disagree with them at that point of my career. Sure he was good, even great in some things but he wasn't Steve. He wasn't Jack. He wasn't Alex. All his brothers were ahead of him in every way if you exclude the aerial skills. But of course one must remember that he was the youngest of all four as he was just 23 years old in the start of 2008. He was maturing as a worker, finding his identity and the gimmicks he could do justice. One thing I noticed was that he was really getting more charismatic. After the match with Eddie he was more popular than ever before, the fans were liking him which is of course a good thing. I just thought that.. You know. The world champion of a promotion represents it all the way. He had to carry the company on his shoulders. I personally thought that he was too young for the job. He wasn't ready for that weight to be on his shoulders."


"Atleast he was DeColt. He had the same abilities than his brothers."


".. And I must admit that Ricky's title reign as the world champion was atleast something new. Jack was a four time champion, Steve and Alex were three time champions.It was Ricky's time in the sun."


"The two biggest shows of the year were ahead. The DeColt Wrestlefestival, day one and two in the last day of March and first day of April."


"We certainly had good momentum going into the DeColt Wrestlefestival double event. We had 6 episodes of Title bout wrestling ahead of us before the Day 1 of the Wrestlefestival so we clearly had good time continuing storylines and rebuilding our wrestlers, especially our heels."




"One thing that bothered my at that time was the total lack of any good talent in Canada. There were just the McWade brothers but we could not sign them due the non-aggression pact with NOTBPW. Lower down the line was Mick Muscles and Mammoth. Mick was a decent worker but on another hand he was just a younger version of DaLay. Mammoth.. It's pretty obvious why we didn't hire him."


"But you did sign Remmy Skye after Luck of The Draw didn't you?"


"Yes, we did sign him.. He's definitely one for the future. Amazing charisma and aerial skills. I was a bit worried of how he would fit into the roster as he was a cardon copy of the Youth Energy, Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson.. A daredevil, a risktaker."




"One of my biggest flaws during the start with CGC was that I was too concentrated on the main event guys. Of course the shows should be around them but you can't just forget about the guys lower on the roster. I had ten wrestlers on the roster that werent used in the shows frequently. I had nothing for them. Nothing. I actually felt quite bad about it to be honest. The Gilbert brothers, Soldiers Of Fortune, Kirk Jameson, Grimm Quibble, Christian Price, Philippe LeGrenier, Zeus Maxmillion, Ed Monton, Nathan Black., Shooter Sean Deeley. They were almost nobodies. There was big gap between the upper midcarders and the rest of the roster below them.."




".. Ed Monton and Soldiers Of Fortune were in the autumn years of their career so to speak. They were used as fodder for the younger guys, of course. On the other hand you had these young gyus like Zeus, Deeley and Kirk who had massive potential. There just wasn't time for the rookies to gain popularity. George and Alex had enough trouble giving the main guys time on the TV."



"I knew we had to get some new talent into the roster. And in time we did as everyone knows.."




"We sure did.."





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Preview of CGC Title Bout Wrestling on Maple Leaf Sports this Sunday:




The Aftermath


We here in CGC.com have learned that the Elite manager Adrian Garcia is furious after Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler lost their matches at the PPV. In a weird twist he has arranged a match between the Elite members as DaLay and Chandler will be taking on the former World Tag Team champions, The Specialists Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson. All the Elite members are in action on Sunday as Shooter Sean Deeley will face the debuting Remmy Skye!


Whippy The Clown and Ryan Powell will once again team up as they take on The Soldiers Of Fortune. Will the momentum benefit the youngsters or will the veterans pick up the win and bounce back to the Tag team championship scene?


On Sundays Main Event The Sage and Ares of The Prophecy will face the World champion Ricky Decolt and Steve DeColt. Ares scored an impressive victory over Jack DeColt at the pay-per-view, will his streak continue? Will Sage avenge the loss to Whippy? Is Jack DeColt going to be on the show and if he is, what will be the impact of his presence? Will the Elite get involved in the match?



Don't miss this weeks episode of Title Bout Wrestling! This Sunday, only on Maple Leaf Sports!





CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 3, February

Stephenville Arena, The Maritimes


Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Clown Powell

Remmy Skye vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. The Specialists - The Clash of The Elite

Ricky & Steve DeColt vs. The Sage & Ares



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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 3, February

Stephenville Arena, The Maritimes


Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Clown Powell

Remmy Skye vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. The Specialists - The Clash of The Elite

Ricky & Steve DeColt vs. The Sage & Ares

Just predictions, nothing else. Though I am liking The Sage character, and I am not the only one.

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Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Clown Powell

Two wrestlers are getting pushed and two aren't. I wonder who'll win?


Remmy Skye vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Not really a hard choice either.


Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. The Specialists - The Clash of The Elite

Please make this into a C-Verse version of Triple H vs. HBK for the Euro title


Ricky & Steve DeColt vs. The Sage & Ares

DQ win

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Lots of tag matches again. Is having only 1 hour of TV a week proving troublesome?


Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Clown Powell

Remmy Skye vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. The Specialists - The Clash of The Elite

Ricky & Steve DeColt vs. The Sage & Ares

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Lots of tag matches again. Is having only 1 hour of TV a week proving troublesome?


It is since I'm not used to Sports entertainment style of booking. It seems odd for me to do under 10min matches. It's one thing I should change I think.. Altough the guys are improving a lot in the tag matches, skill wise. :o And you can do lots of stuff in tag matches, storyline wise.

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Really good last show and nice to see Whippy getting some love and credit.


Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Clown Powell

Remmy Skye vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. The Specialists - The Clash of The Elite

Ricky & Steve DeColt vs. The Sage & Ares - Draw

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I personally have no problem with the amount of Tag matches. You only have 1 hour of TV a week and am trying to get as many people on screen as possible. Besides a promotion like CGC is all about building towards the PPV so the big singles matches are saved for the big show.


Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Clown Powell


Clown and Powell are both receiving pretty strong pushes, where as the Soliders are slipping into the role of veteran jobbers


Remmy Skye vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


Deeley's more established


Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. The Specialists - The Clash of The Elite


The real Elite, defeat the Elite hangers on


Ricky & Steve DeColt vs. The Sage & Ares


DQ win, Ricky & Steve don't suffer a loss but Sage & Ares continue to look like a dangerous threat.

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Just a little update: I was hoping to get the show done today but I'm having a terrible migraine attack right now.. I so hate these. On another note thank you all for your votes on the DOTM poll, it means a lot. I'm not going to say anything more about the poll since it's still open and I've ended up second countless times (3-4 to be more precise) so.. <img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> If I'll get better by the evening I might get the show done but if not today then it'll be tomorrow.
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<p>Praquebride makes another prediction</p><p> </p><p>

Soldiers Of Fortune vs. <strong>Clown Powell</strong></p><p>

<em>Considering you just said that the SOF were going to be jobbers...</em></p><p>

Remmy Skye vs. <strong>Shooter Sean Deeley</strong></p><p>

<em>Remmy has the talent to be a future star, but Deeley has the talent to be a star now</em></p><p>

<strong>Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler</strong> vs. The Specialists - The Clash of The Elite</p><p>

<em>Squash? The Specialists should just lay down in the middle of the ring and get it over with </em><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Ricky & Steve DeColt vs. The Sage & Ares <-- draw</p><p>

<em>A loss on either side doesn't serve anything and kills precious momentum. Sage & Ares already lost momentum losing their matches, and if you wanted Ricky & Steve to lose then the PPV would have been a better avenue for the "upset"</em></p>

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<p>I'll slide this in under the wire I hope...</p><p> </p><p>

Soldiers Of Fortune vs. <strong>Clown Powell</strong></p><p>

<em>- I'm not a huge fan of SoF and the thought of Ryan Powell in clown make is too delicious not to give them the win.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Remmy Skye vs. <strong>Shooter Sean Deeley</strong></p><p>

<em>- Elite looks to rebuild itself. And Deeley is that good.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. The Specialists - The Clash of The Elite</p><p>

<em>- Draw. They go through the motions, pissing off Poppa George in the process before both suffer a crippling under the bottom rope non-suicide dive taking out all members of Elite! Oh noes! Oh yes!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ricky & Steve DeColt</strong> vs. The Sage & Ares</p><p><em>

- I think they send the TV viewers home happy, but chances are it's by DQ as Sage and Ares give up the rule book to use some heavier-than-permitted weaponry.</em></p>

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 3, February

Stephenville Arena, The Maritimes. Attendance: 1,000



Mitch Naess - George DeColt - Adrian Garcia















Grimm Quibble is shown backstage dancing and trying a new mask when out of nowhere his opponent of the night, Aether, attacks him and leaves him down and out. Aether rips off the mask and drags Quibble into the ring and the match starts.

Grade: E+

(Grimm Quibble has changed to Face & Dancing Fool gimmick(A*))






Aether defeated Grimm Quibble in a dominating fashion as the match ended in 3:25 by a brutal submission with the Acidity Test (Death Lock STF).

Grade: C-

(Great Chemistry!)



The Youth Energy and Kirk Jameson defeated The Gilbert Brothers and Philippe LaGrenier in 7:42 when Kirk Jameson defeated Joe Gilbert by pinfall with The Bullseye (Sharp Shooter).

Grade: E+














We start the show with The Elite (Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler, The Specialists, Shooter Sean Deeley and Adrian Garcia) in the ring. Adrian takes the mic.



"For weeks I have watched the Elite lose and lose.. Match after match I have to sit next to Mitch and George, trying to hype the Elite, make them look winners. But on so many occasions I just have to take it in stride and watch how my Elite gets destroyed."


Adrian looks around, making eye contact with each Elite member.


".. Tonight. This is going to change. I have arranged a match. A match between you, Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler.. Against the Specialists."


Every Elite member drop their jaw to the ground as they can't believe what Adrian just said. All four participants in the match start arguing with Adrian who's calm as a koala in the summertime.


"Finally I see some emotion out of you guys. You know why I made the match?"

"Because no matter what the outcome is, atleast two Elite members will get a win tonight."


Adrian leaves the ring, leaving the members of Elite angry and confused.


Grade: C


Mitch: "Whippy The Clown and Ryan Powell are backstage .. Doing the news?"




"Good evening and welcome to Moosewatch 10 o'clock news.. At eight!"






"Our top story tonight: A man from Toronto who was shot into the chest nine times yesterday and refused treatment.."

".. Died today.."

".. Of nine shots in the chest."


"Scientists in Sweden have discovered a new disease which has no symptoms. It is impossible to detect and there's no known cure.."

".. Fortunately no cases have been reported thus far."


"A man has barricaded himself inside of his house in Quebec.."

".. However he is not armed and no one is paying any attention to him."


The Sage crashes into the "studio" and interrupts the Moosewatch.





".. Whhippyy. Youu will not get awayy from mee.. This is not overr.. It'll never be overr.."

"Becauze.. Sooneer or lateer. You will know the truth. I've seen theee future for you Clownn.."

".. And it doess not.. Hawe.. A happy ending!!"


Sage stares at Whippy while Ryan gets up and confronts Sage.


"It iz inevitable, isn't itt?", Sage asks Ryan. Sage backs down and leaves the room, leaning on his staff. Ryan takes the moosehead off, throws it to the ground and turns to Whippy.


"What's his problem?"

"You tell me. I have no idea. I guess we have to just wait and see."

"What was he talking about? About "The Truth".. And something being inevitable?"


Whippy shugs his shoulders and starts juggling with balls. Insert your own joke here.

Grade: C



Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Clown Powell

In our opening bout Soldiers Of Fortune couldn't keep up with the pace of those younger than them as Clown Powell defeated The Soldiers Of Fortune in 8:28 when Whippy The Clown defeated Destiny by pinfall with the Joke's On You after Nate had reversed Destiny's Chokeslam attempt with a tornado DDT and then tagging Whippy in as the legal man.

Winners: Clown Powell

Grade: D




Steve and Ricky DeColt are backstage when Hotstuff Marie comes running into the room.


Marie: "Steve, Ricky!! Thank god I found you.."

Ricky: "Why, what's the matter? Calm down."


"It's Jack.."


Steve: "He's here?"


".. Unfortunately. He didn't listen to his doctor.. I don't know where he is. I feel as if I should be worried but I'm trying to be optimistic. He can take care of himself. I'm not sure what he is searching or pursuing.. I guess it's Ares. He just won't give up.."


"Geez.. You know what guys, I'm gonna search for him. Steve, take care of Marie alright?"

"Remember that we are facing Sage and Ares tonight. Be back for the main event okay? I don't want to get myself into a handicap match."


"Of course."


"See ya."


The camera zooms at Steve who's not happy with the news about Jack. The scene fades away with Steve shaking his head in disappointment while Marie is shown behind him, looking uncomfortable.


Grade: B

(Hotstuff Marie to Happy-Go-Lucky (A))



Remmy Skye vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

The debuting Remmy Skye pulls out an upset of the year as he defeats Deeley in 6:16 by pinfall with a quick roll up after a series of counter moves. Deeley storms off the ring but stops by the announcing table, shouting at Adrian, blaming him for the loss while Remmy is celebrating in the ring.

Winner: Remmy Skye

Grade: E+

(Didnt' click)


George DeColt comes down to the ring and welcomes Remmy Skye to CGC.




"Ladies and gentlemen, Remmy Skye! What a victory over Shooter, you must be exited."




"I won!? Oh wait, I did.. Woah."

"Yes you did Remmy."

".. Where do I start.. It's great to be here in Stephenville Arena!"

"I'm so amped for the opportunity to show each and everyone what I've got. At the match against Deeley I just made a quick cutback and that was it man.. Deeley was just a frube, you know what I'm saying dude?"

"Not exactly, I'm afraid."

"What a kook.. It's cool man.."



".. Remmy Skye ladies and gentlemen!!"


Grade: C-


Mitch: "I did not understand a word he said. And neither did George I assume.."




Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. The Specialists

The match starts with an intense staredown between the two teams. Chandler orders Thomas and Johnson to get down to the mat, The Specialists look at each other not sure what to do. Slowly both wrestlers lay on the mat when DaLay and Chandler put their legs on top of Specialists. Referee Cole doesn't want to count but eventually has to..











Two!! Thomas and Johnson both kick out, saying that they can't do this! Specialists start to argue with DaLay and Chandler, saying that they still have their dignity and honor left in them, they just can't lay down and get pinned like that. Chandler slaps Thomas who returns the favour and the match is on full swing!!




DaLay and Johnson start in the ring with DaLay getting the best of Johnson with his power. Finally Johnson tags in Bobby Thomas who outsmartens DaLay and takes the match to the ground. Thomas keeps DaLay in the ground with nice submission combinations until DaLay powers out and tries to suplex Thomas who counters with the Specialist Touch (Single arm DDT) but gets just a two count!




DaLay tags in Chandler, Thomas tags in Johnson! Chandler takes the control with knee strikes but Nate counters with front dropkick! Johnson runs towards Chandler who just sweeps the legs from under Nate and tries to cover him but only a two count again! Chandler and Johnson counterwrestle for a while until they collide in mid-air as both were going for a flying body press. They make another quick tags as DaLay and Thomas are in the ring again! Chandler starts arguing with the ref, saying that Johnson's tag to Thomas wasn't official since it happened behind the referees back which gives the Specialists an opportunity which they capitalise as they hit their tag team finisher Special Delivery (stereo superkick) on DaLay!! Nate Johnson hits a spectacular Natural Order (Inverted Fame Dropper where he runs at the opponent, and leaps up to hit a legdrop-type move, bringing them down onto the back of their head) on Chandler who's on the apron, the two drop outside while Thomas goes for the cover!!


















Winners: The Specialists

Grade: C


Mitch: "Can you believe it? The Specialists just defeated DaLay and Chandler!?"

Adrian: "Finally a victory for the Elite. I told you."





DaLay and Chandler are shocked that they had just lost to the Specialists. Chandler and Johnson get back into the ring where Thomas is apologizing to Dan. Dan gets up slowly, shaking the gobwebs out while Eddie has his hands on his hips, trying to figure out what had just happened. Eddie looks at Bobby and Nate and extends his hand. Bobby looks at Nate, who looks back at Bobby, afraid of Eddie and Dan attacking them. Eddie still has the hand extended as he is waiting for a handshake from the former tag team champions. Nate steps forward and shakes Eddie's hand, and so does Bobby. Dan is still on one knee but he eventually gets up and shakes hands with the Specialists. The four pose together in the ring when Eddie goes out and grabs a mic.




"You know what. I don't care what anyone says. We are the Elite. We.. Are the Elite. And I think I speak for all of us four.."
















".. Adrian Garcia.."





"You are no longer part of the Elite!!"







Adrian throws his headphones off in shock while Chandler continues.


"We don't need you, we've never needed you in the first place! You are the reason why we haven't been performing as good as we could have. Well now that's all going to change. I'm taking over!! Consider yourself finished with the Elite!"


The Specialists, DaLay and Chandler pose again in the ring while Adrian has completely snapped, furious as hell, smashing things around by the announce table while the Elite theme plays in the background. Garcia runs to the ring and gets to the apron where he gets knocked down with a huge haymaker from DaLay! Garcia runs to the back with tail between his legs while the four pose in the ring, united more than ever before.

Grade: C+

Mitch: "Wow."

George: "Can you believe that. Garcia is no longer part of Elite."

Mitch: "Serves him right I guess. But think of how big of an impact Chandler has on the other guys in the Elite. They are going to be a force to be reckoned with."



The cameras turn to backstage where Sage and Ares are plotting shenanigans.




".. Aress.. The God of War.. Shall crushh the DeColtss tonigght."




"CRUSHH!!! CRUUUUSHH!!", Ares roars.

".. Theyy will be punishedd.. I have seen.. A cchair. Steve DeColtt.. Down, blooodyy.."


"The Prophecy will prevaill.. We.. Shall haave revengeee!!"


"Yes Aress, yes.. My minioonn.. Bwahahaa.. Haa..."


"Aress.. That'sss enoughh.."


Ares shuts up and stares at Sage who sighs deeply.


"Comee my beastt.. And destroyyy.."



Sage slaps the taste out of Ares's mouth. Ares ends the sentence, quietly whispering: "... ttroyy..", as the two head for the ramp.

Grade: B-



Ricky & Steve DeColt vs. The Sage & Ares

Jack is nowhere to be found as Ricky comes back all alone, Marie joins the announcing table replacing Adrian Garcia. The great match goes on for over ten minutes, surprisingly even with Prophecy turning the momentum with cheap tactics time and time again. After Ricky and Sage in the ring for most of the match finally Steve and Ares are in the ring, brawling wildly. Steve connects with couple of lariats and a T-bone suplex which rocks Ares who falls to the mat but gets up straight away and tries to hit the Running Big Foot but misses as Steve sidesteppes. Steve grabs Ares into a headlock and drives him to the mat with the DeColt Stampede (Running Bulldog) but gets only a two count, Ares is just too fresh.




Ares takes the advantage with an uppercut which levels Steve. Ares goes over to the corner and rips off the padding from the turnbuckle, the ref doesn't like what he sees and gives Ares a warning. Ares then goes back to Steve and locks him into a sleeper! Ricky starts clapping his hands, trying to get the fans cheer Steve which they do by chanting "DeColt! DeColt!". Slowly Steve regains vertical base and hits Ares with few punches to the chest and tries to run to the ropes but Ares pulls him down, illegally grabbing him by the hair! Ref gives Ares another warning while the "God of War" stalks Steve DeColt, getting ready for his Running Big Foot finishing move ..


















When suddenly a bandaged and bruised Jack DeColt dives into the ring with a steelchair in hand! Jack is behind Ares just when Ares starts running towards Steve! Ares lifts up his leg, Running Big Foot!!




Ares misses when Steve ducks out of the way but instead he gets taken down with a sickening chairshot from Jack!! The referee rings for the bell and declares the DeColt brothers Ricky and Steve the winners via DQ!!




Jack turns around and swings the chair again, finally hitting his target as he blasts Ares with the chair!! Sage pulls Ares out of the ring to the safety while Ricky and Marie enter it!


Winners: Ricky & Steve DeColt via DQ

Grade: B








Ricky gets a hold of Jack, trying to keep him in control while Marie goes on her knees next to Steve who's bleeding from the forehead. Marie tries calm Steve but can't as Steve gets up and tackles Jack to the canvas, punching him right in the face. Ricky grabs Steve and pulls him off while Marie tends her husband Jack who just shoves Marie out of his way and right into the exposed corner with the back of her head hitting the uncovered turnbuckle!!




Jack attacks Steve and Ricky, knocking both down to the mat while George DeColt enters the ring and escorts a shaking, tearful Marie to the back. Ricky positions himself between his brothers, trying to keep them from tearing each other apart when finally staff members hit the ring as the show ends.


Grade: A



Mitch: "What a chaos! I'm Mitch Naess saying good fight, good night!"




Overall Grade: C+

Rating: 0.52







Quick Results:



  • Aether attacks Grimm Quibble who turns Face, Gimmick to Dancing Fool (A*).

  • Match #1: Aether def. Grim Quibble via submission with the Acidity Test.

  • Match #2: Youth Energy & Kirk Jameson def. Gilbert Brothers & Philippe LaGrenier via submission with The Bullseye.


Main show:

  • The Elite start the show, Adrian Garcia has arranged a match between DaLay & Chandler and The Specialists which doesn't go well with the four who protest but to no avail.

  • Whippy The Clown & Ryan Powell debut their "Moosewatch 10" news broadcast which Sage interrupts, ruining the fun once again, leaving Clown Powell guessing what Sage meant with the words he said.

  • Match #3: Clown Powell def. Soldiers Of Fortune via Pinfall with Whippy's Joke's On You.

  • Steve and Ricky DeColt meet Marie who informs them that Jack is in the building tonight in search of Ares which worries the brothers. Ricky goes out in search of Jack while Steve stays in the room with Marie.

  • Match #4: Remmy Skye def. Shooter Sean Deeley via Flash pinfall after a series of countermoves. Deeley is really upset and blames Garcia of the loss.

  • George DeColt interviews Remmy Skye after the match. Skye uses surfer lingo in his speech which George doesn't quite understand.

  • Match #5: The Specialists def. Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler via Pinfall with the Special Delivery.

  • After the match all four participants are in the ring, The Specialists apologizing to Chandler and DaLay. Chandler extends his hand and Specialists shake his hand aswell Dan's after a moment. Finally Chandler picks up the mic and informs that Adrian Garcia will no longer be a part of Elite since he's now fired from the group. Garcia snaps and runs to the ring where DaLay knocks him out with one punch; Garcia runs to the backstage with tail between his legs while the four pose together in the ring, united.

  • The Sage and Ares are backstage doing a promo as they will take on Ricky & Steve DeColt in tonight's main event.

  • Match #6: Steve & Ricky DeColt def. The Sage & Ares via DQ after Jack DeColt made an interference, accidently hitting his brother Steve with a steelchair.

  • After the match all hell breaks loose as Marie and Ricky storm into the ring, trying to calm everyone. Steve is busted wide open, he tackles Jack and starts punching him in the face. Ricky pulls him off, Marie tends Jack, who just shoves Marie away who then hits an exposed turnbuckle with the back of her head. Jack tackles Steve and Ricky to the mat, George DeColt comes into the ring and escorts Marie to the backstage while Ricky tries to keep Steve and Jack from ripping each other apart when finally staff members hit the ring as the show ends in chaos.




The Miskovsky Report

Part. 5





"The Specialists going over DaLay and Chandler certainly surprised everyone aswell as the debuting Remmy Skye going over Deeley. Why did the booking committee result to these upsets?"





"I think that it was because Alex and George wanted to even the heel scene. DaLay and Chandler had just lost their matches at the PPV and so had already lost a little momentum and popularity. We had a feeling that DaLay wouldn't get any more popular and Chandler had indeed lost in the championship match against Ricky DeColt so he wouldn't be the #1 contender for a while. It seemed quite logical to me but it certainly raised some eyebrows in the IWC. And Remmy scored a flash pinfall over Deeley which didn't quite frankly hurt him at all, popularity wise."


"What about Adrian Garcia being kicked out from the Elite?"


"That was purely done because the Elite already had a good mouthpiece in Eddie Chandler. He had the skills to replace Garcia and become the new leader of the Elite for the timebeing. He could deliver a promo just like that, un-scripted. Garcia would later manage those guys lower in the card who didn't have the entertainment abilites, who needed a manager to promote them. It was a wise decision in my opinion.. It made sense aswell. People tend to make their assumptions too quickly, not thinking about the future."





OOC: Make sure to cast in your vote in the DOTM Cornellverse poll!! Every vote counts!!

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Good stuff, FIN.


Now we just need an angle where Kirk Jameson and Phillipe LaGrenier realise they are actually the same person just with different hair dye. It's begging to be written! :D


That'd be an awesome program, run right, for a PPV-span at least. You'd need to twist it, but it's doable.

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Preview of CGC Title Bout Wrestling on Maple Leaf Sports this Sunday:



The Elite fired their manager Adrian Garcia last week and Eddie Chandler took control of the group. CGC.com has learned that Chandler and DaLay made an open challenge to any team to face them this Sunday and to everyone's surprise two youngster answered the challenge: Dragon Kid, formerly known as Grimm Quibble, and the newcomer Remmy Skye. Will this be an upset of the year or a deathwish from the rookies?


The battle between the Prophecy and Clown Powell continues as Clown Powell (Whippy The Clown & Ryan Powell) will take on the two lunatics, Aether & Ares for the first time in a two-on-two tag match. The fight between the five wrestlers has lasted for months, who will get the upper hand this time? How will the matches shape up for the DeColt Wrestlefestival?


The Sage has asked Ricky DeColt to come and speak with him as he has new information about Ricky's future which he will only tell if Ricky agrees to face him in a match, CGC.com has learned that Ricky has accepted the challenge. What is Sage talking about this time? Can we really trust this guy? After last weeks fight with Jack, Ricky must have felt uncomfortable standing between his brothers Steve and Jack. Speaking of..


After a chaotic ending in our previous episode of Title Bout Wrestling, Jack DeColt collided with his brothers Ricky and Steve after Jack unintentionally hit Steve with a chair in the main event match last week. This week Steve and Jack will take on The Specialists; Can Steve and Jack exist as a tag team or will the newly formed Elite get a high profile victory with the Specialists going over the DeColt brothers? The Elite has huge momentum as they seem to be united more than ever before, will DaLay and Chandler play part in the match outcome? Is Hotstuff Marie going to be on the show?



Last but not least, CGC.com has learned that George DeColt may have a #1 Contenders tournament planned for next month concerning the CGC World title. Who will be the participants?



Don't miss this weeks episode of Title Bout Wrestling! This Sunday, only on Maple Leaf Sports!





CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 4, February

Moose Jaw Centre, The Prairies


DaLay & Chandler vs. Dragon Kid & Remmy Skye

Clown Powell vs. Aether & Ares

Ricky DeColt vs. The Sage

Steve & Jack DeColt vs. The Specialists



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